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Unit 13 LO2

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Unit 13- LO2 Name: Amelia Morris Candidate Number: 4150 Centre Number: 64135 OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product P2 Evidence

Unit 13- LO2Name: Amelia Morris

Candidate Number: 4150Centre Number: 64135

OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in


Unit 13: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media

Product P2 Evidence

ContentsMood Board of Inspiration = Slide 3

Mood Board Conclusion = Slide 4

Summary of ideas = 5

Generation Of ideas/mind map = Slide 6

Mind Map of masthead names= Slide 7

Font Styles = Slide 8

House Styles: Slide 9

Price of BEATS-Mag = Slide 10

Strapline conventions=Slide 11

Magazine Flat Plan= Slide 12

Content of 1st issue: Slide 13

Photography Plan = Slide 14

Puff Promotion= Slide 15

Images to be taken/Locations Recce= Slide 16

Analysis of front cover and DPS=Slide 17-18

Draft interview =Slide 19

Hand Drawn drafts = Slide 20-22

Target Audience = Slide 23-29

Conclusion = Slide 30

Mood Board of Inspiration

This is a collection of bands, artists and other music magazines that have inspired me to develop my own ideas and thoughts for my own magazine in the indie/rock genre.

Mood Board Conclusion

From producing a mood board, I have gained lots of inspiration for my own music magazine and the type of genre of music magazine I want to develop and produce.

My mood board includes the NME magazine logo, which is my magazine of inspiration for LO1, Q and Kerrang magazine logos, which are similar to NME, artists and bands including Ed Sheeran, George Ezra, Artic Monkeys, Oasis, Kings of Leon, The Killers, Miles Kane and Jake Bugg. All these bands and artists are representations of the indie/rock/ singer songwriter genre that I want to portray. I have also included images of music symbols such as music notes, a guitar and microphone. This further explains what type of music magazine that I would like to produce.

Proposals : Summary of ideas

To see the full versions of the proposals for two magazine ideas check the links below this presentation on my blog page.

Generation of Ideas

Above is my mind map, which shows that I have clearly thought about everything that will help me to develop my new indie/rock magazine.If you would like to view this larger to view, then please click on link below on my blog page

Mind Map of music magazine namesHere shows the process I went through to finally make an important decision on what to name my new music magazine.

Front Cover PlanningMagazine Font Styles

In order for me to make a successful final decision for my Masthead font style. I have tested, tried and experimented different ways in which I could represent the genre of my music magazine, while using Photoshop CS5 to design it. I also used www.dafonts.com to download a specific font style that I thought might work for my magazine masthead.

I have tried to create a masthead using inspiration from NME, which was my magazine of inspiration for LO1.

They are all good masthead styles that fit the purpose of my magazine very well, but there are some that have not worked out as well as I expected. These are the 2nd , 3rd and 5th examples. My favourites are the 1st and the 6th because they are more fit for the purpose of my new magazine.

House Styles

MastheadI have decided that this was the most appropriate font style to use for my new magazine. I will use the masthead throughout the magazine to increase brand recognition and identity.

Brand identity Colours scheme

I have chosen to use red, white and black for the colour scheme of my magazine, which is the same as NME, which was my magazine of inspiration at the beginning of the production process. I will keep to the colour scheme throughout the magazine such as the fonts and text used, background colours. This is to avoid clashing.

Other Font styles I will use in the magazineI will try to keep to a very basic font styles like the bold Sans Serif masthead font style that I used, Arial or Times New Roman. This is because I want to try and stay within a conventional indie/music genre and something that will be clear and easy to read for the reader. I will also have to make sure that the text is not hyphenated, which the language used in computer coding, the codes that are the creation of how the text/font appears on the screen. If a font is not downloaded properly onto a software i.e. Photoshop then it will appear in the coding.

Price of BEATS Magazine

The price of a typical print issue of BEATS will be £2:50. This is due to the fact that I want to try and fit into the market within my competitors i.e NME, KERRANG, Q, MOJO.


Print Subscriptions I am also going to offer subscriptions, so that it will increase the target audience and the magazine sales. This is because of the cheaper deals that people can get instead of buying each issue for £2:50 per issue and because my magazine will be distributed out monthly it will cost them £30.00 for 12 months (1 year). Whereas if I offer a 1 year print subscription of just £20.00 with free postage/ delivery then this is a 10% cheaper than what they are originally paying.

Digital Subscription I am also going to offer a digital subscription, where they can access through the mobile and/or tablet app. Due to the fast changing technology modern society. It is important that company’s keep up to take with it. Choosing a digital subscription is also a more eco-friendly option because your saving the environment and not wasting paper. For a 1 year subscription, I will charge £15.00.

BEATS Strapline conventions

The strapline that I have chosen is “Discover your BEAT!” This was because it was one that would work the best because it simple, short, snappy and gets your attention straight away. During the research I came up with 3 ideas which where

• Discover some fresh new music today!• The best music you will find, is right inside!• Come inside to be educated with good quality music!

All the above were not right for my magazine because they are too long. After I collected all the feedback from people the most popular choice was “Discover some fresh new music today!” but then I received some written feedback stating that I need to have something more simple, brief and short or something which links to the masthead name. This is because if you have something that is short simple and brief they are more likely wanting to read on and find out what’s inside the magazine.

So I decided I needed to keep the word Discover because it sounds very open and also means to find out or to know more about something and I have included the masthead name BEAT(s) this is because it will make the reader want to know more about the indie/rock genre and new/upcoming and quality music, not so much about mainstream artists. Discover your Beat also suggests that BEATS music magazine want to find you a place in music, I want to make people feel that they can read my magazine and find an artist or band that they love.

Magazine Flat Plan (Content of first Issue)

This is my magazine flat plan, which shows a clear basic flat plan layout of all the content that will be in the 1st issue of BEATS! magazine. This includes interviews with bands and artists, track, album and film reviews, posters, promotions/competitions, adverts, and lots more.

Content of the 1st issue ofBEATS!

In the 1st issue of BEATS! Music Magazine I will have a

• An Exclusive George Ezra interview.

• Taken 3 film review

• The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 film Review

• Competition/promotion to win 2 free V Festival 2015 tickets

• V Fest 2015 line up

• Kings of Leon interview

• Royal Blood new Album review

• Ben Howard Tour 2015 dates

• Bastille 2015 Tour dates

• Plus free posters from Jake Bugg, Kings of Leon, Artic Monkeys, George Ezra.

• + lots more

Photography Plan

This is my Photography plan, which outlines the reasons behind choosing “BEATS” as my magazine title, the product description, the photographers details, casting members and reasons for choosing them to feature in the first issue of my magazine, (model requirements) how they should like?, hair and make up and finally where and when the photoshoot is going to take place.

Puff Promotion

Magazine companies use puff promotion to increase their target audience and magazine sales. They can be things like free gifts (posters, CD’s, Key rings, perfume, make up) They can also be competitions to win prizes i.e. music festival/gig tickets, Mobile phones or tablets i.e. IPADS.

In the first issue of BEATS Magazine I will include a competition to win 2 free V Festival tickets 2015. This will get people to buy it to see if they win the free tickets to go to the festival. It will also make them buy the magazine next issue and support us on all platforms through social media, live events and much more.

Images to be taken (Locations recce)

I will need to take a variety of different shots for the first issue, especially for the George Ezra interview that will be taking place. They will all need to give a professional studio feel. They need to be some full body shots, medium shots and some close up shots. Here shows my locations recce, which outlines where I will be taking the images, the equipment needed, permission needed and the potential risks/hazards that’s could occur.

Analysis of NME front coverThe strapline: New Musical Express


This is NME’s masthead. I would like to create my own version of this type of font and colours used. Although I would like to put my own spin on it.

Although I am not having Alex Turner as the main star of my front cover, I would like to use the same camera techniques such as the same shot type. In this front cover, they have used a medium close up. I will also place the main image in front of the masthead, as shown here.

The use of cover lines is also a very good convention to have in my new magazine. This will increase the professional look to it.


The main image of “Alex Turner” is positioned in front of the letter “E” on the masthead, which may suggest to the reader that NME want to show Turner’s, importance, popularity and leadership role. The date of the issue is positioned below the strapline “New Musical Express”.

The main headline uses a quote from the interview with “The Artic Monkeys”. I really think this idea could be used for my magazine front cover because it grabs the readers in to read what’s inside.


Analysis of the Double Page Spread (DPS) The main image - This is presented over half of the DPS, which suggests that they are passionate and proud to show themselves.

Stand First – This is an introduction to the main article. It gives the reader an idea of what the article is going to be about.

This is known as the “Drop Capital”, which starts off the beginning of an article.

The page number is clearly shown at the bottom of the right hand page

The pull quote – This increases awareness and interest in the article. This is because the editor has chosen the most interesting quote from the whole interview and made it bigger.

The main heading – This is first thing that will drawn in the reader. This is due to the big, boldness and style of the font.

Draft Interview

This is my draft interview that I created used Microsoft word. This gives me an idea of how I want it to look when making it on Photoshop for the Real thing. This is only a guide and may change when producing the real thing.

Rock Your Music Hand Drawn Drafts

I have produced hand drawn drafts for a potential magazine called “ROCK YOUR MUSIC!” that I would have produced if it was the most popular from my primary research .

Hand-Drawn Drafts of Front cover and DPS We produced hand drawn drafts of the front cover and

DPS for the potential first issue of BEATS! This helped guide me, when it came to producing the real thing. This is just a guide and may change when producing the real thing at a later stage.

Final hand drawn draftsThis is the most updated hand drawn drafts that are going to resemble my final versions, which will be created using Photoshop CS6.

Target Audience- BEATS Magazine

There are many media theories that help you to group people in terms of their social needs.

• Socio Economic needs

• Psychographics

• Lifestyle and Spending Power of the reader

• Katz’ Uses and Gratifications

• Hartley 7 subjectives

• Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

When we were researching, it is extremely important to consider all of these above theories.

Socio Economic needs

Socio Economic needs/status or demographics are in place to measure or classify an individual or family’s economic and social position which is based on their education, income and occupation. The media stereotype individuals into groups they think they should be.

When considering my target audience of an indie/rock magazine(BEATS!) they would fall between D and E. This is because of the fact that they are between the ages of 18 and 24 year old and they are more likely to be students or have a low paid job earning minimum wage. They also are not yet old enough or not stable to be in very high economic position i.e. have a social grade of A.

PsychographicsPsychographics is a way of describing or categorizing an audience in groups in terms of their personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests and their lifestyle. Here is an example of the groups used:

The target audience for my music magazine BEATS would fall into “Explorers”. This is because many explorers are students and young people and my magazine is aimed at those aged between 18- 25 years.

Lifestyle and Spending Power of the reader

What is the lifestyle of my target audience?

Men aged between 18-24 years oldThose who are well educated

Enjoy listening to indie rock music and also wider subject, for instance films and TV.

What is the spending power of my target audience?From all research carried out, I have decided to price my

monthly music magazine at £2.50. This is because it seems like this was the most reasonable price to charge my target

audience every month. They can also buy a subscription for only £20.00.

Katz’ Theory: Uses and Gratifications

The uses and gratifications theory is a way of understanding why and how people react and seek out to fulfil their specific needs. There are many different aspects that a person can react to a specific media product. These are:

To be informed and educated: You can gain knowledge from a particular media text. In the case of my music magazine, people can learn more about the indie/rock music genre and what type of current bands and artists are in this genre today.

Personal Identity: Finding similarities and relating someone in the media to someone you personally know. In the case of my music magazine, someone may know and relate themselves or someone they know to a band or artist.

Integration and Social Interaction: This is when someone can connect or engage with someone in the media. In the case of my music magazine, someone may want to engage or connect with a band or artist.

Diversion and Entertainment: This is when you start to relax and use a media text to escape from reality. Some people may use a form of media to fill their time or purely for their enjoyment.In the case of my music magazine, some people may want to pick up a copy of BEATS! Magazine and just want to sit back and read it without being disturbed from what is going on around them, they would want to escape from reality to purely enjoy themselves.

Hartley’s 7 subjectivitiesHartley’s seven (7) subjectivities is a theory, which guides and helps us to group people in terms of the social position.

1. Age 2. Gender 3. Class 4. Ethnicity 5. Self image 6. Nation 7. Family This theory helped me hugely to understand my target audience and what they are about. I used this theory during the primary and secondary research stages i.e. surveys and questionnaires that I had given out to people to find out who would mostly likely read my new magazine.

I had found out that my magazine would target those who are between 18-25 years, unisex, I would be targeting those between the lower to middle class people due to the fact that 18 years old could still well be still in education and don’t have a high income, although they may have a part time job on minimum wage. They will most likely be studying at higher education to be at professional role i.e. doctor, nurse, teacher, business managers and/or lawers.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needsThis is a theory which suggests that there are 5 stages in peoples lives and each stage show us that we have different motivations which drive us.

Social Climbers- Where the audience are driven to improving their status in society.

Caregivers- Where the audience sympathise with the characters situation.

Explorers – Where the audience is driven by social change.

Survivors- Audience members who want the security and routine of knowing the characters will be ok (For example) or something will be resolved.

My target audience for BEATS Magazine will most likely to be “Caregivers”. This is because they will want to know more about the band or artist that they are interested in.


In this section, I have been able to go into detail and in depth analysis into starting to produce my own music magazine, which will be called “BEATS!”

I have produced sample materials to help guide me and support my final magazine product. These included a mood board of inspiration, a mind map of the generation of my ideas, magazine font styles (including masthead font styles), draft article and hand drawn drafts, using media theories to understand my target audience i.e. Katz theory uses and gratifications, socio economic needs, psychographics, Hartley's seven subjectives etc.

From producing all the above, it has helped me to understand more about who to target? How to layout my magazine front cover and DPS? What the genre of music I want to base my base my magazine on
