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Unit 3- Calculation of Premium

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  • 7/29/2019 Unit 3- Calculation of Premium


    Unit 3- Calculation of premium of

    Life Insurance plans

  • 7/29/2019 Unit 3- Calculation of Premium


    Basic Elements in Computation of


    The rate at which a given of persons of a given

    age are expected to die and survive is called

    the rate of mortality. If the proportion of

    persons actually dying in a in a given year are

    less than what is assumed in premium

    calculation there will be left a small surplus

    and if the actual no of deaths is more thanwhat was assumed for premium calculation

    the extra claim will have to be met from the

    accumulated life fund.

  • 7/29/2019 Unit 3- Calculation of Premium


    Since, the morality rate of the persons who

    are living cannot be calculated, the Insurance

    go about pricing their product on the basis of

    the study of past experience of deaths among

    a similar group of persons conducted either by

    themselves or some other insurers or in some

    cases some other outside the insurancebusiness. The study of the mortality of such

    persons are summarized in the form of tables

    called, mortality tables

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    Mortality Tables

    For pricing a product that a life insurance co.

    would like to offer to its customers, first it

    decides on a mortality table, which is

    considered to be the closely matching that of

    the largest customers. By using the mortality

    table, it can go about the premium that has to

    be charged for persons of a given age.

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    Stages in Premium Computation

    of Premiums

    The three main components of Life Insurance

    Premium are i) Mortality, ii) Interest and iii)

    Loading for expenses, options, bonus etc.

    The first step is to arrive at the Pure Premium

    which can meet all the claims payout that are

    expected within the first year.

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    No. of persons insured for one year


    Age of the Assured 35 years

    Sum Assured per policy Rs. 10,000/-

    Mortality Rate at age 35 within one years is


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    This means out of 10000 person to whom the

    policy is sold , 28 persons are likely to die

    within one year term as per the Mortality


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    Hence the total claim out go would be


    =Rs. 2,80,000/-

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    Share of each person taking Insurance Cover

    would be

    Sum Assured x No. of death in one year

    Total No. of Insured person

    10000 X 28


    =Rs. 28/-

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    Age (x) No. of Person living at age x

    and sharing the claims (lx)

    No. of claims by death (dx)

    prabability of Death (qx) x


    Pure or Natural Premium =


    35 10,000 28 28.00

    36 9,972 31 31.09

    37 9,941 34 34.20

    38 9,907 38 38.36

    39 9,869 42 42.56

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    No. of persons= 10000;

    Age = 25 years;

    Sum assured = Rs 10000;Mortality table = 0.0011 for 25 year aged


    How much is the premium?

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    11 persons will die out of 10000 persons;


    Premium = 110000/10000 = Rs.11

    * This premium arrived after mortaility tablecalculation is called PURE premium or Natural premium

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    Age (x) No.of persons

    living at age X and

    share claims (Ix)

    No. of claims by

    death ( probability)


    Pure / Natural

    premium = S.Ax


    25 10000 11 ?

    26 9989 15 ?

    27 9974 20 ?

    28 9954 25 ?

    29 9929 29 ?

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    Age (x) No.of persons

    living at age X and

    share claims (Ix)

    No. of claims by

    death ( probability)


    Pure / Natural

    premium = S.Ax


    25 10000 11 11.00

    26 9989 15 15.02

    27 9974 20 20.05

    28 9954 25 25.11

    29 9929 29 29.21

  • 7/29/2019 Unit 3- Calculation of Premium


    Level Premium

    The insurer can alternately apply method of

    level premium by charging single rate of

    premium uniformly through out the terrn of 5

    years from the surviving policy holders thenbe would be able to meet all the claims

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    Age (x) No. of Person living at age x

    and sharing the claims (lx)

    No. of claims by death (dx)

    prability of Death (qx) x (lx)

    Total claims out go.

    35 10,000 28 2,80.000

    36 9,972 31 3,10.000

    37 9,941 34 3,40.000

    38 9,907 38 3,80.000

    39 9,869 42 4,20.000

    Total 173 17,30.000

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    If the uniform amount of premium that the

    insurer wishes to collect from all the policy

    holders every year is P there the same can be

    found out by solving the following equation :-

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    (10000 x P) + (9972 x P) + (9941 x P) + (9907 x

    9) + (9869 x P) = 17,30.000

    P x 49689 = 1730000

    P = 34.82

  • 7/29/2019 Unit 3- Calculation of Premium


    Age (x) No.of persons

    living at age X and

    share claims (Ix)

    No. of claims by

    death ( probability)


    Cost of benefit


    25 10000 11 110000

    26 9989 15 150000

    27 9974 20 200000

    28 9954 25 250000

    29 9929 29 290000

    Total cost 1000000

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    Level Premium:


    9xP) = 1000000


    Px49846 = 1000000

    P = 20.06;

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