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United States Departmen ot f the Interior National Park ...

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NPS Form 10-aoO-a (3^ OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Piaces Inventory—Nomination Form Continuation sheet Item numt)er 4, 7, 8, 10 Page 16 Site No. 16 NAME Coop, Dr. B.F., House COUNTY Harris BLOCK 140 ADDRESS 1536 Heights Blvd. CITY Houston L0T21, S h ot 22 UTM Zobe 15 E 268,250 N 3,298,730 ARCHITECT/BUILDER unkn.. said to be German DATE 1914 PERIOD 1900— OWNER Dwayne 0. Fuller STYLE Bungalow influence 1536 Heights, Houston, Tx 77008 THEME DESCRIPTION Brick, two-story house with hip roof and a small front dormer (with three windows); attached porch wraps to both sides, supported by batteyed half-columns on brick piers; turned balusters between piers; statues of griffins flank the front steps at foot; front door has beveled glass and sidelights; windows with nine-over-one upstairs, fifteen-over-one downstairs. Building material: wall brick roof composition date Physical condition excellent-signif lcan»:ite; original X or moved Alterations porch enclosed and extended at rear, extensive interior modifications SIGNIFICANCE One of the most Impressive, well-preserved houses on Heights Blvd. Fine example of past-Victorian architecture. Orlgnal owner was Dr. B.F. Coop. This house was pictured in an advertisement booklet for the Heights about 1915 as one of the prominent new homes. Mrs. Coop was the vice-president of the City Federation of Women's Clubs, was active in civic affairs in Houston, was a teacher, a principal, and member of the school board. The house is one of relatively few brick houses in the Heights. Area of significance architecture Level of significance_ DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ~_ ORIGINAL USE residence local PRESENT USE residence RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS essentially a corner lot because it is next to a corner parking lot; large trees and well-kept yard with high, modern, iron fence; residential neighborhood. ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BIBLIOGRAPHY RECORDED BY K.L. London DATE less than one acre INFORMANT Dwayne Q. Fuller April 2, 1980 PHOTO DATA 1 - 3 5 mm., Texas Historical Comm. CONTINUATIONS: APR

NPS Form 10-aoO-a ( 3 ^

OMB No. 1024-0018 Exp. 10-31-84

United States Department of the Interior National Park Service

National Register of Historic P iaces Inventory—Nomination Form

Continuation sheet Item numt)er 4 , 7, 8 , 10 Page 16

Site No. 16

NAME Coop, Dr. B.F., House COUNTY Harris BLOCK 140 ADDRESS 1536 Heights Blvd. CITY Houston L0T21, S h ot 22

UTM Zobe 15 E 268,250 N 3,298,730 ARCHITECT/BUILDER unkn.. said to be German DATE 1914 PERIOD 1900— OWNER Dwayne 0. Fuller STYLE Bungalow influence

1536 Heights, Houston, Tx 77008 THEME DESCRIPTION Brick, two-story house with hip roof and a small front dormer (with three windows); attached porch wraps to both sides, supported by batteyed half-columns on brick piers; turned balusters between piers; statues of g r i f f i n s flank the front steps at foot; front door has beveled glass and si d e l i g h t s ; windows with nine-over-one upstairs, fifteen-over-one downstairs.

Building material: wall brick roof composition date Physical condition excellent-signif lcan»:ite; original X or moved

Alterations porch enclosed and extended at rear, extensive i n t e r i o r modifications SIGNIFICANCE One of the most Impressive, well-preserved houses on Heights Blvd. Fine example of past-Victorian architecture. Orlgnal owner was Dr. B.F. Coop. This house was pictured i n an advertisement booklet for the Heights about 1915 as one of the prominent new homes. Mrs. Coop was the vice-president of the City Federation of Women's Clubs, was active i n c i v i c a f f a i r s i n Houston, was a teacher, a p r i n c i p a l , and member of the school board. The house i s one of r e l a t i v e l y few brick houses i n the Heights.

Area of significance architecture Level of significance_ DESIGNATION: NR NHL RTHL HABS HAER HESI HSI OTHER ~_ ORIGINAL USE residence

lo c a l

PRESENT USE residence RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDINGS essentially a corner l o t because i t i s next to a corner parking l o t ; large trees and well-kept yard with high, modern, i r o n fence; r e s i d e n t i a l neighborhood. ACREAGE/BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION BIBLIOGRAPHY RECORDED BY K.L. London DATE

less than one acre

INFORMANT Dwayne Q. Fuller A p r i l 2, 1980 PHOTO DATA 1 - 3 5 mm., Texas H i s t o r i c a l Comm.




Coop, Dr. B.F., House (Houston Heights MRA) Harris.County TEXAS

retubmlts ion nomination by parson or ioeal govarnmant ownar objactlon appaal

ar „, MAY 9 Working No. Fad . Rag. Data: Data Dum. dA9/^3 - c-/^i /?3

Act ion; A p C E P T « , k ^ T U R M^ /^ -yg?

R E J E C T Fadarai Agancy:

Substantlva Ravlaw: sampla raquest appeal .NR decision

Raviawar's comments:

Racom. /Cr i ter ia Reviewer Discipline Date

continuation sheet

'Nomination returned lo r : . . ^ t e c h n i c a l corrections cited beiow . ^ s u b s t a n t i v e r e s s o n s d iscussad balow

1. N a m e

3 . L o c a t i o n

3 . C l a a a i f i c a t i o n

4 . O w n e r of Proper ty

5 . L o c a t i o n of L e g a l Deacr ip t ion

6. P e p r e s e n t a t i o n in Ex ia t ing S u r v e y s

7. P e s c r i p t i o n

summsry psrsgrsph completeness cisri ty alterations/integrity dstes

mmlm * l Q n

8. S ign i f i cance

(ki mm I

summary paragraph completeness clari ty applicable cr i ter ia just i f icat ion of areas

checked relating significance to

the resource -context relationship of integri ty

to significance just i f icat ion of exception other

9. M a j o r B i b l i o g r a p i i i c a l R e f e r e n c e s

^ 1 0 . Oeograph ica l Data


11. Form Prepared By

12 . S t a t e H i s t o r i c P r e s e r v a t i o n O f f i c e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n ^ l a a^wlualatf alQnMoanca of tftia pioparty wMMn ttia aiala la:

1 3 . Other

Maps Photographs Other

Questions concerning th is nomination may be directed to

ftianeri { ^ ^ ( ^ ^ - 6 0 ^ ^ . J ^ ^ ^ f - ^ - ^ Ha fa Phone: 202 272 - 3 5 0 4 3 -frr.3

Comments for any Item may be cont inued on an attached sheet

NPS Form 10-tOO-« OMB No. 1024-0018 0-*2) Exp. X>-31-84

United States Department of the Interior ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ National Park Service For NPS use only



N a t i o n a l Reg i s t e r o f H i s t o r i c P l a c e s I n v e n t o r y — N o m i n a t i o n Form | | |

Continuation sheet Item numljer Page - ^ - l l

. V

Multiple Resource Area d n r - l l Thematic Gioup

Name Houston Heights Mul t i p l e Resource Area State Texas

Nomination/Type of Review Date/Signature

1. All Saints Roman Catholic Ch}^(^^ "/Keeper <^A^-

National B««iBter Attest

2. Allbach House Bubstantive iiev.„, ^^^^^^ .AcCcr^x^^^Cxc^^'tT^Ai^


3. Banta House fctsred I n tka / ^ e p e r ,Ali^^^*'^>.^'<J^^yz..^ ^ A ? - / ^ national Register * ^ / ^ ^ ^ ^ '


4. Borgstrom House ^ J o ^ ^ e ^ t e r Tfl^^eper ( y U L ^ ^ u ^ ^ V ^ - ^ Q ^ ^ / y ^


5. Building at 430 Harvard Street rXeeper ry(Li-A.<^-^..^»-^\^ry<.^^ ^A'-Zi Entared I n tafl ^ ^ ^ ^ ' National Reffater Attest

6. Burge House Entered In tlie A'PTeeper r)AuM-i.-<^4-.y/%^<^ national Register ^


7. Bu.n.„ House DOE^oWNER^OBJ^frai^^'^^^^w^^^4^

8. Cole, Judge Robert L., House Keeper fZ^ffbL^^S^^iMrL.i ^PJ/i-


9. Coop, Dr. B. F., House |^tio^^BegtBter Keeper ^A^^h


10. Countryman House Entered i n the |^teeper ^X^-t-^£-^>c.c^_y^y^,-a^ ^ / ^ - y ^ j National Register


WASO Form - 177 ( "R" June 1984)




Coop, Dr. B.F . , House (Houston Heights MRA) Harris County TEXAS

Worl<ing No. Sy9/'^^

[ 2 . resubmission • nomination by person or local government • owner objection EH appeal

Substantive Review: CH sample

Fed. Reg. Date: Date Due: Action:


2_ • ^ "^A

Federal Agency:

• request n appeal • NR decision

Reviewer's comments:

Recom./Criteria. Reviewer Discipline Date

see continuation sheet

Nomination returned for: .technical corrections cited below .substantive reasons discussed below

1. Name

2. Location

3. Classification

Category Ownership Public Acquisition



Present Use

4. Owner of Property

5. Location of Legal Description

6. Representation in Existing Surveys

Has this property been determined eligible? • yes CH no

7. Desc r i p t i on



CH good

• fair

I I deteriorated

I I ruins

CH unexposed

Check one



Check one

original site

moved date.

Describe the present and original (if known) physical appearance

CH summary paragraph CH completeness CH clarity I I alterations/integrity • dates I I boundary selection

8. Significance

Period Areas of Significance-Check and justify below

Specific dates Builder/Architect Statement of Significance (in one paragraph)

• summary paragraph CH completeness CH clarity CH applicable criteria CH justification of areas checked CH relating significance to the resource • context CH relationship of integrity to significance CH justification of exception CH other

9. Major Bibliographical References

10. Geographical Data

Acreage of nominated property Quadrangle name UTM References

Verbal boundary description and justification

11. Form Prepared By

12. State Historic Preservation Officer Certification The evaluated significance of this property within the state is:

national state local

State Historic Preservation Officer signature

title date

13. Other

CH Maps CH Photographs • Other

Questions concerning this nomination may be directed to .

Signed Date Phone:

Comments for any item may be continued on an attached sheet

Please refer to the map in the

Multiple Property Cover Sheet

for this property

Multiple Property Cover Sheet Reference Number: 6 4 0 0 0 8 4 7
