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Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4:...

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1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey Scripture: Psalm 90-106 Lesson Goal: The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. This lesson is about the fourth group of poems which focus on how we are to obey God with thankful hearts, Introduction: The book of Psalms is found in the middle of the Bible. It is the second book in the Old Testament group of books called Poetry. Let’s say the books of poetry—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs. Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation-Psalm 1-41; Book 2: God's Help-Psalm 42-72; Book 3: Temple Songs- Psalm 73-89; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey-Psalm 90-106; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word-Psalm 107-150. Many of the chapters in this section go along with another Old Testament book Exodus. Attention Getter: “Plan A and Plan B” Have you ever heard someone talk about Plan A and Plan B? Let’s say that your mom has promised you that she will bake cookies for your youth group. You ask for chocolate chip cookies. But when your mom goes to bake the cookies she does not have any chocolate. She says to you, "I can't bake you any chocolate chip cookies." That was your Plan A but it is not going to happen. Then your mom says, "But I have some peanut butter. I will have to make peanut butter cookies instead." Peanut butter cookies sound better to you anyway! That would be Plan B. What you first planned to do did not work, so you have to do something else. That is doing Plan B instead of Plan A. Sometimes we have good plans but for some reason they don't work out. That is not the case with God. His plans are always perfect. He doesn't need a Plan B. Psalms 90 through 106 is the fourth book of Psalms. We read here about God's perfect plan for the nation of Israel. God wanted them to obey Him so they could inherit the Promised Land. Their disobedience led to a forty year delay in receiving that blessing. The psalms in this fourth group teach us how to obey God with a thankful heart. Opening Prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for the promise to save and protect us if we will just be willing to obey you. Forgive us of the sin of a rebellious heart that sometimes just wants to do things our own way. Help us to love and follow You with an obedient thankful heart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.” Memory Verse: The memory verse is Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/dXIAoW3jKCc Psalms is the longest book in the Bible. It has 150 chapters. So we are going to divide this book into 5 parts. The parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3 Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5 Praising God and His Word.
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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey

Scripture: Psalm 90-106

Lesson Goal: The book of Psalms is a collection of songs and prayers used to praise and worship God. This lesson is about the fourth group of poems which focus on how we are to obey God with thankful hearts,

Introduction: The book of Psalms is found in the middle of the Bible. It is the second book in the Old Testament group of books called Poetry. Let’s say the books of poetry—Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs.

Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and has 150 chapters. It can be divided into five parts or books. These parts are Book 1: Creation-Psalm 1-41; Book 2: God's Help-Psalm 42-72; Book 3: Temple Songs-Psalm 73-89; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey-Psalm 90-106; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word-Psalm 107-150. Many of the chapters in this section go along with another Old Testament book Exodus.

Attention Getter: “Plan A and Plan B” Have you ever heard someone talk about Plan A and Plan B? Let’s say that your mom has promised you that she will bake cookies for your youth group. You ask for chocolate chip cookies. But when your mom goes to bake the cookies she does not have any chocolate. She says to you, "I can't bake you any chocolate chip cookies." That was your Plan A but it is not going to happen.

Then your mom says, "But I have some peanut butter. I will have to make peanut butter cookies instead." Peanut butter cookies sound better to you anyway! That would be Plan B. What you first planned to do did not work, so you have to do something else. That is doing Plan B instead of Plan A.

Sometimes we have good plans but for some reason they don't work out. That is not the case with God. His plans are always perfect. He doesn't need a Plan B.

Psalms 90 through 106 is the fourth book of Psalms. We read here about God's perfect plan for the nation of Israel. God wanted them to obey Him so they could inherit the Promised Land. Their disobedience led to a forty year delay in receiving that blessing. The psalms in this fourth group teach us how to obey God with a thankful heart.

Opening Prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for the promise to save and protect us if we will just be willing to obey you. Forgive us of the sin of a rebellious heart that sometimes just wants to do things our own way. Help us to love and follow You with an obedient thankful heart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/dXIAoW3jKCc

Psalms is the longest book in the Bible. It has 150 chapters. So we are going to divide this book into 5 parts. The parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3 Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5 Praising God and His Word.

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

The first book of Psalms covers chapters 1-41. It speaks about creation and how God meets all of our needs. It is like the book of Genesis. It teaches us about God’s eternal love and care for us and how we should trust him even in the day to day experiences of life.

The second book of Psalms covers chapters 42-72 and talks about God’s Help in times of trouble. It is like the book of Exodus. Many of these songs focus on God’s protection of Israel from their enemies. One of these songs is Psalm 46 and it tells how God is our Refuge and Strength. This song may have been written during the days of Hezekiah when God saved Israel from the Assyrians by sending the death angel to the enemy camp and killing 185,000 men in one night!

The third part of Psalms is Psalms 73-89. It is like the book of Leviticus. These poems tell how Israel celebrated God’s power, sovereignty, and faithfulness to them. Most of these songs were written by Asaph. He led the temple choir and used many different instruments to praise God. These psalms encourage us to worship God by remembering His sovereignty over all creation.

The fourth part of Psalms is Psalms 90-106. This collection of psalms was mainly written by unknown authors and is similar to the book of Numbers. Numbers tells the story of how nation of Israel was lead by Moses to enter the Promised Land but sinned and was punished by wandering in the wilderness for forty years.

The songs in the third part of Psalms have the same theme as Numbers. God desires that we obey Him. He wants to bless His children and longs to give them the prosperity of the land. When we disobey His word, we miss the blessings and often experience God’s judgment.

God’s plan was to take the nation of Israel out of Egypt through the desert directly to the Promised Land. It was a perfect plan until the Israelites decided to disobey God. When Israel arrived at the Promised Land Moses sent in 12 spies to check out the land. Only Two spies--Joshua and Caleb came back with a good report. They said the land was full of huge grape vineyards and that God would give the Israelites victory.

But Israel did not believe the two spies. Instead they believed the ten spies who were afraid. Because they disobeyed, God caused them to wander around in the wilderness for forty years. The whole generation refused to obey God's plan.

The word generation means a whole group of people who are around the same age. The book of Exodus tells us that the whole generation died in the wilderness because they refused to follow God's plan. They did not get to go into the Promised Land where there was lush grass, big vineyards, and wonderful crops. Instead they had to spend their entire lives in the hot dry desert.

Why did the nation of Israel disobey? Look at Psalm 95: 8. “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah

in the wilderness." Israel disobeyed God because they had

hardened their hearts. What does it mean to harden your heart? To harden your heart means to refuse to obey."

A hardened heart is as useless as a hardened lump of clay or a hardened loaf of bread. Nothing can restore it or make it useful. When a person’s heart becomes hardened they are so stubbornly set in their ways that they cannot turn to God. God takes that kind of disobedience very seriously.

Look at verses 10-11 10

For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray, and they have not known my ways.’

11 So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall

never enter my rest.’” God was very unhappy with Israel. They had deliberately disobeyed Him when they refused to worship Him. God punished them for their disobedience. They did not get to enjoy all the blessings of the Promised Land.

You may be thinking...well, God was talking to the Israelites, not me. But in Hebrews 3:12-13 God says that when we refuse to follow the rules and are rude and refuse to listen to those in authority we are acting like the Israelites! Our hearts are being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

The more we disobey our parents the easier it becomes to do it again! Then it becomes a very bad habit that is hard to break! Disobeying our parents is really disobeying God. To obey God is always God's Plan A. God knows what is best for us! So we should want to do what He says! God’s plan is to keep us safe.

Of course the wise thing to do is to follow God's perfect plan. Psalm 91 is God's plan for keeping us safe. Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

When it talks

about abiding or dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty it means that we are in a place of safety when we listen to and obey God. Verse 2 says, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” We see that God protects those who obey Him.

The word refuge refers to a shelter from danger. Just like a house protects us from storms, God protects His children. A fortress would be a strong and safe place of protection. I can't imagine a better place to be than under the protection of God. He has the greatest power of all to protect us!

Look at verses 11-12. “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12

they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone." This is a wonderful promise. God will send His angels to protect us! Did you know that these are the words that Satan tried to use to tempt Jesus? Even Satan knows the power of God.

Psalm 91: 14-15 says. “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he

acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Wow! As a Christian I can call on God at any time of the day or night and He will take care of me when I am in trouble. When Peter was walking on the water and he began to sink, he called out to Jesus, “Lord, help me!” Jesus reached out and saved him!

Today people talk a lot about safety. We constantly hear how we can be safe in our homes, in our schools, in our cities, in our cars, and even at the airport. But the safest place for any Christian is to be in the shadow of the Almighty.

Unless you have placed your faith and trust in God's Son Jesus who died on the cross for your sins, was buried, and rose from the dead, you are not under God's protection. It is a personal choice to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.

If you haven't received Jesus as your Savior, you can do so today! Just pray and tell Jesus that you are sorry for your sin, and you want Him to forgive you and give you the gift of eternal life! God wants us to follow and obey Him.

Our memory verse is Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” The Israelites failed to enter the Promised Land because of their disobedience. They missed God’s wonderful gift. God is calling us to trust Him so He can give us the best. Let’s say our verse again together. Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

God's plan A for our lives is to obey Him. Are there times when you put off or refuse to obey God? Unless you obey Him you are stepping out of God's protective shadow. This week remember not to harden your heart but be willing to obey right away with a great attitude.

Let’s pray. “Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for the promise to save and protect us if we will just be willing to obey you. Forgive us of the sin of a rebellious heart that sometimes just wants to do things our own way. Help us to love and follow You with an obedient thankful heart. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Let's go with God's Plan A....Obey Him!

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Review Questions: “Dice Points” Preparation: You will need a dice for each student or for each team of students. Procedure: You can score points for individual children in a small group or you can divide the class into two teams and score points for the team. To determine the value of each of the review questions below throw the dice. The number on the top of the dice will be the value of the question asked. Students must answer the review question correctly in order to throw the dice and find the value of the question. Student or team with the most points wins. 1. How many chapters or songs are in the book of Psalms? (Psalms is the longest book in the Bible and

has 150 chapters. 2. How is the book of Psalms divided by theme? (Psalms can be divided into five parts or books. These

parts are Book 1: Creation; Book 2: God's Help; Book 3: Temple Songs; Book 4: God's Plan to Obey; and Book 5: Praising God and His Word.

3. What book in the Bible is Part 1 of Psalms like? (Book 1 of Psalms is like the book of Creation because it tells about creation and how God meets all of our needs.)

4. What book in the Bible is Part 2 of Psalms like? (Book 2 of Psalms is like the book of Exodus because it tells how God brought Israel out of Egypt and took them to the Promised Land. It tells us that God is our refuge and strength.)

5. Who wrote most of the Psalms in Part 3: Temple Songs of Psalms? (Asaph wrote most of the Psalms.)

6. What lessons can we learn from these Psalms? (God wants us to honor Him by singing songs of praise that bring glory to Him.)

7. What book in the Bible is the fourth Book of Psalms like? (Psalms Book 4 is similar to the book of Numbers.)

8. What is the theme of Book 4 of Psalms? (God desires that we obey Him. He wants to bless His children. When we disobey His word, we miss the blessings and often experience God’s judgment.)

9. What was God’s Plan A for the nation of Israel? (God’s plan was to take the nation of Israel out of Egypt through the desert directly to the Promised Land.)

10. What happened to Israel when they disobeyed God by not trusting in Him? (They had to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and a whole generation of people died in the desert.)

11. What does Psalm 95: 8 say about the hearts of the Israelites? (Psalm 95:8 “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness.." Israel disobeyed God because they had hardened their hearts.)

12. What does it mean to “harden your heart”? (To harden your heart means to refuse to obey.. When a person’s heart becomes hardened they are so stubbornly set in their ways that they cannot turn to God. God takes that kind of disobedience very seriously.)

13. What is a hardened heart like? (A hardened heart is as useless as a hardened lump of clay or a hardened loaf of bread. Nothing can restore it or make it useful.}

14. What is God’s Plan A in Psalm 91 for those who obey him? (Psalm 91 is God's plan for keeping us safe. Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”)

15. What does it mean to dwell in the shadow of God? ( When it talks about abiding or dwelling under the shadow of the Almighty it means that we are in a place of safety when we listen to and obey God.)

16. In Psalm 91:2 to what does God compare His place of safety? (God compares it to a refuge or fortress! Psalm 91:2 says, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”)

17. What promise does God say he will do for those who obey Him in Psalm 91:11-12? (God will send His angels to protect us!)

18. What is the memory verse? (The memory verse is Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Dominoes Verse Cards” Say: “Our memory verse is Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and read together aloud several times. Say: “To harden your heart means to refuse to obey. A hardened heart is as useless as a hardened lump of clay or a hardened loaf of bread. Nothing can restore it or make it useful. When a person’s heart becomes hardened they are so stubbornly set in their ways that they cannot turn to God. God takes that kind of disobedience very seriously. The Israelites failed to enter the Promised Land because of their disobedience. They missed God’s wonderful gift. God is calling us to trust Him so He can give us the best. We should obey Him with a joyful heart.” Preparation: You will need 12 3” X 5” index cards. Draw a line on each card dividing it in half. Write one of the following words on each half of the 3” X 5” cards. Hebrews / 3: 15 /“Today, / if / you / hear / his / voice,/ do not / harden / your / hearts.” The cards are now dominoes. This game is ideally played with 3 or 4 students. If you have more students, group them into 3 or 4 students and give each group a set of 12 cards. Be sure to use different words on each side of the domino and be careful to include all the words in the verse at least twice. Procedure: Give each group of 3 or 4 students a set of Domino Verse Cards. Shuffle the dominos and give each child 3 dominoes. Whoever has the first word lays it down. The play continues to the left. If a player cannot place the correct domino down that would continue the verse, he may say pass. The whole team wins if the dominos are laid in order so the verse can be repeated correctly.

Group Learning Activity: “Stay in the Shadow” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need a strong flashlight. Say: “In this lesson we read from Psalm 91. God says that He wants to give us safety and protection. Psalm 91: 1 says “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” Today we are going to play a game that will help us understand what this verse means.” Procedure: Have the children pair up with a partner. Each pair will take turns. When you turn the lights out, one child from the pair will stand in front of a wall with the flashlight shining on him producing a shadow on the wall. This child can do various movements (for example, jumping jacks, dance steps, shadow animals, etc.). The partner’s job will be to mimic as best as possible what the first child is doing. Give each pair about a minute. After all pairs are finished, children will vote for which pair is the best “shadow follower.” (Of course, they must not vote for themselves.) Declare a winner. Say: “Do you think it was hard to follow the shadow of someone else? Obeying God is like following His Shadow! God is our protector and He wants us to have all the blessings that He has planned for us. To receive those blessing we must learn to stay in His shadow—the safest place we can be in life--at all times.”

Hebrews 3:15

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Object Lesson: Coloring Page” (Grades K-6) Preparation: You will need to have completed two pages from a coloring book. You can have a copy of a coloring page in which the colors are all within the lines and then the same page colored with scribbles. Procedure: Show the two pages of coloring to the class. Say: “Do you remember when you first started to learn how to color? If you were like most children, you probably colored all over the page without staying in the lines. I imagine that some of your pictures looked a lot like this one (show picture colored without staying in the lines). And your choice of colors probably wasn't very good either. Say: “As you got older, your pictures probably looked more like this one (show a picture colored in the lines). You began to stay in the lines and your color choices were much better too. This picture is much prettier than the other one, isn't it?” Say: “These pictures remind me of this Bible lesson about obeying God. In Psalm Book 4 we found that the theme of these songs was about obeying God. God gave us the Ten Commandments to tell us the things that we should and should not do. Some people don't pay any attention to these guidelines that God has drawn for them. They just do whatever they want to do. Often their choices are not very good. They are like the child who doesn't stay inside the lines on the coloring page. They think their life is beautiful, but when God looks at it, He sees that it is just a big mess.” Say: “There are other people who read the Bible and follow God's rules. They try to stay within the guidelines that God has set. Oh, they may still get outside the lines at times, but most of the time they make pretty good choices. When God looks at their life, He is pleased.” Say: “Do you want your life to be like this one (Show the messy picture) or do you want it to look like this one? (Show the pretty picture) Let's pray and ask God to help us.”

Group Learning Activity: “A Shining Example” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need some dirty pennies, two small bowls, salt, vinegar, cotton swabs (the double-ended stick swabs), and a recipe card with instructions on how to clean pennies. Procedure: Begin by telling your students that you need to clean some pennies and you have read that you can use vinegar to clean them. Put some pennies in the bowl. Dip a cotton swab in vinegar and try to clean the pennies. You might see a slight cleaning effect but nothing significant. Pretend that you are disappointed with the results. Then say, “I guess I should have read the instructions more carefully.” Consult your instructions on the recipe card and say, “Now I understand! I was supposed to mix salt into the vinegar.” Now have your students help you stir 1 teaspoon of salt into 1.4 cup of vinegar. Have them stir until the salt is dissolved. When the salt is completely dissolved, allow your children to put the pennies into the mixture. You may need to stir the solution a bit, but the results will be startlingly different. Your efforts will produce some clean and shiny pennies. Say: “We are like the vinegar and the salt is like the Holy Spirit. We can try to be obedient on our own, but it is hard to obey God when we try to do it in our own strength. It is much easier to obey when we ask God for help from His Holy Soirit.”

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Questions for discussion:

What did I do wrong the first time?

Which instruction did I not follow at first?

Where do we find God’s instructions?

Who can help you obey God’s instructions?

What does God promise to children who do obey their parents?

What does God say He will do for those who choose righteousness? Conclude by praying with your students asking God to give them the desire to obey Him.

Group Learning Activity: “Obedient Heart” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To understand that God wants us to have obedient hearts. Preparation: Students will need Bibles, pens or pencils, and spiritual journal. Procedure: Help students locate the following verses of scripture. Read verses aloud. Discuss obedience to God. Highlight the Biblical principles being taught.

Deuteronomy 6:24 “The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today.” God promises us a right relationship with Him when we obey and trust Him. Luke 11:28 “He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” God is pleased when we obey Him. Psalm 119:60 "I will hasten and not delay to obey your command." God wants us to obey His commands quickly without delay. Delay is sign of a lack of faith.

John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commands.” Obedience to God should be with the right motivation—love.

Ephesians 6:1-3 “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Children should not just obey their parents but honor them! A positive relationship between children and parents brings great joy to both!

Colossians 3:20 “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” God has established the relationship between children and parents. He wants us to obey our parents like we obey Him. We learn obedience to God by obeying our parents.

Proverbs 19:16 “Whoever keeps commandments keeps their life, but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die.” To obey what God says in His Word is self preserving. To disobey is self- destructive.

1 John 5:3 “In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,” Obedience to God is not necessarily easy. But the hard work and self discipline of serving Christ is no burden if we love Him.

Have students record the principles they learned in their spiritual journals. Close in prayer.

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Traffic Signs” Preparation: Bring to class pictures of various road signs and let children see if they can identify the direction that is given in the sign OR print the template of signs below on poster board. ) Say: “Why do we have rules? Can you imagine driving around town if there were no rules? All the cars would crash into each other and people wouldn't be able to get across the street! It would be so confusing! Rules for the road are often posted on traffic signs. They tell people when to stop, how fast to go and warn about danger ahead. Traffic laws are important to follow so everyone can be safe. Say: “What does a “stop” sign mean? What does a red traffic light mean? What does a green traffic light mean? What does a yellow traffic light mean? What do speed limit signs mean? Why do we need to obey the “rules of the road”? Are traffic signs placed randomly, or are they put in a carefully selected location? Why does God give us rules? Would you like to live somewhere where it is considered acceptable to steal? Say: “Just as city engineers place signs to prevent accidents, so it is with God’s rules. God gives us commandments in the Bible that are there for our own good. Driving would be chaotic if no one followed the traffic signs. Our lives, too, would be miserable if we didn’t follow God’s rules. For example, one of God’s rules is “Do not steal” (Deuteronomy 5:19). Imagine how dreadful it would be to live somewhere where stealing was allowed. God gives us rules so that life may go well for us.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Shadow Silhouettes” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need one black and one white piece of construction paper per child, a flashlight, pencils, masking tape, scissors and white crayons. Say: “In this lesson we read from Psalm 91. God says that He wants to give us safety and protection. Psalm 91: 1 says “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” We are going to make a shadow silhouette that will remind us of this truth.” Procedure: Draw a silhouette of each child. Have each child sit with their side to a smooth surface/wall. Have your assistant or another child hold and shine a flashlight onto the child. Hold up the piece of white construction paper on the smooth surface. Have the child sit close enough to the wall to make a shadow. Trace the side view of their face with a pencil. Give each child a piece of tape with a number on it. Write that same number on their picture, but not their name. Keep their paper. When everyone’s silhouette is drawn, mix them all up and pass them out. See if each person can guess whose shadow silhouette they received. After guessing, have everyone claim their own shadow silhouette. Cut the silhouette out on the pencil lines. Glue onto black paper. With a white crayon write the theme and/or verse on the back of the black paper. Say: “There is a place we as Christians can live—a place of security in the Lord where we can “hide out” and find protection, a place where we dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. The psalmist declares, God is my refuge and my fortress. A refuge is a place of safety, a sheltered place, that we can run to in

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OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

order to be safe from something threatening or harmful. A fortress is a fortified place of protection, impenetrable to the enemy. “As we make the Lord our dwelling place, we rest in the strength of His all sufficient protection. God is our protector. Why is it called a secret place? Perhaps because the relationship God shares with each one of us is very personal and intimate. He becomes our safe place to hide from every danger and threat we might face—emotionally, spiritually, physically.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Keys to Obedience”

Preparation: You will need four different colors of construction paper or colored card stock for each child. You will also need ribbon, pencils, black markers, and scissors. Procedure: Make a Key shaped pattern for students to trace. You can use the template below to print on poster board. Give each child four different colors of construction paper. Distribute markers, pencils, and markers. Have students use the pattern to trace four different key shapes from each sheet of construction paper. Have students cut out the keys. Using the black marker, have students write the four “keys to obeying God.” Four keys to obedience are (1) Obeying without complaining; (2) Obey God immediately, (3) Obey God cheerfully, and (4) Obey God completely. Attach the keys together with a ribbon or a thin strip of paper used like a ribbon. Say: “In this lesson we learned that God wants us to obey Him. He loves us and has a plan to bless us and protect us. How does God wants us to obey Him? (Read Deuteronomy 6:24 “The Lord commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the Lord our God, so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today.”) “First, we should not delay in obeying God. When we respond quickly to God’s direction and instruction it can save our life. It is like a mom calling to her child to not run into the street in front of an oncoming car! Obeying quickly is pleasing to God. “Second, God wants us to obey Him cheerfully. A cheerful attitude can make obeying God much easier to accomplish. If we have a bad attitude, then obeying God becomes much harder! He loves us and He wants us to obey Him because we love Him too! “Third, God wants us to obey Him completely. If we just obey God partially then we will miss half of the blessings. God wants us to enjoy all the benefits He has planned for us. “Fourth, God wants us to obey Him without complaining. Grumbling and arguing shows that we do not trust God and His plans. He cannot bless us if our heart is not right. Attitude is important!”

Snack Learning Activity: “O-bey Donuts” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need 1 can of refrigerated biscuits and powdered sugar. Procedure: Take a can of refrigerated biscuits. Flatten them out. Cut out a circle in the middle. (Use a soda pop bottle lid.) Have a skillet ready with hot oil. Fry the biscuits (donuts) in the oil until golden brown. Drain on paper towel. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Or purchase fresh cake donuts. Say: “The donuts are in the shape of O’s. The donut O’s represent the letter “O” in Obey. Every time you have a donut you are reminded to obey. The fifth commandment is “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” (Ephesians

Page 10: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part


OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

6:1) “A blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I have commanded you this day.” Deuteronomy 11:27

Life Application Challenge: “Obey God’s Rules” Preparation: You will need the wooden letters from the “Scrabble” game. Turn “Scrabble” letters upside down on table top. On white board make blank lines for the letters of the words “Obey God’s Rules.” Ex. ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ Have students guess letters to correctly fill the sentence. They can use the letters to try to fill in the correct spelling of the lesson objective. Review the importance of obeying God. Challenge the students to show obedience to their parents this week. Conclude in prayer asking for God’s strength to obey Him.

Page 11: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part


OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Psalms Part 4 God’s Plan to Obey

Hebrews 3: 15 “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.”

Page 12: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part


OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 13: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part


OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 14: Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part 4: God’s Plan ... · 1 OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 10: Books of Poetry OT10.5 Psalms Part


OT10.5 Psalms—Part 4: God’s Plan to Obey ©Beverly Wilson 2020
