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Understanding maternal and child healthcare

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Understanding Maternal And Child Healthcare
Page 1: Understanding maternal and child healthcare

Understanding Maternal And Child Healthcare

Page 2: Understanding maternal and child healthcare

According to a study report carried out by US Agency for International Development (USAID) in 1990, up to 100 million children have been saved through improved healthcare institutions. In 2008 alone, the program assisted more than 4.6 million children and 200,000 mothers. Even though this report reveals that they are doing something about both the issues, a total of 5.9 million of children under the age of five is dying. Also, a total of 303,000 women dies on a yearly basis during birth.

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When it comes to understanding maternal healthcare, a lot of factors need to be taken into consideration. Another report reveals that the past decades have displayed a tremendous decline in the maternal mortality ratio. Even though this report is true, World Health Organization (WHO) declared that 830 women still die each day due to negligence on matters related to pregnancy. Most of them come from poor families hence cannot afford basic healthcare.

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Fortunately, the community is being educated on the need to embrace maternal healthcare. In fact, most women are now able to access improved healthcare systems. The USAID support programs specialize in improving the system right from the grass root level. The government has partnered with the organization to provide equity in access to the basic services.

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Newborn healthDespite the fact that 2.8 million newborn children die annually, a lot of effort are being made to counter this problem. Most of them die just because their mothers either had complications while giving birth or diseases arising after birth. The diseases often range from sepsis, bacterial attacks in the blood are the leading causes of death in children.

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There has been a great decline in deaths related to children since post natal care has also been improved. USAID and the government have entered into partnerships to increase access to high quality during delivery and within eight days of life. They have also involved the community at the grass root level to reach out to mothers and children that cannot access a health facility.

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Child health

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Pneumonia and diarrhea are the two major factors that contribute towards numerous death cases in children in the developing countries. Most of these families have limited access to clean water and good houses to shield their children from these infections.

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Fortunately, the USAID has set up an initiative since 1990 in favor of child health care systems. They have established instruments to diagnose and to treat preventable infections such as diarrhea, pneumonia, and malaria. Also, they have developed meaningful initiatives to improve sanitation practices in the homes

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