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Uncanny Valley: Week 2 - Clay

Date post: 02-Jul-2015
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Well, that was eventful! Let's round out the week.
Stephanie: Oh, hi Agnar. How's the wifey? Good? Yeah, I know she's pregnant. Welcome back to Uncanny Valley. Last time, in a surprise move Stephanie Clay moved out of her boyfriend's house and out on her own, Agnar met someone new and got married, Eyulf found a girl who thinks his dorkiness is cute, and was abducted by aliens. If you don't remember any of that, welp, I just gave you major spoilers for last chapter here on the first page. Whoops. But you should go read that, it's a good one.
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Stephanie: Oh, hi Agnar. How's the wifey? Good? Yeah, I know she's pregnant.

Welcome back to Uncanny Valley. Last time, in a surprise move Stephanie Clay moved out of her boyfriend's house and out on her own, Agnar met someone new and got married, Eyulf found a girl who thinks his dorkiness is cute, and was abducted by aliens. If you don't remember any of that, welp, I just gave you major spoilers for last chapter here on the first page. Whoops.

But you should go read that, it's a good one.

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Since she moved out on a Tuesday, I went ahead and advanced the calendar up to Tuesday afternoon. No sense in giving her extra days, right? I dunno, it made sense to me at the time.

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So far, she's just been catching up on her “studies” and starting her garden.

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There's no money yet for a greenhouse, which she is going to need eventually, but so far it's not so bad.

Bit lonely, though.

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There's no time to dwell on that, though, because there's planting to do. And cleaning. And other chores.

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Of course, there's a quick solution to loneliness: townie walk-bys! This is Johnathan Harris. The only reason I remember his name is because it's so effing simple.

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...Yowza! I don't remember what I made him, personality wise or anything, but I guess it's good!

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Of course, Eyulf stops by as well. She's actually rather happy to see her former almost-brother-in-law.

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Stephanie: So, have things settled down over there yet?

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Stephanie: I expect things were kinda wonky right after the wedding and everything.Eyulf: No, no, everything went fine.Stephanie: Oh really? That's good news!Eyulf: Well, the next morning was a bit...odd.Stephanie: So, is it true?Eyulf: Is what true?Stephanie: You're “expecting?”Eyulf: Well... yes.

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Stephanie: Wow. That's amazing.

You sure know the way into a Knowledge sim's heart, man.

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Eyulf: I don't really remember much of anything, until I was thrown off the ship.Johnathan: Oh? You've been sailing?

… Sure. We'll go with that.

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Johnathan: So you're Eyulf Tornquist? I've heard a lot of good things about you and your brother.Eyulf: Really?Johnathan: Why so surprised?Eyulf: Oh, no, it's flattering, really!

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Stephanie: Thanks for coming over! It was nice to have you!

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Johnathan: No, thank you! It was nice to be here. You really know how to welcome a newcomer in this town.

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After dinner, things are looking brighter.

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The next morning brings a new round of visitors, some more welcome than others.

Stephanie: Hi! Get off my lawn before I feed you to my cowplant.Ibrahims' Booty Call: You don't have a cowplant.Stephanie: You don't know that for sure.

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Stephanie: Yeah, I'm settling in just fine Heaven. Thanks for asking— uh, give me a minute, I have something to take care of.

Well, he's certainly Outgoing, to just walk into a person's house like that.

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Home Invader: You have a nice house. Good floorplan.Stephanie: Thanks. I'm going to ignore you until you leave now. Please stop staring at me.

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Later on, she decides she wants to see Johnathan again, so she calls him up and asks him to come over.

Stephanie: And I'll even cook. How's that sound?

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Salad totally counts as cooking, you guys, especially when you don't have one of those fancy spinner things.

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Stephanie: Hey there, fella!Johnathan: Hey yourself!Stephanie: I hope you brought your appetite.

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Hey, smile kid, this is the one you want, isn't it? Or are you going to play the uncertainty card again?

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Johnathan: So, I was thinking; what this town needs is a theater.Stephanie: Oh?

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Stephanie: The movie kind or the live action kind?Johnathan: The real kind. Live. The best kind of theater.Stephanie: I've never really thought about it. I suppose we could, though.Johnathan: That's what I'm talking about.Stephanie: I think we could use something a bit more immediate, first. Like a grocery store. Or a library. Or a school.Johnathan: Well of course, but it should be on the list.Stephanie: I'll agree with you there.

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Sadly the date was cut short on account of skunk. Did we learn not to pet the funny black-and-white cat, John? I hope so.

(Although, not gonna lie, I laughed. I couldn't help it.)

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I have them try again the next day, though.

Stephanie: You took a shower, right? Well good. Now get over here, I'm making food and I can't possibly eat it all myself.

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Salmon should do it.

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Johnathan: Hi there.Stephanie: Hey, handsome.Johnathan: Thanks for inviting me over again. And for not thinking badly of me because of last night. I hated to run, but...you know.Stephanie: That's fine, I prefer you not smelling like rotting eggs. I'll be right back, though, I have to go fiddle with dinner.

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That's okay, I think he can amuse himself for the time being. Someone has to, since the townies can't.

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John: —They even have a TV! It's been weeks since I've seen a TV!Lilly Do: Oh man, I'm gonna have to check that out.

Gee, I wonder what his One True Hobby is.

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Lilly Do: I hear they even have video games there! It's only the skiing one, but man that sounds like fun.John: I haven't played that one yet!

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Stephanie: Food's ready. Had a good time on my lawn?John: Actually, yeah.

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I do so love it when that happens.

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Stephanie: Oh, I forgot to tell you! I mentioned your theater idea to Heaven, and she said (and I quote), “Since he's so gung ho about it, have him start the volunteer work for it.” John: Oh...Stephanie: Then she started complaining about her ankles and retaining water. She's not usually that grumpy, she's just pregnant. John: That does seem to be going around out here. But I guess we get the go ahead?Stephanie: As good as it's going to get.

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Stephanie: Anyway... would you like to come in and eat now?John: I tremble with anticipation.Stephanie: Good.

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John: What is that intoxicating aroma you're wearing.Stephanie: Baked salmon. But I'm going to actively chose to take that as a compliment.

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Haha, I guess it's a hit??

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John: This is amazing.Stephanie: Thanks. The secret is a pinch of tarragon.John: Really? Where did you get that?Stephanie: You'd be surprised what you can get out here.

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After the dishes are done and the leftovers put away, they retire to the privacy of the bedroom.

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Whether it's the chemistry or just hormones, she's at her best tonight. And just in time too, since it's a Saturday night.

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Stephanie: So he says “That's no shellfish, that's my wife!”John: Hahaha! Oh, that's hilarious!

Uh, sure. Okay.

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Stephanie: But enough jokes. I want to be serious now.John: Are you being serious about something in particular?Stephanie: You.

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Stephanie: How about we get a little more comfortable?John: Well, if you insist, how can I say no?

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Stephanie: There, isn't this better?

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John: You're not going to hold the skunk thing against me, are you?Stephanie: Already forgotten.John: Glad one of us can forget it.Stephanie: Shush. Just come here.

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Much better.

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Stephanie: So you—mpf!John: /smootch

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Stephanie: Come back tomorrow night?John: Okay.

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HAH, what a place to fall in love. The bathroom of your bootycall.

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The next day is fairly uneventful. A few walk bys, a few phone calls.

Stephanie: Oh man, words just can't do it justice. He's amazing. ...Don't tell Agnar I said that.

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One of the walk bys was Eyulf's new wife May. It's a welcome distraction from things like moving the cauldron to the front lawn and building the greenhouse.

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Then who should stop by but Agnar and Eyulf!

Agnar: She's still hot.

Dude, don't. You will regret it for the rest of your very short life and you know it.

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Stephanie: See? You're glowing, you look wonderful.Eyulf: Haha! No. I'm wearing running pants all the time now. I can't wait for it to be over.May: But they're cute running pants!Eyulf: You're not the one stuck in them.

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Seriously, like, everyone stopped by today.

Euphie: —And then she threw up on him. It was hilarious.May: Haha, that's what he gets for tossing her.Stephanie: Indigestion? Oog. Not feeling well.

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May: Fried eggs? At this time of day?Eyulf: I know. It's the strangest thing.Stephanie: Could just make a fried egg sandwich.Agnar: You can do that?May: You can put literally any food in a bun and call it a sandwich.

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Eyulf: Curry?Stephanie: Seen it done.Eyulf: Spaghetti?Stephanie: Used to do it as a kid.Agnar: Chinese food?Stephanie: Anything.

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Eyulf: Agnar, put the pillows back! This isn't our house!Stephanie: Uh, guys? I'm going to have to kick you out now, I'm not feeling so hot. Eyulf: See what you did?Agnar: It wasn't me!

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And this is what happens when you play with your sound off, kidlets. It's a decent question, granted, but I think you need to think a little more recently, girlie.

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Stephanie: Man, I think I might be in trouble.

And that's it for Week 2! I hope to see you back here soon, despite my delays.

The last slide is the final breakdown for the week--

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Not too shabby! Although nothing really happened yet. I need to open up Journalism and Law Enforcement sometime soon, but it's not like I can control burglars and fires. Oh well.

See you next time, and happy simming!
