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Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 315 Winchester Road ...

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Volume 15, Issue 9 September 2018 Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 315 Winchester Road Huntsville, AL 35811 The Herald is a monthly publication of Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Members are encouraged to submit all newsworthy articles by the 20th of the month to [email protected]. All articles are subject to editing for clarity and grammatical correctness. “Encouraging the Elders, While Preparing the Young” “I have written to you who are God’s children because you know the Father. I have written to you who are mature in the faith because you know Christ, who existed from the beginning. I have written to you who are young in the faith because you are strong. God’s word lives in your hearts, and you have won your battle with the evil one.” ~I John 2:14 ~

Volume 15, Issue 9 September 2018

Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church 315 Winchester Road Huntsville, AL 35811

The Herald is a monthly publication of Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Members are encouraged to submit all newsworthy articles by

the 20th of the month to [email protected]. All articles are subject to editing for clarity and grammatical correctness.

“Encouraging the Elders, While Preparing the Young” “I have written to you who are God’s children because you know the Father. I have written to you who are mature in the faith because you know Christ, who existed from the beginning. I have written to you who are young in the faith because you are strong. God’s word

lives in your hearts, and you have won your battle with the evil one.”

~I John 2:14 ~

From the Pastor’s Pen…

“Genesis 22”

8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. 9 And they came to the place which God had told him of; and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. 10 And Abra-ham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. 11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. 12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took

the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son. Just as God provided for Abraham, He will provide for us. He makes a way for us when we can’t see our way. He is the Great Provider! The Lord will never lead us to a place and not make provisions for us, so be grateful.

~Pastor O. Wendell Davis


Sickle Cell Awareness Month

Congress has designated September as “National Sickle Cell Awareness Month” to help

focus attention on the need for research and treatment of sickle cell disease, an inherited

condition that currently affects 90,000-100,000 Americans.

Sickle cell disease occurs when hemoglobin (a protein carried by the body’s red blood

cells that attaches to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to all parts of the body) is ab-

normal, causing the red blood cells to take on a rigid “C” or sickle, shape. Sickle cells can

get stuck and block blood flow, causing pain and infections. Complications of sickle cell

disease are a result of sickle cells blocking blood flow to specific organs, and include

stroke, acute chest syndrome (a condition that lowers the level of oxygen in the blood),

organ damage, and blindness.

Let’s Study Together


Join us every Sunday at 7:00 a.m. & 9:30 a.m.

“God Created the World”

09.02 God Created the Heavens and Earth

(Genesis 1:1-13)

09.09 God Created Plants and Animals

(Genesis 1:14-25)

09.16 God Created People

(Genesis 1:26-31; 2:4-7)

09.23 God Created the Family

(Genesis 2:18-24; 4:1-2)

09.30 God Creates, Humans Sin

(Genesis 3:8-17, 20-24)


Join us every Wednesday

12 Noon

Mid-Day Bible Study

Boone-Lacy Fellowship Hall

7:00 p.m.

Adult Bible Study

Boone-Lacy Fellowship Hall

Youth Bible Study


Collegiate Bible Study

Conference Room

(Former Library)


New to Our Church Family

We welcome you, with the joy of the Lord, to the Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church family!

It is our prayer that your faith will be strengthened as we learn and grow together. We invite you to explore the

ministries of the church and ask God to show you where He wants you to get connected.

We are truly excited you are here:

Arden Spencer Crain Brayden Blake Patillo

De’Lano Lee Crain, Jr. Sonia S. Robinson

Laila Ariana Crain Ursula Smith

Linda Jackson Danielle Nicole Spencer

Michael Jackson, Sr. Danielle Strong

Javon Emory Jordan Hazel R. Williams

Geneva N. Wilson


God’s Pathway to Success, Joshua 1:7. Too often,

Christians shy away from the whole idea of success,

thinking, I’ll just be grateful for whatever the Lord gives me.

Such misguided believers have confused success with

greed and discontent. How can this be?

It is because of the overwhelming ob-

session with the world’s definition of

the term. To most people, the word

success is equivalent to “wealth” or

“power.” If you stopped the average

person on the street and asked whether

he is successful, there’s a good chance

he would start talking about his career

or investments. He might even make a

passing reference to his “15 minutes of

fame.” Most people simply have no other frame of

reference for the concept. But these parameters have

nothing to do with spiritual success.

The heavenly Father calls His children to live trium-

phantly. If the pursuit of success were sinful, how

could the Lord have made the promise found in Josh-

ua 1:7? Was He promising money? No. Was He prom-

ising fame? No. The Lord was promising success.

For Joshua, this would mean military

victory, steadfast faith, and the fulfill-

ment of God’s promise to Moses. Josh-

ua was not concerned with money or

fame; rather, he was intensely focused

on accomplishing God’s plan for him.

Armed with the power of the Word,

Joshua marched boldly ahead and re-

ceived the Lord’s blessings. And for

that, God called him a “success.”

Do not be confused - the trappings of

the world have nothing to do with suc-

ceeding spiritually. Your family, relationships, integrity,

faithfulness - these are the things that work together as

a godly way of measuring success.

~Dr. Charles Stanley

Wisdom to Live By

Wellness News Say what? Eating well

may protect your hear-

ing! Hear ye! Hear ye!

You know that what you

eat affects your heart,

your brain, your weight, and your risk of many chron-

ic illnesses. Well, it may also affect your hearing. In a

recent population study of more than 70,000 women,

those whose food choices most closely resembled a

Mediterranean diet had a 30 present lower risk of

hearing loss over the course of the 22-year study. Re-

searchers gauged the quality of the participants’ Medi-

terranean-style diet based on its emphasis on fresh

produce, fruit, vegetables, beans, fish, nuts, and olive

oil, and on reducing sodium and using only of dairy

products that were low-fat. Ready to upgrade your

diet? Make whole plant foods the focus of every meal.

Vegetables, beans and lentils, whole grains like quinoa

and brown rice, fresh herbs, nuts, and fruits are all

loaded with the nutrients and fiber your body needs

to function well. Incorporate fish and lean meats into

your weekly menu, too, and make olive oil your go-to

oil for cooking and dressings. This is the perfect time

of year to power up with plants, since farmers’ mar-

kets and grocery stores are bursting with just-picked

vegetables and fruit. Remember that eating well

doesn’t necessarily mean forgoing your favorite meals.

If your family loves pizza, for instance, use a whole-

wheat crust or cauliflower crust and top your pie only

with veggies and fresh herbs. On Taco Tuesday, skip

the beef and cheese in favor of non-fried beans and

veggies. You’ll hear the satisfied sighs at your table,

loud and clear!

~Cleveland Wellness Clinic



Congratulations to Jaelyn Reeves, who received a George H. Hobson Scholarship on August 4, 2018, from the Delta Theta Lambda Education Foundation of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Jaelyn attends Tuskegee University.

Congratulations to Jayla Jones, who received a George H. Hobson Schol-arship on August 4, 2018, from the Delta Theta Lambda Education Foun-dation of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Jayla attends The University of Southern Mississippi.

Congra tu la t ions to McKenzie Gordon, who received the Dr. John W. Hall Scholarship on Au-gust 4, 2018, from the Delta Theta Lambda Ed-ucation Foundation of Alpha Phi Alpha Frater-nity, Inc.

McKenzie attends The University of North Alabama.

Back to School Rally

Union Chapel’s Back to School Rally was held Saturday, August 25. The rally included activities and mini class ses-

sions for students in all grade levels.

Congratulations to Sister Rose

Parks Rice, the newest member of

the Mothers’ Ministry.

The Mothers’ Ministry serve the

congregation by preparing the

Lord’s Supper and assisting with


“Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

-Isaiah 40:28-31-


Scenes from 85th Church Anniversary

CDC Door Decoration Contest

The Child Development Center (CDC) held its Door Decoration Contest on August 23. The winning class re-

ceived pizza and ice cream and the other classes received ice cream. The winners are:

“We love because He first loved us!”

- I John 4:19-

Place Class Door Theme Teacher

1st K4B “KB4 is Going to be Amazing” Ms. Mason

2nd Toddler 2A “Look Who’s Blooming” Ms. Gurley/Ms. Petty

3rd K3 “Throw Kindness Like Confetti” Mr. Epps/Ms. Taylor

4th K4C “Recipe for Success” Ms. Jones


Pastor’s Honors Awards

Mose Crim

Senior Adult Service Award

Lauren Turk Youth Service Award

“Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.” -Romans 13:7. The following are recipients of the August Pastor’s Honors Award:

Gwendolyn Lacy

Church Vocation

Service Award

Maria Patterson Health/Wellness Service


Not pictured, Michelle Watkins, Community Service Award; Otha (Ojay) Rice, Jr., Generation X Service Award

and Kendall Leslie, Millennial Service Award.

Pastor’s Honors Award nominations may be submitted to [email protected].

Union Chapel Christian Academy Open House

Union Chapel Christian Academy (UCCA) Open House was held August 27, 2018. Following a brief greeting and introduction by Principal Anita Weathers, parents, family and friends were able to visit the classrooms, tour the school and enjoy refreshments and fellowship with UCCA faculty and staff.

Monthly Ministry Meetings Ministry Time When



315 Winchester Road

Huntsville, AL 35811


256.851.6949 FAX


10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.






O. Wendell Davis, D.Min.,


Sunday Worship Services

7:45 a.m. & 10:45 a.m.

Sunday School

7:00 a.m.

9:30 -10:30 a.m.

Bible Study


12:00 Noon

7:00 p.m.



Sermon 1:30 p.m. Sunday


Each Sunday


7:00 - 8:00 a.m.

Comcast Cable 3 TV

8:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Mediacom Cable

Channel 11 (WAMY)

7:00 - 8:00 a. m.

(Check your local cable services for

more broadcast times)

The above ministry meeting schedule does not supersede your internal ministry calendar that has been previously posted.

Intercessory Prayer Line 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Every

New Members Orientation 9:30 AM Every

Prayer Line Ministry 8:00 PM 9:00 PM Every


Intercessory Prayer 6:00 PM 7:30 PM Every

Stitching & Quilting Ministry 6:00 PM Every

Cancer Support Group 6:30 PM 1st

Progressive Matrons 6:45 PM 1st

Revised Version Choir 6:00 PM 1st/2nd/4th

Trustee Ministry 6:30 PM 1st

Missionary Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Ushers Ministry #1 7:00 PM 2nd

Youth Ushers Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Deacons Ministry 6:30 PM 3rd

Deaconess Ministry 6:30 PM 3rd

Mothers Ministry 10:00 AM 12 Noon 3rd

Grief Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Kidney Support Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Men’s Ministry 6:00 PM 4th

Senior Adult Ministry 1:00 PM 1st

Cub Scouts 6:30 PM 1st

Matrons 6:30 PM 1st & 3rd

Church Choir 7:00 PM 1st & 4th

Gospel Choir 7:00 PM 2nd

Laymen/Brotherhood 7:00 PM 2nd

Community Care Ministry 6:00 PM 2nd

Recreation Ministry 6:30 PM 2nd

Women’s Choir 6:00 PM 3rd

Ministers’ Wives 6:30 PM 3rd

Male Chorus 7:00 PM 3rd



Intercessory Prayer 11:00 AM 12 Noon Every

The Passage Ministry 5:45 PM Every

Sign Language Ministry 5:45 PM Every

Sunday School Teachers 6:00 PM Every

Education Assistance Ministry 5:30 PM 3rd


Church Choir 7:00 PM 1st & 4th

Gospel Choir 7:00 PM 2nd

Tour & Hospitality Ministry 6:00 PM

Women’s Choir 6:00 PM 2nd & 3rd

Male Chorus 7:00 PM 3rd

Executive Ministry 6:00 PM 3rd

Young Women’s Ministry 5:45 PM 3rd

Usher Ministry #2 7:00 PM 4th


Wellness Ministry 9:00 AM 2nd

Boy Scouts 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1st & 3rd

Street Ministry 10:00 AM 12 Noon 3rd

Community Care Ministry Outreach 11:00 AM 4th

Progressive Matrons 10:00 AM 4th

Girl Scouts 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 2nd & 4th
