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Unit 1 mapping

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Introduction to Mapping
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Objectives Compare and contrast latitude and longitude. Latitude and Longitude Describe how time zones vary. – cartography – equator – latitude – longitude prime meridian International Date Line Vocabulary
Page 1: Unit 1 mapping

Objectives• Compare and contrast latitude and longitude.

Latitude and Longitude

• Describe how time zones vary.

– cartography

– equator

– latitude

– longitude

– prime meridian

– International Date Line


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• Cartographers use an imaginary grid of parallel lines and vertical lines to locate points on Earth.

• The equator circles Earth halfway between the north and south poles separating Earth into two equal halves called the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

• Cartography is the science of mapmaking.

Latitude and Longitude• For thousands of years, people have used maps

to define borders and to find places.

Latitude and Longitude

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Latitude• Lines of latitude are lines running parallel to

the equator.

Latitude and Longitude

• Latitude is the distance in degrees north or south of the equator.

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Latitude• Latitude is thus measured from 0° at the equator

to 90° at the poles.

Latitude and Longitude

• Locations north of the equator are referred to by degrees north latitude (N).

• Locations south of the equator are referred to by degrees south latitude (S).

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Degrees of Latitude

Latitude and Longitude

– Each degree of latitude is equivalent to about 111 km on Earth’s surface.

– To locate positions on Earth more precisely, cartographers break down degrees of latitude into 60 smaller units, called minutes (´).

– A minute of latitude can be further divided into seconds (´´).

– Longitude is also divided into degrees, minutes, and seconds.

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Longitude• To locate positions in east and west directions,

cartographers use lines of longitude, also known as meridians.

Latitude and Longitude

• Longitude is the distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian.

• The prime meridian, representing 0° longitude, is the reference point for longitude.

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Longitude• Points west of the prime meridian are numbered

from 0° to 180° west longitude (W).

Latitude and Longitude

• Points east of the prime meridian are numbered from 0° to 180° east longitude (E).

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Latitude and Longitude

– Lines of longitude are not parallel; they are large semicircles that extend vertically from pole to pole.

– The distances covered by degrees of longitude vary with location.

– One degree of longitude varies from about 111 km at the equator to essentially the distance covered by a point at the poles.

Degrees of Longitude

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Locating Places with Coordinates

Latitude and Longitude

– Both latitude and longitude are needed to precisely locate positions on Earth.

– For example, the location of New Orleans is 29°57´N, 90°04´W.

– Note that latitude comes first in reference to the coordinates of a particular location.

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Time Zones• Because Earth takes about 24 hours to rotate

once on its axis, it is divided into 24 times zones, each representing a different hour.

Latitude and Longitude

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Time Zones• Each time zone is 15° wide, corresponding

roughly to lines of longitude.

Latitude and Longitude

• Time zone boundaries have been adjusted in local areas for convenience.

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Time Zones• There are six

different time zones in the United States.

Latitude and Longitude

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Time Zones

Calendar Dates

Latitude and Longitude

– Every time zone experiences this transition from one day to the next, with the calendar advancing to the next day at midnight.

– Each time you travel through a time zone, you gain or lose time, eventually gaining or losing an entire day.

– The International Date Line, or 180° meridian, serves as the transition line for calendar days.

– Traveling west across the International Date Line, you would advance your calendar one day.

– Traveling east, you would move your calendar back one day.

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Objectives• Compare and contrast different map projections.

• Analyze topographic maps.

• Describe map characteristics, such as map scales and map legends

– Mercator projection

– conic projection

– gnomonic projection

– topographic map

– contour line

– contour interval

– map legend

– map scale


Types of Maps

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Types of Maps• Maps are flat models of a three-dimensional

object, Earth.

Types of Maps

• All flat maps distort to some degree either the shapes or the areas of landmasses.

• Cartographers use projections to make maps.

• A map projection is made by transferring points and lines on a globe’s surface onto a sheet of paper.

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Mercator Projections• A Mercator projection is a map that has

parallel lines of latitude and longitude.

Types of Maps

• In a Mercator projection, the shapes of the landmasses are correct, but their areas are distorted.

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Conic Projections• A conic projection is a map made

by projecting points and lines from a globe onto a cone.

Types of Maps

• The cone touches the globe at a particular line of latitude along which there is very little distortion in the areas or shapes of landmasses.

• Distortion is evident near the top and bottom of the projection.

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Gnomonic Projections• A gnomonic projection is a map made by

projecting points and lines from a globe onto a piece of paper that touches the globe at a single point.

Types of Maps

• Gnomonic projections distort direction and distance between landmasses.

• Gnomonic projections are useful in plotting long-distance trips by air or sea.

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Gnomonic Projections• Great circles are imaginary lines that divide Earth

into two equal halves.

Types of Maps

• On a sphere such as Earth, the shortest distance between two points lies along a great circle.

• Navigators connect points on gnomonic projections to plot great-circle routes.

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Topographic Maps• Topographic maps are

detailed maps showing the elevations of hills and valleys of an area.

Types of Maps

• Topographic maps use lines, symbols, and colors to represent changes in elevation and features on Earth’s surface.

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Topographic Maps

Contour Lines

Types of Maps

– Elevation on a topographic map is represented by a contour line.

– A contour line connects points of equal elevation.

– Elevation refers to the distance of a location above or below sea level.

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Topographic Maps

Contour Intervals

Types of Maps

– Topographic maps use contour lines to show changes in elevation.

– The contour interval is the difference in elevation between two side-by-side contour lines.

– The contour interval is dependent on the terrain.

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Topographic Maps

Index Contours

Types of Maps

– Index contours are contour lines that are marked by numbers representing their elevations.

– If a contour interval on a map is 5 m, you can determine the elevations represented by other lines around the index contour by adding or subtracting 5 m from the elevation indicated on the index contour.

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Topographic Maps

Depression Contour Lines

Types of Maps

– Depression contour lines are used to represent features that are lower than the surrounding area.

– On a map, depression contour lines have hachures, or short lines at right angles to the contour line that point toward the lower elevation, to indicate depressions.

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• These features are represented by different symbols.

• A map legend explains what the symbols represent.

Map Legends• Topographic maps and most

other maps include both human-made and natural features that are located on Earth’s surface.

Types of Maps

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• A map scale is the ratio between distances on a map and actual distances on the surface of Earth.

Map Scales• When using a map, you need to know how to

measure distances.

Types of Maps

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Map Scales• There are three types of map scales: verbal

scales, graphic scales, and fractional scales.

Types of Maps

– A verbal scale expresses distance as a statement, such as “One centimeter is equal to one kilometer.”

– A graphic scale consists of a line that represents a certain distance, such as 5 km or 5 miles.

– A fractional scale expresses distance as a ratio, such as 1:63 500.

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• remote sensing

• electromagnetic spectrum

• frequency

• Landsat satellite

Objectives• Compare and contrast the different forms of

radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum.

• Discuss how satellites and sonar are used to map Earth’s surface and its oceans.

• Describe the Global Positioning System.


Remote Sensing

• Topex/Poseidon satellite

• Global Positioning System

• sonar

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Remote Sensing• Until recently, mapmakers had to go on-site to

collect the data needed to make maps.

Remote Sensing

• Today, advanced technology has changed the way maps are made.

• Remote sensing is the process of collecting data about Earth from far above Earth’s surface.

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum• Satellites detect different wavelengths of energy

reflected or emitted from Earth’s surface.

Remote Sensing

• This energy has both electric and magnetic properties and is referred to as electromagnetic radiation.

• Electromagnetic radiation includes visible light, gamma rays, X rays, ultraviolet waves, infrared waves, radio waves, and microwaves.

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Wave Characteristics

Remote Sensing

– All electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of 300 000 km/s in a vacuum, a value commonly referred to as the speed of light.

– Electromagnetic waves have distinct wavelengths and frequencies.

– The electromagnetic spectrum is the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation according to wavelengths.

– Frequency is the number of waves that pass a particular point each second.

– These unique characteristics help determine how the energy is used by different satellites to map Earth.

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Wave Characteristics

Remote Sensing

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Landsat Satellites• A Landsat satellite receives reflected

wavelengths of energy emitted by Earth’s surface, including some wavelengths of visible light and infrared radiation.

Remote Sensing

• Since the features on Earth’s surface radiate warmth at slightly different frequencies, they show up as different colors in images

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Topex/Poseidon Satellite• The Topex/Poseidon satellite uses radar to

accurately map the ocean surface.

Remote Sensing

• Radar uses high-frequency signals that are transmitted from the satellite to the surface of the ocean.

• A receiving device then picks up the returning echo as it is reflected off the water.

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Topex/Poseidon Satellite• The distance to the water’s surface is

calculated using the known speed of light and the time it takes for the signal to be reflected.

Remote Sensing

• Variations in time indicate the presence of certain features on the ocean floor as well as many ocean surface features and currents.

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The Global Positioning System• The Global Positioning System, or GPS, is a

radio-navigation system of at least 24 satellites that allows its users to determine their exact position on Earth.

Remote Sensing

• Each satellite orbits Earth and transmits high-frequency microwaves that contain information about the satellite’s position and the time of transmission.

• A GPS receiver calculates the user’s precise latitude and longitude by processing the signals emitted by multiple satellites.

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Sea Beam• Sea Beam technology is similar to the Topex/

Poseidon satellite in that it is used to map the ocean floor.

Remote Sensing

• Sea Beam is located on a ship and relies on sonar to map ocean-floor features.

• Sonar is the use of sound waves to detect and measure objects underwater.

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Sea Beam• First, a sound wave is sent from a ship toward the

ocean floor.

Remote Sensing

• A receiving device then picks up the returning echo when it bounces off the seafloor.

• Computers on the ship can then calculate the distance to the ocean bottom based on the time it takes the signal to be reflected.
