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Unit 3: The Rise of Modern America: Global Power: Imperialism and World War I (1898-1920) Expansion...

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Unit 3: The Rise of Modern America: Global Power: Imperialism and World War I (1898-1920) Expansion in the Pacific War With Spain Expansion in Latin America World War I Breaks Out The United States Goes to War The War at Home The War’s End and Aftermath
Page 1: Unit 3: The Rise of Modern America: Global Power: Imperialism and World War I (1898-1920) Expansion in the Pacific War With Spain Expansion in Latin America.

Unit 3:The Rise of Modern

America: Global Power:Imperialism and World

War I (1898-1920)Expansion in the Pacific

War With SpainExpansion in Latin America

World War I Breaks OutThe United States Goes to War

The War at HomeThe War’s End and Aftermath

Page 2: Unit 3: The Rise of Modern America: Global Power: Imperialism and World War I (1898-1920) Expansion in the Pacific War With Spain Expansion in Latin America.

Definition of Imperialism

The quest for colonial empires Industrialized nations compete:

New markets to sell products Raw materials and natural

resources Cheap labor Power, prestige, global

influence Spread democracy/Christianity

“God, Gold, Glory” = Power

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American Imperialism Begins

Nations such as Great Britain, Germany, France, etc. had been expanding territory into areas of Africa & Asia

The US was not used to being involved on the global “stage” like this

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Proponents of Imperialism

Henry Cabot Lodge A US Senator that stressed the need for the

US to get involved in imperialism

Alfred Thayer Mahan US Naval officer who thought that the US

needed a strong navy to protect its economic interests

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Powerful Nations Seek God, Gold, Glory:• Take advantage of a

foreign nation: Economic Exploitation• Cheap labor• Raw materials• Natural resources• Investment

opportunitiesStrong nation thinks of weak

nation as inferior

Strong Nation treats weaker nation as

inferior:Converts their religionControls their poitical systemAlters their cultureMakes them into a colonyRelates to Social Darwinism

The weaker country becomes

even weaker

Makes it easier to exploit

weaker nation

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Page 7: Unit 3: The Rise of Modern America: Global Power: Imperialism and World War I (1898-1920) Expansion in the Pacific War With Spain Expansion in Latin America.

US Interests in Hawaii

Christian missionaries (1820s) God

Investors—sugar caneGold

Control Hawaiian resources/tradeGold

Overthrow Hawaiian governmentGlory Annexed Hawaii 1898/US

territory by 1900

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US Interests in China

John Hay: 1899-Open Door Policy A policy stating that ALL nations have equal access to trade and

investments in China This policy was never formally accepted by France, GB, Russia or Japan,

but the US declared it approved

Different nations divide China into separate “Spheres of Influence” Regions where a particular country has exclusive rights over mines,

railroads and trade

China tries to respond to foreign intrusions by rebelling: Boxer Rebellion 1900 Weakens China even more Japan v. Russia for China 1904

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Japan Japan attacked

Russia in Manchuria

Teddy Roosevelt negotiated peace between Japan & Russia

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The Great White Fleet

To remind Japan of American power, T. Roosevelt sent 16 white battleships and four destroyers on a world cruise, resting in Japan

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Guess the Terms


God, Gold Glory

Open Door Policy

US Navy

Spread Christianity

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Guess the Terms

John Hay

Spread Democracy

Spheres of Influence


Teddy Roosevelt

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Conflict with Cuba

Reasons for American Interest in Cuba Humanitarian Concerns Economic Interests DeLome Letter Sinking of the USS Maine Yellow Journalism

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Humanitarian Concerns

Many Americans felt they had a moral obligation to help Cuban people in their struggle for independence

Spain sent Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to stop the native Cuban revolt

Weyler sent many of the native Cuban revolutionaries to concentration camps

He became known as “The Butcher”

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Economic Interests

Many leaders in the American government wanted to protect the $50 million that Americans had invested in Cuba

Also wanted to prevent further interruption of trade with Cuba

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DeLome Letter

The Spanish Ambassador to the US (Enrique DeLome) insulted President McKinley in a private letter

The letter was leaked to the press

American opinion against Spain grew

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Sinking of the USS Maine

The US battleship Maine exploded in Cuba’s Havana harbor

The press blamed the explosion on Spanish sabotage

Americans grew angrier towards Spain

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Sinking of the USS Maine

It was later discovered that five tons of ammunition powder located in the ship’s lowest vessel ignited, causing a major explosion

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Yellow Journalism Sensationalized news events created to sell more copies

of newspapers

New York World and New York Journal distorted the truth about Cuba and the Maine

William Randolph Hearst

New York Journal

Joseph Pulitzer

New York World

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US Involved to Spread Democracy

US recognizes Cuban independence

Teller Amendment: Promises Cuban freedom

US wins war Cuba independent 1898 US gets Guam and Puerto Rico US buys Philippines

US in now a global empire in control of many non-American areas

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Big Debate in US (p. 338)

Is it right to expand and take over other lands?

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Expansion in Latin America

US governing Cuba and Puerto Rico Est. military government to restore order and protect US

investments Role of Leonard Wood: Governor of Cuba (1899)

YET…New constitution for Cuba Limits Cuban independence Platt Amendment 1902

Limits Cuban relations w/ others US can intervene in Cuba Cuba to give naval base to US Cuba now a US protectorate

Foraker Act 1900: Puerto Rico P.R. leg. Chosen by US P.R. part of US until 1952

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Panama Canal

US wants land to build canal

Negotiations with Colombia 1901 Colombia controls Panama

99 year “lease” for $10 mil/$250K per year for a rental fee Colombia rejects the deal Role of Theodore Roosevelt

Aids Panama in rebelling against Colombia

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What the US Gets in Return?

Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: Gives US complete and unending rule of 10 mile

wide canal zone through Panama 10 year building project 1904-1914

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Monroe Doctrine

James Monroe (5th President) declared that the United States was the protector of the Western Hemisphere

Until the late 1800’s, this was just a threat

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Roosevelt Corollary

In 1904, T. Roosevelt added to the Monroe Doctrine

“Speak softly and carry a big stick…you will go far…” The US will police affairs in Western Hemisphere to keep

European nations from intervening

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Big Stick Diplomacy - political cartoon"the new diplomacy" is on Roosevelt's nightstick

He is depicted as a police officer exercising international police power


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Dollar Diplomacy

Later, Taft chose to send money to Western Hemisphere countries (as opposed to troops)

“Substitute dollars for bullets”

Investing money would increase US economic power

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World War I Breaks Out





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Social Darwinist attitude Might makes right War plans “just in case”-advantage to shooting first Build up of armed forces=arms race Glorification of the military Major European leaders believed disputes would be settled

on the battlefield

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Secret Alliances Paranoia, fear,

suspicious Allied Powers:


Central Powers: Germany, Austria-

Hungary, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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Nations already in competition REMEMBER: GOD, GOLD, GLORY

Industrialism: Economic competition Germany was locked out of regions of Africa & the Far East

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Each Nation, people want: Land Independence Sovereignty (self-determination)

National pride or loyalty (even for a country that doesn’t exist)

Example: Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia Herzegovina, but Serbia claimed Bosnia as their own

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The War Begins

On June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist

Chain-reaction By August 5th WORLD WAR I

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Describe the Term…

Allied Powers


Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Roosevelt Corollary


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Describe the Term…


Monroe Doctrine

World War I


Central Powers

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World War I 1914-1918

Total War = Stalemate and Trench Warfare

Total Causes: Competition between nations since 1815 Industrialism Imperialism Militarism Social Darwinism= “might makes right,” “strong

survive” Nationalism: Each nation thinks they are the best

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World War I 1914-1918, cont’d…

Total Involvement: Most nations involved Fought in all places Nations use everything they have Total results Cause of World War II

Overall: Approximately 40 million casualties 16-17 million killed (10 mil. Soldiers/7 mil. Civilians) 21-23 million wounded, MIA, etc.

Example: Battle of the Somme (July 16th, 1916) 1.5 million killed/perhaps 20,000 in the first HOUR

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Trench Warfare

Armies occupied trenches hundreds of miles long

The space between the trenches was known as “no-mans-land”

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New Weapons

Machine guns


Poison gas



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U.S. & The Great War

President Wilson wanted to maintain neutrality Many Americans found this difficult (28 million were new

immigrants from Central Europe)

Many Americans believed that this was a European war and that we could avoid it: History and tradition of isolation and neutrality Official US policy 1914 = Neutral Geography: Atlantic Ocean separates US from Europe

Others were swayed by propaganda to support the Allies

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The War at Home

US began to prepare on four levels: Military Preparations Economic Preparations Social Preparations Mental/Psychological Preparations

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Military Preparations

National Defense Act (raise money and soldiers)

Selective Service Act (the draft)

AEF: General Pershing

Convey System: Trade w/ allies: Lansing

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Economic Preparations Liberty Bonds

Taxes-Businesses/incomes (16th Amendment)

War Boards: Directing the economy Coordinating gov., industry,

business Food Administration (allocating

scarce resources) Fuel Administration (allocating

scarce resources) RR Administration War Industries Board National War Labor Board

(production priorities)

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Social Preparations

Growth of union leadership

Role of women (19th Amendment)

African-American migration from South

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Mental/Psychological Preparations

Propaganda: Committee on Public Information Volunteerism-Patriotism Suppression of the opposition

Espionage/Sedition Acts (1917-1918) Schneck v. US (1919)

CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR! Limits on freedom of speech “Clear and present danger

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Sequence of Events: US in WWI

1) Isolation: Ignore the war

2) Neutrality: Can’t ignore war but no involvement

3) Not quite so neutral = Germany keeps making us angry

4) US starts getting involved Economic and cultural ties to Allies German submarines sink US ships The Zimmerman Note US is a WORLD EMPIRE – hard to avoid a world war

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President Wilson (1912-1920)

Had to go from convincing the US that we should NOT be in war to convincing the US that we SHOULD be in the war

“Make the world safe for democracy”

“The war to end all wars”

Thus: Tremendous pressure on Wilson to live up these ideas after the war

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The War’s End and Aftermath

Other factors leading to US involvement Failed Allied offensive Russian Bolshevik Revolution (Lenin) Major German offensive

US IS NEEDED NOW! Turns the tide of the war against Germany and in

favor of Allies—Armistace signed Nov. 11 1918 Cease-fire

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Paris Peace Conference: 1919

Wilson’s 14 Points tried to eliminate problems that caused war in first place 1) Provide self-determination 2) Solve territorial disputes 3) Prevent arms races and secret treaties 4) Provide for freedom of the seas 5) Est. a League of Nations

Make world “safe for democracy” This would make WWI the “war to end all wars”

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Treaty of Versailles (1919)

Contradicts most of Wilson’s 14 points Deprives Germany of colonies Took away Germany territory by creating

Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia Took away territory from Germany in Alsace-

Lorriane and gave it to France Restricted the size of Germany military War Guilt ClauseReparations

Germany’s fault$33 billion

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Treaty of Versailles, cont’d…

Republicans disagree with Wilson Henry Cabot Lodge—US Should be isolationist

League of Nations Article #10 Committed US to supporting other members of the


Wilson tries to get nation to support the treaty

Senate does NOT ratify treaty

US does NOT sign treaty OR join the League of Nations US Isolation

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League of Nations

It was President Wilson’s idea to form the League, however, the US Senate did not approve joining the organization

Wilson was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts

The League was unable to prevent European conflict in the 1930’s, and was defunct by 1946

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Sets Stage for World War II

Germany hurtWeimar Republic can’t function, Hitler comes to power

League useless without US power to back it up

Avoid another warappeasement

Bad guysFascist dictators never taught a lesson

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