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unit-2 marketing new

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  • 8/7/2019 unit-2 marketing new





  • 8/7/2019 unit-2 marketing new


    Discussion Outline

    What is CRM

    Key CRM Principles

    Evolution of CRM practice

    Relevance of CRM for todays business

    Current Status of CRM in Indian business

    Software Solution for CRM.

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    What is CRM?What is CRM?

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    Customer Relationship Management

    TheThe customercustomer isis thethe mostmost importantimportant partpart ofof thethe productionproduction lineline..

    WithoutWithout someone someone toto purchasepurchase ourour productproduct wewe mightmight asas wellwell shutshutdowndown thethe wholewhole plantplant..

    W . Edwards Deming

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    Customer Relationship Management

    Jagdish N Sheth and Atul Parvatiyar have defined Customer

    Relationship Management (CRM) as :

    CRM is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring,

    retaining and partnering with selective customers to create

    superior value for the company and the customer.

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    Customer Relationship Management

    It is a process or methodology used to learn more about

    customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger

    relationships with them.

    It is a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of

    information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness,

    responsiveness and market trends.

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    Customer Relationship Management

    CRM deals with long term mutually beneficial relationship among consumers,companies and other stake holder.

    It is a well defined series of functions, skills, processes and technologies whichtogether will allow companies to more profitable manage customer as Tangibleassets.

    CRM is a new technology enabled way to do business that revives a simple, oldfashioned notice; keep pleasing customers and they will keep coming back.

    CRM technology can be summed up in the following four simple steps:

    1. Customer identification through referrals;

    2. Customer relationship development

    3. Customer satisfaction through cross selling

    4. Customer retention and increasing their loyalty

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    Customer Relationship Management

    It is a process or methodology used to learn more about

    customers' needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger

    relationships with them.

    It is a process that will help bring together lots of pieces of

    information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness,

    responsiveness and market trends.

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    CRM Stands For Relationship marketing is a means for attracting, developing andretaining customers to build strong customer loyalty.

    CRM- a strategic imperative helps serve customers unspokenneeds

    B2C Space

    CRM means keeping pace with a savvy and increasingly impatient

    consumer base that is closer than ever to finding your maincompetitor and more willing than ever to share their bad experienceswith your prospects

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    4Cs ofCRM4Cs ofCRM





    The insight gainedthrough capture andanalysis of detailed

    information is to createcontinuous learning

    (customers, production,channels, market,

    competition from thedata warehouse

    The application ofinsight to create relevant

    interaction orcommunication withconsumer channels,

    suppliers and partnersthat build value


    Series of transactionand interaction that

    make a dialoguebetween customer

    channel/end user andorganization

    Mapping andmanagement of

    interaction pointsbetween a

    customer/channels/end user and an


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    Principles of Relationship Marketing




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    Key Principles ofCRM

    MostMost ofof thethe customercustomer relationshiprelationship programsprograms areare developeddeveloped ononthethe basisbasis ofof certaincertain principles,principles, whichwhich enunciateenunciate thatthat itit isis necessarynecessary forfororganizationsorganizations toto maintainmaintain mutuallymutually beneficialbeneficial relationshipsrelationships withwith theirtheir

    customerscustomers forfor thethe longlong--termterm benefitsbenefits ofof bothboth.. TheThe basicbasic underlyingunderlyingprinciplesprinciples areare::

    11.. PrinciplePrinciple ofof CustomerCustomer lifelife--timetime valuevalue

    22.. PrinciplePrinciple ofof 'Customer'Customer satisfaction'satisfaction'

    33.. PrinciplePrinciple ofof 'Customer'Customer loyalty'loyalty'

    44.. PrinciplePrinciple ofof 'Share'Share ofof customer'customer'

    55.. PrinciplePrinciple ofof 'Cross'Cross--sellingselling andand upup--selling'selling'

    6. Principle of 'Customer profitability'6. Principle of 'Customer profitability'

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    Principle of 'Customer Life-time Value

    This principle states that the value of the entire stream of purchasesthat the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage is far

    higher than the value of a single sale.

    In view of this fact organizations should seek to establish good

    relationships with the customers for conducting repeated business withthem

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    Principle of 'Customer Satisfaction

    Customer satisfaction is defined as the extent to which a product's

    actual performance matches a buyer's expectations.

    A customer might experience various degrees of satisfaction. If the

    product's performance falls short of expectations, the customer is


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    Principle of 'Customer Loyalty

    This principle states that highly satisfied customers produce several

    benefits to the company.

    They are less price sensitive, spread good word-of- mouth and

    remain loyal to the company's products and services for a longerperiod.

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    Principle of 'Share of Customer

    This principle means that if any company goes beyond the idea ofattracting and retaining good customers, it can capture a greater share

    of the customer's purchasing in their product/service categories,

    either by becoming the sole supplier of the products, the customer is

    currently buying or by motivating the customer to purchase

    additional company products.

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    Principle of 'Cross-Selling and Up-Selling

    Cross-selling means getting more business from the current customeof one product or service by selling them the additional offerings.

    Encouraging a customer to purchase products that are higher in valu

    and more profitable is treated as up selling

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    Principle of 'Customer Profitability

    This principle states that while implementing a relationship programit is not wise to maintain similar relationships of high value with all

    the customers.

    The principle advocates attracting, keeping and maintaining

    profitable customers.

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    The 10 Principles ofCRM

    1.1. ValueValue segmentationsegmentation::

    BasedBased onon thethe customercustomer needs,needs, preferences, preferences, behaviors behaviors andand economiceconomic potential, potential, whichwhichprovidesprovides thethe basisbasis forfor resourceresource allocationallocation decisiondecision inin marketing,marketing, salessales andand serviceservice..

    22.. CollaborationCollaboration::TheThe customercustomer isis involvedinvolved inin thethe specification,specification, designdesign and/orand/or deliverydelivery ofof aa descrieddescried resultresult..

    33.. InstitutionalInstitutional MemoryMemory::

    WhenWhen aa customercustomer interactsinteracts withwith youryour company,company, everyoneeveryone isis thethe enterpriseenterprise isis awareaware ofof priorpriorinteractions,interactions, outstandingoutstanding issuesissues andand pendingpending opportunitiesopportunities..

    44.. TouchTouch--pointpoint AlignmentAlignment::CustomersCustomers areare ableable toto dodo businessbusiness withwith youyou throughthrough multiplemultiple channelschannels whichwhich areare alignedaligned totocustomercustomer needneed andand valuevalue..

    5. Real-time information management:

    EmployeesEmployees havehave realreal--timetime accessaccess toto thethe rightright informationinformation inin orderorder toto makemake customercustomer basedbaseddecisionsdecisions andand resolveresolve issueissue immediatelyimmediately

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    66.. Closed-loop processes:

    Integrated front and back office systems, logical conclusions, closing the customer loopand enabling continuous knowledge capture.

    7 Customer scorecard:Employee performance requirements and measures are designed drive specific customerbehavior.

    8. Listening posts:

    Forums to facilitate information sharing and learning about your customers that helpsyou to do business with them learn from each other and provide valuable customer input

    to your business.

    9. One and done:

    Solving customer needs first time.

    10. Total experience management:

    Mapping all of the touch-points between you and your customers and attempting to

    deliver a consistent quality experience as perceived by the customer.

    The 10 Principles ofCRMcontd..

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    Evolution of CRM practiceEvolution of CRM practice

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    Evolution ofCRM

    The genesis of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) lies in Sales Force

    Automation (SFA) tools.

    Companies like Siebel and Vantive (now part of PeopleSoft) took the early lead by

    introducing tools to help the sales personnel become more efficient in tracking theircustomers. There were also a few problem-tracking tools for help desk such as


    Companies focused more on customer relationships, additional applications

    emerged in areas of customer support, field support, and marketing automation.

    There are currently over 200 CRM software vendors and the number continues to

    grow. Companies are trying to manage relationships with their customers, partners, and

    suppliers in a personalized and automated manner.

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    Evolution ofCRM

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    Relevance of CRM for todays businessRelevance of CRM for todays business

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    Relevance ofCRMRelevance ofCRM

    Enables the companies to quantify their return.Enables the companies to quantify their return.

    Helps retailers to understand the lifetime value of a customer.Helps retailers to understand the lifetime value of a customer.

    Ability to capture, use and manage customer information.Ability to capture, use and manage customer information. Reducing costs.Reducing costs.

    Improving efficiencyImproving efficiency

    Increase customer revenues

    Discover new customers Cross sell/Up Sell products effectively

    Help sales staff close deals faster

    Simplify marketing and sales processes

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    Improved customer retentionImproved customer retention

    Greater retention results in a larger future customer baseGreater retention results in a larger future customer base

    Purchase amount increases over timePurchase amount increases over time

    Average of 8%/year in the insurance industryAverage of 8%/year in the insurance industryReduction in costsReduction in costs

    Order processingOrder processing

    ShortShort--term acquisition coststerm acquisition costs

    Customer referralsCustomer referrals

    22--way communicationsway communications Improves customer satisfactionImproves customer satisfaction

    Impact on the grey marketsImpact on the grey markets

    Often harmful to profitsOften harmful to profits

    Frequently used to level inventoriesFrequently used to level inventories

    Relevance ofCRM.contd.Relevance ofCRM.contd.

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    Current status of CRM in Indian BusinessCurrent status of CRM in Indian Business

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    The Current Status ofCRM of Market in

    India Across the world industries like insurance, pharmaceuticals, real estate and evenoffbeat ones like the advertising field are fast learning the fact that CRM can belucrative.

    CRM spending is estimated to increase to an astounding $17.7 billion in 2006.

    The annual rate of growth in the CRM industry is 6.7 percent.

    Revenue from hosted CRM solutions alone is expected to reach an all time high of$2.8 billion.

    However the perpetual license model has evidenced a sharp decline hitting almost$ 2 billion resulting in a decline of 18%.

    In 2005, IT-spend ranged from $16,500 for two to 19 employee companies to$821,000 for mid-market enterprises with 500 to 1,000 employees.

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    The Current Status ofCRM of Market in

    India.cont..CRM Market Growth

    The pace of CRM Software New License Revenues Worldwide has slowed fromthe frenzied spending pace of 2001, when $3.74 billion was spent in comparison to $3.03billion this year, revealing that companies are now taking a more thoughtful and planned


    CRM Vendor Trends

    "..The 17 leading SMB (CRM Vendor) companies all declared they were doingmore implementations now than the previous years, with eight of them handling at least 60percent of customer implementations Of the winning enterprise vendors all but one does70 percent or more of its implementations in house He notes that CRM implementation byvendors is a trend that he predicts will eventually reach 90 percent..".

    Small Business CRM Growth

    The CRM market for small and midsize businesses is projected to grow at nearlythree times the pace of the overall market. This represents a 17.2 percent compounded annualgrowth rate between now and 2008, compared to 6.5 percent for the entire CRM industry.That growth will see SMB share of CRM business expand from less than 17 percent in 2005,to more than 27 percent in 2010.

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    Software Solution for CRMSoftware Solution for CRM

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    There is a need to integrate cross functional activity in an organization to provide

    technology driven effective CRM solution.

    There is a need to look at which data model and data structures will be needed in

    providing an effective and efficient e-CRM solution.

    To make the technology driven CRM to be most effective, use the most talented

    employees, the best expert, opinion makers, influencers and change agents. The

    CRM implementation must make attractive for all concerned to participate.

    Business Intelligence and Analytical capabilities:

    Information needs to be leveraged and analyzed by decision makers so that they can

    make more informed and timely business divisions. An optional business intelligence

    solution should work across CRM and ERP system so that organizations can directly

    tie their profit making activities to cost.

    Software solutions forCRM:

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    Unified channels of customer interaction:

    Integrating the functional components of a CRM solution is just as important as integrating these

    components across multiple channels.

    Whether a customer interacts with an organization via the web, with a sales person carrying an SFA

    application on her laptop, or with a call center agent, the interaction with the customer needs to be

    seamless, consistent and efficient.

    Support for web-based functionality :

    Web based functionality is essential for applications such as web self survive and unassisted sales.

    Although the web is critical as a channel for e-Business, the web is also important from an

    infrastructure perspective.

    The cost savings associated with deploying web or internet based applications can also be significant.

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    Centralized Repository for customer information:

    CRM solutions should work from a centralized repository so that current customer

    information is available in real time to all customer facing employees.

    A centralized repository of customer information also provides date consistency

    across business functions and functional applications.

    Integrated workflow

    Workflow refers to the automatic routing (i.e. not requiring human intervention)

    of documents and work items to the users responsible for executing specific steps in a

    discrete business process.

    CRM solutions should have a strong workflow engine to ensure that cross functional

    tasks can be accomplished as dynamically and seamlessly as possible

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    Integration with ERP applications :

    CRM applications cannot live in a vacuum.

    They need to integrate seamlessly with ERP applications such as

    finance, manufacturing, inventory, distribution, logistics and human

    resources to be truly effective (i.e.) provide a closed loop customer

    interaction cycle)
