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UNIVERSITY OF BOCCONI SURVIVAL GUIDE · The Survival Guide provides practical information about...

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TABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome to Bocconi • Bocconi At A Glance

Living in Italy• Italy and Milan• Private Housing Tips

Pre Departure• Checklist• EU Student• Non EU Student

Residence Overview• Bocconi• Javottte• Bligny• Dubini• Spadolini• Isonzo

Campus Overview• Campus Map

Student Life• Daily Bocconi Life• Night Life• Campus Resources and Facilities• Sports Club and Associations• Academic Experience• Exams

Travelling in Italy and Practicalities• Transportation• Things to know when living in Italy• Italian language• In Case of Emergency

History of the University

Established in November of 1902, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi was founded by Ferdinando Bocconi and named after his son Luigi Bocconi who died during the First Italo-Ethiopian war.

Welcome to Bocconi University, where your student experience becomes reality.

Congratulations on deciding to study at Bocconi. Whether you will be joining us for a Bachelor, Master or Exchange program we hope we can help you as much as we can with your University experience in Milan. The Bocconi International Students Association (BISA) Team is a student run organisation aimed at providing essential help to all students for any kind of situation on and off campus. We will be here to support you on the way and ensure that your time at Bocconi will be unforgettable, but we leave it to you to make the most of it. We encourage you to be as active as possible and get involved with all kind of activities provided by our University.


The Survival Guide provides practical information about studying at Bocconi and preparing you for the


Bocconi International Bachelor Courses

International Economics and Management

International Economics and Finance

Economics, Management and Computer Science

Economics and Management for Arts, Culture and Communications

World Bachelor in Business

International Politics and Government


It is fair to say that Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe as it impresses with its landscape and sea side beauty. The stunning diversity of attractions and attributes of cities which vary as you move from the north of Italy to the south will certainly im-press you. The most visited places by Bocconi students are Como, Rome,Naples,Florence,PortofinoandCinqueTerre.Weabsolutelyrecommend that you try to pay these places a visit and try to travel around this amazing country as much as you can.

Italy covers an area of 301,338 km2 and has a largely temperate seasonal climate or Mediterranean climate. Due to its shape, it is of-ten referred to in Italy as lo Stivale (the boot). With around 61 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous EU member state.Italy has a capitalist mixed economy, ranking as the third-largest in the Eurozone and the eighth-largest in the world.

Italy is regarded as one of the world’s most industrialised nations and a leading country in world trade and exports. It is a highly de-velopedcountry,withtheworld’s8thhighestqualityoflifeandthe25th Human Development Index. The country is well known for its creative and innovative business,a large and competitive agricultur-al sector (Italy is the world’s largest wine producer),and for its in-fluentialandhigh-qualityautomobile,machinery,food,designandfashion industry.

MILAN No doubt that Milan will have had a major impact on your decision to join Bocconi. It doesn‘t often happen that such an academically strong University also offers a busy city life with the opportunity to see the see side or Mountains in less than 2 hours. To us these are the right conditions to ensure an incredibly rich University experience. Besids being the fashion capital of Europe, Milan can also impress with its culture and history. It may not have the same number of world-renowned museums as Rome or Florence do, but that doesn’t mean that its museums aren’t worth visiting.

YourfirststopinshouldbethefascinatingDuomocathedral,locatedintheveryheartofthe city. There is no fee for entering the Cathedral, however the Church of St. Gottardo in Corte,thearchaeologicalareaandtheterracesontopofDuomodorequirethepurchaseofa ticket, which can be bought separately or as a Duomo Pass valid for all three. For exact prices (which also depend on whether you take the lift or the stairs to the terraces) check the officialwebsite(www.duomomilano.it).

The probably most famous work of art in Milan is The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, located in Santa Maria Delle Grazie church. Keep in mind that tickets have to be booked online–thedatesareavailable2monthsinadvanceandtendtobesoldoutveryquickly.Manyagenciesre-sellticketsforveryhighprices,butthroughtheofficialwebsite(www.vivaticket.it) they only cost €7 for students under 25. Tickets are free for those under 18, but a booking fee of €2 still has to be paid.

Castello Sforzesco, besides being beautiful on its own, also incorporates many museums and even happens to hold some of Michelangelo’s work. A ticket for students costs €3, but entrance is free every Tuesday from 14.00 and from Wednesday to Sunday from 16.30 (the museums close at 17.30).

For more classical artwork, visit Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan’s premier gallery, which carries works of many famous Italian- and international artists.Palazzo Reale, located just next to the Duomo, often hosts very interesting temporary exhibitions.

For those more curious about modern art, Museo del Novecento holds some of the most important works of Italian art of the 20th century.

Located very close to university residences Isonzo, Dubini and Spadolini is another museum of modern art – Fondazione Prada. It is a bit pricier (€8 for students) but entrance to the courtyard is free and a part of the exhibition is visible from the outside, which can be enjoyed from Bar Luce, a retro-style bar designed by the famous director Wes Anderson.Bocconi offers many discounts on theater or concert tickets to its students, which can all be found on the university website. For last minute offers and special prices, you subscribe to the Campus Life mailing list and receive updates by email.


Find roommates This might be the most challenging part of the job. We would advice to see if anyone you know someone from your town/country who is going to Bocconi and talk to them. If no one you know is going to Bocconi then try to rely on Facebook groups or other Bocconians. A simple facebook search will indicate many groups dedicated to this purpose. Also, you can go to an apartment-agency and indicate your preference of roommates (gender, amount, international or Italians..)

Finding the actual apartment You can rely on other Facebook groups that publicizeapartments in the area. Just type ‘Bocconi Rents’ into your Facebook and some groups/pages will appear. Otherwise you can contact a real estate agent. That will cost you more than doing the research by yourself, but most likely it’ll let you find better homes. There are variousagencies located around Bocconi on the Viale Bligny. Some operate onafixedinitialcost,whileothersdemandafixedpercentageoncetheyfoundyouanadequateplace.

PRIVATE HOUSING TIPS By mid August latest, you should have secured yourself some sort of accomadation for your following academic year. This could be in form of student housing or private shared ornotsharedflats.ThroughoutyourstayinBocconi,youwillmostlikelybeassignedtooneof the many Residence Halls and Living Accommodations that Bocconi offers. From the lofty towerofResidenzaIsonzo,thespaciouscourtyardofResidenzaDubini,tothehistoryfilledhalls of Residenza Bocconi, all the Residenza’s offer the basic amenities needed for your stayinBocconi.Whilsttheyallofferthesameluxuries,eachResidenceisuniqueintheirownwaywithsmallquirks.However,themajorityofBocconistudentsliveinprivateflats.If you decided you want to do the same from the beginning onwards, there are a couple of thingsyoushouldlookatbeforechoosingtherightflatforyou.

Location Bocconi is located in the southern area of Milan. You can very well get a house in other parts of the city, but take into account that it will take you a while to get to Uni, especially during rush hours. Public transport is very convenient, but most students will findthemselveslocatedcloselyaroundBocconiitself,asitismoreconvenientincaseofaunfavourably set timetable, allowing for gaps of hours between different lectures. Thus, we suggest you to look for apartments in the area between Porta Genova and Porta Venezia. In fact, Bocconi lies right in between this area, and public transportation gets you pretty much everywhere. Also, it’s just few minutes away from Duomo, the centre of the city!Cost:Theaverageper-headpricetorentaflatwithotherroommatesrangesfrom500to700 euros without expenses. A single apartment will be a lot more expensive, ranging from an average 700-1100 euros without expenses. Expenses in Milan include the building-fee - which accounts for the porter, maintenance fee and so on, ranging between 50-100 euros per head -, electricity and gas bills – which are usually not included in the price – and lastly wifi,whichcostsannuallyaround250-350eurosperapartment.


Check List• Apply for Codice Fiscale and Student ID• Make an appointment with the Admissions Office(throughYou@B)

• Register for Crash Courses• Check out Welcome Week activities• Prepare documents for your Permit of Stay• Prepare your residence check-in documents• Make sure you have your acceptance letter

from Bocconi stamped by the Italian Embassy/Consulate

• Check that you have all the necessary documentation (validated high school diploma, Englishlanguagecertificate,visa,etc.)

Health InsuranceAllstudentsarerequiredtohaveanappropriateinsurance,privateorpublic.

If you have a private health insurance policy, you are advised to check its validitiy with an Italian Diplomatic Representative before leaving your home country. When it comes to public health insurance, EU students can obtain the European Health Insurance Card (only for necessary medical assistance) or register at the Azienda Sanitaria Locale (ASL) and receive complete medical assistance with the European “S1“ form obtained at a healthcare insititution in their home country prior to arrival in Italy.

In addition to private insurance, non-EU students have the option to purchase INA-ASSITALIA insurance upon arriving in Italy (98,00 euros for 12 months) which covers only emergencies (butfitstheinsurancepolicyrequirementsforthepermitofstay).Forabroadercoverage,non-EU students can also apply for insurance at the ASL.

Non EU StudentsVisaApply for a multiple entry study visa in your home country – check the consulate/embassy website for the exactprocedure(apre-inscriptionthroughtheembassymayberequiredinsomecountries)

Permit of StayForthepostofficeComplitedModulo1formfromtheapplicationkit(kitscanbepickedupatanypostofficefreeofchargeorat the International Students Desk – also check the International Students Desk for presentations on how to fillintheform)

Photocopy of Bocconi acceptance letter/declaration of enrollment (stamped by the Italian Embassy Consulate)Photocopy of your passport (personal data page + visa)Photocopyofafinancialstatementcertifyingadequatefinancialresources(5.830,76euros)Photocopy of insurance policyMarca da Bollo (16,00 euros, purchased at any tabachi shop)Receiptofpaymentof107,50eurospaidatthepostoffice(thepaymentslipisincludedintheapplicationkit)

WhattoBringFortheImmigrationoffice• Passport• Original Bocconi acceptance letter• Original insurance policy• Originalfinancialstatement• 4 identical passport-size photographs

RESIDENCERESIDENZA BOCCONI• First Bocconi residence which is also called Pensionato• Located on Via Bocconi 12 on Campus• Only Residence with a canteen and coffee bar• IncludestheofficialBocconigymandfootball5-a-sidepitch• TheuniversityWificoversmanyareasoftheresidencebutethernetis

provided in every room• Prices range from 6,300€ to 7,200€ a year for Full Rate and 3,150€ to

4,680€ a year for Reduced Rate

RESIDENZA JAVOTTE • The smallest Bocconi residence with 96 students• Located in via Giovenale 4 which is very close to Bocconi• Prices range from Prices range from 6,300€ to 7,200€ a year for Full

Rate and 3,150€ to 4,680€ a year for Reduced Rate.• Close bond between Javotte and Pensionato students especially in

terms of social events

RESIDENZA BLIGNY• The newest Bocconi Residence currently opening September of 2016• Largest Residence in the immediate Bocconi Area with 176 students• Located adjacent to Residenza Bocconi alongside Viale Bligny• The2ndresidencetoofferFullWifiinallrooms• Prices range from 6,800€ to 7,500€ a year for Full Rate and 3,400€

to 5,050€ a year for Reduced Rate


RESIDENZA DUBINI• Extremelyrecognisableanduniqueresidence,characterisedbyit’svisually

imposing architecture where students are housed into 4 separate buildings thatformasquarethatalloverlookacentralcourtyard.

• It also offers the most spacious common areas amongst the residences and a small gym.

• Just like Spado, it’s located right next to Esselunga making it convenient for Grocery and Food Shopping

• ThereisnoWifibutEthernetisavailableineachroom• Prices range from 7,000€ to 8,500€ a year for Full Rate and 3,500€ to 5,200€

a year for Reduced Rate.

RESIDENZA SPADOLINI• One of the older residences but the space for 333 students makes it one of the

biggest• Spado is loceted on via Spadolini 12, a convinient 10 min walk through Parco

Ravizza to get to Bocconi• Two separate apartment buildings connected by a spacious courtyard. • Each apartment shares a big balcony and living room• Offers a gym and common room areas• Located next to Dubini residence and the Essalunga supermarket• Prices range from 6,300€ to 7,875€ a year for Full Rate and 3,150€ to 4,680€

a year for Reduced Rate.

RESIDENZA ISONZO• Opened in 2015, located in Viale Isonzo 21• FirstresidencewhichoffersWifiaccess• The residence is split into two buildings, one being for reduced rate students• Bothbuildingsoverlookacentregrasscourtyardandthegroundfloorforboth

buildings contain furnished Common Areas and a small Gym.• Prices range from 6,800€ to 7,500€ a year for Full Rate and 3,400€ to 5,050€

a year for Reduced Rate.


Soon after starting Uni you will realize that there is no such thing as a daily routine for your day. Thats the beauty of being a student. Freedom. Most courses do not have mandantory attendence which means it is no big deal if you miss a class to do something else and our online platform makes it easy to catch up with classes or prepare for follwing classes. One thing that is for sure part of your daily routine is the short break for a Cafe in one of places close by to uni. It is not about the coffee itself, it is more about the getting together which makes this break so great.

No matter how busy your day is, all lectures allow for a 30 min break at some point between midday and 2pm, so there is always time to grab some lunch. It can be that lectures go up until 7.30pm, however thats not a probloem as that just means you can go straight to the Aperitivo, which is the best Dinner alternative that Milan has to offer (after Foodora and Deliveroo). A generous buffet is included when you buy a cocktail (8€-10€) and makes for a perfect end to your day.

Most of the Bachelor classes are in held in Velodromo which means that although all your lessons are with your individual class you will be able to meet people from other classes and coursesinbetweenlessons(whilequeingtogetacoffeeforexample).Onceyou‘vemanagedto settle down you will have no chance but to include a visit to the Bunker / Library to your dai-ly routine. The Bunker (which has more Facebook check-ins than the actual Uni) is the famous study area for Bocconians. Our tip: get there early if you want to get a good place. Besides this location there are also study areas in the library, lecture buildings, Canteen and residences.

NIGHTLIFE Abookcouldbewrittenabouttheinfinitepossibilitiesof-fered by Milano when talking about nightlife, but we’ll keep it to the basics. There’s no better way to start a night out than with a nice aperitivo. If you´re heading out from class, you could hang around Bocconi, grabbing a drink at Venti136, or at Reef Bar right around the corner. If you’re looking for something fancier, you should head towards the Duomo and grab a seat either at the terrazza Aperol or Martini. Obviously at Aperol you have to order their signature Aperol Spritz (a mix of white bubbly wine, soda and clearly Ap-erol), please don’t ask them for a Martini because they will send youflyingtotheneardoorneighbours..whichisTerrazzaMartini.Another super cool area for an Aperitivo is Arco della pace, where wesuggeststoppingbyatBanglabarthatoffersafixed10€menuwith a drink and many different kinds of Indian food, or you could head towards Corso Como. Literally every door there takes you to a bar.

Milano is very organized throughout the week: every day has a specificpartyplacethat“dominates”thenight.Ifyou’reheadingout on a Monday, or Saturday you’ll probably end up in Santa Te-cla, right behind the Duomo: think of the punk-iest most absurd outfityoucouldeverpulloff,and justwear that.Alsonearby isGattopardo. Dress up, throw some heels on, and head there if it’s a Tuesday. Even if you didn’t hit up your bestie beforehand, don’t worry, chances are you will meet up there: this place is a Bocconi personalfavourite.“Giovedi,giovedi,giovediDivina!”theselyricscome from the most ridiculous song ever but speak the truth, on Thursdays you’re going to most likely end up in Divina. Wednes-days and Fridays are reserved for Old Fashion. Next to Sempione Park, this club reaches its peak in the warmer seasons, because it’s probably the only club in the area that takes the party Outdoors as well! The cool thing is, if you get in before midnight, it’s usually free! If you’re not into the party life, you can always go grab a drink and bring out the inner singer in you at Patuscino Karaoke night or you can go for a stroll on Navigli, grabbing a beer or enjoying a nice gelato. Another option is to head to Assago Forum to hear your favourite artist play in concert! Literally every big hit comes visit us hereinMilan!Youcanfindticketsonlinestartingfrom30-40euro,get there easily by metro, and have a great time.

STUDENT LIFECAMPUS RESOURCES AND FACILITIES OurcampusisnotlikeoneyouwouldfindinAmerica,howeveritconsistsoffivemainbuildingswhicharealllocatedbetweenVialeBlinglyandViaSarfatti.The campus offers several academic and social facilities. There is a 5-a-side football pitch in the Pensionao residence building which can be booked for a small fee and is often used for tournamtents organised by students. Furthermore you can sign up to the Bocconi gym which is also on campus and is the cheapest option within the whole area as it costs (on average) 25€ and even less if you are part of a sportsclub.Notethatyouwillrequireavalidmedicalcertificateifyoudowishto sign up. There are several IT rooms which sometimes offer trade simulations (offered by Deutsche Bank and research centers) and can be used for personal use (studying) by students.

SomeStudyareasofferWifiprintersatafeewhichcanpaidbyyourIDcard(ifenabled as a bank card), however there are also print shops in the area, one being runbyUniversitystudents.Youcanfindaresearchroomwithhugeamountsofdataonthefirstfloorofthelibrarybuilding,whichisidealforgroupprojects.Ifyoubecome hungry during lectures then you do not have to look far as there are three canteens (Mensa) on Campus (Bbar, PesnionatoMensa andMensa Sarfiatti25)whichdistinguishthemselvesthroughquality,pricesandtheirtypicalcustomers.Allcanteensofferadailyvaryingchoiceoffirst,secondandsidecourses,aswellas themost commonoptionof takinga“Tris ”,which consistsofa singlebigplate,containingallthreecoursesatafixpriceofabout6€perperson,includinga drink. Furthermore, they also serves as a bar, which provides a wide range of snacks, sandwiches, coffees, drinks and more. The bar is a good location for spontaneous meet ups with friends for a casual chat, or even colleagues for a group-work discussion.

SPORT CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS With a Pelican as the mascot, the Bocconi Sport Team offers a wide variety of sports, from water polo to tennis and volleyball to basketball that can be practiced at levels ranging from recreational meet-ups at the weekend or after class up to taking part in national championships and international tournaments. Further to this, students are encouraged to participate in large-scale sporting events that are held regularly such as the Bocconi run, sailing days, basketball spring challenge, sport days and soccer cup.

If you still haven’t started packing for your next Lacrosse tournament in Rome,thinkofthebenefitsofhavingteam-matesindifferentcoursesin Bocconi, developing team skills, traveling Europe and being more employable…. And, of course, the added bonus of reduced gym prices to members of the sports team.

The job market is increasingly competitive, and showing a passion for the industry you want to go into is almost impossible to demonstrate. This is where some of the nearly 90 student-run associations can help you, by immersing you in the worlds of consulting, economics and finance, or even law, fashion and model united nations,and developing valuable skills and interests that will give you a competitive advantage after you graduate. Furthermore, some of the associationshavelinkstorelevantfirmsandrepresentativesthatcanhelp you apply to internships and graduate positions.

Of course, not all associations are an extension of the classroom: many of them exist to bring together people with similar interests; such as the wine, music and tech associations, or with similar goals; suchasequality,feminism,orinternationalstudentintegration.Bocconi also has its own student-run media centre, with TV, radio and newspaper subdivisions. It functions very much like a scaled-down mass media company that permeates student life, interacts with other associations and covers events at Bocconi. Students become presenters, journalists and radio hosts as well as taking on marketing and management positions and gain invaluable understanding of the sector, an experience that is seldom available to business school students.

STUDENT LIFEACADEMIC EXPERIENCEAt this time you probably know that as a student at Bocconi you will be blessed with plenty of academic excellence. However there are a few things that you need to be aware of to master your time at Bocconi and make the most of the given academic opportunities.BocconihasaverytheoreticalstructureforyourfirsttwoyearsoftheBachelor.Thismeansthatlectureswillmostlybeexambasedwithplentyoftheoryquestions.Duetothisitisimportantthat you adjust your revision styles, especially if you are coming from a school background with practical learning activities. Some Courses do include group projects which will have an impact on your overall grade but only for a lmited amount of courses. Allprofessorshaveofficehoursduringwhichyoucangoseethemtotalkaboutsomethingfromyour lectures, if you play it well it becomes like a small tutoring session, so we recommend that you make full use of those. All professors have an international background with either being from abroad or having lived abroad for some time.

During your Bachelor or Master you will have to do two foreign languages and if you arent mothertongue italian then italian will have to be one of them. You do have the chance to convertalanguagecertificateinsteadoftakingthecourse,youcancheckouttheconversionrates on the Bocconi Website.Ofcourse,youwill requireanumberofbooks foryour studiesatBocconi,but thereareafew things worth knowing. EGEA is the university bookshop where you can buy all the books requiredforyourcourses,aswellasarangeofnovelsandsomestationaryitems.Itislocatedin the northeast of the campus. By showing your Bocconi student ID card, you will be given a 10% discount on selected items.

Also, there isamarket forsecond-handbooks.VariousspecificFacebookgroupscanproveparticularly useful here. However, please make sure to check whether the syllabus of your course change recently, because this would rule out a great deal of second-hand books. In spite the fact that there exists a textbook for pretty much every course at the university, past studentswilltellyouthatyoudonotalwaysneedit.Moststudentsonlyfindtextbooksusefulin selected course and simply rely on the professor’s slides and personal notes for the rest. The decision is up to you, but we consider consulting a former student of the professor before spending big amounts on textbooks.

EXAMSStructure• Exams can be subdivided into partials (I), generals (S) or orals

(O)• Partials may be 2 or 4 per course according to the subject. The

advantage of taking partials is that they cover just half of the program.

• Generals, instead, cover all of the material done in class in one finalexam.

• Orals deal with the whole program (like generals) and can be mandatory or optional according to the class.

Sessions• For the partials, there is only one session per partial: sessions

are in October and December/January for the 1st semester classes, whereas they are in March/April and May for the 2nd semester classes.The only case in which it is possible to take the partials again is to do them after one year, when the younger students are taking them.

• General and oral exams have more sessions than partials. For theclassesofthefirstsemesterwehaveafirstsessioninDecem-ber/January, a second in February and then in summer (June/July and September). For the classes of the second semester the firstsessionisinMay,andthefollowingareinthesummerjustlike for the 1st semester (June/July and September)

Registration• Registration is available up to various months before the exam

and must be completed at latest 4 days before the exam. • Procedure: Agenda >> Exam Dates >> Registration exam ses-

sions. Then select the exam clicking on the blue booklet button on the left. Be careful because for the same subject there will be several exams according to the date and according to the type (I – partial, S – general, O – oral).

• If you happen to register to the wrong exam you can cancel your registration clicking on the printer icon on the left (it will appear assoonasyouregister)andclicking“cancel”

• To check that your registration has been submitted you can check the“you@b”homepage,wherealltheregistrationswillappearinaspecifictable.





















How to get a public transportation card?

The monthly rate for the student transportation card is 22 euros. To apply for the electronic card, you must gotoanyATMpoint,withapassportphotograph,validID,certificateofenrollment(printablefromPuntoBlu)andCodiceFiscale,andfillinaCardRequestForm(availableonthespot).Forunderagestudents,the form must be signed by parents. Electronic cards are valid for 4 years, but have to be renewed at the beginning of the academic year and the renewal, charged directly to the card, costs 10 euros. For more detailsrefertotheATMofficialwebsite(availableinEnglish).


List of bank holidays:

Public Holiday October 31 - November 1

Public Holiday December 7 - 9

Christmas Break December 23 - January 3

Public Holiday January 6

Easter Break TBA

Public Holiday April 25

Public Holiday May 1

Public Holiday June 2

PRACTICALITIESITALIAN LANGUAGEIt is no secret that the Italian language is the most beautiful one around.Youwillbeabsolutelyfinewithjustspeakingenglisharoundthe campus, however it is always good to know at least the basics. Checkoutthisquicklistofusefulwordsandphrases:

Parli Inglese? Do you speak English?Grazie Thank YouPrego You are welcomePer favore - Per Piacere PleaseBuon Giorno Good DayBuona Sera Good EveningBuona Notte Good NightCome stai? (singular) How are you?Come state? (plural) How are you?Mi scusi / Scusi Pardon Me Ciao! Hello / GoodbyeQuanto costa? How much does it cost?Arrivederci GoodbyeDov’e¨ ....? Where is ...?Gabinetto/Bagno Lavatory/ToiletHo Fame I’m HungryDove si trova il/l’/la... Where is the..Ambasciata EmbassyRistorante RestaurantCartolina PostcardPossofaredellefotografie? MayItakephotos?Dovepossotrovareun... WherecanIfinda...Ho una prenotazione I have a bookingVorreiqualcosadamangiare IWouldlikesomethingtoeatVorreiqualcosadabere IwouldlikesomethingtodrinkCome posso andare a... How can I go to....Accettate carte di credito? Do you accept credit cards?Prescrizione / ricotta PrescriptionPosso pagare al check-out? May I pay at check-out?Orario di aperture Opening timeBiglietteria Ticket deskNegozio Shop


Police (Carabineri) 112

General Emergency (Soccorso pubblico di emergenza) 113

Fire brigade (Vigili del fuoco) 115 Car Breakdown Assistance (Socorso Stradali) 116

Ambulance/Medical Emergencies (Emergenza sanitaria) 118

Pan-European Emergencies 112

Also note that there’s a nurse present at the Bocconi Residence every day from 11:00 to 13:00 for smaller injuries, advice, bla bla

BI AOur primary goal is to ensure that every single student at Bocconi has the chance to experience university life at it’s fullest. We try to assist prospective students from a very early stage on in order to ease the process of becoming a student at an Italian University.

Three years at a University may seem like a long time to you right now but it willgobyveryquickly,thereforeBISAwillenableyoutoexperiencealldifferentcultures at this university by organising varies events aimed at introducing and strengthening the cultural relationships.

Wearetheconnectionbetweenstudentsandtheofficialbodieswhenitcomesto ideas and concern regarding university life, thus representing international students’ thoughts to Bocconi staff. Our primary activity is information spreading so that all university members always know about all opportunities and events taking place on campus. We hope to make a difference in your university experience.

All content has been writtien by BISA Members and reflects personal student experiences and opinions. It may be that some things are subject to change in the near future. This guide is made for the academic year 2016 / 2017. Images used throughout this guide may be subject to copy right and were made available through various sources. This is an official BISA guide and not the official guide published by Universita Bocconi itself. For more information and help you can visit bocconisa.com. In case of further questions regarding this survival guide please contact us via email us [email protected].


Bocconi International Student AssociationFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/bocconiisa/Email:[email protected]: www.bocconisa.com

PresidentVincent Hendricks Email:[email protected]

Vice PresidentAnja StefanovicEmail:[email protected]

BISA Survival Guide by FVR Designs Producer : Franco Victor ReyesEmail:[email protected]
