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Unit-V Applications of MIS

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  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


    The test of courage comes whenwe are in the minority.

    The test of tolerance comes whenwe are in the majority.

    ~ Ralph W

  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


    Applications of MIS inSERVICE Industry

    Unlike, manufacturing sector, the service sector does nothave physical goods to be manufactured for thecustomers.The mission in a service industry is of providing the mostsatisfying service of the customer, while in amanufacturing industry, it could differ from industry toindustry & from organization to organization.There are certain mission critical applications in theservice industry which needs to be managed best.These applications make service organizations efficient& effective in providing the best service to thecustomers.

  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum


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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 11

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 12

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 13

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 14

  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    In a service industry, therefore, a sensitive market &consumer research is necessary to identify the segment

    to be served & to study is service requirements,expectations & the perceptions.Since the service demands are more dynamic than thatof product, a continuous search on the requirements,expectations & perceptions, to be conducted to upgrade& enhance the service facilities.The service may remain the same but the process or themanner of offering the service needs a change.Depending on the service industry the mission critical

    applications would change from time to time, but thefocus in all the cases & all the times is to offer a servicewhich satisfies the customers.

  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    Most of the service industries have front end facilities toserve the customers to clear their immediate needs &

    make them comfortable for the rest of the servicedemands.The service organizations undergo changes more rapidly thanthe manufacturing sector.The returns in the service industry are immediate compared tothe manufacturing sector.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 17


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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 18

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 19

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 20

    A product can be offered on payment, while services areoffered on demand.

    The quality control of the product is possible withreference to the determined standard, while the qualitycontrol of the service is difficult due to its reference to thecustomers expectations which are difficult to judge &control.The product can be demonstrated before the actual sale,while the service cannot be demonstrated.The product can be produced, sold & consumed instages while the service has to be produced, sold &consumed simultaneously.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 21

    The quality of the service results in the satisfaction ordissatisfaction of the customer.

    The satisfaction is related to the customers expectations& perceptions of the service & its outcome.The satisfaction is also based on the manner in whichthe service is being offered.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 22

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 23

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 24

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 25

    Attributes/ Characteristics of Service

    IntangibilityInseparability of receiver & providerStorageInconsistency

    Intangibility:- All services are fully intangible i.e., they lack physical existence They can be seen being delivered & being received bythe customer but cannot be displayed.Intangible service may have an association with physicalgoods.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 26

    Attributes/ Characteristics of Service

    Inseparability of Receiver & Provider:- In case of service,receiver & provider must be present.Service process cannot be executed unless both arepresent at the site of service delivery.It is a live consumption of service experience.The production of service & its consumption ofsimultaneous.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 27

    Attributes/ Characteristics of Service

    Storage:- Service being intangible cannot be stored likegoods, which can be stored in the warehouse & can beused at later date.Example: A consultant physician offers everyday 3 hoursconsultancy in the morning.

    Suppose, no patient comes for 2 hours then thephysician is idle & consulting service potential cannot bestored & made available next day.

  • 8/12/2019 Unit-V Applications of MIS


    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 28

    Attributes/ Characteristics of Service

    Inconsistency:- Service process being the intangible, canvary from one service incident to another.This being the case, it is difficult to standardize theprocess.

    At the most service scope can be defined but is deliveryprocess cannot be standardized.Every service experience is different. Inconsistencyoccurs due to the different service providers performingat different times.

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 29

    Service Process Cycle & Analysis

    All services are bound by process steps & each stepadds a value in the service.

    All the steps can be classified in stages based on therole played in the process.These stages build a service process cycle. Thesestages are:

    Initiation of serviceTransition to servicePre-serviceServicePost-service

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 30

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    6/2/2014 Prof. Subhash Patil JCMM,Belgaum 31

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