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Underutilized Species Policies and Strategies Vietnam Lr

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  • 7/30/2019 Underutilized Species Policies and Strategies Vietnam Lr


    GlobalFacilitationUnitfor UnderutilizedSpecies



    Analysis of existing national policies that enable

    or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant

    species in Vietnam


    Presented by

    Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh

    Hanoi Agricultural University


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  • 7/30/2019 Underutilized Species Policies and Strategies Vietnam Lr



    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of

    underutilized plant species in Vietnam


    Table of Contents


    Abbreviations and Acronyms iv

    Abstract v

    I. Introduction 1

    Activities 2

    Significance of Underutilized Species for the purpose of this study 2

    II. Review of policy documents related to underutilized plant species (UPS) 2

    Source of documents 2

    Methodology adopted 3

    List of policy documents related to UPS 5

    Documents supportive of UPS 10

    Documents considered to be neutral towards UPS 11

    III. Questionnaire to establish scientists and managers involvementwith/utilization of UPS 12

    Respondents areas of activity 12

    Areas of involvement of organizations/institutions 13

    Scope of organizations 13

    Scientists and managers views on the importance/role of underutilized plant

    species 14

    Entities dealing with UPS 14

    Policies involving the development of UPS 15

    Points emerging from responses to the questionnare 17

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    Abbreviations and Acronyms

    PGR Plant Genetic Resources

    GRPI Genetic Resource Policy Initiative

    TF Task Force

    GFU Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species

    MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

    VAAS Vietnam Academy for Agricultural Science

    VACVINA Vietnam Gardening Association

    UPS Underutilized Plant Species

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    During the past 30 years (1975-2005), Vietnam suffered from food shortage. The

    Government made considerable efforts to increase food production for the population - themain food staple being rice and thanks to their policy, Vietnam is now the second largest

    rice-exporting country in the world.

    In October, 2005, a one-year project study was undertaken in Vietnam to identify and

    analyze existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant

    species (UPS) there. This study was implemented by the Task Force of the Genetic

    resource policy initiative/Vietnam component, and led by Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh, Dean of

    the Faculty of Agronomy, Hanoi Agricultural University.

    During the project period, 120 policy-related documents were collected and reviewed.

    Seventy-six of these were found to be concerned with promoting or inhibiting the

    advancement of UPS, at different levels.

    Twenty-two researchers and policy-makers concerned with these species were then asked to

    provide their views on the selected documents and their comments were collected and

    analyzed. A project workshop was then held to share the results of the analysis.

    Recommendations were made, followed by a discussion to determine the best means of

    exploiting UPS.

    The participants in the workshop showed strong interest in the work concerning UPS, as

    these species represent a new venture for Vietnamese Agriculture. Moreover, there is a

    recognized potential for increasing their contribution to Vietnams economy, food security

    and poverty alleviation.

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam



    Asia is considered to be one of the worlds richest and most prosperous regions in plant genetic

    resources (PGR). Vietnam possesses not only the great wealth of such resources common to most of

    the countries in Southeast Asia, but it also enjoys some additional advantages in that it has both

    temperate and tropical PGR. These are divided into three main species: indigenous species, introduced

    species from South China and introduced species from South Asia.

    Over the past 30 years (1975-2005) Vietnam has suffered a food shortage. The government made

    considerable efforts to increase the production of food in the country, rice being the main food staple.

    Attempts to achieve food security were very successful, so much so that in the past 10 years Vietnam

    has become the second largest rice exporter in the world.

    The history of Vietnams food security problems is that in the past, food security was addressed

    mainly through the package approach, meaning hybrid varieties and management practice aimed at

    obtaining the highest yields: this also involved a massive utilization of water (irrigated land),

    fertilizers and pesticides. Such approach introduced oil-based products into agriculture, transforming

    it from a labour-intensive economic activity into a capital-intensive one (to buy seeds and external

    inputs), while accepting the farmers choice as to what should be planted in their fields. As a result,

    both water and soil became polluted. Moreover, many farmers - particularly in the marginal areas -

    were unable to benefit from this green revolution due to lack of capital to buy the package. In the

    case of Vietnam, while in the short-term this approach has brought about an increase in yield and

    helped provide food security, in the longer term it may create environmental and social side effects

    that must be addressed in order to guarantee future food security, a safe environment, and an equitable

    share of benefits deriving from agriculture.

    It must also be stressed that in the past particular attention was given to only a few staple crops that

    were producing the majority of the food supply. Consequently, the contribution of many minor

    species to food security and health was greatly underestimated.

    In the autumn of 2005, the study on which this paper is reporting was commissioned by the Global

    Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU) in Rome, to analyse existing national policies inVietnam that enable or inbibit the wider ust of underutilized plant species for food and

    agriculture.Thanks to the first phase of the Genetic Resource Policy Initiative (GRPI)/Vietnam

    component, which was completed in December, 2005, a number of documents on GR policy had been

    collected in order to develop a background paper, the survey opinions of stakeholders in 6 provinces,

    and researchers and administrators at the central level. Policy issues were discussed and clarified, as

    th l it ti di d tili d l t i (UPS) It f lt th t t l h d

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    Activities: Identification of existing national policies in the areas of agricultural research, ruraland national development, health and nutrition, rural investment and microfinance, education,

    marketing, exports, biodiversity conservation, and the environment that deal with biodiversity

    in the wider sense.

    Several meetings were held in October and November 2005, between the Coordinator of the GRPI-

    Vietnam Task Force (TF), and Mr. Dung, Department of Cultivation, Ministry of Agriculture and

    Rural Development (MARD); Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hue, Plant Resource Center; Mr. Ngo Quoc

    Luat, Institute of Medical Materials; and five members of the TF, to identify the extent of existingnational policies in the above-mentioned fields that deal with biodiversity.

    Finally, there were two meetings of the GRPI TF (Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Kinh; Dr. Nguyen Thi Ngoc

    Hue; Dr. Nguyen Thi Kinh Oanh; Eng. Vu Ngoc Thang;, Ms. Nguyen Viet Ha and Dr. Nguyen Van

    Dinh), to clarify the intended significance of the term underutilized plant species(UPS) for the

    purposes of this study, and to identify the sources and accessibility of the relevant documentation.

    Significance of Underutilized Species for the purpose of this study

    The term Underutilized plant species is very new to Vietnam. The definition of this term, which was

    provided to the Task Force by the GFU programme coordinator, Dr. Irmgard Hoeschle-Zeledon, is

    very comprehensive and was acknowledged by the researchers and policy-makers interviewed, as well

    as those involved in the Project workshop. It should be mentioned that the Vietnamese equivalent to

    describe underutilized plant species is Loai cay chua khai thac het tiem nang (meaning potentially

    under-exploited), which was agreed on by the participants.

    It was felt to be somewhat inappropriate to indicate UPS as being those species not included in

    Vietnams Book of Statistics (General Statistics Office (1975-2000)) because even some of the good

    features of local rice have not yet been fully exploited as functional food or fashion material

    (cosmetics), and so they too could be considered underutilized if the criterion were to relate to the

    simple fact that they are not yet listed in the Book of Statistics. According to the Book, the important

    (and utilized) plant species comprise 4 staple crops(rice, corn, sweet potato, cassava); 14 industrial

    crops (cotton, rush, jute, cashew, coffee, cinnamon, sugar cane, ground nut, soybean, tobacco, tea,

    rubber, black pepper and coconut); 6 fruits (oranges, mango, pineapples, dragon fruit, litchi, bananas);

    3 vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes) and 3 flowers (the rose, chrysanthemum and gradiolus).


    Source of documents

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam



    In all, a hundred and twenty texts and documents issued by Government agencies1 were collected and

    analyzed as part of the Study. Of the total number analyzed, seventy-six were considered to be of

    direct relevance to Vietnams underutilized plant species.

    Forty-seven documents were considered as being supportive to the promotion of underutilized

    species while the remaining 29 were not and were indicated as being either neutral or non-


    The documents were evaluated according to their degree of relevance to the study, and graded asbeing highly, fairly, or likely to be relevant. The identification of UPS and the evaluation of the

    relevance of the individual documents were based on GFU concepts. The graded relevance of these

    texts, dates of issue and areas of relevance are indicated in Tables 1, 2 and 3. It should be noted that,

    at present, Vietnam has no legal documents dealing exclusively with UPS

    Table l: Relevance of documents to underutilized plant species

    Relevance Supportive* Non-supportive*

    Highly relevant 25 18Fairly relevant 7 2

    Likely to be relevant 15 9

    Total 47 29*The grouping of documents into 2 categories, according to their relevance, was approximate.

    Note: Non-supportive indicates texts that are neutral or slightly inhibiting the promotion of underutilized species.

    Table 2: Dates of issue of legal documents

    National Assembly Government Ministry Peoples provincial



    Supportive Neutr


    Supportive Neutr Supportive Neut


    Supportive Neutral

    1965-1975 4

    1975-1985 2

    1985-1995 1 1 4 1

    1995-2006 7 15 10 12 14 5

    Total 7 1 16 14 19 14 5Note: This grouping was simply relative. For example, in some cases, tax on land utilization has a promotional effect

    towards fully exploiting plant/crop potential.

    In addition to policy-related documents, there were also many books on underutilized plant species.

    These were presented in the form of an extension guide to planting in home gardens or to the

    utilization of UPS as agricultural plants as well as medicinal herbs. Most of these books were issued

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    Table 3. Areas of relevance of documents


    No Policy documents Agriculture Forestry Aqua-culture

    Health Economic Other

    1 Highly supportive to underutilized plant species 14 0 1 6 3 4

    2 Supportive to underutilized plant species 5 3 0 0 2 0

    3 Slightly supportive to underutilized plant species 2 3 6 2 4 1

    Total supportive 21 6 7 8 9 5

    4 Non promotional towards underutilized plantspecies

    11 3 0 0 5 0

    5 Neutral-to-non-promotional towardsUnderutilized plant species

    1 0 0 0 1 0

    6 Neutral towards underutilized plant species 3 2 2 0 5 2

    Total neutral or non-promotional 14 5 9 0 11 2

    There was no policy document that specifically addressed UPS. Most of the texts are aimed at the

    integrated utilization of all species. However, a few emphasized the promotion of high yielding

    (hybrid) rice, which could lead to ignoring the local species. Such policy documents are therefore

    considered to inhibit the promotion of underutilized species.

    The largest number of policy documents on UPS are to be found in the fields of agriculture,economics and aquaculture, in that order.

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    List of policy documents related to underutilized plant species


    No. Policy documents Agricu-lture



    Health Econo-mics


    4.1 List of documents that are highly supportive tounderutilized plant species

    A National Assembly

    1 Ordinance No. 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 on plant varieties X

    2 Ordinance No. 18/1999/PL-UBTVQH10 on commodity quality X

    3 Intellectual Property Law No. 50/2006/QH11 was approved by

    the 8th Session of 11th National Assembly on 29/11/2005 andcame into force after 01/7/2006


    B Government

    1 Decree No. 57/2005/N-CP dated 27/4/2005 by Governmenton penalties for administrative violation in the field of cropvarieties

    X X

    2 Decision No. 199/2001/QD-TTg dated 28/12/2001 by the Prime

    Minister on tax exemption in agricultural land utilization

    X X

    3 Instruction No. 210/TTg dated 6/12/1966 by the Prime Minister

    on exploitation and development of medicinal plants andanimals


    C Ministries

    1 Decision No. 68/2004/QD-BNN dated 24/11/2004 by theMinister, MARD, on the addition of 10 crop species to the list

    of protected crop species.


    2 Decision No. 653/2000/QD-TDC dated 12/12/2000 by the

    Directorate for Standards and Quality on Guideline for contentand procedure of basic standard development.


    3 Decision No. 2424/2000/QD-BKHCNMT dated 12/12/2000 by

    the Minister, Ministry of Science Technology and Environment,on Temporary regulations for the announcement of appropriate

    standardizing of commodity


    4 Decision No. 2425/2000/QD-BKHCNMT dated 12/12/2000 bythe Minister, Ministry of Science, technology and environmenton Temporary regulation on commodity quality standard.


    5 Decision No. 143/2002/QD-BNN dated 06/12/2002 by the

    Minister, MARD, on branch standards.


    6 Inter-ministerial Circular No. 06-TT/LB dated 12/2/1968 by theMinistry of Health and MARD on the implementation of


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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    10 Directive No. 01-BYT/CT dated 15/1/1969 on encouraging thegrowing Vietnamese traditional medicinal plants in the winter-

    spring seasons (1968-1969)


    11 Five-year plan on agricultural and rural development (2001-2205) by MARD


    12 Decision No. 19/2006/Q-BNN dated 21/03/2006 by MARDon testing, field trials, approval, release and naming of new cropvarieties


    13 Decision No. 67/2006/Q-BNN dated 24/11/2004 by MARDon selection, recognition, management and utilization of mother

    stocks of industrial crops and perennial fruit trees.


    14 Decision No. 05/2006/Q-BNN dated 20/01/2005 by MARD

    on regulations regarding standards of product quality andagricultural commodities.


    D Provincial peoples committees

    1 Decision No. 1190/QD-CT dated 22/7/2005 by Ha NamPeoples committee on provincial agricultural development to2010


    2 Decision No. 526/QD-UB dated 20/5/2003 by Ha Nam Peoplescommittee on project approval for developing shifting models

    of cropping and animal husbandry patterns in low-lying fields

    X X

    3 Report on agricultural and rural economic transformation from2001 to 2004, development orientation to 2010 (No. 2014/BC-

    UB dated 26/4/2005 by Quang Ninh Peoples committee).

    X X

    4 Decision No. 257/QD-UB dated 31/01/2005 by Son La Peoplescommittee on encouraging agricultural commodity production

    in the province (from 2005 to 2010).


    Subtotal 14 0 1 6 3 4

    4.2 List of documents fairly supportive to underutilized plant


    A Government

    1 Decision No. 149/1998/QD-TTg dated 21/8/1998 by the PrimeMinister on forestry developing projection for the Northeastern

    wood zone to the year 2010.


    2 Decision No. 253/1998/QD-TTg dated 29/12/1998 by the Prime

    Minister on changing Tram Chim submerged zone of naturalconservation in Dong Thap into Tram Chim national park and

    approval of Tram Chim construction investment project (from1999 to 2003)


    3 Decision No. 80/2002/QD-TTg dated 24/6/2002 by the Prime

    Minister on supportive polices on agricultural productionconsumption through contracts.

    X X

    4 Decree No. 13/2001/ND-CP dated 20/4/2001 by Government

    on the Protection of new plant varieties.


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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    4.3 List of documents slightly supportive to underutilized plantspecies

    A National Assembly

    1 Ordinance No. 42/2002/PL-UBTVQH10 on self-defence in

    foreign commodity importation into Vietnam


    2 Ordinance No. 22/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 by the StandingCommittee of the National Assembly against subsidization ofimported commodities into Vietnam.


    3 Law No. 29/2004/QH11 dated 03/12/2004 of the Social

    Republic of Vietnam on forestry protection and development.


    4 Fishery Law No 17/2003/QH11 X

    B Government

    1 Decision No. 26/2005/QD-TTg dated 1/6/2005 by the Prime

    Minister on supportive policies on aquaculture development.


    2 Decision No. 112/2004/QD-TTg dated 23/6/2004 by the Prime

    Minister on approval of the aquaculture development

    programme to 2010.








    Health Economi



    3 Decision No. 131/2004/QD-TTg dated 16/7/2004 by the PrimeMinister on programme approval of aquatic product protectionand development to the year 2010


    4 Directive No. 34/ 2004/CT-TTg dated 14/10/2004 by PrimeMinister on coordination strengthening in management,

    sovereignty defense and national security of Vietnams sea andcontinental shelf.


    5 Ordinacne No. 59/2005/ND-CP dated 24/5/2005 byGovernment on the production and business conditions of someaquatic professions.


    6 Decree No. 150/2003/ND-CP dated 8/12/2003 by Government

    particularly stipulates the implementation of ordinance on self-defence in foreign commodity importation into Vietnam.


    7 Decision No. 17/2006/QD-TTg dated 20/01/2006, on

    continuation of Decision No. 225/1999/QD-TTg dated10/12/1999 on programmes of plant varieties, animal breeds andforest varieties to 2010.

    X X x

    8 Decision No. 225/1999/QD-TTg dated 10/1999 by the PrimeMinister on approval of 12 programmes for crop varieties,animal breeds and forestry varieties from 2000 to 2005.

    X X x

    C Ministries

    1 Directive No. 27-BYT/CT dated 7/9/1972 on strengthening

    Vietnamese traditional medicine development and utilization in


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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    B Government

    1 Decree No. 02/CP dated 15/1/1994 by Government on allotting

    land to organizations, households and individuals whoconsistently and permanently utilize it for forestry purposes.


    2 Decree No. 163/1999/ND-CP dated 16/11/1999 by Government

    on allotting and renting land to organizations, households andindividuals who consistently and permanently utilize it for

    forestry purposes.


    3 Decree No. 85/1999/ND-CP dated 28/8/1999 by Government

    on regulation amendment for allotting agricultural land tohouseholds and individuals who stably and permanently utilize

    it for agricultural production and amendment for allotting landto households and individuals utilizing it for salt making.


    4 Decree No. 73/CP dated 25/10/1993 by Government on land

    classification and tax on agricultural land utilization


    5 Decree No. 84-CP dated 8/8/1994 by Government on theimplementation of amended ordinance to households utilizingagricultural land over area limitation.


    6 Decision No. 182/1999/QD-TTg dated 3/9/1999 by the PrimeMinister on project approval for vegetable, fruit tree and

    ornamental plant development from 1999 to 2010.


    7 Decision No. 120/1999/QD-TTg dated 7/5/1999 by the PrimeMinister on approval of project on cashew nut development to



    8 Directive No. 24/2005/CT-TTg dated 28/6/2005 by the PrimeMinister on the implementation of the 5th Resolution by the 9thCentral Communist Party on agricultural and rural

    industrialization and modernization.


    9 Resolution No. 03/2000/NQ-CP dated 2/2/1999 by Governmenton farm economy. x

    10 Decision No. 17/2002/ QD-TTg by the Prime Minister ondevelopment orientation of cotton from 2001-2010.


    B Ministries

    1 Decision No. 54/2001 dated 7/4/2003 by the Minister, MARD,on the list of crops that need to announce quality standards.


    2 Decision No. 69/2004/QD-BNN dated 03/12/2004 by the

    Minister, MARD, on the list of rare crops prohibited for export.


    3 Decision No. 52/2003/QD-BNN dated 2/4/2003 by theMinister, MARD, on testing, field trials, approval, release and

    naming of new crop varieties.


    4 Decision No. 1213/2002/QD-BNN-KHCN dated 8/4/2002 bythe Minister, MARD, on the list of protected crops.


    5 Decision No 59/2004/QD BNN dated 04/11/2004 by the X

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    1 Decision No. 56/2001/QD/BNN-BVTV dated 23/5/2001 by theMinister, MARD, on the list of items under plant quarantine.


    2 Decision No. 34/2001/QD-BNN-VP dated 30/3/2003 by the

    Minister, MARD, regarding regulations on THE businessconditions of plant production and animal husbandry.


    Subtotal 1 0 0 0 1 0

    4.6 List of documents neutral to the underutilized plant species

    A Government

    1 Decision No. 150/2005/QD-TTg dated 20/06/2005 by the PrimeMinister on planning approval of agricultural, forestry andfishery pattern-shifting nation-wide to 2010 and vision 2020.

    X X x

    2 Decree No. 74/1993/ND-CP dated 25/10/1993 by Governmenton implementation of the law on agricultural land tax


    3 Decree No. 56/2005/ND-CP dated 26/4/2005 by Government

    on agricultural and fishery extension

    X x x

    4 Decree No. 06/2005/NQ-CP dated 06/5/2005 by Government

    on regularly governmental in April, 2005.


    B Ministries

    1 Decision No. 30/2002/QD-BNN-TCCB dated 26/4/2002 by theMinister, MARD, on the establishment of the Central

    Agricultural Extension Center


    2 Decision No 118/2003/QD-BNN dated 03/11/2003 by Minister

    of MARD on function, mandate and structure of AgriculturalExtension Center


    3 Joint Circular No. 69/2000/TTLT/BNN-TCTK dated 23/6/2000

    by MARD and the General Directorate of Statistics onguidelines on farm economy criteria.


    4 Circular No. 82/2000/TT-BTC dated 14/8/2000 on financial

    guidelines of farm economy development.


    5 Directive No. 66/2000/CT-BNN-KH dated 14/6/2000 by theMinister, MARD, on planning of rural, agricultural, forestry and

    irrigation development from 2001 to 2005.

    X X

    Subtotal 3 2 2 0 5 2

    Total Neutral or inhibiting 14 5 9 0 11 2

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    Documents supportive to UPS

    Related to crop germplasm/ crop genetic resources conservation

    Decree No 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH 11 dated 24/3/2004 on plant varieties defines crop germplasm as

    national property, managed exclusively by the State; Section 2 of Art. 1 of Decision No 17/2006/QD-

    TTg dated 20/1/2006, a continuation of Decision No. 225/1999/QD-TTg dated 10/12/1999 on

    programmes of plant varieties, animal breeds and forest varieties to 2010, mentions that the

    Government provides capital and budget for material facility enhancement to institutions that

    conserve genetic resources. Besides, Decision No. 253/1998/QD-TTg dated 29/12/1998, on changingthe Tram Chim submerged zone of natural conservation in Dong Thap into the Tram Chim national

    park, as well as approval of the Tram Chim construction investment project 1999-2003, indicated the

    importance of conservation, development and sustainable utilization of genetic resources, including

    underutilized plant genetic resources. MARDs five-year agriculture and rural development plan

    (2001-2005) also mentioned the conservation and utilization of diversified genetic resources.

    Addition of some valuable underutilized plant species to the list of interested crop varieties

    Protection of plant varieties is an incentive to the breeding and development of new varieties.

    Consequently, Art. 1 of MARD Ministerial Decision No. 68/2004/QD-BNN dated 24/11/2004,

    indicated an additional 10 crop varieties for insertion in the list of protected crops (potato, rose,

    chrysanthemum, watermelon, cucumber, cabbage, kohlrabi, grape, cotton and tea) of which, in the

    Vietnam context, watermelon, cucumber, cabbage, kohlrabi and grapes are considered to be

    underutilized species. This is an advantage for the development of underutilized plant species in the

    future. Furthermore, Prime Ministers Instruction No. 210/TTg dated 6/12/1966, on exploitation and

    development of medicinal plants and animals and the Inter-Ministerial Circular of the Red Cross

    Ministry of Health No. 28/TTLB dated 27/12/1990, on encouragement of the use of Vietnamese

    traditional medicine in health care, has made the medicinal plant species, which were hitherto little-

    known or used, much more important and led to an increase in the number of underutilized plant

    species. Besides, a report on agricultural and rural economic transformation (2001-2004) and

    development orientation to 2010 provided by the Quang Ninh peoples committee mentioned the

    development and rapid expansion of some underutilized plant species, such as anise and cinnamon,

    which are commodities of high economic value.

    Policies supportive to product consumption

    One of the factors supportive to the development of UPS is that Government policy encourages

    farmers to consume their products, and enhance the quality. Thus, Ordinance No. 04PL/CTN dated

    4/1/2000 (comprising 8 chapters and 38 articles) on Commodity Quality was issued in order to:

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    seeds (including main crops and some underutilized plant species such as mulberry, barley, safe

    vegetables and high quality flowers), involving support for food processing operations and providing

    investment credit.

    Supportive policies on production

    Three documents concerning the provinces of Son La and Ha Nam (Decision No. 1190/QD-UBND of

    Ha Nam dated 27/7/2005, Decision No. 526/QD-UBND of Ha Nam dated 20/05/2003, and Decision

    No. 257/QD-UBND of Son La dated 31/01/2005) are supportive to the production of underutilized

    plant species. Besides the main crops, the provinces localize and expand the production of other crops

    such as kohlrabi, shallot, garlic, melon, luffah, water spinach, French beans, and pawpaw.and

    concurrently undertake initiatives such as investment in field-levelling work, irrigation systems andpost harvest and food processing, as well as preferential interest loans to scale-up production models

    assisting in the development of underutilized crop species.

    Documents considered to be neutral towards UPS

    Tax on underutilized plant species production

    Tax on agricultural production limits the development of crops that are not of high economic value tofarmers. Art. 1 of Government Decree No. 73/CP dated 25/10/1993, on the tax classification of

    utilization of agricultural land has resulted in areas specializing in crops of high economic value, with

    the consequent reduced cultivation of those crops that are considered to be of lower economic return.

    Similarly, Art. 2 of Government Decree No. 84/CP dated 8/8/1994, stipulated the implementation of a

    tax amendment for farmer households utilizing agricultural land, as did Art. 5 and 10 of Government

    Decree No. 163/ND-CP dated 16/11/1999 on forestry land allotment and hire to organizations,households and individuals who consistently utilized the land. This resulted in people being interested

    only in crops that yielded high economic returns to maximize the effectiveness of capital usage.

    Consequently, the underutilization of certain plant species was further exacerbated by this approach.

    Supportive or incentive documents on new, high yielding and high economic value crop varieties

    Besides agricultural land tax, other governmental policies, such as the development of farm economy,

    and strengthening of agricultural and fishery extension are also constraints to the full development of

    underutilized species. The concept of farming economy contained in Government Decree No. 3 dated

    2/2/1999, is that of agricultural commodity production, effective utilization of land, capital, techniqueand management experience, movement of agricultural labour to non-agricultural labour, and the

    promotion of industrialization in agriculture and rural development. This indicated that underutilized

    plant species of low economic value were being replaced by main crops of high international and

    national trading value.

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    development of vegetable, flower and fruit trees were associated with market demand and intensive

    cultivation of gardens specializing in the production of main crops, all of which limited the

    development of underutilized plant species.

    Policies on land reclamation

    The underutilized plant species grow in many regions, especially in the upland, forests and remote

    areas. Policies on land allotment for agricultural and forestry purposes partially restricted the

    development of underutilized plant species. Section 5 of Article 7 on the allotment of forestry land to

    organizations, households and individuals enclosed with Decree No. 02 - CP dated 15/1/1994 by the

    Government declared that it allotted land to organizations, households and individuals in combinationwith forestry, agricultural and fishery business. On the other hand, the State rents forestry land to

    organizations, households and individuals for agro-forestry and agro-forestry-fishery business

    (Circular No 62/2000/TTLT-BNN-TCDC dated 6/6/2002 by MARD and the General Bureau of Land

    Administration; Section 3 of Art. 10 of Government Decree No. 163 dated 16/11/1999). As business

    targets are associated with economic efficiency, some underutilized plant species will be replaced by

    other economically viable crops.


    The Task Force of the GRPI project developed a questionnaire on underutilized plant species in

    Vietnam (see Annex 2) which was sent to 22 researchers and policy makers (scientists and

    managers?) in order to identify their involvement with or utilization of UPS and the importance they

    gave to same.

    Respondents areas of activity

    The largest number of responses (31.8%) came from representatives of public research institutes

    involved in crop specialization, followed by national policy planners, non-governmental offices and

    social organizations (27.3% and 22.7 % respectively) and public service suppliers (13.6%). Those

    representing provincial policy planning, private companies, and provincial unions and communities

    accounted for the smallest portion of responses, while institutes engaged in other activities and not

    specializing in crops, accounted for only 4.55%.

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food andagriculture in Vietnam


    Private companies 0

    Public services (agricultural extension) 4.55

    Local unions and communities 4.55

    Non-governmental and social organizations 0

    Areas of involvement of organizations/institutes

    The organizations/institutes were involved in a variety of activities pertinent to UPS. Those involved

    in research (54.55%) constituted the largest portion, followed by those involved in conservation and

    rural development (40.91%), then training (36.3%) and, lastly, policy management and

    development.(see Table 2, below)

    Other related tasks undertaken by the institutes were: transfer of advanced science and technology; the

    establishment of typical models of fruit orchards in the VAC ecosystem; policy campaigns;

    consultation, planning and support to research and development of crop variety documents; and

    production transfer and expansion. The latter tasks accounted for only 18.18%.

    Table 2: Organizations/Institutes involvement with crops

    Involvement %Education 13.64

    Research 54.55

    Training 36.36

    Conservation 40.91

    Management 22.73

    Rural development 40.91

    Policy/law developing (laws on protection of plant variety, plant variety, and bio-safety...) 27.27

    Other* 18.18

    Note: * This includes the list of activities indicated in the previous para.

    Scope of organizations/institutes

    The survey carried out on 22 people indicated that the scope of most of the institutes represented is

    nation-wide (95.45%), while that of just a few institutes is local (accounting for 9,091%). Over half ofthe institutes involved have also a broader (international-regional) scope (59%).

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    utilizing UPS for other purposes - such as pre-processing at production units; a cooperative project

    with Souchamtou University, United Kingdom; management and policy recommendations; and

    conservation regulations are quite few (18.18%).

    Table 4: Purpose of utilization of UPS

    Purpose %

    Collection 27.27

    Research 27.27

    Crop breeding 36.36

    Multiplication 31.82

    Training 13.64

    Marketing 13.64

    Need to utilize UPS for

    Collection 59.09

    Research 59.09

    Crop breeding 54.55

    Multiplication 45.45Training 18.18

    Marketing 9.09

    Have accessed and utilized UPS for

    Scientists and managers views on the importance/roles of underutilized plant species

    The survey on the importance of UPS indicated that most scientists and managers are in agreement

    that these species constitute rare genetic resources (86.36%) and are a significant to the developmentof sustainable agriculture. More than a half of the respondents (59.09%) involved in the survey reckon

    that UPSs have local economic value. There were not many views (22.73%) expressed with regard to

    their value in the national economy and landscape.

    Other activities in which UPS are efficacious relate to erosion prevention, land improvement,

    conservation and maintenance of vegetative cover and, in some cases, even people survival, breeding

    and multiplying materials, valuable medicine for public health, traditional culture, value to the

    environment, and especially as a source of energy in the future, as petroleum and coal become moreand more exhausted (accounting for 22.73%).

    Table 5: Importance of UPS

    Importance of UPS %

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    institutions (the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, the Vietnam gardeners association

    VACVINA, local communities, Hanoi Agricultural University, and MARD) are fairly closely

    involved with these plant species (varying from 50% to 63.564%), while the remainder are onlyslightly involved (accounting for 9.091% - 40.1% only).

    Table 6: Types of Institutions closely involved with UPS

    Institutes %

    Crop department 40.91

    Plant protection department 27.27

    National center for agricultural extension 13.64

    Department of animal husbandry 9.091

    Food Crops Research Institute 36.36

    Fruits and Vegetables Research Institute 40.91

    Plant protection Institute 31.82

    Center of genetic resources (Vietnam Academy of Agriculture and Science) 90.91

    Institute of Materia Medica, Hanoi 86.36

    Hanoi Agricultural University 54.55Womens union 9.091

    Youth union 0

    Vietnam gardeners association VACVINA 50

    Vietnamese farmer union 22.73

    Ministry of Agricultural and rural development 63.64

    Ministry of natural resources and environment 50

    Ministry of Health 40.91

    Ministry of Science technology and environment 31.82

    Vietnam Union of the association of Science and Technology 18.18

    Industrial corporation 0

    Seed companies 22.73

    Local communities 54.55

    Cooperatives 22.73

    Policies involving the development of underutilized plant species

    The survey shows that protection of biodiversity and landrace utilization for hunger eradication and

    poverty alleviation are policies that involve the development of UPS. The latter aims account for the

    highest percentage (86.36% and 81.82% respectively). In addition, policies concerning the

    development of landrace production and trade marks are also involved in the development of these

    i (68 18%) O h li h i i d f i d

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    Impact of supportive polices for underutilized plant species (such as sale of seed/seedlings at

    subsidized prices)

    In order to ensure food security for the whole population, the Government has issued supportive

    policies on subsidies for some seeds (for example, covering 20-30% of the cost of new and high-

    yielding rice and hybrid rice). However, the disadvantage of such policies is their impact on

    underutilized plant species. According to 90.92% of managers and scientists, these policies are a

    constraint to the species. Only 9,09% believe that these policies are supportive.

    Table 8: Impact on UPS of supportive seed policies (seed subsidies/ sale at subsidized prices)

    Apparent impact %A Constraint 90.91

    Supportive 9.09

    Knowledge of related decisions or circulars that are an incentive or a constraint to the underutilized

    plant species

    Generally, managers and researchers have little knowledge of policies concerning underutilized plant

    species. Of the 22 participants in the survey, only 7 (31.82%) were aware of some related polices. Thepolicies they cited included 9 Decisions by the Ministry of Science and Technology, MARD and

    Government. These decisions account for only 10% of the total documents issued.

    Conservation and utilization of underutilized plant species

    In order to conserve and utilize the underutilized plant species, it is necessary to develop and

    implement policies on their conservation and utilization. Most of the survey respondents reckon that

    fair benefit sharing is the most important (86.46%) issue, followed by 77.27% who think that these

    plant species need to be placed in a national gene bank and conserved in-situ. Other policies are also

    mentioned, over average: policies supportive to institutes and organizations developing underutilized

    plant species (68.18%); policies considering these plant species important to agricultural sustainable

    development (63.64%); policies concerning research on their rare and valuable characteristics

    (63.64%); policies encouraging community participation in production each local has one product

    (54.55%). Leaving aside policies on subsidies for new and high-yielding varieties, and also the

    establishment of a Center for underutilized plant species, research and development is not highly

    supportive (36.36%). In addition, others (22.73%) are of the view that what is required is:

    An annual budget (from the national budget) to maintain, discover, collect, conserve and develop rare

    species (the budget is balanced to cater for other crops such as hybrid rice).

    Investment in research, surveys, evaluation, conservation and utilization of these plant species.

    Policies and regulations that associate the development of these plant species with their trade marks

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    Table 9: Action required in order to conserve and utilize UPS

    Action %

    Supportive policies on the development of underutilized plant species fororganizations and institutes 68.18

    Develop and implement policy regarding benefit sharing of gains from the utilizationof UPS 86.36

    Consider the underutilized plant species important to agricultural sustainabledevelopment 63.64

    Include in the national gene bank 77.27

    In-situ conservation 77.27Encourage community participation in production each locality has one product 54.55

    Exclude policies on the subsidizing of new and high yielding varieties 36.36

    Research rare and valuable characteristics of UPS 63.64

    Establish a Center of for research and development of UPS 22.73

    Points emerging from responses to the Questionnaire

    The main points emerging from the responses are:

    1. In general, it was stated that the reason for accessing underutilized plants species (UPS) ismainly that of research and for breeding purposes, with a lower percentage for education,

    marketing, and conservation needs.

    2. Most of the comments stated that UPS represent a rare genetic resource (86.36%), are acontribution to sustainable agriculture (81.36%) and also to the local economy (59.09%). In

    addition, many stated that UPS can be utilized for poverty alleviation (>80.0%).

    3. An important Government policy in favor of hybrid rice (meaning that 30-50% of the seedprice is covered by the local government) was considered by 90.92% of the respondents as

    inhibiting the promotion of UPS.

    4. For conservation and utilization of UPS, the majority of the respondents (86.46%)emphasized the need for equal benefit sharing, and placement in the national gene bank and

    in-situ conservation (72.27%); 63.64% of the respondents supported research to identify the

    positive features of UPS; while 36.35% favoured limitation and were of the view that policyfavours only the new and high-yielding varieties.

    A project workshop was then held at Hanoi Agricultural University on 23 August 2006, at which 15

    persons participated (see list of participants, Annex 3). Participants assessed the points emerging from

    h h i i d h d h f ll i l i

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    plants conserved within the community, the State needs to develop a policy to ensure that

    they are conserved in an adequate manner.

    e) MARD should have a specific policy on UPS (study, conservation, potential, traditionalknowledge, market, production and utilization - avoiding over-exploitation).

    f) A more in-depth study is required, concentrating on those policy documents that are effectivenot only in theory but, above all, in practice.

    g) There was a felt need for awareness-raising on UPS, directed at the local people (farmers)related stakeholders, such as government ministries, regional directorates, etc.


    There is also a need to strengthen the national park and natural conservation area.

    i) It was considered that a policy on benefit-sharing with the community should be developedand applied as soon as possible.

    j) It was stated that a small project dealing with underutilized plants species would be veryuseful, in cooperation with GFU.

    Reference: General Statistics Office. 2000. Statistical data of Vietnam. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

    (1975-2000). Statistical publishing house.

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    The conclusions reached were as follows:

    Institutes need to gain access to and use underutilized plant species germplasm for

    the purpose of breeding and multiplication (36.36% and 31.82% respectively), and

    access and utilization (54.55 % v 45.45% respectively).

    The importance of underutilized plant species as valuable and rare genetic resources

    (86.36%) needs to be emphasized, as well as their value in agricultural sustainable

    development (81.82%) and in the local economy (59.09%).

    The two main research institutes involved in the development of a collection of

    plant species (in particular, but not only, UPS) are The Center of Plant Genetic

    Resources ( very closely involved with UPS (90.9%), followed by the Institute of

    Materia Medica (86.36%). The entities involved with underutilized plant speciesinclude, in addition to research institutes, departments, ministries, unions,

    cooperatives and companies.

    It is recommended that policies be introduced concerning biodiversity protection

    and landrace utilization for hunger eradication and poverty alleviation (86.36% and

    81.82%) - all linked to the development of underutilized plant species.

    It is felt that existing policies on seed and the sale of certain crops at subsidized

    prices are a constraint to the underutilized plant species (90.91%).

    In order to conserve and utilize underutilized plant species, it is recommended that

    policies be introduced and implemented with regard to fair and equitable benefit

    sharing as a result of their utilization (86.46%) that such species be included in the

    national gene bank and in-situ conservation (77.27%).

    The following recommendations were advanced, with a view to encouraging the

    development of underutilized plant species:

    that removal of the levy/ tax on agricultural production be considered, especially for

    regions where people live mainly by such production Specifically Art 1 of

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    that policies be developed to encourage people in remote areas to conserve the

    underutilized plant species, propagandize traditional knowledge and improve

    peoples knowledge of the value (medicinal, cosmetic, nutritional, cultural) of suchspecies and of their cultivation techniques.

    that supportive policies be developed both public and private research institutes to

    conduct research on local underutilized plant species with farmer participation

    (regarding their potential utilization, seed production and market, and other).

    that local underutilized plant species be collected and identified and that an

    inventory be created for the listing of these species. The species are divided into 2groups:

    Group 1 is of scientific value and needs to be included in the genetic

    esource list ofex-situ orin-situ conservation for breeding materials; and

    Group 2 is of economic value and requires multiplication, as well as

    intensive cultivation techniques to increase yield, quality and economic

    efficiency and to develop trade marks or geographical indications.

    that policies be developed with regard to an equitable sharing of benefits arising

    from the use of underutilized plant species, with the communities concerned.

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    A l i f i ti ti l li i th t bl i hibit th id f d tili d l t i f f d

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for foodand agriculture in Vietnam



    ANNEX I: Study Work Plan (Oct. 2005 - Sept. 2006)

    ANNEX II Questionnaire on Underutilized Plant Species

    ANNEX III Seminar on underutilized plants species,

    Hanoi Agricultural University, 23 August, 2006

    List of Participants

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    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for foodand agriculture in Vietnam


    ANNEX 1

    Project Study Work Plan (October 2005 - September 2006)









    I Research Activities

    1 Section 1.01 Identification of existing nationalpolicies in the areas of agricultural research, rural and

    national development, health and nutrition, ruralinvestment and microfinance, education, marketing,export, biodiversity conservation and the environment,dealt with in terms of biodiversity.

    X X

    2 Section 1.02 Collection of relevant policy andlegal documents in the above-mentioned areas

    X X X

    3 Review of policy documents related to underutilizedspecies and evaluating the policies regarding theirimpact on same.

    X X X

    4 Screening of identified policies for explicit referencesto underutilized species

    X X

    5 Identifying whether these policies support or inhibit thebroader use of underutilized plant species.


    6 Interviews with policy makers and practitioners X

    7 Section 1.03 Small workshop on recommend-ations for the most relevant policies


    II Institutional activities

    8 Presenting the results of the project to the Task ForceMeeting X X

    9 Meeting of project participants (5 meetings) X X X X

    10 Planning of meetings and reviewing reports X X

    11 Preparing interim and final technical/financial reports X x

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    y g p p pand agriculture in Vietnam


    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for food

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    and agriculture in Vietnam


    ANNEX 2

    Questionnaire* on Underutilized Plant Species

    Please, answer the questions in the following questionnaire. If you do so by computer,

    please insert new lines, if necessary. Or if you do so on paper, please use additional sheets

    as needed.

    Thank you very much for your cooperation and help.

    Date of interview:

    Name of interviewer:

    1. Information of your agency

    1.1. Name of agency:

    1.2. Name and position of person interviewed:

    1.3. Address




    1.4 Your agencys field of work

    Plant specific Non plant specific

    National policy-maker

    Local policy-maker

    Public research institute

    Privite sector (company)

    Extension service

    Associaltion, community


    1.5. Your agencys involvement with plants

    1 Education Research Training Conservation

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    and agriculture in Vietnam


    Issues related to the underutilized plant species (please read the definition

    provided by GFU, attached)

    1.8. Your opinion on Underutilized Plant Species:

    High value to national economy

    high value to some local Valuable gene Good for landscape Significance for sustainable agriculture Other (Clearly note)

    1.9. Among the agencies listed below, which of them are closely related to

    underutilized plant species?

    crop production dept Plant protection dept National extension

    center Animal dept Food and foodstuffresearch institute

    Horticulture Plant protection institute Plant gene centre(VAAS)

    Medical material institute

    Hanoi AgriculturalUniversity


    Youth union

    Association ofgardeners/VACVINA

    Ministry ofAgriculture and Ruural


    Ministry of Natural resourceand environmentMinistry of HealthMinistry of Science and


    Union of Scientific andtechnology association

    Industrial group Seed company

    Community Cooperative farm

    i i h li i i i hibi i d ili d l i

    Analysis of existing national policies that enable or inhibit the wider use of underutilized plant species for foodd i lt i Vi t

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    and agriculture in Vietnam


    Do you know of any specific policy documents?

    - Number .. issued by..- Number .. issued by..

    - Number .. issued by..

    How to conserve and utilize underutilized plant species

    Create a Policy supporting those agencies that are developing available underutilizedplant species

    Develop and apply a benefit-sharing policy when using underutilized plant species Consider underutilized plant species as an important factor in developing sustainableagriculture

    Place underutilized plant species in the national gene bank Community conservation Encourage the local people/farmers to participate in One Product One Community(An initiative aimed at encouraging the local stakeholders in any village to join together and develop one

    product specifically for themselves).

    Limit or discontinue support to high-yielding varieties, so as to further the utilization ofUPS

    Study and list important features of underutilized plant species Set up a research center for underutilized plant species Others

    (Thank you very much)

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