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Unit 2 Review Monroe’s administration was a time of great prosperity and peace. This earned it the...

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Unit 2 Review Monroe’s administration was a time of great prosperity and peace. This earned it the title of: a) American System b) Era of Good Feelings c) Jacksonian Democracy d) Manifest Destiny

Unit 2 Review

Monroe’s administration was a time of great prosperity and peace. This earned it the title of:

a) American Systemb) Era of Good Feelingsc) Jacksonian Democracyd) Manifest Destiny

Unit 2 Review

Which statement best describes the Monroe Doctrine?:

a) The Western Hemisphere is closed to further colonization from Europe

b) The Eastern Hemisphere is closed to further British occupation

c) Latin American countries may be governed by England

d) France could control the fur trade in the American Northwest

Unit 2 Review

What aided Jackson’s goal to put the common man in government?:

a) Spoils Systemb) Manifest Destinyc) Indian Policyd) Push for States’ Rights

Unit 2 Review

54’40 or Fight referred to the boundary dispute between the US and England involving this territory:

a) Texasb) Oregonc) Mexican Cessiond) Louisiana Purchase

Unit 2 Review

Many Northerners opposed the Mexican War for which reason?

a) Native Americans and Mexican cultures controlled the southwest region

b) Northerners knew that Texans would want to extend slavery into the area

c) The Missouri Compromise had failed to solve the slavery issue

d) Manifest Destiny called for extension of American influence to the Pacific

Unit 2 Review

This tragic event eventually was the basis for the rallying cry of the troops during the war for Texas Independence:

a) Trail of Tearsb) San Jacintoc) Alamod) Halls of Montezuma

Unit 2 Review

What was the primary significance of the Erie Canal?

a) Weakened the power of Southern plantersb) Increased the use of steamboats for river

transportationc) Adversely affected the New England shipping

industryd) Made trade more economical (faster and

cheaper) between New York and the Ohio River

Unit 2 Review

The chief concern of the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 was to provide equal rights for which of the following?:

a) Native Americansb) Slavesc) Immigrantsd) Women

Unit 2 Review

The Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole were commonly referred to as what?:

a) The Savage Southern Tribesb) The Five Civilized Tribesc) Marauding Murderersd) Jackson’s Folly

Unit 2 Review

The “corrupt bargain” referred to :a) John Quincy Adams naming Henry Clay his

Secretary of Stateb) Andrew Jackson’s removal of the Cherokee by

having a small, non-representative group sign an agreement to vacate territory in Georgia

c) James Monroe’s attempt to make Missouri a free state

d) U.S. Army officials attacking Native Americans taking part in the westward migration

Unit 2 Review

This former slave became a famous abolitionist and was well-known for his autobiography and his newspaper, The North Star:

a) Nat Turnerb) Frederick Douglassc) Harriet Tubmand) Sojourner Truth

Unit 2 Review

What two states joined the United States as a result of the Missouri Compromise?:

a) Maine and Texasb) Missouri and Iowac) Texas and Iowad) Missouri and Maine

Unit 2 Review

Many Irish immigrants were pushed out of Ireland due to:

a) An outbreak of plagueb) A failed potato harvestc) Protestants taking over governmentd) The whiskey market failing due to too much


1950s: Not all “Leave It To Beaver”1. Little Rock 9

2. Governor Faubus

3. Rosa Parks

4. Brown v. Board of Education

5. Emmitt Till

6. De Facto segregation

7. De Jure segregation

a) Refused to give up her seat, sparked Montgomery Bus Boycott

b) Needed escort from National Guard to attend Central High School

c) Challenged Eisenhower by preventing Arkansas integration

d) Overruled Plessy, schools and public facilities had to be integrated

e) Young man killed for speaking to an older white woman

f) Segregation by choice (North and West)

g) Segregation by law (South)

The 1960s:In a small group, identify each of the following people, events,

or policies.1. Southern Christian Leadership Conference2. 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing3. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I have a Dream” Speech4. Columbia University protests (1968)5. George Wallace6. Robert Kennedy7. White Citizen’s Councils8. Black Panthers9. March to Montgomery10. Stokely Carmichael11. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee12. “Bombingham”13. The Great Society14. Lyndon B. Johnson15. Richard Nixon16. Freedom Riders17. Jimmie Lee Jackson18. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution19. The Gates Commission20. Sirhan Sirhan21. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT 1)22. Malcolm X23. Cassius Clay24. Watts Riots25. Voting Rights Act of 196526. Peace Corps27. Silent Spring and Rachel Carson28. Medicare/Medicaid

In the News…In your group, take a few minutes to find 3 newspaper items relating to 5 different topics from the topic list, for a grand total of 15 newspaper articles. Write the headline and a brief 2 sentence summary. These will be turned in at the end of class.

Some sites to consider are…www.nytimes.comwww.washingtonpost.comwww.latimes.comwww.ajc.comwww.dallasnews.comwww.chicagotribune.comwww.wsj.com

On these sites, you should be able to search archives for past stories. Set the search dates between 1/1/1958-1/1/1973.

Unit 3 Review

Which of the following issues most seriously divided North and South?:

a) Extension of slavery in US territoriesb) Enforcement of the Monroe Doctrinec) Role of the federal government in supporting

railroadsd) Organizing unions

Unit 3 Review

Uncle Tom’s Cabin did all of the following EXCEPT which one?

a) Made Southerners defensive about their institution of slavery

b) Caused people to listen to abolitionistsc) Increased the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave

Lawd) Increased the likelihood of secession

Unit 3 Review

Abraham Lincoln’s main goal as President was:a) To abolish slaveryb) Preserve the Unionc) Punish the Southd) Win independence

Unit 3 Review

The first state to leave the union was:a) North Carolinab) Tennesseec) South Carolinad) Texas

Unit 3 Review

During the period from 1820 to 1860, the chief question raised in Congress when a territory applied for statehood was whether it:

a) favored protective tariffsb) had rich resourcesc) should attract immigrantsd) would allow slavery

Unit 3 Review

The Union enjoyed an advantage over the Confederacy during the Civil War because the Union had:

a) More experienced generalsb) The task of mounting an invasionc) More soldiers and factoriesd) Foreign support

Unit 3 Review

Which of the following was a Confederate advantage at the beginning of the war?

a) More experienced generals b) More factories and peoplec) Help from foreign countriesd) More miles of railroads

Unit 3 Review

“All slaves in territories still in rebellion on Jan 1, 1863 would be freed” refers to this document:

a) Missouri Compromiseb) Dred Scott Decisionc) Kansas Nebraska Actd) Emancipation Proclamation

Unit 3 Review

Under the Missouri Compromise, Missouri was admitted as a slave state, Maine was admitted as a free state, and:

a) The slave trade was abolished in Washington, DCb) A tough fugitive slave law was passedc) Slavery was prohibited north of the 36’30 lined) The existence of slavery in the South was

guaranteed forever

Unit 3 Review

As a result of the Kansas and Nebraska Act:a) Kansas experienced fighting between free soilers

and proslavery activistsb) Kansas became the center for the abolitionist

movementc) The civil war begand) Lincoln was elected President

Unit 3 Review

What is the name given to white southerners that supported Radical Reconstruction?

a) Carpetbaggersb) Scalawagsc) Copperheadsd) Klansmen

Unit 3 Review

Which term best describes the immediate and long term effects of Reconstruction?

a) Bitterness between the North and South only lasted two years

b) All problems were resolved after the warc) Southerners who originally opposed Northern

opinions embraced ideas of Uniond) Many Northerners saw the South at fault and

thought they should be punished for the war

In the News…In your group, take a few minutes to find 3 newspaper items relating to 5 different topics from the topic list, for a grand total of 15 newspaper articles. Write the headline and a brief 2 sentence summary. These will be turned in at the end of class.

Some sites to consider are…www.nytimes.comwww.washingtonpost.comwww.latimes.comwww.ajc.comwww.dallasnews.comwww.chicagotribune.comwww.wsj.com

On these sites, you should be able to search archives for past stories. Set the search dates between 1/1/1958-1/1/1973.

Unit 4 Review

The Great Plains are characterized by:1. Rugged mountains2. Large forests3. Grasslands with light rainfall4. Mild winters

Unit 4 Review

The Ghost Dance ritual practiced by the Sioux:a) Celebrated traditional waysb) Applauded reservation life and assimilationc) Condemned traditional Indian valuesd) Called for the return of dead warriors and saw

an end to European Americans.

Unit 4 Review

As a result of the Transcontinental Railroad:a) Gold was discoveredb) Settlement of the west increasedc) Native Americans were able to resist threatsd) Cattle ranchers lost their herds

Unit 4 Review

Jack London was famous for his tales about what?

a) Ghosts b) Cowboys on cattle drivesc) Adventures in the Klondiked) The Ku Klux Klan

Unit 4 Review

The Reservation system did not work for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a) It was dull and degradingb) Too many Indians wanted to attend white

schoolsc) Refusal to leave hunting groundsd) Agents cheated them

Unit 4 Review

All were reasons for the failure of the cattle industry EXCEPT:

a) Drought and disastersb) Homesteaders conflicting with Ranchersc) Conflict with Native Americansd) Prices fell due to a large supply

Unit 4 Review

Which of the following contributed most to the growth of California and Colorado?

a) Large buffalo herdsb) Discovery of gold and silverc) Work of vigilantes like Wyatt Earpd) Development of the steel plow

Unit 4 Review

Jim Thorpe attended what famous school administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs?

a) North Carolina A & Tb) Carlisle Industrial Indian Schoolc) The Crow Reservation Schoold) Texas A & M

Unit 4 Review

All of the following were benefits to “soddies” EXCEPT

a) Leaky roofsb) Easy to maintainc) Good insulationd) Cheap to build

Unit 4 Review

Which of the following was a negative outcome from the Dawes Act?

a) The reservation system was weakened.b) American Indians were given land.c) American Indians were given poor land for

farming.d) Land was sold and the proceeds were given to

different American Indian tribes.

Unit 4 Review

The Morrill Act was passed in 1862 to establish colleges dedicated to…

a) Teaching American Indians how to become more like European Americans

b) Teaching farming and engineering to people living on the Great Plains

c) Teaching women how to learn secretarial skills such as typing

d) Teaching former slaves to run businesses in the West.

Unit 4 Review

During the late 1860s, the government tried to reduce conflict between Native Americans and settlers in the west by:

a) Developing railroad constructionb) Giving Indians 160 acres of land for freec) Settling Indians on reservationsd) Prohibiting buffalo hunting

Unit 4 Review

What is a possible reason for belief in the rumor that Kansas was to be made a territory only for former slaves?

a) The state had been a slave state before the war.b) The state had been fiercely abolitionist before the

war.c) The state had been settled early on by freed

slaves.d) The state had given hundreds of acres of land to

former slaves.

Unit 4 Review

A “Big Die-Up” describes what?a) Cattle getting caught in fences and dyingb) Cattle catching Spanish feverc) An American Indian term for a massacre at the

hands of American cavalryd) Fish being poisoned in rivers due to mining

waste polluting the water

Unit 4 Review

The Homestead Act guaranteed 160 acres of land to an individual if they did what?:

a) Fought to keep native tribes awayb) Planted potatoesc) Improved the land by farming and buildingd) Drilled for oil
