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Unido ceu slides ecodesign centre-foc_3_july2013

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guest lecture / workshop on ecodesign at the Green Industry Summer Course organised by Central European University, in partnership with UNIDO  

July  2013  

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ecodesign Dr Frank O’Connor Director @ecodesigncentre @frank_oconnor


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to  believe  in  something,  and  not  to  live  it,    is  dishonest.  

 Mahatma  Gandhi  

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“… The times of thoughtless design, which can only flourish in times of thoughtless production for thoughtless consumption, are over. We cannot afford any more thoughtlessness.”

source:  Dieter  Rams  

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“… The times of thoughtless design, which can only flourish in times of thoughtless production for thoughtless consumption, are over. We cannot afford any more thoughtlessness.”

source:  Dieter  Rams  

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so what happened between 1976 and 2013?

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source: http://www.realcycle.co.uk

we continue to live in a throwaway society. ………… yet there is still no ‘away’.

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 image source: ads-ngo.com

source:    Edwin  Datschefski  &  United  NaFons  University  

…  and  now  98%  of  products  are  thrown      away  within  6  months.  

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       we  conFnue  to  over  consume.  

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…  If  everyone  in  the  world  were  to  consume  natural  resources  and  generate  carbon  dioxide  (CO2)  at  the  rate  we  do  in  the  UK,  we‘d  need  three  planets  to  support  us.      source:  WWF  UK,  DEFRA  

 three  planet  living  

 factor  ‘X’?  

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Image  source:  Banksy  

we  see  even  more  of  a  disconnect  between  people  …..  and  between  planet  and  people.  

..  and  true  costs  conFnue  not  to  be  accounted  for.  

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 car  components  

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source: WHO / BBC source: Harman  speakers  

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image sources: Harman & wiki

 car  speaker  low  carbon  

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 image source: hybridcars.com


 true  cost  

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 image source: dailymail.co.uk

 toxicity,  health  

 true  cost  

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source: wiki.umd.edu / getty images source: Chris Jordan


 true  cost  

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source: mywindpowersystem.com

low  carbon  /  high  on    criFcal  materials  

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good design.

how do we know its good?

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good design is:

innovative useful aesthetic understandable unobtrusive Dieter Rams (from the ’70s)

honest long-lasting thorough environmentally friendly as little design as possible

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606 Universal Shelving System Designed by Dieter Rams in 1960 and made by Vitsœ ever since

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source: miscell. web sites


real need?

banana  guard  

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can design be good?

if it does not consider the key environmental and social impacts along the life cycle?

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can design be good?

if it does not consider the key environmental and social impacts along the life cycle?

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we  conFnue  to  experience  a  collecFve  unconscious  behaviour  …..  with  catastrophic  unintended  consequences.  

good design is a behaviour.

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we  con6nue  to  experience  a  collec6ve  unconscious  behaviour  …..  with  catastrophic  unintended  consequences.  

good design is a behaviour.

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every design choice has a consequence

image  source:    Chris  Jordan  

80% of impacts are determined at design stage

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“There are professions more harmful than industrial design, but only a very few of them. And possibly only one profession is phonier. Advertising design, in persuading people to buy things they don‘t need, with money they don’t have, in order to impress others who don‘t care, is probably the phoniest field in existence today.”

Victor Papanek, Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, Thames and Hudson, 1984

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designers interact between industry, users and other actors




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designers can influence how people consume, use, behave … live.




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population growth

source: engine group and UNFPA source: engine group and UK statistics

ageing population

a move to cities non-inclusive

resource scarcity knowledge loss

emerging economies

natural disasters


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emerging economies

1 billion of these people are living in slums, squats & unofficial settlements

 source: UNHABITAT

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source: http://readwrite.com/

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‘things’ are hopelessly over-rated John Thackara (Social Innovation Expert) @johnthackara http://doorsofperception.com

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social  crimes      



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air  pollu6on  kills  3  million  people  each  year,  mostly  in  poor  countries    

source: WHO / BBC



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between  100  and  1000  species  become  ex6nct  each  year,  because  their  habitats  are  changing  or  being  destroyed.      

source: UK Government



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Image www.castlereagh.gov.uk


 so  much  waste  

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over  1  billion  people  do  not  have  access  to  clean  drinking  water    

source: UNDP


   access  to  water  

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80%  of  all  disease  in  developing  countries  is  caused  by  consump6on  of  contaminated  water    

source: WHO


   access  to  water  

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3800 children die each day

from diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene

water access

 source: UN / flickr


   access  to  water  

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 illustraFon:  Nathan  Halle^  

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what would the design brief for the industrial revolution look like? design a system of production that: 1.  puts billions of pounds of toxic material into the air, water and soil

2. measures prosperity by activity, not legacy 3. requires thousands of complex regulations to keep people and

natural systems from being poisoned too quickly 4. produces materials so dangerous that they will require constant

vigilance from future generations 5. results in gigantic amounts of waste 6. puts valuable materials in holes all over the planet, where they can

never be retrieved 7. erodes the diversity of biological species and cultural practices source: William McDonough and Michael Braungart in Penny Allen (ed) (2001) Metaphors for Change: partnership, tools and civic action for sustainability, Sheffield: Greenleaf: 68 – from a presentation by Dr. Emma Dewberry to the Ecodesign Centre & partners in 2008

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wisdom knowledge through practice over time




source: from a presentation by Dr. Emma Dewberry to the Ecodesign Centre & partners in 2008

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‘commandments  of    industrialised  society’  

 1)  create  more  desire  (perceived  needs)  2)  thou  shalt  consume  (=  good  life)    culture  of  consumpFon    -­‐  devaluing  of  culture    

source:  Henry  1949  cited  in  Jones  1987  

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 we  ALL  have  to  change  

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us business education



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us business education



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the  single  biggest  problem  in  communicaFon  is  the  illusion  that  it  has  taken  place.    George  Bernard  Shaw        

image source: flickr.com

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source:  Nathan  HalleP  

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images:  Apple  products,  Harman,  miscell.  sites  





2006 !



s  on  my  journe


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our mission is to make ecodesign happen

through collaboration along the life cycle

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eco-strategies: ecodesign is an approach to designing products and services that aims to reduce environmental impacts over the full life cycle. eco-innovation is an approach to innovation that leads to a reduction in environmental impacts through targeted technological, organisational or institutional mechanisms.

source:  EU  Eco-­‐innova6on  Ac6on  Plan  website:  hPp://ec.europa.eu/environment/ecoap/index_en.htm  

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ecodesign  thinking  considers  the  materials,  processes  &  pracFces  of  a  organisaFon.  It  can  idenFfy  layers  of  waste  but  also  layers  of  value  

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effecFve  ecodesign  thinking  is  open,  process-­‐oriented,  mulFdisciplinary  and  cross-­‐funcFonal,  involving  ‘people’  as  well  as  ‘stuff’  

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it’s  a  way  of  thinking  and  doing  to  saFsfy  real  societal  needs  in  a  responsible  way      

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recent Ecodesign Centre briefings & outputs

•  Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) •  Critical Materials (CRM) •  survey of European Design Centres •  Eco-innovation

•  baseline study on resource hungry products Visit: http://www.edcw.org/en/resources

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snapshot of current collaborative work in Europe

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Bio-based plastics


Electronics PCBs Semi-conductors

Smart Textiles

Industrial Machines Sensors

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designing an eco-innovation framework for SMEs and larger businesses (project focuses on LEDs)


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shifting the innovation spectrum: incremental/technological - radical/systems

source:  OECD  eco-­‐innova6on  framework  hPp://www.oecd.org/s6/ind/greengrowthandeco-­‐  innova6on.htm  

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collaborative eco-innovation




use reuse assembly




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ww.braun-­‐ligh6ng.com  www.ona.es  



Service model



production /consumption

demonstrating eco-innovation

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a way forward

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image: Jesse Stewart / www.areaofdesign.com

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managing resources requires a deeper system understanding

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managing resources requires a whole new way of doing business & governance

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responsible business require shifting our mindset from ‘supply chains’ to ‘supply circles’

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source: Nathan Hallett

every  product  tells  a  story  J  

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"Sonicare Elite 7000“ produced at 11 locations and in five time zones, comprised of 38 components, parts supplied by Japan, France, China and Malaysia, materials and production in Austria, Sweden, assembly in Philippines and United States, when fully assembled and packaged in Seattle the components have travelled a full 27,880 kilometres, two thirds of the Earth's circumference.

source: SPIEGEL Magazine

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source: Warwick Business School published in The Guardian, 26th June 2013

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image  source:  Fuse  /  GePy  

life cycle / systems thinking

circular economy

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extract from a paper on materialism by

Alwyn Jones, 1987

this type of thinking is not new!

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source: adapted from Danish Design Council


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common  ecodesign  strategies  /  approaches  /  tools  

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design for…. full life cycles life cycles, nutrient cycles, material selection, cradle to cradle

image source: mc donagh / braungart

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design for…. fair & just production health and safety, employees

rights, unions, forced labour, child

labour, discrimination,

source: martin charter / CFSD

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 …...individuals  act  primarily  on  issues  that  impact  their  personal  well-­‐being,  their  family,  and  their  immediate  community.    Unless  those  needs  are  tended  to,  most  individuals  won't  commit  to  causes  that  promise  to  benefit  the  world  at  large.      Catherine  Greener  

source: WHO / BBC

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invesFgate  the    internal  and  external  drivers  for  packaging,  product  or  service  (re)design.    these  drivers  could  include  legislaFon,  customers,  new  technology,  compeFFon.    

assess  the  environmental  impacts  of  the  packaging  and  product.      map  the  life  cycle  so  you  understand  where  these  impacts  occur.  idenFfy  where  materials  and  energy  is  used  and  where  waste  is  produced.  

select  ecodesign  strategies  that  will  allow  designers  to  tackle  the  main  environmental  impacts.    explore  the  compromises  and  trade-­‐offs.  involve  others  from  markeFng,  sales,  producFon,  purchasing.  

develop  a  clear  brand  and  markeFng  strategy  to  reflect  and  communicate  the  environmental  improvements.    consider  how  the  packaging  will  impact  upon  the  brand.  

rethink   assess   communicate  design  

1.   2.   3.   4.  

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ecodesign tools qualitative quantitative








d d



/ la



stakeholder assessment

rules of thumb










footprint Life Cycle


checklists /

LiDS Wheel

MET Matrix

guidelines /


Life Cycle






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design for…. low impact materials recycled, recyclable, bio materials, compatibility, compostable,

renewable, sustainable

image source: inhabitat, Worn Again, Moscardino, Remarkable, Sony

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design for…. eco-packaging natural, returnable, reusable, multifunction, biodegradable

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design for…. renewable power human powered, solar, wind, bio, re-chargeable

image source: Philips, Freeplay, Solio

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image source: Panasonic

design for…. disassembly recycling, servicing, end-of-

life, upgrade, lean

manufacturing, cleaner

production, down-cycling,

material segregation,

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design for…. durability longevity, durability, desire

image source: dualit, kitchenaid

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design for…. product systems returnable, remanufacture,

re-use, closed-loop, end-of-life,


image source: RSA

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a  marketable  set  of  products  and  services  capable  of  fulfilling  a  user’s  need        (Goedkoop  et  al.)  

product  service    systems  

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…  also  known  as  a  funcFon  oriented  business  model  (e.g.  Xerox)      

product  service    systems  

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hire   lease  /  service  

consumer  goods  


full  ownership  


(adapted from Cooper et al.)


no  ownership   responsible    business  models  

product  service    systems  

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product  service    systems  

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source: ser_is_snarkish

product  service    systems  

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source: London Bus Museum

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source: design21, Lifestraw


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source: Droog, Tejo Remy

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Cradle to Cradle


“remake the way wemake things” thinking about the materials we use, howour products are designed and assembled, and their cyclesof use with our customers.

No matter how good your products are, there comes a timewhen their first useful life comes to an end. In considering product life cycles Cradle to Cradle asks us to re-think thecommonplace approach of “take, make & waste” and thisprompted us to act.

During the early stages of the design of Ara we established arelationship with one of Cradle to Cradle’s authors, renowned industrial chemist Micheal Braungart. Throughout the development we have been working with EPEA, Micheal’s C2C organisation based in Hamburg.

We’ve always very carefully considered the materials that we usein our products but our aim in working with EPEA is to ensurethat what we’re using is truly safe, for humans and the environment alike, and successful in technical cycles of reuse.This means looking in much more detail at every chemical ingredient in the materials we use; to determine which inhibitthis aim and need to be substituted or remove as a result.

Cradle to Cradle is an approach to design which looks to makeus truly environmentally effective, by developing products forclosed loop systems in which all the materials used are safe andbeneficial - either to biodegrade naturally or to be fully recycledinto high quality materials for subsequent product generations,again and again. In order for us to maximise the value of the materials used in your chair we’d like to get them back onceyou’ve finished with them. It’s pretty simple, all you need to dois visit our website at www.orangebox.com/endoflife.htm

Returning your ARA at ‘End of Life’


n En





support that’s there only when you need it.

Our goal w

as to design a new arm

pad that was m

ore comfortable

than ever, using materials that could be segregated easily and recycled

more effectively. The traditional PU

is replaced by a flexible polymer

with a separate insert m

ade from recycled foam

. The result is an arm

rest that’s robust, easy to use and probably the most com


e’ve ever made.

Do som

ething really simple; m

ake the chair base 100%

r ecyclable.N

ot the most com

plicated part on a task chair, granted, but we asked

ourselves the question - some look m

uch better than others but allplastic chair bases are pretty m

uch the same, aren’t they? W

ell in onesense they are, and w

ith very few exceptions they all have a m

etal collar m

oulded into the plastic to stop the gas lift creeping throughthe base. G

reat for not dragging your chair across the carpet butnot so great w

hen you come to recycle it, as the collar can be very

difficult to remove.

Smart design and careful m

aterial selection has enabled us to createa base w

ithout a collar insert. A sim

ple point but unlike almost all

other plastic bases ours is 100% recyclable. A

nd rest assured we’ve

tested it like mad.

The Mechanism


synchronous m


delivers a


balanced m




refined engineering.


synchronous? Quite sim

ply, we’ve alw

ays felt that the action ofseat and back m

oving together in this way provides a natural,

intuitive ride. Proven ergonomic research also tells us that regular

changes in posture improves our w

ell being when sitting at w


e know that people com

e in all shapes and sizes. That’s why

smart engineering inside the m

echanism m

eans the ride can betuned and balanced to your precise needs, using adjustm

ent controls that are easy to operate and labelled clearly.

disassembly takeback, reuse cradle to cradle, collaboration

Ara: ecodesign = good design


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do: more for less

part reduction (25% less weight), disassembly, dematerialisation & material streamlining


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do: supply chain

a local supply chain has reduced manufacturing costs, allowed for closer working relationships with suppliers and has reduced environmental impacts through energy reduction at the transport stage (a direct saving on average of 20% on the cost of components = £280,000 saving)


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do: responsible design

estimated that £750,000 will be saved annually on the do range alone as a direct result of the ecodesign led approach employed as part of core business strategy.


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product design

the ‘environment’: •  true cost •  consumption •  business model •  infrastructure •  education •  procurement •  people •  LCA, etc. image source:


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good  design  consideraFons    considera6on  of  full  life  cycle  /  system  /  true  cost    no  shi[  between  stages  of  life  cycle  /  LCA    design  for  transformaFve  use  cycles    design  for  new  models  of  business  &  un-­‐ownership  


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ecodesign  criteria    long-­‐life    non-­‐toxic      localise    renewable  energy  


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good  business  consideraFons    adaptable  supply  circles  instead  of  chains    transparency,  honesty  &  openness  (traceability)    true  collabora6on  through  empathy  &  extending  trust    framework  to  build  capacity  &  competencies  


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innovaFon  through  mindset  changes  –  think  …    ‘resource’  instead  of  ‘waste’    ‘need’,  ‘use’  instead  of  ‘consume’    how  to  transform  ‘stuff’  &  not  destroy      wider  life  cycle  /  ‘circular  economy’  team      


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do  not  accept    ‘that’s  the  way  it  is’  

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generic first steps decide not to stay where you are find something you love, believe in, are passionate about take responsibility, lead don’t be afraid to fail learn from your mistakes understand your own role ensure you are contributing, relevant

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generic first steps clearly define your values set a clear vision, mission seek to understand, empathise, trust focus on building capacity ‘walk the talk’ keep it simple, do it now

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do  not  accept    ‘that’s  the  way  it  is’  

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a  world  where  responsible  design  &  business  is  the  norm  

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designed,  made,  remade  ….    

passport source: Habufa

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our  responsibility  is  no  longer  to  acquire,  but  to  be        Rabindranath  Tagore      

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to  be…  We  cannot  just  be  by  ourselves  alone.  We  have  to  inter-­‐be  with  every  other  thing.        Thich  Nhat  Hanh  

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a  journey  of  a  thousand  miles  must  begin  with  a  single  step.        Lao  Tzu  


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today  is  one  step  ………..                  good  luck!  


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support reading - personal viewpoint Can design be good? http://www.thepeoplesdesignlab.org.uk/can-design-be-good/ Why we cannot accept bad design  http://www.edcw.org/en/why-we-cannot-accept-bad-design Being design http://hiatusbookblog.wordpress.com/2013/02/22/frank-oconnor-eng/

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thanks: @WelshGovernment @UNIDO @ceuHungary @ecodesigncentre colleagues & you.


ecodesigncentre.org  @LCAtogo  @cycLEDeer    @frank_oconnor  

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sample activities to undertake


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consider  why  disposal  is  such  a  large  part  of  many  product  stories.    and  why  we  choose  to  purchase  these  products.  


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 consider  what  products  lend  themselves  to  product  service  systems?  


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choose  a  product  to  ecodesign?      explain  your  choice  (of  product)  and  approach  (i.e.  key  strategies).  


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choose  an  item  of  clothing  and  map  out  its  story  /  life  cycle?    how  would  you  re-­‐ecodesign?    explain  your  decision  making.  


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what  is  the  one  thing  you  would  do  to  make  ecodesign  happen?    


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what  is  the  one  thing  you  would  do  to  make  responsible  business  happen?    


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consider  the  role  of:  § government?  § industry?  § educaFon?  

in  an  world  where  responsible  design  &  business  is  the  norm.      


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choose a product sketch circle(s) of use include key stages identify key actors select a life cycle strategy consider role of: government, business, education and design

