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Unit-5 Mobile Computing

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    MDS Issues Data Management


    Data Caching


    Transaction Management

    Transaction processing

    Query processing

    Database recovery

    To build a truly ubiquitous information processing

    system by overcoming the inherent limitations of

    wireless architecture.


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    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    A Reference Architecture (Client-Server model)












    Fixed host

    Fixed host


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    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    MDS Applications

    Insurance companies

    Emergencies services (Police, medical, etc.)

    Traffic control

    Taxi dispatch



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    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    MDS Limitations

    Limited wireless bandwidth

    Wireless communication speed

    Limited energy source (battery power)

    Less secured

    Vulnerable to physical activities

    Hard to make theft proof.

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    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    MDS capabilities

    Can physically move around without affecting data


    Can reach to the place data is stored

    Can process special types of data efficiently

    Not subjected to connection restrictions Very high reachability

    Highly portable

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    hoarding - learning sequences

    depth level 2

    depth level 1





    3 4

    5 6 7

    8 9

    Web-based materials are

    generally highly interlinkeda net of links

    The user browsing path over a

    web-based material can beviewed as a hierarchy structure

    Depends on users learning

    style, natural learning habitsand abilities


  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    hoardingwhat is it? why we need it? Hoarding is a technique for selecting set of documents to be

    uploaded and used when disconnected.

    To allow any time, anywhere access to the learningmaterials

    to support offline access of learning content

    Often the memory available on the device is not large enoughto contain all material of a system

    a decision should be made what to put on the device

    To free the user from annoying procedures of pre-fetchingcontent

    decide automatically what the user will need

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    the hoarding process1. Decide (predict) what material the learner will start from;

    2. From the materials that are linked to this start pointgenerate a candidate set;

    3. Predict which will be the learning sequence or set, that is ofinterest for the user at next depth level and discard the items

    that are not of interest from the set (this step is calledpruning)loop until the deepest level;

    4. Set priorities to the materials in the hoarding set, based ontheir predicted priority of importance for the next session(higher if the probability the object will be used soon is

    high);5. Pre-fetch, starting from the beginning of the ordered list,

    putting on the device those objects with bigger priority, untilavailable memory is filled in.

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    hoarding - the starting step Starting Point from site structure

    Based on observations on all previous users the

    system can estimate the average (or max.)

    browsing depth and session length

    Set of LO,

    used by the student

    in one session

    Set of LO,

    selected by the

    hoarding algorithm

    Set of LO, used by the

    student in one session

    Set of LO, selected by

    the hoarding algorithm

    Maximize the hit rateNumber of hits divided on number of uploaded


    Minimize the miss ratepercentage of ineffective requests

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Caching is an important technique in the computing world. Most of

    us are familiar with cache used for a single processor computer, asillustrated in Figure

    In distributed systems and network computing environments, cache

    management schemes need to handle two different scenarios.

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    In the first scenario, the data in the shared memory or the server

    can be read/written by different processors or clients concurrently,

    as shown in Figure 15.2

    In the second scenario the data is read-only for the clients, as

    shown in Figure 15.3.

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    In these environments (distributed systems and network computing ),

    when a client accesses a cached data item, the server or another client

    could have just modified that data item. Hence, in distributed andnetwork computing environments, the most crucial problem for caching

    is how to maintain data consistency among the clients and the servers?

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    To maintain cache consistency in distributed or network computing

    environment, different approaches have been developed. These

    approaches include polling-every-time, adaptive time-to-live (TTL) ,

    invalidation based mechanisms.

    Poll everytime

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    For the TTL-based caching strategy, every cached data item isassigned a TTL value, which can be estimated based on thedata items update history. For example, the adaptive TTLapproach in estimates TTL based on the age of a data item.When the user request arrives for a data item x, if data item xsresidence time has exceeded its TTL value, the client sends amessage to the server to ask if x has changed. Based on theservers response, the client may get a new copy of x from the

    server (if the data item x has changed since the last time theclient cached x) or just use the cached copy to answer the user'srequest (if the data item x has not been modified since the lasttime the client received a copy of x).

    For polling-every-time and TTL-based caching strategies, the client side

    initiates the consistency verification: that is, the client is responsible for

    verifying the data consistency before using it.

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    For the polling-every-time approach, every time the data is

    requested, the clients need to send requests to the server to verify if

    the cached data has changed. The polling-every-time caching

    strategy can be thought of as a special type of TTL-based scheme,

    with the TTL field equal to zero for every data item. Polling-every-

    time and TTL-based approaches are used in many existing Web


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    On the other hand, for the invalidation-based strategies, the cache

    consistency verification is initiated by the server. Invalidation-based

    cache strategies are further classified into stateless and stateful


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    In a stateless approach, the server does not maintain information

    about the cache contents of the clients (i.e., the server does not

    know what data is cached or how long it has been cached by a

    particular client). The stateless-based approach can be further

    categorized into synchronous and asynchronous approach. In the

    asynchronous approach, invalidation reports are sent out upon datamodification. In the synchronous approach, the server periodically

    sends out invalidation reports, which may overlap with the previous


    EX: State less synchronous approaches are (namely TS (time

    stamps), AT (amnesic terminals) ,and SIG (signatures)

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    The AT (amnesic terminals) approach is similar to theTS approach, but the invalidation reports are the data itemIDs that have changed since the last invalidation report.

    Similarly in the SIG (signatures) method, the differenceis that the server periodically broadcasts the signatures of thedata items.

    In the TS (time stamps) approach, the server periodically

    broadcasts the invalidation reports, which consist of data item IDs and

    their last update times during the last w (where w is the invalidationwindow size) seconds. Then, based on the invalidation reports, the MH

    will purge the data item from its cache or update the data items time

    stamp. The MH also maintains a variable to record the last time it

    received a report. If the difference between the current report time stamp

    and this variable is greater than w, the MH should drop the entire cache.

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    In case of the stateful approach, the server keeps track of theinformation of the cache contents. These approaches can

    also be categorized into synchronous and asynchronousapproaches. There are hardly any schemes in the statefulsynchronous category. One example for statefulasynchronous approach is proposed is AS algorithm. In that

    approach, a Home Location Cache (HLC) is maintained forevery client and is used to record the data items cached bythat client and their last modification time. Based on theinformation, the server can generate invalidation reportsdedicated to a particular client cache.

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    Server is stateless (noinformation about client

    cache is maintained) Invalidation reports sentregardless of whether clientshave any data in cache.

    Invalidation reports sent

    periodically at rate L(synchronous).

    Average cache latency is L/2plus network queuing delay.

    Traffic on the network is

    bursty as queries areaggregated for a period oftime L.

    Mobility is supported byassuming a replication ofdata across all stationarynodes (not scalable)


    Server is stateful (HLC maintained)

    Invalidation report broadcast only if

    any client has valid data in cache.

    Invalidation reports sent as and

    when data changes (asynchronous)

    Latency is governed only by the

    queuing delay on the network

    Queries are answered as they aregenerated

    Mobility can be transparently

    supported by using a mobility aware

    network layer ex: mobileIP


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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    A Glimpse of the Future

    Imagine you are a tourist in Paris

    with a wearable computer

    wireless access to remote services

    unobtrusive heads-up display, microphone,earphones

    speech for computer interactions

    online language translation

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    What Makes This Science Fiction?

    Lack of hardware?

    No! We have what we need.

    Lack of applications?

    Nope - we have those too.

    Need a system capable of coping with the problems of mobility

    Odyssey to the rescue...

    P bl i h M bili

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Problems with Mobility

    Mobile elements are resource-poor

    relative to static elements of same era

    weight, power, size constraints

    Mobility leads to communication uncertainty

    enormous variation in bandwidth & latency

    intermittent connectivity

    Power management is a concern

    actions may have to be slowed or deferred

    communication costs energy

    need to rely on resources of remote servers,

    but may not be able to reach them!

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Adaptation is Key

    Highly dynamic environmentadaptationkey to good performance

    Who adapts?


    take advantage of good times

    Behave ok during bad times


    This paper: applications also must adapt

    Change expectations depending on surrounding state

    End to end argument?

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Client Adaptation

    Make mobile clients more robust by offeringadaptation

    rely on servers when possible

    function autonomously if needed

    monitor and adjust to current conditionsChange application expectations

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    Adaptive Applications

    applications consume resourcesnetwork bandwidth, CPU cycles, battery power, disk space,


    resources are variable


    applications adapt use of resources as resource

    quality changes

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    Who Controls Adaptation

    The Operating System?

    Individual applications?


    Application-Aware Adaptation

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    Application-Aware Adaptation

    Application only (laissez faire)

    What if different applications compete for the


    OS only (application-transparent)

    Does not differentiate between applications (student

    viewing a video of a lecture vs. a video teleconference)

    Joint responsibility in Odyssey (application-aware)

    Several ways to divide the functionalityodyssey only


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    OdysseyA Platform for adaptive mobile data access

    Built a prototype for Un*x as OS extension

    Provides a small API to the application

    Implementation: Need a central component for resource monitoring

    and management (Viceroy)

    Need data aware components that offer fidelitychoices (Wardens)

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    Odyssey Architecture



    Odyssey runtime








    Sys calls

    Odyssey calls

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    Operational Model Control loop:

    Select fidelity


    Place request

    (system call)

    Detect change

    Notify application

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    An Odyssey client must estimate the quality ofnetwork paths used by various applications.

    Odyssey records:

    Round-trip time


    Odyssey updates its estimates of latency andbandwidth once every half second.

    Aside, Nobles group followed up with agility

    estimation work for ad hoc networks

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    Agility (cont.)

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    Agility (cont.)

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Stability Pursuing agility while completely

    sacrificing stability can be


    Rapidly switching


    Variable latency

    Stability is properly incorporated byindividual application.

    When notifying an application , the viceroy

    can include information about the expected

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Context-aware Computing

    Beyond application-aware adaptation

    Instead of adapting only to resource levels,

    adapt to contexts


    Enumeration-based (categories)

    Role-based (roles of context in building mobileapplications)

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    Types of Context

    Computing context includes network connectivity,communication costs, communication bandwidth, and localresources, such as printers, displays, and workstations

    User context includes user profiles, location, and people in

    the vicinity of the user Physical context includes lighting and noise levels, traffic

    conditions, and temperature

    Temporal context includes time of day, week, month, and

    season of the year Context historyis the recording of computing, user, and

    physical context over time

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    The 5 Ws

    Who is the user? Who are the people with whichthe user is interacting, or who is nearby?

    What is the user doing?

    Where is the user? Home? Work? Bathroom?Familiar coffee shop?

    When? What time is it?

    Why? Why is the user performing a certain task?What is the tasks priority in the grand scheme?

    Low-level vs. High-level details

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    Context Overview

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    Context-aware Requirements

    Contextual sensing

    detection of environmental states

    Contextual adaptation

    capability of the system to adapt its behavior by using contextual


    Contextual resource discovery capability to discover available resources in an environment

    Contextual augmentation

    capability to associate contextual information with some digitaldata

    Example: association of a particular meeting place and attendeeswith a set of minutes

    Example: association of a digital photo with a specific location

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    Designing CA Applications

    Build list of relevant contexts

    e.g., home, office, traveling, sleeping,

    Specify context-aware behaviors

    Presentation of context-sensitive information

    Automatic discovery of relevant objects (e.g., nearbypeople for transmission of business cards)

    Modification of the physical and digital environments

    Integration of application with methods forsensing context

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    Simple Example: stick-e notes Context-aware Post-it notes

    Build list of relevant contexts Based on location (latitude/longitude via GPS)

    Temperature, whatever else can be sensed

    Specify context-aware behaviors stick-e notes pop up on a PDA when contextual info is


    Reminder to return a library book when near the library

    Reminder to buy a new winter jacket when temperature dropsbelow 60F

    Integration of application with methods for sensing context Most difficult part

    Ubiquitous sensing of environmental characteristics, such aslocation, temperature, number of human beings nearby, the cat isnear, not widespread

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    Where Does Context Come From?

    Returning to the difficulty point on the previousslide

    Environmental sensors Temperature, humidity, location, noise, motion

    Cat sensor

    Potential need for multiple types of sensors

    GPS vs. indoor location sensors


    Recording user actions and previous contexts

    Users personal computing environment Schedules, notes, address books, financial info

    Need real-time analysis to provide context

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    Example: Location

    Indoor locating systems

    e.g., infrared or ultrasound

    Wireless nanocell communication activity

    Association with short-range base stations


    Associations with nearby computers

    Motion sensors and cameras, computer vision

    Ask the user!

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    Service-oriented Architecture

    Provide services to context-aware applications

    Context subscription and delivery service Delivers contextual information as available

    Context query service Delivers contextual information on-demand

    Context transformation and synthesis services Transforms low-level contextual information (location,

    temperature, lighting levels) into high-level (YOURE IN THECLOSET IN YOUR BEDROOM)

    Service discovery Discovery of nearby services

    Well examine service discovery protocols next!

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    MDS Transaction Management

    A Database transaction is defined as unit of processes which

    change a database from one consistent state to another

    consistent state. Normally a flat transaction follows the basic

    properties named as ACID (Atomicity, Consistence,

    Isolation, Durability) properties. In the case of MobileTransactions, to cope with the problems of mobile

    environment like handoffs, disconnections etc, ACID

    properties are generally relaxed. A basic way to relax the

    ACID property is to divide the transaction into various sub

    transactions which can be further nested.

    Transaction fragments for distribution

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    Fixed host

    Fixed host


    Transaction fragments for distribution.

    Execution scenario: User issues transactions from his/her MU and

    the final results comes back to the same MU. The user transaction

    may not be completely executed at the MU so it is fragmented and

    distributed among database servers for execution. This creates a

    Distributed mobile execution.

    D fi i i A bil i i i f

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    Definition: A mobile transaction is a transaction of

    nondeterministic lifetime submitted from a mobile capable node in

    a mobile environment. The mobile transaction, in general, can be

    considered to consist of two components a MU component anda fixed network component. The fixed network component of the

    mobile transaction may have to be partially or completely relocated

    as the MU moves.

    Mobile environments can be considered to be similar to highly

    distributed environments in many respects. But unlike in

    distributed environments, locations of some hosts are not

    permanent in mobile environments. This along with the low

    communication bandwidth, frequent disconnections, and high

    vulnerability throws up many challenges to researchers

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    A mobile transaction (MT) can be defined as

    Tiis a triple ; where

    F= {e1, e2,, en}is a set of execution fragments,

    L = {l1, l2,, ln}is a set of locations, and

    FLM = {flm1, flm2, , flmn} is a set of fragment location

    mapping where j, flmi(ei)= li

    A li bl T ti M d l

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Applicable Transaction Models

    I. Open Nested Transactions

    II. Split transactionsIII. Saga compensating transactions

    I. Open Nested Transactions

    Open Nested Transaction Model is designed for long duration

    activities. These transactions typically consist of a set of sub

    transactions, which can be structured as a transaction tree. The

    Open Nested Transaction Model provides better support for

    long duration activities. These are also ideally suited forconversational transactions.

    Ex: a. Reporting and Co-Transactions approach

    b. The Clustering Model etc..

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    a). Reporting and Co-Transactions: The parent transaction

    (workflow) is represented in terms of reporting and co-

    transactions which can execute anywhere. A reporting

    transaction can share its partial results with the parent transaction

    anytime and can commit independently. A co-transaction is a

    special class of reporting transaction, which can be forced to wait

    by other transaction.

    b). Clustering: A mobile transaction is decomposed into a set of

    weak and strict transactions. The decomposition is done based

    on the consistency requirement. The read and write operationsare also classified as weak and strict.

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    II. Split Transactions

    Split transactions or dynamically restructured transactions split a

    transaction into two independent serializable transactions. The

    transactions could be committed or aborted independent of each

    other. The operation split-transaction can be used to split atransaction into two. The split transactions are combined together

    by an inverse operation termed Join Transaction. Split transactions

    are mainly designed for user controlled open-ended transactions.

    Ex: Kangaroo Transaction model

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    Split Transaction Semantics

    Split transaction the split-transaction operation is used to split a

    transaction into a set of independent entities. It takes theread and writesets as the input and produces a split:

    split-transaction ( Read(A), Write(A), Read(B), Write(B) )

    Join transactionthe join-transaction operation is the inverse of thesplit-transaction operation. It takes the target transaction to which the

    current transaction is to be joined as the input. Let T be the current

    transaction to be joined with S. The operation join-transaction(S) joins

    T with S. All data items of T are available to S after this operation. Tmay be committed or aborted depending on the fate ( Commit Or

    abort) of S. The join transaction can also be extended so that the join is

    done only if the target agrees on the operation too.

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    ex: Kangaroo Transaction: It is requested at a MU but processed

    at DBMS on the fixed network. The management of the

    transaction moves with MU. Each transaction is divided into

    subtransactions. Two types of processing modes are allowed,

    one ensuring overall atomicity by requiring compensating

    transactions at the subtransaction level.

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    III. Sagas

    Sagas are defined as a set of relatively independent transactions.

    The transactions in a saga are termed as component transactions.

    Each component transaction has a dual termed compensatingtransaction. A predefined order can be defined for the execution

    of the saga. The transactions belonging to different sagas can be

    interleaved in any fashion.

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    A h t M bil T ti M d l

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    Approaches to Mobile Transaction Models

    Reporting and cotransaction





    Prewrite Semantic

    Time-based Mobile Transaction

    Two-Tier Replication

    IOT Bayou

    New Transaction Management System

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Snapshot vs. Continuous Query

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Continuous Queries


    p Q y


    Traditional (Snapshot) Queries







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    Mobile Database Systems (MDS)

    MDS Query processing

    Query types

    Location dependent query

    Location aware query

    Location independent query

    Variety of Location aware Queries

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    Variety of Location-aware Queries

    Query: Stationary

    Object: Moving

    Continuously report the number of cars in the freeway

    Type: Range query

    Time: Present

    Duration: ContinuousWhat are my nearest McDonalds for the next hour?

    Type: Nearest-Neighbor query

    Time: Future

    Duration: Continuous

    Query: Moving Object: Stationary

    Send E-coupons to all cars that I am their nearest gas station

    Type: Reverse NN query

    Time: Present Duration: Snapshot

    Query: Stationary

    Object: Moving

    What was the closest dist. between Taxi A & me yesterday?

    Type: Closest-point query

    Time: Past

    Duration: Snapshot

    Query: Moving

    Object: Moving

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    Location dependent query

    A query whose result depends on thegeographical location of the origin of the query.


    What is the distance of Pune railway station

    from here?

    The result of this query is correct only for here.

    Situation: Person traveling in the car desires to know his progress

    and continuously asks the same question. However, every time theanswer is different but correct.

    Requirements: Continuous monitoring of the longitude and latitude

    of the origin of the query. GPS can do this.

    Query Translation Steps in LDQ Processing

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    1. Determine the validity (and type) of the query and request the

    location service to provide a location to which the LDQ is to be


    2. Find the appropriate level of the location granularity, which

    will be used by the target content provider, and convert the

    query into the correct format.

    3. If needed, decompose the query for different servers and send

    each to the target server for processing.

    4. Receive the query results and perform any needed filtering toreduce the result set size.

    5. Combine results from multiple servers and put into a format

    desired by user.

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  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing




    Introducing fundamentals of databaserecovery and conventional recovery


    Identifying those aspects of a mobile

    database system which affect recovery


    Discussing recovery approaches which

    have appeared in the literature

    Agenda (Cont )

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    Agenda (Cont.)

    Similar to other areas such as transaction

    modeling, concurrency control, etc.,

    database recovery is also in thedevelopment stage, so the coverage here

    is mostly limited to state-of-the art

    research and little on commercialproducts


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    Database recovery protocols recover adatabase from transaction or system


    They store the database to a consistent state

    from where transaction processing resumes

    These failures may occur due to anumber of reasons

    Addressing error , wrong input, RAM failure,


    Introduction (Cont.)

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    ( )

    In a concurrent execution environment when a failure

    occurs then a transaction may be



    Being rolled back

    In the middle of a commit

    The task of a recovery protocol is to identify the right

    operation for each transaction

    1. Roll forward or Redo

    2. Roll backward or Undo

    Introduction (Cont.)

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    To implement these operations, Transaction log is required

    This log file is generated and maintained by the system The log contains

    Committed values of data items (Before Image - BFIM)

    Modified values of data items (After Image - AFIM)

    The log is a crucial document for recovery

    It is generated and maintained by a protocol called

    Write Ahead LoggingWAL

    The protocol guarantees that the content of a log is

    reliable and can be used for Undo and Redo operations

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    Introduction (Cont.)

    After a failure the database system

    reboots and, by using log, applies Redo

    and Undo operations on transactionswhich where in the system when it failed

    A Redo completes the commit operation

    for a transaction, and an Undo rolls back

    a transaction to maintain atomicity

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    Four different recovery protocols

    Undo - Redo

    This protocol applies Redo and Undo to recover the

    database systems

    During transaction execution it can write to the

    database intermediate values of its data items

    If the transaction was active when the system fails, then

    the transaction is Undone

    It is Redone if the transaction was ready to commit

    Undo - No Redo

    Does not support Redo and recovers the database by

    applying Undo operation only

    diff l

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    Four different recovery protocols

    (Cont.) No UndoRedo

    Makes sure that no intermediate results of a transaction

    are installed in the database

    No UndoNo Redo

    This protocol does not apply Redo and Undo and

    recovers the database by using the shadow copy of data


    During execution a transaction creates a show copy of

    data items it modified

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    Recovery is a time-consuming and resource-intensive


    The most expensive operation is managing the log

    This operation is essential for recovery

    AMobile Database System (MDS) is a distributed system

    based on client server paradigm, but it functions differently

    than conventional centralized or distributed systems.

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    In any database management system, distributed or

    centralized, the database is recovered in a similar manner

    and the recovery module is as an integral part of the

    database system. Database recovery protocols, are not tampered with

    user level applications.

    A system which executes applications, in addition to

    database recovery protocol, requires efficient schemes forApplication recovery.

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    Application recovery is relatively more

    complex than database recovery becauseof

    The large numbers of applications required to

    manage database processingPresence of multiple application states

    The absence of the notion of the last consistent


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    This gets more complex in MDS because of

    Unique processing demands of mobile units

    The existence of random handoffs

    the presence of operations in connected, disconnected,

    and intermittent connected modes

    Location-dependent logging

    The presence of different types of failure.

    There are types of failures

    Hard failure (Can not be easily repaired)

    Soft failure (Recoverable)

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    An application can be in any execution state

    blocked, executing, receiving data slowly, and so on

    The application may be under execution

    on stationary units (base station or database server) or

    on mobile units or on both

    These processing units(especially the mobile unit), may be

    Going through a handoff


    In a doze mode

    Turned off completely

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    The application may be processing a

    mobilaction or reading some data or

    committing a fragment, and so on

    If a failure occurs during any of these

    tasks, the recovery system must bring theapplication execution back to the point of


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    In application recovery, unlike data consistency, the

    question of application consistency does not arise because

    the application cannot execute correctly in the presence of

    any error The most important task for facilitating application

    recovery is the management of log

    What is needed is an efficient logging scheme

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    Log management in mobile database


    Log is a sequential file where

    information necessary for recovery is

    recorded Each log recordrepresents a unit of


    The position of a record in the logidentifies the relative order of the

    occurrence of the event the record

    re resents

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Log management in mobile database

    systems (Cont.)

    In legacy systems (centralized or

    distributed) the log resides at fixed

    locations which survive system crashes This persistence property of log is

    achieved through the protocol called

    Write Ahead Logging (WAL) The logging becomes complex because

    the system must follow the WAL

    rotocol while lo in records at various

    i bil d b

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    Log management in mobile database

    systems (Cont.)

    An efficient application recovery scheme

    for MDS requires that

    The log management must consume minimumsystem resources

    Must recreate the execution environment as

    soon as possible after MU reboots

    The mobile units and the servers must

    build a log of the events that change the

    execution states ofmobilaction

    L i bil d b

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    Log management in mobile database

    systems (Cont.)

    The exact write events dependon the

    application type

    the mobile unit records events likeThe arrival of a mobilaction

    The fragmentation ofmobilaction

    The assignment of a coordinator formobilaction

    The mobility history of the mobile unit

    (handoffs, current status of the log, its storage

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    Where to Save the Log?

    Schemes that provide recovery in the

    PCS (Personal Communication System),

    saves the log at the BS where the mobile

    unit currently resides

    Managing log for PCS failure is relatively

    easy because it does not support

    transaction processing

    The concept can be used to develop

    efficient lo in schemes for MDS

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    Where to Save the Log? (Cont.)

    There are three places the log can be


    (a) MSC (Mobile Switching Center)(b) Base Station (BS)

    (c) Mobile Unit (MU)

    The reliability and availability of mobileunits, make it a less desirable place to

    save the log

    MSC and BS are suitable laces

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    Where to Save the Log? (Cont.)

    An MSC may control a large number of


    in the event of a failure, accessing andprocessing the log for specific transaction

    may be time-consuming

    An MSC is not directly connected todatabase servers

    BSs, are directly connected to DBSs and

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    Where to Save the Log? (Cont.)

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    Where to Save the Log? (Cont.)

    From connectivity and availability

    aspects, BSs are comparatively better

    candidates for saving an application log

    Under this setup a mobile unit can save

    log at the current BS and the BS then canarchive it on DBSs

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    Effect of Mobility on Logging

    In conventional database systems, the log

    generation and its manipulation are

    predefined and fixed A mobiluction may be executed at a

    combination of mobile units, base stations

    and fixed hosts If a fragment ofmobilaction happens to

    visit more than one mobile unit, then its log

    may be scattered at more than one base

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    Logging schemes

    Centralized logging-Saving of log at a

    designated site

    A base station is designated as logging site

    where all mobile units from all data regions

    save their log

    Since the logging location is fixed and known

    in advance, and the entire log is stored at oneplace, its management (access, deletion, etc.)

    becomes easier

    This scheme works, but it has the following

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    Logging schemes (Cont.)


    Every mobile unit stores its log at the base station it

    initially registers

    This scheme has the following limitations:

    Under this scheme the entire log ofmobiluction may be

    scattered over a number of base stations if its fragments

    are processed by different mobile units with differentbase stations

    It may not work for spatial replicas (location-dependent


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    Logging schemes (Cont.)

    At a designated base station

    Under this scheme a mobile unit locally composes the

    log and, at some predefined intervals, saves it at the

    designated base station At the time of saving the log a mobile unit may be in

    the cell of the designated base station or at a remote

    base station

    In the second case, the log must travel through achain of base stations, ending up at the designated

    base station

    This will work as long as there is no communication

    failure anywhere in the chain of base stations

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    Logging schemes (Cont.)

    At all visited base stations

    In this scheme a mobile unit saves the log at the base

    station of the cell it is currently visiting

    The entire application log is stored in multiple basestations, and at the time of recovery all log portions are

    unified to create the complete log

    It is possible that two or more portions of the entire log

    may be stored at one base station if the mobile unitrevisits the station

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    Logging schemes (Lazy Scheme)

    In lazy scheme, logs are stored on the current base station

    and if the mobile unit moves to a new base station, a

    pointer to the old base station is stored in the new base

    station These pointers are used to unify the log distributed over

    several base stations

    This scheme has the advantage that it incurs relatively less

    network overhead during handoff as no log informationneeds to be transferred

    This scheme has a large recovery time because it requires

    unification of log portions (disadvantage)

    Logging schemes (Lazy Scheme

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    Logging schemes (Lazy Scheme

    log unification)

    a) distance-based scheme

    the log unification is initiated as soon as

    the mobile unit covers the predefineddistance

    b) frequency-based scheme

    log unification is performed when thenumber of handoffs suffered by the MU

    increases above a predefined value

    After unif in the lo the distance or

    Logging schemes (Pessimistic

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    Logging schemes (Pessimistic

    scheme) The entire log is transferred at each

    handoff from old to new base station

    This scheme, combines logging and logunification

    The recovery is fast, but each handoff

    requires large volumes of data transfer

    M bil D b R S h (A Th Ph

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Mobile Database Recovery Schemes (A Three-Phase

    Hybrid Recovery Scheme )

    All base stations use coordinated checkpointing

    communication-based checkpointing is used between

    mobile units and base stations

    Following steps briefly describe the working of thealgorithm

    The algorithm uses mobile unitsMU1,MU2,MU3, and

    MU4, as well as base stationsMSS1.MSS2, andMSS3,

    for describing message traffic

    M bil D t b R S h (A Th Ph

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Mobile Database Recovery Schemes (A Three-Phase

    Hybrid Recovery Scheme )

    Initially, a coordinator (base station)MSS1broadcasts a request

    message with a checkpoint index toMSS2 andMSS3

    EachMSS sets up a timer Tlazy. It uses a lazy coordination scheme to

    reduce the number of messages, therefore, it is especially suitable for

    mobile database systems. In this approach, infrequent snapshots aretaken which only occasionally impose high checkpoint overheads of

    coordinated snapshots on the low-bandwidth network connecting all

    mobile units. This approach also prevents the global snapshot from

    getting out of date; as a result, the amount of computation for recovery

    from failure is minimized Mobile unitMU2 orMU3, whichever is active, takes a checkpoint

    before message m2 or m3 arrives fromMSS2 orMSS3 during Tlazy

    M bil D t b R S h (A Th Ph

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    Mobile Database Recovery Schemes (A Three-Phase

    Hybrid Recovery Scheme )

    MU1 orMU4 takes a checkpoint when Tlazy has expired,

    and it receives a checkpoint request fromMSS1orMSS3

    MSS2 andMSS3 responds (send a response message) to


    MSS1 broadcasts a commit message to allMSSs after

    receiving response messages from other base stations

    MU3 migrates fromMSS3 toMSS2 and sends a message to

    wakeMU4 if it is in doze mode MU2 takes a checkpoint before it disconnects itself from

    the network. IfMU2 is already in disconnected mode, then

    it does not take any checkpoint

    M bil D t b R S h (A Th Ph

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Mobile Database Recovery Schemes (A Three-Phase

    Hybrid Recovery Scheme )

    In caseMU1 fails, it stops executing and sends a recovery

    message toMSS1

    MSS1 broadcasts a recovery messages to allMSSs

    EachMSS sends recovery message to all itsMUs . These

    MUs roll back to their last consistent state

    A Mobile Agent Based Log

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme

    A mobile agent is an autonomous program that can move

    from machine to machine in a heterogeneous network

    under its own control

    It can suspend its execution at any point, transport itself toa new machine, and resume execution from the point it

    stopped execution

    An agent carries both the code and the application state

    Actually a mobile agent paradigm is an extension of theclient/server architecture with code mobility

    A Mobile Agent Based Log

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    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    Some of the advantages of mobile agents:

    Protocol Encapsulation Mobile agents can incorporate their own protocols in their code

    instead of depending on the legacy code provided by the hosts

    Robustness and fault-tolerance When failures are detected, host systems can easily dispatch agents to

    other hosts

    Asynchronous and autonomous execution Once the agents are dispatched from a host, they can make decisions

    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

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    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    Agents do have disadvantages, and the

    one which is likely to affect the logging

    scheme is its high migration and machineload overhead

    The present scheme uses agent services

    with the only when needed approach It is not possible to develop a scheme,

    which optimizes the performance at all

    levels and in all different situations

    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

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    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    Recovery schemes improve the

    performance by targeting toMinimize the communication overhead

    Minimize the total recovery time

    Optimizing storage space

    So on

    A Mobile Agent-Based LogManagement Scheme (Cont.)

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    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    In MDS, the coordinator module resides in the

    base station

    It splits mobilaction into fragments if

    necessary, and it sends some of them to a set of


    Mobilactian initiated by mobile unit may use

    different kinds of commit protocols like 2-

    phase commit or 3-phase commit or TCOT(Transaction Commit on Timeout)

    The coordinator module needs to support all of


    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

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    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    Some recovery schemes specify that the logs move along

    with the mobile unit through a multitude of base stations

    The new base stations should be able to handle the logs in

    the same way as the previous one did or log inconsistencymight result

    The code which are necessary for recovery and

    coordination can be embedded in the mobile agents

    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

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    A Mobile Agent-Based Log

    Management Scheme (Cont.)

    The coordinator can be modeled as a mobile agent

    and can be initiated by the mobile unit itself if


    If during a handoff the new base station does not

    support a specific logging scheme, then the agent

    in the previous base station which supports this

    can clone itself and the new replica can migrate tothe current base station without any manual


    Architecture of Agent-Based Logging

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Architecture of Agent-Based Logging


    An architecture is presented where

    mobile agents are used to provide a

    platform for managing logging The architecture supports the

    independent logging mechanisms

    It is assumed that each base stationsupports the functionality of mobile


    Architecture of Agent-Based Logging

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    Architecture of Agent Based Logging

    SchemeThe main components of the architecture are:

    Bootstrap agent (BsAg):

    Any agent that wishes to recover should register with

    the bootstrap agent

    The base station initiates the bootstrap agent

    Once loaded, this agent starts all the agents that have

    registered with it

    Base Agent (BaAg): This agent decides which logging scheme to use in the

    current environment

    Such functionality can be decided by its own

    intelligence or can be given as an input

    Architecture of Agent-Based Logging

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    Architecture of Agent Based Logging

    Scheme (Cont.)

    Home Agent (HoAg):

    This agent handles mobilactions for each mobile unit

    It is responsible for maintaining log and recovery

    information on behalf of the mobile unit The mobile unit sends log events to this agent

    The HoAg is a base station interface to the mobile unit


    Coordinator Agent (CoAg):

    This agent resides at base station and acts as the

    coordinator for all mobilactions

    Architecture of Agent-Based Logging

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    Architecture of Agent Based Logging

    Scheme (Cont.)

    Event Agent (EvAg):

    registration of a mobile unit

    failure of a mobile unit

    handoff of a mobile unit

    This approach abstracts away the core base station

    functions from application recovery support

    Driver Agent (DrAg):

    The migration of a mobile agent during a handoff

    involves the movement of its code and the actual data

    This might generate considerable overhead, even if the

    actual log transfer is not much

    Interaction Among Agents for Log

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    Interaction Among Agents for Log


    Interaction of CoAg and HoAg

    An MU sends Mobilaction to its HoAg, which forwards

    it to the corresponding CoAg. If the CoAg needs to

    contact the MU, it does so through the MUS

    corresponding HoAg. When CoAg sends a write eventto the HoAg, it stores it in its local store before sending

    it to the MU.

    If any events come to the MU through user input, MU

    sends the corresponding log messages to the HoAg.

    Interaction Among Agents for Log

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    Interaction Among Agents for Log

    Management (Cont.)

    Action of agents when handoff occurs

    The HoAg moves along with the mobile unit to the new base

    station in a handoff

    When a handoff occurs, a driver agent (DrAg) is sent along with

    the necessary log information to the new base station instead of the

    whole HoAg with all its intelligence for log unification

    The DrAg has a very light code whose main function is to see

    whether the code for HoAg is present in the new base station

    If so, it requests the resident BaAg in the new base station to

    create an instance of the HoAg for the mobile unit

    If any compatible code is not present, then the DrAg sends a

    request to the previous base stations BaAg, which clones the

    necessary HoAg and sends the copy to the new base station

    Forward Log Unification

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    Forward Log Unification

    Scheme Since the trace information contains the size of the log

    stored at different base stations, the HoAg can estimate the

    time for log unification based on the network link speed

    and the total log size (Estimated Log Unification Time -ELUT)

    This scheme concentrates on such scenarios where the EFT

    is not so trivial that the recovery occurs instantaneously

    Base station detects the failure of a mobile unit and agentsdo not play any part in such detection

    Forward Log Unification

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    o wa d og U cat o

    Scheme (Cont.)

    Log unification is started if(* ELUT)


    The Unification factor describes whatfraction of the log unification will be

    done by the time the failure time of the

    mobile unit comes to an end The default value can be kept as 1

    F d N tifi ti S h

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing



    Forward Notification Scheme

    This scheme addresses the issue of time spent

    in getting the previous base station information

    from the HLR

    To minimize this time, a scheme involving

    forward notifications is proposed

    When a mobile unit fails in a particular base

    station and if the actual failure time is not too

    high, then there is a high probability that the

    mobile unit will recover in the same VLR or in

    a BS that is in adjacent VLRs

    Forward Notification Scheme

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    (Cont.) If the mobile unit happens to restart in a non-adjacent

    VLR, then it must have been extremely mobile and most of

    the recovery schemes are not designed for such unrealistic

    situation It is likely that the coordinator could have decided to abort

    the mobilaction

    When a mobile unit fails, its corresponding HoAg informs

    the VLR about this failure

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    The VLR first changes the status of the

    mobile unit in its database from normal

    to failed The VLR then issues a message

    containing its own identity

    The adjacent VLRs store these messagesuntil explicit denotify messages are


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    Case 1-The mobile unit reboots in the

    same base station where it crashed :

    In this scenario, the HoAg informs the VLRthat the mobile unit has recovered

    The VLR then issues a denotify message to all

    the adjacent VLRs indicating that the forward

    notification information is no longer valid

    The status of the mobile unit is changed back to

    normal from failed

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    Case 2-The mobile unit reboots in a different base station

    but in the same VLR:

    First the mobile unit registers with the base station and

    the registration message is logged on to thecorresponding VLR

    This VLR identifies the status of the mobile unit as

    failed, and then it proceeds as in case 1 and sends

    denotify messages to the adjacent VLRs The status of the mobile unit is changed back to normal

    from failed

    The new base station then proceeds to perform log

    unification from the previous base station

    Case 3-The mobile unit reboots in a different base stationand a different VLR:

    The mobile unit requests for registration

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    The mobile unit requests for registration

    The corresponding VLR identifies the mobile unit as a

    forward notified mobile unit and returns the identity ofthe previous base station and the identity of the VLR to

    the HoAg of the mobile unit in the recovered base


    The base station then proceeds to perform logunification from the previous base station

    Simultaneously, the new VLR sends a recovered

    message to the previous VLR regarding the recovered

    status of the mobile unit and also sends a registrationmessage to the HLR regarding the registration of the

    mobile unit in the new location

    The status of the mobile unit is changed to normal from

    forwarded in the new VLR

    U i i h d h i

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    Upon receiving the recovered message, the previous

    VLR sends a denotify message to all adjacent VLRs

    except the one in which the mobile unit recovered andremoves the registration of the mobile unit from itself

    as well

    In the situation where the mobile unit recovers in a

    nonadjacent VLR that has not received the forwardnotifications, the new base station has to get the

    previous base station information from the HLR and

    then send the previous VLR a recovered message

    Upon receiving this message, the previous VLR actssimilar to the previous VLR of case2

    The forward notification scheme is unsuitable if the

    mobile unit suffers failures with a very smallEFT


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    the entire process of chekpointing andlogging for recovery are comparatively

    complex than conventional database

    recovery There are still quite a few research

    problems need innovative solutions

    Until they are resolved the mobiledatabase system will continue to remain

    in research domain

  • 8/3/2019 Unit-5 Mobile Computing

