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Unclear limits of local responsibility

Date post: 16-May-2015
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Presentation given by Tom Ronning, Municipality of Odense, Denmark at a FEANTSA seminar on "Strategies to end homelessness: Elements of conflict and cooperation at local level", hosted by the Committee of the Regions, June 2008
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The Social Centre
Page 1: Unclear limits of local responsibility

The Social Centre

Page 2: Unclear limits of local responsibility

National survey of homelessnessin DenmarkMain results

Approximately 5000 people are homeless according to Scandinavian definition of homelessness (Used for this survey).

Homelessness is particularly concentrated in Copenhagen and surrounding municipalities.

25% of all homeless people are under 30 years.

The same level of homelessness as in Norway, slightly lower in Sweden.

Many homeless people are depended on alcohol, cannabis, drugs and medicines, and several of them have mental and physical health problems in addition to lacking a home

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Odense Municipality

Odense municipality has 187.000 inhabitants.

According the national homeless survey is 1% of theinhabitants in the municipality is homeless.

According to the national survey is only one person homelessdue to housing shortage in Odense.

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National survey of homelessnessin Denmark

Results for Odense.




7In jail

12Living in temporary training house

37Living by friend/family

95Living in a hostel

25Living on the street

PersonsHousing situation

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The Social Centre

Odense Municipality has among many services for homeless:

Public housing and hostels.

Offers for battered women.

Drop-in-centre for homeless people

Social housing prescription.

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Homeless hostels

The municipalities have full authority, supply and financing in the social field, including responsibility for the homeless hostels after social law. Homeless hostels are funded by the municipalities. The state refinance 50% of municipal expenditure on homeless hostels.

Hostels have self enrolment.

Self enrolment means that a person is free to turn to any homeless hostel without a municipal visitation


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Homeless hostels

People - who hit the long homelessness - have the right to have an action plan developed. The plan will pave the way for a coordinated response to homelessness.

Homeless hostels are calculated on the temporary stay, without a proper limit for the length of stay. During the stay prepared for the establishment of their own permanent housing, work / education, economy, etc.. The homeless people are helped to moving in their own homes, building networks and work.

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Homeless hostels

The municipality, where the homeless hostel is situated, has the obligation to act (acting oblication).

This means to develop action plan, ensure moving and relocation in their own homes (this is only possible in the acting municipality).

The municipality, where the person lived in before getting homeless, is the paying municipality. So the former municipality must pay for stays in homeless hostel and other measures done by the acting municipality.

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Not Danish citizens

EU citizens have the right to stay as tourists in another EU country for 3 months and as a job in 6 months, provided that they can support themselves and that they are not to burden the host country. This group can only provide assistance in connection with the return according law.

Persons who do not reside legally in Denmark, will have the right to the assistance that can not wait to get home again. This applies, for example. emergency care, etc..

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Target group for hostels

Offers of residence in hostel are temporary housing.

For visitation is needed,

That the person has legal residence in this country,

That the person is covered by the target audience for the offer.

The target audience for Hostels etc. under social law are: "people with special social problems who do not or can not stay in their own homes, and who needs hostel and offer active support, care and subsequently help."

It is Hostels leader, who make the final visitation to the hostel and deciding who are belonging to the target audience.

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Is there enough housing support in Odense ?

Hostels have self enrolment nationwide, and all the studies indicate that there is no shortage of places nationwide.

Odense Municipality has enough apartments/homes, but the homeless people have often so many personal problems that it is difficult for them, to live in their own apartment/home.

Odense Municipality is constantly working for developing permanent housing solutions especially for the homeless for example: Special houses for special people, support for citizens in their own homes, special staircase communities, outgoing social workers, drop-in-centre in residential areas, special old-folks home, etc.
