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Universal service measurement domains for Collective Force technology solution

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  • 7/29/2019 Universal service measurement domains for Collective Force technology solution


    Collective Force

    32 Universal Service Domain DefinitionsDecember 2012

    Economic Well-being Emotional Well-being Physical Well-being Knowledge Attainment

    Basic Needs Community Engagement Early Childhood Health& Development

    Basic Literacy

    Child CareCultural

    Identity/AwarenessFunctional Ability English Language Skills

    Employment Family Functioning Health Care Formal Education

    Financial Assets Mental Health Nutrition Job Readiness

    Financial ManagementPsychosocial/

    Environmental StressorsPhysical Environment Life Skills

    Housing/Shelter Relationships Physical Health Parenting Skills

    Immigration Status Social Support Network Physical Safety School Readiness

    Income Substance Abuse

    Public Benefits


  • 7/29/2019 Universal service measurement domains for Collective Force technology solution


    Economic Well-being Scales

    Page 1

    Thriving (9-10)

    Makes own purchases and choices for food. Making own choices and purchases on

    clothing. Utilities are current and not in fear of shut off.

    Safe (7-8)

    Reliable food supplies only limited by moderate income. Secure clothing sources only

    limited by moderate income. Secure utility coverage not subsidized by charity care payprograms. Children no longer qualify for free lunch programs.

    Stable (5-6)

    Secure / subsidized food supply. Children on free/reduced lunch program. Access to

    necessary seasonal clothing. Adequate utility coverage with subsidy.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Receiving food stamps / food boxes. Children on free/reduced lunch. Accessing

    community resources. Accessing clothing banks. Frequent shut off notices.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Eating at shelters. No food in cupboard. Unaware of resources within community. No

    clothing besides what's on their back. No change of season clothing. Utilities shut off.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Ample resources to support choice of licensed childcare or dependable friends and

    family childcare options that provide safe settings with adequate supervision.

    Safe (7-8)

    Sufficient resources to support limited choice of licensed childcare or dependable friends

    and family childcare options that provide safe settings with adequate supervision.

    Stable (5-6)Limited resources to support narrow choice of licensed or dependable friends and familychildcare options that provide safe settings with adequate supervision.

    Vulnerable (3-4) Insufficient resources. Temporary, subsidized, or inconsistent childcare.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    No access to childcare. Child is unsupervised and unsafe. Parent is unable to work due

    to lack of access.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Maintains permanent full-time employment with adequate income and benefits for at

    least one year with the same employer

    Safe (7-8)

    Full-time employment, adequate pay and/or benefits. Six months to one year at

    current employer

    Stable (5-6)

    Full-time employment, adequate pay and/or benefits. Less than six months at current


    Vulnerable (3-4) Part-time employment, no benefits OR temporary or seasonal employment, no benefits

    In-Crisis (0-2) Unemployed

    Employment stability & status

    Financial Assets

    Cash, credit, property

    Basic Needs

    Access to food, clothing, and utilities

    Childcare availability and choice



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    Economic Well-being Scales

    Page 2

    Thriving (9-10)

    Cash in the bank. 3-6 months of living expenses in the bank. Debt paid off (other than

    mortgage). Ownership of home or property. Good credit score (600 or better)

    Safe (7-8)

    Cash in the bank. Emergency funds of 1-3 months in the bank. Credit repair in process.

    Ownership of home or property.

    Stable (5-6) Some cash on hand. Aware of bad credit and its effect.

    Vulnerable (3-4)Limited cash on hand & borrowing from family or friends. Aware of bad credit & itseffect.

    In-Crisis (0-2) No cash on hand. Borrowing for friends and family. Bad credit or no credit.

    Thriving (9-10) Housing of choice (home ownership or nonsubsidized rental housing)

    Safe (7-8) Safe and secure nonsubsidized. Choices limited due to moderate income

    Stable (5-6)

    Safe and secure subsidized rental, Section 8, or public housing OR marginally adequate

    unsubsidized housing

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Temporary/Transitional housing OR unaffordable housing OR eviction notice/imminent

    risk of losing housing OR unsafe housing

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Temporary shelter OR Doubled Up/Couch surfing OR Homeless OR unsafe housing with

    severe risk to health & safety

    Thriving (9-10)

    Individual immigration needs met, based on the individuals eligibility and related

    immigration goals- includes the following:

    Work permit

    Removal proceedings terminated

    Lawful Permanent Residency approvedNaturalization approved

    Safe (7-8)

    Application filed, pending

    Case approved (including cases such as Non-immigrant status, Deferred Action, or

    Unlawful Presence Waiver)

    Stable (5-6)

    Received legal consultation, has understanding of rights and responsibilities and options

    Received legal consultation, has understanding of rights and responsibilities, no

    immigration options identified but has gained an understanding of their current legal


    Case accepted for representation, preparation stage

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Received immigration information through a charla (group presentation), educational

    video or brochure, television interview or other, that pertains to the individuals facts

    and in some manner increases their understanding of rights and responsibilities and/or

    allows self-identification for potential eligibility

    Received legal consultation, option(s) identified

    Immigration Status

    Achievement of immigration goals

    Affordability, stability, safety, and sustainability of housing


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    Economic Well-being Scales

    Page 3

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Undocumented and without understanding or knowledge of rights and responsibilities,

    options of eligibility for immigration benefits (if any), including undocumented victims of

    domestic violence/serious crimes

    In Removal Proceedings and without understanding of rights and responsibilities,

    options of eligibility for immigration relief (if any)

    Petitioner (U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident) who would like to assist foreign-

    born family members, but does not have the understanding or knowledge or rights andresponsibilities, and the process involved

    Thriving (9-10)

    Income is sufficient and stable, adequate for paying monthly bills, and provides for

    regular savings and some non-essential purchases

    Safe (7-8)

    Income is sufficient and stable, adequate for paying monthly bills, but provides for little

    savings or non-essential purchases

    Stable (5-6) Income is adequate for meeting basic needs

    Vulnerable (3-4) Income is inadequate for meeting basic needs

    In-Crisis (0-2) No income. Basic needs are not met

    Thriving (9-10)

    Has moved into self-sufficiency utilizing public benefits for which they are eligible or no

    long requires public benefits.

    Safe (7-8)

    Fully accessing or utilizing public benefits for which they are eligible, which covers all of

    their basic needs.

    Stable (5-6)

    Mostly accessing or utilizing public benefits for which they are eligible, which covers

    most of their basic needs

    Vulnerable (3-4)Partially accessing or utilizing public benefits for which they are eligible, which coverssome of their basic needs.

    In-Crisis (0-2) Not receiving any public benefits, and basic needs are not met.

    Thriving (9-10) Always has choice of reliable transportation that meets all needs.

    Safe (7-8) Usually has choice of reliable transportation that meets all needs

    Stable (5-6) Usually has access to reliable transportation that meets basic needs

    Vulnerable (3-4) Rarely has access to transportation that meets basic needs

    In-Crisis (0-2) Does not have access to meet transportation needs

    Amount of need that public benefit utilization addresses


    Reliability, choice, and access of transport


    Ability of income to meet needs

    Public Benefits

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    Emotional Well-being Scales

    Page 1

    Thriving (9-10)

    Active, voluntary involvement in two or more parameters (i.e., voter/civic organization,

    family, neighborhood, advocacy).

    Safe (7-8)

    Ongoing participation in one of the following: voter/civic participation, family,

    neighborhoods and/or community involvement, advocacy

    Stable (5-6)There is an awareness of community issues and support systems with a history ofsporadic involvement

    Vulnerable (3-4) There is a lack of involvement in the community/neighborhood

    In-Crisis (0-2) Not applicable due to crisis situation; in "survival" mode

    Thriving (9-10)

    Choosing aspects of both dominant & native culture. Speaks English & other languages

    (May speak English in public, other language at home or when with members of own

    group). Blending of cultures, integrates cultures seamlessly. Open mind, healthy sense

    of cultural identity, able to participate successfully in their own cultural community, as

    well as in another. Actively seeks to understand cultural norms and expectations of

    others. Has knowledge, skills, attitude needed to function effectively within own

    community, with other cultures, in the civic culture of their nation, and the global


    Safe (7-8)

    Can differentiate individual cultural perspectives. Able to clarify their cultural identity,

    and has developed clarified positive attitude toward their cultural group. Individual

    achieves an identity they are comfortable with. More aware of their background,

    culture and that of others.

    Stable (5-6)

    Difficulty in understanding own identity in the context of micro culture and macroculture. Tends to reject dominant culture, speaks only native language, holds on to

    native cultural framework. May not speak English even after having lived in US for many

    years. Believes their ethnic group is superior to others.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Rejecting of native culture, speaks English only, adopts dominant aspects of US culture.

    Internalizes dominant group perspectives and attempts to be more like that group.

    Resulting emotions may be self-rejection and low self esteem. Has internalized negative

    stereotypes & beliefs about their cultural group. Questions own identity.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Unaware of differences between cultures, races, unaware of own back ground. Neither

    acknowledges nor engages in native culture or language. Rejects native culture with noconnection to other cultures. Does not identify with any cultural group.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Communication is consistently open. Family members feel very positively about their

    family. Family members easily express warmth and caring towards each other. Conflicts

    are rare, and are resolved effectively. Family often participates in activities together.

    Assesses conflict, communication, cohesiveness, and positive feelings in family

    Community Engagement

    Participation of an individual in their community

    Cultural Identity/Awareness

    Strength of an individual's cultural identity and their ability to function in diversity

    Family Functioning

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    Emotional Well-being Scales

    Page 2

    Safe (7-8)

    Communication is often open. Family members often feel positively about their family.

    Family members usually feel comfortable expressing warmth and caring towards each

    other. Conflicts are occasional, but are usually resolved effectively. Family occasionally

    participates in activities together.

    Stable (5-6)

    Communication is sometimes open. Family members sometimes feel positively about

    their family. Family members sometimes feel comfortable expressing warmth andcaring towards each other. Conflicts are occasional, and are sometimes resolved

    effectively. Family sometimes participates in activities together.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Communication is rarely open. Family members rarely feel positively about their family.

    Family members rarely feel comfortable expressing warmth and caring towards each

    other. Conflicts are frequent, and are sometimes resolved effectively. Family rarely

    participates in activities together. Potential for abuse or neglect

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Communication is often abusive. Family members do not feel positively about their

    family. Family members do not feel comfortable expressing warmth and caring towards

    each other. Serious conflicts are frequent, and are rarely resolved effectively. Family

    does not participate in activities together. Child abuse, domestic violence is present or

    there is child neglect.

    Thriving (9-10)

    81-100: Absent or minimal symptoms, good functioning in all areas, interested and

    involved in a wide range of activities, socially effective, generally satisfied with life, no

    more than everyday problems or concerns. Superior functioning in wide range of

    activities, lifes problems never seem to get out of hand, is sought out by others for

    his/her qualities, No Symptoms

    Safe (7-8)

    71-80: If symptoms are present they are transient and expectable reactions to

    psychosocial stressors, no more than slight impairment in social, occupational and

    school functioning

    Stable (5-6)

    51-70: Moderate symptoms OR moderate difficulty in school, social, occupational, or

    school functioning. Some mild symptoms OR some difficulty in social, occupational or

    school functioning. But generally functioning pretty well, has some meaningful

    interpersonal relationships

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    31-50: Some impairment in reality testing, communication. Major impairment at school,

    family relations, judgment, thinking or mood. Serious symptoms, OR serious impairment

    socially, occupationally, or in school.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    0-30: Persistent danger of hurting self and/or others. Serious Suicidal act w/ expectation

    of death. Inability to maintain minimum personal. Behavior influenced by delusions or

    hallucinations or serious impairment in communication, judgment.

    Mental Health

    Utilizing the Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (GAF)

    Psychosocial/Environmental Stressors

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    Emotional Well-being Scales

    Page 3

    Thriving (9-10)

    Impact of current or past trauma or other stressor has NO or SLIGHT LIMIT on the family

    or family member's ability to achieve self-sufficiency/function appropriately. No more

    than everyday issues and is able to negotiate solutions to problems as they arise.

    Remains focused on goals.

    Safe (7-8)

    Impact of current or past trauma or other stressor MINIMALLY or OCCASIONALLY LIMITS

    the family or family member's ability to achieve self-sufficiency/function appropriately.

    Problems are transient and not unexpected and can be addressed as they arise with little


    Stable (5-6)

    Impact of current or past trauma or other stressor MILDLY or MODERATELY LIMITS the

    family or family member's ability to achieve self-sufficiency/function appropriately.

    Moderate incidence of substance abuse, lack of behavioral control, difficulties with

    cognition, and/or health issues.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Impact of current or past trauma or other stressor CONSIDERABLY or SERIOUSLY LIMITS

    the family or family member's ability to achieve self-sufficiency/function appropriately.

    Indicators include considerable incidence of substance abuse, lack of behavioral

    control, difficulties with cognition, and/or frequent health issues.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Impact of current or past trauma or other stressor PREVENTS or SEVERELY LIMITS the

    family or family member's ability to achieve self-sufficiency/function appropriately.

    Indicators include high incidence of substance abuse, lack of behavioral control,

    difficulties with cognition, and/or frequent health issues.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Individuals consistently develop and maintain supportive, long-term relationships.

    Healthy communication and conflict resolution skills are practiced regularly in present

    relationship. Individuals have a strong commitment to one another and understand the

    importance of consistently nurturing and working on the relationship.

    Safe (7-8)

    Individuals utilize and practice skills needed to maintain safe, healthy and trusting

    relationships. Communication within present relationship is mutually respectful,

    productive, and open. There is a sense of friendship, fondness, familiarity and

    interconnectedness within present relationship.

    Stable (5-6)

    Individuals have basic understanding of the skills needed to maintain safe and healthy

    relationships. Reciprocity is present in current relationship, with open and constructive

    communication most of the time. Individuals have the capacity to engage in problem

    solving, exercise self control and participate in reconciliation after arguments and



    Intimate partner relationships

    The same situation may be experienced at different intensities by different families. Use the labels below as they apply

    to the family in consideration. Rate only stressors that interfere with the familys ability to become/remain self-

    sufficient. If no such stressors are present, score as 10. Examples of stressors: Domestic violence, child abuse/neglect,

    legal problems, divorce, death of loved one, victim of crime, immigration, incarceration, stressful relationships, family

    discord, marital problems, dissatisfaction with work, parent/child problems, victim of natural disaster or fire.

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    Emotional Well-being Scales

    Page 4

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    History of unsafe relationships. Individuals have minimal skills to maintain safe and

    healthy relationships. Present relationship is characterized by high levels of conflict and

    distress. Communication is minimal and counterproductive, complicated by contempt,

    criticism, escalation, and withdrawal.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Currently at risk for intimate partner or family violence. Individuals have a history of

    intimate partner or family violence in past relationships. Present relationship consumedby negativity. Individuals are disconnected emotionally and there is resistance to work

    on improving the relationship.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Has a strong, supportive family and/or friends, and has access to formal social support


    Safe (7-8)

    Has adequately supportive within family and/or friends, and has access to formal social

    support networks

    Stable (5-6)

    May or may not have supportive family and/or friends, but has access and utilized

    formal social support networks

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Lack of family/friend support and minimal access/utilization of formal social support


    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Severe isolation. Absence of family/friend support and absence of formal social support


    Thriving (9-10)

    Uses substances in an appropriate manner. No impact on household needs, family

    dynamics, or personal health due to substance use

    Safe (7-8)

    Occasional misuse of substances, but generally uses in an appropriate manner.

    Substance use has no impact on household needs, family dynamics, or personal health

    Stable (5-6)

    Occasional abuse of substances. Substance use has tendency to result in negative

    consequences for household needs, family dynamics, and/or personal health

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Significant abuse of substances, resulting in chronic family, household, and/or personal

    health difficulties.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Meets criteria for severe abuse/dependence; resulting problems so severe thatinstitutional living or hospitalization may be required. Household needs are unmet due

    to substance abuse. Has severe family dynamic and health problems.

    We differentiate between substance abuse affects on personal health, family dynamics and household needs (food,

    shelter, etc.)

    Social Support Network

    Social support is split between informal (family and/or friends) and formal social support networks (church, clubs, etc.)

    Substance Abuse

  • 7/29/2019 Universal service measurement domains for Collective Force technology solution


    Physical Well-being Scales

    Page 1

    Thriving (9-10)

    Child is on target in all developmental domains (physical, social emotional, cognitive);

    child shows secure attachment to a primary caregiver; child is up to date on

    immunizations; child is free of communicable disease and accidental, unintentional, or

    intentional injuries; child has good oral hygiene and dental health.

    Safe (7-8)

    Child exhibits many of the above characteristics. Development and health concerns are

    identified and being treated.

    Stable (5-6)

    Child exhibits some of the above characteristics. Development and health concerns are

    identified and being treated.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Child exhibits only a few of the above characteristics. Development and health concerns

    are formally identified.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Child does not exhibit any of the above characteristics. Development and health

    concerns are apparent; however concerns have not been formally identified.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Performs activities of daily living with the least amount of assistance. Has stable,

    consistent support system. Sense of enjoyment, self-actualization. Able to focus


    Safe (7-8)

    Performs activities of daily living with minimal assistance. Manages household tasks.

    Identifies and communicates needs. Improved quality of life.

    Stable (5-6)

    Performs activities of daily living with assistance. Accessing services at home and in the

    community. Engaged in treatment for mental health/substance abuse.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Intermittent ability to perform activities of daily living. Barriers to daily living

    supports/assistance (mental health status, substance abuse). Living situation tenuous

    due to health/safety risks.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Deficient in three or more activities of daily living. Unable to safely live independently.

    Significant lack of supports. Refusing services, or services not accessible.

    Thriving (9-10) Has ability to access choice of health care options; coverage comprehensive to adequate

    Safe (7-8) Has some form of health insurance, but may strain budget; coverage adequate

    Stable (5-6)

    Only vulnerable members (e.g. children or disabled) but not all household members

    have coverage; coverage limited to adequate

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    No medical coverage and great difficulty accessing medical care when needed. Some

    household members may be in poor health.

    In-Crisis (0-2) No medical coverage and has an immediate need.

    Ability to access health care

    Early Childhood Health and Development

    Status regarding developmental milestones and appropriate identification and treatment if needed

    Functional Ability

    Ability to perform activities of daily living

    Health Care

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    Physical Well-being Scales

    Page 2

    Thriving (9-10)

    Always has resources and knowledge to purchase and prepare nutritious food of choice;

    universally does so

    Safe (7-8)

    Usually has resources and knowledge to purchase and prepare nutritious food; typically

    does so

    Stable (5-6)Has sufficient knowledge and personal/community resources to obtain and preparefood, although may not be nutritious.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Has little knowledge of and unable to buy and/or prepare some types of food. Food

    often is not nutritious.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    No food readily available. Lacks knowledge and/or resources to obtain and/or prepare


    Thriving (9-10)

    Is safe and/or healthy in primary residence/immediate community all the time. Has

    convenient access to public transportation, healthy food, and green spaces.

    Safe (7-8)

    Is unsafe and/or unhealthy in primary residence/immediate community occasionally.

    Has access to public transportation, healthy food, and green spaces.

    Stable (5-6)

    Is unsafe and/or unhealthy in primary residence/immediate community at various times

    (at night, etc). Has limited access to public transportation, healthy food, and green


    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Is unsafe and/or unhealthy in primary residence/immediate community most of the

    time. Has very limited access to public transportation, healthy food, and green spaces.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Is unsafe and/or unhealthy in primary residence/immediate community at all times. Has

    no access to public transportation, healthy food, and green spaces.

    Thriving (9-10)

    No chronic illness and maintaining pro-active preventative medical and dental care


    Safe (7-8)

    No chronic illness or stable chronic illness and maintaining good preventative medical

    and dental health care practices.

    Stable (5-6)

    Chronic illness generally well managed and attempting to make and keep routine

    medical and dental appointments.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Chronic medical conditions, potentially life threatening, with inconsistent follow up with


    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Untreated chronic medical, life threatening conditions with inconsistent to minimal

    follow up with care.

    Physical Health

    Health status and behaviors that contribute to health status

    Physical Safety

    Home and interpersonal relationship safety


    Access, choice, and knowledge of resources relating to food/nutrition

    Physical Environment

    Specifically community surrounding client's primary residence

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    Physical Well-being Scales

    Page 3

    Thriving (9-10) Is safe and stable

    Safe (7-8) Is safe, however future is uncertain, safety planning is important

    Stable (5-6) Safety is minimally adequate, safety planning is essential

    Vulnerable (3-4) Safety is threatened, temporary protection is available, lethality is high

    In-Crisis (0-2) Is not safe, lethality is high, possible Child Protective Services involvement

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    Knowledge Attainment Scales

    Page 1

    Thriving (9-10)

    Begins to combine the elements of reading and written language in complex, cognitively

    demanding situations. Able to use skills as a means of learning content areas

    Safe (7-8)

    Begin to tailor reading or written language skills to meet communication and learning

    demands with increased accuracy. Able to identify & understand more concrete details

    and some major abstract concepts.

    Stable (5-6)

    Developing more reading or written language skills. Able to identify and understand more

    concrete details.

    Vulnerable (3-4) Little reading or written language skills. Beginning to understand a few concrete details.

    In-Crisis (0-2) No reading or written language skills

    Thriving (9-10)

    Able to read, demonstrate comprehension of complex and abstract grade level info. Able

    to speak & write using extensive range of complex language with accuracy and fluency

    that resembles native English speakers. Orally express ideas using complex grammar with

    minor error, communicate with few grammatical and syntactical errors. Can read

    passages with complex language, vocabulary. Able to organize information accurately

    using complex sentence structures, advanced grammar and transitions.

    Safe (7-8)

    Not yet independent at grade level but able to read and demonstrate some

    comprehension of some grade level fluency, increasing complex language and can write

    with adequate accuracy & fluency. Orally express ideas and interact successfully in most

    social situations. Can read approaching grade level. Able to locate information, infer

    meaning most of the time, can interpret meaning, evaluate purpose of text. Use of

    complex language. Can organize written info in clear sentences making connections and

    transitions supporting details, most of the time.

    Stable (5-6)

    Able to read & demonstrate comprehension of limited grade level info with significant

    support. Able to speak using some complex language and write simple academic

    language with some accuracy & fluency. Can listen to and demonstrate some information

    across a range of social situations & subject areas & incorporate academic vocabulary.

    Can emulate others, use prescribed samples with some errors, increasing accuracy in

    expressing ideas across subject areas in a limited number of clear sentences.

    Vulnerable (3-4)

    Able to read & demonstrate comprehension of simple or highly contextualized

    information with limited fluency. Able to speak & write using simple language with limited

    accuracy, fluency. Orally expresses ideas & interact with others on a limited basis and

    with frequent grammatical and syntactical errors, can read simple text and demonstrate

    literal understanding with reduced language complexity.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Minimal to no English Language proficiency. Able to read and demonstrate

    comprehension of basic grade level information. Able to speak and write using basic

    language with limited fluency, accuracy. Can repeat & mimic English language w/o

    comprehension of the words, may use gestures to communicate meaning. Very limited

    or no range of simple & basic language, very limited or no comprehension.

    Formal Education - Children

    Child educational status

    Thriving (9-10)

    Post-secondary education or specialized training (certificate program, associates,

    bachelors, masters, doctorate). Certification or license from a one-year or longer training


    Child enrolled and attending on a regular basis. Is

    actively engaged in learning and meets/exceeds grade

    level requirements

    Safe (7-8)

    Certification or license from a training program less than one year long. Actively pursuing

    post-secondary education or specialized training (certificate program, associates,


    Enrolled in school, attending classes most of the time,

    and is making progress. Meets grade level


    Stable (5-6) High school diploma or GED.

    Enrolled in school, attending classes most of the time,

    but academic improvement may be needed. No

    significant behavioral or attendance issues

    Vulnerable (3-4) Does not have a high school diploma or GED

    Child enrolled in school with significant behavioral,

    academic, and/or attendance issues that severely

    impacts educational success

    In-Crisis (0-2) 8th grade or less completed Child not attending school

    Formal educational attainment

    Basic Literacy

    Reading and written language skills in any language

    English Language Skills

    Ability to communicate in English through oral, written, and reading

    Formal Education - Adult

  • 7/29/2019 Universal service measurement domains for Collective Force technology solution


    Knowledge Attainment Scales

    Thriving (9-10)

    Combination of consistent work history of 5+ years and skill level/education to ensure

    rapid re-employment and advancement in multiple fields

    Safe (7-8)

    Consistent work history of two to five years. Has skills that offer potential for obtaining a

    comparable position in occupation with some opportunity for advancement.

    Stable (5-6)

    Consistent work history of one to two years. Has some skills that offer potential for

    obtaining a comparable positionVulnerable (3-4) Limited or inconsistent work history of less than one year and limited skills.

    In-Crisis (0-2)

    Individual has negative or no work history, lacks skills, and is unable to obtain and retain

    any employment in any industry.

    Thriving (9-10)

    Parent always demonstrates the following behaviors: Enjoys the child and expresses

    warmth and love; shows sensitivity to the child's feelings, needs, and/or interests; uses

    effective, firm, but loving guidance; responds appropriately to the child's behaviors/needs

    (doesn't ignore or overreact); adjusts environment and responses to child's temperament

    and needs; engages in reciprocal interactions, conversations, or play involving turn-

    taking; provides encouragement (both verbal and nonverbal) for developmental


    Safe (7-8) Parent demonstrates the above behaviors most of the time

    Stable (5-6) Parent demonstrates the above behaviors some of the time

    Vulnerable (3-4) Parent seldom demonstrates the above behaviors

    In-Crisis (0-2) Parent does not yet demonstrate the above behaviors

    Thriving (9-10)

    Child demonstrates 7 or more of the following school readiness characteristics:

    Excitement toward learning, ability to talk about thoughts and feelings, ability to listen to

    others, desire to be independent, ability to play well with others and take turns, ability to

    follow simple instructions, ability to hold and use pencil or crayon, ability to recognize

    numbers or letters

    Safe (7-8) Child demonstrates 5 or 6 of the above characteristics

    Stable (5-6) Child demonstrates 3 or 4 of the above characteristics

    Vulnerable (3-4) Child demonstrates 1 or 2 of the above characteristics

    In-Crisis (0-2) Child does not yet demonstrate any of the above characteristics

    School Readiness

    Based on info from Oregon state website on Kindergarten Readiness

    Job Readiness

    Work history and employable skills

    Parenting Skills

    Adapted from Childrens Relief Nursery and Parent Behavior Rating Sca le
