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Unit 8 Text I On Buying Books. Special terms booklover book-hunter bookworm bookman book maker book...

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Unit 8 Unit 8 Text I Text I On Buying Books On Buying Books

Unit 8Unit 8

Text IText I

On Buying BooksOn Buying Books

Special termsSpecial terms

• booklover• book-hunter• bookworm• bookman• book maker• book reviewer• bookseller• book agent• book binder

• book shops/stores

• book fair

• bookstall book lover book-hunter

• book binder bookmaker bookman

• book reviewer bookseller bookworm book agent

Topic for group discussionTopic for group discussion

• 1. What kind of book is eye catching? How can a book catch people’s eye balls successfully?

• 2. Describe the general attitudes of shop assistants’ towards customers and make some comments.

• 3. Have you had any pleasant or unpleasant experience in bookshop? Make a vivid description of it.

• 4. Suppose one of your best friends’ birthday is coming. You go to a bookshop to buy a book for her. You friend is a music lover. But you don’t know where the music section is and you don’t know how to choose. You need the shop assistant’s help. Then make a dialogue between you and the shop assistant. Then act it out.


• Go over the text rapidly and try to:

• 1> what type of essay the text falls into?

• 2> find out the topic essay of each paragraph?

• 1. persuasive writing: (style):

• formal or informal?

• Diction;

• sentence structure;

• sentence length;

• point of view

Language points:Language points:

• 1. Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable.

• can be very much enjoyed

• can be very pleasant

• can be pleasure-seeking

• can be pleasing

• 2. It may rain this afternoon.

• He may have called me but the line was engaged all the time.

• They may be sitting in the theatre now.

• 3. shelter: • find/take shelter from• We took shelter from the storm in a barn.• give shelter to • under the shelter of• fly to sb. for shelter (=seek shelter at sb.'s hous

e)• v. to shelter under a tree• to shelter from the rain• shelter oneself behind

• the desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust-jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed

• dust-jacket: dust cover book cloth book cover book jacket

• He promised to paint a portrait for me, but he ended up with only a sketch.

• Don’t loaf away your time, or you will end up in failure.

• end up in smoke 烟消云散 ; 完全落空

• He narrowly escaped death.

• Television is my escape from worry.

• Her name escapes me.

• The book's significance escaped him.

• You can wander round such places to your heart’s content.

• a. to do good to your health

• b. for as long as it pleases you

• c. in order to keep your heart satisfied

• d. to make you happy

• Apart from a few scratches, the car was undamaged.

• Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.

• The writer lives apart from his family.

• at a time 每次;一次• Please come in one at a time.• You are supposed to take two tablets at a time.• tell off 斥责 • The teacher told him off for not doing his homew

ork.• I was ten minutes late, and she told me off in fro

nt of everyone present.

• tuck away (store up, gulp down)

• She’s got a lot of money tucked away.

• He can tuck away three or four sandwiches between meals. (大吃、喝)

• The village is tucked away in a quiet valley.


Text IIText II

• Graham Greene: British writer particularly known for his novels, such as The Power and the Glory (1940), which reflect his ardent Catholic beliefs.

Questions for DiscussionQuestions for Discussion

• According to the text, what is a good buy?

• What does an absence of price tags in a second-hand shop show?

• According to the text, what kinds of books or magazines are worth collecting?

• buy:

• a good buy

• a bad buy

• a best buy

• That was a sensible buy.

• The coat was a real buy.

• stricken:

• panic-stricken

• conscience-stricken

• grief-stricken

• fever-stricken

• terror-stricken

• bargain:

• This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price.

• make a bargain with sb.

• He made a bargain with his wife 'You take care of the children and I'll cook.'

• v.tr. (及物动词)• bargained my watch for a meal• bargainer• bargainor• bargainee• a good bargain• a bad bargain• A bargain is a bargain.

The EndThe End

Thank You!Thank You!
