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Umang Report

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 January 30, 2013 REPOR T ON  Akshay A garwal(2013PGPM003) Hitesh Maheshwari (2013PGPM024) Indranil Ganguly (2013PGPM025) Mayank Sidana (2013PGPM031) Pragya ang (2013PGPM040)  
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 January 30, 2013 REPORT ON

 Akshay Agarwal(2013PGPM0Hitesh Maheshwari (2013PGPM0

Indranil Ganguly (2013PGPM0Mayank Sidana (2013PGPM0

Pragya ang (2013PGPM0

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!"ang #$undati$n is a registered Pu%li& 'harita%le rust It was started %y three I

Pr$*essi$nals in +uly 200, wh$ %elie-e .there/s "$re t$ li*e %ey$nd $**i&e and h$"e

!"ang #$undati$n &$nsists $* "$re than 450 dyna"i& r$*essi$nals sanning a&r$ss

-ari$us se&t$rs whi&h als$ in&ludes d$&t$rs elite seni$r &itiens students h$use wi-es

wh$ are enthusiasti& t$ w$rk *$r uli*ting the s$&iety

!"ang #$undati$n *$&uses $n the uli*t"ent $* s$&iety in e-ery $ssi%le way $

a&hie-e this g$al ea" !"ang ha-e $rganied "any hilanthr$i& e-ents and

a&ti-ities in&luding distri%uti$n $* stati$nery kits &l$thes t$ -illagers l$$d $nati$n

dri-es &ele%rati$n $* *esti-als with e$le in $ld age h$"e &ele%rati$n $* se&ial days

with &hildren and &hildren su**ering *r$" &an&er!"ang #$undati$n has a str$ng *$&us $n r$-iding edu&ati$n "aterial t$

underri-ileged &hildren ea" !"ang has r$-ided edu&ati$nal "aterial t$ these

&hildren starting *r$" 6indergarten t$ the high s&h$$l and ha-e r$-ided edu&ati$nal

"aterial t$ 7200 less *$rtunate &hildren sin&e its in&eti$n In year 2011 ea" !"ang

has r$-ided edu&ati$n "aterial t$ 5500 &hildren

 Aart *r$" edu&ati$n a &$"lete &reati-e gr$wth is *a&ilitated %y the *$undati$n thr$ugh

&lay "$deling w$rksh$s 8arli ainting aer &$llage and aer9%ag "aking

w$rksh$s *$r $rhans "agi& sh$ws and dan&e &$"etiti$ns

ill date !"ang #$undati$n d$es n$t ha-e any e"l$yees and w$rking $n the %asis $* 

:$lunteers e**$rts

!"ang S$&ial Pr$;e&ts<

• Pr$"$te =du&ati$n

1 istri%uti$n $* >$te%$$ks t$ 10000 Students

2 S&h$$l ress S&h$$l ags e?t %$$ks @ ther


3 S$ns$ring =du&ati$n $* !nder ri-ilege Students

4 >utriti$n #ees @ =du&ati$n Su$rt t$ HI: P$siti-e

• !li*t"ent $* ri%al :illages

1 =du&ati$n *$r all

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2 'l$thes *$r all

3 Medi&al Health 'he&k ! 'a"s

4 Sanitati$n #a&ilities

5 8ater Suly using Hand Pu"s

B =le&tri*i&ati$n $* :illages using S$lar P$wer 

C 8ater Har-esting

, In*rastru&ture< S&h$$l and 'lini&al uilding

• S$&ial '$""it"ents<

 1 Sread Awareness a%$ut

1 ree Plantati$n

2 Gl$%al 8ar"ing

3 >$ S"$king

4 AIS Pre-enti$n

5 8aste Manage"ent

B =ye 'are @ =ye $nati$n

  2 'a"aigns

1 Green 'ity D 'lean 'ity D =du&ate 'ity

2 Sa-e 8ater D Sa-e P$wer 

  3 Eaise #unds *$r di**erent S$&ial Pr$;e&ts  4 8ellness Se"inars and 8$rksh$s

• 'SE A&ti-ities *$r '$r$rates

  1 $nate =yes D Pledge $day

  2 $$ks @ 'l$thes '$lle&ti$n ri-e

  3 #und Eaise *$r !li*t"ent $* :illages

  4 #und Eaise t$ Pr$"$te =du&ati$n

  5 l$$d $nati$n 'a"s

  B 8ellness Se"inars

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ea" !"ang is e?tre"ely *$&used and keen t$ "ake di**eren&e in areas related t$

edu&ati$n and started a r$;e&t titled .Gurukul


.Gurukul is an age $ld &$n&et whi&h all $* us has %een hearing a%$ut $r has

e?erien&ed it in s$"e *$r" $r the $ther while we grew u In "any ways !"ang

#$undati$n/s .Gurukul is n$ di**erent he underlying *unda"entals and rin&iles

re"ains the sa"e %ut it &an %e undenia%ly added here that the &$n&et has l$st its

*$$ting $-er the years and its i"a&t has diluted

ea" !"ang has taken u the task t$ re-i-e this &ust$"ary an&ient "eth$d$l$gy $* 

tea&hing *$r the %ene*it $* the *inan&ially and a&ade"i&ally weaker students $* $ur 


ea" !"ang has &$n&etualied .Gurukul with tw$ g$als in "ind -i ri"ary $ne

%eing that it endea-$rs t$ identi*y *inan&ially &hallenged students and r$-ide a&ade"i&

assistan&e and the se&$ndary %eing a drea" t$ re-i-e the age $ld .guru D shishya

*$rg$tten traditi$n where there was a rese&t and &ulture li-ed in the r$$t $* the traditi$n

he &$n&etualied "$del is that ea&h !"ang9Gurukul -$lunteer w$uld %e dedi&ated t$attend 394 students at a ti"e and assist the" in $-er&$"ing the di**i&ulties !"ang9

Gurukul -$lunteer will als$ %e res$nsi%le t$ &l$sely "$nit$r the r$gress $* the student


ea" !"ang has rea&hed $ut t$ a s&h$$l in hane as the starting $int t$ il$t this

r$;e&t he s&h$$l and its sta** had &$9$erated li%erally t$ identi*y n$t $nly the weaker 

students %ut als$ ena%led ea" !"ang underst$$d the areas in whi&h the students

were lagging Intera&ti$ns with the s&h$$l sta** i"arted the -$lunteers $* ea" !"ang

t$ gauge the needsFreuire"ents $* the students strategy t$ %e ad$ted and last %ut

n$t the least $**ered a g$lden start t$ %egin the drea" r$;e&t *$r !"ang #$undati$n


!"ang #$undati$n laun&hed this *lagshi r$;e&t Gurukul Gurukul went li-e *r$"

#e%ruary 04 2012 with a &$""unity sur-ey then $n Mar&h 05 2012 9 the &urtain raiser 

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was a rawing '$"etiti$n $rganied %y ea" !"ang in the s&h$$l re"ises as a

war" u whi&h was well re&ei-ed and witnessed students %eing resent in i"ressi-e

nu"%ers Gurukul &lasses went li-e *r$" Mar&h 10 2012 and ea" !"ang has

&$ndu&ted *$ur &lasses in the "$nth $* Mar&h 2012 $n .Gurukul rin&iles *$r the

identi*ied a&ade"i&ally weaker and *inan&ially &hallenged &hildren he r$;e&t has

re&ei-ed an $-erwhel"ing res$nse *r$" the students and tea&hers $* the s&h$$l

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Visit I:

he "eeting with Mr Ashish G$yal ga-e us an $-er-iew $* -ari$us a&ti-ities d$ne %y

!"ang 8e als$ realied that while d$ing s$&ial w$rk 9 en$ugh &are has t$ %e taken t$

ensure that it g$es t$ the right e$le #$r e?a"le when d$nating %l$$d it sh$uld %e

ensured that it is d$ne in h$sitals whi&h d$ n$t &harge the needy when they reuire


!"ang als$ has g$$d "edia resen&e he %est re*le&ti$n $* the su&&ess $* the >G is

that it has n$ single e"l$yeeJ e-ery$ne w$rking *$r !"ang is a -$lunteer uring the

&$urse $* the "eeting the lan $* a&ti$n *$r the *$ll$wing -isits was de&ided u$n and

we were guided t$ %e a art $* $rganiing rawing '$"etiti$n that was g$ing t$ take

la&e $n 20 e&e"%er 2013 a"$ng s&h$$l students *r$" 'lass 3 t$ 'lass 10 %y gi-ing

the" the lat*$r" t$ &$"ete with the %est $* students s$ that the students &$uld get an

$$rtunity t$ sh$w&ase their talent and e?&el in their rese&ti-e li-es

his e-ent ai"s t$ en&$urage the &reati-e skills $* the kids while in&ul&ating a

&$"etiti-e sirit t$ %ring $ut the %est in the" he inter9s&h$$l *$r"at ensures that the

&hildren with the %est skills get the u%li& e?$sure ne&essary t$ r$-ide the" a

%r$ader lat*$r" t$ sh$w&ase their talentKast year !"ang #$undati$n has taken a signi*i&ant ste @ initiated an annual

e-ent !Creati"e #an$s % an art &' innocent min$s() In its *irst year ea" !"ang

has $rganied a drawing &$"etiti$n and r$-ided a lat*$r" t$ "$re than 15000

students whi&h itsel* seaks a%$ut its re"arka%le su&&ess

he guidelines were<

• ea" !"ang will r$-ide >KL rawing Sheets in Preli"inary E$und and all the

$ther stati$nery "aterial and &$l$urs are e?e&ted t$ %e %r$ught %y the student

• ea" !"ang will r$-ide arti&iati$n &erti*i&ate t$ e-ery arti&iating student

wh$ shall %e arti&iating in this e-ent :$lunteers are e?e&ted t$ assist the

tea&her t$ reare F write arti&iati$n &erti*i&ate *$r all su&h students

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• Sele&ti$n $* 8inners < :$lunteers and 'lass ea&her will unani"$usly sele&t 1st

2nd and 3rd *r$" e-ery &lass there shall %e n$ searate identi*i&ati$n $* 

students $n the %asis $* di-isi$n $* sa"e &lass

• :$lunteers need t$ gi-e their &$nsent al$ng with signature $* &lass tea&her and

s&h$$l sta" $n .Identi*ied 8inner $* the 'lass aer where -$lunteer needs t$

"enti$n wh$ st$$d 1st 2nd and 3rd *r$" e-ery &lass

• $ student *r$" e-ery &lass (wh$ st$$d 1st *r$" e-ery &lass) will g$ t$ the

E$und 2 t$ &$"ete a"$ng $ students *r$" $ther s&h$$l in Inter S&h$$l


• Hand$-er < All drawing sheets sh$uld %e hand$-er t$ S&h$$l SP' with signed

.Identi*ied 8inner $* the 'lass letter

=-ery rawing Sheet is re&i$us and -$lunteer needs t$ ensure that it is a&ked&$rre&tly and r$erly as it sh$uld n$t *$ld $r tear $** *r$" the &$rnersJ either in

&arry %ags $r a&kaging &art$ns All &$lle&ted drawing sheets needs t$ %e

handed $-er t$ S&h$$l SP' S&h$$l SP' is *urther res$nsi%le t$ hand$-er 

all a&ked drawing sheets t$ Area Kead F 'entral SP'

he t$i&s *$r drawing were related t$ the $ng$ing nati$nal issues whi&h &$uld &reate

awareness a"$ng the y$uth $* this &$untry and when they will gr$w u they w$uld %e

a%le t$ relate t$ the &$"le? r$%le"s and &$ntri%ute t$ the nati$n %uilding 8e went t$

6alyan &ity that is l$&ated in hane istri&t $* Maharastra and &$-ered %$th u%li& and

ri-ate s&h$$ls na"ely SM6'Gandhi =nglish High S&h$$l and "any he Prin&ial

$* SM6'Gandhi =nglish High S&h$$l arti&ularly are&iated the th$ught and e**$rt

%ehind &$ndu&ting rawing '$"etiti$n %y !"ang #$undati$n Su&h re-ered w$rds

&$"ing *r$" the head $* a ren$wned s&h$$l "$ti-ated us t$ -isit "$re s&h$$ls and we

were *airly su&&ess*ul in getting "$st nu"%er $* registered *$r this &$"etiti$n 8e als$

"et with s$"e students and the rea&ti$n that we g$t *r$" the" was $-erwhel"ing they

were e?&ited t$ %e a art $* this &$"etiti$n and their sirit was un%elie-a%le

Visit II:

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 A*ter &$-ering s&h$$ls in the 6alyan &ity ne?t &ity that we -isited *$r in-iting students t$

&$"ete in the rawing '$"etiti$n $rganied %y ea" !"ang was !lhasnagar that is


in the hane istri&t $* Maharastra ur tea" -isited di**erent la&es in !lhasnagar and

was su&&ess*ul in registering "any s&h$$ls *$r this &$"etiti$n 8hen we

&$""uni&ated with s$"e students in the s&h$$l re"ises hisFher %asi& kn$wledge in

&$""uni&ati-e =nglish was -ery $$r hese students need a l$t $* sessi$ns like this t$

i"r$-e their -$&a%ulary and &$""uni&ati$n skills As !"ang/s Gurukul is an $**line

r$gra""e held within the s&h$$l re"ises in $rder t$ retain the interest $* the

students a *un9&u"9tea&hing way "ust %e intr$du&ed t$ "ake the" sit and listen t$ the


8hen we went t$ a arti&ular s&h$$l t$ in-ite the students *$r rawing '$"etiti$n the

res$nse that we g$t *r$" that s&h$$l/s rin&ial was sh$&king t$ say atleast 8e still

re"e"%er the e?a&t w$rds that he said .ring a Es13000 rinking 8ater Puri*ier then

we will talk a%$ut gi-ing ar$-al t$ !"ang #$undati$n *$r &$ndu&ting rawing

'$"etiti$n in $ur s&h$$l and all$wing the s&h$$l/s students t$ arti&iate in the

&$"etiti$n 8hen we t$ld this in&ident t$ Mr Ashish G$yal he als$ *elt %ad and

ad-ised us n$t t$ ersuade su&h e$le %ey$nd a $int A*terwards we did *ind su&h

e$le in the t$ hierar&hy $* the s&h$$l ad"inistrati$n %ut the guidelines that we had

g$t *r$" Mr Ashish G$yal heled us in d$ing the w$rk sin&erely with$ut getting

de"$ti-ated at all

here were "any s&h$$ls that are still deri-ed $* %asi& things su&h as *urniture

drinking water sanitati$n *a&ilities he students were sitting $n the *l$$r and studying

the "$st i"$rtant thing *$r any indi-idual is &lean drinking water he students were

drinking water dire&tly *r$" the ta when we saw the la&e $* sanitati$n we were n$ta%le t$ stand there e-en *$r a se&$nd as it was s$ dirty and we were w$ndering h$w the

students are g$ing there M$re$-er in s$"e s&h$$ls $nly a single t$ilet is r$-ided *$r 

%$th %$ys and girls 8e reuested the $**i&ials $* the s&h$$ls t$ lease s$l-e this %asi&

r$%le" and asked t$ "ake searate t$ilets *$r %$ys and girls

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Visit III:

Visit IV:

Visit V:

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Visit VI:

8e had &ele%rated 'hrist"as ay at an $ld age h$"e l$&ated in haiyender Mu"%ai

and we $rganied di**erent e-ents whi&h are as *$ll$ws<

Anta*s+ari , Seni$r e$le w$uld really l$-e t$ ha-e "usi& in their li*e when they &an

&$"ete $-er s$"e s$ngs $* their l$ng *$rg$tten ti"es with their h$use9"ates It t$$k

2 tea"s t$ lay and "a?i"u" 293 e$le t$ &$$rdinate this a&ti-ity

8ith internet *a&ility a-aila%le with the -$lunteers in &ell h$nes we als$ heled the"

listen t$ any s$ng $* their &h$i&e at the -ery instant hey e-en dan&ed t$ the tunes $* 

s$"e $* their *a-$rite $ld s$ngs !"ang -$lunteers did a s"all er*$r"an&e al$ng with

the" dei&ting the t$getherness

Pict-re $ra.ing/ Painting , !sing wa? water et& tye $* &$l$rs elderly e$le &an

&reate w$nder*ul drawings using their i"aginati$ns S$"e &an dei&t their li*e -ia a

$ster s$"e &an &an-as what li*e ga-e t$ the" what they e?e&ted it t$ %e h$w

&ele%rating the *esti-al "atters t$ the" what it really "eans and h$w it has &hanged

$-er ti"e his way 9 they &$uld get a &han&e t$ e?ress their *eelings $n aer using

di**erent &$l$rs

Pla' car$ games , 'ard ga"es like 39295 C9&enter et& whi&h they "ight %e kn$wing

*$r sure layed t$ engage the" in tea" a&ti-ities while &$"eting *$r s$"e rie like a

%$? $* sweets a &han&e t$ sing kara$ke $n their *a-$rite s$ng et&

tor' s+aring , :$lunteers sat with the" and had a sessi$n $* listening t$ the st$ries $* 

their ti"es as t$ what they used t$ d$ during their ti"es sharing their li*e e?erien&es

May%e i* s$"e$ne had d$ne s$"e "is&hie* s$"e *unny in&idents et& whi&h i* they

share with their h$use9"ates and !"ang -$lunteers led t$ a light en-ir$n"ent *illed

with laughter hainess and s"iles and $* &$urse !"ang their heart

 A art $* this &$uld als$ %e when seni$r e$le shared the an&ient st$ry a%$ut h$w

+esus 'hrist died with the !"ang -$lunteers his &reated a %lend $* sirituality al$ng

with the s$&ial %$nd that !"ang &reates with the" Als$ &arried s$"e gi*ts *$r the" and

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"ade the" *eel that there are e$le wh$ &are *$r the" and that they are n$t al$ne

w$uld "ake the" *eel leasant 'ele%rating the day with s$"e deli&i$us *$$d als$ went

well with the the"e $* the *esti-al

ne "$re additi$n t$ all this in the *uture &an %e that we take s$"e a%$ut 10915

students *r$" Gurukul w$rksh$ t$ arti&iate with us in this $ld9age h$"e -isit

=?erien&e *$r &hildren will %e t$tally di**erent and seni$r e$le will als$ *eel g$$d

a%$ut &hildren -isiting the" hese &hildren &an assist the" t$ "ake i&tures and

drawings as they ha-e ;ust &$"leted a "$dule $n drawing last9t$9last week hey &an

als$ share st$ries a"$ngst the" learn s$"ething $ut $* it H$we-er all this will reuire

er"issi$n *r$" &hildrens arents whi&h "ight %e a r$%le" *$r s$"e $* the"

ur e?erien&e with !"ang *$r this w$rksh$ &$urse ends here %ut we really l$$k

*$rward t$ $$rtunities t$ w$rk with !"ang in *uture as well 8hat r$%le"s we were

a%le t$ &ite *r$" the w$rksh$s and suggesti$ns t$ $-er&$"e the" ha-e %een in&luded

in a%$-e e?erien&e write9us #urther suggesti$ns *$ll$w

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ased $n the the$ries we learnt in the &lass r$$" and the $%ser-ati$n we "ade during

the Gurukul -isits we re&$""end s$"e guidelines *$r !"ang #$undati$n t$ *$ll$w *$r 

their "arketing &a"aign

12 Target pop-lation

arget $ulati$n gr$u *$r -$lunteering sh$uld %e 1,925 &$llege9g$ing y$uth

and y$ung e$le ;ust entering int$ ;$%s &$r$rates w$rking r$*essi$nals et&

hese are the hea-y internet users wh$ &an %e targeted %y laun&hing a "$%ile

"arketing &a"aign using internet tele&$" ser-i&es

32 4inancing/ Donors

=?isting d$n$rsF *inan&ers &an %e r$-ided with regular (May%e "$nthly) udates

a%$ut !"ang/s re&ent haenings and u&$"ing e-ents hey &an %e gi-en

&h$i&es as t$ *inan&e the edu&ati$n $* 1 $r "$re &hildren under the Gurukul

r$gra""e And e-en t$ r$-ide *unds *$r $ther a&ti-ities "ay%e -$luntary in

whi&h they are interested

52 0ar*eting Campaign

•  An e?tensi$n $n !"ang/s we%site whi&h sh$w9&ases u&$"ing e-ents It will

gi-e in*$r"ati$n a%$ut the $%;e&ti-e $* an e-ent the l$&ati$n where it will take

la&e the &urri&ulu" it will *$ll$w et&• Pu%li&ity thr$ugh $sters &$llege e-ents '$ntents $* this kind $* u%li&ity &an

%e the $%;e&ti-es $* the e-ent where it will take la&e what will %e the i"a&t

$* su&h e-ent $n the" and $n the s$&iety et& It &an als$ "ake an aeal $r a

&all t$ students and -ari$us e$le t$ *inan&e $r -$lunteer *$r the e-ent

• ="ails and SMS ser-i&e (:iral "arketing) his will ser-e as a "eans t$ rea&h

$ut t$ "$re e$le and let the" kn$w a%$ut the $rganiati$n It &an als$ %e

used t$ raise issues that students *a&e when they study su%;e&ts in regi$nal

languages like Marathi et& H$w it a**e&ts their a%ility t$ g$ $ut $* their l$&ality

a*terwards and *ind s$"e w$rk t$ d$ An ="ail $r SMS &an als$ in&lude al ink

that dire&ts the" t$ a age where an aeal &an %e la&ed *$r the" t$

d$nateF -$lunteer *$r a &ause !"ang has undertaken

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• aily ad-ertising and r$"$ti$ns -ia !"ang/s #a&e%$$k age An e-ent &an

%e u%li&ied %y gi-ing regular udates a%$ut it 293 weeks $r e-en "$nths

%e*$re it haens Pre9e-ent udates &an in&lude in*$r"ati$n a%$ut the e-ent

rele-ant *$r the u%li& t$ kn$w P$st9e-ent !"ang &an sh$w&ase h$w %ig a

su&&ess was the e-ent

• y $rganiing s$&ial e-ents %e*$re the start $* Gurukul $r any $ther


his will &reate awareness a%$ut a&ti-ities !"ang undertakes and "ake a

$siti-e i"a&t $n "inds $* "any e$le whi&h "ight lead the" t$ take a ste

t$wards *inan&ing $r -$lunteering *$r -ari$us e-ents

62 Recommen$ation 7or G-r-*-l Programme

•  A&ti-ity %ased tea&hing &an %e in&$r$rated =? ea&hing %y d$ing D as we

did *$r -$l&ani& eruti$n r$;e&t eris&$e et&

• rientati$n r$gra""e *$r &hildren arents in*$r"ing the" a%$ut the

i"$rtan&e $* higher edu&ati$n aart *r$" ri"ary in their &hild/s li*e Als$ in

additi$n t$ this *ield -isits t$ -ari$us a-enues like %anks sh$s "alls et& t$

"ake &hildren a&&ust$"ed t$ the regular %asi& w$rking $* these *ir"s

• Ee"edial &lasses during -a&ati$n eri$d *$r su%;e&ts like &$""uni&ati-e

=nglish "athe"ati&s et& aart *r$" arts and &ra*ts t$ kee students/ interest


• Seeking hel *r$" -$lunteers *r$" edu&ati$nal %a&kgr$und t$ &hart $ut a

detailed lan *$r tea&hing these &hildren &$""uni&ati-e =nglish Making

-$lunteers "ent$rs $* 394 students and "ay%e &$ndu&ting s"all9le-el e?a"s

a*ter the w$rksh$s are $-er

•'lu%%ing students $* -ari$us &lasses eg &lass 395 and &lasses B9, while

&$ndu&ting the re"edial r$gra""e his is reuired initially as le-el $* 

=nglish seaking kn$wledge a"$ngst students $* -ari$us &lasses hardly

di**ers t$ any e?tent

• In&luding s$*t skill &lasses as well s$ as t$ ta in the interests $* the students

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• Pr$gra""es $n awareness a%$ut &leanliness *irst aid et& Making the"

understand and learn e-eryday "anners they sh$uld *$ll$w

• In&enti-es *$r %eing !"ang -$lunteers< &erti*i&ates et& t$ attra&t &$llege and

s&h$$l9g$ing students t$ -$lunteer *$r !"ang

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• Mr Ashish G$yal

!"ang #$undati$n

150BFC Eu%y >ir"al Ki*estyles

Mulund (8) Mu"%ai 4000,0

M$%ile< 07,17740222

=9Mail< u"angashishg"ail&$"

• htt<FFwwwu"ang*$undati$n$rgF

• htts<FFwww*a&e%$$k&$"FagesF!"ang9#$undati$nF454,1077541BN*re*Ots
