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UML Introduction and Class Diagram

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  • 8/6/2019 UML Introduction and Class Diagram


    08/18/05 UML 1


    UML Introduction and Evolution

    UML Diagrams

    Class Diagram notations

    Class notation



    Class relations

  • 8/6/2019 UML Introduction and Class Diagram


    08/18/05 UML 2

    UML Introduction

    What Is the Unified Modeling Language (UML)?

    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the standard

    visual modeling language used for modeling businesses,software applications, and system architectures.

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    08/18/05 UML 3

    UML Introduction

    Why do we need UML as a standard?

    UML models allows us communicate unambiguously

    Understood around the world

    UML is flexible enough to support new ways of modeling as

    technologies and businesses change.

    Is the UML Proprietary?

    The UML is not proprietary

    It is an open modeling standard designed and supported bysoftware companies, consultants, other corporations, and

    governments who need and rely on this standard.

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    08/18/05 UML 4

    UML Introduction

    Is the UML Only for Object-Oriented Development?UML is used for modeling businesses, data, organizations,

    theoretical political systems, legal contracts, biological systems,languages, hardware, non-object-oriented application modeling

    such as COBOL, and many other modeling tasks.

    Why should we have to use UML for Object-Oriented


    In an OO system, generally several components are tied

    together using what are called interfaces. To understand howthose different components interact, it is quite useful to build a

    model UML.

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    08/18/05 UML 5

    UML Evolution

    Where Did the UML Come From?

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    08/18/05 UML 6

    UML Introduction

    The UML is a language with rules for syntax and usage.

    A methodology is much more than a language with procedures

    (i.e., processes) or practices.

    Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a process,governed by specific practices.

    Is the UML a Methodology?

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    08/18/05 UML 7

    James Rumbaughs Objectory Method (OMT) had strong

    business modeling capability.

    Grady Boochs Booch method had strengths in design and


    Ivar Jacobsons Object Oriented Software Engineering (OOSE)

    is based around the use-case concept

    UML Introduction

    Three amigos and their Methodologies?

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    08/18/05 UML 8

    It is a standards body that brought us


    Interface Definition Language (IDL) and

    CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)

    In response to overwhelming need, the OMG published a Requestfor Proposal (RFP).

    Rational Software Corporation created the UML PartnersConsortium (software companies, consultants, other corporations,

    and governments who need and rely on this standard) and published

    UML 1.0.

    UML Introduction

    What is Object Management Group? How UML was


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    08/18/05 UML 9

    Structure Diagrams - Structure diagrams depict the static structure

    of the elements in your system.

    Class diagrams, Component diagrams, Object diagrams,

    Deployment diagrams, Composite structure, Package diagrams.

    Behavior diagrams - Depict the dynamic behavior of the elements

    in your system.

    Activity diagrams, Use case diagrams, Statechart diagrams,

    Collaboration diagrams ( in UML2.0 it is communication diagram),

    Sequence diagrams, Timing diagrams (UML 2.0), Interactionoverview diagrams (UML 2.0)

    What types of diagrams Are in the UML?

    UML Diagrams

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    08/18/05 UML 10

    Class Diagram

    Class diagram describes the static view of a system interms of classes and relationships among the classes.

    Class diagram can be used as foundation for other

    diagrams showing other aspects of the system

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    A Class in UML

    A Class notation has three compartmentsName - mandatory

    Attributes - optional

    Operations - optional

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    08/18/05 UML 12

    Modeling Visibility

    Visibility Symbol Meaning

    Private - Only the class itself can access these attributes.

    Protected # Any child class of this class can access these attributes.

    Public + Any class can access these attributes.

    Package ~ Any class in the same package can access these attributes.

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    08/18/05 UML 13

    Modeling Multiplicity

    -contracts[1..*]:Contract[0..*] or [*]


    Range without


    -knownPlanets[9]:Planet[5]Specific value

    -physicianAddress[1..2]:Address[0..5]Range of values


    Multiplicity applies to both attributes and associations

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    08/18/05 UML 14

    Modeling Multiplicity and ordering





    Collection TypeisUniqueisOrdered

    The syntax for ordering and uniqueness is as follow:[ { [, ] } ]

    ::= ordered | unordered

    ::= unique | nonunique

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    08/18/05 UML 15

    Modeling Attribute Compartment

    The syntax for attribute definition is as follow:[visibility][/] name [:type] [multiplicity] [=default] [{property-string}]

    Modeling derived attribute: using /




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    08/18/05 UML 16

    Modeling Attribute Compartment

    [visibility][/] name [:type] [multiplicity] [=default] [{property-string}]





    The attribute name is required.

    The name should be unique within the class.

    It should be as descriptive as possible.

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    08/18/05 UML 17

    Modeling Attribute Compartment

    [visibility][/] name [:type] [multiplicity] [=default] [{property-string}]







    An attribute type identifies a classifier as given below:

    A reference to a UML primitive Data Type (Integer, UnlimitedInteger,

    or String)

    An enumeration such as Boolean

    A reference to a language-specific type such as float, long in java

    A reference to another class in you system

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    08/18/05 UML 18

    Modeling Attribute Compartment

    [visibility][/] name [:type] [multiplicity] [=default] [{property-string}]


    -name:String = no default, required

    -start_date[1]:Calendar=no default, required


    -duration_in_days :int = 1

    -nbr_of_shows_allowed[1]:int = 1

    -nbr_of_shows_scheduled[1]:int = 1

    To protect the integrity of the system from being corrupted by missing or

    invalid values.

    We can avoid the programming language assigning default values to

    primitive type variables.

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    08/18/05 UML 19

    Modeling Attribute Compartment

    [visibility][/] name [:type] [multiplicity] [=default] [{property-string}]


    -name:String = no default {Required, 1..30 chars, spaces and punctuation allowed}

    -start_date[1]:Calendar=no default {Required, >today and valid day of operation}

    -/end_date[1]:Calendar=start_date+duration_in_days { = start_date+duration_in_days}-duration_in_days :int = 1 {>0}

    -nbr_of_shows_allowed[1]:int = 1{>0}

    -nbr_of_shows_scheduled[1]:int = 1 {>=0 and

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    08/18/05 UML 20

    Modeling Attributes Compartment

    Class-level attribute


    -next_ticket_nbr[1]:int=1-ticket_nbs[1]:int = assigned at creation

    A class-level attribute is also referred to as static attribute in some languages.

    UML 1.4 stated that a static or class scoped attribute is designated by underlining

    the entire definition text string.

    UML 2.0 does not exactly say that a static attribute is underlined. However it

    does define all attributes as having a Boolean attribute called isStatic.

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    08/18/05 UML 21

    Modeling Operations Compartment

    Visibility private, package, public or protected

    Name does not have to be unique within a class

    Signature of the operation name, parameter-list and return-result

    Signature of the operation is unique

    The syntax for operation notation is as follow:[visibility] name ( [parameter-list]) : [return-result] [{properties}]

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    08/18/05 UML 22

    Modeling Operations Compartment

    Event+Event(name:String, start_date:Calendar, duration:int)







    Parameter list is an ordered list of attributes that together define the input to an


    Each parameter is defined as name : datatype

    Multiple parameters are separated with commas.

    [visibility] name ([parameter-list]

    ) : [return-result] [{properties}]

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    08/18/05 UML 24

    Modeling Operations Compartment

    The properties element allows you to add any additional information about the

    operation that does not fit into one of the other predefined element.

    We can use it as description of the implementation for the operation as shown

    below:setDuration(new_duration:int):void {the new duration may not cause overlap

    with another scheduled event}

    [visibility] name ( [parameter-list]) : [return-result] [{properties}]

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    08/18/05 UML 25

    Class-level operation


    -next_ticket_nbr[1]:int=1-ticket_nbs[1]:int = assigned at creation

    A class-level operation is also referred to as static operation in some languages.

    UML 1.4 stated that a static or class scoped operation is designated by

    underlining the entire definition text string.

    UML 2.0 does not exactly say that a static operation is underlined. However it

    does define all operations as having a Boolean attribute called isStatic.

    Modeling Operations Compartment


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    08/18/05 UML 27

    Abstract Classes and operations

    Abstract classes are the classes that cannot be used to create objects.

    Modeling Abstract Classes

    ProviderStatusManager ProviderStatusManager


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    08/18/05 UML 28

    Interface notation

    An interface is a declaration rather than an actual class. An implementation is

    provided by the class that realizes or implements the interface.

    Modeling Interfaces




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    08/18/05 UML 29

    Modeling Class Relationships

    UML relationships come in three different types:

    Association is a connection between classes which means that it is also aconnection between objects of those classes. Ex:Author writes book.

    Generalization is a relationship between a more general and a more specificelement. Ex:Editorial Review is a kind of review

    Dependency is a relationship between elements, one independent and onedependent. The dependent element is called the client orsource theindependent element is called the supplier ortarget

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    08/18/05 UML 30

    Modeling Class Relationships

    A simple association

    Author Computer Uses

    Person Car



    1..* 0..*

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    08/18/05 UML 31

    Modeling Class Relationships

    An aggregation association

    Navy WarshipsContains

    Team Personmembers

    * *

    A shared aggregation association

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    08/18/05 UML 32

    Modeling Class Relationships

    A composition aggregation association

    GeneralLedger GLAccount

    This relationship specifies that a GLAccount in a composition relationship with aparticular GeneralLedger is destroyed when that GeneralLedger is destroyed.

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    08/18/05 UML 33

    Modeling Class Relationships

    A generalization


    Hospital Ancillary MedicalGroup ProviderNetwork Physician

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    08/18/05 UML 34

    Modeling Class Relationships

    An Usage Dependency

    A usage dependency is one in which the client requires the presence of the supplier forits correct functioning or implementation.

    Abstraction dependancy

    An abstraction dependency is one in which the client is at one level of abstraction andthe supplier is at a different level

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    08/18/05 UML 35

    Modeling Class Relationships

    Permission Dependencies

    A permission dependency (permit) signifies that the supplier grants the client

    permission to access some or all of its constituent elements.

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    08/18/05 UML 37

    Modeling Class Relationships

    Dashed line with an open arrowheadOne class depends on anotherDependency

    Same as generalization except that the lineis dashed

    One entity is a more refined versionof another - used to show template



    Shown either using a filled diamond at the

    "composite" end or the composite

    graphically contains the "component"

    One class is composed of another. A

    special form of aggregation.


    Unfilled diamond at the "owner" end of


    One class "owns" another. A special

    form of association.


    Solid line connecting the associated

    classes. Optional open arrowhead shows

    direction of navigation

    One class uses the services of anotherAssociation

    Solid line arrow with a closed arrowheadpointing to the more general classOne class is a more specializedversion of anotherGeneralization

