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UN Database for Gaza Aid May Give Israel Targets to Attack — Secret Memo

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  • 7/25/2019 UN Database for Gaza Aid May Give Israel Targets to Attack Secret Memo


    UN database for Gaza aid may give Israel

    targets to attack secret memo

    A Palestinian woman walks between the ruins of Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza


    12 August 2014

    Ali Abunimah!1" #anuar$ 201%

    Basel &azouriA'ti(eStills

    The UN was warned that its database of potential aid recipients in Gaza could provide Israel

    with targets for future attacks, a document obtained by The Electronic Intifada reveals

  • 7/25/2019 UN Database for Gaza Aid May Give Israel Targets to Attack Secret Memo


    !iplomats and UN officials were also warned that plans for rebuilding Gaza after it was

    attacked by Israel in "#$% violated international law

    The UN&backed Gaza 'econstruction (echanism )G'(* is illegal and violates the very +right

    to life of the -alestinian people, according to a confidential legal opinion by a law professor

    who analyzed the mechanism for a ma.or aid agency that works closely with the UN

    The Electronic Intifada is publishing the full te/t of the G'( for the first time, along with the

    legal opinion 0oth documents are below

    'ecall that in "#$%, The Electronic Intifadarevealedthat the G'(, the UN&brokered

    agreement that was supposedly going to facilitate reconstruction, would effectively reinforce

    Israel1s control over Gaza

    0ut the UN, the -alestinian 2uthority and Israel have kept the actual te/t of the G'(

    secret, despite demands for transparencyfrom -alestinians whose ability to rebuild their

    liveshas remained hostage to its suffocating restrictions

    The e/pert who wrote the legal opinion, the University of Nottingham1s -rofessor Nigel 3hite,

    warned that the UN was becoming an active participant in Israel1s crimes, including enforcing

    the blockade Israel has imposed on Gaza since "##4

    3hite, co&director of the Nottingham International 5aw and 6ecurity 7entre, is considered

    one of the world1s leading e/perts on United Nations law

    )The UN, by becoming party to the G'(, is itself contributing to the maintenance of the

    blockade and, therefore, is committing as well as aiding and assisting violations of

    international law, 3hite states

    )If the UN persists in aiding and assisting the implementation of the G'( it will be .ointly

    )with the GoI 8Government of Israel9* responsible for the in.uries and losses caused to thepeople of Gaza, 3hite adds

    3hite warns that the database of personal details of -alestinians in Gaza created under the

    terms of the G'( violates the +right to life because of +potential misuse of the database by

    the GoI 8Government of Israel9 for the identification of targets

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    The legal opinion was commissioned by the !iakonia International :umanitarian 5aw

    'esource 7enter, which isfundedby the 6wedish and 6wiss governments It is part of

    !iakonia, a ma.or 6wedish development organization that receives fundingfrom the 6wedish

    government, the EU and the UN

    The legal opinion was shared with diplomats and international agencies 0ut unlikeother

    e/pert opinionscommissioned by !iakonia, the organization has not published 3hite1s


    !iakonia did not respond to an email re;uesting comment

    The stark and shocking nature of the legal advice might e/plain why the G'( has been kept

    secret from its supposed beneficiaries :ad the legal opinion been published it would have

    seriously undermined UN assurances and claims about the G'(

    Dictated by Israel

    In the summer of "#$%, Israel1s assault on Gaza killed more than ","## -alestinians

    The Israeli invasion and bombardment destroyed or severely damaged "%,### homes and

    caused lesser damage to another $%

  • 7/25/2019 UN Database for Gaza Aid May Give Israel Targets to Attack Secret Memo


    in Gaza

    0uilding supplies are doled out based on Israeli approval, under e/treme security and in such

    small ;uantities that they are often more valuable to desperate Gaza families to sell on the

    black market than for any use in reconstruction

    The G'( continues to give Israel a stranglehold on Gaza1s economy

    Wrongful acts

    In a "$&page analysis marked +confidential and dated "< ?anuary "#$>, Nigel 3hite e/amines

    the legal basis of the Gaza 'econstruction (echanism and concludes that the document

    amounts to an agreement or treaty that must be sub.ect to the norms of international law

    The G'(, 3hite states, is +an unbalanced e/change of @rights1 and @duties,1 with the -2 andthe UN having a number of duties, while the GoI 8Government of Israel9 has a number of very

    wide rights and very few obligations

    2ccording to 3hite, UN67= went far beyond its legal mandate and may have breached the

    UN 7harter by making the agreement

    3hite suggests that the G'( would be +void if it violates international law, or was reached

    +as a result of it being procured by the threat or use of force or by other forms of coercion A a

    reference to warnings that Israel could resume its military action against Gaza

    )2s well as issues of legality under UN and treaty law, 3hite writes, +there is the ;uestion of

    whether, by incorporating processes that are in violation of Israel1s obligations under

    international humanitarian and human rights law, the UN, by becoming a party to the G'(

    and agreeing to oversee these processes is implicated in any wrongful acts

    )There is strong evidence of the connection between the G'( and actual and potential

    violations of core human rights, 3hite states

    0y signing the agreement, the UN and -2 have approved the continuation of Israel1s blockade

    on Gaza, which 3hite describes as illegal

    0ut despite this, the UN remains committed to the deal

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    Rosy gloss

    UN67= refused to confirm or deny that it had seen Nigel 3hite1s paper

    Instead of answering a direct ;uestion as to whether 6erry, or his successor as special

    coordinator Nickolay (ladenov, had seen the legal advice commissioned by !iakonia, UN67=

    sent The Electronic Intifada a B>#&word statement defending the G'( and bemoaning the

    shortfall of donor funding for Gaza reconstruction

    Nonetheless, UN67= put a rosy gloss on the G'(, asserting that it +has enabled some

    $##,### families to repair their homes, while some %,>## families are in the process of

    reconstructing their fully demolished dwellings

    2sked why it had not published the te/t of the G'( itself, UN67= referred The ElectronicIntifada +to the relevant governmental authorities as we are not in a position to disclose the

    te/t unilaterally without the consent of both the Government of Israel and the -alestinian


    )The G'( is a temporary arrangement, UN67= asserted, +It is not and can never be

    considered as a substitute for the lifting of the closures on Gaza

    0ut in the absence of any meaningful pressure on Israel to lift the siege, or conse;uences for

    its refusal to do so, the G'( is likely to become as +temporary as Israel1s occupation of the

    3est 0ank and Gaza 6trip that has lasted for almost ># years

    (eanwhile, almost $##,### -alestinians whose homes were destroyed or severely

    damaged remain in temporary shelter

    5ittle did they know that while claiming to be helping, UN officials had made an illegal deal

    that has only prolonged their suffering and e/tended Israel1s impunity and control

    It may even put their lives in danger in the event of future Israeli attacks

    Those involved, including of course the -alestinian 2uthority, have tried to evade

    accountability by concealing the G'( behind a wall of secrecy

    3ith the publication of these documents, that secrecy has now ended and those complicit in

  • 7/25/2019 UN Database for Gaza Aid May Give Israel Targets to Attack Secret Memo


    this deal must answer for what they have done
