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Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time

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  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Future TimeClauses

    Dreams for the



    Focus on Grammar 3Part I, Unit 7By Ruth Luman, Gabriele Steiner, an B! "ellsCo#yri$ht % &''() Pearson * u+ation, In+) ll ri$hts reser-e )

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Future Dreams .

    I/m $oin$ to be an astronaut 0hen I $ro0 u#)

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Before 0e ha-e a baby,0e/ll buy a bi$$er house)

    Future Dreams &

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Future Dreams 3

    I 0on/t 1uit my 2ob until I 0in the lottery)

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Future Dreams

    fter 0e retire, 0e/re $oin$ to tra-el)

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time



    I/m $oin$ to be an astronaut 0hen I $ro0 u# )

    A complex sentence about future time has twoclauses: a main +lause and a time +lause .

    4ain Clause

    4ain Clause Time Clause

    Time Clause

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    4ain Clause


    TI4*CL US*

    4 I5 CL US*

    after weretire.

    until he winsthe lottery.

    before wehave a baby.

    tra-elare $oin$ toWe

    his job1uit0on/tHe

    a housebuyWe


    erb 8baseform9

    Will orbe : going to


    The verb in the main clause is often in thefuture .

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Time Clause

    TI4* CL US* 4 I5 CL US*

    we are going to


    he won’t uit his job.

    we will buy ahouse.

    retirewe After

    the lottery0ins he!ntil

    a babyha-ewe"efore


    erb8 #resent9


    The verb in the time clause is often in the#resent .

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Be Careful;

    #on’t use will or be going to in the future timeclause.

    "hen I sa-e enou$h money, I/m $oin$ to buy a +ar)"hen I sa-e enou$h money, I/m $oin$ to buy a +ar)0ill

    <"hen I sa-e enou$h money, I/m $oin$ to buy a +ar)"hen I sa-e enou$h money, I/m $oin$ to buy a +ar)

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Before 0e ha-e a baby we’ll buy a bigger house.,

    Clause 6r er .

    Use a +omma only 0hen the time +lause

    be$ins the senten+e)

    Use a +omma only 0hen the time +lause

    be$ins the senten+e)

    $’m going to be an astronaut 0hen I $ro0 u# )

    Time clauses can come at the be$innin$ or en of sentences.

    Time ClauseTime Clause

    Time ClauseTime Clause

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time




    "hen she finishes s+hool she/ll 2oin the Pea+e Cor#s )

    I 0on/t $et marrie until I meet the ri$ht #erson )

    s soon as they $ra uate they/ll loo= for a 2ob )

    Clause 6r er &

    Time Clause8#resent9

    Time Clause8#resent9

    Time Clause8#resent9

    Time Clause8#resent9

    Time Clause8#resent9

    Time Clause8#resent9

    4ain Clause8future9

    4ain Clause8future9

    4ain Clause8future9

    4ain Clause8future9

    4ain Clause8future9

    4ain Clause8future9

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Time *>#ressions .

    Intro u+e thefirst e-ent

    "hen they sa-e money,




    they/ll buy a ne0 +ar)


    not . . . until as soon as

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Pra+ti+e .Put the verbs in the correcttense. Add commas wherenecessary.

    Example : After he %graduate& ''' he %go& ''' to law school.

    After he graduates( he’ll go to law school.

    .) They 8o0n9 ?? a house by the time they 8be9 ??? marrie )

    &) She 8not@start9 ?? her o0n business until she 8$et9 ??? moree>#erien+e)

    3) s soon as he 8be+ome9 ?? mana$er he 8ta=e9 ?? a -a+ation)

    They will own a house by the time they are married.

    )he won’t start her own business until she gets more experience.

    As soon as he becomes manager( he’s going to ta*e a vacation.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Time *>#ressions &

    Intro u+e these+on e-ent

    Before he $ets marrie ,




    he/ll fin a $oo 2ob)


    by the time

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time


    Pra+ti+e &Combine the sentences usingthe time word provided. In each

    pair A is the first event.

    Example: A. The children will go to college. ". )he will go bac* to school. +as soon as,

    As soon as the children go to college( she’ll go bac* toschool.

    -. A. ou will finish your exams.". We will %not& celebrate. +until,

    We won’t celebrate until you finish your exams.

    /. A. 0y brother will buy a new suit.". He will go on an interview. +before,

    0y brother will buy a new suit before he goes on an interview.

    1. A. )he will pass the driving test.". )he will borrow the family car. +after,

    After she passes the driving test( she will borrow the family car.

  • 8/18/2019 Unit 6 Grammar Compulsory Reference Material - Grammar Booster - Future Time



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