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Unit 5 Romance

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Unit 5 Romance. Part I Before Reading Part II Detailed Reading Part III After Reading Part IV Assignments. Before Reading. 1. Love Song My Heart Will Go On Saint Valentine’s Day St. Valentine’s Story Valentine Traditions Birds and Love Public Libraries in the U.S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Unit 5 Romance
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Unit 5 Romance

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Part I Before Reading Part II Detailed ReadingPart III After ReadingPart IV Assignments

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Before Reading1. Love Song My Heart Will Go On2. Saint Valentine’s Day St. Valentine’s Story Valentine Traditions Birds and Love3. Public Libraries in the U.S.4. Pictures of New York and Florida

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My Heart Will Go On

Do you have a favorite love song? What is its name? Who is the singer? Can you sing it or hum the tune?

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St. Valentine’s Story

New Words In The Story

priest 牧师 Rome 罗马 Claudius 克劳迪亚斯 Volunteer 自愿 ceremony 典礼,仪式 behead 斩…之首 , 砍…的头 Jailer 看守监狱的人 , 狱卒

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Valentine was a priest living in Rome during the third century. At that time, Rome was ruled by an emperor named Claudius. He wanted to have a big army and expected men to volunteer to join. However many men just did not want to fight in wars. They did not want to leave their wives and families. This made Claudius very angry. He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army. So Claudius banned marriage even engagement from his empire. But Valentine would keep on performing marriage ceremonies secretly. He was caught by the soldiers at a wedding, and was thrown into prison and beheaded.

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Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his jailer when he was in prison. Before he was taken to his death on February 14, 269 A.D., he signed a farewell message to her, “Love from your Valentine.” That note started the custom of exchanging love messages on Valentine’s Day.

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Questions and Answers:

1. When did Valentine live?

He was living during the Third Century.

2. What was Valentine?

He was a priest.

3. What did he do to help young lovers?

He kept performing marriage ceremonies secretly for the young lovers in spite of Claudius’s ban.

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The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the Chinese Lovers’ Day. The most popular story mentioned in connection with this festival is that of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl.

5. Is there any day like Saint Valentine’s Day in China?

4. When was he killed?

He was killed on February 14, 269 A.D..

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Valentine Traditions

Click The Pictures!

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Valentine Traditions

In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. “Wear your heart on your sleeve ” now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.

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Valentine Traditions

If you cut an apple in half and count how many seeds are inside, you will also know how many children you will have.

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Valentine Traditions

In Wales wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on February 14th. Hearts, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations on the spoons. The decoration meant, “You unlock my heart!”

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Birds and Love Europeans also believe that Feb. 14th is the day when birds begin to choose their mates. Chaucer, Shakespeare, and numerous other poets mention the tradition in their works. In accordance with the tradition, it is believed that a young girl will be able to tell what type of man she will marry based upon the first bird that she sees on Valentine’s Day.

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Birds and Love

If a young girl sees a blackbird , she will marry a clergyman or priest.

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If a young girl sees a robin redbreast , she will marry a sailor or nautical man.

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a goldfinch (or any yellow bird) , she will marry a rich man.

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a sparrow , she will marry a farmer or country gentleman .

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a bluebird, she will marry a happy man.

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a crossbill, she will marry an argumentative man.

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a dove, she will marry a good man.

Birds and Love

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If a young girl sees a woodpecker, she will have no husband.

Birds and Love

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Public Libraries in the U.S.

Library of Florida

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Public libraries in the U.S. are free to the public. One can get a library card at a local library by filling in a form and showing the librarian a valid ID and something to prove one lives in the neighborhood (e.g., a used and stamped envelope with one’s name as the addressee ( 收信人 ), one’s phone bill, gas bill, etc.). Besides borrowing books, people go to libraries to borrow videotapes, use the computers there, attend book readings by authors and other cultural events. Libraries are regarded as community centers.

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Pictures of New York and Florida

Click the pictures!

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New York map1

Pictures of New York and Florida

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New York map2

Pictures of New York and Florida

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Grand Central Station1

Pictures of New York and Florida

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Grand Central Station2

Pictures of New York and Florida

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New York Stock Exchange1

Pictures of New York and Florida

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New York Stock Exchange2

Pictures of New York and Florida

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Pictures of New York and Florida

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Pictures of New York and Florida

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World Trade Center before attack

Pictures of New York and Florida

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Detailed Reading1. Understanding the Text Structure 1) Some Questions 2) Part Division of the Text2. Text Reading 1) Part I 2) Part II 3) Part III 4) Part IV

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Some Questions

Q1: Where does the text switch from the past tense to the past perfect tense? Can you find out the sentence with the change in tense?

Para 2: His interest in her begun twelve months before in a Florida library.

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Some Questions

Q2: Which sentence tells you that another narrator will continue the story? Can you find out it?

Para7: I’ll let Mr. Blanchard tell you what happened.

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Some Questions

Q3: Where does the text switch from the past tense to the present tense? Can you find out the sentence?

Para16: It’s not difficult to understand and admire Miss Maynell’s wisdom.

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Parts Division of the Text

Parts Paras Main Ideas

John Blanchard was expecting someone at Grand Central Station.

How John Blanchard had fallen in love with Miss Maynell.

Miss Maynell put Blanchard to a test.

It was wise of Miss Maynell to give such a test.









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A Valentine Story

Part I (Para 1)

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Q1: What do you think is the reason that John Blanchard came to the Grand Central Station?

To meet somebody not seen before.

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Q2: Who do you think he was waiting for?

His lover or girlfriend.

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Q3: Why did he straighten his uniform?

To make himself more attractive.

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make one’s way: 1) go

Early in the morning the hunter made his way into the woods.

The old man slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus.

2) succeed

你要想成功 , 就得学会趁着年轻多多努力。

If you want to make your way you must learn to work hard while you are still young.




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make away with 携…而逃;除去,杀死

make up 弥补;赔偿

make believe 假装

make out 书写;开列;拼凑

make of 了解,明白

make off 离开;逃走

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A Valentine Story

Part II(Paras 2~6)

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Q1: Who was John looking for?

He was looking for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t know, the girl with the rose.

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Q2: How had Blanchard and the girl come to know each other?

John Blanchard read a book in a Florida library and was fascinated by a girl’s note in the margin. He took efforts to get her address, and then wrote a letter to her. Finally they corresponded each other.

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Q3: What had kept Blanchard from meeting the girl?

The World War II prevented Blanchard from meeting her.

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Q4: How long had they written to each other previous to their first meeting?

They had been corresponding for 12 months before their first meeting.

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Q5: Why did Miss Maynell refuse to send Blanchard a photograph?

Miss Maynell feared that Blanchard may love her just for her appearance. Thus she can’t tell the nature of Blanchard.

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Q6: How would Blanchard recognize Miss Maynell at their first meeting?

Blanchard would recognize Miss Maynell by the red rose she would be wearing on her lapel.

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take sth. off (sth.):1) lift and move sth. from (sth.) to another position

Take your hand off my shoulder.


2) deduct an amount of money from (sth.)

她和小贩讨价还价,直到他同意减了 50 便士。

She bargained with the trader till he agreed to take 50p off the price.





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CF: take, grasp, grab & snatch这四个词都可用作动词 , 有“拿”,“抓住”之意。

take 系常用词,表示用拿取或用别的方式获得或占有。

The brave soldier took two enemy soldiers single-handed at a time.

grasp 指“快速而紧紧地抓住” , 用于比喻意义时指“掌握” ,“ 领会” .

I don’t know how many times I have explained this word, yet he still fails to grasp it.



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grab 指“抢夺”,“攫取”,常表示粗鲁地甚至不顾侵犯他人权利地抓取。

How can you grab the credit for the work done by others?

snatch 指“突然快速地拿、取、夺、抢走”,强调拿取时动作的突然,而不表示是否拿得稳或紧。

The naughty boy snatched his aunt’s handbag and ran away.



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Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the words in CF. take, grab, snatch, grasp

1. The boy the apple and ran off (with it).

2. The mother her child by the hand.

3. The hawk the chicken and flew away.

4. Have you the meaning of this text?

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Collocation:take care 小心

take care of 照料

take charge 取得控制或指挥权

take hold of 抓住,握住

take notice of 注意到

take place 发生;出现

take for granted 料想…是正确的,想当然认为…是真实的

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absorb: vt1) (usu. passive) completely hold one’s attention (usu. followed by in) 2) take in

3) endureMatch the above definitions with the sentences below.

The sponge absorbed all the spilt water.

She won’t be able to absorb another heavy blow.

Totally absorbed in writing the computer software, Michael ordered take-out food when he was hungry, slept on the office floor when tired out.







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absorb: vt1) (usu. passive) completely hold one’s attention (usu. followed by in)

Match the above definitions with the sentences below.

The walls of the house absorb heat during the day.

The writer was absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.

We will not absorb these charges.

2) take in

3) endure







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CF: absorb & assimilate在比喻用法中都含“吸收”,“吞并”的意思。

absorb 指“使被吸收者失去其特点,或使其特点不复存在”。

Large nations shouldn’t absorb smaller ones.

assimilate 除含 absorb 意思外 , 还指“将被吸收者变成了吸收者的一部分”。

We should critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in literature and arts from other countries.



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reflect: v. 1) be a sign of; show


Does the literature of a nation reflect its politics?

2) make a visible image of平静的水面映出了满月。The still water reflected the full moon.

3) consider, think of

我必须思考一下如何答复。I must reflect upon what answer to give.

他反省过去的错误。He reflected on his past mistakes.









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CF: think, reflect & reason


think 是通用词,此“思考”的目的是为了得出某种结论,但是在“思考”时未必思想集中,所形成的概念未必清晰,所得出的结论未必正确。

You can think about it and let me know your decision later.

reflect 所表示的“思考”含有这样的意思:被思考的事物是过去发生过的,或者是现在存在的;这个词一般表示严肃认真地、静悄悄地考虑问题。

Take your time to reflect before doing important things.

reason 所表示的“思考”具有一种逻辑思维的过程,开始于某种假设或某种前提,甚至某种迹象,经过推理,从而形成概念。Man’s ability to reason makes him different from the animal.




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locate: vt. 1) discover; show the position of

Keep talking with him for five more seconds and I will locate the place he is calling from.

我们一搬进城里 , 就找到了商店和邮局的所在地。

We located the shops and the post office as soon as we moved into the town.

2) fix or put in a certain place


Where is the new campus to be located?






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correspond: vi. 1) exchange letters regularly

Love grew between Lu Xun and Xu Guangping as they kept corresponding with each other.

2) be in agreement, harmony, or conformity我向你保证,我将言行一致。I assure you my actions will correspond with my words.

3) be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function


The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.






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fertile: adj. 1) (of land) able to produce good crops

这片土地很肥沃,一年可种三季庄稼 。

The land is so fertile that three crops a year can grow.

Human civilizations first bloomed in fertile lands along big rivers. China is a case in point.

2) highly or continuously productive; prolific

He is fertile of imagination.





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fertile soil / fields 肥沃的土壤(土地)

fertile showers 及时雨

a fertile mind 想象力丰富的头脑

be fertile in expedients 会随机应变

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CF: fertile, fruitful & productive 这几个词都是形容词,均有“肥沃的”,“多产的”之意。

fertile 指“能生产或再生产的”,它用于指土地、植物等时,意为“肥沃的”,“多产的”,用于指人、头脑等时,意为“有才智的”。Fertile soil yields good crops.

fruitful 指“促进多产的”,在指土壤时,可代替 fertile ;它也可指结果,尤其是“好结果”。

Those discussions proved fruitful.

productive 指人或事物“多产的,有成果的”,是一个意义很广泛的词。

He is a productive writer.




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request: 1. v. ask (a person) to do something


All I request of you is that you should be early.

NB: request 一词后如果接宾语从句,则从句中用虚拟语气 should + v. ( 原形 ),或省略 should ,直接用 v. ( 原形 )。类似的用法还有 suggest, advise, demand, order 及这些词的名词形式。


Mr. Paine requested that I (should) hand in my homework before Friday.





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ask 作“询问”,“提问”,“要求”讲时,指某人对不知道或不明白的事情、道理提出问题,请别人解答;作“要求”讲时, 侧重要求得到某物。

He has asked his father for too much.

solicit 是正式用语,指“恭敬或认真地请求”。现在多用于“请求别人注意”,因而常见于商业用语中。

China Daily is soliciting subscriptions.

CF: request, ask & solicit 这三个词都可作动词用,都有“要求”的意思。

request 意思是“请求(某人)做某事”,侧重请求。

You are sincerely requested to be present at the party. SS



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2. n. a polite demand

He made a request that I should help him.

Collocation:at sb.’s request 应某人要求

by request (of) 照需要;依照请求

comply with sb.’s request 答应某人的请求

make (a) request for 请求,要求

in great request (=much in request)



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take a chance (on sth.): attempt to do sth. in spite of the possibility of failure; take risk


We took a chance on the weather and went for a picnic.



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disgust: vt. cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike in (sb.)

The way they treat their children disgusts all the neighbors.


The bad fish had a disgusting smell.




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plain: 1. adj. 1) (of person’s appearance) not pretty or handsome

这孩子相貌平常。The child has a plain face.

2) easy to see, hear or understandThe meaning of the sentence is very plain.

3) simple; ordinary; without luxury or ornament 他提倡过简朴的生活。

He advocates plain living.4) (of persons, their thoughts, actions, etc) frank; straightforward

你应该和朋友坦诚相对。You should be plain with your friends.








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2. n. area of level countryI was attracted by the scenery of the Great Plains..

3. adv. entirely


You are plain wrong.

plain sailing


in plain words 坦白地说

be plain with you 坦率地告诉你,老实对你说




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schedule:1. v. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at a particular time


The plane is scheduled to take off at 4 o’clock.

They have scheduled John to speak at three o’clock in the afternoon.


be scheduled to do sth. / be scheduled for sth.




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2. n. a timetable of things to be done, dealt with, etc.

According to the school schedule, the students should be having the third period in the morning.

Collocation:according to schedule 按时间表; 按照原定进度

ahead of schedule 提前

behind schedule落后于计划或进度;迟于预定时间

on schedule 按时间表,准时

a tight schedule



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sustain: vt. 1) support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc.) going; maintain


An unshakable faith sustained the young man.

Although they had been trapped in the cave for two days, they were sustained by the belief that help would come soon.

2) suffer; undergo


The aircrew sustained severe injuries when the plane crashed.





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CF: sustain, support & back这三个词都含“支持”,“支援”的意思。

sustain 指“支撑”,“维持”。

My hope for future sustained me.

support 系常用词,指“支撑”,“给某人(物)以积极援助或支持”。

We should support each other.

back 指“支持 (论点、行动、企业等 )” 。

I’ll back you up in your demands.




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A Valentine Story

Part III (Paras7~15)

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Q1: Why did Blanchard follow the girl without first trying to see if she was wearing a rose?

He had been imagining his lover as a charming young girl.

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Q2: What did “Miss Maynell” look like? How did Blanchard feel toward his “valentine”?

“Miss Maynell” well past 40, with graying hair pinned up under a worn hat, was quite a big woman. Her feet were thick in the ankles and could hardly squeeze into her low-heeled shoes. Blanchard held complicated feelings toward his “valentine”. One hand, he felt disappointed and painful; on the other hand, he felt he couldn’t give up his feeling for his “valentine”, who had filled such a special place in his life for the past 12 months. Even if it is not love, it is precious friendship.

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Q3: Why didn’t Blanchard turn away from “Miss Maynell”.

Although “Miss Maynell” looked old and unattractive, he treasured the friendship between them, and valued the woman who had befriended him and warmed his heart over the past 12 months.

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Q4: What had Blanchard planned to do when he first met Miss Maynell?

Blanchard had planned to invite Miss Maynell to dinner.

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Q5: How come the middle-aged woman was wearing the rose?

Miss Maynell had begged the middle-aged woman to wear the rose before she met Blanchard.

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alive: adj. 1) living


The injured man is unconscious but still alive.

2) active; lively

Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive.


come alive 活跃起来;警觉起来

alive and kicking (口)活蹦乱跳,生龙活虎




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CF: alive, living & lively 这三个词都有“活的”意思。

alive 指“活着的”,“在世的”,着重于状态。它用作表语,或放在名词或代词后作定语。

Who’s the greatest man alive?

living 用于生物时 , 指“活着的”。

Shelly was still living when Keats died.

lively 指“活泼的,活跃的,栩栩如生的,真实的”。

Children usually have lively fancy.




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go one’s way: go in sb’s direction


Though I’m not going your way, I still would like to give you a ride.

I wasn’t sure whether he was going my way or not, so I decided to go home by myself.



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keen: adj. 1) (of interest, feeling, etc.) strong; deep


Jenny watched her husband dancing with the slim girl with keen jealousy.

2) interested; eager (usu. followed by on / about, or infinitive to)

他非常渴望见到霍利斯 ·梅奈尔小姐。

He was keen to meet Miss Hollis Maynell.





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sensible: adj. 1) showing or having good sense


Be sensible and take your umbrella.

2) able to feel or perceive

He is sensible of the danger of his position.

I am sensible of my error.





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CF: sensible, conscious & aware都含有“意识到的”意思。

sensible 指“可用感官察觉到的 ( 尤指可感觉到较复杂或抽象的事物 )” 。

I was sensible of her solemn grief.

conscious 侧重“心理感知”。

He is conscious of a sense of guilt.

aware 侧重“感官所意识到的外界事物”。

Everybody is aware of the importance of the hi-tech.




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grip: v. take a very tight hold (of)


The brakes failed to grip and the car ran into a wall.

詹姆斯 · 邦德紧紧抓住岩石,爬上了悬崖。

James Bond gripped the rock firmly and climbed onto the cliff.





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identify: vt. recognize or say who or what sb. or sth. is


I cannot identify this signature.

Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others?



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grateful: adj. 1) feeling or showing thanks


I am grateful to have you help me repair the house.

I’m most grateful to you for introducing me around so that I no longer feel lonely in the new place.

2) pleasant; agreeable; comforting

This is really a grateful rain to the peasants.


The mother was grateful to the young man for saving her child’s life.





be grateful to sb. for sth.

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broaden: v. make or become broader


His views broadened at college.


The road broadens out at this point.

We should broaden our experience by traveling more.





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A Valentine Story

Part IV (Paras 16~17)

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Q1: What did Miss Maynell want to find out through the test?

The true nature of a heart.

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in response to: in answer to


He opened the door in response to a knock.


make no response 不回答



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Q2: How do you understand Houssaye’s remark “tell me whom you love, and I will tell you who you are”?

I can judge you by the person you love. And the saying is equal to a Chinese proverb :


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After Reading1. Useful Expressions2. Text Analysis3. Gap Filling4. Sentence Order 5. Spot Dictation 6. Proverbs and Quotations

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Useful Expressions

1. 把…搞错 get…wrong2. 整了整军装 straighten one’s army uniform

3. 人群 the crowd of people

4. 发现自己被吸引 find oneself absorbed

5. 多思善虑的心灵 a thoughtful soul

6. 富于洞察力的头脑 insightful mind

7. 前一位拥有人的姓名 the previous owner’s name

8. 确定地址 locate one’s address

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Useful Expressions9.请她回复 invite her to correspond

10. 被运往海外 be shipped overseas

11. 仅因为那而碰运气 take a chance on just that

12.安排了两人的第一次见面 schedule their first meeting

13.始终支持他 sustain him unfailingly

14. 犹如春天般生机盎然 be like springtime come alive

15. 差不多就站在…正后面

stand almost directly behind…

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Useful Expressions

16. 体态臃肿 more than a little overweight

17.那本蓝色羊皮面旧书 the small worn blue leather copy of the book

18. 挺胸站立 ,敬了个礼 square one’s shoulders and salute

19. 失望的痛苦使我哽咽 feel choked by the bitterness of my disappointment

20.理解且钦佩某人的智慧 understand and admire one’s wisdom

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Text Analysis

In this text there are some examples of simile and metaphor. A simile is

,e.g., “her hair was black as night”; “in her green suit she was like springtime come alive” (Para. 7). A metaphor is

e.g., “while I spoke I felt choked by the bitterness of my disappointment” (Para. 14).

or “as”

a comparison ofone thing to another, using the words “like”

not stated comparison of one thing to another,a suggested but

Page 104: Unit 5 Romance

Text AnalysisRead the following sentences and tell whether they are similes or metaphors.

1. He is brave as a lion.

2. Her husband is a walking wallet that will pay for whatever she likes.

3. Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream.

4. He has a heart of stone.

5. All the world is a stage, and all the men and women are merely players.

6. The man sleeps like a baby.







Page 105: Unit 5 Romance

Gap FillingFill in each gap in the following sentences with an appropriate word. In some cases, both words may be appropriate.

1. afraid, frightened

1) A fire broke out at the school but the teacher were able to lead the children to safety.

2) Don’t be to complain if the service is bad.

2. alike, similar

1) Don’t worry about which washing machine to buy, they are all .

2) The twins insisted on wearing color.

Page 106: Unit 5 Romance

3. alive , living

1) You’re very lucky to be after a bad car crash.

2) He is widely regarded as Australian greatest poet.

4. asleep, sleeping

1) She looked lovingly at the child.

2) The old man was half and barely able to respond to the policeman’s questions.

Page 107: Unit 5 Romance

Sentence OrderRearrange the following sentences in a logical order according to the text. a. A woman well past 40 appeared, wearing a rose which was used to identify the girl Hollis Maynell. b. John Blanchard went to the woman and asked the woman out to dinner. c. They scheduled their first meeting in Grand Central Station. d. John Blanchard’s interest in Hollis Maynell had begun twelve months before in a Florida library. e. The woman told John Blanchard that it was the young lady in the green suit who had asked her to do so.

ed--c-- a--b--

Page 108: Unit 5 Romance

Spot Dictation

Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words.

Friendship Is the True Spirit of Valentine’s Day Every Feb. 14, people around the nation buy and ___1____ cards, candies and gifts with loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. February is the month of ____2__ .

Lavish, material gifts are not necessary to express the pure love that St. Valentine was ____3____ . The most ____4____ gifts of love do not come from the wallet, and may be as simple as candidly telling someone you love how ____5_____ they are in your life.






Page 109: Unit 5 Romance

Spot Dictation

Instead of focusing on the absence of a boyfriend or girlfriend and feeling lonely, direct your ___6____ toward your friends and family. Don’t sit home on Valentine’s Day feeling lonely and ____7_ , get out and do something!

Take your best friend out to dinner and thank her for always loving you even when you know it must be ____8_ sometimes.

Visit a local ___9____ home and ___10_ love to the elderly.




_________ _______

Page 110: Unit 5 Romance

Proverbs and Quotations

1. A faint heart never won a fair lady.


2. Love is the mother of love.


3. Love that is forced does not last.


4. Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. -- Albert Einstein, American scientist

并非地球引力使人坠入爱河。 -- 美国科学家 A. 爱因斯坦

Page 111: Unit 5 Romance

Proverbs and Quotations

6. First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. -- George Bernard Shaw, British playwright

初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。 -- 英国剧作家 G. 萧伯纳

5. Life is a flower of which love is the honey. -- Victor Hugo, French writer

人生是花朵,爱情是花蜜。 -- 法国作家 V. 雨果

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1.Do exercises of Part II, Part III (Text B, for home reading) and

Part IV (Theme-related Tasks);

2. Read aloud Paras 12~15 and learn them by heart.

3. Do the pre-reading task of Unit 6 and preview Text A of Unit 6.
