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UNIT 1_WUC131 [Compatibility Mode]

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WOU’s Website andBasic Search

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verviewWelcome to Unit 1 of WUC 131 WOU’s Website and Basic Welcome to Unit 1 of WUC 131 WOU s Website and Basic

earch. When you needed additional information or eference material during your schooldays, the place to

i h h l lib h bli libo was either your school library or the public library.

Here at WOU,you can still continue doing that. But we y glso have an additional place for you to go to now -

he WOU website.

his is a resource centre that is open 24 hours a day, 7 ays a week and it never closes. This unit will introduce

t th WOU b it d h fou to the WOU website and show you new ways of earching for resources here.

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jectivesthe end of Unit 1, you should be able to:Access and use the WOU’s website.Describe the main features of the website and list the ources availableources available.Describe the concepts and functions of the WOU arning Managementarning Managementtem (LMS).Recognise the concept of digital libraries and elaborate their advantages.Describe the WOU digital library and the strategies for 

th libng the library.Define what a search strategy is and apply the three in search strategies.in search strategies.

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ntroductionYou will realise as you journey along with us that you willYou will realise as you journey along with us that you will have to make changes to certain aspects of your life. You may notice changes in your routine or schedule, yourmind set, your attitudes and more importantly, your way of earning. 

n this unit we would like to introduce you to the various ‘in‐house’ learning resources that can help you handle some of hese changes and make better progress in your learninghese changes and make better progress in your learning.We are going to begin with the WOU website ‐ a site that will provide you access to various resources that you can use o help you become a more competent andcapable learner.

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1 T he WOU’s Website.1 T he WOU’s Website

bjectivesbjectivesy the end of this section, you hould be able to:hould be able to:. Describe how to access the

WOU websiteWOU website.

Locate the main features . Locate the main features vailable on the WOU website.

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troductionu can access the WOU website through the Internet. The ernet is a network of networks, linking computers to mputers. The Internet is, in other words,the transport vehicle the information stored in files or documents on anothermputer. Among the services used by the computers on the ernet is the WorldWide Web (WWW) or Web for short.ernet is the WorldWide Web (WWW) or Web for short.

e Web was created in 1989 by the European Particle Physics boratory based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is basicallyi f ti d li t O th W b t k information delivery system. One can use the Web to seek ny different kinds of information as well as access many ferent types of services posted in the web.

access a website, you need to use a client program, which is o known as a Browser. Some of the commonly used browsers

e Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Netscape, among others. The in purpose of the Web is to organise and make available in purpose of the Web is to organise and make available

dely scattered resources within easy reach of the computer er.

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formation on the Web is organised into web pages. Web ages may contain different kinds of information. Some the web pages may contain only text (characters),hile others may contain graphics (text and pictures or ustrations).

h hi ti t d b b lti di he more sophisticated web pages may be multimedia ased and have animation, sounds and video images. The ebsite, on the other hand, is a collection of related web ages just like a book that has many pages Many ages, just like a book that has many pages. Many ganisations and individuals have their own websites.

r example, the Wawasan Open University has its own r example, the Wawasan Open University has its own ebsite as do all the universities in Malaysia. The rious government ministries and departmentsso have their own websites.

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e most outstanding element of the Web is that they have links to othere most outstanding element of the Web is that they have links to other ources. When you access the pages of a website you may find links to her websites and these links are called hyperlinks. These hyperlinks are ually highlighted or marked differently in a document. y g g y

us when a reader of a webpage clicks a hyperlinked word or phrase, the owser will almost instantaneously jump from one web page to another b page or document in a completely different website. In short, you can nk of the Web as a library and the millions of websites are like the books a library. 

metimes, a site may contain only a page while others may have hundredspages, and they may be linked to other websites. However, you can only it one website at a timeit one website at a time.

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day, websites disseminate information on just about anything depending n the purpose of their creation. They are used for various different urposes and have in effect started a revolution in making information eely available to anyone and everyone. They can contain information on ucation, art, music, history or culture. 

r example, a governmental website may contain information on policies,ws, etc. while a website on a popular singer or actor may give you formation on his backgro nd his songs or mo ies etc Belie e it or notformation on his background, his songs or movies, etc. Believe it or not, ere are even websites like www.danggoodjokes.com or ww.ahajokes.com that tell jokes just to give you something to laugh boutbout. 

short, a website is anything its designers and writers want it to be. Now at you know more about the Internet and Web, let’s take a look at the y ,OU website.

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How to access the WOU websiteThere are two ways how you can access y ythe WOU website. 

The first is throughMozilla Firefox. Look for the Mozilla Firefox icon on your computer and click on it. This icon is located on the desktop or the taskbar of your computer.

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t there, click on the start icon.

Then locate the All Programs. Search for the ill i f i li k hMozilla Firefox icon. Click on the

icon. A webpage will appear like the one shown below. On the address bar, typehttp://www.wou.edu.my. This will take you to p // y ythe WOU Web Portal.

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Another way to access the WOU Web Portal is by using the Internet Explorer icon in your computer. This icon is also located on the desktop or the taskbar of your computer If it is not thereor the taskbar of your computer. If it is not there, click on the start icon. Then locate the All Programs.

Search for the Internet Explorer icon. Click on the icon. This will take you to theYahoo web page. In the web page address bar, type http://www.wou.edu.my.

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Main features of WOU’s websiteL k t th i f th WOU’ b itLook at the main page of the WOU’s website (shown below). This is the page youwill see every time you log into http://www.wou.edu.my. Look at all the icons, links and the texts displayed here. If you have activated your student online account withactivated your student online account witha self‐defined password, you are ready to access the Portal. 

Click on the My WOUPortal Account and Password Administration (see bottom right of the web page).This is the WOU Student Portal which was created for you ‐ the WOU learner.for you  the WOU learner.

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at is a portal? The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary l h d d ( )lish 3rd Edition (2001)nes a portal as “a tall and impressive gate or entrance to a ding.” g

portal is more than just an ordinary entrance. It opens the r to a website that will provide you with a variety of servicesr to a website that will provide you with a variety of services he form of an online library, web search facilities,il, chat rooms, news updates, and links to other websites. It is ll h d ld f lif l l ially the door to a new world of lifelong learning.

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vity 1.1the middle of the WOU website, you see an open book.

at do you think it signifies?

n the right, there is a short description of WOU. What cangather about the role of WOU from this description?

Which of the features in the WOU website tells you about:the benefits of being an open distance learner:

he grading system used by WOU for your tests andminations:

mester structure used by WOU:

hat the WOU logo means:

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Activity 1.1. In the middle of the WOU 

website, you see the picture f b k Wh t df an open book. What do you hink it signifies?he open entry system ‐ thathe open entry system  that nyone and everyone can tudy.y

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2. On the right, there is a short description of WOU What candescription of WOU. What canyou gather about the role of WOU from this description?

It says that WOU offers working people a chance to study further.yWOU is not a profit making organisation.

It emphasises qualityIt emphasises qualityeducation and is also actively involved in open distance educationt th i t ti l l lat the international level.

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3. Which of the features in the WOU website tells you about:

a. the benefits of being an open distance learning:ODL What’s That?ODL - What’s That?

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b the grading systemb. the grading system used by WOU for your tests and examinations:tests and examinations:FAQ ‐ Examination

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c. semester  Structure used b WOUby WOU:

Study With Us ‐ All you need to knowto know

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what the WOU logo . what the WOU logo means:

ews Room - Logo ews Room Logo ationale

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e accreditation of the WOUe. accreditation of the WOU courses:courses:FAQ ‐ Degree programmes

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ummaryn this section, you learnt how to access the WOU website Websites provide access to various serviceswebsite. Websites provide access to various services nd resources and they are available round‐the‐clock. 

imilarly, the WOU website, as described in thisection, is equipped with various resources and ervices to enable you to become a more efficient and uccessful learner.

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eb Referenceeb Reference read more about the topic, go to:

lib b k l d /T hi Lib/G idww.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guid/Internet/WhatIs.html

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1.2 Learning Management SystemObjectivesBy the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Recognise the role of the Learning Management System (LMS) in ODL.

2. Use the main functions in the WOU LMS.

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roductions section will introduce you to WOU’s online learning vironment. We assumet you own a personal computer and know the basics of using it y p p gwell as theategies for surfing the Internet. If you don’t, ask your friends to ch you orch you orn up for a course. It is important that you take the initiative cause as an open

l d h ftance learner, you need the support of various resources to p you progress inur learning. One such resource is the Learning Management g g gtem or LMS.

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distance learning and the LMSdistance learning (ODL) is defined as a learning process tem in whicheacher is separated geographically or in time from his or udents Learningudents. Learningieved through the implementation of computer and onics technology toonics technology toect teacher and learner, as and when required, in either synchronous) ored time (asynchronous). ODL also accommodates ent and/or multiple

t l B t h ll th b li h d? Thi ing styles. But how can all these be accomplished? This is e the Learninggement System or LMS comes ingement System or LMS comes in.

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MS is a software package that allows the management and delivery of nt and resources to students. The LMS technology has now become an al part of teaching and learning in ODL because it is extremely flexible in itsal part of teaching and learning in ODL because it is extremely flexible in its misation andlity to support multiple learning environments. Most LMS systems are asedasednable learners to access the learning content and administration “anytime”anywhere”. They also allow learners self‐service such as facilitating rationurses and providing access to course materials. In most LMSs, you may evenirtual live classes and resources such as books and instructors. Thus, throughMS, learners are able to read course materials, complete assessments, esests from the convenience of their personal computers, while contributing toscussion forums and chat sessions. In ODL, the LMS provides a place:

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For learner’s expressionFor learner s expression.To connect with other learners.To dialogue with the tutor and CourseTo dialogue with the tutor and Course oordinator.

k i d li h lTo seek mentoring and live help.For content interaction among learners nd/or tutor and Course Coordinator.

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he functions of the WOU LMS — WawasanLearnhe LMS in WOU is known as WawasanLearn. It stores our course website where

the information concerning your course is located. It ides your learning and

l t t t i l i b ki il bl omplements your tutorial sessions by making available ried and additional learning

pportunities. WawasanLearn also provides you with a atform to connect to theatform to connect to theaching (tutors and course coordinators) and learning

ommunity (learners from over the country) at WOU. Shown below is the over the country) at WOU. Shown below is the

awasanLearn main page.

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us look at the features in WawasanLearn that will help enrich and acceleraterning experience at WOU. We mentioned above that as an open distanceyou need to constantly interact with tutors, Course Coordinators and course

bl d h ff l d ff l h hTo enable you to do this efficiently and effectively, the WawasanLearn hasvailable the forum. This is one of the most important and useful learningr an open distance learner.

where you get to ‘meet’ your tutors, Course Coordinators and your course not only from your centre but from other centres as well). This is where you e the opportunity to discuss collaborate and brainstorm with all of them Ine the opportunity to discuss, collaborate and brainstorm with all of them. In n, it also provides you with information and resources to help you complete submit assignments and quizzes. 

below is the website for Learning Skills for University Studies. Go through the Overview’ to check the information provided on this course. Now, look at thees’ listed on the left. What assignments or quizzes do you have to do forrse? Next check if there are any ‘Latest News’ and ‘Upcoming Events’

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ForumsNow that you are familiar with the course website, we shall look at how the forumcan help you in your learning process. B i ll h i f fBasically, there are two main types of forumthat you can participate in through the WOU portal: Discussion Board and Publicportal: Discussion Board and PublicForum.

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a. Discussion boardThe discussion board provides a platform for discussion,The discussion board provides a platform for discussion, collaborationand brainstorming on course‐related matters with fellow tutorial matestutorial‐mates.It also provides an avenue for seeking answers or clarification to issues,doubts or questions that tutors, course coordinators or tutorial‐mates mayhave raised. Look at the sample topic posted below.p p p

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ctivity 1.2l h tia new learner, you may have questions or 

oubts that you would like to share with your t i l t W it d titorial mates. Write down questions oroubts on the areas which you would like db k i th Di i b dedback on in the Discussion board.



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ublic forums is where you will find announcements and generals is where you will find announcements and general ws from your Course Coordinators regarding your rses and tutorials. 

instance, if your Course Coordinator wants you to tribute solutions to a problem or issue raised in a orial session in another Regional Office, this isere you are most likely to find it The discussion boardere you are most likely to find it. The discussion board so the place for you to post discussion topics related he course or contribute to the discussions posted byhe course or contribute to the discussions posted by ers. Look at the sample topic posted below.

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Activity 1.3There may be questions or issues that youThere may be questions or issues that you may want to get moreinformation on or discuss with your course 

t f th thmates from the otherRegional Office. Write down one question or topic that you wouldlike feedback on.

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ignments and quizzesL l h t th b it Thi iwasanLearn also hosts the course websites. This is 

ere you will find all theormation and announcements related to the variousormation and announcements related to the various rses you take. As youuld probably know, you are required to complete ee tutor‐marked assignmentsMAs). WawasanLearn is one avenue for you to submit se assignments. Youy either complete the assignments online or offline oad it when done)oad it when done).

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en if you are not able to submit your assignments during the tutorial sessions,may do so through WawasanLearn. Feedback on your performance (grades ory g y p f (gments) may be given immediately or at a later date. If you have any questions orments on the TMAs, you can always post them on the discussion board. Thereays the inevitable dateline for submitting your TMAs. This will be stated inourse websiteourse website.

from that, you may also have quizzes to answer. They may be multiple‐choice,‐answer, filling‐in‐the‐blanks or true‐false type of questions. Although thesees do not contribute any marks towards your assessments, they have beended to help you assess your own progress, just like the self‐tests in your courserials. You can answer the online quizzes directly on the course website. Youttempt the quizzes either once or more than once If you are allowed to takettempt the quizzes either once or more than once. If you are allowed to take more than once, the number of attempts will be shown on the top left‐handr. So one of your main responsibilities is to read all the instructions carefullye you begin an online quiz.

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ResourcesW L l id t iWawasanLearn also provides you support in terms of the resources you need to easilyview the course materials For example youview the course materials. For example, you may need Acrobat Reader to read ahandout given by your Course Coordinator in g y yPDF format. Another resource thatWawasanLearn has made available for you are the links to external web references.

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elf‐test 1.11. In your own words, explain what a1. In your own words, explain what a earning management systemor LMS is.or LMS is.

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2. Describe three ways the LMS can help you s an open distance learner.

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3 Name one difference between3. Name one difference between the discussion board and thepublic forumpublic forum.

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4. You have a doubt concerning one of the Self‐test questions inqa Learning Skills unit. Describe how you can use the LMS toyou can use the LMS tohelp you to clear this doubt?

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SummaryIn this section, you learnt about the functions of the LearningManagement System or LMS. At WOU, the LMS which is knownLMS which is knownas WawasanLearn, makes available various resources that allowyou to further supplement and improve your ODL i ItODL experience. Italso hosts your course websites through which you can getinformation on everything related to your y g ycourses.

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1.3 The WOU Digital LibraryObjectives

h d f hi i h ld b blBy the end of this section, you should be able to:1. Discuss the importance of digital libraries in open distance learning.p g2. Apply various strategies for using the WOU Digital Library.

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IntroductionTraditional libraries comprise buildings constructed to house collections of books,j l d h i d i ljournals and other printed resource materials. You need to physically move from shelfto shelf in search of the books you need. The pictures below show what a traditionalplibrary normally looks like from the outside and inside.But

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But the libraries you will be spending most of your time with in future can be accessedf h h O l ifrom your computer. Thus, the ODL learning approach requires that you learn toapply new skills to search for resources you need by using not only the traditionaly g ylibraries but also the libraries ‘in’ the computer. They are called digital libraries.

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A digital library is defined as a collection of texts, images, etc. encoded to enableencoded to enableit to be stored, retrieved and read by you through your computer. Within WOU’sportal, you will gain access to several digital libraries that are open 

d h l kround‐the‐clock.Although the libraries are not visible, they stock an enormous collection of digitalreading materials, such as books, journals and articles. Once you g , , j ylearn how to useit, you can access a variety of information that will come in useful when completingyour TMAs or doing revision for your tests and examinationsyour TMAs or doing revision for your tests and examinations

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e role of digital libraries in open distance learningt like the LMS, digital libraries also play an important role in open distancerning. Most of you are working people who may not have time to visit traditionalrning. Most of you are working people who may not have time to visit traditionalaries. But you may need to use the library to do reference for your assignments.s is where digital libraries come in.

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• You can access it wherever you are: You d h libneed not go to the library

physically. You can visit the library at home, at the Regional Office or atwork, as long as you have an Internet , g yconnection.

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• Everyone has access to the digital libraries: The digital books are availableto everyone. However, most libraries requireto everyone. However, most libraries require paid subscriptions. But ifyou are a registered student in an institution of higher learning (college

i it ) ill h t tior university), you will have automatic access to the libraries that theinstitution subscribes to.

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The resources are available at all times: TheThe resources are available at all times: The digital books are alwaysavailable every single minute and second of the day. You can access them

ti i hanytime you wish.

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• Resources are available synchronously or asynchronously: The informationis always available to you and your course mates all over the countrymates all over the countrysynchronously or asynchronously. This means that all of you can viewthe book at the same time, or view it at diff t ti S idifferent times. So you can viewand discuss a particular chapter of a digital book with another coursemate in a different state!

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• It provides a structured approach to locating information: You cani i k h i h igain quicker access to much richer content in a 

more structured manner. Ifyou have located the book you want from the catalogue, you can move instantlyg , y yto the book. From there, you can go straight to the chapter or subheading.

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• It enables easy retrieval of information: It enables easy retrieval of information: What do you do if you needspecific information on a certain topic and do not know which books tol k f ? T d hlook for? Type a word, phrase or a sentence and a list of results from theentire collection of the library will be displayed for you to choose from.yDigital libraries can provide very user‐friendly interfaces, giving youinstant access to its resources at a click of your mousemouse.

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The books are always well‐preserved: dl f h iRegardless of how many times you

or other users view the book; they will always be in good condition ‐not torn, dirty or missing. Digital books cannot , y g gbe defaced or damaged.

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• You can create your own virtual bookshelf: You can create a virtualbookshelf for yourself. Then you can put a book you want to refer to inbook you want to refer to infuture on the bookshelf, or stack it up with hundreds of books. You cancreate your very own digital library and you 

d t b h l tneed not buy shelves or putup with restricted storage space. When your room or house has no spacefor extension, you can solve it by digitisation.y y g

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• You can network. What do you do if you You can network. What do you do if you cannot find a particular bookfrom one library? Digital libraries can provide a link to the resources ofth di it l lib i ilother digital libraries very easily.
