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Unit 4: Parables of Jesus NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son · father in that story and we are like...

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1 NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016 Unit 4: Parables of Jesus NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 Lesson Goal: When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven. To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him. Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 4: The Parables of Jesus. When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven. To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him. These stories or parable are found in the gospels. This parable is found in the book of Luke. Luke is one of the gospels in the New Testament. The gospels tell the story of the life of Jesus and are the first four books in the New Testament. Let's say the first four books of the New Testament together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Attention Getter: Have you ever been to the library and heard someone read or tell a story? What is your favorite story? Maybe your favorite story is "Where the Wild Things Are" or perhaps it is the "Giving Tree." (Show some of your favorite childhood books and talk about them.) When Jesus was here on earth He told many stories. One of his stories has become a favorite of people all over the world. They have liked it so much that they have told it over and over. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him Opening Prayer: Let's pray. "Father, I know that You are longing to forgive us our sins and to give us everlasting life. I pray that we would be like the younger son, and come to You with repentant hearts. Help us not to be resentful of others that receive Your love and forgiveness. We want to rejoice with You and the angels when the lost come into Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen." Memory Verse: The memory verse is Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/_Xx5FkPUtOM One day Jesus went to a dinner where there were many people who did not love and obey God. These tax collectors and other notorious people had come to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of the law complain that Jesus was associating with sinners. They thought that Jesus was wrong for being so friendly to those people who did bad things. Jesus knew what these people were saying, so after dinner He told a story that would teach them about God's love. A father had two sons whom he loved very much. The father planned to divide his money between his sons when they were older. But the younger son did not want to wait for his share of the money. "I want my money right NOW, dad," the younger sons said. He wanted to do what he wanted even it was wrong. So the father gave the younger son his part of the money. A few days later the younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a faraway city. The father felt sad. He loved his son and would miss him very much. When the younger son arrived at the distant city, he spent his money VERY foolishly. He didn't think about what would happen when his money ran out! Instead he spent money on wild parties and anything else he could think of to have a great time. And he had lots of friends who enjoyed the wild parties he paid for.


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Unit 4: Parables of Jesus NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32

Lesson Goal: When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven.

To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him.

Introduction: This is the second lesson in Unit 4: The Parables of Jesus. When Jesus lived on earth He taught people many important things about God and heaven. To help people understand what He was saying Jesus often told stories called parables. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him. These stories or parable are found in the gospels. This parable is found in the book of Luke. Luke is one of the gospels in the New Testament. The gospels tell the story of the life of Jesus and are the first four books in the New Testament. Let's say the first four books of the New Testament together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.

Attention Getter: Have you ever been to the library and heard someone read or tell a story? What is your favorite story? Maybe your favorite story is "Where the Wild Things Are" or perhaps it is the "Giving Tree." (Show some of your favorite childhood books and talk about them.) When Jesus was here on earth He told many stories. One of his stories has become a favorite of people all over the world. They have liked it so much that they have told it over and over. This story is called the Prodigal Son and it shows us how patient and forgiving God is, even when we disobey Him

Opening Prayer: Let's pray. "Father, I know that You are longing to forgive us our sins and to give us everlasting life. I pray that we would be like the younger son, and come to You with repentant hearts. Help us not to be resentful of others that receive Your love and forgiveness. We want to rejoice with You and the angels when the lost come into Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen."

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/_Xx5FkPUtOM One day Jesus went to a dinner where there were many people who did not love and obey God. These tax collectors and other notorious people had come to listen to Jesus teach. This made the Pharisees and teachers of the law complain that Jesus was associating with sinners. They thought that Jesus was wrong for being so friendly to those people who did bad things. Jesus knew what these people were saying, so after dinner He told a story that would teach them about God's love. A father had two sons whom he loved very much. The father planned to divide his money between his sons when they were older. But the younger son did not want to wait for his share of the money. "I want my money right NOW, dad," the younger sons said. He wanted to do what he wanted even it was wrong. So the father gave the younger son his part of the money. A few days later the younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a faraway city. The father felt sad. He loved his son and would miss him very much. When the younger son arrived at the distant city, he spent his money VERY foolishly. He didn't think about what would happen when his money ran out! Instead he spent money on wild parties and anything else he could think of to have a great time. And he had lots of friends who enjoyed the wild parties he paid for.


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

One day the younger son looked in his money bag. It was completely empty! And now his friend didn't come to see him anymore. He was all alone. About the time his money ran out, a great famine swept over the land and he began to starve. Now the son was in big TROUBLE. He didn't have any money to buy food or pay for a place to live. And his so called friends no longer wanted to know him. He felt awful! No one gave him anything! At last he found a job but it wasn't a very good job. He persuaded a farmer to hire him to feed his muddy pigs. And because He was hungry all the time, he even wished he could eat the pigs' food. Imagine thinking that the pigs' food looked good! One morning the younger son thought, "I am starving to death while the people who work for my father have plenty of food to eat. Here I am dying of hunger!" "I will go back home to my father and say, "Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me back and let me work as one of your hired servants." So he returned home to his father. Meanwhile back at home the father stilled missed his younger son very much. Day after day the father patiently looked down the road hoping to see his son. Finally one day he saw his son walking down the road. The father was so excited that he couldn't wait for his son to reach him. He ran to meet his son! He hugged him and kissed him. The son cried and said, "Father I was wrong. I don't deserve to be treated like your son anymore. Will you let me work for you as one of your servants?" But his father said to the servants, "Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. Kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found." Meanwhile the older son was in the fields working. When he returned home he heard music and dancing in the house. When he found out his brother had returned and his arrival was being celebrated, he was very angry. His father begged him to join the celebrations, but he replied, "All these years I have worked hard for you." And in all that time you have never given me a feast with my friends. Yet when my brother comes back after squandering the money you kill the fattened calf." "His father said to him, "You have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours. We had to celebrated this happy day. For your brother was dead and has come back to life! He was lost but now is found!" Jesus told this story because He wanted people to know how patient and forgiving that God is. God is like that father in that story and we are like that son. We disobey God when we tell lies, say mean things to our friends, or act rudely to our parents. But God still loves us and will forgive us when we admit to Him that we have disobeyed. In this story, the father watched and waited. He was ready to greet his son if he returned. In the same way, God’s love is constant and patient and welcoming. He will not force us to come to Him. God waits patiently for us to turn from our sins, come to Him, and ask Him for forgiveness. The prodigal son wasted his money and lived selfishly. This is just like we do when we willfully disobey God. But, God’s great love reaches out and finds us sinners no matter why or how we got lost. In Jesus' story the older brother is like the Pharisees who were angry and resentful that Jesus would allow sinners to go to heaven. The Pharisees thought that they were better than everyone else. How easy it is for us to be like the older brother and think that we are better than others. When we let our own self-righteousness get in the way of rejoicing when others come to Jesus we are like the Pharisees. God wants to forgive you of your sins and give you everlasting life. That is why He sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay the price for what you have done that was wrong. If you believe in Jesus and trust in Him as your Savior, He will forgive you. He loves us so much!


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Our verse is Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you." God is a perfect and loving Father. He loves us even when we have done wrong and wants to forgive us. Let's say the verse again. Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you." Remember God loves you and wants to forgive you!

Review Questions: "Celebration Balloons" Materials: balloons, permanent markers, tape, construction paper, crepe paper, scissors, party decorations; large safety pin Procedure: Blow up balloons (at least one for each of the questions below.) Tape the balloons to the wall. Use construction paper and crepe paper to decorate the classroom. Option: Write each word of the memory verse on one of the balloons. Say: "In our lesson the father of the two sons was so happy to have his younger son home that he had a celebration party. We have our class room decorated with party items including balloons. As you answer the questions correctly each person will get to pop a party balloon. I will give you a safety pin to pop the balloon." Ask the following questions. Be sure to give each child an opportunity to pop at least one balloon.

1. Who were the Pharisees and the scribes? (The arrogant and self-righteous religious leaders of Jesus’


2. Why did they think it was terrible that Jesus showed kindness towards sinners? (They thought they were

better than most people)

3. This is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. What does the word prodigal mean? (The word prodigal means

wasteful. Someone who lives a prodigal life is one who spends or gives lavishly and foolishly.)

4. Can you tell me in your own words the Parable of the Prodigal Son?

5. Who does the father represent? (God, the Father)

6. Who does the younger son represent? (Us)

7. The son disregarded his father’s love and care, decided to go his own way. What is that a picture of?

(We, too, go our own way and waste what the Father has given us.)

8. What is the love of the father in the parable a picture of? (God’s love for us. He willing lets us enjoy all

that belongs to Him.)

9. What are some ways we displease God? (Speak rudely to our brothers and sisters, talk back to our

mothers, get cocky at school with our teachers, etc.)

10. Why do you do things that displease God? (We were born with a sinful heart that is constantly persuading

us to do wrong despite God’s goodness to us.)

11. Why is feeding pigs the lowest possible thing for the listeners of this story to imagine? (According to the

law God gave to Moses, pigs were unclean animals and the people were forbidden to eat pork.)

12. What did the prodigal son finally realize once he came to his senses? (He realized his sin against God

and his father.)

13. Why did Jesus tell this story to the Pharisees and scribes? (He wanted them to realize that they were

sinners and needed to ask the Father for forgiveness.)

14. Where was the father when the son finally came home? (He was watching and waiting for him and ready

to greet him.)

15. Tell me about the older brother? Who did he represent in this story? (The arrogant and self-righteous

Pharisees and scribes who were listening to Jesus tell this story.)

16. Why was the older brother so full of hate and bitterness and resentment? (His father was throwing a "welcome home" party for his little brother and he didn’t think it was fair. He had stayed home and done all the right things--worked hard for his father, never did any prodigal living like his younger brother had.)

17. Why did the father throw that party for the younger son? (Because he had been lost, but now he was back home where he ought to be)

18. Have you ever been resentful when someone else got something you felt you deserved?


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Overflowing Beans (God's Abounding Love) The memory verse is Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you." Have students locate the verse in scripture, read the verse aloud, and then repeat again together. Say: "Which words in this verse describe God?" Give each child a spoon and a paper cup. As children say each word of Psalm 86:5 together, have each child put a spoonful of beans into his or her cup. Continue repeating the verse until the cups overflow. (To make cleanup easier set each cup in a disposable bowl.) Say: "What are the beans doing? (overflowing the cup) Psalm 86:5 tells us God's love for us is so great that it abounds or overflows. In our lesson Jesus told a story about how God's great or abounding love overflowed. In the story what did the son do that was wrong? (Disobeyed him and wasted the inheritance.) What did he do when he was sorry for the things he had done? (Repented and returned home.) How did the father show love to his son? How was the father like God? (God is patient. God loves and forgives us even when we've disobeyed Him.) No one has perfect parents but Jesus described God as a father to help us know that God loves us as a perfect, loving parent would. Our Bible verse tells us more about God. Which words in Psalm 86:5 tell what God is like? (forgiving, good, and abounding in love) How does God show that He loves us, even when we've done wrong? (He forgives us when we ask Him.) What are some other ways God shows He always loves us even when we disobey Him? (He still answers our prayers. He helps us do what is right when we ask Him. He keeps His promises to us.) Let's thank God for His love and forgiveness." (Lead children in a brief prayer.)

Group Learning Activity: Drama of Parable of the Prodigal Son (Grades K-5) Materials: Bibles, three large sheets of butcher paper. markers, white paper, masking tape, Bible costumes, stuffed animal pigs, money-bags Procedure: Children work together to draw and color three backdrops (a large home, a big city, and a pigpen) on separate sheets of butcher paper. As children work, ask children to name story characters (father, two sons, younger son's friends, pig farmer) and events (younger son asking for money, younger son's friends not helping him, younger son asking for job from pig farmer, younger son feeds pigs, son decides to return home, father runs to meet son, older son complains about the feast, etc.) Print list on white chart paper in order of events in story. Tape the completed backdrops to the wall. Children take turns pretending to be different people in the story and stand in front of the backdrops o act out parts of the story. Have children tell the part of the story they are acting out. Videotape children acting out the story. Show video tape as the parents come to pick up their children.

Group Learning Activity: "Celebration Relay" Grades K-4 Materials: Bag of items that are used in the Parable of the Prodigal Son for each team. Items could be a ring, a robe, sandals; or a balloon to blow up for the "celebration"; etc. Each of the team bags should include identical items. There can be more than one ring or robe, or sandals, etc for each team to put on in their team bag. Procedure: Divide the children into teams. Show the items in the bag and ask students to tell what significance they had in the parable. Each team member will take turns running to the bag and putting one of the items on - whether a ring, a robe, sandals; or a balloon to blow up for the "celebration", etc. The winning team must finish first by putting on all the items. Group Learning Activity: Balloon Art and Celebration Party (Grades K-5) Materials: balloons, party decorations, snacks, paper plates, napkins, nut cups, party table cloth, etc Procedure: Give children some balloons to write on (permanent colored markers) with "Welcome Back, Son!" or "I Forgive You Son"; or "Make Good Choices not Bad." Children can then blow up their balloons and have a celebration because God forgives bad choices. Let children spread a fancy tablecloth on a long table and decorate it with paper plates and balloons, bright colored napkins and small treats that the teacher can have ready for the celebration. Children will enjoy


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

decorating the table together with streamers, confetti and Bible verse slips of paper about today's lesson and God's forgiveness (these verses can be stuck on a toothpick and stuck into a small piece of molding clay or play dough). Let the children sit around the table and thank God for His forgiveness when we make wrong choices and celebrate God's love together, while enjoying their snack foods, cupcakes, chips, ice cream, etc!!! Feel free to use your imagination, teachers, with little nut cups and brightly colored cups or whatever will help the children to enjoy and realize the celebration. Serve snack mix. Optional: Sing "Forgiving and Good," "Amazing Grace" or "I have Decided to follow Jesus" together while waving balloons.

Craft Learning Activity: Picture Postcards (Grades K-5) Materials: Bibles, picture postcard you have received, large index plain cards, colored markers Procedure: Show postcard you have received and briefly describe who sent it to you and where it came from. Say "Let's pretend that we were with the son in our story today. Let's make some postcards that tell friends what he did." Guide children to tell the story events (younger son asking for money, younger son's friends not helping him, younger son asking for job from pig farmer, younger son feeds pigs, son decides to return home, father runs to meet son, older son complains about the feast, etc) Print events on separate index cards (see sketch a.) making one card for each child. Distribute cards. Each child draws a picture of the event described on his or her card above the description (See sketch b.) On the other side of the card the child writes a short note about the event and a made up address (see sketch c.) Children who do not enjoy writing may dictate messages for you to write on postcards or children may simply illustrate the story events.

Craft Learning Activity: Prodigal Son and Pig Paper Bag Puppets (Grades K-3) Materials: 2 Paper lunch bags for each child, permanent markers, yarn for hair, squiggly eyes, brown felt for clothing; print pig and prodigal son templates below (one for each child); pink construction paper to cover pig's body (if desired). Procedure: Give each child a brown or white paper lunch bag, as well as markers, yarn for hair, eyes, and brown felt for the children to glue items on the paper bag to make a "prodigal son". Explain that the bottom flap of the sack will be the pig's head or the prodigal son's head. Underneath the bottom flap will be the mouth so when the child's hand is in the bag they will be able to make the puppet talk. Have students color the templates as desired and cut out along outside lines. Glue the pieces to the paper lunch bags. Sit in a circle after the bags are completed and have the bag puppets take turns in telling what bad choices he made and what a celebration his father had for him when he returned home. Teacher can ask the bag puppets questions if the children have trouble telling a part of the story.

Group Learning Activity: Repentance Game (Grades 3-5) Materials: Two signs: one that says SIN and another that says REPENTANCE tapped to opposite ends of the classroom. Procedure: Point out the two signs: SIN and REPENTANCE on the opposite sides of the classroom. Explain that repentance is turning away from sin. Sin is anything that we say, think or do that is contrary to God's way. the parable in our lesson is a story about sin and repentance and how God responds to our repentance. Tell your class that you are going to read several phrases. Instruct them to face the sign that best describes the attitude of the phrase. Read the following:

1) Give me that toy! (sin) 2) Take off that hat, it’s mine! (sin)


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

3) So what if your parents said no, it’s only for a minute! (sin) 4) I did the wrong thing, please forgive me. (repentance) 5) How does God know what’s best for me? (sin) 6) May I please have another chance? (repentance) 7) But I can’t do the dishes; I’ll miss my favorite show! (sin) 8) Can I please repay you? (repentance) 9) I hope I never hurt your feelings again, I’m sorry. (repentance)

Discuss why each of the phrases is repentance or sin. Say: "In Luke 15:17-19 we see the heart of the son change. The Bible says that he “came to himself.” It was kind of like he woke up and came to his senses. He realized something very important: he was guilty of sinning against his father. It is the same realization we all should come to when our hearts cry out "God, I’m guilty. Please forgive me”. Just like the son, we are unworthy of God’s forgiveness, but by grace, He promises to forgive us if we come to Him. We see the son start to choose the right thing in verse 18. He does three things: "arise," "go" and "say." These words show us his repentance. He stands up, leaves for home, and hopes his father will let him stay. That is what repentance is for us too. It is when we agree with God about our sin and ourselves. It is saying "I was wrong and You are right, Lord." Another way of looking at repentance is that it is a change of direction. It is when we have a change of mind and a change of heart about sin. Then that change in our heart produces a change in our actions. It is like going in a certain direction, our own way, realizing it, and making a U-turn never to go that old direction again. Then the son says, "Make me." Those are beautiful words! They are words that show that his cry has changed from "give me" to "make me." He is showing his desire to come under the authority of his father and leave self behind. Jesus wants us to look at our own hearts and ask, “Am I saying, ‘give me’ to God, or is my response ‘make me?’” “Give me” shows we only want to live for self, and we will end up being in want. Our prayer can be like the prodigal son's, "Lord I want you to make me, to mold me." That is a beautiful prayer. Have you prayed that?"

Life Application Challenge: Erasable Mistakes

Materials: Various pencils with erasers. Different colors and sizes would be great. Procedure: Hand each child a pencil. Have them describe their pencil. It is short, long, skinny, fat, old, new, yellow, blue, etc. You can pick one and describe it for them. Say: "These pencils remind me of people. They are different sizes, colors, shapes, and ages. They all have one thing in common, they have an eraser. We are all given an eraser too. His name is Jesus Christ. We all make mistakes and need an eraser from time to time. Jesus died on the cross just so he could erase our sins. We just need to ask for forgiveness, and they are gone. We become like clean paper when we have been forgiven. God can’t see the ugly pencil marks, they’ve been erased! The father in our story was thrilled when his lost son was back in his arms. He kissed him and welcomed him home. The father in this story was forgiving and good, just like our Father in heaven."


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

The Prodigal Son

Psalm 86:5 "You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love

to all who call to you."


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

The Lost Son


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Pig Paper Bag Puppet


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Prodigal Son Paper Bag Puppet


NT4.3 Parable of Prodigal Son © Beverly Wilson 2016

Preschool Finger Play
