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Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017...

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1 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson Scripture: Genesis 18-19 Lesson Goal: Abram is called "father Abraham" because he was the forefather of both the Jews and the Arabs. He was also the father of the family in whom Jesus the Savior of the world would be born. In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences. Introduction: This is the sixth lesson in Unit 2: Abraham. In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible called Genesis. The word "Genesis" means beginning. Genesis is the first book of Law. The books of the Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention Getter: "Wrong Choices" Have you ever done something that was wrong? What happens to you? Do you get in trouble? Maybe you have a time out. Or perhaps your mom or dad talks to you about what you have done that was wrong and what you need to do next time. Do you know what happens when you are an adult and you do something wrong? What if someone runs a red light and they get a traffic ticket? Yes, they have to pay a fine for what they have done that is wrong. Did you know that God has a reward and punishment plan, too? He promises to love and bless those who follow Him. He also promises to punish sin. Every day we choose the path that we will take. We either choose to believe in Jesus and follow Him. Or we choose to not trust in Him and go our own way. That always leads to destruction. In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences. Opening Prayer: Dear God, Help me to choose your way today. I love you and I want to obey You no matter what. Help me not to love the pleasures of sin but to love You and live for You. Lord I know that you are a just God and nothing can escape you. You reward obedience and punish sin. Thank you Lord for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me. Forgive me of my sin and make my heart clean and pure. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen. Memory Verse: Our memory verse is 2 Peter 2:9 "..the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment..." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/LwAv-kuUGFU In Genesis God chose Abram to become the father of a strong nation of people who would teach people everywhere about God. When God called Abram He told him to leave his homeland and his family and he would bless him by making his children into a great nation. Abram took his wife Sarai and followed God's call to move to the land God had promised. Despite God's warning he also took along his nephew Lot on his journey. This decision would prove to be a problem for Abram because God knew that Lot would make some bad choices.
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OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson

Scripture: Genesis 18-19

Lesson Goal: Abram is called "father Abraham" because he was the forefather of both the Jews

and the Arabs. He was also the father of the family in whom Jesus the Savior of the world would be born. In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences.

Introduction: This is the sixth lesson in Unit 2: Abraham. In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences. The lesson is found in the first book of the Bible called Genesis. The word "Genesis" means beginning. Genesis is the first book of Law. The books of the Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: "Wrong Choices" Have you ever done something that was wrong? What happens to you? Do you get in trouble? Maybe you have a time out. Or perhaps your mom or dad talks to you about what you have done that was wrong and what you need to do next time. Do you know what happens when you are an adult and you do something wrong? What if someone runs a red light and they get a traffic ticket? Yes, they have to pay a fine for what they have done that is wrong. Did you know that God has a reward and punishment plan, too? He promises to love and bless those who follow Him. He also promises to punish sin. Every day we choose the path that we will take. We either choose to believe in Jesus and follow Him. Or we choose to not trust in Him and go our own way. That always leads to destruction.

In this lesson we learn how Lot made wrong choices and ended up suffering the consequences. Opening Prayer: Dear God, Help me to choose your way today. I love you and I want to obey You no matter what. Help me not to love the pleasures of sin but to love You and live for You. Lord I know that you are a just God and nothing can escape you. You reward obedience and punish sin. Thank you Lord for sending your Son Jesus to die on the cross for me. Forgive me of my sin and make my heart clean and pure. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is 2 Peter 2:9 "..the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment..."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/LwAv-kuUGFU In Genesis God chose Abram to become the father of a strong nation of people who would teach people everywhere about God. When God called Abram He told him to leave his homeland and his family and he would bless him by making his children into a great nation. Abram took his wife Sarai and followed God's call to move to the land God had promised. Despite God's warning he also took along his nephew Lot on his journey. This decision would prove to be a problem for Abram because God knew that Lot would make some bad choices.

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OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land that I will give to you and your children. God blessed Abram and he was a very rich man. He had many servants, many flocks and herds, and much silver and gold. God also blessed Abram's nephew Lot with servants, flocks, and wealth. But soon Lot and his servants began to cause trouble in the camp. They began to argue with Abram's servants over finding the best pasture land for their flocks. Soon fights and quarrels broke out. Finally Abram and Lot decided to separate. Selfishly Lot chose first the rich fertile plain where the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were. He wanted riches for himself instead of asking God what was best. Lot knew that God did not want them to live near the people who worshipped false gods but he did it anyway. Lot was making a big MISTAKE! Unselfishly Abram took the land in the mountains that had less grassland. His camp was far away from the sin of the Canaanites. Soon Lot was in trouble. Some soldiers came near the city of Sodom and they captured Lot and his family and took his possessions. Abraham had to take his best trained men to rescue Lot and his family. Lot should have learned his lesson and moved away from the city of Sodom but he went back to living in the same place. Eventually Lot would move into the wicked city of Sodom and become one of the important city officials. One hot day about noon the Lord came to visit Abraham as he was sitting in his tent near the great trees of the Mamre. Abraham looked up and he saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he knew that one of them was the Lord Himself. Abraham hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground to greet them. This was a way to show them honor and respect. Abram said "Come into the shade. We have plenty of water to wash your feet, and you can rest here under this tree. You must be hungry and tired from your journey. Please, please sit down, and I'll get some food ready for you."

Abraham made his guests comfortable and ran into the tent to get Sarah. "Quick," he said, "get some fine flour and knead it and bake some bread." Abraham then brought some butter and milk and the roasted beef that had been prepared and set it before the men. While the men were eating, Abraham stood nearby under a tree. "Where is your wife?" they asked. "There, in the tent," Abraham said. Then the LORD said, "I will work a miracle in Sarah's body and although she is too old to have children, your wife Sarah will have a son by this time next year." This was the son God had promised! Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent. Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, "After I am 89 years old and my husband is 99, how could I possibly have a child?" Then one of the men who was the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?'

14 Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you next year

and Sarah will have a son." When the men got up to leave, they looked down toward Sodom, and Abraham walked along with them to see them on their way. Then the man who was the LORD said, "Abraham you are my friend. You will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through you. For I have chosen you to teach your children the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just."

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The Lord told Abraham, "I have seen that the people of Sodom and Gomorrah are utterly wicked, and everything they do is evil. Because of their terrible wickedness, both cities must be completely destroyed." The other two angels are already on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. As Abraham heard this, he thought about his nephew Lot and his family. Lot lived in Sodom! If Sodom were destroyed, then Lot would be destroyed, too, and all his family. "Please, Lord," Abraham pleaded, "you would not destroy the righteous people right along with the wicked people, would you? What if there are fifty people in Sodom who love you and are righteous? Would you spare the city so that those fifty righteous won't perish?" God, who is very patient and merciful, said, "Abraham, if I find fifty righteous people in Sodom, I will spare the whole city for their sake."

Then Abraham thought, Sodom is a big city, but what if there aren't fifty righteous people there? Abraham knew that Lot was selfish and he probably hadn't told the people in the city about God. Abraham decided to change his request. "Lord, what if there are only forty-five righteous people in Sodom, would you still destroy it?" he asked the Lord. "If I find forty-five righteous people, I will not destroy the city," God replied. Abraham said, "What if there are only forty righteous people, would you still destroy it?" God answered, "For the sake of those forty, I will spare the whole city." Then Abraham got bolder; he said, "What if there are only thirty righteous?" God said, "I will not destroy Sodom, if I find thirty righteous people there." Then Abraham got even bolder and said, "What if only twenty can be found there?" He said, "For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it." Then Abraham started counting. Let's see, there's Lot and his wife; that makes two. Then there are his two married daughters and their husbands; that's four more. And his two unmarried daughters; eight people all together. Surely Lot has won all his family to the Lord, and then there must be at least two other people in that whole big city that he's influenced for the right. There must be at least ten righteous people in Sodom. I'll ask God for ten, and then I'll stop asking. Then he said, "May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten righteous people can be found there?" He answered, "For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it." When the LORD had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home. The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. Lot was there with the leaders of the city. When Lot saw the two angels, he got up to meet them. Lot could tell that these men were not from Sodom. Lot said to them, "Please come to my house. You can spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning." "No," they answered, "we will spend the night in the street." Lot knew that the streets of Sodom were not safe for anyone at night so he insisted strongly that they go home with him. Lot prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. Later that evening before they went to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom—both young and old—surrounded the house. They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you

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tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can know them." Lot knew the evil minds of his neighbors, and he was not about to let them harm his guests. He went outside his front door. "Please, please," he said to the men of the city, "don't do wicked things to my guests. "Stand back!" the men of the city yelled to Lot. "Who do you think you are to tell us what's right and wrong? We'll treat you worse than we would have treated them, that's what we'll do!" The crowd kept pushing and pushing on Lot until they almost broke the door down. Just then, the two visitors in the house reached their hands out, pulled Lot inside, and shut the door. Then they caused the wicked men outside to be blinded, so they couldn't even find the door. The two men said to Lot, "Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, because we are going to destroy this place because of its wickedness." Late that night Lot went to the homes of his married daughters. He said, "Up, get you out of this place: for the Lord will destroy this city." But his sons-in-law and daughters wouldn't listen to him; they just laughed and thought he was joking. As soon as morning came, the angels said, "Get up, Lot. Take your wife and your two remaining daughters, and get out of this city, or you will be destroyed with the rest of them." The two men grasped Lot's hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city. As soon as they were out of the city, one of the two men said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!" Lot said, "0 no, not so, my Lord; I cannot escape to the mountains—not the mountains, I don't like the mountains. I can only go as far as the town of Zoar." So the Lord promised to spare the city of Zoar.

As Lot and his family ran, "the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven," and those cities, and the plain, and all who lived in them, and all the crops that grew nearby were destroyed.

Only Lot and his family were saved. But then, a terrible thing happened. Lot's wife started thinking of her home, and her city, and her old friends, and all her nice things. Her heart was still in Sodom, and she looked back. The angel had warned them not to look back. Instantly, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for her disobedience. Lot and his two daughters continued to run to the little town of Zoar. By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. Then the LORD caused burning sulfur to fall down out of heaven on Sodom and Gomorrah. Everything and everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah and the entire plain were destroyed. Far in the distance Abraham stood at the place where he had talked with the Lord, and he saw Sodom and Gomorrah, and all the land of the plain. It was smoking like a furnace! But because of Abraham's prayers, God saved Lot and his two daughters alive, and they went to live in a cave in the mountains—the very mountains that Lot had rejected when he chose to live in the plain. Lot lost many things because he chose the world's way! He lost his wife; he lost his lovely home, and his important position, and his friends, and all his possessions, and his married children.

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Will you be like Abraham, the friend of God? He followed God's plan and He was rewarded with many blessings. Or will you be like Lot, the friend of sin, who threw away and wasted his life because he lived for self, always wanting his own way and leaving God out? Lot wound up with nothing! Remember God punishes sin and rewards those who do right.

Review Questions: "Fire Ball" Preparation: Blow up a red balloon and use black marker to draw flames on it. Procedure: Show the students the red balloon and say this is a "fire ball." Explain that the teacher or leader will toss the balloon to the class of students as they ask one of the questions below. Students have to answer the question quickly and toss back the balloon or they might get "burned."

1. When God called Abraham what did He tell him to leave in order to become a great nation with a promised land? (God told him to leave his family but Abram took his nephew Lot.)

2. What problem did Abram and Lot first have when they lived in the Promised Land? (Their herds became so large that there was not enough grassland and their servants began to argue over the best place to pasture their flocks.)

3. What selfish thing did Lot do when Abram gave him a choice of land? (He chose the fertile land in the plain because it looked better and more productive.)

4. Why did God not want Abram and Lot to live in the plain? (He did not want them to be close to the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.)

5. What difficulty did Lot have when he first moved to the plain? (An enemy king captured him and took him and his family as captives.)

6. What did Abram do to help Lot? (He took his trained men and went after the king to rescue Lot and his family.)

7. After being rescued by Abram, what bad choice did Lot make? (He decided to return to the plain and live near the city of Sodom again.)

8. How did God visit Abram and Sarai and what message did He bring? (God sent three men--one of whom was Himself along with two angels to tell Abram and Sarai that they were going to have a son next year.)

9. As the three men started to leave, what else did the Lord tell Abram was going to happen? God told him that the two angels were on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.)

10. What did Abraham ask the Lord when he heard God's intent to destroy the cities? (Abraham tried to negotiate with God in order for him not to destroy the city of Sodom where Lot was living.)

11. What bargain did Abraham finally get God to agree to about destroying Sodom? (He bargained beginning at 50, then 45, then 40, then 30, then 20 and finally only 10 righteous people were needed in order for God not to destroy Sodom.)

12. When the two angels arrived in Sodom, where did they find Lot? (He was living in the city and had become one of its leading officials.)

13. Why did Lot invite the two angels into his home? (He did not want them in the streets at night because he knew the men of that city were very evil. He recognized them as being special guests.)

14. During the night what did the men of the city do? (They came to Lot's house and wanted the two men to come out so they could commit evil acts with them.)

15. When Lot begged them to leave, who finally saved Lot from being hurt? (The two men pulled him inside his house and then blinded the men outside the door so they could not see to enter.)

16. What did the men tell Lot to do before they destroyed the city? (Lot was to get his family and leave the city with the angels guiding them out and run to the mountains.)

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17. What happened when Lot talked to his two married daughters? (They nor their husbands would believe Lot and just laughed at the thought that the city was about to be destroyed.)

18. Who left the city with Lot? (The only people to leave with Lot was his wife and two unmarried daughters.)

19. What happened to Lot's wife? (She turned back and looked at the city because she wanted to return to all her position and possessions.)

20. What happened to Lot and his daughters? (They lost their family, their home, their possessions and they had to live in the mountains.)

21. Why did Lot suffer? (He made wrong choices and disobeyed God and did not live separate from the evil of the cities.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Spinner Game (Grades K-5) Our memory verse is 2 Peter 2:9 "..the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment..." Have students look up the verse in scripture and repeat together. Materials Needed: a spinner with numbers 1-6 on it (can use commercial spinner from a game board or make your own.) Procedure: Divide the class into two groups. Each team takes turns spinning the spinner. Whatever value (1-6) that the spinner lands on is the number of points they will receive if they can recite the verse from memory. Allow all students on both teams to have an opportunity to spin the spinner for their team.

Group Learning Activity: "What God's Word Tells Us" (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To enhance and enrich the students' knowledge of God's Word as it relates to the themes in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Procedure: Have students look up each of these passages in their Bibles. Explain how each of them applies to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then explain how each of them applies to you. Answers are given to help the Bible discussion leader.

Psalm 34:7-8 God's angels surround and protect believers. They help deliver us from evil. The angels delivered Lot from Sodom.

Luke 11:28 A person's obedience to God is more important than his or her place on the

family tree. Those who obey the Lord will be blessed or happy. Lot was not obedient and suffered the consequences of his disobedience.

John 3:16 God loves all the people in the world so much that He does not want them to be

destroyed. Instead He sent His Son so people could believe in Him and be saved. The angels told Lot to offer salvation to anyone who would believe and follow them. Even at the very last minute there was an opportunity to be saved.

2 Timothy 1:8-9 God doesn't take us to heaven because we are good (we aren't good!) but

because He is good. God showed His mercy toward Sodom by agreeing not to destroy it if there were only ten righteous.

2 Timothy 4:18 God has promised to rescue us from the evil attacks of the devil. He will bring us

safely to heaven. We can be confident in God's power even when we are facing death. The angels led Lot and his family to the edge of the city of Sodom and urged them to run to the mountains.

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Titus 3:3-7 When Christ saves us, He moves us from a life of sin to one that is led by the Holy Spirit. God's gift to us is salvation. He removes all our sin and changes our destiny. Because we are heirs of salvation we are to live an obedient life.

Luke 17:32 We can learn how God feels about sin when we learn about Lot's wife. Hebrews 1:14 Angels are God's messengers and perform tasks at His command. God

commands angels to take good care of believers. 1 John 2:15 We should not love anything more than we love God. Psalm 145:18 God hears our prayers and answers them.

Group Learning Activity: "Prayer Chain" (Grades K-5) Materials: 1" X 3 1/2 "strips of paper in two different colors; pencils; large box or bucket to hold strips of paper Procedure: Distribute pencils and two small strips of paper. Give each child one each of two different colors. On one color have students write something they need God's help with. On the other piece of paper, have them write something they're thankful for. Pair younger students with older students so the older students can help the younger ones write on their pieces of paper. Put the cards or strips of paper in a bucket, box or basket. Say: "In our lesson Abraham prayed to God on behalf of Lot. We are commanded to pryay for one another and their needs. Let's do that now." Pray together over the bucket thanking God for the things the children are happy about and interceding for their concerns. After you pray together, make a prayer chain. Using tape or glue sticks or a stapler, make a chain out of the pieces of paper by forming each piece of paper into a link with the words to the inside of the circle. Then loop the next piece through the second and tape it together. Create one large prayer chain and hang from the ceiling. Say: "God works in many ways. One of the ways God works is through our prayers. Prayer is just talking to God and asking Him for His help for ourselves and others. Although God knows all about us, He still likes for us to talk with Him and tell Him the things we need and the things we're happy about. God still wants to hear about the things we need help with and about our friends who we want Him to help."

Group Learning Activity: "Tangle" (Grades K-5) Materials Needed: fishing line or a ball of string Procedure: Bring fishing line or a ball of thin string to class. Unwind it and let the children “tangle” it all up. When it seems to be a hopeless mess then ask them to untangle it. Say: "How long do you think it would take to untangle the string before it could be used for fishing?" Discuss the option of just buying new string. Lead students to the conclusion that sometimes when string is so tangled it becomes useless and has to be destroyed. Write the word SIN on the while/chalk board. Discuss that sin is a word, a thought, or act against God. Give examples of sin: disobedience to parents, telling a lie, stealing, cheating, saying God's name in vain, etc. “In this bible story we learned about two cities whose people kept sinning over and over again so much that they became tangled in sin just like this string. They were so tangled up in sin that they would not even listen when people talked about God. Guess which city that was? It was the city

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where Lot had moved to. That is why God sent His angels to destroy the city. Don't you think that Lot was very sorry he had ever chosen to live in a place where there was so much sin? What did he loose?" (Lot lost everything because he became the friend of sin. He lost his wife; he lost his lovely home, and his important position, and his friends, and all his possessions, and his married children. We should make wise choices and not live in sin."

Group Learning Game Activity: "I’m "Outta" Here!" (Grades 3-5) Purpose: Group activity to illustrate how Lot and his family escaped destruction from the city of Sodom Materials: Plastic chips or coins that can flip off of one another Procedure: Clear the center of the floor and place two strips of masking tape approximately 3 feet apart. Have 4 or 5 children at a time line up behind one line. They should then lay down one chip and using the other chip they can set it on the edge of the chip on the floor and make it pop up and move forward. Allow the children to race and see who will be the winner. If you have a large class, have the winners of 2 or 3 races race against one another. Say: "Lot should have run away from such a place as Sodom long before he did, but when the angels took him and his family by the hand out of the city, they fled. Just like the chips need “encouragement” to go by applying pressure to them, sometimes the Lord has to apply pressure to our lives to get us to move in the direction He wants us to go."

Group Learning Activity: "Get Out of Sodom" (Grades K-4) Materials Needed: length of strong rope to use for tug of war; signs that say Lot, Sodom, escape Procedure: Tie the rope to something heavy in the room such as a desk or heavy chair. Label it "Lot." The children will act as the "angels" who have come to save Lot from being destroyed. Have two children pull the first time. If they can't move the object, add more children until they can. Option: You can divide the children into two teams and have a tug of war. Place a sign saying "Sodom" on one side of the room and one saying "Escape" on the other side. Leader can join the "Escape" team to help them win!! As the children tug on the rope have them repeat the following jungle. At the end of the jingle, say Freeze! Children will all stop until you start up again. "Fire and brimstone, cities destroyed; God is judging sin. Run with your family, don't look back! Or salt you will become. Freeze!" Say: "God destroyed the two cities and the people in them because of their sin. The people did not obey God and enjoyed doing bad things. God had to punish the sin. God must punish all sin. He showed mercy to Lot and his family by sending the angels to pull them out of the city before the fire came. But when Lot's wife disobeyed and looked back, God punished her by turning her into a pillar of salt!"

Craft Learning Activity: "Coffee Filter Art" (Grades K-5) Materials Needed: coffee filters; washable markers; small glass jar or drinking cup; newspaper Procedure: Put down newspaper over the working area. Give a coffee filter and washable markers to each child. Let the children mark on their coffee filter. Fill the glass jar or drinking cup with 1-2 inches of water. Now dip the colored coffee filter in water. The water will cause the marks to blend together. Say: "This activity illustrates how sin can invade our life. In our lesson Lot gradually moved from making a selfish decision to living in the

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fertile valley to actually moving into the wicked city of Sodom. Each time he moved closer and closer into sin and eventually the sin consumed him and his family. This is the same way that sin in our lives grows until it is blended into everything. It may look pretty from far away, but sin trips us up and causes much damage."

Craft Learning Activity: "Pillar of Salt" (Grades K-5) Materials Needed: 1 clothespin for each child; Cotton balls; White pipe cleaners; Glue Make a pillar of salt from a round headed clothes pin. Glue the cotton balls to the clothespin then twist one pipe cleaner to each clothespin for arms to make a pillar of salt. Alternative: Use empty Mrs. Butterworth syrup bottles instead of the clothespins. Wash bottles. Coated bottle with Plaster of Paris and then spray adhesive and then salt--lots of salt. This is a very effective visual to go with this lesson. It really looks like a statue of salt!

Craft Learning Activity: "Lot's Wife" (Grades K-3) Materials needed: one copy of template below "Lot's Wife" for each child; crayons; glue; table salt; one sheet of construction paper for each child Procedure: Pass out all the materials above for each child. Have child cut both the verse square and the outline of Lot's wife and glue to construction paper. Add glue to the salt dots on the picture and sprinkle with real salt. Say: "In our lesson Lot lost everything because he became the friend of sin. He lost

his wife; he lost his lovely home, and his important position, and his friends, and all his pos-

sessions, and his married children. . Lot's wife started thinking of her home, and her city,

and her old friends, and all her nice things. Her heart was still in Sodom, and she looked back. The angel had warned them not to look back. Instantly, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt for her disobedience. We should make wise choices and not live in sin."

Craft Learning Activity: "Salt Bead Necklace" (Grades K-5) Purpose: To make a salt sculpture as a reminder of the passage in Luke 17:32 “Remember Lot’s wife.” It is a warning against loving sin and loving the world. Recipes for Salt Sculpture: 1. Combine 1 cup salt and ½ cup cornstarch with 3/4 cup cold water Mix the ingredients together in a double boiler and heat, stirring constantly for 2 or 3 minutes until thick. Remove the mixture from the heat, allow to cool, and then knead for several minutes until an even consistency is attained. It is now ready for use. This clay doesn’t shrink when drying. It will harden to the consistency of stone. It won’t powder. This class can be shaped into a person or used to make a salt bead necklace. 2. This recipe has the advantage of not needing to be cooked. 2 parts table salt 1 part flour water Mix the salt, flour, and water into a dough-like consistency. Break off small pieces, form into ball, and pierce with a toothpick. Let dry, then string. You have a salt bead necklace. Note: make the clay before class. Have squares of wax paper ready for the children to place their sculptures on to dry. A roll of masking tape and a pen are handy to make quick labels to slap onto the wax paper

Page 10: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Life Application Challenge: "Who will You Be?" Will you be like Abraham, the friend of God? Or will you be like Lot, the friend of sin, who threw away and wasted his life because he lived for self, always wanting his own way and leaving God out? Lot, who selfishly tried to grab the best, wound up with nothing! Why don't you ask God to help you choose God's way today? Ask Him to help you obey no matter what. Ask Him to help you not to love the pleasures of sin but to love Him and live for Him. Lead students in a closing prayer.

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OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Sodom and Gomorrah

2 Peter 2:9

"..the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment..."

Page 12: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 13: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 14: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 15: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Page 16: Unit 2: Abraham OT2. 6 Sodom and Gomorrah Lesson...2 OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017 When they all arrived in the land of promise, God told Abram, "This is the land


OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017

The Three Visitors Genesis 18 NIV

Abraham was visited by 3 strangers and he treated them to the best he had.

While he was entertaining them he realized that they were angels.

They brought him some IMPORTANT NEWS.

They told him that by this time next year

Sarah would have a son. When Sarah


this she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Gen.18:12) to

herself because she thought she was

too old

to have a baby.

Now the LORD knew her thoughts and


"Is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ too _ _ _ _ for


LORD?" (Gen. 18:14)

They also told him that the cities of

Sodom and Gomorrah were so sinful

that they needed to be destroyed.

Abraham was concerned about Lot,

who lived there, and asked the LORD:

"Will you sweep away the _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ with the _ _ _ _ _ _?" (Gen


The LORD agreed that if he found 10 righteous people there

he would not destroy it.

Uncramble the Letters below to fill in the answers above:


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OT2.6 Sodom and Gomorrah ©Beverly Wilson 2017
