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University of Hawaii...1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X-- . :. a--i.tf . i A.?m i AnA&V ft ita wiJBv.il ' !--1"...

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1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X- - . :. a- - . i i.tf A. JBv.il ?m i AnA&V ft ita wi ' ! -- 1" JIM 4r & s. y LI vv I MIII fnf Ml III 11 llMM II II III !!! I llHIai n I ) CtfSKF'WStftflX K LtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- - lJ.llw III IH IUi Will !! HI ' " I j Vol. XI V. No LTmI. IIOKOLQLU, II. 1. WKDXKSDAy :'IONr)N05, MAY II. 1SJK). eo otNru 0WU8CRllTlUn pert womtm V !:- - ( 4. ! SjBf' THE DAILY BULLETIN Ib printed mill published at tho office, ijueou Struct, Ilonolt In, II. I., oveiy alternoon (Sundays ijvecptc.dj. Subscription, - 00 cents per Month AililriMH nil Cnmmunlc. ilious Dui.i UUI.T.KTIN. Advertisements, ti enauro tneoitlim, fhuiild Uo bunded in bcfoio one o'clock V. M. '.'ALTER HILL Hditor anil Proprietor bulletin Stoats l'riutiug Otllce. Nc.vspapor, Hook ami Job l'rliitlnr; o( all UIuIh doiio on the most favorable unci". IMl Telephone Wo. 2511 M mini Telephone No. ari(i THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary, An iiiteiedliiig iiml nimpiehcnsivo publication, contains SJJ columns of lOdillnj! iiriltcr on lucil topics, ami n complete resume of Honolulu .mil Inland News, li is the beat )njpi:r iiiihlUhcd hi tliu Kingdom ' l to lilendi i. broad. Mtih'i'litiiiu : I til mil J I 00 J p:u I'oroijju Cominirfaion Moixuiunts. f OUN T. WATUHUOUS3E, IP Importer ami Uuiiler in Goiiural Mercluimliii!, (iuucu ?t., Honolulu. 1 WIJ.DIill Dcftlwrs OO., in Lumber, I'alntB, Oils, Nulls, Sal, and I(iilldlU- - MaterUlH of ovory l:tml, cor. Fort and Qiu-i'i- i sis., Honolulu. 1 Olmm yi'rucL'LlR. Wm. O. Irwin. IRWIN Si OOUPiiKY, WQ. Sug.-i- r Kactoisuud CuiimiBaion Aaant3, IIouululii. 1 6. W. Csntli' -- J. 1). Atlictlou-O- . I'. (,'iitU- - ClAsruw Shipping Cooke;, and Comiuibslon Merchants. linirlv,r ami Dcalura in Uouur.il JlciolmitiiUe,. No. SO King at., Honolulu. 1 . Luwuri, I'. J. l.w i iy O. M. ttooKo. & Cooke, LEVKKa to i.uwt.ia &. Dickson,) Importuis and Dciilurn in I.umtifr and all kinds ot Building 3I.iteriiU9, Kort btreel, Uouolulu 1 'Vrfl HONOLULU IIION WORK8, jgbtcini I'ngtnus, biiyar nulla, boll-t.r- co.iioiaj nun, liinstt i.nd lend caat-ing- ruauhlnury of uvury iluHcrijitum iimdu to older. Particular uttcutloii paid to ship's bl.mk smithing. Job work oc-mtc-d at uhoit notii'u. 1 X ilVCICSTiCX-.- O s Co., Jul Qsneral Comialesiou Agents. Honolulu G. W. HACrAELANr. & Co. IMl'OKTJJiW AND COMMISSION MKUUUANTS, Uouolulu. II. I. Qiaiiii slrsct, - - 101S UONSAJLVES & CO., VVrholoiile Gvoeors & Wiuo Morohanta liearcr Block, Uouolulu. BKEWHl'. U COUPaNY, c (Lliuueii; HicNuiiAi. Meucaiuim: and Commission AuiiNra. I.ISr Oil" Ot'Ftf'K3i I'. O. Josi.s, Jr. .. .I'roslilent & Mnnngcr J. O. Oahtku. .. ..Treinurcr & Secretary mukctouh; Hon. C. 11 BlBltOl". 'S.C. Au.kn, II. WATKIlltOUHU. a.13 ly ioneer Shir! Factory 104 Fori St., Upstairs. The iniderslcnad buna to iuforni the public of theao Iblaudu that ho Is making SlilrlM by MwnHuronioiit J DlrectioiiH forself-incasuremc- will bo glvtn on application. White Shirts, OYorshirts & Night Gowns A lit guaranteo by ninking a snmplo Shirt to every order. Island orJar solicited Uell Telephone 410 Silly A. 58. JIKIiMH. H, G. QRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN HI King Utrcot, oppoalto tha Old Station lloueti. rvliiimil fJPolllioii No. A. (7 tf rrol'esaionala. 1.1. nOHiJAHBAT, Attorney .it l.nw & Notary l'tibllc Mil Mi'tchaut Strctt, Ilonnliilii. tf MAUOOM, Aiioinei at J.'iw & Notary l'ulillc 173 t'2 Meifhantatrttt. Honolulu. 1v ' J. E. BROWiy, Did C'npltol Culldliitf. Agent to tdko Ackuowledmonl to Co- ntracts for Labor In the Dlstilot of Honolulu, lM.md of Onliu. IMiliii David Dayton Will practice In the lower rouiii of tin Kiumloiii as altouicy, ailund to rollci't Intj in nil in Iitaticlit!, rLiituiirof lioni-- i and nii otlior liueiiicsi entnistcd to him Otllce ill Klnjj Stii'c- t- Upttairs rVh n.S!l VlSimUnotmSini Wlf .... Willi W m Wf STEAM GAUDY FACTOR! ANI It.VICJltY. V. IIOItN, I'rnctical Confectioner, T.istry Cook and 71 IIoti.1 St. "6i- i- Telephone 71. California : Lands Zt" Apply to A. :iEtKi'' !! tf I J Mi'U'lnuit !., Ilnnoliilii. WINNER & CO. lliinuilirturitijf .It: wclloi'H, Constantly on hand 'i larjjc assortinun of overy di ;icrlptiou of Jewelry, Watches Qold ami Silver l'lated AVare, Vc. U,r.S ly Thomas Lindsay, J&. Hduufaclurlng Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Kiu Htroot, SIouolulu. SS. 8. Next door to thu Tiiun-f- t ay Coin p in) 's Olllct. tW Pellicular attention paid to all Uiii.Ih of icpalra. jan-lOtl- Hustece Robertson, 1 It, A. Tl' t JflW . IjL oidcrs for Cartajro promptly at. xL temiid to. Particular nttontlon piid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In transit to tho other Inlands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantltica to suit at lowest prices. Ofllce, next door to Jiii. P. Morgan's unction loom. !)12 ly Mutual Telcplionuo. 10. 'J 74 King st. -- ylgf 7 King st Importers of Rattan & Rood Furniture Pianos & Furniture Movid with Cure. Matting and Carpets Laid, COBinCE POLES, Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. ft CHAIRS TO RENT. npr-HI-- I'. . I' AM. -- (.? licit 'I VI '. 71. Ilawaiiaii Business Agency Corner I'ortiS: Morchiuit Miuets, Honolulu, II I. COMMISSION JiEHGHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS, A''(Miiiiats V K'oiliMioin ou rui; Hawaiian Bell Telephono Do. Kanajjer of Advortisiuff Uoparttuonl i'm lin- e- it Rlupepa Kuoko; ii DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Cullccllont vIll spci inl alien, lion and ten m. lumpily made. Ileal EstMo bought, oiil ami lui-ci- l. Taxes Paid unit etty tately injured Houses, Cottages, dooms and Offices. kHitl ami ii'iiuil, and tenia ndkclud. l"lro anJ Life Insnranco elli-eu- in llrl-- i 'ass Compjuii'". Convuyancinj a ! poclalty lliconl-- i scaiclud and i oirect Ablinotb nl 'litle liiriiislii.il Legal Documents and Papors of every description carotully drawn 'iml hnutl somely i'nirro?"eil. Copying and Translating in ;iM lanuaijes in i;eni i.'d um' in UiK liinyiloin. Custom House Biiiincst traiH.uti'd willi accuracy ninl diip.Uuh. Loans'iieotlaled ut favorablti ialm. Gold, Silver and Ccrtlllcatus houhl and old. Advertisements and Subtcti;itloii3 ii cited lor putdlshcio. Any Arlicto purehaaed or sdd on favot nblit ttrin Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti, culnr atttiitinu To Lot. rtirnbhoil and Unhirnlshcd Col- lages In ileliable localities. at rti.ftuuahlr rentals Several Vahisblc Properties in and around the cny uow for sale andlee on ciwy terms.' KiifAll bifiness entrusted to our caie will rLeeive piompt and faithful atten- tion at moili'ruiij i liarue" KeiJ-M- ) R9H Bin Locomo lives The undersigned having been appointed sole agenta for the Hawaiian Islands Tor tho Celebrated Baldwin : Locomotives .Prom tho worl.s of Burnhani, Parry, Williams & Co., rMtltiiiltslpliIii, Ponn.. Are now pieparcd to give cRlim ilea and receive oideia for these engines, of any die and 8t)lc. The Hamiwi.v LocoMonu: Woiikh are now manufacturing a htyln of I.oconio. live pttrticiilnrly adapted For Plantation Purposes A number of which lmvo recently been received nt these Islands, and we will have plei.ure in furnishing plnntntion agents and iiiauaera with purticulnra of Mime. Tho superiority of tluso I.ocnnintivrs over all ot her makes la not only known hero but U acknowledged throughout tho Uulttd Sttitca. Wm. C.IRWIN &Co., bole AgentB for Hawnitnn Islnndi-- . 1(12 cl.12-- w.ly HAWAIIAN COMMERCIAL SALESROOMS 1 Cor. (Mint'ii A Xnitniiii Hl. t3T Goods of all dcbCilptlons sold on comini-K-Jon- . Muliiul Telephone 031. feb 8 'JO A. II. IlASEMAJfX, Book-binde- r, Fapor-rule- r & Blouk-boo- k Manufacturer, No.-- - Mcrrlinnt street. Up 8talr. oc.t.l.83.1y (J. MUliliEIl & CO., PKACTICAL OUN & LOCKSMITHS llcthel Street, "Dnmnn'H Ulcck," Corner store. Surgical A: Musical Inniiunents matly ripalred at rc.isomlble intea. Sowing Machines and repairing ol all kiudaa Hpeciiilty. All kinds of Satea .v. Scales icp.ilreil. Househuld Sowlnj; Machine, for ?a'e. decl O LUSO HAWAIIAN!). ALL persons who want to com muni with tho PoituiMieao, either for biibltiess, or for procuring workmen, "orvanls or any other holpa, will tin d It ihoinost prolltahlo way to udvertlHc In tho I.iiso llttwaiiarto, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which la pub- lished on Hotel atroot, aud ouly charger nitiKuiitlila rMJ for mlviiittutujiU. Latest Hovels! AT N. S, Sachs, 104 Latest Novelties ! Blouoe Waists, Blouse Vtaiots, ('mil ami i "inl-- i , all i7e,, I'udtct-M'i- l Kid Cloves in Inn ami iNening sluiile. "i (iitttnn Kid Clow-- , in .ill col,, m, lll.il k (Mluitmi Kill (ilir. . Ilhi.-- A Coloieil Diivtng (ilne Ill mi and all , iiluis. Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons, In nil width- - and nlmx Lace Flouncings. Lace FloLiiicings. llihli Ginpiiif l.Mce Kloilliee-- , Cileutjl it V.ileiii it'inn1, in while, eioiun .mil et'iu; llhu I. d !'"ii'ii!li'i"4 in Siiiii-I- i (itiipute A Cllalltlll), Vel . Lace Edgeings, Lace Ecigeins, liuimiwe UhKoi tlilflit ; all the ncv,et itcigu. Hilel A N'.mdyki' llitlt, ill while .liitl Embroidery Flounces, Meininedatitch latt- -t . anil elegant wmk. Embroidered BOX SHIRTS, .New (U'.-iyii-H in ni.--to- A Wash M.ittii.il, all eulms Infant's Complete Outiits in I!oes POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE. WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH SS5 Pcdiirrees of AH " ' o BREEDING DEPARTMENT. The following Fine Autinaii will stand for service at the ranch, Walal.ie : Wall-bre- d Stallion "MARIN." N'onnan Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Thorouj;hbied Stallioi' "MIDNIGHT." Two Xalive Stalliom. "PILIAOAO" & "FRANK." A Woll-bic- il "KENTUCKY JACK." 40.1-IS- O tf lelophonu)!40.- - Fort St,, Honolulu. Horses Kent SALE DEPARTMENT, I (111 svi.l.- - St:iIliiiU.J of vaiiniK bleed'. M.uci with or without foal. I!iirc-- . foi any puipbe. BREAKING DEPARTMENT, A Pl.llful Itieaker and Traiuei i ein-iloi- on the laueh. tar SatNfacilou jjuiinntccil in breal.inj; and ir.ilniiiH; hor.-e- s. PAUL R, ESEWBERC. lolNTYRE & BRO., lAIPOCTKKS AND DKALKHS IN Provisions and Feed, KAST COHW Hit irOltr AII1) KINO STKBKTS. , O How Gooda received by every Packet from the Kailorn States and Kurope, ifrcsh Californln Produiehy every Kteainer. All otderu faithfully attended to. ted Gooda delivered to any part of the city frit of charge. Jslmiil onlera ol'. cited. Satigfactiou ciiftranteid. I'oat Oilirn Box HH. Tolcphone No. !I3 fnov.J Chas. Huslace, King Street HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA," KitH Alaaku Sen Trout, KitH Miiekoiel, Kita Faliiioii Kith Tongue-- , mid SiiiuuIb, T'uhen Vienna Sauagt, ll.un Saiib.io, Suliiion in 1 ami - U. tiiia, llanirt, Hticon, (.'otllleli, 'Pins Soii-e(- l .Maekorol, Hoileil Maclteiul in To-iiiut- o Stuit'c, Top O'Cuii itiaud Duller, Honcil Chii-ke- utul Tuikcy, Twin llrothorn' Yct Cnkcn, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! (Vritlini) 1'luken, fk'inien, Ilie.il.faht (Join, Wliito OntP, Ilinlil.tnd Hollnl O.itr, Diit-J- I Apiieota, Diied PeaclitH, PruiicH, 'J'ulilt I'rtiitH, lXatt't1, Imk, Hicluc'- ImhiiI, (lOhiline, Siinline.M, Wheal, O.its, llr.ni, Potatoea, Onions, it ml .i (ii'iu-iii- l of (iioei'iica nl l'npul.u price-"- Tj0"l.i'avi' join (inh-ic- , or ling up 'o. llll. -- "fcaocr- -- p. o iiox'jin. LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, 11. I., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES A PROVISIONS, ty- - o is' 1 o 10 tjrf lly each slciiiuor of the 0. h. S. Co. from Caltfoiuia Fresh Cala, Roll Butterr Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits, l?lNll, (illlllt!, Vo(UrtJllIH, JCt! 10(4. A complete Hue of Crosso Sl Blackvell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Rotllcd Goodb Always on linml. Aho, Just a fresh lino of 4rriiiiin I'ati'M A. i'otltul 3IcutH &. Uutth-i- l rronorvcd t'liiKn, Lewis A Co 'a Maltese llrand ringar Cured Ilatns A; llacon, Now lhoakfast Oeimls, Cream Out Plakea it Oream Wheat Klakes, Biclly Lemouti it Cala. Kiversidu Orantjtt, Oregon DurhnttU Pouitom, Ktc, Ktc, Kic. ap-1- 0'l telitifnit.iot B7 BEAVER SX SALOON Tho Boat Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooflfoe at 11 Houra The Plne-- t iJninil of ffiSS 0iiw,5i Alwnj-- on lliuikl. IS. .J. NOIrf-:- . I'ropih'loi 'I'll 13 Mprrnnnlitn n K clll Meat Company 11 hiNCl STKHKT. G. J. VMLLER, - - Manayer WholCEnle Ct Hatail Butchers ANI NAVY C'ONTK A CTOH H. rlBghtf" Si b id So PLANING MILL, AlnLen, ticui' (neeii Si. Teli'ili(HM o. ... VfMJUlR & REDWAUD, Colli rnoldl-- V lliltllti-H- . llrlcL, Strum and Woixlcu Huildingh; jlvl;n" Jiddiln pioinptly Tb King tuet. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. O. ilnx, 1VJ. apo ly rtKOKGK LUCAS, J,. a Contractor --SSfrfeiw. fc- - and millder.-Sgy- - Honolulu SUam Plunln; Mills, pla nado, Honolulu. Maiiiifacturcs all kinds of Mouldlnga, Itrackets, Window Praines, Illluds, fiiushes, Doom, and all kinds of Wood- work llinah. Turning, ficroll and Band Hawlnf;. All lilnds of aawlni; ami Morticing and Teuantln;. Onlersipioinptty atl-m- kd to and work unaranteed. Orders tiom tho oilier 1 solicited WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS &. HENRY, Fsrt Street, next Lur.-u- ' Mill, Carriage Builders, Ship's UlacKsmliliing, Omys, Cails fi Wagon Building as specialty. lively (1i6i:riptlou ot work in the above linea performed in a llist.cl.i-uirtuue- r nnd executed at bliort notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ES- T- Orders from the other Uintide solicited. ill bu pleated to Fee all our old custouurs ur well im new oncs, Mutual I'elephoMo No TiTI. apr-10-S- 9 W. W. Wright & Son J 79 A 81 Bell Tele. King St EiNo. 381. (The Itoe Piemlso-.- ) All onleia foj wIkcI vehicles of ever) lllled with promptness. Pirn clam mirhnnica employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty Tit.tM c.iitN, .h.vihlsni:h, Plantation Wagons, Mole & Ox Carts, Mitdc to ordtr, altered or ropaiud. Carriage Painting-- , Trimming, inc., kic, i?rc, Kic. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under the. mnnigemcni of It. ('nj. lord, who will collect and ieuipibii tiillp due thai branch ot our husdufto. (Sinned). iK-- t i w. tv wnioiiT a VOLCANO STABLES W.iliuueuue Strict. Carriages at i Minute's Notice, Alto, Saddle Horjcw, Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts, II.VY or M4.IIT. WILSON BROTHERS, lltl-J- , Haw ill toi' Onhrs reieied l. Telt phone " nih " V ETK KI JT A KY. Alt. HOW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, aud pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel stables, corner Hotel and Hiehard Uriels. Soietitiilc treatment in all din casus of domestic anluiaht. Orders foi plantation mid ranch vtnek promptly attended lo. Mutual Teh phono SIM, P, O, llox 30. uih.liPii Prussian National Insurance Cohid'v i.TutMMini H1.1 Capital O.OnO.000 I!elch5ir.ari,s rpiIK iiritei-lLti- e ', iipent of the slxive 1 C ."inp'ii j for tl e Hawaiian Islandi, e plepsied to "tei nl. nu'ititHt lire, mi llnildlnet., I'liiiiiiurc, Mftthiudl-ie- , Produce, Sni'nr M.K-- , l.i , nitheiiii.it f ivorable teim. Losts Promplly Adjusted anJ Parilt In Honolulu. JlyH7.lv O. HOL'I'K. t'nion, & JMnrine Insurance Co., L'd, Ot .Vei Capital $10,000,000 Kite rl"l, tuktu on DwcUiiuja, Stores and t untuntA. Aho, Sufur unit 1C tit. Mil!, Miiclnnery, lho , Kie 3liiiIii I iiKui"jiiie On Jl'illi. Citry;oed and riciuhts. lti paid heie J. S. WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Island-'- j in.ti Ihl CASTLE '& COOKE. Lite, Tiro & Marino Insurance Agentts I AdL.VTs" roti New England Mutual Lite Ins. Co., OH IlilsTON. Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hariford. L'MU.V Insurance Company, Tin. A. .Ilaiine. Ol- - (US, VUACIK'O, CALUxJllM".. Jan R Wl NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $105,053,600.96 "Facts aro Stubborn Things." At every ajrc, un every premiuin table, ninl in every jenr, tho AC- TUAL ItKSULTS of Timtiiio 1'olioios of the New York Life Iiihiimuco Ct. hiivo LAHOCH'than tho.-- o OP ANY OTin:K CUM PAN V iuing policie.s. gjm p.irticuhiih apply In it. liKBtiiKK, Geu'l Ajjent H.iwaiiiui InlamlH. 'i&W tf FIRE, LIFE, an,. MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford. Plre Insuranoo Co. AiseU, 65.28S.000 Commercial liumranoe Co. (Fire and Marino) AsacU, $450,000 Aflijlo-Nevnd- a Awurnuco Corpomtion (Kilo and Marino) CiipitnL paid up, $2,000,000 South JJritish l'iro ami Marine lm. Co Cajutal, $10,000,000 Saw York Life Insurance Co. Aaseht, $105 053,000 CO C. O. iJFRGf KK HONOLULU. (Jcnor.ll Agent, Uaw'n KIVl ly CASTLE & COOKE, nil'OUTSSKM, Hardv.'aro, Shipping1 Commission MorchreutD. HKAL1SHS IS' General Merchandise ! Plaiiutlou Aqeutu, Ufo, File & Marine Insurance- Areata ,lan4JJ HONOLULU, li. I. 1S0 '8 ? t . i . '. i , ' te&ffyifiiSi ttf&.m 'ta''i '!. dAt' i t , .1' v, i- tow iitA A hii kffflSwByrf'-- w lei i &m&.a&
Page 1: University of Hawaii...1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X-- . :. a--i.tf . i A.?m i AnA&V ft ita wiJBv.il ' !--1" JIM 4r & s.y LI vv LtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- -



I r'v. WJtt 'X- - . :. a- -

. ii.tf A. JBv.il

?m i AnA&V ft ita wi' !

--1" JIM 4r &


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I MIII fnf Ml III 11 llMM I I II III !!! I llHIai n I ) CtfSKF'WStftflX KLtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- - lJ.llw III IH IUi Will !! HI ' " I j

Vol. XI V. No LTmI. IIOKOLQLU, II. 1. WKDXKSDAy :'IONr)N05, MAY II. 1SJK). eo otNru0WU8CRllTlUn

pert womtm

V !:--


4. !



Ib printed mill published at tho office,

ijueou Struct, Ilonolt In, II. I., oveiy

alternoon (Sundays ijvecptc.dj.

Subscription, - 00 cents per Month

AililriMH nil Cnmmunlc. ilious Dui.iUUI.T.KTIN.

Advertisements, ti enauro tneoitlim,fhuiild Uo bunded in bcfoio one o'clockV. M.

'.'ALTER HILL Hditor anil Proprietor

bulletin Stoats l'riutiug Otllce.

Nc.vspapor, Hook ami Job l'rliitlnr; o(

all UIuIh doiio on the most favorableunci".IMl Telephone Wo. 2511

M mini Telephone No. ari(i


Weekly Summary,

An iiiteiedliiig iiml nimpiehcnsivopublication, contains SJJ columns oflOdillnj! iiriltcr on lucil topics, ami n

complete resume of Honolulu .mil InlandNews, li is the beat )njpi:r iiiihlUhcdhi tliu Kingdom ' l to lilendii. broad.

Mtih'i'litiiiu :

I til mil J I 00 J p:uI'oroijju

Cominirfaion Moixuiunts.

f OUN T. WATUHUOUS3E,IP Importer ami Uuiiler in GoiiuralMercluimliii!, (iuucu ?t., Honolulu. 1

WIJ.DIill DcftlwrsOO.,

in Lumber, I'alntB,Oils, Nulls, Sal, and I(iilldlU- - MaterUlHof ovory l:tml, cor. Fort and Qiu-i'i- i sis.,Honolulu. 1

Olmm yi'rucL'LlR. Wm. O. Irwin.IRWIN Si OOUPiiKY,WQ.Sug.-i- r Kactoisuud CuiimiBaion

Aaant3, IIouululii. 1

6. W. Csntli' --J. 1). Atlictlou-O- . I'. (,'iitU- -

ClAsruw ShippingCooke;,

and ComiuibslonMerchants. linirlv,r ami Dcalura inUouur.il JlciolmitiiUe,. No. SO King at.,

Honolulu. 1

. Luwuri, I'. J. l.w i iy O. M. ttooKo.

& Cooke,LEVKKa to i.uwt.ia &. Dickson,)Importuis and Dciilurn in I.umtifr and allkinds ot Building 3I.iteriiU9, Kort btreel,Uouolulu 1

'Vrfl HONOLULU IIION WORK8,jgbtcini I'ngtnus, biiyar nulla, boll-t.r-

co.iioiaj nun, liinstt i.nd lend caat-ing-

ruauhlnury of uvury iluHcrijitumiimdu to older. Particular uttcutloii paidto ship's bl.mk smithing. Job work oc-mtc-d

at uhoit notii'u. 1

X ilVCICSTiCX-.- O s Co.,Jul

Qsneral Comialesiou Agents.


G. W. HACrAELANr. & Co.


Uouolulu. II. I.Qiaiiii slrsct, - -



VVrholoiile Gvoeors & Wiuo Morohanta

liearcr Block, Uouolulu.

BKEWHl'. U COUPaNY,c (Lliuueii;HicNuiiAi. Meucaiuim: and

Commission AuiiNra.

I.ISr Oil" Ot'Ftf'K3iI'. O. Josi.s, Jr. . . .I'roslilent & MnnngcrJ. O. Oahtku. . . ..Treinurcr & Secretary

mukctouh;Hon. C. 11 BlBltOl". 'S.C. Au.kn,

II. WATKIlltOUHU.a.13 ly

ioneer Shir! Factory104 Fori St., Upstairs.

The iniderslcnad buna to iuforni thepublic of theao Iblaudu that ho Is making

SlilrlM by MwnHuronioiit J

DlrectioiiH forself-incasuremc- willbo glvtn on application.

White Shirts, OYorshirts & Night Gowns

A lit guaranteo by ninking a snmploShirt to every order.

Island orJar solicited Uell Telephone 410

Silly A. 58. JIKIiMH.



HI King Utrcot, oppoalto tha Old Stationlloueti.

rvliiimil fJPolllioii No. A.(7 tf


1.1. nOHiJAHBAT,Attorney .it l.nw & Notary l'tibllc

Mil Mi'tchaut Strctt, Ilonnliilii. tf

MAUOOM,Aiioinei at J.'iw & Notary l'ulillc

173 t'2 Meifhantatrttt. Honolulu. 1v


J. E. BROWiy,Did C'npltol Culldliitf.

Agent to tdko Ackuowledmonl to Co-

ntracts for Labor

In the Dlstilot of Honolulu, lM.md ofOnliu. IMiliii

David DaytonWill practice In the lower rouiii of tinKiumloiii as altouicy, ailund to rollci'tIntj in nil in Iitaticlit!, rLiituiirof lioni-- i

and nii otlior liueiiicsi entnistcd to him

Otllce ill Klnjj Stii'c- t- UpttairsrVh n.S!l

VlSimUnotmSiniWlf .... Willi

Wm Wf


V. IIOItN, I'rnctical Confectioner,T.istry Cook and

71 IIoti.1 St. "6i- i- Telephone 71.

California : Lands

Zt" Apply to

A. :iEtKi''!! tf I J Mi'U'lnuit !., Ilnnoliilii.

WINNER & CO.lliinuilirturitijf .It: wclloi'H,

Constantly on hand 'i larjjc assortinunof overy di ;icrlptiou of Jewelry, WatchesQold ami Silver l'lated AVare, Vc.

U,r.S ly

Thomas Lindsay,J&.

Hduufaclurlng Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

Kiu Htroot, SIouolulu. SS. 8.Next door to thu Tiiun-f- t

ay Coin p in) 's Olllct.

tW Pellicular attention paid to allUiii.Ih of icpalra. jan-lOtl-

Hustece Robertson,

1 It, A. Tl' t JflW .IjL oidcrs for Cartajro promptly at.

xL temiid to. Particular nttontlonpiid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In transit to tho other Inlands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantltica to suit at lowest prices.

Ofllce, next door to Jiii. P. Morgan'sunction loom.!)12 ly Mutual Telcplionuo. 10.


74 King st. --ylgf 7 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Rood Furniture

Pianos & FurnitureMovid with Cure.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.ft


I'. . I' AM. -- (.? licit 'I VI '. 71.

Ilawaiiaii Business Agency

Corner I'ortiS: Morchiuit Miuets,Honolulu, II I.


GENERAL AGENTS,A''(Miiiiats V K'oiliMioin

ou rui;

Hawaiian Bell Telephono Do.

Kanajjer of Advortisiuff Uoparttuonli'm lin- e-

it Rlupepa Kuoko; ii


Cullccllont vIll spci inl alien,lion and ten m. lumpily made.

Ileal EstMo bought, oiil ami lui-ci- l.

Taxes Paid unit etty tately injuredHouses, Cottages, dooms and Offices.

kHitl ami ii'iiuil, and tenia ndkclud.l"lro anJ Life Insnranco elli-eu- in llrl-- i

'ass Compjuii'".Convuyancinj a ! poclalty lliconl-- i

scaiclud and i oirect Ablinotb nl 'litleliiriiislii.il

Legal Documents and Papors of everydescription carotully drawn 'iml hnutlsomely i'nirro?"eil.

Copying and Translating in ;iM lanuaijesin i;eni i.'d um' in UiK liinyiloin.

Custom House Biiiincst traiH.uti'd williaccuracy ninl diip.Uuh.

Loans'iieotlaled ut favorablti ialm.Gold, Silver and Ccrtlllcatus houhl and

old.Advertisements and Subtcti;itloii3 ii

cited lor putdlshcio.Any Arlicto purehaaed or sdd on favot

nblit ttrinInter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti,

culnr atttiitinuTo Lot. rtirnbhoil and Unhirnlshcd Col-

lages In ileliable localities. at rti.ftuuahlrrentals

Several Vahisblc Properties in andaround the cny uow for sale andleeon ciwy terms.'

KiifAll bifiness entrusted to our caiewill rLeeive piompt and faithful atten-tion at moili'ruiij i liarue" KeiJ-M- )

R9H Bin Locomolives

The undersigned having been appointedsole agenta for the Hawaiian


Tor tho Celebrated

Baldwin : Locomotives

.Prom tho worl.s of

Burnhani, Parry, Williams & Co.,

rMtltiiiltslpliIii, Ponn..Are now pieparcd to give cRlim ilea andreceive oideia for these engines, of anydie and 8t)lc.

The Hamiwi.v LocoMonu: Woiikh arenow manufacturing a htyln of I.oconio.live pttrticiilnrly adapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of which lmvo recently beenreceived nt these Islands, and we willhave plei.ure in furnishing plnntntionagents and iiiauaera with purticulnraof Mime.

Tho superiority of tluso I.ocnnintivrsover all ot her makes la not only knownhero but U acknowledged throughouttho Uulttd Sttitca.

Wm. C.IRWIN &Co.,bole AgentB for Hawnitnn Islnndi-- .

1(12 cl.12-- w.ly


Cor. (Mint'ii A Xnitniiii Hl.t3T Goods of all dcbCilptlons sold on

comini-K-Jon- .

Muliiul Telephone 031. feb 8 'JO

A. II. IlASEMAJfX,Book-binde- r, Fapor-rule- r & Blouk-boo- k


No.-- - Mcrrlinnt street. Up 8talr.oc.t.l.83.1y


llcthel Street, "Dnmnn'H Ulcck,"Corner store.

Surgical A: Musical Inniiunents matlyripalred at rc.isomlble intea. SowingMachines and repairing ol all kiudaaHpeciiilty. All kinds of Satea .v. Scalesicp.ilreil. Househuld Sowlnj; Machine,for ?a'e. decl


ALL persons who want to com muniwith tho PoituiMieao, either

for biibltiess, or for procuring workmen,"orvanls or any other holpa, will tin d Itihoinost prolltahlo way to udvertlHc Intho I.iiso llttwaiiarto, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which la pub-lished on Hotel atroot, aud ouly chargernitiKuiitlila rMJ for mlviiittutujiU.

Latest Hovels!AT

N. S, Sachs, 104

Latest Novelties !

Blouoe Waists, Blouse Vtaiots,('mil ami i "inl-- i , all i7e,,

I'udtct-M'i- l Kid Cloves in Inn ami iNening sluiile. "i (iitttnn Kid Clow-- , in.ill col,, m, lll.il k (Mluitmi Kill (ilir. . Ilhi.-- A

Coloieil Diivtng (ilne

Ill mi and all , iiluis.

Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons,In nil width- - and nlmx

Lace Flouncings. Lace FloLiiicings.llihli Ginpiiif l.Mce Kloilliee-- , Cileutjl it V.ileiii it'inn1, in while, eioiun .mil

et'iu; llhu I. d !'"ii'ii!li'i"4 in Siiiii-I- i (itiipute A

Cllalltlll), Vel .

Lace Edgeings, Lace Ecigeins,liuimiwe UhKoi tlilflit ; all the ncv,et itcigu. Hilel A N'.mdyki' llitlt,

ill while .liitl

Embroidery Flounces,Meininedatitch latt- -t . anil elegant wmk.

Embroidered BOX SHIRTS,.New (U'.-iyii-H in ni.--to- A Wash M.ittii.il, all eulms

Infant's Complete Outiits in I!oes



SS5 Pcdiirrees of AH"' o


The following Fine Autinaii willstand for service at the ranch, Walal.ie :

Wall-bre- d Stallion"MARIN."

N'onnan Stallion"CAPTAIN GROWL."

Thorouj;hbied Stallioi'"MIDNIGHT."

Two Xalive Stalliom.

"PILIAOAO" & "FRANK."A Woll-bic- il


40.1-IS- O tf

lelophonu)!40.- -

Fort St,, Honolulu.

Horses Kent


I (111 svi.l.- -

St:iIliiiU.J of vaiiniK bleed'.M.uci with or without foal.I!iirc-- . foi any puipbe.


A Pl.llful Itieaker and Traiuei i ein-iloi-

on the laueh.

tar SatNfacilou jjuiinntccil inbreal.inj; and ir.ilniiiH; hor.-e-s.



Provisions and Feed,KAST COHW Hit irOltr AII1) KINO STKBKTS.

, O

How Gooda received by every Packet from the Kailorn States and Kurope,ifrcsh Californln Produiehy every Kteainer. All otderu faithfully attended to.ted Gooda delivered to any part of the city frit of charge. Jslmiil onlera ol'.cited. Satigfactiou ciiftranteid. I'oat Oilirn Box HH. Tolcphone No. !I3 fnov.J

Chas. Huslace, King StreetHAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"

KitH Alaaku Sen Trout, KitH Miiekoiel, Kita Faliiioii Kith Tongue-- ,

mid SiiiuuIb, T'uhen Vienna Sauagt, ll.un Saiib.io, Suliiion in 1 ami - U.tiiia, llanirt, Hticon, (.'otllleli, 'Pins Soii-e(- l .Maekorol, Hoileil Maclteiul in To-iiiut- o

Stuit'c, Top O'Cuii itiaud Duller, Honcil Chii-ke- utul Tuikcy, Twinllrothorn' Yct Cnkcn,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!(Vritlini) 1'luken, fk'inien, Ilie.il.faht (Join, Wliito OntP, Ilinlil.tnd Hollnl O.itr,Diit-J- I Apiieota, Diied PeaclitH, PruiicH, 'J'ulilt I'rtiitH, lXatt't1, Imk, Hicluc'-ImhiiI, (lOhiline, Siinline.M, Wheal, O.its, llr.ni, Potatoea, Onions, it ml .i

(ii'iu-iii- l of (iioei'iica nl l'npul.u price-"-

Tj0"l.i'avi' join (inh-ic- , or ling up 'o. llll.

-- "fcaocr- -- p. o iiox'jin.

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, 11. I.,


ty-- o is' 1 o 10 tjrflly each slciiiuor of the 0. h. S. Co. from Caltfoiuia

Fresh Cala, Roll Butterr Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala, Fruits,l?lNll, (illlllt!, Vo(UrtJllIH, JCt! 10(4.

A complete Hue of Crosso Sl Blackvell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Rotllcd Goodb

Always on linml. Aho, Just a fresh lino of

4rriiiiin I'ati'M A. i'otltul 3IcutH &. Uutth-i- l rronorvcd t'liiKn,Lewis A Co 'a Maltese llrand ringar Cured Ilatns A; llacon,

Now lhoakfast Oeimls, Cream Out Plakea it Oream Wheat Klakes,Biclly Lemouti it Cala. Kiversidu Orantjtt,

Oregon DurhnttU Pouitom, Ktc, Ktc, Kic.

ap-1- 0'l telitifnit.iot B7


Tho Boat Lunch in Town,

Tea and Ooflfoe at 11 Houra

The Plne-- t iJninil of


0iiw,5iAlwnj-- on lliuikl.

IS. .J. NOIrf-:- . I'ropih'loi

'I'll 13

Mprrnnnlitn n KclllMeat Company

11 hiNCl STKHKT.

G. J. VMLLER, - - Manayer

WholCEnle Ct Hatail Butchers



rlBghtf"Si b id So


AlnLen, ticui' (neeii Si.Teli'ili(HM o. ...


Colli rnoldl-- V lliltllti-H- .

llrlcL, Strum and Woixlcu Huildingh;jlvl;n" Jiddiln pioinptly

Tb King tuet. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. O. ilnx, 1VJ. apo ly

rtKOKGK LUCAS, J,.a Contractor --SSfrfeiw. fc--

and millder.-Sgy- -

Honolulu SUam Plunln; Mills, planado, Honolulu.

Maiiiifacturcs all kinds of Mouldlnga,Itrackets, Window Praines, Illluds,

fiiushes, Doom, and all kinds of Wood-work llinah. Turning, ficroll and BandHawlnf;. All lilnds of aawlni; ami

Morticing and Teuantln;.Onlersipioinptty atl-m- kd to and work

unaranteed. Orders tiom tho oilier 1


WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS &. HENRY,Fsrt Street, next Lur.-u- ' Mill,

Carriage Builders,Ship's UlacKsmliliing, Omys, Cails fi

Wagon Building as specialty.

lively (1i6i:riptlou ot work in theabove linea performed in a llist.cl.i-uirtuue- r

nnd executed at bliort notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.ES-T- Orders from the other Uintide

solicited. ill bu pleated to Fee allour old custouurs ur well im new oncs,Mutual I'elephoMo No TiTI.

apr-10-S- 9

W. W. Wright & SonJ

79 A 81 Bell Tele.King St EiNo. 381.

(The Itoe Piemlso-.- )

All onleia foj wIkcI vehicles of ever)lllled with promptness.

Pirn clam mirhnnica employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

Tit.tM c.iitN, .h.vihlsni:h,Plantation Wagons, Mole & Ox Carts,

Mitdc to ordtr, altered or ropaiud.

Carriage Painting-- , Trimming,inc., kic, i?rc, Kic.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under the. mnnigemcni of It. ('nj.lord, who will collect and ieuipibiitiillp due thai branch ot our husdufto.

(Sinned).iK-- t i w. tv wnioiiT a

VOLCANO STABLESW.iliuueuue Strict.

Carriages at i Minute's Notice,

Alto, Saddle Horjcw,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts,


lltl-J- , Haw illtoi' Onhrs reieied l. Telt phone "



Alt. HOW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,aud pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel stables, corner Hotel and HiehardUriels. Soietitiilc treatment in all dincasus of domestic anluiaht. Orders foiplantation mid ranch vtnek promptlyattended lo. Mutual Teh phono SIM,P, O, llox 30. uih.liPii

Prussian NationalInsurance Cohid'v

i.TutMMini H1.1

Capital O.OnO.000 I!elch5ir.ari,s

rpiIK iiritei-lLti- e ', iipent of the slxive1 C ."inp'ii j for tl e Hawaiian Islandi,

e plepsied to "tei nl. nu'ititHt lire,mi llnildlnet., I'liiiiiiurc, Mftthiudl-ie- ,

Produce, Sni'nr M.K-- , l.i , nitheiiii.itf ivorable teim.

Losts Promplly Adjusted anJ PariltIn Honolulu.

JlyH7.lv O. HOL'I'K.

t'nion, & JMnrine

Insurance Co., L'd,Ot .Vei

Capital $10,000,000

Kite rl"l, tuktu on DwcUiiuja, Storesand t untuntA. Aho, Sufur

unit 1C tit. Mil!, Miiclnnery, lho , Kie

3liiiIii I iiKui"jiiieOn Jl'illi. Citry;oed and riciuhts. ltipaid heie

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Island-'-

j in.ti Ihl


Lite, Tiro & Marino

Insurance Agentts I

AdL.VTs" roti

New England Mutual Lite Ins. Co.,

OH IlilsTON.

Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hariford.


Insurance Company,Tin. A. .Ilaiine.

Ol-- (US, VUACIK'O, CALUxJllM"..

Jan R Wl


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $105,053,600.96

"Facts aro Stubborn Things."

At every ajrc, un every premiuintable, ninl in every jenr, tho AC-

TUAL ItKSULTS of Timtiiio 1'olioiosof the New York Life Iiihiimuco Ct.hiivo LAHOCH'than tho.--o OPANY OTin:K CUM PAN V iuing


gjm p.irticuhiih apply In

it. liKBtiiKK,Geu'l Ajjent H.iwaiiiui InlamlH.

'i&W tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford. Plre Insuranoo Co.

AiseU, 65.28S.000Commercial liumranoe Co.

(Fire and Marino)

AsacU, $450,000Aflijlo-Nevnd- a Awurnuco Corpomtion

(Kilo and Marino)

CiipitnL paid up, $2,000,000South JJritish l'iro ami Marine lm. Co

Cajutal, $10,000,000Saw York Life Insurance Co.

Aaseht, $105 053,000 CO


(Jcnor.ll Agent, Uaw'n

KIVl ly


Hardv.'aro, Shipping1

Commission MorchreutD.HKAL1SHS IS'

General Merchandise !

Plaiiutlou Aqeutu,Ufo, File & Marine

Insurance- Areata,lan4JJ HONOLULU, li. I. 1S0


?t . i . '. i , ' te&ffyifiiSi ttf&.m'ta''i '!. dAt' i t , .1' v, i- tow iitA A hiikffflSwByrf'-- w lei i &m&.a&

Page 2: University of Hawaii...1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X-- . :. a--i.tf . i A.?m i AnA&V ft ita wiJBv.il ' !--1" JIM 4r & s.y LI vv LtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- -




pB5F!jp9r,-"-'-?n'fp-p' "inpB(nT"W7!!'

ft cruel bomb lo throw amount ourBoiird of lTcnllh lSuffuh.- - forcljin in Honolulu Hint J


Notice is hereby pivou Ibul allro.d.s or ttalU to the Leper Settle-

ment from any pxirt of tho lAand of

Molokni ftrc forbidden fo be traveled,beyond and Mow tho tup of thepali.s except by ponuisbiou of theBoard of Health t it.s againta. andany pieson found upon such loadsor trails without such permi-yio- n

will be prosecuted.By order of the Beard of llenllh.

GEO. C. POTTER.Seeretmy

Honolulu, May 1, 1S0O.

ona 3t

'Jf 11 Xi

gallj, guTTitfin'.'.tlffd to neither Sect nor lnty,

But esttillished for the benefit ot all.

WKDNKSDAY. MAY 14, 181)0.

The Advertiser catalogued "theobstacles to the development of a

largo stream of foreign travel to

these islands," and among themmentions "lack of cable commun-

ication." No doubt this is an le

to 1.01110, but to others it is anincentive to come here. A gentle-man from New York who spout tenweeks on the. islaniW about a vearago, and then proceeded on to Aus-

tralia, where he remained a mouth.Mated to the writer when returninghome that hi- - sojourn on the inlandswas much more enjoyable than hisvtay in Australia, for the reason

that here ho was away from the tele-

graph and there ho was not. luHonolulu ho had a rest from busi-

ness questions connected with his

tirm, that woto daily wired to him in

Australia to hN annoyance. .Said

the gentleman," I consider yourisolation to he one of your at-

tractions. Men of businn-- i like

nnyelf when they no off for a holi-

day, do not want to 1m everlastinglybothered with busines-- , matterb which

hey have confided to others for thetime being." This is tho other side.


Knnoi: lln.i.int.v:Don't you think that quite enough

"chin" woik has been done in leliquor selling in this kingdom? Now,why not do a little real work. How V

Kn'toree the law wo have, and it is agood one. The one who framed thislaw understood hio business, rndwere it enforced no gin mill wouldremain open M hour- -. Many doubtif it is the desire of the ones whotalk so much lo have tho saloonselodftd, as then their occupation willbe gone. Now, sir, let mo suggestthis tho parly that, lias the majorityin the Legislature -. to bomadu up largely of mechanics, tothem I appeal. I'se all your

to have a law drafted andpassed favoring high license, andmrika it hUjli not less than 51000per month with :i penalty of at least$100 to go to tho informer for everytime a poison sells liquor without alicense. This high license workswell clsewheto; why not try it hero?tiud if one man wants to sell rum,let him do it and make him pay forit; and it another wants to iliinl;

he boit mostevangelist

sake stop this tall;v, talky. Whoare responsible lor the burning ofthe two intoxicated men last week?The seller. L.


Kihtoii Hii.LirrtN:A piece appeared in Saturday

r. C. headed "jlr. Hush and theLepers," and signed Citizen. Heasks tho editor ol thai paper, if themerchants of this city are awaiethat Mr. Hush is relying for succorsin the election at Koolau, mainly onbis promise to have the lepers re-

leased nnd sent home.Does Cition dare to put

question to tlie Koolau citi.ens?Does not imply that tho mer-

chants "and citizens ot Koolau dis-t-ic- t,

with the help of Jlr. Hush,wish to the lopeis adrift on thiscommunity? Ho then proceeds todraw from his imagination a pictureof horror asks; Pn not the peo-

ple of Honolulu realize thisDon't they? Is he tho only

one amongst the many that knowsand V

has he observed about theof Koolau, tn beliovo audi

evil things ot them? Wc would knowhis object in thus scandalizing awhole district; yes, a whole nation.Our metcliants haidly thankhim for putting in print a statementwhich it read in San Krauelhco

lliem morn harm than any ideaAir. Hush could possibly conceive,were that evil disposed personthis well disposed eiti.en lakes himor. Only an unprincipled politi-

cian, to accomplish eotuo selfhhend, would publish a ude- -

tucnt so harmful: but thoiclimits beyond which neither oiccd,color party can tempt men orincrchantH of IioiicbI purpose. It isa cowardly Htnb nt what thin writertuiuKs to lie inc viuu spot oi a ivoo-la- u

native's ciiliinutit on a uucstioni that has no place in politics; it is '

- '- - ,






have not had opportunity to knowthat that leper settlement was esta-blished by native votes in our Le-

gislative ilnlls, when this nationsemi-barbaro- and outride in.

fluenee counted for nothing, nndnppropriatioriH have been voted forand earned by the native membersof tho House, steadily up to thepresent time. Tilts tact alone isenough to tllng back this basecharge in the face of this alarmist.

It is the most injurious, outrageous, venomous statement that everwis published in printer's ink. to in-

sult the intelligence of a civilizednation. Knoivr.


The following composition wnswritten by a little Miss, of tenderyears, attending the Kilauea,public school. The little lady'sspelling and punctuation arc faith-fully copied. The writing is asplain us print- - ,


On Saturday '2l5lh of April Mr.Macfie iiuide a picnic, and hemany people a ride in the cars lthe opening ol the Koolau Hailway.The cars looked nice with a bigeiowd ot people, and the lings llylnpto and fro.

The Trains would the cars sofast, that 1 thought everything wasitinuing too. could not see thepeople on the oilier cars, but whenwe would get in some curves, wncould see them all. Vo passed bydeep cuts, and 1 could not guesshow the men did it. 1 said to myself, think they took a ladderclimbed up theio, to make, it looknice with a shovel.

We passi d a bridge in tho cais,but when we got to the big bridge,we all had to get down and walk.The bridge - very long and eiyhigh. Mr. Maclie made a nicespeech, and in his -- peeth ho saidthat the bridge looks like the onethat is in Scotland, only the one inScotland is made of iron, and thisone is made of wood. While Mr.Macfie was speaking, oiue ouo be-

gan lo shoot, and 1 was frightened.I looked louud to where it camefrom, but I could not see. Whenthey shot again. I noticed licit itcame from under the bridge. Mr.Clay and some others were shooting.Mi-- s Auhagen said, "1 declare therailroad open." A Chinaman tookn line of rs went allround the bridge. All the peoplehad to get away, because fire-

crackers burn. When we werefinished we got inlo Hie ears, and wocame back again. When we wereback, wo got down from the cars,and we went to have lunch at the.mill. These were many nice thingsset on the There war. a pig's

with llowers in mouth.Mr. Maclle made a nice speech,

and Mr. Jl. fJarstin too. Mr. (Jr.iM-ti- n

said in his speech, that he hopesthe Koolau Held will give many,many tons of cane.

1 "think Mr. Maofio is tho bestgeneral in plantations. lie wantseverybody lo have a good time.

Lim.i; llinrr.n (i v.


large and distinguishedaudience gathered in the Y. M. 0.A. hall last evening, to lintcii to tlieable and interesting address deliver-ed by Mr. S. Al. Sayfonl, of lios-to- n,

his subject being personalwoik, bsihcil on n part of the firstchapter of St. John's Gotpol. Thesintting was led by .Rev. A. D. His-c- l,

and Miss Maggie Hopper pre-

sided al the piano.The last evening was ouo

him; he has a light to if pay ot the and forcible yeti licenced seller for it; for pity a delivered by the and the



this that











vva- -j





'! and




table.head its




interest in tho meetings is gi cullyincreasing, and a much larger placewill fcoou have to bo seemed lo ac-

commodate the people,Tlie Mii'viccs will be continued

every night this week at 7:130

o'clock. The addiess this eveningwill be of special interest to all.Tlie good singing is a most enjova-bl- e

feature of the services.


will be the Festival ofthe. Aicension of our Lord. The(Jalhedral horvicen will he a- - follows;

Holy Couimuuioii (Choial) (!:!0a. m.

.Morning prayer, U a. in. Seiinonby Hi. liev. the Hi&hop ol Hono-lulu.

Hawaiian Kveusnng, .'1:110 p. in.Sermon by He v. W. II. Ha rues.

K oning prayer p. m.



solemnized iu memory of Clui.st'f.glorious ascension into heaven onthe fottieth day afler his resunec-lion- ,

in the hight of his apostles anddisciples (acts 1 'J).

Religious services as fallows: 0

and 7 a. in. low masses.10 a. m. pontillcal mass fol-

lowed by the adminislialioii of thosacrament of baptism.

f) p. niMcoullruiatiou, holybenediction.

THE BESTPAPER m muWrilieJL lor Is Uiu "iKlly Btl!lulitl. 60

Csntfl per laouUi.

--"fjfrifm "v,y v rwJ,ir''fwr!w!ipfw

DA1LV BUU.KTJH': HONOLUI.O, If. 'Jfl MAT !J, 11380. -iw-tviin- iwmnww ttifcmCfH il iil 1 rmii'Fs ,'niMil iMlwnr ijxriMi1i4Vpy.

Auction Sales by James Y. Morgan. Auction Sales by James P. Morgan.

. .- - ..Iiurs & Important i LANDLORD'S SALt Uh


W .A I j 1 I

.. lo -- ell at J'uhlle AuitlunI am lnstiiietoil by .Mi.iis. IIY.MAN ' ,.,,,,,,, . . --,, ,, ow

BHO. tn hold ii Lnrnc icillt Sate, at I J'S"" t --'J " '"''"my Sale-room- , Queen ticot. on

On THURSDAY, Mny l"(h,AT 10 O'CS.OCtt .v. i:A complete aoitineiit of



Cashmeres, Coburgs,Funev Drees Good',Ulucf. & Oloied Meilims

I'.te., i:t. Kto., Lie.

A complete assortment of

Lawns it Prints,lii'in'hiV f.ndict' I'lidervveai'.White & Brawn Cottmn,

A full Urn- - oi

HUTU k Yilll's Mill,'1 In int.st , ouiplt'io el'

.tteu' I. miles' V: 'Ii 11,1 ic t.'s

WHO US W jrVTC 3C,VII :itieiiisam!italitic- - uT

Woo'.an &. Calico Shirts,A vmy full line nf


( '.impi iiim;I '.i 'imoie-- . 'I'vvenN.Wnrsteils. 1)1 lagonal-- .

Linens, Uucks, Etc.Al-- full lino, 1.

Silk Ribbons k Handkerchiefs,

Ainlaverv l.irjte ot


l.te . Kit . Kl. . Kte.

t Theo GoniN have a'l beenfor this liiisiket. anil eom-jiris- -e

tlie luto-- t ami ino-- l ita)li' t,vles Int'Viirllno

SJ-- All Good (illeieil vvlll Ii- - Mild,and Inviilce will be I'liisi'd din lemil-le- -i

of clt.l.ilirral IVriiit tit Male!

.IAS. r. AIOIUJAN,.ri.I It A net loin


ActlatJ!:.',. Pollritori, 0:nnnlj3lj3 Altaic ctJCotum Uoui-- Crckcn.

Art Hi .ill thin: propiiinl in rerform any of 't lenesl Wmkslieli as Auilllini Aiermnln, f'.ihtlu upTliidesMHli'M ll'iiil-- . V'll.lni! Iiivcnlo'l. a

ol St eU, Kuj;u,-ii'- c l.i L"il Ducuuien'r,Hie t' 'iniiu'iiin' tiiul Iti'loilile Kieivlot'l( '!:. Inr tlie (Ii iiery unit lull) inj ( t

iHrif- i"CS"t)tllru at hi l u.& 1i"jIii:i:tm..n's,

Qtl, on I'usl Otlleo Un IB'i l

Tuli pljoac pi; JM1 Teh ilium.' iMf!j tf

Hawaiian Lime I

'i no ri:i: UAitici.i:.

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'D,:.;) 'xiie Aftctit. if

s30o ni:VA!u i

rpilK Klimc lew an! will t,u paid tonay peiMin tivltiit intoiniailon

to urie"t one l.ui, u I testamentnative ot Kelniili"-- , who 1 mn (llrcetciltl!i,.: Hiinm, In Honolulu. i,:i l'liilnv.Muy It, ISilO. Ho Is iCscillii'd ns a larmiifi, iiulier cornnleiU, iiicl liml a

.l.m .stilMill,.Mailed.

Iloiiohibi. May J2, J BOO. .1W It

NOT! cn.

I WILL rot h letp.-nsllil-e for any

ilebts i:ontitirtcit in toy vvhli.O it Wlllten onlur.

.I01IN 0 CLl'.NT.Y.Ilo. iilnbi.Miiy Bt, !)). ;it

I.O.Vr.oi- - STKAYKI)

A BOLT Kiiiliiyheit,8$K ... n Bsy lli.rc ,

feV'" iraiated M" An.vvinivvill l.ii paid lr

f-i-if i'i retiirn to llic pre.in offif.:i :tt


.1.11. WfiDKlU-l'HK- .

Ivmmn siii'ct


rK& A MX-KOU- Cottaai" onfcJiZ2 Jr. Hotel Miect. nexi door

BsiSsfiSa '""deii'on x l.midyV den-

tal olllee, I'or partieuhiis npplv to.ja!.' lvv ANli:itiSON I . I ,' . Y.


I fttrij --s, i ' I'BMSHKI) nr LntuiMay JHh, will be $!&&. ? Itnomor Cotiiigii. o

AsceusioH day, a least of obligation g&eisffl "fur Honolulu. Aildien


"13. M.,"' Hi i.i.r.n.voillei


k?. a rUBNISIILI) Coiia;ejft&j, on N'imaiiii clreei. inviridffiSitia Vlneiaid, on terms.Apulv to

at 1". riHBTZ.


ftuA pin;.MISR.S situated atK?a9m X Kiipalama, at piescnt

U oecnpled by Mrs. (iuriicy.Possession uIvpii June 1, IWiO.,iir;jvv .joun r. cnLKunx.

Goods & ChattelsDlMtrnliipil fiir ! .'(in-li- n incut

or Unit.

I Mm iiiMiuctcrt I'V .'allies U. Holt.,li





(.f day. at my $.ilr;rooin, on Qitei--u

treet. In tho Oltv of Honolulu, the fol-

lowing declined (loods ami Chattel of1'ook Lung, a lati' tenant ot -- aid JiimcIt. Holt. In Kihl Citj of Honolulu,distrained foratiears of rent, and hav-ing bivn held tlie xtntutoiy length oftime tv the said .lames It. Holt, Jr.. viz :

Chinese & Japanese Crockery,

And Other Waie. Ciulof and Otheriood, ( battels Effects of s.ild

Took Luiijj. taken fiom Ids store In"Holt's Itloek," Xiiiuiiin t'treet, In saidOltv of Honolulu.

AXH.V. MOItttAX,Auctioneer.

.T. M. MoiHanat Attnniev forl.iinilloid.Honolulu, April Lij. lMrtl. MS til


Hoiiseholti Furniture

B.v oitler of H'MI. IIJJOWK, Ksi) .

l.e'eiitor of the lMule of the lain II.I'jelon. ilceca-ci- l, I will 'II at 1'olilleAuetlun, al thepieinl.es, coiner of Klmrmill I'likoi tieeiii,

On FltlDAV, l!ty 1 I80,AT lO (l'Ci.;Ct. A. M..

Tho Entire Kouseh'ld Furniture,Ami Hlfeet- - of -- .ilil VNlale, enin-piMn- g.

i Handsome Carved Parlor Set,

I'phoKteied in Blue Silk:S(.a A rhalis. rpho. hiHide ,; Cm tier Wli.itttot-.- ,

L:iiK'0 CctiliM vt Hol'a Ifttys,1 lollivilk TIlirl?t V tnMarbhMo (Vnlfr 'I able,

2 Fins B. W. Etaiieras,Lanji' Hmililc B. V. Bedstead.--Maitriii-ses A Pillow-.- ,

1 Lleff.ini. i:tra Low

B. W. Wardrobe,With Mhriir I'ronlsj

P.. W. Bnieiiiis A WiirilixtamN.Ik Shawls . UediineaiN,

i Handsome Koa Sideboard,

t'diiaerli the pioperty of 0.

Large 11. W. liming: Table,


Dining Boom Chairs,llecotated Dinner Set.

Sterling Silver Spoons Forks,

I'liU',1 W'tiio,

BOOlc C'tlMf & liOoiCM,

VAC, Ki- - . Kio . Kte.

f?"'lhe I'leinUi's will lie openInspection on Tlmisihiy. .May l.'ili,U a. 51. in ;i I'. M.

,jas. v. :,H)naAZ,'ill) 7t Aiiellinieer.


REAL ESTATEBvdiieetlen of Cr.riL BltOWX. the

th.it will leml ill" nl Jlxmailorof the la- -t vvlll and ofiNi" sliol I I'lilllp Milton. leeen-ea- ,




rfSi-?- .











to sell at 1'iiiiiie .Miction, at my llllv-roo- m

In Honolulu.


The late Ifometead of tho s.iid I'lilllpMilton, liuliig that eei tain propel ty situ-ate on the maiika shin of Kine; street. Insaid Honolulu, between the picuiiscsof M. H.v mail, Ksip. and Ales. Youiifi,r.si.

The above 1'iopeity Is planted withfruit ttees and grapo vlue.s. and has anaiteslaii well fioui which there Is nowan income of per minimi. Titlepel feet. Also, at tlie s;mie time amijil.icu, and hy the same dlicctloii I shallsi'll that ce lam

Pirn or Parcel of M !

Minnie at Kiilaokalma, Hoiio'ulii, ad-

joining the pieiulscs of Chillies Duduit.l'-i- .. and eoutainlng mi men ol O

net es, suitable for a hoiueste.ul. Titleperfet.

fcitr Deeds at the e.pen-- e of the pur-chaser.

i J AS. K. AlOIiiiAX,.".tn id Aiictlfineer.

LOST"IV)Sr Ollhe Bunk Book X.. fiflli.

J. 'I he tliiihr will pk'ii?e rrttiini nuiui1(1 I'()s (Ifllc...


5Vi :n

A r;t)LI) Watch Chin n. eontainlngJ. ihotogiaph. A inward will bonlvi'ii to any perhou returning MildWatnli Chin lii to

McLi:x nuos..tiOllt Xuuanii stiect.


BrnVEKX Iniuie Asylum and Queen.Small Seaif Tin, sot with

four diamonds and ruby In center.Kinder will plen-- e return u Brt.i.ni.NOlllee and iccelve rewind. .'.19 lvv



Cash Assets,


ivicw "voira:

A. t'rt'HlnVitt.Skt Kor full apply to

Doc-i.'1-S- fi General Agent tho Hawaiian Island-i- .


Mill: Bread,Clr.iham Hiend,

Hje TJiend,Kuineh Birml,

Fnmilv Hread,Twist Ihe.vd,

ifiti IjUi



Fresh Cakes, Pies, Buns, Rusks, Doughnuts, Picnic Rolls,

iodium and Silou Bread, JuHni, Kiipr Snaps, CotTso Gates, lie, lie.X?" And .ll be DKLIVEIIKH FUHK of OHAUOn to un. pnH of the city. Tj

JIIII-- T, ol FARE:Collce, T.a, Chiieolnte & Milh,

Soiled Tit;'. Feet, Cold Ham,Spiced lleef, llU:.


JMpo & Clj.'.nrtHto Tobacco, Ivipcs, & Clfvarotto IIolilorH, Drinks, K(cgyST Open '.) I!0 , m. until '.l:"(l v. M. night, np.n nil light Bell 'lelephone '..:.

.Mill mil Telephone 211. Vo- -i Ollleo Box 17S. .S7 lim





Alii, Hen Ala, M$mMi, Sarsaparilla, Hit

lELEPHOii 297.o

tsaj' All ftitrt orIoiM ho aiUlve&HPtl lo




I am liisiiucted liv Du. TKOl'SsL.H'lo m'II al Public Auction,


t I'ule.s prcviouly disposed of al prl-v.t- io

-- ale) the follow iu Valuable I'ro-perr- y,

(Hie oulv reason for sel'lmr Is tintwant ol ti'lie to U4C tlie It itith),

I ,m r, ir ., t .It .V IT K QUI 10 nilPIl Q

i uu-i- i luiHtua Muuu u;Willi Masts, Sails-- . Anchor. I'll'liu-- ,Kte . Kte.. lilted out midleiiily lor iis(i

!:.(l fJallnn. of Xapiha for Knel.Naptha Lntmcli, oieu bo.it,

with Awning and Oar-.- ;

1 Mim-of-W- ar (!ig. with Oats, Must andSull; a veiy pictty boat;

lGltUBrl Alliiilross"

Piolmbl.v the ratp-- i Sail Boat luthe liaibor, Culler Itlggcd;

I Baiiicgat with JIasts mid.Sail, and Folding Center-boar- d,

llnbheil lu Kaucv1 ot LltoBoat with Copper Tanks,

1 Canvas Folding Boat1 Lnglhh Cornelo,

Coppered Heow.Sails Spur-- , Blocks anil Killings ol all


Guaranteed BondsHY T1IK -



1 I'oot L'ltho A Tools lor Wood, Ironand ins,

1 Power Milniimii Kiiirliie.rondvlo put iu a boat wltli piopelle'rshaft;

Biio.vs Anehois ,t also, tho


Of the best description.The proNimliy of the uevv mnrkel

makes thin boat house a very Valuablethero Is convenience io

stowaway ami lift light ill id heavv hoatv,and Is suitable torn bout or yacht club,pilot house or llfo saving Minimi.

Ground rent Is $:S0 per annum, fiomMenM's. Lylo it Sorrensoii.

Bfflf'The Boats am ictidy foriilulutany tltuo by applying at tho boat house,and ovury Boat Is lu perfect older.


bl llldUllHnuEof





Soda Ciachorf,Butler Ciaekerf1,

Iloston Cr.iekem,Water Cuickers,

(IrahaniShoolly Ciackei.",

Spiced Tongue, Saladn,

Cigar Coldfrom Hatuiday



1'iopcrty, every








tjj nsri

iA a 4 Sxi ws

Iran Id

111 sonsSole Proprietors SARSAPAEILLA

GiiEsr Granaiia, Mineral Wiiem,

conmuitiJ'.'alloti should







saauavmr 'vr-r-.'-, r ita- -

1 eliim to lmv. the Fino-s- t and (Jhoieost Lino of Millinery OnniU,including:

Vi'oiH'li lhnvevK, Milan UntH, whJIo, bliuilc nsid colored;.let Flovvem, Oiiinmonl., Lneo Bonnets it Hati, Vac, VAc,

JiHt roeoivod by tho H. S. Austi.iliu, and will be open in a few days.

Van iOylsce Oo!lrtLVj,i '.in Hyl.o Ciillaioltes, Van Jlyko Veiling', V-i- Dyi.e I.nces, Van Hyko

Kmluoideiy, Mo(k'l;a Voilinjt,"

j Fine Lines of Ladies' Sabhes, Plaid & Plain;?" Full piirtiouliiie of opening in a few dajv.

Ohas. J. FISHEL'S,Leadint; Millinory Hnine, Tioiner Foil A-- Hotel sts.


n.vvK .ti'ui iir.OT.ivKi v vmtv t..vnoi; .v.ssour.Mk.NT or


Gout's Hni'iiiNUixig" Goods, Scr., kr..All will be told at lteiiHonnhlo Tiices.

g&" Our Dopartinont iiniior tlio nmiingoiiii nt of MISSOLA IMC will be i about May 12lb.


ew Goods- - New Good

Full Lines of Lawns !

Full Lines of Batiste !

Fuli Lines of PersianALL il.'i C'KNTS l'ICH YAIM)








5 If







S. EHRLICH,-- ornur llolel & Fori Miivolw,

- 'i

Page 3: University of Hawaii...1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X-- . :. a--i.tf . i A.?m i AnA&V ft ita wiJBv.il ' !--1" JIM 4r & s.y LI vv LtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- -

V A9teto'VLMgM,?tieVM'AWt7UaAtr 4r'A

Til J J





Jfr.Ol't.All IIM1NS.

A. M. 1'. M.Ll'DVC HolH'hllU.. . . !i:00 'J'.O'J

Anlve .Miuttin.i . .. . tiMS '.'ISL'JiiVo Afaiiau.i . 1 1 :IM 1 :00Arrive Honolulu 11:1 I IS

il'Mi.W M1.VIN.S.

a. .m. r. M. r. m.lii'iivo Honolulu... );:, r.'t'iii HumArrive .Mamma ...10:IS 1:18 it itsvj,ii- - .MiiTiiiuu. ... :iii) l:i:i to:.

AmIm- - Honolulu. ..ll:M i.r:ii:u

AHRIVALS.May M-S- tmt'

Kil.iuca lion triiiii HiimakiMHr lik Oiung.i, Itinw n . .:; ii.ij rrnm

HongkongJitmr Pelts from HauuikmiMini' ICiiulu from Koolau and Walniiac

OEl'AIVrUilES.May 1 1

Stiui' Hawaii for liiimakuaat ID a mAm l)k Queen. .1 (.' M lulling,

for San Kranel-c- o

Slmr Iwiilanl for l,:ilriln.i and llama- -Una at 10 h in

Sclu Mniy for UiitinlciHutu1 VVitli'lin for KiiniilWelir Llholiho for Walanm


Simr I.i'hua for N'uu ami Hakalnn .11 I

mSchr ilalcakaln for HawaiiAm turn Itcpoi'lcr. Dreyer, for Sanrr.uioNco


For Lnhalii.i, Kolnilii and Hilo per,tinr Kiiiau. .M'iv Hi Col (i W Maefar-lm- c,

Mr Fowler. Tim- - H Walker. SKose, Mr- - W Y Horner, Mr Dceuto amiwife. MU-i- 's Hornet (J), W 11 Wood. FI! lioundeger. F Tiiriun. U I.:itlno.1 Ooodalo, '5 1! Well". O A hleven.Mr VNelier.Mr Kanchaku, 'Iheo Wolff.Mit, Ilulph. All-.- - JUIph. Mlsr. -s

Jimrilcy, (.00 rriteli and wife, and 15

duck.('or Haniakua pr tinr Hawaii, May

I (, Dyer and wife, and A Mooio andwile.

For Kauai, per tuir Mlknlinla May It!-- H 0 Uolton, Dv Aiitlvr-o- n. Mr MaoK-mto&- lt,

Mr Smitti. ri W Wilcox, MisMitlolio. Airs Kcelan. I Chiiusi and fiO

deck.Fur Iliininktin. per mini-- Iwalim. May

II K A .schacfer, J ICaliaU and W I!nr-lowlt- z.

Pi om Uamakua per tmr IV'le, MayHon 1'


The .chooiier Jloliuit l.ew-i'- ii

will le.ii-fo- r Sun Frrtiiel-- alioutthe earlv putt of next week.

The li.u'kenilne-- s lrm.ud and Vlanterand tlic tiark Androw Welch may lmlooked for to auivt'io.tnoiiow fioiu sauFrancNeo.


11 MS Champion, St Clair, horn HawaiiI'SS N'iimlc. MeCurley. from SamoaAm -- clir Kobcrt Lower., I W

1 I'enhallow. from l'oit Towiis- -

veiulAm bit Tillie l'.aker, Ciutcr, from

HongkongAm tfin Jtepoi'tcr. Dicyer. from EurekaA in bkt C C Funk, A C Gl:ter, fiom

Xewca-tl- e

Am bkt Kllkltat, R DCuttlcr, from Fort'i'owiiieml

Am lik Colusa, llicktis, ftotn Newcastle,X S W

Am sclir K K Wood. NC I.ar- -

fiom Xewea-tl- e, . S WAm tern Fva. .) O Wikiuan, fiom Fu- -

rcka. CalAm teiu Vesta, Fiicdeibi'i','. fioiu Foit

BlakclyAm mlsp- - iiackiit Morning Star. ( F

Garkiud, from South fcea Inland-- .


1' a F Cliarlcton. Commodore ISrown,froiu San rrrtiielsco due May 'ii

Uk Alex McNeil. Krils, from San Kran-i'Kc- o

due May !l

llkt.l A Falkenburg, from Fein, (forKahulul) due May 7

lir ship Blengllold sailed from Liver-pool Apr is, due Aug; :M

Schr Alcalde, from Foit Ludlow, dueMay 12

Uk Ataiauta, from l'ugei Sound, dueMav 10

Ukt i 0 Ferkins, trom 1'eru, din) May S

Ger lik Adonis from Hi emeutier bk I'uii-- t. tioin New VoikIlk Cnclc .lolin, from Xcw castle, due

May 10

Schr Gulden Shore, from Sjdney. dueMav 'J I

It M b S Alameda. Morse, fiom theColonies, duu May :u

Haw bk Andrew Welch, Mnrston, fromSan Francisco, due May 12

Ukt Discovery, McNeil, from San Fran-cisco, due May 1 1

Am bkt Iringard. A 11 Paul, from Snnrrauclfjco, duo May ill

0T:t Mary Winkelniau, fiom San Fran-cisco, due May 17

Hkt Planter, Dow, from San Fr.iiicieo,duo May 11

ItgtWGliwin, MeCullocli. from SanTrancl-c- o, (for Kahuluijilim May 21

11 Tl M S Acorn, from Hsqiihnalt, l C,due Mny !U

llr slilp lion ow dale, from I.lveipool,duo May 7

llr bk niikiir from Loudon, sailed Apr15, dun Auj; 25

Schr J G Noun from San Francisco, (enroute for MahukoniO due .liiue 1

Am brat Luiline, Malum, from SanFrancieco, iluu.luuo2

.lap S S Yamashiio Maru, Young;, fromVokoliauia dueJlay 17

M S S Zealandh, fiom San Franciscoen route to the Colonies due .luuo 7

It M 8 S Alameda from tint Colonies euroute to San Fiauel-c- o due Ma. :tl

Haw S S Australia trom ban l'raiiei-c- o

dim Maj :io


CAPTAIN A. Y. lirowu, of the liarkC 'Omega," will not be responsiblelor any delits eontrnetwd by Ids crewilurhiK the l's stay In this pott,

nr.l Iw


ad coliiiuiiH, purely local mutter- -

Malleil U forelj.;" countriw, r ihiinum.

-4'V - rVWVA W


A 1 cniriiigi wotkir i"


Two nicely fuiuiMied room nlWail.iki mi Mn licai'li, an- - let. i

- - - -Tin: Union Feed Co. ha juM land- -

nl a i lioi mi lot of New Zealand oat.Aliissiis. llewell and .IneoI'MJii have

a cop.uluci-lii- imtirc and a find in '


Tit;: tudo j.ile of dty goodsly .In.". F. Morgan A ill In eoiilinuidat 10 o'clock

f'.wr. A. V. lliowu nf the OnieguMill not In ieponihle for tin- - debtof tin' etew of tll.lt ll.

Tim: iimiti'ily ineetinj; of I'uionFeed Co. at ollici' of (f. .Maciiiflain; A Co. ut II :l!0

Tin: 'uc-- ti of tlic Hamilton 111111.--0

ami Wtukiki Yilta din- - a inti-icii- li' at(liu 1. liter place tin.-- moiling.

.Mis. F. F.. Hll'el lnix 11 notice wf

ill tilt lll'M.IITIN' lllii'eveuiii'.',v.lilcli will interest lioineseeki'i.-i-.

.1. i, I'.i'.ows .V Co. advi'jtifi- - alnrfji two nloiy hi'iihC on Jt'Ti'limiii-- licit, collier of Keeatmiokii


Ofit inti'llifjcni'i! ftoni llilo ,i- - tolint 3iituulay cvi'iiiiift. Tin iiinnleittial v.Mh still in uoj;it-- , Tlic pin- -

had not roiiclinii'il it- - i.i-- o.


Hon. Aiitono lo-.- t ha:i licen elected(lulojiali' to the l.i'njjtn for tin Ha-waii lki-eli- Cltil, m pl.icenf ilcmyK'.iia, ictiiuiii'd.

- 1- -

Tilt: ninth uiiniM of thellicliop of OHu't incttinhciicy 01 thatposition was colchiatcd by .1 conceit,jiiveti by Hie Mtmiftitri, nt St. I.oiii"Colloftc, l.ihl evi'iiiiij;.

11. 15. M. S. Cimmiios le.ivt'.s torKauai this afli'tiinou, exprelin toleliirn net '1 iietday. Major .1. 11.Wodehousc, I'.i'iiirili Cfiniiiii--lijiie- i,

Hoes wit It llio Clianipion.

Tin: finuitni'.' of the lute .hidge1're.ston will be on eliibition to mor-row, ut his lute Ifrulclll'l', eoi iter ofKing and I'iikoi strecll pinpai.itoryto unction b il- - on Fiid;i; .

Tltr.Id: will he a pi lluniilinee atthe Openi Hoiim next Saim-iln-

n:. lit , by the ilijon Comedy Com-pany, for the lolief ltind nl tlicHonolulu File Depaitinent.

A hoiim: hitclied to a biake 1:111

may on King slioet, near Fort yes-terday nflcnioon, and bturtedother teams. Widi-nw.i- ko ii'i.soncaught the hora'-f- l litlil jueeiitiil nilimpi'iidiii; eal'i-tioph- c. '

A tkli:i'IIonic nieii-ag-c 11 mil Koo-In- n

at 'J o'clock tliij aftui noon :

Kvcrything iiiet uiiil oideily noliquor election piocccding month-ly -- lfi.S vote? cast .siippOji'd to lie.'18 for Katiltikoii and -t) for liush.Hush fonsideicd certain of electionby luigc majority.

Tun niasqueinile ball pio-niis-

to be a great fmecets, judgingttotu the number of ticketThere arc four prizes lo lie Rivennw.iy to the bust or most dismallygot up two for ladies and two foiiiionpiiiM valued at lioui $3 tofjjijtj. 't'ho jiries are on exhibition atYV'icliiiiiiu'n, Foil pliect.

Cai'T.vis St. Clair, of the Clintn-pion- ,

oiy ijeneiotisly ofTeied thehiblauee of liis men ul the I'ne onSrtlutday niglit. Tlio Fire Uepait-nien- t

wa.s able, however, to tniiistorthe flames without outaido lii'lp. Thethanks of the department and of thecommunity ate none the lees dun to( lie C.ipl-.u- for liib thoughtful otter

Tin: opium care, winch has beenccenpying the attention of the PoliceCouit foi a few day.s piod, canio to afocus yesterday afternoon and twopeiona wete Hontcneed to imprison-ment, and to pay a line. ThomasDtiulap wa.s .sentenced to imprison-ment ut haul labor for two yein.s andto pay a lino of $."()(); Tlios. Tildaylo impiisonment at hard labor forone year and to pay a lino of .f2j().Iioth liavo appealed to the SupremoCouit. .las. 1'iophy wa- - found notguilty and The c.i"ii olliuhofl and O'Sullivan has been

till the loth iu.st.


Special services tit tlio Y. Al. C.A. hall, tit 7 ::)().

.Services nt St. Amlrew's Cathe-dral, nt 7:!10.

Drill Co. C, Honolulu Uillcs,nt7:30.

Onliu i.odye No. I, K. of P., ul7:30.

Mvstic Lodge No. 2, K. of J., nt7:110.

Meeting .Myrtle Hoat Club, at7:111).

.Mtifiqueiade r.nll, at SiJJO.Kcgnlur monthly nicetiiif of tlic

ITcnlnui Uont Ulnh, at' their ciulilion-j- ut 7:IiU o'clock.


Mr. .Joint Slater (,rnve enhiliitionsof iiiinil-reailin- at tlio Opera llonsitlust night. This was the gentle-man's ilrfit ptthlio aipcarnncc here,but did not draw a. full house.Judging fiom general talk theseanco was .satisfactory to some anddisappointing toother's. Mr. Slaterpaces to and fro 011 tho stage, andwliilo doing M) singles out individu-als from tint audience, anil withoutculling tlicin up attempts to givo anoutline of their chaiauteristios,

etc. Ho has a clear voiceand rapid utterance. Ho seemed tohit the truth in most cases lasttight, hut in other was fiuid to fail,lie will give another exhibition nextFriday night, in the same placo, atreduced prices.

DALLY IION U . 1. I 1 ' II. I


. 11 Inl livi'iitH.-Miiirhti- ll .1! it,'l. .'I'tio' 11 11 r.ii'ljCrtTlim.

I Fiom lln- - III 1.1.1:1 is Staff C.ntiMpond-n- t


Mr. II. C. Austin gave a musicalparty to (,'hiet .Justice .hidtl, memb-er-, ol the liar, and other i, Fridayevening, whit li was eiy much en-

joyed by tho-- e in sent.The same eveinni; -- nine twenty-livi- !

people, mostly Hainakiiafis.iicie itesent a 1 a piaeliee concerlby tht Catholic Ah don band. Theywere imitii nsely plea-e- d yHx Hiemusic and the contial iceeptioti Intin 1'rntlieix. The wliole town hadthe benefit ol' the iiiumc, which isrental ked .is vers good. The guestsmade up a neat ptnse for the boys.

Saturday morning the followingparty took horse lor the olcano:('apt. Newhull of the baikentineAmelia, .Mus Nowhall ntid Mr. liny-selm- c,

passenger'' on that vessel,Cap!, 'li'ibetts ot the burkeiillnc(Juiekstcp, ('apt. AIcWiic of thehurki'tilim: Katie I'Tickiiigcr, andAir. K. l'odcyn, lepicscntativn ot.Messrs. II. V. .Schmidt V Son.They had beuiittlul weather for.starling, and it is to be hoped car-lie- d

it along all the way.Air. Ilambnig.tepreseiitingMessrti.

II. Ilackleld it Co., atiiveil heroFiiday night, overland from llama-kua- .

Messrs. A. Voijel and C. Kaiser,representing Air. ,. It. Kerr andIlyman ltros., tcspectivcly, and Air.C. A. Peacock, of W. C Peacock A.

Co., having done Hawaii eonimeioi-all- y

lor all it was w 01 Hi, went homoon the Kinati.

IIASI.I'.AI.I. UUIII,An interesting game of baseball

was played at the Hilo HoardingScl10.1l yesterday afternoon, betweenthe Hilo liu-eii:- ill Club and a ninecomposed of boys from the school.Hain tell in Hie last half of tliceighth innings, compelling a with-drawal, when tin -- cot'i! -- tood J'i lo 8in favor of the Hilo P.. J5. C. Theteams were a-- , followHilo It. 1LC. Itdg. SchoolA. Hint ...his. KailiK. Hnldwiti p.W. KaweluIL H. Hitchcock, jr.. lb LilioC. ). Cralilic 2li I.aehaC. Creigliton lib HenryHose s.s.NaleimaileStone I.f PhilipW'ilhelin r.f PioII. C. Austin c.f. . .(icorge

I''or the Hilos, Unit scored I,Baldwin. '), Crabbo I, l.o'--e I, Creigli-ton a, Austin 2. Stone 2, Willielm1, Hitchcock .") none out when gameMopped total 2(J.

For Hie Hoarding School, Kailiscored 1, Lilio 2, Laehu 2, Philip1, Pio 2 eighth inning completetotal S.

Air. A. W. Peterson was umpireand Air. Staples scorer.

The Hilos overmatched the Hoysconspicuously in practiced playois,but tho Hoys had n good batteryaud only failed Ihiotigh poor Hold-

ing.Charlie Creighton made a good

batter and runner, but the 100''ufisiMs" credited him in Hut Heldicpichtsnt asMstant'P to the otherside in making their bases.

Chief Justice Judd, Hon. PaulNeumann, Mr. V. M. Hatch, andAir. Jones tho stenographer wero ofa pleasant yachting parly yesterdayafternoon. Afr. Hatch was com-mander. They had to row part ofthe way home, as the wind desertedtlieiii near Cocoanttt Island.

OCT Tlin liOAD.

Two carriages from Wilson Hios.'Volcano Stables went out to the endof tlic new Volcano Koad this morn-ing. One contained Sheriff K. O.Hitchcock, Hon. Jos. Mar-de- n,

Alcssrs. W. II. Kickard and Itrodcr-ie- k

; the other Hon. P. Neumann,AIesrs. Peterson and Jones, andyour correspondent. They had linew outlier up and intensely enjoyedtho air and scenery. It rained ter-

rifically ut tho terminus, also all theway home, shutting out tlio seaviews in front, on which the partyhad set great store on taking infiilly with faces to it; yet none reg-

retted the jaunt over the very excel-lent road, of which more ogain.


It is expected that Iiichtuond tlicinfottner and Lain, the young nativewho also turned state's evidence,will bo put on tlio standIntense interest attaches to theirtestimony.

Tlio prisoners bear themselveswith gravity, occasionally relaxingtheir features in a smile at odditieson the stand, or at passages betweengentlemen of tlic bar. In one of theshort recesses Steele and Itlabonwero measuring their heights withStaples, the prison hum. Steele isa tnllo shorter than Maples, andItlabon about ol a height with him.Iioth these men are sturdy-lookin- g

fellows, witlt dark features, blackhair and mustaches. Steele lias lineaquiline fcotures and quite a boldbut not unprepossessing demeanor.Itlabon has all the appearance of atrained athlete, with a careless airand glance. Watson is a ratherstylish looking man of slight but

build. He hasred hair and mustache, is very wide-awake and shows that lie nevermisses n word of the trial. The

I three so far mentioned would lookwell on the stage, aud altogether aretoo bright-lookin- g a ttio for any-

body to enjoy seeing in their present unpleasant position. .1. t(.Alills is tltu best known man, doubt-less, of the four, having been en-

gaged In storo-keepin- g at llouokanmany years. He is a larce, well- -

WW'WW.VWW TW-fl- i

nwf"7I'W,?J'T",, ....;. v, .y'fW' WtfFTBIU.I.WTIN:


Tin undersigned ctlls the attention of the liotni'scel.'iug and purchas-ing public lo lii- - place on Niiuanti Avenue, known 11 tho "Magnin Place,"which he intends to soil at a Vur Low Kiguiu with all the miprowinch!thereon, to wit :

A 7-ro- om 2-st- ory Dwelling House !

With I'.athiooin, Kitchen. Wnlov v Clothes Closet-- , iiltuched, a

Outbuilding, a Stable lor tw.i holies, rarthigtv . Feed Shed, Chicken-hulls,- !

iV Kieti-ivi- ' Chicki uuird Waterpip. all ovr the giounds ThePiopeiiy contains

2.7 Acres of the Finest Ciar-de- n Land !

And is planted almost cntiiely in Orapevines ((!,0'10 piece-- ), Peai'lio,Apricots, Plums, Fig and other Choice Fruits, all of which arc '.'rowingrcintiikubly well in the cool alley ait. Chinese Teu now tiirivis on thehind. An abundance of Ho- - s of the choicest kinds and a variety of otherFlower" adorn the place the year around. Then' is no belter Properlythan this in the maiket cous.detiuc the


The only te.ison ol sale is, that I am goiiiu to leave the Islands to returnto the Coast. The eventual ptirclui'-e- r of the plate cm. if lie waul 1 to.bin the

Household Furniture, Range & Kitchen Utensils, Garden Tools,lloitei i Wdgaa), ltsrmii)', Kl- - tc, "it it VVty Urrwimlile l'noi !

i''d" For terms of -- ale and all particulat- - npph at ticXuu.'inu alley.

'Ml lw R E. IvKKKKL.

WUhout a K3v:tl in Prh-- c iV: Jii:tlil !

One-thir- d the Pr'tcj of tho Koyal !

Eyery Hotischoeycr Should ITtio It !

J A Saiing of :t:i l'ei Cent 111 Cut and ivn.ilit . 'lln n l!t-l- . fi'jSPECIAL MATES TO JOBBERS.

HEMFfY DAV2S & CO.,."i."il (5m

built man, witli a -- light stoop of thehead often seen in diligent men ofbusiness. Ho looks like a solid manofalfaiu', has stiong Kotuan lect-ures, neatly etopped thick chinwhiskers, and shows the hue- - olfifty year.i or so in his face, :is wellas the hand of time in his dark hair..Mills is constantly whispciing sug-gestions to his counsel, and in everyway gives the iinptc-sio- ul ashiewd business man.

Hilo, Alay 11, 18!u).


T.ic liny ti'tprr KioKIn n J)i'mMllll Joliii:i In Hie f'.cuK'li

In the chess correspondence gamesbetween teams in Honolulu and 'i,

Kauai, the liny Lope, wasabandoned us diawn. The billowingis the complete score:

r.AMi: 1.

"Kn'mhts Came, of liny Lopez."White (Honolulu) Illaek (Klluue.i, K

1. P Kt I. P-- Kl

2. Kt Kll.t 2. Kt-(- Jt::

::. i;-- Ktr. a. iCt-- K:i

4. rustle. t. It KJ:.. Q-- Ki :.. P- -r

. 1 iji 11. PXP .7. KtXl 7. It-- i;.'

f. HNQKt .s IX Ita. KlXB !). PXKt

10. Kt-(J- l'.lt 10. Castles11. P Kltt II. KH-- K-n

1'.'. II K.i li. It l!qUl. IS.I lit. )K'iII. P-- Kii 11 PXP1.1. CXP 1.1. Kt KICt.lKi. y Kh.J 111. KtXIt17. lXKt 17. Q IjKtfis, (v)(21ts( 18. P KfiIII. P QIC! III. (J -- 1J1 (check)20. K KK-- i SO. P Ivil21. li Km Ll. (2- -(,r

22. 1JX(J .'- -'. I'Xil2H. (JK Qsq 2.1. QK gi,21. Kt 2Kt.-- 21. Ji K72.1. Kt QHU 25. H-- K.S


2i5. Iv't (JU'tsq aij.And the giinie wan decliired ilr.iw 11.

This gaino was cointnenced 011

September Uth, 1SH9, and terminat-ed on May flth, 13111), covering uperiod of exactly eight months. TheScotch thunbit game is still in pro-gress.



I IT1JST-CLA.S- S Caniajie Wood-- J.

woil.er and 1 Ciiirlae JolililnMnilli at the Honolulu Uairlaotiny, 12tJ Port street. Must he steady,sotinr.mi'ii, Keaoimble wae- - will fmpaid. (i. WLST.I'.'i. Iw . Piopilelor.


A llKLPLK for the lmr-- i hoeinjti.lde. Alililv

It. CAYKOKI),1.VJ :.t Klu street.


A fJKAND MaMiierinle Il.ill will tal;et place on WLDNKSDAY. the 1 lthMay, lMio, at the Honolulu Hill's Ar-mory, Heretanla .stiect, the proceeds tohe plvmi to the Poitiipie-.- Laillei. Clia-ritabl- i)

Association. Tickets ot admis-sion "Sl.tii). Tlckutn may he had at Ha-

waiian News Co., llolllster A Co., Hen-so- n,

Smith A-- Co , T. (i. Thrum, C. .1.McCarthv and II. .1. Nolle. .i:n5 td


rPHI-- ' leul.ir inonihlv meeting ol thoJL Mvitle boat Club will lie held

Tills! LVLN'INTi, at 7 ::)o'clock -- harp, at the Club liou-- e. Allmembers are icipic-te- il to he pie.-e- ut ashu.lnt"" f hnpoiiauce wllleouiu hetoiuthe meeting. L K. WILDKlt..1.11 It heei clary.


npiIK rcmilar iptartcrlv mceilug of theJL Union IVeil Co. will lie held at llic

oltlcn of (1 W. .Miiefiirhuie A; Co, onTllUltbDAV, intli Inst, at U.'iUo'clo kj. m 8. P.UU.VHA.M,MS at Secrttaiy.

. MAY ) I'M-- .


r;iit- - fur the II in.niun


OIM5KA HOUSEI.. J. I.evi'N, J.i ec

On FRIDAY EYEHING, Hay 10, 1890.

MYSTERY Ol' THT. l'KU3U.'.r 012K7URY.

Mr. JOHN SLATER,Special I'ligieineiil nf the World'- -

l.r,lti-.- t

Psyciioiogior.l Phenomenon.in a vaiied eulertaiiiment of Pi'intrt'Ai.TKslSillld AIlNK Hi: UIIMI, ThelllU-- twonderful teiU medium in i'isi'iiee,standing without a rival and offering anopen cliiiJleiijre ot .r..iuo to mi 1110 whowill juove his test not gi milie.

Poi'i ui: Pi.'icr.s Dr.- -s Circle andP.mpiette flliire-ere- d; TOe. : lt.ileouyaud (iillerv J.'.e.

hi this riij. Mr. Slater willgive prhate test-- in Ids pallor at theCottaae Til, lti'li'taiii.i -- treet, oppositethe llawaiian Hotel. .Ml at


.1. P. lirowu. Manniri'i-- .

H.'tdtrdiiy Kvcnjnjr, Mny ITot tlio

Bijou. Comedy Com'yIn nsirtli'j C.iuiptii'ir- - I Ire it


"MY PARTNER"With rta Elllciont Catl

tr-- lto plan at .1. K. llrown's. Pur- -quette and Dress Circle Mi lialenuv7.1e.; Onlb'iy ilfli. 5SI 't

JUST" LANDED'. bate AirivaN lioui Auckland

a Choice Lot ot

Zealand Oais(luital)lo 1'or KnoiuR Stock,



i has l..enfni'inoil iiatu ii.iii M nt" "i mill inni ni.1 li ji Aitllin I til 1(1 -

lay Hewett and VIkro .lacoh-e- n, uinlerthe linn name of llewett it .laeoh-e- n.

llotli paituers icside in lbinnlulii, onthe of U.diu. Thuliusliie.ssof thesaid coiiciTii -- lull he that ot Account-ant-, Collector-- , Coniinl ion Agent-- ,ami Cu-lo- m Uou-- e lliokei- - and allbusbie.-- s iucideiital to or couni'vteil withany of s.dd dep.irtiiients. The -- aid con-cern lime an oillee In Honolulu,on the Island of Onliu, hut it propo-e- sto undertake bii'-iue-- hi all pints of thellawiiliiiu Islauil-- . The said paituer-slii- p

date-- i Itom the Till dav nl Mac,lS'.ii). A.M. IILWL'IT,'

W.JACOII'iLN.Uati'd Honolulu. Muv It,

fi.ii at


v,ArPW) Nicclv I'uriiMiMd&? Hoom- - at WalMkl, on

KiKJoJi the-- beach near the bridge.Apply to ANTON K VOOI'.L..1.11 lw At L. H. Keir'

TO LETS Jtouiii Hou-- n onIAUIJF. Plains corner of

llcictaula mid Keeatmiokiihtrects; outhouses stables, etc.Applv to

.1. i: ItHOWN ,t CO.,Old Capital buildings, Merclufiit, st,

55! ?t

iV r.-- Ji - Si.

'zj's?'V.-.?m'J'-'''"'''"''"- '' "..--it' iji TT. ' r


H a

"'''''i'''''' 'r.!i'glftv?o- -- -

" P

ne tauiTaDieute AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are ti'iw selling tin ir Hi nds and upon ca y terms. The tulditionul fea-

ture of InsiiraiK e gm-- s with r Umid.

The billowing are .1 fm ol the many nttrivtivu forms offered by thii'iriuiual and progtcsvisi- - Compan., :



The C'oiniatiy is cipiilable. its p'lyutents prompt and eertahtj and itspopularity iiiihoundcd.

(Fi-m- li, Xw Vrk Sun, Aprl Ulii Jci'0.)

Tlift .LnrtfOHl i;;iSMi.'.Ms V.xw Traiisnctrd by a Lilc AMKiii'- -itlK'f. CjODIlKllJA.

Tlie new biipiui'ss nf the Kiputnblo Life Assurance Society of NewYoik lor the lirst quarter of tlic present year it tepoited to cM-ee- KirrvAim ION Hiii.i.Mts. This is tit the rate of lint httndrnl mlllom of usuir-iin- ci

fm iid ifir. and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

liV'lnforuiatiuu cheerfully furni.-'he- lo any who will write lo or callupon the nnder.signed at his olllce.

ALEX. J, GARTWRIGHT,(Jeneral Aguul for the Hawaiian Island-- , Kipiitnble Life Society

of the T. S. Jan-l-'-

HOLLISTSR '& CO"..'"fll Hill r.f!- - .'. I'LAI.l-.TJ- IX

D 11 U G IS & C II E M I C ALS !Toilet rt id. -- , 1 in.. 1'c'iiittii. il -- ., ipu, Patent Alcdi- -

v. llounvp.lthk' K.'lllrdll -,

Ol P.vor


Hollister's GinserI'SINU KXf



P.imou.s (iriiu I etivi- - .t (.lulden Ativd

Wrought Steel CookingRangesWith Broiler & Kot V.tter Attaclimonts !







j n ' I ' r' i ",f "" t " i.


t)l" lilf i Li.i:il;A'l Ll

Ale & Soda WatarsLCSIVKLY I1IK




"Wtt'w"' fI vy

Process" Twist Drills,2,'uil'a OarrLigo Paints,

'" ',-- '" ..J .. '.A.

Consumiurj One-thir- d Lass ruel, oil liar wood or coal, than any ciber Stove

In existence i

No Brick V.'crV. About It I lust a Glean Cut SIuyo ! isz

Whose Baking- - Qualities are Unsurpassed !

'Iliin (intii U of a lii.infiiihn form having tbr.-- witnaces which are ivvcrrihlc, -o th it a hepar.ite top .suifaec can be u-- cd on alternate day; m ifthe one surface in cintn'c of use show's any wi-.- r then the other can be minedup, and so on jliiiitlnM', making it eiju.il in durability to tluccdi-iiiic- l Oirtt"-- -



HAWAIIAN HARDWARE Co.,Fort fctru-i't- nppo. Sj'ic !nK, )l'i:nhilu 11. J.

II. K. Hr.NDKY. Pre-iden- lit M'Uiagir. .Ioiin Ksa,tiOUKUi:!' Uitow.s, ticcietan A, ficasnrei Ci.cii. J.i.own, Auditor.


Oppu. SjirocUoN' IJiiult, : Honolulu.lAU'OltTLfLS and ULALKUS IN

Gen'i Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Gonuino Haviland Cttiun, plain and decorated; aud Wetltfcwoctl


Piano, Librarj .V, Stand Liuuji-- , CbiindelieH .( Liu tubers.Lump Kivturcs of all kinds, A complete Hssor'.tn'l of drills .t Filin,


The "(Ju.iille" led Hiding 1'1"W A Kipialier,llluebcaid ltioi Plow, l'laiHeiP' Sti el ,t lioii-eiicck- lines,

Oil?-- , OilK,la mi, CYi.ixnr.u, lin.slld,

Paint,--, Viirni.lier A-- llru-he- s, Manila A SiMil Itopo,IIANDLL.S OK ALL KlND.-s-,

Hose, Host Hone, .

JtUP.HLIt, WIUfvllDl'NJ) of suporiui ipi.ility, A-- STL.Y.M,

AgKto Iron Ware, Silver Plated Ware, Table & I'm k-- l Cutlery,Powder, ribot A i!ap, 'L'bn L'elcltrated,Club" Machine-loadtxlUtirtridgo- i,

AC31CNTH ITOltIfurt'H Patent "Duplex" Die Slock for Pipe it Unit Threading,

lLirtman's Steel W'iic Ponce A-- Sl'i-o- l Wito Mats,Win. U. Fisher's Wrought itenl UBW.

(Into City Stone rUtur.i, .""ow




Page 4: University of Hawaii...1 V I r'v. WJtt 'X-- . :. a--i.tf . i A.?m i AnA&V ft ita wiJBv.il ' !--1" JIM 4r & s.y LI vv LtU OtXkMMlHIMMWHttJI HMM!ML UJmM Jrina.UVWiilW il4iilMW ' g- -

HI" T.h- - '

y, if, .fBfVrinf !., -

"T,rP'5,r3"r'7',,7,iP'v .

t)AlLT BULLHTLN: LtOtfOLtiLU, II. U, MAY 14, 1990.wiirrr aifr 'Trmntfr m4vfato.t'mmmmMWauvttiaMima0 n fami iajCiuag-VTT- w iimL t nrnr 1 jhannrrejtt jwwwfcwfcitrwwt ti jfcUta driiyjMhiM3 mjfka,pti&mmkfjWMflOull mi,MrflwWtmi.ttH. W rfufaifrMM.ac

Pacific Hardware 0o'

L E. B. THOMAS, For Yokolianm & HonskoiiE! sevehtk annum meeting HAMMERSMITH & FIELD OMlliC SliiiiiSllIp Ofll'F,

Contractor & Builder. oi- riir



jiui-l- i UO

Unnnlinau uuiiuu -- ." uju

flmionauuuuiul luuiui


Eddy Refrigerators & Ice Chests.Now lino rf Glassware Just Received.

Reliable Uoodn nt Reasonable Prioo

pacific hardwareMerchant

mm & (tuniiavk ji'st received ex u'strali

A Choice Line of Dry & Fancy Goods,1X0 l.t

Kid from .1



co.,Kent & St.

Hosiery, Salines, Scotch Gingliams, latest patterns; Woolen Goods,


Boys', Youths' & Children's Clothing, Trunks, Bags S Valises,



Shipping & Commission Merchants,


Banders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,

N ISIlJ'l!,! i:K.

C.irpentoifi', ltbckriuith;', Miiohjiiitt' & l'lutubniV TiXiIh,


Ivitolifti Utfusib. Paints, Oih, VarnWici!, L:itup Goods unit

blah's Steam pomps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox 5 Globs, & Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jayne Sons Family Medicines.


to SO iSutloiiH.




Cor. Edinburgh & Queen

NOTT,Ur, Hz W7-- lilng HIrt.



and Tin Ware

CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - 0RKS,JOHN GHACE, : : IMoprlotor.




Ginger Ale, Sarsajmrilla, Lemon, Crcnru & Plain Soda.




-- IiHAtbHS

Jiin-3-9- 0

- ciia ?i i'ahm; ciii;u. a-- ALL ALKATKD WATKILS OCAKANTKKJ) I'L'Jili- -

Srhilual Telephone 330 -- k o tr Bell Telephone 298gygTlAixml orders promptly attonded to. nov



California liny, OatH, Bran,Oil Oakti Slenl, Linseed Moul,

Haile.v, lfollri Uarley,Middling Ground ''Hurley,

Whenl and Corn Flour.FLOUR lorAKa, Golden Gate & Stilhms-- a FLOURTelephones, No. 175.

JOHN"Dlnioml Itlovlt," Now.

co tliwG-ranit- e, Iron








Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COFFEE AND!W3 Sheet Iron Work.


Estimates Given on Brick, Iron, Stono &

Wooden Buildings. JobbingAttended To.

hr.v.iN rot: ham;BflcS, Lime, Cement, Plaster of Paris,

.Mailili' Dust, T.'lie l.iilli,

California North Beach & Santa Cruz

HA NO.OtinirvTlle. Cm! led, wlilli nml Mm1,Mhito'ii, Phillo ami Eiicatitlo Tiles In

vai Urns patterns, all kinds of DrainageWnu

aS" Oitici: Southeast corner Ala- -koa and Queen Mioeis.Mutual - CTELCPKOHE0f-'Del- l 351


Supr HieHisry For Site1 I'utiitiiii Engine l."..'lfi.1 Three Roller Mill.

1 5 feet Vacuum Pan,With 20 lni'h Holt A Kitting,

complete:1 l!!xl(!'.il8 Combined Vacuum

ritnip,t 12.I2x7xU Coinblncd Vni'iiiim

Pumps "Blukes."8tf" All In good order anil condition,

nuil toady for delivery nt the end f thepif-i-ii- t grinding May bo In-

spected at lluinakuu .Mitt. I'aauilo, Ha-

waii. Appl toriic. 1 in Tlico. H. Davies & Co.

Government Coupons Lost !

Ma roll Mill. Coupons S30, Bond No. 221alio,MO, 225:i, 2'.'0

sis, 127

sir., I'.'Ssin, llil"

Sir.. V.'M


Honolulu, Maivb 25, IS'.KI. 511 tf

l?Olt SAliM CUKAI'

outfit for nuKln andAl'OMl'I.r.TK tMrboimtoil hoverajii j.nil in Kood oiilcr. Add i us

C. MKINKCKK.5.11 flm Walobtnu, Haw lii.

I, A DIES' NUKSE.US. MONHOK, ladies' nuifc, bti&M romovud to No. ICukui liiue.



H. W.dllKKN is nutliori'i'd toMil. collcul lor our ncooiuit.MJJui J . K. 1) V N CO

NOTICE.OSIlOIlNi: 1 now inopared 10MllS. instructions in I'liuey Work

at 'The Aillupton," llooin ('.. ClassI.t's-on- s: Mondays, Wediw-daj- v amiI'ridiiyH. Private leous liy siiecialarratifietneiit. Stamping and orderspromptly ationded to. fell ai-l- y


TT A VINO boimht out Mr. W. II.JJL l'tttju in the "Honolulu CarriageMunufacloiy," at 123 Fort rtrccl, I tunprepared to continue tins above businessunder lli old n.ime of Honolulu Car.Huge flliiuuftio.tory, and beinj; an oldexpel ieiici-- carriage builder I eoliritthe piitroimijo ot my old fi lends and thepublic In client), mid with my thoroughknowledge, of the biniucs) ai.d with ox.pel ioiuud workmen and lining only thehen material I giinrnntee general natlH-factio-

I'li'ie-- call nml tee" me beforeuoiui; elsewhere.

(Signod): GIDEON WEST.Hniiiiinhi. Oet. 2S. IhH'.l. Hill If


?.m a A COT'l'AGE oonvcnieiit toj$jSjN9 " fctrcciears.. Would likepjy.pa fpiliit place near Hotel e

rent desired. AddreHi! "C. C,"Hn.l.r.Ti. Olllee. MW if

WANTED1 i() rent for 1 month n Large

A- Room or Hall, eitherGround llooror uiwtiiirs, must

be centrally Mtiiatcd. I 0. if

Furnished House To Let

AT Waikiki, n two storyHoii-i- ), containing six

rooms nicely furnished, withkitchen, bund, bath and scrvrtiii's rooms,stable, etc., to let for a few months in areaf unable rale. Or rooms will tie letfclnu'ly willt t'bod tniile board.


Vuluuhlc rroperty For Sale

ON iiiiaim Avenue, anew)ly fiiriiislied

House eontaiiiing fi rooms,kitchen, bathroom, clo-el- s, oarriaituhouse, ulible, hoiiory, etc. Giounilscontain 2 2.10 acres, well laid out inIkwij", shade and trilit tiees, tlnwois,etc. Will be sold low, with or w ithoutliimiuire, liortes, rairiages, livestock,and all the appointments needed in allrst-clus- s leshleiice, iib the owner in.lends leaving Uie Islands.


Spell erino.

'piIK host rouiedyfor1 v.juihI-- . ulcers,

Ji?S5r gails. proud llesh nmlmu'os of uerv deui!- -

'-- ?-t-lou to peihOii or ani- -

uuils. Adopted by leading lioi-- e rail-

road, club and livery stables, etc.. intho United Slates and Woare prepared to pioo this statement by

and references lo plautoisand liverymen in tldh Kingdom.Apply to


Inland Views.LARGE assortment of PhotographsA nud Stereoscopic Vluvvs of the

iiiost attractive) scenery, buildings, etc,In these Islands, for mle at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN UUSINKS9 AGKNCY.Corner Fort and Merchant sirenta.

rm u

The Al Htcimmlitp

"Yamashiro Mara"YOUNO, Commander.

Will have Honolulu foi the above poiton or about


13T For freight or pvsag", havingsuperior euhln iiml stoomgu iiocomniu.diittoiiB, apply to

Wm. Q. IRWIN & Co.,

Oli'itil Agonis.



CIGARSIiupoiti'd Pltcut from llavnmi.

G. G BERCER.517 2iu

GEORGE GRAY,(I.alo of llio

Uoi leave to inform the public,olbei-'- , that be i prcpaied

to undertake tho collection of bilN, or

work, and iiiakin inventoriesof bankrupt and other Mock. TypeWilting done wltli iipntnes- - and ili"patcli anil al moderate, rates.

Bell Telephone 401: P. 0. Box 333.r-- j l in

GOG KIM & CO.,No. .V.I N'liuanu St., Honolulu,

MERCHANT TAILORS,And dealer? In all kind of

CnNilinercN nml I'urnHlilnir Jnoitn.ANo, ii full .toek of Pry and Fancy

CiiioiU. fiooil lit guaranteed. .'ITflin

Honolulu Library

Rcadinq Room Association,

Cur. Moti'l & Alakeu Ntroetm.

Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists nt the prcsen'time oi over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Rending Room Is supplied withabout llfty of tho leading newspapersuiiu periouic.Hi.

A i'arlor is piovldcd for conversationtind Kamej.

Terms of mcmberi-hip- , llfty cents nainuth, payable quarterly in advance.No formality icqulrcd In joining exctptsljjrilnx the roll.

.Strangers tiom foreign countries andfiom the oilier islands are wel-

come to the rooms nt all timon as guests.This Association having no regular

means of support except the dues ofMembers, It Is expected that jeslduntsof Honolulu who desire to avail them-selves of Its privileges, and all who feelan interest In maintaining an instltutlouof tills kind, will put down their namesmid become regular contributors.

A. .1. CARTWR1GHT, IresM. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside-

II A. PA KM ELBE, Societal y,A. L..SMITH, Treasurer,C. T. RODGERS, M.P.,

Chairman Hall and Llbiary Committee


account of 111 health Dr. J. M.ON Whitney has appointed Dr, E. L.Hutchinson to taki: charge of tils ollleeuntil tils letiiru 517 tl


VJOTICE is hereby given that all.Ll chickens and dgs found on myproml.-e-s flu co weeks fiom tbi- - dalewill beANTONIO Rodrlgues BOTA-PRET-

Honolulu. May U, IS'.iO. 550 lv,--


RARNFIELD will resumeMR.classes on J UESDAY, May Oth,Drawing and Painting in Oils and Wa-

ter Colors, Eight & .Shade. HUH Liteand Figure Painting, htudio: Spreo-l.e)- ,'

llfoek, Foit -- tlcet. Sill 2w


GRAND Hull will takoA place on WEDNESDAY, the HlhMay, ) MM), at the Honolulu tliles Ar-mory, lleiotaula street, the proceeds totin given to the Poitiif:uo-- o Lnt'.ie.-- Ulia-rltab- lu

Association. Tickets of atllllls-io- n

tfl.OO. Tickets may be had nt Ha-waiian New- - Co., Honister ,t Co., Hen-so- u.

Smith & Co , T. G. Thrum, O. .1..McCarthy and II. .1. Nolle. ;,:ir. td


FIREWOOD for Mile al Hawaiian1. Conimeieial Salesrooms, ('oruer of(uocii and Niiuanu stieets. HiH tf


f HAVE received a few hundred lings1 of Hall, of the veiy best (pialiiy,each bag weighing 12(1 pounds, I willsell at very lowest price at $1 each;special rcduo.tioti by the Ion. Ordersfrom othor Islands will be promptlynttenikd to with satisfaction guunimtoed, Address all ordeis to

Cuas I. niRAM,010 Qm Httiinolpo, Honolulu, Ouhii,


aiftfec sc:


1st RAC- E-

RUNN1NO. ?., Mile Unf.li. Krcofor all Hawaiian bred Iioicd.


TKOTT1NO nml PACINI i. .MlloIleal-!- . b(."-- t 2 In!!, lo bai 1111-- 4, Ki onfor all Hawaiian bird hoi .

3ld HAC- E-

IH'N'NINO, NOVKLTY HACK..Mile D:i-l- i. Five for all Huwalluulued lior-e- s.

4lli IIACE- -

THOTTINfl and l'ACINO. MileUnits. Iiest ;! In 5, to liarnc. Freefor all.


Rl'NNINO IIAOE. 1 Mile DashFiee for nil. Winner lo beat "An-gle A's'' l coord of li'l.V,..


lH'NNINO RACK. Mile lnli.llnwalhin bred S! year olds.


Rl'XNINO RACE. Mile Dali.Free for all Hawaiian bred horses.Cup to become property of onewinning It twice. Won by V.. P.Mile's "Wonder," 1SS8.


TltOrriNG. Mile Heats, best 2 intl. Free for all nutters that havenever beaten II minutes. Plate tobecome property of one winning Ittwice. Won b ' P. I. Uenlierg's

Millie," lSSU.


Rl'NNINO HACK. K Mile Dash.Fico for all Hawaiian bied horMM.


RUNNING RACE. 1'5 Mile Dash.Free for all.


TKOTTING and PACING. Freefor all not having a record of orbetter. Hoim; to be driven bymember of .lockey Club.

12th CUP."

RUNNING RACE. ' . Mile Heats,bc--t '2 In II. Cup to become pro-perty of one winning it twice.won in i. A. I'utninin s "Mir-liri'-e- ,"'



RUNNING. Mllo Dash. Fico forall ouie not over 1 1 hand-- , high.

14th PLATE."

RUNNING RACE. 1 '.. Mile Dash.Fioelor all Hawaiian In ed horses.


RUNNING RACE. .Mllo D.isb.Hawaiian bred II year old- -.

K2 Race- - coining after Tiotting amiPacing Races to tie run between bents.


V Eiii'lfMoliiiD.liwei'"

Just Arrived from Ronton,

C. BREWER & CO.oiTKit ton -- am: .

Variety of Vehicles !

Con-i-il- of

Side Bar and Corning Buggies,

Ksten-lo- n Top Cabriolet,Village Calls.

Extension Top at Side Bar,

From the celebrated inaiiiifaciory ofGeo. L. Urowuel), New

ltedfoid. Also


Suny Carryall,

Pianobox Buggies,Express Wagons,

MULE CARTSOf the well-kno- Dole ,C Osgood


6i3r The puh'lp arc Invited to linpectthe-- o Goods at the stoic ol

C. RREWER & Co.,na; tm .11 Queen street.

Gustav k, SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

No. 79 & 81 : : King Street.

At W. Wright it Son's.

Having received a full assortment ofCarrlueo Trimming Materials fiom theEast, 1 am prejiureil to execute all ordeiswith neiitnes) and despatch at very rea.eoinible rates.


UtWV - tj


I b1. i 3

Ia5"0iir Now Allotype 111nlrutodCutalofjuo M'lit fico on :iiplli'iUioii.


Hnn Fi'Uiu'Ihpo. : i Cnllroiiiln.may

9o m

UnBurpasfied ! Most Delicious!And Finely Flavored


Oi'iinnienteit In I'.verv Hlyle.

Having a roputatlon of 27 years InHonolulu ami being his own woik-ma- n,

Mr. Horn can hell

Cheaper than at anv other place in thecfty.



At ft'i Dollui'M a 4allun.

Made from the Woodlnwn ColobrtitiilCieuiu.

P. HORN,Piopilotor Pioneer Steuni Candy Fac-

tory ,fc Uakery. MS 1iiu


Steal Jl PratiDfiOITIC'K

This olliee having added a large varietyof the latest styles of

Elegant Type i

To Its Job Printing Room

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Books,! Pamphlets,11111 Heads,

lliislues Card',.Law Blanks,

Letter Heads,Circulars, Invlmtlons,

Plantation Blanks,Blinking Forms,

Wedding Cards,Calling Cards,

Posters, Handbills, Dodgers,

Programmes, Etc, Etc,


jar Address"Doily Bulletin Office,"


At Kidilklnul. Maul, there will bo soldat Public Auction,

On TUESDAY, May 20th,100 HEAD


CTTTho Ciittlo can be scon at the Pirnof Kiihikiiiui aiivtliue before the sale.aaitw J. C. FLORES & CO.


MhAN Al Ves-e- l will he despatched for

Houolulii to cull from New Yorkin all the npintli of April. Orders forgoods to lio shipped by this vos-e- l

should bo forwarded us catly as possi-ble to Insuit) shipment. For furtherparticulars imiulrn of tho Agents,

OAtaTLEA COOKE,Honolulu. It. I.

Or, W. II. GROSSMAN & UHO.,77 & 70 Broad btreet,

18, 2m Now York City.

TAI WO CHAN,Manulacturer of Ladies'

and Gentlemen'sFrench Kid & Calf Skin Shoes

MADU TO Oiailtll,reiruml oi-- He weil , ulito, Kuditle.

09 Nuiiauti St., : i : P. 0. Box 203.up 7.U0.1y

-- ESTIVA. :

A NATURAL Mlnoral Water. Forsale only by

IV. M, hllVK,Sole Agept et Iinportrr for the Ha-

waiian Ifluud". --'3li

T1MK TAIIfiK:From San Franci800.

Leavo Due ntS. F. Honolulu

Maiipoea . . Mhv :t .May 10

oalaudia . Mn'v :n . .June 7

Atatiiedn . .In lie i!fl ft

.Miiripova .liilv i! . ..Ait,' U

Zonhwidia. Au'k SI! . . . a iik' :uAl.nni'ilii. , Mopt 20 . Sept '27

Mariposa. . ..Oct 18.. ...Oct lift

Zeulaiidiu. . .Nov in.. . .Nov '22Alaiuedii. . . . Deo III.. . . . IVo i!

For San Francisco.

Leave Hue litKvdnev Honolulu

Alainodii May Id... May !tlMnripiwn itiiit' J I . June 28.enlandi.i Inly 11 ...Inly 2(1

Alameda Aug (! . .Aug i!!!

MniipOMi Sept '' Sept 20Zeahiiidin Oct 1 Out ISAlameda (Jet 2!) Nov 1ftMtitipiMu .Nov 2(! Dee IllZeuliitidla Dec 21 Ian 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

Leave H. F. Leavo Iloiiolulti.Friday. . Apr 2ft Friday . ..Jliiy 9Friday . .Mnv 2U Fi iduy . .Fm u 0Fiiday.. Jtine 20 Friday. . July 4Friday . July IS Friday, Aug J.Fiiday . .Aug 1ft Friday . Aug 29Friday . Sept 12 Friday Sept, 2(5

Friday. ..Oct 10 Friday .Oct 21

Fild a v. Nov 7 Fridnv ... Nov 21Fiiday. .Deo ft Friday ..Deo IS



5-- -

F (SAX ritANt-'SMt'W- ,

Hie new and line Al sleel 8toamchiiki Alameda,"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe due at Honolulu from Svilney

and Auckland oti or about

Nlay 31, ISQO.And will leave for the al.pvo port withmalls and passengers ou or aliont thatdate.

For freight or pnssaco, having SU.PEKIOR ACCOMMODATIONfcCapplyto

WM. Q. IliWIN & CO., Affcut.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The nev and tine Al steel stoMi'shlp

ii Rftaripcsa,"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company, will

bo duo at Honolulu .from SunFrancisco uu or about

May (0, 1 830.And will have prompt dhpatch withmails and passougcrs for theabove ports

For freight or passage, having KUPEKIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. Q. IRWIN & CO.. Arcms


Paauiiau Plantation, I

Hawaii, March 5), IQfea. fKlNdoii Iron .V. JUoeun:otlvu Vdi-Ii-

Hun 1'raiiclHCO,Gk.nti.kmi:,': We have used twoo-you- r

30'Clianiborcd Fillor Presses thisseason. They are convenient, easilyhandled and are working entirely to oirsatisfaction. I can recommend no iuipiovemcnt on them.

Very respeel fully yours,(Signed) A. MOORE,

Manager Paauhau Plautaiion

Hkkia, Sept. 23, 188!.Mn John Dvi:it, Agent JIImIom Iron

Works, Honolulu.Dkau Siu: Please shipusoiie of jour

StOCoinpartmeiit Filler Prciscs, IMO eqimrufeet surface, same as the one suppliedus lust season, which I am pleiued tosay has iven iib entire satisfaction.

Yours truly,Gl!0. R. EWART,

Manager Hceia Agricitlluriil Co.

These Pi esses are made extra heRvvfor high pressures, occupy a Hoorspace 11 feet by ! feet, ami piesent afiltering suifaee of 240 square led.

A limited number in stock in Honolulu and are sold nt very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Loco. Works,San Francisco.

jtfir For particulars cnrpilre ofJOHN DYER, Honolulu,

Room No. a Sprcckelr,' Block.12250 if W. G. Irwin & Co,, Acront,

Anderson &Lundy,Xentsts.

Artlftolal Toetli from ono to an entireset Inserted on gold, silver, alliiminumand rubber bases. Crown ami BridgeWork a specialty. To poisons wearingrubber plates which arc a constantBotiioo of irrltalloH to the mouth andthroat, wu would iccommeud our Pro.phylactlc Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance with the latestluprovements in dental science. Teeth

Extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxidu Gas.

nerOlllco at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Feb.'JO.SU

Dr. Al. E. GROSSMAN,OlSN'J'Hrl'r,

Returned on the Australia and has re.sinned practice at his lotiner otllcn. 08Hotel street- - .0il tf


Has ii'inovcd from Foil street to Ho.hello Lane, Palatini.

Ovpioe Honns: I) a. m. to 12 m. andr. m. to 0 I'. M.

MutUKl Bull 475410 tf
