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Unifier Installation Guide

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Unifier Installation Guide
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    Oracle Primavera Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server

    Copyright 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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    This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement

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    The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not

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    If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or

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    U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system,

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    Legal Notices

  • 3


    Legal Notices ........................................................................................................................ 2

    Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5

    Contacting Customer Support ............................................................................................ 5

    Primavera Unifier Overview ............................................................................................... 6

    Primavera uDesigner Overview ......................................................................................... 6

    Primavera Unifier Installation Steps for First Time Install ................................................... 7

    Upgrading Primavera Unifier Installation Steps .................................................................. 8

    Installing Primavera Unifier ................................................................................................. 9

    Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 9

    Installing WebLogic ....................................................................................................... 9 Installing JRockit ......................................................................................................... 10 Installing Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) .......................................................................... 10

    Installing Primavera Unifier .............................................................................................. 10

    Configuring the Database Server ...................................................................................... 11

    Configuring the Oracle Database Server.......................................................................... 11

    Configuring the SQL Database Server ............................................................................. 11

    Configuring WebLogic for Primavera Unifier ................................................................... 12

    Creating a WebLogic Domain for Primavera Unifier ......................................................... 12

    Starting and Stopping the Admin Server .......................................................................... 13

    Starting the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier ......................................... 13 Starting WebLogic on Windows Platforms ..............................................................13 Starting WebLogic on UNIX Platforms ....................................................................14

    Stopping the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier ........................................ 14 Stopping WebLogic on Windows Platforms.............................................................14 Stopping WebLogic on UNIX Platforms ...................................................................14

    Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional) ............................................... 15

    Installing and Configuring Oracle Maps (Optional) .......................................................... 15

    Installing Oracle WebCenter Content (Optional) .............................................................. 15

    Installing AutoVue Server .................................................................................................. 17

    Install AutoVue................................................................................................................. 17

    Configuring for AutoVue ................................................................................................... 18

    Configuring Primavera Unifier ........................................................................................... 19

    Configuring Primavera Unifier .......................................................................................... 19

    General Tab ................................................................................................................ 19 Repository Tab (WebCenter Content) ......................................................................... 20 Repository Tab (Network File System) ........................................................................ 21 Database Tab (Oracle) ................................................................................................ 22

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Database Tab (MS SQL Server).................................................................................. 23 Email Tab .................................................................................................................... 24 Markup Server Tab...................................................................................................... 25 Report Tab .................................................................................................................. 25 Geo Map Tab .............................................................................................................. 26 Saving the Configuration Data ..................................................................................... 26

    Starting and Stopping Primavera Unifier .......................................................................... 26

    Editing Configuration Data ............................................................................................... 27

    Copying the Configuration Data File ................................................................................ 27

    Configuring the Web Server .............................................................................................. 29

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) ............................................................................................. 29

    SSL Certificate ............................................................................................................ 30 Data Backup Recommendations ................................................................................. 30

    Deploying Primavera Unifier in WebLogic ........................................................................ 31

    Adding Primavera Unifier as a WebLogic Application....................................................... 31

    Launching Primavera Unifier ............................................................................................. 33

    Starting Primavera Unifier for the First Time .................................................................... 33

    Installing Primavera Unifier Applications .......................................................................... 33

    Installing Additional Applications ................................................................................. 35

    Upgrading Primavera Unifier ............................................................................................. 37

    Appendix A: Service Pack Installation .............................................................................. 39

    Appendix B: Archiving ....................................................................................................... 41

    Appendix C: Uninstalling the Current Version of Primavera Unifier .............................. 43

    Appendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration Scenarios ............................................... 45

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging Environment ................................................................ 45

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment ........................................................... 47

    Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging Environment .................................................................... 47

    Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment ............................................................ 49

  • 5

    This guide describes how to:

    Set up the Primavera Unifier servers and third party services. The requirements include:

    Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g, or SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008 database server

    Oracle WebLogic

    Primavera Unifier Application/Web Server

    AutoVue Server

    Reports Server (Optional)

    Oracle Maps (Optional)

    Oracle WebCenter Content (Optional)

    Install and configure Primavera Unifier components

    This guide is intended for IT professionals who are installing and configuring the server

    environment for Primavera Unifier and who are supporting Primavera Unifier users.

    For the full list of system requirements and versions, see the Configuration Information

    document under "Installation and Configuration Documentation" in the Primavera Unifier

    9.12 Online Documentation Library on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN).

    Note: Primavera uDesigner is a companion module to Primavera

    Unifier and is installed automatically with Primavera Unifier.

    In This Section

    Contacting Customer Support ................................................................................. 5

    Primavera Unifier Overview ....................................................................................... 6

    Primavera uDesigner Overview ................................................................................ 6

    Primavera Unifier Installation Steps for First Time Install .......................................... 7

    Upgrading Primavera Unifier Installation Steps ....................................................... 8

    Contacting Customer Support

    If you have a question about using Oracle products that you or your network

    administrator cannot resolve with information in the documentation or help, go to:


    This page provides the latest information on contacting Oracle Global Customer

    Support, knowledge articles, and the support renewals process.


  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Access to Oracle Support

    Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For

    information, visit http://www.oracle.com/us/support/contact-068555.html or visit

    http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/accessibility/support/index.html if you are hearing


    Primavera Unifier Overview

    Designing, building, and managing facilities requires extensive collaboration between

    numerous, often geographically dispersed, disciplines and entities. Throughout the

    process, from conceptual design to facility operations, access to accurate, up-to-date

    information is critical to the success of a project and facility.

    Oracle Primavera's Primavera Unifier is an integrated platform that optimizes business

    processes and creates visibility to enable customers to better manage all of the

    communications and information required to successfully manage a facility throughout

    the lifecycle.

    Primavera Unifier is a system for managing the flow of information in projects or shells,

    providing a seamlessly automated and integrated environment across the lifecycle of

    your company's facilities, from planning, design, procurement, construction and into

    operations and maintenance. It provides real-time visibility across multiple projects or

    shells to help your company make fast, accurate decisions.

    Primavera Unifier lets you track and manage information such as budgets, project or shell

    members, specifications, requests for information, and shared documents. You decide

    who has access to the information, which team members are allowed to approve

    changes to the information, and how information flows between people.

    Oracle Primavera's solutions automate manual processes and pull together information

    from various point systems typically used on a portfolio of projects or shells. Through

    Primavera Unifier, executives and project or shell team members can better manage all

    data and business processes in one centralized system, while reducing the reliance on

    older technologies such as e-mail, fax, and desktop applications.

    Primavera Unifier was designed from the ground up specifically for the facility owner,

    based upon our industry domain expertise and knowledge of best practices combined

    with direct customer input gathered over decades of client interaction. The result is a

    robust set of capabilities with an intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Primavera Unifier enables

    leading owners and operators to increase enterprise efficiencies, reduce project and

    operating costs, enhance visibility, and improve time-to-market.

    Primavera uDesigner Overview

    Primavera uDesigner is a functional module of Primavera Unifier and is enabled

    automatically when a "product/application" is installed.

  • Introduction


    Primavera uDesigner provides a flexible and sophisticated design tool for those

    customers who want to create and publish their own customized business processes


    Once a business process has been created and completed in Primavera uDesigner, it

    can be tested on a Primavera Unifier staging environment. A Primavera Unifier staging

    environment is a Primavera Unifier server deployed without checking the "Production"

    configuration checkbox in the Configurator. (You select this staging and production

    environments in the Unifier Configurator.) The staging environment allows each business

    process to be tested for completeness and functionality. After the business process has

    been tested and meets your requirements, it can then be imported into the Primavera

    Unifier production environment and used by active Primavera Unifier users.

    Note: Primavera uStage is a testing Environment that replicates the

    Primavera Unifier production environment. It must be set up just like

    production. Business processes can be deployed multiple times on

    Primavera uStage.

    The Company Administrator has the access to uDesigner only when the Unifier Server

    Type is set to Staging mode. If the Server Type is set to Production mode, the

    administrator will be able to import the business processes and designs but will not be

    able access the uDesigner tool.

    Primavera Unifier Installation Steps for First Time Install

    These steps are provided as a reference for the installation and configuration process for

    a first time installation. Each step corresponds to a section in this guide. It is

    recommended that you follow the steps in this order.

    Note: Before you begin: If you dont already have one, create an installation account that has full administration privileges for the

    server. (This account is needed for maintenance and upgrades.)

    Step 1 Install Primavera Unifier.

    Step 2 Configure the Database Server. (This step must be completed before configuring Primavera Unifier; this information will be used later during database

    configuration within Unifier Configurator.)

    Step 3 Configure WebLogic for Primavera Unifier.

    Step 4 Install and configure the Reports Server. (Optional)

    Step 5 Configure Oracle Maps. (Optional)

    Step 6 Install Oracle WebCenter Content. (Optional)

    Step 7 Install AutoVue Server.

    Step 8 Configure Primavera Unifier. (Change settings using Unifier Configurator)

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Step 9 Configure the Web Server.

    Step 10 Deploy Primavera Unifier in WebLogic.

    Step 11 Launch Primavera Unifier and install Primavera Unifier applications.

    Upgrading Primavera Unifier Installation Steps

    See Upgrading Primavera Unifier (on page 37) for details.

  • 9

    This section describes how to:

    Install Primavera Unifier

    In This Section

    Prerequisites ................................................................................................................. 9

    Installing Primavera Unifier ....................................................................................... 10


    Create an installation account on the server that has full administration privileges. You

    will need to use this account for maintenance and upgrades.

    The following are also prerequisites:

    Installation of the supported versions of WebLogic, JRockit, and JDK. Installation of the supported version of Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) Installation of an Oracle or Microsoft SQL database

    See the Tested Configurations document for the supported versions.

    Installing WebLogic

    You will need to install WebLogic 11g to deploy Primavera Unifier. For supported version

    levels, see the Tested Configurations document. Also, consult WebLogics documentation for installation instructions. Visit


    WebLogic JDK

    WebLogic 11g automatically installs Oracle JRockit and Sun Java 2 JDK version 6.0 for

    Windows; however, specific versions are supported based on your configuration. For a list

    of tested configurations for Primavera Unifier, see the Tested Configurations document.

    These guidelines were current at the time of publication:

    You must use a supported version of a JDK. To use JRockit, you must have JRockit for Java SE 6. The Microsoft Windows and Linux

    platform versions of the Primavera Unifier media pack includes JRockit R28 for Java SE

    6. For more information, see the Primavera Unifier Media Pack Readme and


    Installing Primavera Unifier

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Installing JRockit

    WebLogic 11g automatically installs Oracle JRockit and Sun Java 2 JDK version 6.0 for

    Windows; however, specific versions are supported based on your configuration. For a list

    of tested configurations for Primavera Unifier, see the Tested Configurations document.

    These guidelines were current at the time of publication:

    You must use a supported version of a JDK. To use JRockit, you must have JRockit for Java SE 6. The Microsoft Windows and Linux

    platform versions of the Primavera Unifier media pack includes JRockit R28 for Java SE

    6. For more information, see the Primavera Unifier Media Pack Readme and


    Installing Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    You will need to install the Oracle HTTP server (OHS) to deploy Primavera Unifier. For

    supported version levels, see the Tested Configurations document. Also, consult the

    Administrator's Guide for Oracle HTTP Server document for installation instructions. Visit



    Installing Primavera Unifier

    To install Unifier:

    1) Go to Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

    2) Download Primavera Unifier R9.12 for folder and extract the contents.


    Primavera Unifier R9.12 for is the name of the media pack

    3) Extract the unifier_wl.zip file to a known location, such as C:/Unifier.

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    This section describes how to configure the database server.

    In This Section

    Configuring the Oracle Database Server ............................................................. 11

    Configuring the SQL Database Server ................................................................... 11

    Configuring the Oracle Database Server

    The following is an overview of the steps required to configure the Oracle database for

    use with Unifier. Refer to your Oracle documentation for more information and specific


    To configure the Oracle database for use with Primavera Unifier

    1) Create an instance for the database.

    Note: You can accept the defaults except for the following: Ensure

    to set encoding to Unicode (UTF-8).

    2) Create a user account on the newly created database.

    For successful Primavera Unifier/uDesigner installation, make sure ample free space

    (at least 2GB) is available for the default tablespace where the new user will be


    3) Grant the new user with "connect, resource, create view, and create table"


    Note: This information will be needed later for setting database

    information within the Unifier Configurator (under the Database


    Configuring the SQL Database Server

    The following is an overview of the steps required to configure the Microsoft SQL

    database for use with Unifier. Refer to your SQL documentation for more information and

    specific instructions.

    To configure the Microsoft SQL database for use with Unifier

    1) Create a new database to be used with Unifier.

    Configuring the Database Server

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Note: You can accept the defaults.

    2) Create a user account for the newly created database.

    3) Use the default SQL configuration. You need to assign the user as db_owner or Unifier

    will not work.

    Note: This information will be needed later for setting database

    information within the Unifier Configurator (under the Database


    This section provides topics for configuring WebLogic for Primavera Unifier.

    Creating a WebLogic Domain for Primavera Unifier

    To create a WebLogic Domain:

    1) Run the WebLogic Configuration Wizard.

    2) In the Welcome window:

    a. Select Create a new WebLogic domain.

    b. Click Next.

    3) In the Select Domain Source window, click Next to accept the default selections.

    4) In the Specify Domain Name and Location:

    a. Enter the domain name.

    b. Enter the domain location.

    c. Click Next.

    5) In the Configure Administrator User Name and Password window:

    a. Enter the user name and password information.

    b. Click Next.

    6) In the Configure Server Start Mode and JDK window:

    a. Select Production Mode in the left pane.

    b. Select an appropriate JDK in the right pane.

    c. Click Next.

    7) In the Select Optional Configuration window:

    a. Select the Administration Server option.

    b. Click Next.

    8) (Optional) In the Configure the Administration Server window:

    Configuring WebLogic for Primavera Unifier

  • Configuring WebLogic for Primavera Unifier


    a. Select the SSL enabled option and set the SSL listen port if you are enabling Secure

    Sockets Layer communication.



    ml for more details on setting SSL for WebLogic.

    Note: Oracle recommends you always use SSL in a production

    environment for secure communications.

    b. Click Next.

    9) In the Configuration Summary window, click Create.

    If given the option, you can click Done now. Otherwise, continue to the next step.

    10) If you are using Windows, in the Creating Domain window:

    a. Select Start Admin Server.

    b. Click Done.

    11) When prompted, enter the administrator user name and password that you entered


    Starting and Stopping the Admin Server

    To deploy the Primavera Unifier application in WebLogic, you will need to start the Admin

    Server. This section also includes information on stopping your Admin Server.

    Starting the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier

    Follow the instructions below to start the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier.

    Starting WebLogic on Windows Platforms

    To start WebLogic on Windows:

    1) From the Start menu, navigate to the Oracle WebLogic submenu.

    2) Choose User Projects, domain, Start Server.

    3) If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, type in

    the administrative user name and password you specified when creating the


    Note: If you turned on the WebLogic precompile option, the

    WebLogic console displays "Server started in RUNNING mode"

    when precompiling finishes. For detailed information about turning

    on precompilation, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Starting WebLogic on UNIX Platforms

    To start WebLogic on UNIX platforms:

    1) Change to the weblogic_home/user_projects/domains/your_domain directory.

    2) Run the startWebLogic.sh script.

    3) If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, type in

    the administrative user name and password you specified when creating the


    Note: If you turned on the WebLogic precompile option, the

    WebLogic console displays "Server started in RUNNING mode"

    when precompiling finishes. For detailed information about turning

    on precompilation, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

    Stopping the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier

    When you are finished working in the WebLogic Administration Console, use the

    instructions below to stop the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera Unifier.

    Stopping WebLogic on Windows Platforms

    To stop WebLogic on Windows:

    1) From the Start menu, navigate to the Oracle WebLogic submenu.

    2) Choose User Projects, domain, Stop Server.

    3) If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, type in

    the administrative user name and password you specified when creating the


    Note: The WebLogic console window that opened when you

    started WebLogic will close automatically when it has shutdown.

    Stopping WebLogic on UNIX Platforms

    To stop WebLogic on UNIX platforms:

    1) Change to the weblogic_home/user_projects/domain directory.

    2) Run the stopWebLogic.sh script.

    3) If prompted for a user name and password in the WebLogic console window, type in

    the administrative user name and password you specified when creating the


    Note: The WebLogic console window that opened when you

    started WebLogic will close automatically when it has shutdown.

  • 15

    Consult your Oracle documentation for instructions on installing the Oracle Business

    Intelligence Publisher 11g Release 1 ( For configuration information for

    integrating Unifier and BI Publisher, see the Configuring BI Publisher for Primavera Unifier


    To configure Oracle Maps, use the Unifier Configurator to complete the fields in the Geo

    Map tab, and then restart Primavera Unifier. See the section, "Configuring Primavera

    Unifier," for more information about the Geo Map tab.

    Consult your Oracle documentation for instructions on installing the Oracle WebCenter.

    For configuration information for integrating Unifier and WebCenter content, see the

    Connecting the Content Repository to Primavera Unifier document.

    Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional)

    Installing and Configuring Oracle Maps (Optional)

    Installing Oracle WebCenter Content (Optional)

  • 17

    AutoVue installation is mandatory if you plan to use Unifiers Markup feature, also referred to as redlining. When attaching documents to a Business Process form, you can add

    markups, such as text notes or graphical elements, to the document, which display

    directly on the document but do not alter it.

    Note: You must have a license to install AutoVue.

    This section includes:

    Install steps for AutoVue Configuration for AutoVue

    In This Section

    Install AutoVue .......................................................................................................... 17

    Configuring for AutoVue .......................................................................................... 18

    Install AutoVue

    Proceed as follows to download and install AutoVue:

    1) Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

    2) Select a product pack: Oracle AutoVue.

    3) Select the applicable platform: Windows or Linux.

    4) Proceed as follows for Linux:

    a. Select this link: Oracle AutoVue 20.2.1 Media Pack for Linux x86.

    b. Download Oracle AutoVue 2D Professional 20.2.1 for Linux x86.

    5) Proceed as follows for Windows:

    a. Select this link: Oracle AutoVue 20.2.1 Media Pack for Microsoft Windows (32-bit).

    b. Download Oracle AutoVue 2D Professional 20.2.1 for Microsoft Windows 32-bit.

    6) After download, extract the zip file and go to this directory:


    7) Run the InstallClientServer.exe and follow the installation wizard steps, but be aware

    of the following:

    For authentication mechanism select Configure later (Manual Configuration)

    For SSL configuration select Configure later (Manual Configuration)

    Installing AutoVue Server

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Configuring for AutoVue

    You do this after you finish downloading and installing AutoVue:

    Use the Unifier Configurator to complete the Server internal URL field in General Tab and to complete the fields in the Markup Server tab. See the section, "Configuring

    Primavera Unifier," for more information about the General and Markup Server tabs.

  • 19

    This section describes how to configure Unifier using Unifier Configurator.

    In This Section

    Configuring Primavera Unifier ................................................................................. 19

    Starting and Stopping Primavera Unifier ................................................................ 26

    Editing Configuration Data...................................................................................... 27

    Copying the Configuration Data File ..................................................................... 27

    Configuring Primavera Unifier

    The Primavera Unifier environment is configured through the Unifier Configurator window.

    To change settings within Unifier Configurator

    1) Open the WebLogic directory inside the Unifier Home folder.

    2) Proceed as follows only if the setenv.bat file (if using Wiindows) or the setenv.sh file (if

    using Linux) was not already edited, as discussed below:

    Set the domain_home variable to specify the path of the domain home folder

    that will be used by Unifier.

    Set the admin url variable to specify host name and port number used by the

    Unifier domain.

    Set the java_home variable to specify the java home used by the Unifier domain.

    Save the file.

    3) Run configurator.bat (if using Windows) or configurator.sh (if using Linux).

    4) On the Unifier Configurator window, configure the settings for each of the tabs as

    described in the following topics.

    General Tab

    Server Type: The setting that defines the mode Unifier server is running.

    Set Server Type to Production if this Unifier installation is acting as the Unifier production environment.

    Set Server Type to Staging if this Unifier installation is acting as the staging server for testing of business processes and other Unifier designs and configurations.

    Configuring Primavera Unifier

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Note: You must set the Server Type to Staging if you want to use

    Primavera uDesigner. If you do not select Staging, you will be

    unable to initiate uDesigner because the Design Mode option for

    uDesigner will not appear on the User Mode menu, available from

    the Unifier Home tab.

    Server Internal URL: Enter the internal URL address of this Unifier server (HTTP), including the

    port number of the application server instance (for example,

    http://host1.example.com:7001). This URL is used by the BI Publisher and Markup servers

    to communicate with Unifier.

    Login Session Timeout: Login Session Timeout is used to control the amount of time a user

    can be idle before having to log back into Unifier. The unit is seconds. For security

    reasons, the recommended timeout setting is between 30 minutes and 4 hours.

    Late Notice Interval: Interval, in minutes, used by the internal job server for notification

    tasks. The suggested interval is 15 minutes. A very small interval may degrade


    Max. Concurrent Logins: The setting for the maximum number of concurrent users that

    can log into the system. The recommended setting is 400.

    Background Job Disabled: Determines whether the Unifier background job is disabled.

    OIM/OAM Enabled: Determines whether integration of Primavera Unifier with Oracle

    Identify and Access Manager is enabled.

    SSO Logout: Enter the logout URL for Oracle Access Manager Single Sign On


    UPK Help URL: Enter the URL where the User Productivity Kit (UPK) help content is to be

    hosted (as a generic example, http://servername/contextroot, or as a specific example

    is http://localhost/unifierupk).

    Link Help to OTN: Determines whether the Unifier Help links to the Oracle Technology

    Network (OTN) site.

    Repository Tab (WebCenter Content)

    This topic applies when you select WebCenter Content for the File Repository field.

    There are two data repositories (folders in which Unifier data is stored), which Unifier

    requires you to configure. There are additional repositories, such as the archive directory

    for project archiving, that are used with specific features, as described below. These can

    be located on a local but separate hard drive, or on a mapped drive on your network.

    File Repository: Select WebCenter Content.

    WebCenter Content Server Host: This is the IP address of the WebCenter Content server.

    WebCenter Content Server Port: This is the port of the WebCenter Content server.

  • Configuring Primavera Unifier


    WebCenter Content User: This is the user who will add documents through the API. The

    user should exist in the WebCenter Content server.

    WebCenter Content Root Folder: The root folder in WebCenter Content under which all

    Unifier folders will be created. When no root folder is specified, all folders will be created

    under "Contribution Folders."

    Caution: It is important to plan where these directories are located

    because they are where Unifier data is stored. Any subsequent

    upgrade installations need to point to these same two directories in

    order for Unifier to see data previously entered.

    These repositories, in addition to your database, should be backed

    up regularly.

    When naming the folders, be sure there are no spaces in the folder


    File Directory: This field is disabled when you select WebCenter Content for File


    Caution: These files must be on a shared drive that is accessible by

    other server machines that are operating in a clustering


    Index Directory: This folder is for index files used in Document Manager search function.

    Archive Directory: For project archiving capability. Default value is d:\projectArchive.

    (See "Appendix B: Archiving" for more information about archiving.)

    Archive Temp Directory: For temporary archived files. Default value is d:\temp.

    Report Directory: The pathname where report files are stored.

    Web Service Audit Directory: This folder stores files for Web Services calls.

    Dashboard Data Directory: This folder stores the .swf and XML files used with custom


    Log File Directory: The folder where the log files are stored.

    Repository Tab (Network File System)

    This topic applies when you select Network File System for the File Repository field.

    There are two data repositories (folders in which Unifier data is stored), which Unifier

    requires you to configure. There are additional repositories, such as the archive directory

    for project archiving, that are used with specific features, as described below. These can

    be located on a local but separate hard drive, or on a mapped drive on your network.

    File Repository: Select Network File System.

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    WebCenter Content Server Host: This field is disabled when you select Network File System

    for File Repository.

    WebCenter Content Server Port: This field is disabled when you select Network File System

    for File Repository.

    WebCenter Content User: This field is disabled when you select Network File System for File


    WebCenter Content Root Folder: This field is disabled when you select Network File System

    for File Repository.

    Caution: It is important to plan where these directories are located

    because they are where Unifier data is stored. Any subsequent

    upgrade installations need to point to these same two directories in

    order for Unifier to see data previously entered.

    These repositories, in addition to your database, should be backed

    up regularly.

    When naming the folders, be sure there are no spaces in the folder


    File Directory: Enter (or Browse to) the path where uploaded or attached files are stored.

    This repository is for storing documents within the Document Manager, such as drawings,

    plans, Word documents, etc. These files will be available for viewing or attaching to

    business process forms within Unifier. It also stores imported schedule files.

    Caution: These files must be on a shared drive that is accessible by

    other server machines that are operating in a clustering


    Index Directory: This folder is for index files used in Document Manager search function.

    Archive Directory: For project archiving capability. Default value is d:\projectArchive.

    (See "Appendix B: Archiving" for more information about archiving.)

    Archive Temp Directory: For temporary archived files. Default value is d:\temp.

    Report Directory: The pathname where report files are stored.

    Web Service Audit Directory: This folder stores files for Web Services calls.

    Dashboard Data Directory: This folder stores the .swf and XML files used with custom


    Log File Directory: The folder where the log files are stored.

    Database Tab (Oracle)

    The information entered in this tab is based on your earlier database and user account


  • Configuring Primavera Unifier


    Database Type: Select Oracle.

    Host Name: Enter the host name of the computer where you installed the database.

    Instance ID: Enter the Instance ID for the database.

    Port: Enter the Port number to be used by Unifier to communicate with the database (for

    example, 1521).

    User Name: Enter the database login user account name (created in Oracle) to be used

    by Unifier. The database login user account needs to have sufficient permissions to

    create tables in order for Unifier to work correctly.

    User Password: Enter the database login user account password to be used by Unifier.

    Database Name: This field is not applicable for Oracle.

    Max. Connections: The setting that defines the maximum connections to the database.

    The maximum is 400; the recommended maximum is 80 to 100.

    Min. Connections: The setting that defines the minimum connections that must be

    connected to the database.

    Click Test Connection to verify that the Application server and the database are connected and communicating. A Test is successful message will popup if test is

    successful. Two conditions are tested:

    Ability of Unifier to connect to the database

    Level of permissions granted to the database login user account

    Database Tab (MS SQL Server)

    The information entered in this tab is based upon your earlier database and user

    account creation.

    Database Type: Select MS SQL Server to configure for Microsoft SQL Server.

    Host Name: Enter the host name of the computer where you installed and configured

    Microsoft SQL Server database.

    Instance ID: If you did not specify an instance name when configuring the SQL Server,

    leave the Instance ID field blank. Otherwise, enter the Instance ID.

    Port: Enter the Port number to be used by Unifier to communicate with the Microsoft SQL

    Server database.

    User Name: Enter the database login user account name for the Microsoft SQL Server

    database to be used by Unifier.

    User Password: Enter the database login user account name password for the Microsoft

    SQL Server database to be used by Unifier.

    Database Name: Enter the database name (if applicable).

    Max. Connections: The setting that defines the maximum connections to the database.

    The recommended setting is 100.

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Min. Connections: The setting that defines the minimum connections that must be

    connected to the database. Click Test Connection to verify that the Application server

    and the Microsoft SQL Server database are connected and communicating.

    Email Tab

    Outbound (SMTP) E-mail Server: Enter the IP address for the outbound SMTP Email Server.

    This is required.

    System Notification E-Mail Address: This is the e-mail ID that displays as the "Senders" e-mail address for all e-mails generated by the Unifier system. Example:

    [email protected]

    E-Mail Sender Prefix: Provide the e-mail prefix that will be used in the Senders name whenever e-mail is generated from a user from within Unifier (example: Unifier). Late

    e-mail notifications will only show the E-mail Sender Prefix.

    E-mail Login URL: The URL included in all e-mail notifications to users logged into the


    Note: The E-mail Login URL Must contain the fully qualified server

    name to establish successful connection to the application server.

    Otherwise, the interactive logins will not work.

    Support Contact Information: The message text included in all Support e-mail


    Note: To enable an e-mail address as a hyperlink, use the following


    [email protected]

    Support E-mail Address: The e-mail address to be used by the mail server as the default

    system support e-mail.

    System Error Notification E-mail Address: The e-mail address where Unifier sends a

    notification if it loses connection to the database while the system is running. Addresses

    can be separated by semicolon.

    License Notification E-mail Address: The e-mail address where Unifier sends licensing

    notifications, for example, if number of users is exceeded. Addresses can be separated

    by semicolon.

    Inbound E-mail protocol: Select the protocol used by the inbound email server that can

    receive email. The supported protocols are POP3, IMAP, POP3S, and IMAPS.

  • Configuring Primavera Unifier


    Inbound E-mail Server: Enter the server that can receive email (for example, if a user

    takes action via e-mail on a business process). This can be the server name or IP address.

    Optionally, you can specify the port number after the server name of IP address, such as


    Inbound E-mail Account: Enter the email account to receive response email from the


    Note: To use the project or shell Mailbox, which allows external

    email messages to be sent to and stored within a central project or

    shell mailbox, use the following format for the inbound email

    account. This allows acceptance of inbound emails sent to the

    system-generated project/shell email addresses:

    *[email protected]. Be aware that this

    configuration is needed on the e-mail server, not within the Unifier


    Inbound E-mail Password: This is the password that corresponds to the inbound e-mail

    account. This password is used when e-mail is retrieved.

    Note: Click the Test Inbound E-mail Account button to test the

    Inbound E-mail Server, Inbound E-mail Account, and Inbound

    E-mail Password.

    Markup Server Tab

    Markup Server Host Name: Enter the host name of the markup server.

    Markup Server Port: Enter the port number of the markup server.

    Report Tab

    BIP Endpoint URL: Enter the BIP Web Services endpoint URL. For example,


    BIP User Name: Enter the user name created for the BI Publisher server.

    BIP Password: Enter the password for the BI Publisher user.

    BIP Data Source: Enter the JDBC data source name that was entered when the JDBC

    Data Source BI Publisher

    BIP Report folder: The folder under the default location in the BI Publisher catalog. Reports

    reside in this folder based on company registry.

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Note: The values used in the BIP User Name, BIP Password, BIP Data

    Source, and BIP Report folder fields are the same as those created

    when using the Configuring BI Publisher for Primavera Unifier


    Geo Map Tab

    Map Server Url: Enter https://elocation.oracle.com. This is the Oracle Map server base

    URL where the Oracle MapVeiwer application is deployed with the context "mapviewer".

    This is where the server obtains the map image.

    Map Tile: Enter elocation.world_map. This is the name of the map tile layer (the base map

    used for map rendering) that was pre-defined on the Oracle Map server. This is the map

    data source.

    Map Geocoder Url: Enter https://elocation.oracle.com. This is the server URL where the

    Oracle Geocoder application is deployed with the context "geocoder." This is the

    location service.

    Saving the Configuration Data

    You must save your configuration data to a configuration file.

    To save the configuration data:

    From the Unifier Configuration window, click File and select Save.

    Note: You need to restart Primavera Unifier for the changes to be


    Starting and Stopping Primavera Unifier

    After a new installation, Primavera Unifier must be stopped before you can make any

    changes to the configuration settings. Be sure to restart it afterward.

    To start the Primavera Unifier application in WebLogic:

    1) Open the WebLogic directory within the Unifier Home folder.

    2) Run the startup.bat file (if using Windows) or the startup.sh file (if using Linux).

    3) If prompted, enter the WebLogic user name and password.

    To stop the Primavera Unifier application in WebLogic:

    1) Open the WebLogic directory within the Unifier Home folder.

    2) Run the stop.bat file (if using Windows) or the stop.sh file (if using Linux).

    3) If prompted, enter the WebLogic user name and password.

  • Configuring Primavera Unifier


    Editing Configuration Data

    If you need to make changes to the configuration data, you must stop Primavera Unifier

    first, and then restart after making changes.

    To edit configuration data

    1) Follow the above steps to stop Primavera Unifier.

    2) In the WebLogic directory within the Unifier Home folder, locate the configurator.bat

    file (if using Windows) or the configurator.sh file (if using Linux).

    3) Run configurator.bat (if using Windows) or configurator.sh (if using Linux).

    4) Make necessary configuration changes, and then click File > Save.

    5) Restart Primavera Unifier.

    Copying the Configuration Data File

    The configuration data for the Configurator is stored automatically under the installation

    folder in the weblogic/configurator/bluedoor.properties file.

    If at some point it becomes necessary, you can transfer the configuration settings from

    one environment to another by copying the configuration data file.

  • 29

    This section describes how to configure the web server. It provides instructions that

    pertain to the Oracle HTTP Server (OHS).

    In This Section

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) ......................................................................................... 29

    Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Proceed as follows after you have completed the installation.

    Unless otherwise stated, this procedure applies to both Windows and Linux systems:

    1) Modify the $ORACLE_INSTANCE/ config/ OHS/ ohs1/httpd.conf file as follows:

    a. Change the default listen port from 7777 to 80.

    Note: Before making the above change, disable or turn-off any

    other application that is using port 80 (such as IIS or Windows).

    b. Add settings after DocumentRoot as follows:

    DocumentRoot /apps/ROOT

    c. Add parameters between so it appears as follows:

    Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks

    AllowOverride None

    Allow from all

    Order allow,deny

    DirectoryIndex index.html

    Note: is the unifier installation directory.

    2) Add the following to the $ORACLE_INSTANCE/ config/ OHS/ ohs1/mod_wl_ohs.conf


    SetHandler weblogic-handler

    WebLogicHost localhost

    WeblogicPort 7001

    Configuring the Web Server

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Note: For WebLogicHost: weblogic host and WeblogicPort:

    weblogic port, modify these entries under as


    3) This step applies only if you are using Windows:

    a. Use opmn to restart the OHS server.

    b. You have completed this procedure.

    4) This step applies only if you are using Linux:

    Note: On a Linux system, the TCP/IP port numbers below 1024 are

    special because only processes with root privileges are allowed to

    listen on those ports.

    a. Change to the root user. Navigate to ORACLE_HOME/ohs/bin (for ex:

    C:\Middleware\Oracle_WT1\ohs\bin) and run the following commands:

    chown root .apachectl

    chmod 6750 .apachectl

    Note: Be sure to enter .apachectl, not apachectl.

    b. Exit as the root user.

    c. Change the OHS Listen Port in the $ORACLE_INSTANCE/ config/ OHS/

    ohs1/httpd.conf file from 7777 to 80.

    d. Add or uncomment the User and Group directives in the httpd.conf file. Set them

    to the user and group that were used to install and configure Oracle Fusion


    e. On the Unix operating system, ensure the user and group in the httpd.conf file are

    set to the user and group who performed the installation (for example, User jsmith,

    and Group jsmith).

    f. Use opmn to restart the OHS server.

    SSL Certificate

    Primavera Unifier works in Secure or Non-secure mode. Installing a Secure Socket Layer

    (SSL) Certificate is optional.

    Data Backup Recommendations

    We recommend that Primavera Unifier data be incorporated into your company backup


    Primavera Unifier data is stored in two places:

  • Deploying Primavera Unifier in WebLogic


    Unifier database Files Repository

    These repositories need to be backed up regularly.

    Follow the instructions below to deploy Primavera Unifier into the WebLogic domain.

    Adding Primavera Unifier as a WebLogic Application

    To add Primavera Unifier as a WebLogic application:

    1) Open the WebLogic directory inside the Unifier Home folder.

    2) Edit the setenv.bat file (if using Wiindows) or the setenv.sh file (if using Linux) as follows:

    Set the domain_home variable to specify the path of the domain home folder

    that will be used by Unifier.

    Set the admin url variable to specify host name and port number used by the

    Unifier domain.

    Set the java_home variable to specify the java home used by the Unifier domain.

    3) Save the file.

    4) Run the startup.bat file (if using Windows) or the startup.sh file (if using Linux).

    5) Run the deploy.bat file (if using Windows) or the deploy.sh file (if using Linux).

    6) When prompted, enter the WebLogic user name and password.

    The deployment deploys the Unifier application in WebLogic using the variables set in

    the setenv file.

    Note: This process may take several minutes.

    When the script finishes, the Unifier application is running.

    Deploying Primavera Unifier in WebLogic

  • 33

    This section describes how to:

    Start Primavera Unifier for the first time Install Primavera Unifier applications Set up your company

    Before launching Primavera Unifier, be sure you have read the Getting Started

    document, which describes configuring Internet Explorer for use with Primavera Unifier.

    This information can be accessed from the First Time User Setup Guide link on the

    Primavera Unifier Login screen.

    In This Section

    Starting Primavera Unifier for the First Time ............................................................ 33

    Installing Primavera Unifier Applications ................................................................ 33

    Starting Primavera Unifier for the First Time

    In Internet Explorer, navigate to the URL that launches the Primavera Unifier application

    locally. At the Login window, log into Primavera Unifier with the default Administrator

    username (Administrator) and password (Administrator).

    Primavera Unifier immediately prompts you to change your password. We recommend

    you do so immediately for security reasons. Once you change your password, Primavera

    Unifier creates your Administrator account.

    The Administrator account is the only account with permissions automatically set for all

    features. The Administrator cannot be a member of any project, even if created in the

    Hosting Company.

    Installing Primavera Unifier Applications

    The following subsection describes the procedure for installing Primavera Unifier

    applications for your company. These procedures are to be performed by the Site


    Note: Before performing this procedure, ensure that the required

    Primavera Unifier Application(s), for example Primavera Capital

    Planning, are downloaded from eDelivery, unzipped, and stored


    Launching Primavera Unifier

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    When you log in as the Site Administrator, Primavera Unifier shows you the Home tab in

    Administration Mode.

    1) In the left Navigator, click the Applications node.

    Primavera Unifier displays an install panel on the right side of the window.

    2) Click the Install button.

    Primavera Unifier displays the Install Primavera Unifier Application window. Use the

    information in the table below to complete this window.

    3) Click Install.

    In this field: Do this:

    Application File Browse to where the applications are stored and select the

    application you want to install. Note that you should point

    to the .zip file and that .zip file does not need to be

    previously extracted.

    Name Enter the name of the company.

    Short Name Enter a one-word short name, up to 8 characters. The Short

    Name is a unique, one-word abbreviated form of your

    company name, and is used throughout Primavera Unifier

    in place of the company name. (For example, when

    importing Primavera uDesigner-created business

    processes, and on logs that identify partner companies.)

    Currency Enter the default currency that will be used by the


    Contact Email Enter the company administrators email address

    Licensed Users Enter the number of users who will be licensed to use the


    Address Type Identify the address you are entering, such as

    Headquarters, Billing Office, or Satellite Office.

    Address Enter the company address.

    City Enter the city for the address.

    State/Province Enter the state or province for the address.

    Zip Enter the zip code for the address.

    Country/Region Enter the country or region for the address.

    Admin Login


    Enter the company administrators user name. Default is ootbadmin. This user name will be automatically added to

    the Company Administrators group.

    Note that the ootbadmin user by default gets all the

    permissions for the new designs or new modules. Essentially

  • Launching Primavera Unifier


    In this field: Do this:

    this user that is company administrator will have all the

    permissions across the company and projects. However,

    we strongly recommend that this user be used as only

    Company Administrator and not as a Project User.

    Password Enter the administrators password.

    Confirm Password Re-enter the password.

    Installing Additional Applications

    Once you have installed your first application, your company information has been

    saved. You will not need to enter the information again.

    1) In the left Navigator, click the Applications node.

    Primavera Unifier displays an install panel on the right side of the window.

    2) Click the Install button.

    Primavera Unifier displays the Install Primavera Unifier Application window; however,

    not the entire window because the company information was already entered when

    the first application was installed. You will only be prompted for the Application File.

    3) Browse to where the applications are stored and select the application you want to


    4) Click Install.

    Note: If you receive an error message, try re-installing the

    application. If this does not work, contact Oracle Support. See

    "Contacting Customer Support."

  • 37

    This topic provides direction for upgrading to the latest version of Primavera Unifier.

    First, you should follow your companys procedures for creating a backup copy of the File Repository and Database. The file locations were set during configuration of

    Unifier and can be found in the Unifier Configurator.

    Then proceed to Appendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration Scenarios (on page 45).

    Upgrading Primavera Unifier

  • 39

    To obtain the applicable service pack, go to Oracle Support. Then use the Readme

    associated with the service pack for instructions about how to apply the service pack.

    Appendix A: Service Pack Installation

  • 41

    Archiving allows Site Administrator to archive individual projects.

    Configuring Primavera Unifier for Project Archiving

    Set up the archive parameters (Archive Directory and Archive Temp Directory). Refer to

    "Repository Tab."

    Archiving Projects

    The archiving process captures project data and creates .csv files for all records,

    including business processes, tasks, documents, attachments, users, groups.

    Note: In order to archive projects, you must have "Archive"

    permission as a Hosting Company user. (This permission is found

    under Projects (Standard) in Access Control or the Permissions tab

    of the Edit User/Group window; company must be Hosting


    To archive projects:

    1) Log into Primavera Unifier as Site Administrator.

    2) In Administration Mode, navigate to System > Customer Support > Projects. The

    Project log opens.

    3) Select the project to archive. If a project has not yet been archived, the Archive

    Status column will display Not Started.

    4) Click the Archive Project button. The Archive Status column will change to

    Scheduled. A background process picks up the request and runs the archive process.

    Once it is done, the status will change to Ready. The location of the zip file that

    contains the data will be located in the directory you specified during configuration.

    Appendix B: Archiving

  • 43

    This appendix describes how to uninstall the current version of Primavera Unifier. Be sure

    to uninstall all existing Primavera Unifier components before installing the latest version.

    Complete the procedure that applies to your site:

    Uninstalling Unifier Versions Earlier than 9.12 Uninstalling Unifier Version 9.12

    Uninstalling Unifier Versions Earlier than 9.12

    To prepare for the uninstall:

    1) Stop the Unifier Service on all machines within the environment (including a cluster

    environment if it exists).

    2) Ensure all open windows related to Unifier are closed, including any administrative

    tools such as Windows Services.

    To uninstall Unifier:

    1) From the Windows Start menu, click Programs > Unifier [version no.] > Uninstall Unifier.

    2) Click the Uninstall button. This will uninstall Unifier, remove the services and remove

    the directory.

    3) During the uninstall process, you are prompted to remove all files. Click Yes to remove

    all the files in the Unifier directory.

    4) Navigate to the Unifier server and verify that the files and the Unifier directory were

    successfully removed.

    5) If you receive a message that all of the files could not be removed, reboot the server

    before continuing.

    Uninstalling Unifier Version 9.12

    To undeploy Unifier from within WebLogic:

    1) Open the WebLogic directory within the Unifier Home folder.

    2) Run the undeploy.bat (if using Windows) or undeploy.sh file (if using Linux).

    Note: WebLogic needs to be running for the undeploy to

    successfully complete.

    3) When prompted, enter the WebLogic user name and password.

    Appendix C: Uninstalling the Current Version of Primavera Unifier

  • 45

    This appendix provides the following procedures to migrate to Unifier 9.12:

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging Environment Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging Environment Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment

    Note: Unifier 9.9.1 is the minimum Unifier version that is eligible for

    the Unifier 9.12 upgrade.

    Proceed as follows if want to migrate to Unifier 9.12:

    If your site uses a 9.9.x version of Unifier, then perform these procedures in this order:

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging Environment (on page 45)

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment (on page 47)

    If your site uses a 9.11 version of Unifier, then perform these procedures in this order:

    Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging Environment (on page 47)

    Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment (on page 49)

    In This Section

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging Environment ..................................................... 45

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment ............................................... 47

    Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging Environment .......................................................... 47

    Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment................................................ 49

    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging Environment

    If you are on one of the 9.9.x versions of Unifier and want to migrate to Unifier 9.12,

    perform the following procedure as well as the next in "Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12

    Production Environment."

    Completing this and the next procedure builds both the Unifier 9.12 Staging and the

    Unifier 9.12 Production environments. Both environments are then ready to use.

    Proceed as follows to migrate from 9.9.x to the 9.12 Staging environment:

    1) Prepare a new database for 9.12 with a database import from the 9.9.x Production


    Appendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration Scenarios

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    2) Prepare the 9.12 Unifier environment with the Production configuration, and connect it to the new database created in the previous step.

    3) Perform data migration on the 9.12 Unifier environment. This includes running the

    End-Of-Migration target on this 9.12 Unifier environment.

    Proceed as follows to do this:

    a. On the Application Server, open a browser and type this URL in the Address bar:

    http://localhost:7001/bp/localhost/migration/log, the following Unifier Migration

    log window opens.

    b. Run the migration script:

    Note: If there are any data migration targets listed in the log

    window, then you must run all the listed data migrations before

    finally executing the End of Migration step.

    - Select End of Migration and click Run.

    - Click Yes to confirm. A window opens notifying you that the migration was

    completed successfully.

    c. Close the browser. The run date on the migration log will update after a successful


    4) Log in to this 9.12 Unifier environment as company administrator and navigate to

    Administration Mode-> uDesigner.

    5) Verify that all the designs were successfully migrated.

    A design was not successfully migrated if the Version field has a value of -1 and the id

    field has a value in square brackets [ ].

    6) Proceed as follows if you see any instance that did not migrate successfully:

    a. Do not work with this system and save the current Unifier log file which will be used

    to identify the issues.

    b. Contact Oracle Support. Oracle Support will identify the problems and may

    recommend updating the current production environment (9.9.x) to have those

    designs brought to a stage where they are suitable for 9.12.

    c. You may need to repeat the previous steps in this procedure if you need to apply

    any updates to the current production environment (9.9.x).

    7) If there are no errors, reconfigure the application server to Staging. This is your new

    9.12 staging environment.

    8) As a company administrator, you might want to disable most of the production users

    in the new staging environment.

    Note: During the preparation of Staging and Production

    environments, do not do any design updates on the production


    Proceed to Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment (on page 47).

  • Appendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration Scenarios


    Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production Environment

    Perform this procedure after you finish the procedure in Migration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging

    Environment (on page 45).

    When you complete the following procedure, both the Unifier 9.12 Staging and the

    Unifier 9.12 Production environments are built and ready to use.

    Proceed as follows to migrate from 9.9.x to the 9.12 Production environment:

    1) Upgrade the current Unifier production environment from 9.9.x to 9.12.

    2) Perform data migration on the 9.12 Unifier production environment. This includes

    running the End-Of-Migration target on this 9.12 Unifier environment.

    Proceed as follows to do this:

    a. On the Application Server, open a browser and type this URL in the Address bar:

    http://localhost/bp/localhost/migration/log, the following Unifier Migration log

    window opens.

    b. Run the migration script:

    Note: If there are any data migration targets listed in the log

    window, then you must run all the listed data migrations before

    finally executing the End of Migration step.

    - Select End of Migration and click Run.

    - Click Yes to confirm. A window opens notifying you that the migration was

    completed successfully.

    c. Close the browser. The run date on the migration log will update after a successful


    3) Log in to this 9.12 Unifier environment as company administrator and navigate to

    Administration Mode-> uDesigner.

    4) Verify that all the designs were successfully migrated. It is assumed that no errors

    occur because any errors should have been identified while building the 9.12 Unifier

    Staging environment.

    Note: During the preparation of Staging and Production

    environments, do not do any design updates on the production


    Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging Environment

    If you are on the 9.11 version of Unifier and want to migrate to Unifier 9.12, perform the

    following procedure as well as the next in "Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production


  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server


    Completing this and the next procedure builds both the Unifier 9.12 Staging and the

    Unifier 9.12 Production environments. Both environments are then ready to use.

    Proceed as follows to migrate from the 9.11 to the 9.12 Staging environment:

    1) Prepare a new database for 9.12 with a database import from the 9.11 Production


    2) Prepare the 9.12 Unifier environment with the Production configuration, and connect it to the new database created in the previous step.

    3) Perform data migration on the 9.12 Unifier environment. This includes running the

    End-Of-Migration target on this 9.12 Unifier environment.

    Proceed as follows to do this:

    a. On the Application Server, open a browser and type this URL in the Address bar:

    http://localhost:7001/bp/localhost/migration/log, the following Unifier Migration

    log window opens.

    b. Run the migration script:

    Note: If there are any data migration targets listed in the log

    window, then you must run all the listed data migrations before

    finally executing the End of Migration step.

    - Select End of Migration and click Run.

    - Click Yes to confirm. A window opens notifying you that the migration was

    completed successfully.

    c. Close the browser. The run date on the migration log will update after a successful


    4) Log in to this 9.12 Unifier environment as company administrator (ootbadmin) and

    navigate to Administration Mode-> uDesigner.

    5) Verify that all the designs were successfully migrated.

    A design was not successfully migrated if the Version field has a value of -1 and the id

    field has a value in square brackets [ ].

    6) Proceed as follows if you see any instance that did not migrate successfully:

    a. Do not work with this system and save the current Unifier log file which will be used

    to identify the issues.

    b. Contact Oracle Support. Oracle Support will identify the problems and may

    recommend updating the current production environment (9.11) to have those

    designs brought to a stage where they are suitable for 9.12.

    c. You may need to repeat the previous steps in this procedure if you need to apply

    any updates to the current production environment (9.11).

    7) If there are no errors, reconfigure the application server to Staging.This is your new

    9.12 staging environment.

    8) As a company administrator, you might want to disable most of the production users

    in the new staging environment.

  • Appendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration Scenarios



    During the preparation of Staging and Production environments, do not do any design updates on the production


    If you want to bring in designs from the 9.9.x Staging environment, you can do so only by using the XML Design

    Export and Import mechanism, which will be available on 9.9.x

    and 9.11 uDesigner.

    Proceed to Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment (on page 49).

    Migration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment

    Perform this procedure after you finish the procedure in Migrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging

    Environment (on page 47).

    When you complete the following procedure, both the Unifier 9.12 Staging and the

    Unifier 9.12 Production environments are built and ready to use.

    Proceed as follows to migrate from 9.11 to the 9.12 Production environment:

    1) Upgrade the current Unifier production environment from 9.11 to 9.12.

    2) Perform data migration on the 9.12 Unifier production environment. This includes

    running the End-Of-Migration target on this 9.12 Unifier environment.

    Proceed as follows to do this:

    a. On the Application Server, open a browser and type this URL in the Address bar:

    http://localhost/bp/localhost/migration/log, the following Unifier Migration log

    window opens.

    b. Run the migration script:

    Note: If there are any data migration targets listed in the log

    window, then you must run all the listed data migrations before

    finally executing the End of Migration step.

    - Select End of Migration and click Run.

    - Click Yes to confirm. A window opens notifying you that the migration was

    completed successfully.

    c. Close the browser. The run date on the migration log will update after a successful


    3) Log in to this 9.12 Unifier production environment as company administrator

    (ootbadmin) and navigate to Administration Mode-> uDesigner.

    4) Verify that all the designs were successfully migrated. It is assumed that no errors

    occur because any errors should have been identified while building the 9.12 Unifier

    Staging environment.

  • Unifier Installation and Setup Guide For WebLogic Application Server



    During the preparation of Staging and Production environments, do not do any design updates on the production


    If you want to bring in designs from the 9.9.x Staging environment, you can do so only by using the XML Design

    Export and Import mechanism, which will be available on 9.9.x

    and 9.11 uDesigner.

    Legal NoticesIntroductionContacting Customer SupportPrimavera Unifier OverviewPrimavera uDesigner OverviewPrimavera Unifier Installation Steps for First Time InstallUpgrading Primavera Unifier Installation Steps

    Installing Primavera UnifierPrerequisitesInstalling WebLogicInstalling JRockitInstalling Oracle HTTP Server (OHS)

    Installing Primavera Unifier

    Configuring the Database ServerConfiguring the Oracle Database ServerConfiguring the SQL Database Server

    Configuring WebLogic for Primavera UnifierCreating a WebLogic Domain for Primavera UnifierStarting and Stopping the Admin ServerStarting the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera UnifierStarting WebLogic on Windows PlatformsStarting WebLogic on UNIX Platforms

    Stopping the WebLogic Admin Server for Primavera UnifierStopping WebLogic on Windows PlatformsStopping WebLogic on UNIX Platforms

    Installing and Configuring the Reports Server (Optional)Installing and Configuring Oracle Maps (Optional)Installing Oracle WebCenter Content (Optional)Installing AutoVue ServerInstall AutoVueConfiguring for AutoVue

    Configuring Primavera UnifierConfiguring Primavera UnifierGeneral TabRepository Tab (WebCenter Content)Repository Tab (Network File System)Database Tab (Oracle)Database Tab (MS SQL Server)Email TabMarkup Server TabReport TabGeo Map TabSaving the Configuration Data

    Starting and Stopping Primavera UnifierEditing Configuration DataCopying the Configuration Data File

    Configuring the Web ServerOracle HTTP Server (OHS)SSL CertificateData Backup Recommendations

    Deploying Primavera Unifier in WebLogicAdding Primavera Unifier as a WebLogic Application

    Launching Primavera UnifierStarting Primavera Unifier for the First TimeInstalling Primavera Unifier ApplicationsInstalling Additional Applications

    Upgrading Primavera UnifierAppendix A: Service Pack InstallationAppendix B: ArchivingAppendix C: Uninstalling the Current Version of Primavera UnifierAppendix D: Primavera Unifier 9.12 Migration ScenariosMigration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Staging EnvironmentMigration of 9.9.x to 9.12 Production EnvironmentMigrating 9.11 to 9.12 Staging EnvironmentMigration of 9.11 to 9.12 Production Environment
