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Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not...

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Uniform Circular Motion •the motion of an object traveling in a circular path •an object will not travel in a circular path naturally •an object traveling in a circular path must have a net force acting upon it!
Page 1: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Uniform Circular Motion

•the motion of an object traveling in a circular path

•an object will not travel in a circular path naturally

•an object traveling in a circular path must have a net force acting upon it!

Page 2: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

The object wants to travel in a straight line!

It cannot because a force (friction, tension, normal, etc.) constantly pulls/pushes toward the center every split second

That net force has a very specific name

Page 3: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

The net force that produces circular motion is called Centripetal Force (Fc).







The acceleration vector is

considered to be in a constant direction because it is always

towards the center of the path

The velocity is tangent to the path- the object wants to travel in a straight line

Page 4: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Centripetal Force (Fc) depends upon the mass, speed squared and radius of the object:

Fc = mv2


This is a net force, therefore:

ac = v2


Page 5: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

A ball with mass 0.480 kg moves at a constant speed. A centripetal force of 23.0 N acts on the ball, causing it to move in a circle with radius 1.70 m. What is the speed of the ball?

m = .480 kg

Fc = 23.0 N

r = 1.70 m

v = ?

v = Fc r m

= (23.0 N)(1.70 m) .480 kg = 9.03 m/s

Page 6: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

m = .013 kgr = .85 m

T = .65 s

Fc = ?Fc = mv2

rv = ∆d


= 2πr


= 2(3.14)(.85 m)

.65 s

= 8.2 m/s

= (.013 kg)(8.2 m/s)2

.85 m

= 1.0 N

A rubber stopper of mass 13.0 g is swung at the end of a cord .85 m long with a period of .65 s. What is the tension in the cord?

Page 7: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

An object of mass 15.0 g is spun from a .750 m string so that the centripetal force acting on the object is 4.50 N. If the object is spun in a horizontal circle at a height above the floor of 2.00 m and then released, how far away will it land?

m = .0150 kgr = .750 mFc = 4.50 N∆y = 2.00 m∆x = ?


∆x = ?

∆x = vx∆t

vx = ?∆t = ?

Vertically:vo = 0

a = -9.80 m/s2

∆y = -2.00 m∆t = ?

Page 8: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

∆t = 2∆y


2(-2.00 m)

-9.80 m/s2

= .639 s

v = Fcr


(4.50 N)(.750 m)

.0150 kg

= 15.0 m/s

∆x = vx∆t = (15.0 m/s)(.639 s) = 9.58 m

Page 9: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Imagine firing a projectile with a very high speed from a very high mountaintop:

With an increased speed:

Page 10: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Faster and faster, farther and farther until:

At this point, the weight force is the centripetal force:

mg = mv2


The speed needed to “orbit” would depend only upon the acceleration due to gravity and the radius of the path.

Page 11: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Critical Velocity-- The minimum velocity needed to maintain a circular path when gravity is a factor.

the critical velocity only depends upon the radius of the path and the acceleration due to gravity!

v = rg

this equation is ONLY for finding the minimum velocity needed to maintain a

circular path!

Page 12: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

1) A car with a mass of 1250 kg rounds a curve where the coefficient of friction is measured to be .185. If the radius of the curve is 195 m, what speed must the car be traveling?

2) A student spins a 15.0 g rubber stopper above his head from a .750 m string. The tension in the string is measured to be 8.00 N. He lets the stopper go and it lands 12.8 m away. How high is he spinning the stopper above the floor before he releases it?

3) A student spins a 13.5 g stopper from a 56.0 cm string and times 12 revolutions as taking 6.56 s. What is the tension in the string?

Page 13: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

How fast would you have to throw a baseball in order to get it to come all the way around back to you? Use 6.37 X 106 m for the radius of the earth, and, of course, ignore air resistance.

A roller coaster car of mass 725 kg enters a loop with a circumference of 511 m. What minimum speed must the car maintain in order to successfully navigate the loop?

Page 14: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

• Newton, in studying gravity, discovered that gravitation is not limited to planets, but applies to all bodies in the universe.

• The force of attraction between any 2 bodies in the universe depends directly upon the masses of the bodies.

• This force also depends inversely upon the square of the distances between the center of the masses.

Page 15: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

This means if the mass (?) of an object changes, so does its gravity.

This also means that if the distance between the centers of the objects changes, the gravity will change.

Therefore, if you move closer to the center of the earth, you will experience a greater gravity and you will weigh more!

Conversely, if you move out into space, you will weigh less!

Page 16: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation can be written in equation form:

F =Gm1m2


• This is a force due to gravity- another way of finding Fw!

GNewton’s Universal Gravitational Constant

G = 6.67 X 10-11 Nm2/kg2

Page 17: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

What is the weight of a 1250 kg object that is in the payload bay of the shuttle orbiting at 7.25 X 106 m above the surface of the earth?

m = 1250 kgd = 7.25 X 106m

Fw = ?F = Gm1m2


r = (7.25 X 106 + 6.37 X 106)m = 1.362 X 107m

F =(6.67X10-11N•m2/kg2)(1250kg)(5.96X1024kg)

(1.362 X 107 m)2

= 2680 N

Page 18: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

1) What is the gravitational force of attraction between a 980.0 N man on earth and the moon, which has a mass of 7.27 X 1022 kg. The center of the moon is 3.90 X 109 m away from the surface of the earth.

2) A satellite on the surface of the earth has a weight of 12, 800 N. When it is in orbit, its weight is 3200 N. How far above the surface of the earth is the satellite orbiting?

3) What is the force of attraction between a 90.0 kg boy and his 65.0 kg girlfriend sitting 1.23 m away?

Page 19: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Rotary MotionAngular Kinematics

•Motion about an internal axis

•Describing the motion of a spinning/rotating object

•Defining movement in terms of rotations!

Page 20: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

All quantities are linear unless specifically stated as angular/rotational:

All motion begins with understanding displacement:

Displacement (∆d): distance in a direction

Angular Displacement (Ư): rotations in a particular direction

Quantity LinearAngular

Displacement meter(m)revolution(rev)

radian (rad)radian = radius length 1 rev = 2π rad= 6.28 rad

Page 21: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Angular Velocity rev/s or rad/s

Angular Acceleration rev/s2 or rad/s2

In the rotary system, all motion is based upon how much an object has turned! (rev or rad--> ø)

Linear Motion Angular Motion

v = vo + a∆t ω = ωo + α∆t

∆d = vo∆t + 1

2a∆t2 ∆ø = ωo∆t +



v = √vo2 + 2a∆d ω = √ωo

2 + 2α∆θ

Page 22: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

Find the angular displacement (in radians) after 15.0 s for a wheel that accelerates at a constant rate from rest to 725 rev/min in 10.0 min.

∆ø = ?(rad)∆t1 = 15.0 sω0 = 0

ω = 725 rev/min∆t2 = 10.0 min= 600 s

725 rev/min(6.28 rad/rev)(1 min/60 s)

= 75.9 rad/s

∆ø = ωi∆t + .5α∆t12

α = ω – ω0


= 75.9 rad/s - 0

600 s

= .127 rad/s2

= .5(.127 rad/s2)(15.0 s)2

= 14.3 rad

Page 23: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

A car tire is decelerated from 25.0 rev/s to rest in 20.0 s. If the radius of the tire is 30.0 cm, how far does the car move down the road in this time?

ω0 = 25.0 rev/sω = 0∆t = 20.0 sr = 30.0 cm

= .300 m

∆ø = ?

∆ø = ωi∆t + .5α∆t2

a = ω – ω0


= 0 - 25.0 rev/s

20.0 s= -1.25 rev/s2

=(25.0 rev/s)(20.0 s)+.5(-1.25rev/s2)(20.0 s)2

Page 24: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

= 250 rev This is how many times the wheel turned!

How linear distance covered relates to rotational displacement:

∆d = (# rev)(Circumference)

∆d = (# rad)(radius length)

∆d = (250 rev)(2)(3.14)(.300 m)

C = 2π r

= 471 m

Page 25: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

3) A bicycle slows down from 8.40 m/s to rest over a distance of 115 m. If the diameter of the wheels are 68.0 cm, how many times must they have turned over that 115 m?

1) A car tire makes 65.0 revolutions in slowing from 35.0 rad/s to 12.0 rad/s. How long did it take for the car to slow?

2) A car tire of radius 40.0 cm slows to a stop from an angular speed of 40.0 rad/s in 25.0 s. How far did the car move down the road during this time?

Page 26: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

1. What is the final angular speed of an object that is rotating at 25.0 rad/s and is accelerated at 5.00 rad/s2 until it has turned 250.0 rads?2. An object is accelerated from rest to 825 rev/min in 7.50 min. How many radians will it have turned after the first 25.0 s?3. A flywheel is accelerated from rest with an acceleration of 8.40 rad/s2. How long will it take to reach 20.0 rev/s?4. A spinning bicycle wheel is rotating at 2.00 rev/s and comes to rest in 5.00 s. How many revolutions does it make during this time?

Page 27: Uniform Circular Motion the motion of an object traveling in a circular path an object will not travel in a circular path naturally an object traveling.

5. A car tire of radius .350m is accelerated from rest to 35.0 rev/s in 10.0s. How far has the car moved during this time? (Hint-- find the angular displacement of the tire in radians and use this and the radius of the tire to find out how far the car moved. Remember, radian means radius length.)6. A flywheel is slowed to 12.0 rev/s in 10.0s. If the wheel lost speed at the rate of 2.50 rad/s2, how many revolutions did the wheel make in these 10.0 s?
