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Secrétariat Général (SG) Genève, le 9 février 2012 Réf.: DM-12/1004 Aux pays de la RCC, Membres de l'UIT; Aux Membres de Secteur et Associés de l'UIT, aux établissements universitaires des pays de la RCC, participant aux travaux de l'UIT Contact : Arthur Levin Télépho ne: +41 22 730 6113 Téléfax : +41 22 730 5853 Courrie l: [email protected] Contact : Orozobek Kaiykov Bureau de zone de l'UIT pour la CEI Télépho ne: +7 495 926 60 70 Téléfax : +7 495 926 60 73 Courrie l: o [email protected] Objet: Forum régional de l'UIT 2012: "La réduction de l'écart en matière de normalisation à l'intention des pays de la RCC" (2 avril 2012); suivi de la Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à l'Assemblée mondiale de normalisation des télécommunications (AMNT-12) (3 et 4 avril (matin) 2012); et de la Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à la Conférence mondiale des télécommunications internationales (CMTI-12) (4 (après-midi) au 6 avril 2012) – (Tashkent – Ouzbékistan) Madame, Monsieur, 1 Par la présente lettre, l'UIT a le plaisir d'inviter votre administration ou organisation à assister aux réunions ci-après, organisées Union internationale des télécommunications • Place des Nations • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Suisse Té.l: +41 22 730 5111 • Fax: +41 22 733 7256 • E-mail: [email protected] www.itu.int
Page 1: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS€¦  · Web view5 L'AMNT-12 se tiendra à Dubaï, aux Emirats arabes unis, du 20 au 29 novembre 2012 et sera précédée du Colloque

Secrétariat Général (SG)

Genève, le 9 février 2012

Réf.: DM-12/1004 Aux pays de la RCC, Membres de l'UIT;

Aux Membres de Secteur et Associés de l'UIT, aux établissements universitaires des pays de la RCC, participant aux travaux de l'UIT

Contact: Arthur LevinTéléphone: +41 22 730 6113Téléfax: +41 22 730 5853Courriel: [email protected]

Contact: Orozobek KaiykovBureau de zone de l'UIT pour la CEI

Téléphone: +7 495 926 60 70Téléfax: +7 495 926 60 73Courriel: o [email protected]

Objet: Forum régional de l'UIT 2012: "La réduction de l'écart en matière de normalisation à l'intention des pays de la RCC" (2 avril 2012); suivi de laRéunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à l'Assemblée mondiale de normalisation des télécommunications (AMNT-12) (3 et 4 avril (matin) 2012); et de laRéunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à la Conférence mondiale des télécommunications internationales (CMTI-12) (4 (après-midi) au 6 avril 2012) – (Tashkent – Ouzbékistan)

Madame, Monsieur,

1 Par la présente lettre, l'UIT a le plaisir d'inviter votre administration ou organisation à assister aux réunions ci-après, organisées par la Communauté régionale des communications (RCC) et par l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT), et aimablement accueillies à Tashkent par l'Administration des télécommunications de l'Ouzbékistan: le Forum régional de l'UIT 2012: "La réduction de l'écart en matière de normalisation à l'intention des pays de la RCC", qui aura lieu le 2 avril 2012, les Réunions régionales préparatoires de la RCC à l'Assemblée mondiale de normalisation des télécommunications (AMNT-12) (3 et 4 (matin) avril 2012) et à la Conférence mondiale des télécommunications internationales (CMTI-12) (4 (après-midi) au 6 avril 2012). L'UIT sera représentée lors de ces réunions par Malcolm Johnson, Directeur du Bureau de la normalisation des télécommunications.

2 Ces trois réunions se tiendront à l'hôtel "Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent".

Union internationale des télécommunications • Place des Nations • CH-1211 Genève 20 • SuisseTé.l: +41 22 730 5111 • Fax: +41 22 733 7256 • E-mail: [email protected] • www.itu.int •

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3 Participation: Le Forum régional de l'UIT 2012 "La réduction de l'écart en matière de normalisation à l'intention des pays de la RCC" est ouvert aux Etats Membres, aux Membres de Secteur et aux Associés de l'UIT, aux établissements universitaires des pays de la RCC, participant aux travaux de l'UIT, ainsi qu'à toute personne issue d'un pays Membre ou Membre de Secteur de l'UIT qui souhaite participer à ces activités. Il peut s'agir de personnes qui sont aussi membres d'organisations internationales, régionales ou nationales.

La Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à l'AMNT-12 est ouverte aux Etats Membres de l'UIT et aux Membres de Secteur de l'UIT-T.

La Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à la CMTI-12 est ouverte aux Etats Membres de l'UIT et aux Membres de Secteur de l'UIT des pays de la RCC ainsi qu'aux représentants d'autres organisations régionales.

4 Le Forum régional de l'UIT 2012 "La réduction de l'écart en matière de normalisation à l'intention des pays de la RCC" permettra de définir les modalités d'une coopération et d'une participation accrues aux activités de normalisation de l'UIT et à l'application des normes dans les pays de la RCC. Il y sera en outre question des Résolutions pertinentes de l'AR-07 (Genève, 2007), de la CMDT-10 (Hyderabad, 2010) et de l'AMNT-08 (Johannesburg, 2008) visant à réduire l'écart en matière de normalisation entre pays en développement et pays développés.

5 L'AMNT-12 se tiendra à Dubaï, aux Emirats arabes unis, du 20 au 29 novembre 2012 et sera précédée du Colloque mondial sur la normalisation (GSS-12), qui se tiendra le 19 novembre. La Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à l'AMNT-12 vise à fournir des informations relatives à la préparation de l'Assemblée et à coordonner les positions des pays de la région. On trouvera des renseignements détaillés sur l'AMNT-12 à l'adresse suivante: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/pages/default.aspx.

6 La CMTI-12 aura lieu à Dubaï, aux Emirats arabes unis, du 3 au 14 décembre 2012. La Réunion régionale préparatoire de la RCC à la CMTI-12 permettra de donner des informations importantes sur cette première réunion et sa préparation, notamment le contexte des questions à examiner et du Règlement des télécommunications internationales (RTI). Elle vise également à coordonner les positions des pays de la région qui seront présentées à la Conférence. On trouvera de plus amples renseignements sur la CMTI-12 à l'adresse suivante: http://www.itu.int/en/wcit-12/Pages/default.aspx.

7 Les programmes préliminaires de ces réunions figurent dans l'Annexe 1. Des informations supplémentaires concernant les réunions seront mises à disposition sur le site web de l'UIT: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/prepmeet/Pages/rcc.aspx. Elles seront mises à jour au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles informations seront disponibles ou que des modifications seront apportées.

8 Interprétation et documentation: Les débats lors de ces réunions se dérouleront en russe et en anglais. Un service d'interprétation simultanée sera assuré. Veuillez noter qu'il s'agira d'une réunion sans documents papier et qu'en vue de faciliter la gestion des séances et le traitement des documents, l'UIT encourage l'utilisation de documents électroniques pendant la réunion. Des copies électroniques des documents de réunion seront mises à disposition sur le site web. Les participants sont invités à apporter leur ordinateur portable.

9 Bourses: L'UIT octroiera à chaque pays éligible des pays de la RCC une bourse complète ou deux bourses partielles, couvrant le billet d'avion aller-retour et l'indemnité journalière, dans les limites des ressources budgétaires disponibles. Les participants doivent être dûment autorisés par l'administration compétente de la RCC dans leur pays, qui doit être un pays en développement à faible revenu, le revenu par habitant étant inférieur à 2 000 USD. Une bourse complète ou deux bourses partielles au maximum peuvent être accordées par pays, mais le nombre de délégués par pays n'est pas limité, pour autant que les dépenses des délégués supplémentaires soient prises en charge par le pays en question. Les participants demandant une bourse sont priés de bien vouloir remplir le formulaire de demande de bourse figurant à l'Annexe 5 et de le renvoyer à l'UIT par courrier électronique à l'adresse [email protected], ou par télécopie au numéro +41 22 730 5778, au plus tard le 2 mars 2012.

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10 Inscription: Veuillez noter que l'inscription des participants à ces réunions peut être effectuée en ligne sur le site web suivant: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/prepmeet/Pages/rcc.aspx. Afin de nous permettre de prendre les dispositions nécessaires à l'organisation de ces réunions, nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir vous inscrire dès que possible et au plus tard le 2 mars 2012.

11 Visas: Pour les ressortissants de certains pays, l'entrée en Ouzbékistan peut être soumise à l'obtention d'un visa. Si tel est le cas, le visa doit être demandé et obtenu auprès de la représentation de l'Ouzbékistan (ambassade ou consulat) dans votre pays. Les participants qui ont besoin de recevoir une assistance du pays hôte pour obtenir un visa d'entrée devront communiquer les données figurant sur leur passeport (au moyen du formulaire de demande d'assistance pour l'obtention d'un visa dans l'Annexe 4) et indiquer un numéro de télécopie à Mme Umida Musaeva, responsable principale du Département de la coordination des relations internationales de l'Agence de la communication et de l'information de l'Ouzbékistan (tél.: +99871 2384141, portable: +99897 3405403, courrier électronique: [email protected]), avant le 2 mars 2012.

12 Hébergement: Les participants devront prendre en charge les frais liés à l'hébergement. Vous trouverez une liste des hôtels proposés à Tashkent à l'Annexe 2. L'administration hôte effectuera les réservations d'hôtel et les transferts depuis et vers l'aéroport pour les participants qui auront indiqué leur choix d'hôtel dans le formulaire de réservation d'hôtel et de transfert figurant à l'Annexe 3 (disponible également sur le site web: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/prepmeet/Pages/rcc.aspx). Pour être accueillis à l'aéroport et bénéficier du transfert, les participants sont invités à renvoyer ce formulaire dûment rempli au Coordonnateur national, Mme Umida Musaeva, responsable principale du Département de la coordination des relations internationales de l'Agence de la communication et de l'information de l'Ouzbékistan par télécopie au numéro +998 71 2398782 ou par courrier électronique à l'adresse: [email protected], (renseignements: tél: +998 71 2384141, portable: +998 97 3405403), au plus tard le 2 mars 2012.

Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'assurance de ma considération distinguée.

Dr Hamadoun I. TouréSecrétaire général

Annexes: 5

Copie:Aux Présidents et Vice-Présidents des Commissions d'études de l'UIT;Aux Directeurs du Bureau des radiocommunications, du Bureau de la normalisation des télécommunications et du Bureau de développement des télécommunications;Au Chef du Bureau régional de l'UIT à Moscou;A la Mission permanente de l'Ouzbékistan à Genève

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Draft Programmes

ITU Regional Forum 2012: “Bridging the standardization gap for RCC countries(2 April 2012)

Day 1: ITU Regional Forum(Monday, 2 April 2012)

9:30 – 10:15 Opening remarks: Welcome and Keynote addresses

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break10:45 – 12:15 Session 1: Development Issues in the RCC countries

Objectives: This session will focus on ITU-D activities to promote ICT development and implementation. Topics will provide an overview of the work of the ITU-D Study Groups and include a presentation of the ITU Area Office for the CIS on the ITU key activities in the area.

12:15 – 13:45 Lunch13:45 – 15:30 Session 2: The ICT standardization gaps in the RCC countries

Objectives: This session will provide an overview of the current status of ICT standardization, ITU standards activities with specific relevance to the RCC and will provide an opportunity for policy-makers from the region to express their future requirements. This session will also include a presentation on the standardization gap and the wider digital divide, and what can be done to overcome it, as well as common MRA centres.

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break16:00 – 17:30 Session 3: Overview of ITU Standards activities and how to participate

Objectives: This session will highlight decisions taken by the Plenipotentiary Conference in 2010 and WTSA-08 (Res. 44) on Bridging the Standardization Gap (Resolution 123 PP-10) and the activities carried out by the three ITU sectors. It will also provide information on how to participate in ITU's activities. Each topic will be presented for perspectives of technology, evolution and trends, current and future studies and new services, focusing on how they could serve RCC countries. Topics include fixed-mobile convergence, multimedia, optical transport networks and broadband access, VOIP, Accessibility, conformance and interoperability, ICTs and climate change, cable television and remote testing of communications services.

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RCC Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12)

(3 to 4 (am) April 2012)

Day 2: WTSA-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting(Tuesday, 3 April 2012)

09:00 – 09:20 Opening and introduction of moderators

09:20 – 10:45 Session A: Next-Generation Networks (NGN), Security and Regulatory IssuesObjectives: This session will present the evolution of NGN and future perspectives in the relevant access technologies, service and network architecture with a special focus on convergence, home, office and mobile applications, IP-based platforms, Multiple Access Networks, and relevant business models for NGN. This session also will examine charging and accounting principles for NGN and will look at migration scenarios towards NGN, including related telecommunication economic and policy issues at regional level. It will assess whether developing countries and countries with economies in transition have any special security needs that are not being currently addressed. Topics will include cybersecurity, combating spam and identity management, regulatory issue and the role of regulators and regulatory bodies.

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee break11:00 – 12:30 Session B: Briefing on Preparations for WTSA-12 and major issues for the ITU-T work

programme and working methodsObjectives: This session will review the major outcomes of WTSA-08 (Johannesburg, 2008) and the preparation status of WTSA-12, including expected participants, structure, objectives of WTSA-12, and logistics. There will be information on the Global Standardization Symposium (GSS-12) to be organized the day before WTSA-12. This session will also review the major WTSA Resolutions and Recommendations, and examine changes that have been proposed for WTSA-12. It will examine likely hot topics on the agenda of WTSA-12, including structuring of study groups and information on relevant TSAG correspondence groups.

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch14:00 – 15:30 Session C: WTSA-12 – Regional Preparations

Objectives: This session will discuss regional concerns, determine issues on which proposals should be drafted, consider and adopt texts of proposals.

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break16:00 – 17:30 Session D: WTSA-12 – Regional Preparations

Objective: This session will discuss regional concerns, determine issues on which proposals should be drafted, consider and adopt texts of proposals.

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Day 3: WTSA-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting (cont'd)(Wednesday, 4 (am) April 2012)

09:30 – 11:00 Session E: WTSA-12: Open Discussion

Discussion on possible Study Group restructuring, candidacies for chairs and vice chairmen for SG and TSAG; and proposals to enhance participation in ITU-T emerging activities including accessibility, cybersecurity and World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) achievements and implementation.

11:00 –11:30 Coffee break11:30 – 12:30 Session F: WTSA-12 Conclusion

Conclusion of the discussion and review of draft texts and any regional positions to be adopted.

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

RCC Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference on International Telecommunications WCIT-12

(4(pm)-6 April 2012)

Day 3: WCIT-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting(Wednesday, 4 (pm) April 2012)

14:00 – 14:15 Opening remarks: Welcome and Keynote addresses

14:15 – 15:45 Session A: WCIT-12 preparation briefingObjectives: This session will review the major outcomes of Council Working Group WCIT (CWG-WCIT) and the preparation status of WCIT-12, including expected participants, objectives of WCIT-12 and logistics information.

15:45 –16:00 Coffee Break16:00 – 17:30 Session B: WCIT-12 – Major Issues

Objectives: This session will review the major issues likely to be discussed at WCIT-12 and look at the changes that have been proposed with respect to the 1988 ITRs, as well as the proposals of other regional organizations.

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Day 4: WCIT-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting(Thursday, 5 April 2012)

09:30 – 10:30 Session C: WCIT-12 Major Issues (continuation)Objectives: Considering proposals on section 1 of the ITRs

10:30 –11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30 Session D: WCIT-12 – Major issues (continuation)Objectives: Considering proposals on section 2 of the ITRs.

12:30-14:00 Lunch14:00 – 15:30 Session E: WCIT-12 - Major issues (continuation)

Objectives: Considering proposals on sections 3 and 4 of the ITRs.15:30 –16:00 Coffee break16:00 – 17:30 Session F: WCIT-12 –Major Issues (Continuation)

Objectives: Considering proposals on section 6 and Annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the ITRs.

Day 5: WCIT Regional Preparatory Meeting(Friday, 6 April 2012)

09:30 – 11:00 Session G: WCIT-12 –Major Issues (Continuation)Objectives: Considering proposals on sections 5 and 7 of the ITRs.

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break11:30 – 12:30 Session H: WCIT-12 –Major Issues Continuation)

Objectives: Considering proposals on section 8 of the ITRs.12:30-14:00 Lunch14:00 – 15:30 Session I: WCIT-12 –Major Issues

Objectives: Considering proposals on sections 9 and 10 of the ITRs and proposals on revisions of the WCIT Resolutions and Decisions.

15:30 –16:00 Coffee Break16:00 – 17:30 Session J: Conclusion

Objectives: Considering proposals on WCIT-12 implementation issues. Discussion an agreement on regional position on possible candidates for leading position at WCIT-12.

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PRACTICAL INFORMATIONEvent VenueHotel “Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent ” Conference room “Silk Road”, 1st floor Amir Temur Str.,C 4, No 7/8, Tashkent, 700000, UzbekistanTel: +(998) 71 120 37 00, +(998) 71 134 85 85Fax: +(998) 71 134 42 42www.dedeman.com

RegistrationRegistration will be conducted exclusively online at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/prepmeet/Pages/rcc.aspx. To enable us to make the necessary arrangements concerning the organization of the Forum, the RCC WTSA-12 Preparatory Meeting and the RCC WCIT-12 Preparatory Meeting, we should be grateful if you would register as soon as possible, but not later than 2 March 2012.On-site registration will begin on Tuesday, 2 April 2012, at 8.30 am at the Forum venue, on the 1st floor, Conference room “Silk Road”, Hotel “Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent ”. Working languages

The Meeting will be held in English and Russian with simultaneous interpretation. Accommodation

Hotel “Dedeman Silk Road Tashkent ” ****Amir Temur Str., C 4, No 7/8, Tashkent700000, UzbekistanTel: +(998) 71 120 37 00, +(998) 71 134 k85 85Fax: +(998) 71 134 42 42www.dedeman.comAccommodation of the fellowship holders is envisaged in this hotel.

Located 8 km from Tashkent International Airport, in the city center of Tashkent, this is also the venue of the Forum itself.

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Room Type Special Rates

Standard Room USD 120.00/135.00

Double Room USD135 .00/165.00

Deluxe USD 150.00/180.00

Junior Suite USD 400.00

Rich Open Buffet Breakfast and all local taxes are inclusive of single or double occupancy.

Free Usage of Life Style Health Center (indoor & outdoor swimming pools, sauna, gym).

Free Unlimited Wireless Internet service in all Guest Rooms.

Free Wireless Internet service on the Public Area.

InterContinental Tashkent ***** 107A, A. Temur Street,Tashkent, 100084, UzbekistanTel.: (998 71) 1207000 ext. 4229Fax: (998 71) 1206459www.ihg.com

Opened in 1997, established 5 star hotel is ideally located within a business park near the National Bank of Uzbekistan, Shopping Centre and the Telecommunication Center, adjacent to a lake and near the main trade fair site, close to city center. Distance from International airport: 10 km or 20 minutes drive. Distance to city center: 5 km.

Room Type Special Rates

Standard Room USD 190.00

Superior Room USD 210.00

Junior Suite USD 528.00

Room rate includes one Full American Buffet breakfast. And also free of charge: Instant check-in/check-out, Luggage storage, in-room-safe, 24 hours security, 24 hours services of Fitness Center, 24 hours services of Gymnasium; use of Swimming Pool, Steam and Sauna during working hours, Wireless internet access in the Hotel Lobby. Also available Currency exchange office and Ticket Office of “Lufthansa” Airlines.

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Payment for the services shall be made by guest's credit card (American Express /Visa/ EuroMaster card) or by bank transfer. Radisson SAS Hotel Tashkent ****88, A. Temur Street,Tashkent, 100084, UzbekistanTel.: +998 71 1204900Fax: +998 71 1204902www.radissonsas.com

The Radisson SAS Hotel in Tashkent is on the Amir Temur road, in the heart of the banking and business district. The hotel is just 15 minutes from the international airport and has 111 beautifully designed rooms with all modern amenities: individually controlled heating and air-conditioning system, direct-dial telephones and Internet port, electronic safe, TV Set with 24 worldwide channels, bathroom with bath-tub, mini-bar and hair-drier. The Hotel has 2 Bars, 2 Restaurants, Fitness center (swimming pool, sauna and gym), 24 hours open Business Center with all facilities, laundry & dry-cleaning service, outdoor parking lot, currency exchange office.

Room Type Special Rates

Standard Single 135 USD (Friday-Sunday 116 USD)

Junior Suite 250 USD

The above rates include: - open Buffet breakfast;- fitness center use: swimming pool, sauna and gym;- complimentary Internet in the room & wireless internet use in all public areas; - V.A.T. Check-in time at the hotel is 14:00 and check-out is 12:00 (noon) Accounts can be settled by major credit cards: Visa, AmEx, MasterCard, Diners Club, JCB or Cash.

Participants who require hotel reservation, are kindly asked to complete and return the HOTEL RESERVATION AND TRANSFER FORM (Annex 3) to the National Coordinator Mrs. Umida Musayeva, Senior Specialist of International Relations Coordination Department of the Communications and Information Agency of Uzbekistan by fax: + 998 71 239-87-82 or e-mail: [email protected] by 2 March 2012 at the latest. (for enquiries: Tel: +998 71 238-41-41, Mobile: +998 97 340-54-03).

TransportationTransportation will be available for delegates from the airport to their respective hotels, as well as

from the hotels to the venue of the meetings. Participants who need transfer from the airport to the hotel upon arrival and from the hotel to the airport on departure are requested to provide all relevant information in Annex 3.

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AirportThere are currently twelve airports in Uzbekistan that are operated by Uzbekistan Airways National Air

Company. Five of them: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Urgench and Termez airports are international.

Tashkent International Airport completely meets international standards and the ICAO requirements and receives all the types of aircraft. Following a complete overhaul the passenger terminal for international flights provides a maximum level of convenience and services for passengers.

Distance from city center 15-30 minutes, Ground transportation options Taxi, Route-taxi, bus.

Entry Requirements and Visa Information for Republic of UzbekistanThose participants requiring entry visa to the Republic of Uzbekistan are requested to contact their local Embassy/Consulate of the Republic of Uzbekistan for information well in advance and to fill in a form http://evisa.mfa.uz/registration.aspx.

Visas are issued to foreign citizens in the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad on the basis of the Visa Support Letter (permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan).

Consular Bureau visas can only be issued, upon arrival at Tashkent International Airport, to those foreign citizens arriving from countries that do not have diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this case visa support from the hosting administration is required.

Participants requiring visa support are kindly asked to complete and return the following: the Visa Support Form (Annex 4 to the Invitation letter), the relevant visa application form from the web-site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and a copy of their passport to the National Coordinator Mrs. Umida Musayeva, by fax: + 998 71 239-87-82 or e-mail: [email protected] by 2 March 2012 at the latest. (for enquiries: Tel: +998 71 238-41-41; Mob: +998 97 340-54-03).

There is a bilateral Visa Free Regulation with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan.

General Information

The Republic of Uzbekistan is situated between the rivers of Amudarya and Syrdarya and occupies 447,400 square meters. The span of the territory from the west to the east is 1,425 km and from the north to the south - 930 km. The territory borders on Kazakhstan in the north, on Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the east and southeast, on Turkmenistan in the west, and on Afghanistan in the south.

Uzbekistan is the oldest land in Central Asia having a twenty-five centuries long history, the country with the arranged specific historical and cultural community different from that of other regions. Lately, tourism interests in Uzbekistan have been noticeably raised and accordingly, the range of travel facilities and services of local tour operators are being increased year by year for attracting more travelers to explore this wonderful place.

On the spaces of Uzbekistan there are many cities where hundreds of architectural monuments of different epochs are located. Among them are Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Shakhrizabs, Termez and Kokand. These cities were the centers of science and the art.

The Great Silk Road, one of the most significant achievements in history of the World civilization has also passed through these cities.


Insurance is not necessary for coming to Uzbekistan.

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V accination requirements and medical facilities

No need for vaccination. A Medical Service will be available on-site, with immediate transportation and admission to a hospital for emergencies. During the Meetings first medical aid will be provided.


The climate of Uzbekistan is sharply continental, characterized by high amplitude of day and night, summer and winter temperatures. The temperature varies rather considerably with respect to the seasons. Average temperature in January falls below -6 C, while the average temperature in March may rise above +20-+24 C. Average annual atmospheric precipitation on the plains is 120-200 mm, in mountainous areas - 1000 mm. The amount of precipitations is low, which is why the agriculture relies on irrigation to a great degree.

Time Zone

Uzbekistan is 5 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+5)

CurrencyThe national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the Uzbek Sum. All payments must be made in

the national currency. Currency exchange offices are available in every city of Uzbekistan. Also currency can be exchanged at “bureaux de changes” in hotels and at banks.

Banks are open from 09:00 am till 19:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.

Changed on 18.02.2012.

№ Currency CB Buy Cell

1 US dollar 1 UZS 1804.31 1815.00 1820.00 USD

2 EURO 1 UZS 2301.37 2302.00 2317.00 EUR

TelecommunicationsAmong the Fixed Line Operators there are three companies namely: JS “Uzbektelecom”, JV “Est

Telecom”, JV “Buzton”. Mobile operators are Uzdunrobita - trade mark “МТS” (GSM), Unitel - trade mark “Beeline” (GSM), Ucell (GSM), Rubicon Wireless Comm. (CDMA 800), UzbekTelecom-Mobile (CDMA 450).

Participants of the Meetings can get Internet access in the respective hotels and at the venue of the meeting. High-quality and cheap telephone services are possible through IP-telephony cards. Tashkent code is +998 71. A local call from a regular phone will cost you around 5,20 Sum per minute. For international calls from Tashkent you should dial 8 10 + code of the country and city) or follow the instructions on telephone card.

Safety:Security will be guaranteed.

ElectricityThe standard supply is 220 volt, 50 Hz, C.A. Outlets for 220 volts are available at the hotels.

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ITU Regional Forum 2012; followed by

RCC WTSA-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting; and RCC WCIT-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2-6 April 2012)


To ensure booking of hotel and transfer to and from the airport, participants are requested to complete and return this form to Mrs. Umida Musayeva, by fax: + 998 71 239-87-82 ore-mail: [email protected] by 2 March 2012 at the latest. (for enquiries, tel: +998 71 238-41-41, mob: +998 97 340-54-03).

Information about hotel accommodation – see Annex 2

Family name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

First name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tel: ----------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fax: -----------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-mail: ---------------------------

Name of Hotel ------------------------

------------ single/double room(s) at preferential rate

from________________________ April 2012 to ________________________April 2012

Date ------------------------------------------------------ Signature -----------------------------------------------


Transportation will be provided from the airport to the hotels and to the meeting venue

Date of Arrival

Time of Arrival


Date of Departure

Time of Departure


Page 14: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS€¦  · Web view5 L'AMNT-12 se tiendra à Dubaï, aux Emirats arabes unis, du 20 au 29 novembre 2012 et sera précédée du Colloque

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ITU Regional Forum 2012; followed by

RCC WTSA-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting; and RCC WCIT-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2-6 April 2012)

Visa Support Form (Deadline 2 March 2012)Please use CAPITAL letters.Surname & first name(s):








Passport number:

Date of issue:

Date of expiry:

Country & city where you will obtain visa to Uzbekistan:

Date of birth:

Place of birth:

Date of arrival:

Date of departure:


Please fax or e-mail this form duly completed by 2 March 2012 , at the latest, to the following person:

Mrs. Umida Musayeva, by fax: + 998 71 239-87-82, or e-mail: [email protected] (for enquiries: Tel: +998 71 238-41-41, Mobile: +998 97 340-54-03.

Page 15: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS€¦  · Web view5 L'AMNT-12 se tiendra à Dubaï, aux Emirats arabes unis, du 20 au 29 novembre 2012 et sera précédée du Colloque

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ITU Regional Forum 2012; followed by

RCC WTSA-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting; and RCC WCIT-12 Regional Preparatory Meeting

(Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2-6 April 2012) Please return to: Fellowships Service

ITU/BDTGeneva (Switzerland)

E-mail : [email protected] Tel: +41 22 730 5227Fax: +41 22 730 5778

Request for a fellowship to be submitted before 2 March 2012

Participation of women is encouraged

Registration Confirmation I.D. No: ...........................................................................................................................(Note: It is imperative for fellowship holders to pre-register via the on-line registration form at: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa-12/prepmeet/Pages/rcc.aspx)

Country: ...................................................................................................................................................................

Name of the Administration or Organization: ..........................................................................................................

Mr. / Ms.: .................................................................................................................................................................(family name) (given name)

Title: .........................................................................................................................................................................

Address: ...................................................................................................................................................................


Tel: ....................................................................... Fax: ..........................................................................................

E-Mail: ......................................................................................................................................................................


Date of birth: ....................................................... Nationality: ..............................................................................

Passport Number: ................................................ Date of issue: ...........................................................................

In (place): ............................................................. Valid until (date): ......................................................................CONDITIONS

1. One full or two partial fellowship(s) per eligible country in the RCC countries only. 2. A round trip airticket in economy class from country of origin to venue by the most direct and economical

itinerary3. A daily subsistence allowance to cover accommodation, meals and misc. expenses4. It is imperative that fellows be present for the entire duration of their fellowship.

Signature of fellowship candidate: ................................................................... Date: ............................................TO VALIDATE FELLOWSHIP REQUEST, NAME AND SIGNATURE OF CERTIFYING OFFICIAL DESIGNATING PARTICIPANT MUST BE COMPLETED BELOW WITH OFFICIAL STAMP.

Signature: ........................................................................................................ Date: .............................................

