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UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter,...

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Page 1: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)






FP 1982 1

Page 2: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)





b y

Ramlah Mohamad

A The s is submit ted in part ial ful f i lment o f the requirement for the degree o f

Mas ter o f Agricul tura l Sc ience in the Univers i t i Pertanian Ma lays ia


Page 3: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

This thesis attached hereto, entitled "Effects of

Micronutrients (B, Cu,[t'c, lIn, Mo, Zn) On Plant Performance

and Yield Of Pinoapple CV::: Nauritius and Masmerah Planted On

Malaysian Virgin PeatSoils" prepared and submitted by

Ramlah bte Mohamad in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of Hactcr of Agricultural �cience (Soil

Fertility) is hereby accepted.

(Dr. It'an SulaimnE \'ian Harun) Chairmen.

�� ---=.:' :::::::::=======-- ..:...,. ----/ (Dr. Mohammad Hd. Ali) Internal Examiner.

(Dr. Alias Husin) Interns.l Examine"'.

Date: __ ' ::t-+_2-..,.f_f'_J ____ _


Page 4: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)



My sincere gratitude and thanks t o my supervisor, Associate

Professor Dr. Mohammad Md. Al i and my co-supervisor , Dr. Alias Husin,

for their guidance, c onstructive criticism s and invaluable suggestions .

I am also grateful t o the Director-General of Malaysian

Agriculture Research and Devel opment Institute for permitting me to

pursue my studi es as part-time student at Universiti Pertanian

Malaysia, Serdang, Selangnr . My sincere thanks also go t o Puan Sal biah

Hussin , Cawangan Statistik , MARDI, for her guidance and advice in

Stati stics and Fiel d Designs. I wi ll al ways rem em ber the dil igent and

c onsc ientious efforts of Encik Malik Ali, Encik Samsuri Saaban and

Encik Mal ik Hussin in carrying o ut the field work.

My spec ial thanks al s o go to Miss Tan T.K. for typing the

manu script .

I am al so grateful t o the following who have helped m e in one way

or another to complet e my studies : Dr. Sh ar iff Ahmad, Dr. Lee C.S.,

Dr. Tay T.H. an d Kakitangan , Cawangan Perkhidmatan Awam .

Page 5: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


TIl1..E PAGE i







AB3TRACT xviii



2. 1. The Pineapple, Ananas comosus ( L. ) Merr. 3

2. 1 . 1 . Cultivar Mauriti us 3

2. 1.2. Cultivar Masmerah 4

2.2. Malaysian Peat 4

2.2. 1. Distribution 4

2 . 2.2. Morphological characteristics 5

2.2.3. Chemical characteristics 6

2.2.4. Crops grown on peat soi ls 6

2.3. Functions and Deficiency Symptoms of Micron utrien ts, in Plants 7) 2.3. 1 . Boron 8

2.3.2. Copper 9

2.3.2. Manganese 1 1

2.3.4. Molybden um 1 3

2.3.5. Iron 1 5

2.3.6. Zinc 1 6

Page 6: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


3 . 1 .

3 . 2 .

3 . 3 .

3 . 4 .

Pot Experiment

3 . 1 . 1 .

3 . 1 . 2 .

3 . 1 . 3 .

3 . 1 . 4 .

3 . 1 . 5 .

3 . 1 . 6 .

3 . 1 . 7 .

S o i ls

Experiment a l des ign

Plant ing materia ls

Fer t i l iser applicat ion

Flower induct ion

Growth me asurements

Fruit we ight

F i e ld Experiment I .

3 . 2 . 1 . S o i l s

3 . 2 . 2 . Treatments and f ie ld layout

3 . 2 . 3 . Plan ting and weeding

3 . 2 . 4 . Growth measurements

3 . 2 . 5 . F lowe r induc t io n

3 . 2 . 6 . Fruit we ight

F ield Exper iment II

3 . 3 . 1 .

3 . 3 . 2 .

3 . 3 . 3 .

3 . 3 . 4 .

3 . 3 . 5 .


Treatments and f ield layout

Plant ing

Det ermina t ion of grow th measurements , f lower induct ion and fruit we ight

Samp l ing and prepa ra t ion of D- lea f

Field Expe riment I I I

3 . 4 . 1 .

3 . 4 . 2 .

3 . 4 . 3 .

3 . 4 . 4 .

3 . 4 . 5 .

Soi l s

T reatment s and f ield l ayout

Plant ing and weeding

Determina t ion of growth me as urements , f lower induct ion and f ruit we ight

Sampl ing and prepara t ion of D- lea f



1 8

1 8

1 8

1 9

1 9

2 3

2 3






2 6

2 7

2 7

2 8

2 8

2 8




3 1

3 1

3 1




Page 7: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


4 . 1 .

4 . 2 .

4 . 3 .

4 . 4 .

Defic ienc y Symptoms o f Micronut r ients (B, Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn) in Pineapple cvs Mauri t ius and Masmerah P la nted on V irg in Peat Soi ls

Pot Experiment

4 . 2 . 1 . Cu1tiva r Maur it ius

4 . 2 . 1 . 1 . Plant he ight

4 . 2 . 1 . 2 . Lea f number

4 . 2 . 1 . 3 . Fruit we ight

4 . 2 . 2 . Cu1t iva r Masmerah

4 . 2 . 2 . 1 . plant he ight

4 . 2 . 2 . 2 . Lea f number

4 . 2 . 2 . 3 . Fruit we ight

Field Exper iment I

4 . 3 . 1 . Cu1 t ivar Maurit ius

4 . 3 . 1 . 1 . Plant he ight

4 . 3 . 1 . 2 . Lea f number

4 . 3 . 1 . 3 . Fruit we ight

F i e ld Exper iment I I

4 . 4 . 1 . Cu1t iva r Maurit ius

4 . 4 . 1 . 1 . Plant he ight

4 . 4 . 1 . 2 . Lea f number

4 . 4 . 1 . 3 . Fresh and dry weights o f D- 1eaf

4 . 4 . 1 . 4 . Cu and Zn content o f D- 1eaf

4,4 . 1 . 5 . Fruit weight

4 . 4 . 2 . Cu1t ivar Masmerah

4 . 4 . 2 . 1 . Plant he ight

4 . 4 . 2 . 2 . Lea f number

4 . 4 . 2 . 3 . Fresh and dry we ights o f D-1eaf

4 . 4 . 2 . 4 . Cu and Zn content o f D- 1eaf

4 . 4 . 2 . 5 . Fruit we ight,






4 1

4 3

4 3

4 3


4 7

4 7

4 7

4 7






5 1

5 3

5 5





6 8



Page 8: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

4 . 5 . F ie ld Experiment III

4 . 5 . 1 . Cultivar Mauritius

4 . 5 . 1 . 1 . Plant he ight

4 . 5 . 1 . 2 . Leaf number

4 . 5 . 1 . 3 . Fresh and dry weights of D-leaf

4 . 5 . 1 . 4 . Fruit weight

4 . 5 . 2 . Cultivar Masmerah

4 . 5 . 2 . 1 . P lant he ight

4 . 5 . 2 . 2 . Leaf number

4 . 5 . 2 . 3 . Fresh and dry we ights o f D- leaf

4 . 5 . 2 . 4 . iruit we ight


5 . 1 .

5 . 2 .

5 . 3 .

Defic iency Symptoms o f Micronutrients (B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn) on P ineapple cvs Mauritius and Masmerah

E ffects of Micronutrients (B , Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn) on Plant He ight , Leaf Number , Fresh and Dry We ights o f D- leaf , Cu and Zn- content o f D- leaf and Fruit We ight of cv Maur itius

5 . 2 . 1 .

5 . 2 . 2 .

5 . 2 . 3 .

5 . 2 . 4 .

5 . 2 . 5 .

Plant he ight

Leaf number

Fresh and dry-we ights o f D- leaf

Cu and Zn- content o f D- leaf

Fruit we ight

E f fects of Micronutr ients (B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn) on Plant He ight , Leaf Number , Fresh and Dry We ights of D-l ea f , eu and Zn-content of D-lea f a nd Fruit

We ight of cv Masmerah

5 . 3 . 1 .

5 . 3 . 2 .

5 . 3 . 3 .

5 . 3 . 4 .

5 . 3 . 5 .

P lant he ight

Leaf number

Fresh and dry-we ights of D- 1 eaf

Cu and Zn-content of D- 1eaf

Fruit weight




7 6

7 7

7 7














9 8







Page 9: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)






1 1 1

Page 10: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


1 .

2 .

3 .

4 .


6 .

7 .

8 .

9 .

10 .

1 1 .

1 2 .

13 .

1" ""T.

15 .

1 6 .


Rates of fert i l iser used in the expe r iment

Proport ions o f fer t i l isers applied

Leve ls of micronutrients us ed in the exper iment

Levels of P , Cu, and Zn used in the expe riment

Level s of Cu and Zn us ed in the expe riment

Analys is of variance on the main and two- factor intera c t ion e ffec ts of B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on monthly p lant he ight of cv Mauri t ius (pot experiment )

Main and inte rac t i on e ffec ts of B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo, Zn on mean plant he ight of cv Maurit ius (pot expe r iment)

Analys is of var iance of the main and two- fac tor interaction effects of B, Cu, Fe, Mn , Mo , Zn on monthly mean leaf number per plant of cv Maurit ius (pot exper iment)

Main and interac t i on effects of B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on mean leaf number per plant of cv Maur it ius (pot exper iment)

Analys is of variance of the main and two-fac tor interact ion effects of B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on fruit we ight , fruit leng th and diameter, core length and diameter , fruit sugar and ac id content of cv Maur it ius (pot expe r iment)

Main and interac t i on e f fects of B, Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on mean fruit we ight , fruit length and diameter , core length and diame ter , fruit sugar and ac id content of cv Maurit ius (pot exper iment)

Analysis of va riance on main and two-factor inter­

act ion e ffects o f B , Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn on monthly p lant height of cv Masmerah (pot experiment)

Main and interact ion ef fects of B , Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo ,





2 8

3 1


1 2 1






Zn on mean plant he ight of cv Masmerah (pot expe riment ) 1 3 3

Analys is of variance on main and t,;w- factor inter­ac t ion e ffec ts of B , Cu, Fe , ��, Mo, Zn on mean leaf numbe r per p lant of cv Masm�ah (pot experiment) 136

Main and interac t ion effects of B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on mean leaf number per p lant of cv Masmerah (po t expe riment) 1 3 7

Ana lys is o f va riance on main and two - fa c tor interac t ion e ffec ts of B , Cu. Fe, Mn: Mo , Zn on mean frui t we ight , frui t 12ng th and d iame ter , core length and d iamete r , fru i t sugar and ac id c on tent o f cv Masmerah (pot expe riment ) 140

Page 11: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)



1 8 .

1 9 .

20 .

2 1 .

22 .

Ma in and intera c t ion ef fects of B, Cu , Fe, Mn, Mo , Zn on mean f rui t weight , fruit length and diameter , core length and d iameter , fruit sugar and a c id content o f cv Masmerah (pot expe riment)

Ana lys is of va riance for plant he ight o f cv Maur i t ius from the fourth t o ninth month o f p l ant ing , when treated w i t h d i fferent leve l s o f B, Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , In

E ffects o f B, Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn on p la nt he ight of cv Maur it ius ( f ie l d experiment I )

Duncan's Mult ip le Range Tes t on the e ffect o f micr onutr ients on plant he ight o f c v Maurit ius from the seventh t o ninth month of plant ing

Analys is of variance for mean number o f leaves per p l ant of cv Maurit ius from the fourth to the ninth month of p lant ing , when t reated with different level s of B , Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn

E ffects o f B , Cu, Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn on lea f number of cv Mauri t ius ( f ield expe riment I)

2 3 . Ana lys is of variance f o r fruit weight , fruit length and d iame ter , core length and d iame ter , fruit suga r and ac id c ontent o f cv Maur it ius , when t rea ted with different level s of B , Cu , Fe , Mn, Mo , Zn


25 .

2 6 .

2 7 .

2 8 .

Effects o f B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo , Zn on fruit we ight , fruit length a nd d iameter , core leng th and d iameter , f ruit suga r and a c id c ontent of cv Maurit ius (field expe riment I)

Duncan ' s Mul t iple Range Tes t on the effect of micronutrients on frui t we ight , fruit length and d iamete r , core length and d iamete r , fruit suga r and a c id cont ent o f cv Mauri t ius

Ana lys is of var iance of the effect of broadca s t ing P , Cu , Zn and the ir interact ions on monthly p lant he ight o f cv Maurit ius

Effects of broadca s t ing P , Cu , Zn and the ir int eract ions on plant he ight of cv Maurit ius ( f ield expe riment II)

Ana lys is of va riance o f the effect of broadcas t ing P , Cu , Zn a nd the i r in terac t ions on monthly mean number o f l eaves per p lant of cv Mauritius






14 7

14 8



15 1




Page 12: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


2 9 .

30 .

3 1 .

Effect o f broadcas ting P , Cu , Zn and the ir interactions on lea f number o f cv Maurit ius (f ield expe riment II)

Ana lys is of va riance of monthly mean fresh and dry we ights o f D- lea f of cv Maurit ius when b roadcas ted with P , Cu and Zn a t d ifferent leve ls

Mean va lues of monthly fresh and dry we ights of D- leaf of cv Maur it ius , when b roadca s ted with Cu and Zn a t d i fferent leve ls

32 . Ana l ys is o f va r iance o f monthly Cu and Zn­c ontent o f D- leaf when broadcas ted with P, Cu and Zn at di fferent leve ls on p inea pp le cv Maurit ius

3 3 . Mean va lues o f Cu and Zn- content of the D- leaf when broadcas ted with Cu and Zn a t d ifferent leve ls on pineapple cv Maurit ius

34 .

35 .

36 .

37 .

3 9 .

40 .

Ana lys is o f va riance on the effect o f broadca s t ing P , Cu , Zn and the i r interact ions on fruit we ight , fruit length and diameter , core length and d iameter , fruit suga r and acid c ontent o f cv Maurit ius

E ffect of broadcas t ing P , Cu , Zn and the ir inte r­act ions on fruit weight , fruit length and d iame ter , core length and d iame ter , fruit suga r and a c id content o f cv Maurit ius

Ana lys is of var iance on the e ffect of b roadcast ing P , Cu , Zn and the ir intera c t ions on monthly plant he ight o f cv Ma smerah

E ffects of broadcas ting P , Cu , Zn and the ir inter­ac tions on p lant he ight of cv Masmerah

Ana lysis of va ria nce on the effect of broadcas ting P , Cu , Zn and the ir intera ct ions on monthly mean lea f number per plant of cv Masmerah

E ffect of b roadca s t ing P , Cu , Zn and their inter­act i ons on lea f numbe r o f cv Masmerah

Ana lys is o f va riance of monthly fresh a nd dry we ights of D- leaf of cv Masmerah when broadcas ted with P, Cu and In a t d ifferent levels


15 6

1 5 8


1 6 1

1 6 3

1 64


1 6 7


1 70

1 7 1

1 73

Page 13: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


41 .

42 .

Mean va lues of monthly fresh and dry we ights of D- lea f of cv Ma sme rah when b roadca s ted with Cu and Zn at d ifferent leve l s

Ana lys is of va riance of monthly Cu and Zn-content of D-lea f when broadca s ted with P , Cu , Zn a t d ifferent leve ls on p inea pple cv Masmerah

43 . Mean va lues of monthly Cu and Zn content of the D-lea f when broadcas ted with Cu and Zn a t d ifferent leve ls on p ineapple c v Masmerah

4� . Ana l ys is of va riance on the e f fect of broadcas t ing P , Cu , Zn and the i r interact ions on fru i t we ight , fruit length and d iame ter , core length and d iame ter ,





fruit s uga r and acid content of cv Mas merah 179

45 . Effect of broadcas t ing P , Cu , Zn and the i r inter­act ions on fruit we ight , fru i t length and d iameter , core length and d iame ter , fruit s ugar and acid content of cv Masmerah 180

4 6 . Ana lys is of va riance on foliar trea t ed C u and Zn and the ir interact ions on the monthly p lant height of cv Mauri t ius 182

4 7 . E ffect s of foliar trea ted C u and Zn and their interact ions on plant he ight of cv Mauri t ius

4 8 . Ana lys is o f variance on foliar t reated C u and Zn and the ir interac t ions on the monthly mean normal of leave s per p lant of cv Maurit ius

49 . E f fect of fol iar trea ted Cu a nd Zn and the ir int eract ions on leaf number of cv Maurit ius


51 .

5 2·

Ana lys is of va riance o f monthly fre sh and dry we ights of D- lea f when fol ia r treated with Cu and Zn at d iffe rent leve ls (cv Maurit ius )

Mean va lues of monthly fresh and dry weights o f D- lea f when fo l iar treated with C u and Zn a t different leve ls (cv Mauritius )

Ana lys i s of variance on the e ffect of fol ia r treat ed Cu and Z n and the ir interact ions o n fru i t weight , fru it length and diameter , core length and d iameter , fruit suga r and a c id content of cv Maurit ius







Page 14: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)




E f fects of fo l ia r- t rea ted Cu and Zn and their interact ions on fruit we ight , fruit l ength and diame te r , core length and d iame ter , fruit s ugar and a c id content of cv Maur it ius

Ana lys is of va r iance on the e ffect of fo l ia r­trea ted Cu , Zn and the i r intera c t ions on monthly p lant he ight of cv Masme rah

55. E f fects of foliar- t reated Cu and Zn and the ir interact ions on plant he ight of cv Ma smerah

5 6 . Ana lys is of va riance on the e ffects o f f o l ia r­trea ted Cu , In and the i r interact ions on monthly mean lea f number per plant of cv Ma smerah

57. Effects of fo l iar- trea ted Cu and Zn and the i r interactions o n lea f number of c v Masmerah



60 .

6 1.

Ana lys is of va riance of monthly fresh a nd dry we ights of D- lea f when fo l ia r- trea ted w i th Cu and Zn at d if fe rent leve ls (cv Masme ra h)

Mean va lues of monthly fresh and dry weights of D- leaf when fol iar- trea ted with Cu and Zn at d i fferent levels (cv Masmerah)

Ana lys is of variance on the e ffec t of fol iar­trea ted Cu and Zn and the ir inte ract ions on fruit we ight , fruit l ength and d iame te r , core length and d iameter , fru i t s ug a r and a c id content of cv Masme rah

Mean va lues of fol iar- trea ted Cu and Zn and the ir interact ions on fruit weight , fru i t length and d iameter , core length and d iameter , fru it s uga r and ac id content of cv Masmerah


1 90

19 1

1 92

1 93

1 94

1 95

1 9 7

1 98

1 99

Page 15: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


1 .

2 .


4 .

5 .

6 .

7 .


Effect of B and Cu , appl ied at different leve l s , on the monthly pl ant he ight of pineapple cv Maurit ius (pot expe riment)

B x Zn and Cu x Zn intera c t ion e ffects on the p lant he ight of p ineapple cv Mas merah (pot experiment )

E ffect of different leve ls o f Cu on monthly p lant he ight of p ineapple cv Maurit ius ( fie ld experimen t I )

E ffect of C u and Zn o n monthly plant he ight of cv Maurit ius ( f ie ld experimen t I I )

Effect of P and P x Zn intera c t ion o n the monthl y leaf numb er of pineapple cv Maurit ius (field expe riment II)

Fresh and dry we ights of D- lea f of cv Maurit ius when broadcas ted w i th Cu and Zn a t 0 , 5 , 10 kg/ha

Cu and Zn-cont ent of D- le a f o f cv Mauritius when b roadcas ted w i th Cu and Zn a t 0 , 5 , 10 kg/ha

8. E ffect of d i fferent leve ls o f Zn and Cu x Zn on fruit we ight of cv Maurit ius

9 .

10 .

E ffect o f P , Cu , Zn , Cu x Zn and P x Cu x Zn on plant he ight o f pineapple cv Masmerah

P x Zn and P x Cu x Zn interac t im e ffects on the lea f number of pineapple cv Masmerah on the fourth , s eventh and e ighth months o f p lant ing

1 1 . Monthly fresh and dry we ights o f D- leaf when broadcasted w i th Cu and Zn a t 0 , 5 , 10 kg/ha on pine app le cv Ma smerah

12 . Cu and Zn-content of the D- l ea f when b roadcas ted with eu and Zn at 0 , 5 , 10 kg /ha (cv Masmerah)

1 3 . Effect of fo l iar- t rea ted eu and Zn a t d i fferent level s on monthl y p lant he ight of cv Maur it ius

14 .

1 5 .

Fresh and dry we ight s o f D- lea f o f cv Maurit ius when foliar- treated with eu and Zn a t 0 , 5 , 10 kg/ ha

Monthly fres h and dry weights o f D- leaf when fo l ia r- t reated with eu and Zn at 0 , 5 , 10 kg/ha (cv Masmerah)




4 9




5 9









Page 16: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


lao Norma l pinea pple p lant of cv Mauri t ius with white powdery layer of t richomes both on the upper and lowe r s ides of the leaves

lb . Copper de f ic ient pineapple p lant sharing unus ua l da rk green colour o f the leaves of cv Maur it ius


3 .


5 .

6 .


1 .

Copper defic ie nt plant with ' die-back ' symptoms of the young leaves of cv Maurit ius

"Wi tches broom" effect of copper defic ient p lant of cv Maurit ius

Severe copper- de f ic ient p lant of cv Maurit ius

Sporadic na ture o f co pper defic ient p lants of cv Mauri t ius in the fie ld

A non-trea ted copper plot of cv Ma sme rah with hea l thy p lants

2 7 Fac toria l exper iment V B Cu Zn Mn Fe Mo

2 . F ie ld l ayout for broadcas ted P x Cu x Zn experiment

3 . F ield layout for fo l iar- treated C u x Zn experiment s



3 6

3 7

3 7

3 8

3 8

3 9


2 9


Page 17: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)


Tujuan utama kajian ini ialah untu� mengenalpasti kepentingan

zat makanan mikro 8, Fa, Mn, Mo dan terutama sekali Cu and Zn, bagi

tanaman nenas kultivar Mauritius dan Masm8rah di atas tanah gambut

dar a di Semenanjung Malaysia . Satu percubaan pasu dan tiga

percubaan ladang telah dijalankan untuk menentukan kesan-kesan

makanan mikro ke atas ciri-ciri seperti ketinggian pokok, bilangan

daun, berat basah dan kering daun '0', kandungan zat makanan Cu dan

Zn di dalam daun '0', dan berat buah . Tanda-tanda kekurangan zat

makanan itu juga dititik beratkan . Kajian ke atas arahan zat-P

ke atas kekurangan zat Cu dan Zn juga telah dijalankan .

Hanya zat Cu sahaja telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda kekurangan

yang nyata pada pokok nenas kultivar Mauritius,manakala zat 8, Fe,

Mn, Mo dan Zn tidak kelihatan memberi tanda kekurangan yang jelas.

Bagi kultivar Masmerah pula ke enam zat makanan mikro yang dikaji

tidak men unjukkan tanda kekurangan yang nyata .


Zat Cu juga telah memberi kesan yang bererti ke atas ketinggian

pokok, berat basah dan kering daun '0', juga kandungan zat Cu dalam

daun '0' pada kultivar Mauritius. walubagaimana pun , kesan ke atas

bilangan daun dan berat b uah adalah tidak bererti . 8erlakunya

tanda-tanda kekurangan zat Cu pada pokok yang ditanam di ladang

adalah berkelumpok-kelumpok ( sporadic ) . Kekurangan ini mula kelihatan

pada bulan yang keempat atau kelima selepas ditanam . Oleh kerana

tidak ada perbezaan yang bererti kelihatan ke atas ciri-ciri pokok

yang dikaji apabila berlainan kadar Cu diberi (5, 10, 1 5 kg CU/ha ) ,

dengan itu kadar 5 kg Cu/ha adalah mencukupi untuk

Page 18: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

mengatasi tanda-tanda kekurangan yang terdapat di ladang . Kesan

zat Zn ke atas tanaman kultivar Mauriti us didapati tidak memberi

kesan yang bererti .


Bagi kultivar Masmerah pula , zat makanan mikro khasnya Cu

dan Zn tidak memberi kesan yang bererti dari segi ketinggian

pokok, bilangan daun, berat basah dan kering daun '0', kandungan

zat Cu dan Zn dalam daun '0' dan juga berat b uah.

Dari kajian yang telah dijalankan, didapati tidak ada aruhan

zat P ke atas kekurangan Cu dan Zn berlaku bagi kedua-dua kul tivar.

Dengan itu, kesimp ulan yang boleh diperolehi daripada penyelidikan

yang telah dijalankan ialah bahawa hanya zat Cu sahaja memainkan

peranan yang penting untuk tanaman n enas kultivar Mauriti us di -

tanah gambut dara di Semenanjung Malaysia.

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The objective of this study is to establish the importance

of micronutrients B, Fe, Mn , Mo an d especially Cu and Zn for the

cuI tivation of pineapple cvs Mauritius and Masmerah on virgin peat

coils in Peninsular Malaysi a. A pot and three field tri als were

set up to determine the effects of these micronutrients on the plant

height, leaf num ber, fresh and dry weights of D-leaf, Cu and Zn

content of D-leaf and the fruit weight of these two cultivars. The

deficiency symptoms were also observed. A study on FLinduced Cu and

Zn deficiencies was also carried out on the two cultivars.

Only Cu showed distinct deficiency symptoms in both the pot

and field tri als in pineapple cv Mauritius while none was observed

for B , Fe, Mn, Mo,and Zn . No distinct deficiency symptoms of B , Cu,

Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn were observed on pineapple cv Masmerah.

O1ly Cu was observed to give significant effect to the plant

height, fresh an d dry weight of D-leaf and Cu-content of D-leaf on

cv Mauritius. However, the leaf number and fruit weight were not

significantly affected. The Cu-deficient plants in the field were

observed to be sporadic or pocket-like in distribution . The

deficiency was observed to occur as early as the fourth of fifth month

of planting . No significant difference was observed with the different

levels of Cu ( 5,10,15 kg/h a) applied on the above-mentioned factors

investigated . Thus, Cu at 5 kg/h a would be sufficient to overcome the

deficiency symptoms in the field. The effect of Zn was observed to be

non-significant for the cultivation of peneapple cv Mauritius.

Page 20: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

There was no, s ignificant e f fect of the micronutrients ,

e specia l l y for eu and Zn on the plant he ight , leaf number , fresh and

dry weights of D- lea f , eu and Zn- content o f D- lea f and fruit yie ld

of cv Masmerah . There was no P- induced Gu and Zn def icienc ie s

occurring in the f i e ld with these two cult ivars .

Thus , only eu was shown to b e e s s ent ia l for the cul t iva t ion

of p ineapple cv Maurit ius on v irg in pea t s o i l s o f Penins um r

Ma lays ia .

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In Ma lays ia , pineapple (Ananas comosus (L) Merr . ) is

ma inly grown on pea t so i l s . I t" is an economica l ly viab le c rop

because it can tolerate low s o i l a c id i ty , which is characte ris t ic

of Ma lays ian peat ( pH 3 . 5 - 3 . 8) a nd i t i s a ls o relat ive ly res is tant

to pests and d is ea s es as compared to othe r a nnua l crops which a re

a ls o commonly cul t iva ted on pea t .

Pea t s o i ls have b een cons idered to b e poor in nutr ient

contents but due to its outs tand ing advantage of pos sess ing high

nut r ient ho lding po tent ia l or ca t ion exchange ca pac i t y , it ha s been

extens ive l y cul t iva ted w ith annua l crops .

Micronutrient defic ienc ies in peat s o i ls have been

re ported wide ly both abroad and loca l l y . Davis and Lucas ( 1 95 9)

reported Mn, B , Cu , Fe , Zn and Mo def ic iencies for p lants grown on

pea t so i l s . Report on Cu def ic iency on pea t and muck s o ils had

been made by Ca ldwe l l ( 1 9 66) while W i l l iam ( 1 9 7 1 ) reported Mo

defic iency on a w ide range of a c id s o ils. Batey ( 1 9 7 1 ) s tated that

Mo and B defic ienc ies occur mos t commonly on peat y s oi ls or minera l

s o i l s with a high organic ma tter content . Andries s e ( 1 9 74) reported

Cu , Fe , Mn and often Zn defic ienc ies on peat s o i l s in Wes t Ka l ima ntan .

Loca l ly , Tay (1 969) reported micronutrient defic ienc ies es pe­

c ia l ly for Fe , Cu and Zn on pineapple grown on pea t so ils . Obs erva t ions

have been recorded on B defic iency on toma to (Joseph , Huss e in and

W ill iam , 1 9 70) and o il pa lm (Kana pathy. Tan and Cheah , 1 9 74 :; W i l l iam ,

1975); Cu deficiency on ma ize and cassava (Kana pathy , 1 9 7 2 ; 1 976) ;

Page 22: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

C u , Zn and Mn de fic iencies on o i l palm (Ng and Tan , 1 9 74) and Cu

and other micronutrients on groundnuts and s orghum (Chew , Jos eph

and Raml i, 1 9 7 9 ) .


Though probab le s ymptoms o f Cu and Zn defic i enc ies on

p ineapple have been reported earl ier (Tay , 1969 ) , to-da te no

deta iled s tud ies have be en carried out on the e f fect of these micro­

nutr ien ts on plant performanc e , and fruit yie ld of p inea pp l e

when p lanted o n v irg in pea t s o i l s .

The ob j ec tives of this s tudy a re a s fo l lows :

1 ) To ob serve the importance o f micronutrients B , Cu , Fe , Mn , Mo ,

Zn (ma in and two- factor intera c t ion e ffec t s ) for p ineapple

cul t iva t ion on virg in pea t s o i l s .

2) To ident ify the important micronutr ient requirement for p ine­

a pple cvs Mauritius , which is ma inly for fresh fru i t produc t ion ,

and Ma smerah , a canning cul tivar .

3 ) To determine the opt imum leve l o f a pp l ica t ion o f Cu and Zn

(the two c ommon ly defic ient micronutrients for p inea pple

grown on Ma lays ian peat s o il s ) for p ineapple cvs Maur it ius

and Masmerah .

4) To ob serve the d ifference in the res pons e of p lant performance ,

and fruit yie ld to ei the r broadcas t or fo l ia r t reated

Gu and Zn in p inea pple cvs_ Maur it ius a nd Masmerah .

5 ) T o s tudy the e ffect o f P- induced C u and Z n defic ienc y i n p ine­

a pple cvs Mauritius and Masmerah .

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2 . 1 . The Pineapple , Anana s comosus (L . ) Mer r .

Pinea pple i s a terres trial he rb , na t ive o f South


America , and is a member o f Brome l iaceae . Its charac teris tic

features a re short s tem with ros ette o f long , na rrow leaves ,

e ithe r w i th o r without s pi nes . The inflorescence

is termina l coa lesc ing into fru it which is a s yncarpous and

with the ma in axis growing beyond to form a tuft or crown of

leaves . Pineapple frui ts with s eeds a re ra re ly in exis tence

nowadays , and this is due to s e lec t ion ma de for seedles s ness

through muta t ion .

Its other rela ted s pec ies inc lude Ananas b rac tea tus

(Lindl . ) Schultes , A . erec t i fo l ius L . B . Smi th and � anana s s o ides

(Bak . ) Smith , which a re found wild and dis tributed throughout

the t ropics .

2 . 1 . 1 . Cul t iva r Maur it ius

This cul t iva r is grown extens ive ly for fresh fruit

pinea ppl e . I t is classified under the Queen Group and the

plant is the sma l les t of the Ma lays ian cul t iva rs (Wee , 1 9 72 ) .

The leaves are dark green in co lour with broad , central

red s tripe , and the edges a re l ined with red s p ines . The

frui t is sma l l ( 1 . 0 kg) with prominent and bulg ing eyes . The

f lesh is yel low in co lour with high suga r content ( 1 50B -

1 90B) and high c itric acid content (0 . 6% - 0 . 8%) .

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Ground and aeria l suckers are very common with this

cult iva r and they are gene ra l l y us ed as p lant ing ma teria ls .

S l ips a re abs ent .

2 . 1 . 2 . Cu l t iva r Masme rah

This cul t iva r is a cann ing cul t ivar and is s e lec ted

from the S inga pore Spanish popula t ion . I t ha s more vigorous

growth than the S ingapore S panish . The leaves a re erect and

s p ine le s s . The fruits a re b igger in s ize ( 1 . 4 kg) , cyl indrica l

in shape with flesh o f go lden co lour and trans lucent . Fru i t­

lets a re f l a t and broa d .

S l i ps a re produced j u s t be low the fruit a ris ing

from the pedunc le , and they are commonly us ed as pl ant ing

materia l s . The s ugar content is very low (lOoB - 12oB) w ith

low acid content (0 . 3% - 0 . 5%) .

2 . 2 . Ma l ays ian Pea t

2 . 2 . 1 . D i s t r ibut ion

Pea t s o i l s occur wide ly in Ma lays ia . In Wes t

Ma la ys ia , 6 % o f the land a re a o r a pproxima te l y 800 , 000

hec tares a re peat s o i l s . The s e occur ma inly in the S ta t es

o f Pera k , Se langor and Western Joho re on the wes t coas t ,

and Ke lanta n , T rengganu and Eas tern Johore on the eas t

coas t . In Sa rawak the a rea under peat is about 1 . 4 m i l l ion

hec ta res or 13% of the land area .

Peat s oi ls o f Wes t Ma lays ia are made up of s emi­

decomposed woody ma teria l s . The condit ion tha t leads to the i r

Page 25: UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA EFFECTS OF MICRONUTRIENTS … · fruit weight, fruit length and diameter, core length and diameter, fruit sugar and acid content of cv Mauritius (pot experiment)

forma t ion is ma in ly due to the permanent water- logg ing in

bas in- sha ped depres s ion . Genera l l y , they are found a l ong

the poorly dra ined coa s ta l a reas or as sma l l , loca l ized

pa tches in the inland a rea s . They vary in depth from 3

meters t o more than 10 meters .

Coul ter ( 1 95 7 ) clas s i f ied Ma lays ian pea t under the

group ' ol igo trophic ' . This group includes mos s pea ts and

woody pea ts , low in minera l cont ent , es pecia l ly Ca and a re

acid in react ion due to the low base content of the in­

flowing water .

2 . 2 . 2 . Morphologi ca l characterist ics


The fore s t pea ts o f Wes t Ma l ays ia a re usua l l y

blackish-b rown or reddish-b rown i n co lour . They cons is t o f

woody ma terials i n d i f fe rent s tages of decompos ition . The

s ize of the woody ma ter ia l s increases w i th depth . They have

good texture and permeab i l it y as they are ma inly made up of

organic ma tter (89% organic ma tter) . The wa ter holding

ca pacity is very high and equa ls 15 to 30 t imes i t s own dry

we ight (Ta y , 1 969 ) . When undra ined , pea t s o i l s a re a lways

wat er- logged and the wa ter-table can b e a s high a s the s o i l

surface . Cons equen t l y , aera t ion i s poor . Thus , before pea t

s o i l s can be us ed for cul t iva t ion , dra inage i s very es s ent ia l .

However , with exce s s ive dra inage , pea t s o i l s can undergo

' irrevers ib le dra inage ' (Coul ter , 1 95 0 ; 1 95 7) . This w i l l

lead to cons iderab l e consol ida t ion and oxida t ion o f the peat

s o i l s (Coulte r , 195 7 ) .
