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Unit 3 Passage 1---Round up the guns! Or don't Instructor: 翟莹.

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Unit 3 Passage 1---Round up the guns! Or don't Instructor: 翟翟

Unit 3Passage 1---Round up the guns! Or d


Instructor: 翟莹

Overview• The background information---Gun culture in


• Pre-reading: Warm up questions

• While-reading: a) new words; b)key sentences; c)overall organziation

• Poat-reading: discussion

Why not ban guns in US?

Sandy Hook hearing reveals sharp divide on gun control-By David Ariosto, CNN -January 30, 2013

(CNN) -- His voice wavering, Mark Mattioli wiped away tears as he recalled the day his 6-year-old son died when a man wielding an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School and began shooting.

His son, James, was among the 20 children and seven adults killed by Adam Lanza on December 14 in Newtown, Connecticut -- an event so horrific that it has since spawned a federal task force and kick-started a national conversation about gun control.

Obama takes a first step on gun control after Sandy Hook

President Barack Obama announced Wednesday that the White House would submit new gun-control proposals to Congress next month and pledged to “use all the powers of this office” to identify and promote new polices to address the scourge of gun violence.

Obama tapped Vice President Joe Biden to head up a task force of Cabinet members, members of Congress and outside organizations, which will comb through existing gun-control proposals, devise new ones and submit a “very specific” set of proposals to Congress in January.

In America

I. There about 2300 million guns

II.13,000 incidents of muder every year

III.30,000 die from shooting every year

IV.12 kids die under gun every year

Deep-seated American gun culture

• The first Europeans came to the continent of the North America (using guns against wild animals, he frequent conflicts between North American colonists, settlers and the local Indians)

• The failure of proecting the citizens before 13 states been independent

• The war of Independence

• Therefore, during the long process of history, the gun culture has been fully formed and developed in the US. As a result, the right of owning guns has been considered as a right that can not be derived. In the US, they are the symbol of order and stability. Owning and using guns has become an important part of American life style. And in some ways, it is a significant part in the US politics.


• 情态词( auxiliaries modal verbs): 可用来表明信息发出者对事情或问题的看法和态度。情态词使用颇多,是人际交往中一个重要的特征,可以被视为评论或者态度,蕴涵或明显存在于说话者或作者的言语中。

常规:所有的情态动词都有常规的形式,大多 12 个。• Can: 表示“能力”,表示“请求或允许”。• Could : 用法同上,语气较 can 轻。• Must : “ 必须 / 一定,应当”;“偏要”。• May : 可能 / 可以,表示“征求对方意见或允许”,或“祝

愿”• Might : 用法同上,语气较 may 轻。• Should : 表示“应该,惊讶,委婉 / 客气”。• Ought to: 用法同上,语气较 should 重。• Will : “ 愿,要,会” 表示“意愿,征求意见或提出请求,或

执意 / 决心。• Would : 用法同上,语气较 will 轻。• Shall : 征求对方意见;警告 / 承诺(用于法律或规定中); 应该 / 必须(语气比 should 重)• need/dare :两个“半”情态动词,在肯定句中只能用 need/

dare + to do ,在否定 / 疑问句中可用 need/dare + to do 或 need/dare + do

Find out three sentences with "may" in the passage 1.

May 表示可能性的推测,通常用在肯定句或者否定句当中,其意思等于 maybe 或 perhaps 。

Example: We must not allow, nor shall we torelate, the a

ctions of criminals...

• 此句中 must 表示“必须,应该”之意,语气比 should 和 ought to 强烈。 shall 表示命令,非得这样不可,不容商量,逃避和否定的,命令语气非常强

推测 / 判断:在英语中能用作推测或判断的情态动词大多是 :

• can > could (语气由重到轻,用于否定货疑问句中)

• must > may > might (语气由重到轻,用于肯定句中)

• should 可用于各种(肯定,否定,疑问)句式中,只能用 should + do 的形式

• 对“现在”的事的判断的用法: can/could must/may/might + do/be+doing

• 对“过去”的事的判断的用法: can/could must/may/might + have done

可以用于虚拟语气的情态动词有以下 5 个:• Should( 应该 ), would (将 , 愿,要,会) could (能) ,

might (可能 , 可以)• ought to (应该,语气比 should 强)。

1. I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I ______ report it to the police?

A. should B. may C. will D. can2. ---- The room is so dirty. ______we clean it? ---- OK. A. Will B. Shall C. Would D. Can3. ---- Dare your little daughter stay at home alone at night? ---- _________ A. Yes, she does B. No, she dare not C. No, she doesn’t

D. Yes, she dares to4. It is suggested that a doctor _______ immediately. A. be sent for B. send for C. is send for D. should send

for5. When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the

corner after work every day. A. would B. should C. had better D. might

6. There is no light on; they ______ be at home. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t7. ---- Mr. Smith, ______ he have all these papers typed for you right away? ---- He ______. They should be ready by 10 o’clock this morning. A. will; must B. shall; has to C. need; will D. would; ought to8. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, n

o matter what we ______ during the day. A. may have done B. can have done C. must have done D. should have done9. ---- Don’t press the button, John. ---- What if I _______ A. did B. would C. will D. shall10. This basketball team has lots of excellent players, so if there is no unexpe

cted thing to happen, their team ______ win the championship. A. would B. may C. should D. need

Basic skills in reading news stories

I. Browse the headline and lead first, predict what further information the story is to supply, and decide whether to continue reading.

II. Or you may start from the news summary, or browse each page to find stories that you are interested in.

III.When reading a news story, first grasp the five "W's" and the "H" before moving to details.

IV.Dealing with new words in a clever way (The more reading, the larger vocabulary!)

V.Dealing with culture in an enlightened manner (Context is important)

How to deal with new words??1. Try to find some help from the authorExample ①:

These memoirs, including books by reporters, activated National Guardsmen and a female soldier, evoke the classic tradition of the war memoir as bildungsroman, or novel of education. Combat is seen as a proving ground for character, competence and even masculinity( 男性气概 ), a way of transitioning from naive adolescence to wise or disillusioned maturity. ……

2. Try to find some help from word formation

Example ①:

Still, all the challenges she faces — including a request to participate in degrading Iraqi detainees — aid her in "coming into a fuller sense of my own disabilities and strengths," she writes. ……

Example :②

After decades of censorship, social conditioning and reports of fraud in lower-level elections, the idea that voters could oust the iconic man who has ruled them for almost a quarter of a century is beyond the imagination of many analysts, not to mention ordinary Egyptians. "This has gone into the consciousness of the Egyptian people: that the president of the republic is a demigod, the bringer of good to everybody," said Mounir Fakhri, a legislator with the opposition Wafd Party.

Example ②:

Thawing permafrost threatens northern hemisphere

LONDON, April 18 (Reuters) --- Global warming is thawing permafrost in the northern hemisphere and making large areas vulnerable to subsidence, American researchers said on Wednesday.

The disappearance of permafrost, soil that has been below freezing point for long periods, has accelerated in recent decades and is threatening infrastructure in northern regions, including nuclear power stations.

3. Try to find some help from context and common knowledge

Example ①: The South has a sordid history when it come

s to poor blacks and hurricanes. In 1927, when the Mississippi flooded, blacks were herded as virtual prisoners upriver in Greenville, Mississippi. As a steamboat, half-filled with whites, took off to safety, the band played "Bye-Bye, Blackbird."

Background: the American South, slavery

Appreciating the language of English News

Some benefits ——Acquire latest information (90%)Understand the fundamentals of English

journalismKnow about the different styles of

English newspapers and magazinesImprove one’s English competence
