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Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business ... · Bachelor of Science in Business Adm...

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Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business International Undergraduate Program Program Overview The IUP-FEUI offers two study programs: Double-Degree and Single-Degree program. The Double-Degree program offers two bachelor degrees from two highly reputable universies, namely Sarjana Ekonomi (SE) from Universitas Indonesia and another corresponding bachelor degree from its highly reputable partner university overseas, e.g. Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). While the Single-Degree program, a newly launched program, offers Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Science) degree from UI, complemented with internaonal experience by taking one or two semesters at partner university abroad. Through this program, students will enjoy the opportunity of establishing internaonal links and recognion while keeping their networking in Indonesia intact. The quality of the partner universies, which are among the best in the world, guarantees the best quality of teaching and learning experience for students. Furthermore, it provides the graduates with a compeve edge in highly demanding job market. Program Mechanism – Double Degree 2 years at IUP-FEUI and 2 years at the part- ner university Maximum duraon of the program is 6 years Specialisaon is to be taken at partner university aſter selecng the intended Study Program Eligibility for student transfer requires fulfilment of minimum passing grades at IUP-FEUI Admiance to overseas partner university depends on transfer requirements Dual bachelor degrees from FEUI and the corresponding economics and business faculty at the partner university abroad Program Mechanism – Single Degree The curriculum is designed for a normal period of 8 semesters (4 years) of total study at the IUP-FEUI, including taking 1 semester (semester 6) at reputable university overseas. The maximum duraon of the program is 12 semesters (6 years). Specializaon is to be taken at semester 3, 3 (three) specializaons are offered: ~Financial Economics ~Accounng ~Internaonal Business Management Degree awarded: Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Science). High School/High School Certificate Graduated from Indonesian high school approved by Ministry of Naonal Educaon (Kemendiknas) OR have a UN high school cerficate. Graduated from internaonal/ foreign high school accredited by Kemendiknas OR have a high school cerficate recognized by Kemendiknas as equivalent to UN. Graduated from Indonesian / internaonal / foreign high school with a cumulave of 12-year primary and secondary schooling with the following scheme sequence of primary – junior high – senior high: 6-3-3 5-3-4 6-4-2 4-4-4 Passed Kejar Paket C (Indonesian High School Cerficate Equivalence Test) for graduates from high schools in Indonesia who do not meet any of the criteria menoned in point ‘a’ to ‘c’ above.
Page 1: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business ... · Bachelor of Science in Business Adm inistration Tution fee: €6,900/year Living cost: €8,640 – 10,440/year Vrije

Universitas IndonesiaFaculty of Economics & BusinessInternational Undergraduate Program

Program OverviewThe IUP-FEUI offers two study programs: Double-Degree and Single-Degree program. The Double-Degree program offers two bachelor degrees from two highly reputable universities, namely Sarjana Ekonomi (SE) from Universitas Indonesia and another corresponding bachelor degree from its highly reputable partner university overseas, e.g. Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Bachelor of Commerce (BCom). While the Single-Degree program, a newly launched program, offers Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Science) degree from UI, complemented with international experience by taking one or two semesters at partner university abroad. Through this program, students will enjoy the opportunity of establishing international links and recognition while keeping their networking in Indonesia intact. The quality of the partner universities, which are among the best in the world, guarantees the best quality of teaching and learning experience for students. Furthermore, it provides the graduates with a competitive edge in highly demanding job market.

Program Mechanism– Double Degree2 years at IUP-FEUI and 2 years at the part-ner universityMaximum duration of the program is 6 yearsSpecialisation is to be taken at partner university after selecting the intended Study ProgramEligibility for student transfer requires fulfilment of minimum passing grades at IUP-FEUIAdmittance to overseas partner university depends on transfer requirementsDual bachelor degrees from FEUI and the corresponding economics and business faculty at the partner university abroad

Program Mechanism – Single DegreeThe curriculum is designed for a normal period of 8 semesters (4 years) of total study at the IUP-FEUI, including taking 1 semester (semester 6) at reputable university overseas.The maximum duration of the program is 12 semesters (6 years).Specialization is to be taken at semester 3, 3 (three) specializations are offered: ~Financial Economics ~Accounting ~International Business ManagementDegree awarded: Sarjana Ekonomi (Bachelor of Science).

High School/High School Certificate

Graduated from Indonesian high school approved by Ministry of National Education (Kemendiknas) OR have a UN high school certificate.Graduated from international/ foreign high school accredited by Kemendiknas OR have a high school certificate recognized by Kemendiknas as equivalent to UN.Graduated from Indonesian / international / foreign high school with a cumulative of 12-year primary and secondary schooling with the following scheme sequence of primary – junior high – senior high:6-3-3 5-3-46-4-2 4-4-4Passed Kejar Paket C (Indonesian High School Certificate Equivalence Test) for graduates from high schools in Indonesia who do not meet any of the criteria mentioned in point ‘a’ to ‘c’ above.

Page 2: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business ... · Bachelor of Science in Business Adm inistration Tution fee: €6,900/year Living cost: €8,640 – 10,440/year Vrije

Enrolment ProcedureAdmission Requirements

An Indonesian citizen or a foreign citizen with permission to study from Ministry of National Education (Kemendiknas)A graduate from national or foreign senior high school approved by Universitas IndonesiaHas achieved satisfactory academic record Has minimum TOEFL score of 500 (paper based), 173 (CBT), 61 (iBT) or IELTS score of 5.0 (local) and 5.5 (international students)

A pplication P rocess Inform ation D ate

F o r T alen t S co u tin g in take(o nly f o r s elec ted hig h s c ho o lsp art ic ip at ing in the talent s c o ut ingp ro g ram )

O nline reg is trat io nA p p lic at io n f ee: Rp 1,000,000A d m is s io n f ee: Rp 30,000,000*; Tuit io n f ee: Rp 28,000,00 0*/s em es ter (to b ep aid if the s tud ent is ac c ep ted in IUP )

Until A p r 21, 2011Feb 21 – A p r 29, 2011Feb 21 – A p r 29, 2011

F o r S IM AK in take O nline reg is trat io n at http : / /p enerim aan.ui.ac . idA pp lic at io n f ee: add it io nal of Rp 750,000 f o r reg is trat io n to Intern at io nal

Und erg rad uate P ro g ramReq uired d o c um ents :• Co m p leted o nline reg is trat io n f o rm• Rec ent p ho to s (4x 6)• TO E FL o r IE LTS(P leas e v is it ht tp : / /p enerim aan.ui.ac . id f o r m o re d etail)

E ntry tes t

A d m is s io n d ec is io n at www.ui.ac . id o r http : / /p enerim aan.ui.ac . idA d m is s io n f ee: Rp 30,000,000*; Tuit io n f ee: Rp 28,000,000*/s em es ter(to b e p aid if the s tud ent is ac c ep ted in IUP )

J un 03 – J un 24, 2011J un 03 – J un 24, 2011

J ul 3, 2011


Page 3: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business ... · Bachelor of Science in Business Adm inistration Tution fee: €6,900/year Living cost: €8,640 – 10,440/year Vrije

Requirements for University Transfer U niversity G P A

R equirem entP rogram s Fees

The U niv ersity of M elbourne– Fac ulty of E c onom ic s andB usiness

w w w .unim elb.edu.au

3.20spec ialization:• A c c ounting• B usiness• E c onom ic s• F inanc e• M anagem ent• M ark eting

Tution fee:A U D 31,776/y ear

Liv ing c ost:A U D 18,300 – 29,500/y ear

The U niv ersity ofQ ueensland – Fac ulty ofB usiness, E c onom ic s andLaw

w w w .uq.edu.au

2.75 B ac helor of :• C om m erc e (B C om )• E c onom ic s (B E c on)• B usiness (B B usM an)• B usiness M anagem ent (B B usM an)• International H otel and Tourism

M anagem ent (B IH TM )

Tution fee:A U D 27,675/y ear

Liv ing c ost:A U D 22,500 – 25,300/y ear

The U niv ersity of A delaide –Fac ulty of the P rofessions

w w w .adelaide.edu.au

2.65 B ac helor of :• C om m erc e (B C om )• E c onom ic s (B E c on)• F inanc e (B F in)

Tution fee:A U D 25,500/y ear

Liv ing c ost:+ A U D 24,700/y ear

B ac helor of C om m erc e (B C om ), w ith


Page 4: Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Economics & Business ... · Bachelor of Science in Business Adm inistration Tution fee: €6,900/year Living cost: €8,640 – 10,440/year Vrije

U niversity G P AR equirem ent

P rogram s Fees

The U niv ersity of A m sterdam – Fac ulty ofE c onom ic s and B usiness

w w w .english.uv a.nl

3.00 B ac helor of S c ienc e (B S c ) in:• International E c onom ic s and

F inanc e• B usiness S tudies

Tution fee:€ 9,000/y ear

Liv ing c ost:€ 10,200 – 15,600/y ear

T ilburg U niv ersity - T ilburg S c hool ofE c onom ic s and M anagem ent

w w w .tilburguniv ersity .nl

2.75 (subjec t toc hange)

B ac helor of S c ienc e (B S c ) in:• E c onom ic s• International B usiness

A dm inistration

Tution fee:€ 6,450/y ear

Liv ing c ost:€ 8,640 – 10,440/y ear

The U niv ersity of G roningen – Fac ulty ofE c onom ic s and B usiness

w w w .rug.nl

2.75 (O btained78 S K S )

B ac helor of S c ienc e in B usinessA dm inistration

Tution fee:€ 6,900/y ear

Liv ing c ost:€ 8,640 – 10,440/y ear

V rije U niv ersity of A m sterdam - Fac ulty ofE c onom ic s and B usiness A dm inistration

w w w .v u.nl

2.75 (subjec t toc hange)

B ac helor of S c ienc e (B S c ) inInternational B usinessA dm inistration

Tution fee:€ 9,000/y ear

Liv ing c ost:€ 10,200 – 15,600/y ear

R otterdam U niv ersity – R otterdamB usiness S c hool

w w w .rotterdam businesssc hool.nl

To be f inalizedthis y ear

B ac helor of B usiness A dm inistration(B B A ) in• International B usiness andM anagem ent S tudies• F inanc e and A c c ounting• M ark eting• Logistic s

To be f inalized this y ear

U niversity G P AR equirem ent

P rogram s Fees

Requirements for University Transfer – The Netherlands
