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Unit 9 impact photograph with task 3

Date post: 17-Jul-2015
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Unit 9; impact photograph

Unit 9; impact photograph

This is a photograph from a woman called Barbara Harris. This photograph represents the Nazi German soldiers on a march through the streets, this photograph is the Exercise of the SA outside of Munich, 1923. This is a powerful photograph because it was take 15 years before world war 2 and it was representing that Nazi Germany is on the rise. This Is a Photojournalism photograph.

The Three-Legged DogThis is a portrait from the photographer Martin Schoeller, this is a photograph about Layka, a Belgian Malinois. Layka is a three-legged decorated war hero, one leg was lost to surgery after taking four rounds from an AK-47. Martin was trying to capture the soul of layka in a key moment, with a connection between him and the decorated war hero, layka. This is a photograph called Martin Schoeller and the Three-Legged Dog This is a portrait photograph

Big and Little DipperThis photograph is from a photographer called Marco Mattiussi, this is a photograph of two grizzly bears in the wilderness on the hunt for salmon. To get this shot, Mattiussi spent several hours lying on the shore of Kurile Lake during the ascent of salmonThis photograph is called Big and Little Dipper by Marco Mattiussi. This is a portrait photograph

Dancing for Gagarin: The USSR Celebrates the ‘First Man in Space’

James Whitmore a photographer from the 1960’s captured this photograph of people celebrating in Red Square in honour of cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space. I have selected this photograph because it captured the excitement of the world when the Americans finally announced they have landed a man on the moon with a live video feed in space This photograph is called Dancing for Gagarin by the photographer James WhitmoreThis is a photojournalism photograph.

Key to SurvivalThis photograph is from the photographer Matthieu Paley, The Kyrgyz of the Pamir Mountains in northern Afghanistan live at a high altitude where no crops grow. Survival depends on the animals that they milk, butcher, and barter. So they can survive this photograph shows that people in other countries in remote parts of the world are not as lucky as us they have to make there food, they cant go to the supermarket to buy there meet and milk they have to produce it. This photograph is called Key to Survival. This photograph is photojournalism

My favourite photographer unit 9 task 3

My four examples of Abstract, Portrait, Architectural and Macro Unit 9Task 4

Portrait I chose these photos because they are portrait photographs , I took theses photos at different times such as the one in the top right I took the photo in year ten and then the one in the top left I took purposely for this portrait collage
