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Unit 10: The Spanish Empire

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The Spanish Empire 2nd ESO Bilingual Unit 10 Source: Santillama Richmond Maira Gil Camarón
Page 1: Unit 10: The Spanish Empire

The Spanish Empire2nd ESO Bilingual

Unit 10

Source: Santillama RichmondMaira Gil Camarón

Page 2: Unit 10: The Spanish Empire

1- Who was Charles V?MAXIMILIAM


• States of the House of Austria

• Right to the title of Holy Roman Empire


• Low Countries

• Luxemburg• Franche-

Comté• Artois• Charolais


• Crown of Castile and possessions outside the Peninsula (Canary Islands, American and African territories)


• Crown of Aragon and possessions in Italy (Sardinia, Naples and Sicily)




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Charles I of Spain, V of the Holy

Roman Empire

He was born in Flanders.

Whe he came to Spain (1516), he hardly spoke Spanish. He brought many Flemish noblemen with him and game them the most important government posts.

He spent large amounts of Castilian money on becoming Holy Roman Emperor

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2- What was the Revolt of the Comuneros (1520-1521)?

• Castilians did not trust the foreign nobles that had great influence over Charles and held the main positions in the government

• Resourcers were sent from Castile to Flanders to secure Charles’power over there

• The idea that the new king would sacrifice Castile over his imperial ambitions

• Oposition to the increase in the exports of Castilian wool that would benefit Flanders’manufacturers and damage Castilian industries

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• The revolt started in Toledo and spread to other cities, with the support of the nobles in the beginning

• An agreement with the nobles allowed Charles to defeat the revolt in 1521 (in the Battle of Villalar, april 23)

• Changes in the government were introduced afterwards

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3- What was Charles V's empire like?

• He had a vast Empire, the biggest in that times

• Every territory had its own laws and institutions

• He was not an absolute king, he had to ask Parliaments for some issues

• The Court was itinerant• Each territory had a viceroy

and a court to administer justice

• His revenues came mostly from taxes

• He had to ask for loans to finance his policies as well

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Problems in the Empire• France was his main rival• The Ottoman Empire: rival

in the eastern boundary -> religious rivalry.

• Rebellion of the German Protestant Princes

Charles abdicated in 1556 and divided his possessions:

• His brother Ferdinand I became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

• His son PHILIP II inherited the rest of his father possessions.

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The Hispanic Monarchy

4- What was Philip II's reign like?

• The empire of Philip II was the most powerful of the time (Spain, Low Countries, a large part of Italy, Central Europe, American and African territories…)

• He was son of Isabella of Portugal, so he claimed the Portuguese throne when the king died without descendants. He was crowned Philip I of Portugal in 1581.

• Portugal had many territories over the world, so his empire increased.

• Philip II ruled from Madrid, his Court, the centre of his empire -> Hispanic Monarchy

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Philip II had two main objectives:• Preserve his territories• Defend Catholicism

Problems during Philip II’s reign• War with France. • Confrontation with the Turks. The Turkish Empire was a

great power which threatened Spanish possessions in the Mediterranean sea, so Spain, the Pope and Venice formed an alliance to defeat the Turks (Battle of Lepanto)

• Revolt in the Low Countries. A war religion against the Calvinism, this was lasted 80 years

• Confrontation with England. Elizabeth I helped the rebels in the Low Countries and Philip II sent the Invincible Armada to fight against England. The powerful Spanish armada was defeated in 1588.

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EXPEDITIONS• Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztec Empire• Francisco Pizarro conquered the Inca Empire• Francisco de Orellana discovered the Amazon rainforest

and was the first to sail down the Amazon river

6- How did Spain organize its empire in the New World?

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Organization of the New World empireAmerica was considered an extension of Spain at those times, so the same laws were appliedCouncil of the Indies was created as a territorial council to govern American territory (or the Indies) was divided into (16th century)• The Viceroyalty of New Spain• The Viceroyalty of Peru

Trade, tarvel, emigration… were carried out through the Trading House (Casa de Contratación)

Mining (silver and gold) Plantations (sugar and cotton) /

Haciendas (agriculture and stockbreeding) Encomiendas

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SOCIETY in America was divided by racial criteria:

• SPANIARDS (people that was born in the Iberian Peninsula): they occupied the highest positions

• CREOLES (descendants of the conquerors): they were Spaniards who were born in America

• INDIANS: they carried out manual labour and suffered harsh treatment• MESTIZO• MULATO• ZAMBO

• Negroes (black people): they were slaves brought from Africa to do the hardest work (without rights)

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16th century economic growth /// 17th century economic and social crisis

7- Why did Spain lose its supremacy?

Philip III (1598-1621)His favourite (valido) Duke of Lerma was in charge of governmentPacifist FOREIGN POLICY Peace treaty with England Twelve Years’Truce with the United

Provinces DOMESTIC POLICY Expulsion of the Moriscos: depopulation

and ruin Bankruptcy: economic (and social) crisis

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Philip IV (1621-1665)His favourite the Count-Duke of Olivares was in charge of government

FOREIGN POLICY1621 The Twelve Years’Truce ended, so war against the United Provinces Thirty Years War: Bohemian Protestants

(helped by other protestant countries and France) against the Holy Roman Empire (helped by Spain). Philip IV was the leader of the Catholics. It ended in 1648 with the Treaty of Westphalia Independence of the United Provinces Spain lost its supremacy in Europe

8- What were the reigns of Philip IV and Charles II like?

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DOMESTIC POLICY (Count-Duke of Olivares) • Share military expenses

among all the territories ot the Hispanic Monarchy

• Increase the king’s power by reducing the autonomy of the territories

These reforms met hard opposition:• Revolts: • CATALONIA: revolts against the

centralist policy. It was suppressed by the king forces

• PORTUGAL: this revolt succeeded and expelled Philip IV’s representatives, declaring its independence with king John IV of Portugal, oficially recognized by Spain in 1668 in the Treaty of Lisbon

Count-Duke of Olivares

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Charles II (1675-1700)

Charles II inherited the throne when he was 4 years old, so he needed a regent, his mother, Mariana of Austria, until he had 14, in 1675.

He was mentally and physycally ill and cannot rule, so several favourites governed in his place.

The king died in 1700 with no heirs, and a war of succession began in Spain. This was the end of the House of Austria (Hapsburg dynasty) in Spain. A new Royal House occupied the throne after the war, the Bourbon dynasty (with French origin).

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POPULATION DECLINEThe 17th Century was critical for demography in due to bad harvests, the plague, the expulsion of the Moriscos, wars and emigration to America

ECONOMIC RECESSION Agriculture: severe crisis caused by droughts, floods and

bad farming practices. Prices went up. Craftsmanship declined as a consequence of the

competitive northern markets. Trade declined. Northern countries had the supremacy.

AN IMPOVERISHED, UNPRODUCTIVE SOCIETYInactive life promoted by the nobles was a bad example.Differences between social classes were increasing, so there were more poor people than before.

9- Why was there a crisis?

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French supremacy

After the Treaty of Westphalia, France became hte most powerful country in Europe.

Louis XIV, (Louis the Great or the Sun King), was a monarch of the House of Bourbon who ruled as King of France after the death of Cardinal Mazarin, his favourite. He is an example of absolute monarch.

10- What was the situation in Europe?

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Absolute monarchy or absolutism (the divine right of kings) is a monarchical form of government in which the monarch exercises ultimate governing authority as head of state and head of government. They believed that God had given them their unlimited power, and the monarch controlled all the powers of the State. He passed the laws, governed and was the supreme judge.

LOUIS XIV’S FOREIGN POLICYHe wanted to increase France's power in two ways:• Extending its frontiers• Creating a colonial empire

In this way, he came into conflict with many European countries.The king increased his power at the expense of the nobles, the Church and Parliament.

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They replaced Spain and Portugal in the control of trade. The bourgeoisie was important in both due to this growth of trade.They were Parliamentary states, a system of government in which the power to make and execute laws is held by a parliament. In a parliamentary system, the head of state is normally a different person from the head of government.

● The United Provinces (or the Dutch Republic) was a Republic. Each province had its own Parliament, and they met for common matters in the States General.

● England became a Parliamentary monarchy after two revolutions. The Declaration of Rights limited the king's power.

England and the United Provinces

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Maira Gil Camarón

Twitter: @magilca

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