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United Methodist Moments - Amazon S3 · March Madness? Income tax time, first day of spring,...

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United Methodist Moments Auburn United Methodist Church 99 South St. Auburn, NY 13021 www.auburnunitedmethodist.org (315) 253-6295 Mission: To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the WorldVision: Building Our Relationship with Christ and with All PeopleDear Friends, As I write this article, the church, (you) have been busy! Between preparing/serving lunch for the students/families/neighborhood at Genesee Elementary School and preparing dinner for the Rescue Mission (Family Transitions), the kitchen has been well used and many people have given of themselves and their time for these two missions. I am amazed and the number of people that come together to serve others. (note: you all served over 250 meals during that week!) Yet, isnt that what we are called to do? I cant help but be reminded of Mathew 25? 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.37 Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?40 The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. I cant tell you enough how incredibly proud I am with the mission work you do for the Auburn community. You also are incredibly generous whenever there is a need in the church or the community. Thank you for being the servants of Christ that you are. As I reflect on the ministry that is accomplished here ach month I am grateful for you and your heart for God and neighbor. For all the ways you are living out your faith and for all the ways your faithfulness blesses others, thank you. As you continue on your Lenten journey this year I pray and you find ways to share yourself with God and neighbor. Blessings on the journey, Pastor Richelle
Page 1: United Methodist Moments - Amazon S3 · March Madness? Income tax time, first day of spring, Daylight savings time, St. Patrick’s Day, shamrock shakes, Lent? These might be some

United Methodist Moments

Auburn United Methodist Church 99 South St. Auburn, NY 13021

www.auburnunitedmethodist.org (315) 253-6295

Mission: “To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World”

Vision: “Building Our Relationship with Christ and with All People”

Dear Friends, As I write this article, the church, (you) have been busy! Between preparing/serving

lunch for the students/families/neighborhood at Genesee Elementary School and preparing dinner for the Rescue Mission (Family Transitions), the kitchen has been well used and many people have given of themselves and their time for these two missions. I am amazed and the number of people that come together to serve others. (note: you all served over 250 meals during that week!) Yet, isn’t that what we are called to do? I can’t help but be reminded of Mathew 25?

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ I can’t tell you enough how incredibly proud I am with the mission work you do for

the Auburn community. You also are incredibly generous whenever there is a need in the church or the community. Thank you for being the servants of Christ that you are. As I reflect on the ministry that is accomplished here ach month I am grateful for you and your heart for God and neighbor.

For all the ways you are living out your faith and

for all the ways your faithfulness blesses others, thank you. As you continue on your Lenten journey this year I pray and you find ways to share yourself with God and neighbor.

Blessings on the journey, Pastor Richelle

Page 2: United Methodist Moments - Amazon S3 · March Madness? Income tax time, first day of spring, Daylight savings time, St. Patrick’s Day, shamrock shakes, Lent? These might be some

Lenten Series: Spring Cleaning Your Spiritual Life

Lent comes from the Latin meaning “to lengthen”

and refers to the lengthening of days in the spring-

time. In this Lenten series, one examines their own

life for “spring cleaning” and spiritual practice.

3/4/18 Ordering Your Life

3/11/18 Giving Over To God

3/18/18 Written On Your Heart

3/25/18 Palm Sunday Take Up Your Cross

3/29/18 Holy Thursday, 7pm @ AUMC

3/30/18 Good Friday Ecumenical Service

7pm @ Sts. Peter & John


You are invited to worship the Risen Christ

on Easter Sunday! Auburn United Method-

ist Church will offer two worship experienc-


Easter Sunrise Service

6:30 am @ the home of Carolyn Case

(5175 Silver Street Rd)

Note: Following our outside worship there

will be a light breakfast (inside!). Please

bring a breakfast dish/item to pass.

Resurrection Sunday Worship

10:30am @ AUMC

99 South Street, Auburn NY

We will place lilies on the altar Easter Sunday, April 1st in memory,

celebration or honor of our loved ones.

This has been our tradition as a way to beautify God’s house and

pay tribute to those we love.

The cost of each plant is $9. Dedication sheets can be found in the

office. Checks should be made payable to AUMC and please mark

the memo line “Easter Plants”.

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Reconciling Minis-tries Committee

Please join us right after church for a light lunch and conversation.

All are Welcome!

This is a safe place to gather together and share our stories!

Come and be welcomed.

We will also share infor-mation on what a

Reconciling Congregation is and where AUMC is in the process.

Sunday, March 11th is

Scouting Ministries Sunday

We encourage our scouts to wear

their uniforms to worship!

Every Tuesday in Lent there is a soup lunch at an ar-

ea church. We pray together, eat together and listen

to a meditation provided by area clergy/lay people.

We rotate between St. Mary’s Catholic Church and

Saints Peter and John Episcopal Church. We gather

at noon for soup and bread and a time of spiritual


The Schedule for March:

March 6th @ St. Mary’s

March 13th @ Sts. Peter & John’s

March 20th @ St. Mary’s

Soup is served at 12 noon!


Night Lenten Pot

Luck Suppers

Are Back!


through Mar. 21

@ 5:45 p.m.

Come and enjoy a meal with your church family!

This annual tradition gives us time to strengthen

church family ties while sampling tasty dishes. Hope

to see you there! Questions? See Karen Deming or

call/ email the office (315-253-6295)

Saturday March 24th 11am till sold out

Dinners $10 & Half Chicken only $8.00

Proceeds to help cover our Church ministries and

general expenses.

Sign-up board Is up and we still need donations

and helpers!! PRE SALE Tickets will be sold af-

ter Church Sundays 3/4, 3/11 and 3/18

Questions or to volunteer see Bryan or Susan


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Greetings AUMC,

I want to possibly try something new.!

The AUMC Newsletter is usually all about minis-

try and activities we do as a church. What if we

were able to highlight some of the activities that

individuals do outside of church? There is so

much negativity in the world, between media,

each other and sometimes ourselves. Let’s try this

for April’s Newsletter. I am going to do a positiv-

ity blurb!? Pending on how this goes it will either

continue on or be discontinued.

Do you know someone or you yourself who is a

AUMC member or attends regularly and does

some amazing stuff outside of the church for our

community, or goes that above and beyond to

help others?

I want to get to know some of our people in our

church, not just as a brother or sister in Christ, but

some of the amazing things they have done or

some of the amazing way God has touched or im-

pacted your life.

Feel free to email me a little blurb at

[email protected]

Thank you


Kimberly Thompson


All Graduating


We will be asking

our seniors to have

their name, their

plans for after high

school and a memorable quote. All seniors please sub-

mit these not later than May 20th for June’s newsletter!

I would like to gather all of the graduating seniors and

get a photo after church on May 20th!

Thank You

I want to thank everyone who helped with the Pan-

cake Auction. First of all Karen Deming who

worked with me every step of the way. Without her

this fundraiser would not have happened. Rich and

Jean Palmer helped with set up. Mike Deming, Rich

Blafield, Rob Bonilla, Dave Fedigan worked in the

kitchen. Barb Loomis and Sharon Fehlman collect-

ed the money. Mary Howard and Patty Pierleoni

were our auctioneers and made the auction fun and

sometimes exciting. The clean up crew was Anna

Wager, Rachel Longley, Carolyn Case, Mellissa

Quick, Cyndie and Orie Seamans. A special Thanks

to Ray Blank who helped set up, was there Sunday

morning before any one getting the kitchen ready,

ran the dish washer, helped cleanup and was one of

the last to leave. The total amount of money raised

was $2,016. Lastly thanks to everyone who came

and supported this event and all of the donations for

the breakfast and auction.

Page 5: United Methodist Moments - Amazon S3 · March Madness? Income tax time, first day of spring, Daylight savings time, St. Patrick’s Day, shamrock shakes, Lent? These might be some

Dear AUMC,

There will be a cluster event of 4 Lay Servant courses in March right here at AUMC. Sign up early to save a spot and please share this with your friends. Since there will be a Basic class happening at the

same time and place it's a great opportunity to intro-duce someone to what Lay Servant ministries is all about.. Four Courses offered March 23-24 at Auburn United Methodist Church

Friday 5:00-8:30 Saturday 8:30-3:00 Open to All • Laity & Clergy For registration information contact Jennie Young-Walczyk at [email protected] or [email protected]

Course: Basic Lay Servant Ministries Course Facilitators: Michael Aiken and Jennie Young-Walczyk Basic Lay Servant Credit

Course: Storytelling Course Facilitator: Pastor Della Ludwig Advanced Lay Servant Credit

Course: Heritage: Living Our Beliefs Course Facilitator: Patty Pierleoni Advanced Lay Servant Credit - a required course for Lay Speaker

Course: Heritage: Transforming Conflict Course Facilitator: Rev. Wilson Jones Advanced Lay Servant Credit Please feel free to contact me if you have any ques-tions. Your Lay Servant, Patty Pierleoni

March Madness? Income tax time, first day of spring, Daylight savings time, St. Patrick’s Day, shamrock

shakes, Lent? These might be some of the things you think of when you think of the month of March. Dur-ing the month of March, through Sunday school and

church services, the kids will be learning more about the meaning of the season of Lent; God’s covenant and what that has to do with rainbows, focusing on Jesus

through prayer, devotions, and giving something up, temptation, trust and faith.

Congratulations to the youth group for raising the sec-ond highest amount for their auction item at last month’s Pancake Brunch fundraiser-$150.00! Thanks

guys! We’re so blessed to have such a great group. The group looks forward to continuing to serve their church and community.

We’ll soon be planning the next attendance challenge

party for those kids attending 15 out of 19 Sunday school classes from the first Sunday school class in Jan-uary through the last class in May. We have lots of

kids in the running for an invitation and better yet, looking forward to coming to Sunday school! It’s great to see their sunny and sometimes funny faces each Sun-

day. Keep up the good work!

Blessings, Marie Montgomery

Greetings to all in the Name of Jesus Christ

As many of you know I am known as a “numbers person” and sometimes that name comes

with difficult jobs. Auburn United Methodist Church has much to be thankful for. We are

blessed with people with serving hearts and the desire to hold and preserve all of the gifts

we have been blessed with from our former disciples and missionaries for Christ – a beauti-

ful building and strong, dedicated faith. At times though difficult we need to look at where

we are and where we are going and our financial picture is one part of that. Unfortunately

we have not had a rosy picture with finances of late. We have bills totaling $12,262.71 at

the end of January and a bank balance of $606.43. We got hit with a very large heat bill of

$4951.02 and will be receiving February’s bill any day for probably around the same amount. Income for the past

three years has steadily decreased while our expenses have remained consistent. As you look forward to refund

season, please remember your church and give back to God some of his amazing gifts to you. Our giving congrega-

tion has already donated $2070.00 towards heat and we are blessed but we are also still lacking a great deal. Thank

you for your loving commitment and please hold your church in your prayers as we journey forward towards

Christ! God’s blessings to all! Treasurer, Judy Selover

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Food Pantry

2018 Food


Our Goal for this year is 2018 items to assist our neigh-

bors in need and we have a long way to go. Any and all

donations are needed and appreciated. Some of the spe-

cific items we could provide are pasta, rice, baby items,

canned fruit and vegetables, low sodium items, crackers,

cookies, cereal, tomato sauce. This community is a better

place because you care.

Genesee Elementary

School Lunch Program

& Rescue Mission Pas-

ta Dinner

Thank you to everyone who

helped serve over 200 meals

to the kids and families on

our neighborhood during

winter break. And thank you

to those who continue to help prepare 50 meals a month

to the Family Transitions program at the Auburn Rescue

Mission. If you are interested in serving please contact

the church office or come on the 3rd Wednesday of the

month around 12 to help!

Prayer/Comfort quilts are available by the

Dragonfly Quilters! Please see Kathy Stockmyer for

more information or with any questions. Meetings will

start back up in March, weather permitting and are on the

second and fourth Mondays of each month. The times of

the meetings will be announced in the weekly update and

the bulletins.

Pastor Transition Update

This is a quick note to communicate with you

where we are in the process in changing pas-

tors. On February 15th our District Superin-

tendent, Rev. Jeff McDowell met with the

Leadership Team of AUMC (Barb Klem, Greg

Trutschel, Brenda Peterson, Jessica Parker,

Jim Cogar, Vickie Shephardson, Kathy Pipher,

Matt Loveless, Steve Howard) to pray and dis-

cuss the vision of the church and the gifts/

graces needed in your next pastor.

The Leadership Team reached out to many

individuals asking their opinion regarding

qualities of the next pastor (this was done on

Sunday, February 11th). They asked people of

all ages and people who regularly attended

worship. The Cabinet (Bishop and all District

Superintendents) will be discerning the right

leadership needed for AUMC.

As soon as an appointment is made the Lead-

ership Team will be introduced to the new pas-

tor and it will be announced the following

Sunday. That is where we are right now.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate

to contact Barb Klem or Pastor Richelle by

calling the church office (315) 253-6295

Olde Tyme Fair News

Yes, we are already talking about the fair!

Mark your calendar for October 6th and get

your thinking caps on. We are constantly col-

lecting rummage items, so let us know if you

have something to donate. Do you have a hob-

by that you could share? How about making a

bird house or a wooden tray? Do you have a

nice purse or some toys to donate? If we start

thinking now, we can make our fair great

again this year. Please see Vickie Shepardson

(315-253-8509) or Karen Deming (315-252-

2390) if you have an idea or suggestion. Octo-

ber will be here before you know it!

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1 Larry Pritchard 2 Nathan Bellamy 3 Anna Wager 5 Peggy Lattimore 7 Ashley Persaile 9 Abigail Gleason 11 Bill Stoelzel 11 Richard Bellamy 17 Jean Palmer 17 Kimberly Stockmyer 18 Scott Fedigan 18 Andrea Janish 21 Phyllis Allen 21 Michael Losani 21 Beverly Parker 23 Justin Persaile 26 Kim Parker 27 Kacie Hulik 30 Richard Palmer 30 Jane Smolak


1– Travis & Marilyn Robbins


5 – Carol & Bill Colvin

9 – Brandy & Bill Quigley

Our condolences to the family of Betty Staub who passed away in February

In the Military: Matthew Bracht, Dustin Culver , Ashley Fehlman, Chr istopher

Fehlman, Alex Green, Michael Maltese, Jr., Evan Parker, Jeffery Schussler, Clifton

Thompson, Mark Walters

Our Homebound: Betty Dean, Vivian Howland, Adam Hull, Dot Lee, Travis Rob-

bins, Mina Salvage, Linda Shepard, Bernice Talcott, Billy Townsend, Pauline Wood-


Persons with Health Concerns: Jesse Burr is, Char lie Cator , Wynne Crosby,

Keith Day, Richard Garr, George, Betty Green, Levi & Jen, Joyce Lombardi, Jack

McNeil, Jack & Dot Miller, Valerie, Mary Kay Worth, Wyatt, Varna Lane

Please call the office if you would like to add a prayer request. Always be sure you

have permission to print someone else’s name.

Greeter Rotation

Week 1 Maddie and Alex Montgomery

Week 2 Kathy Pipher

Week 3 Barb Klem

Week 4 J ohn and Marie Montgomery

Nursery Volunteers

Mar 11 Danielle Loveless

Mar 18 Anna Wager

Mar 25 Jessica Parker

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March 4 Communion Sunday

March 6 Lenten Soup Lunch Noon @ St. Mary’s Church

March 7 Lenten Pot Luck Supper 5:45 p.m.

March 11 Scouting Ministries Sunday

March 13 Lenten Soup Lunch Noon @ Ss. Peter & John Church

Leadership Meeting 6:30 p.m.

March 14 Lenten Pot Luck Supper 5:45 p.m.

March 15 American Red Cross Blood Mobile 11:15-5:30

Campership Meeting 7:00 p.m.

March 17 Soup Kitchen 8:30-1

March 20 Lenten Soup Lunch Noon @ St. Mary’s Church

March 21 Rescue Mission Dinner Prep 12 p.m. –4 p.m.

Lenten Pot Luck Supper 5:45 p.m.

March 23 Finger Lakes District Lay Servant Training 4-9 p.m.

March 24 CHICKEN BBQ 11 a.m. til sold out!!!!

Finger Lakes District Lay Servant Training 8-3



March 30 GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP Sts. Peter and John @ 7 p.m.

April 1 EASTER SUNDAY Worship at 6:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Staff Update

This is to keep you informed that Bill Larrabee is no longer AUMC’s custodian. We pray God’s blessing on Bill and Suzie in their future endeavors. We are thankful for the time they were with us. At this time some of our members have been helping to clean the church. THANK YOU!!! We are looking into different options to keep the church clean. So, until that happens please be sure to tidy up after yourselves. Thank you.

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Inspire Dancers, February 25th

Sunday School Attendance Challenge Bowling Party

Pancake Auction! We made over $2,000!!

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Mission Statement of

The United Methodist Church:

“To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the

transformation of the world”


Vision Statement of Auburn UMC:

“Building our relationship with Christ and

with all people”

Our Services are broadcast on Verizon 31 or Time

Warner/Spectrum 98 or 12 at 7pm on Wednesdays.

Newsletter Editor: Kim Thompson

[email protected]


Pastor: Rev. Richelle Goff

Director of Children and Youth Ministries:

Marie Montgomery

Administrative Assistant: Karen Deming

Church Phone: (315) 253-6295

Web: www.auburnunitedmethodist.org

Email: [email protected]

DEADLINE for April articles is March 18th
