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University of Hawaiʻi...BMBBHMBBWMB8IE?BWinBBTif.-',- """" 'i." rri1:IiM7r7 "FPgsaWfcJI 1) tfnwn...

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BMBBHMBBWMB8IE?BWinBBTif.-',- """" 'i." rri1:IiM7r7 "FPgsaWfcJI 1) III JW"" MIJii tfnwn fwrvi niw(ff)Kvat '.ihmv " a t.,z'k- t ..ah wd Tqnwioim:. w, ' vwihka s Ji'ir fi ,'thv ;4Tr,' wi. - ran JET f Sw V W?TK3!? m j etiii VOL. l. NO. 153. TJBOE ueiii? Bulletin Published every day except Sunday nt G03 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. aunscmrxioN uatks. Per Mouth, nnywhero In tho Hn- - wnilnn Islands. . S 75 Per Venr 8 00 Por Yenr, postpaid to Amerlcn, Cnnndn, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countries....: 10 00 I'nynblo luviirtnlilr In Ailvnneo. Advertisements itnnccompnnled by epccillc Instructions inserted till ordered out. Advertisements discontinued before expiration of period will bo charced ns if continued for full term. Liberal allownnco on yearly and half yearly oontrnetn. Address nil communications to tho edi- torial department to "Editor Bulletin." Business letters should bo addressed to "Manager Evening Bulletin." Telephono 250. P. O. Box 8'J. B. L FINNEY, M2naEcr. RESTORED TO HEALTH iiv Tin: fsr. or Ayer's SarsapariHa Sim. M. A. Ciimitiliif;, of Ynrrnvlllo, Victoria, Australia, tajm '"Aliout.i jcarnRO. I lii'l a severe, attack of Influenza, wlilcli left iiieerj weak, ultli. out energy, appetite, or mti rest la life. Htllo or nn rellif from doctors, or from tho many remedies leeoii.menileil tonio, I finally tried Ajcr's h.inniiailll.i,ninl from that lime, I began to gain lieallli uutl strength. t continued tho treatment tinlll fully recov- ered, nml now luvi) Mty ureal lu telling in) f rlemJs nt tln nn il i of A J er'H Bar. caparlll l, and the li:i ppj retults of Its use. 1 consider II tho Lost Ulood-pu- r flcr known." a e?ys SarsapariKa 1 I H Wl IMIUI.WWIBMWMiaMMMi Hns cured othoro, will euro you. Made lijr Dr. J. C Ayer & Co , Low oIl.Maj J..U.S.A. Hollistor Drug Co., L'd, Bolo Accntu for tho Itepublio nt Hawaii. WlHWil'IWIIIIIMI'JIW Somclliiiij Iiilwti Imports of Champagne In- to the United States, PIlOM JAN. 1ST TO JUNE IsT, 1895. Cases. G JI Mumra & Co.' a extra dry 30,831 Pommory & Grouo 11,708 Moot A: Chnndon J,G0S Hoidsicck it Co., (dry Monopolo) 7.G01 Louis ltocduroi Iiuinurt 3,130 Perrier Jouot 3.280 Irroy &Co; 1,785 Vvo. Clicquot 2,378 BouohoSeo 992 Dolbeck&Co 728 St. Marconux 334 Krug&Co 270 OhiiR. lloidsiock 355 Various Total 81,859 COMPILED FROM CUSTOM HOUSE RECORDS. Macfarlane & Co., Bolo Agonts for G. H. Mumm & Co. for tho Hawaiian Islands. 124-- 1 ABOUT V7.GE8 IN JAPAN. so.tn: ov aioi-SlItONt- l't II UN com hi:. A Vow ol the l'ncl 'Hint I.lternry I'lrnto Would llnir Incnrpor- - nteil In Hl llctmrt. A recent oditorial in the Adver- tiser on tho subjoct of wages in Japan contains tho following : "Purine; hit recent Wilt to Japan, V. N. Arinstions tolleeteil eonlderable material for a report on the labor and Industrie of .Japan wlt'j the end lu lev of showing to what extent the pi lees nml s) stems of labor may affect the nlatlons of tU it country with thee Islands. Unas tho Intention to Incor porate the fifts obtained In a report of the Labor Commission but the, teriuhi ittou of the Commission bylaw pmcnteil Its p n rota- tion. "Consul-ficner- al Mchor of Yokohama Mildly faiortd him with thescaluof wage prealllup; lu Japan. The foreign mcrchints also furulslud statistics which show that the stale of wages Is rliltn; In that country. It Is to be hoped that Mr. Armstrong' repirtwlll be made public, as the tendene) of the labor market lu the East U a matter of Ilnl importance to the Industrial futuic of tlilt country." As stated in tho columns of this paper tho facts with which Mcivor of Yokohama kiudly favored him wero publish- ed in tho Consular Reports of tho United States in July last, and 80vcr.il copies of tho ropoit wero to bo had iu this city a month nfterwiuds. indeed it would seem Unit tho Advortisor writer had a copy of tho roport beforo him. for noto tho similarity of llieso expiessions: "Tim Adveitisor snys, "Tho foro ii moichnnts also lurnished statistics." Consul JMoIvor says. "Tablo 2 tulatcs only to wages paid in tho city f Yokohama; it was piep.ued by niio if tho tifeietiines in tho Kenclto (profect's oilice) from data ohtuiucd from tho p ilico and tho various tiade guilds." Tho Advortisor man concludes with tho hopo that Mr. Arm-stionx- 's loport will bo mado pub- lic, but seems to havo lost its anxiety since the Bulletin the sourco of Labor Com- missioner Armstrong's roimtod information. This paper h is waited patiently for two weeks for tho Advortisor to do what it hoped would bo dono, but nothing bus corao evon though tho Bulletin pointed out whoro tho informa- tion could bo easily obtainod. With tho Advortisor tho Bulle- tin bolieves that whatovor infor- mation Mr. Armstrong obtained whilo acting in tho capacity of Labor Commissioner belongs to tho lluwniinn pcoplo and should not bo withhold from thorn. Tho Bulletin presents an extract fr m Consul Mclvoi's roport which will bo found of spocial intorest to sugar planters and laboring mon alike. Tho following ttblo shows tho occtipitinu of nitisans or laboiois mid tho highost and lowost wages paid thorn during tho your 18'J2 in yen, tho nvtiago value of tho yon in that year boing G8 eonts in United Stites money; in the month of January, 1895, tho avor-ag- o value of tho yen was only 18 conts : CKCUP1TION IIHIUhXT Urat.1T ilr iliiy Cunicntero 0T.0 0 20 Wall pantcm otio 0 2!) Stono cutterH (' II!) 0 22 Wood siiwyers oro OKI Hoof liuildciH oco 020 IlrieklajerH OSS 0 20 Matting nmkorii . . . or.o 0 20 Make in of doors 0 nr, 0 17 Ilox Makcni os:i 0 17 '1'ailorH - .TupnnuH) clothe" oco 0 in Foreign clothes... 1 oo 0 2J Dyers oco 001 Ill.icksmith ot;o 0 18 I'orcelaln iniikeia oco OL'I Lacquer makers ons 0 1.1 Oil prefers 031 Old Tobacco mukprn Of.0 Oil Printers (pressmen).. 0 70 Oil Ship luilders 0 70 0 ) HONOLULU, II. I., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1895. Cotnposltorn 0 83 0 10 8ako makers i or..i 0 IT) Haueo makers 0 40 o 10 farm Laborers: Mon 0.10 0 00 Women O'.M o on Silk weacrii (womou) 0 2.1 l) o: Silk worm cultivators (men). 0 fill oio Women 0 07 Tea lunkeru (men) 0S0 o in C'ooliei) 0 XI on Hi- - Month Weovcrs! Men l'J 00 1 oo Women 12 00 100 farm bands: Men r. oo i oo Women :i :.o o i Uouiostlcs:-- - Men r.no o&o Women :itj 0 Si) In table 2 Mr. Mcivor has com puted tho avorago daily wages of artisaus in Yokohatntt por woik-iu- u day of ten hours in Amnrinnn I money, January 18th of this yoar uuiugauiccieii, ami tno computa- tion mado on tho exchange value of tho yon on that day, viz; 18 coins, it is as follows, only tho common trades being given horo: OCCIWATIOX. )V !,, Carpenter 053 0 20 l'lasteren 0 TO 0 U Stono cutters 0 05 0 31 Sawyers O00 0 29 Itnoiern o." 0o Tilers oo.-- . oai MattingMukuii) 0 50 0 24 Scrocn Makers 0 TO 0 2d .lolneri 0 00 0 20 Paper lianpen 0 oO 0 24 Tailors - .lniKtneo clothes 0 M 0 21 Foreign clothes 1 00 0 48 Overs oco 0 24 Ilrncksmiths 0 75 0 ;I0 I'orcelaln makers 0 CO 0 24 l'orcclain artiste: Ui,'hoat 1 50 0 72 Lowest OS0 0 38 men 0 50 021 Tolmccocuttets 0 50 0 21 Printers 040 0 10 Ship Cat pen tera 0 to 0 29 I.iu'quo r workers 0 CO 0 21 Compositors 0 00 0 21) S.iko lirowors 05 0 22 Silk Spinners (female) .... 0 ::." 0 17 Tea workers 0 00 0 21) Tea flrcrs 0 30 Oil Common laborers 0 10 0 10 Confectioners 0 35 0 17 1? Month. Farm laborers; Mule ;i 00 144 lVinalu IS CO 1 20 iiilkwortn breciluri: Mule 1 00 19.' relink' 2 00 0 90 Servants in foreign housed as follows: Males, six tu iiftcon yen or $2.88 to 7.20, and females fivo to ton yen or ?2.'10 to From tho ubovo tibleH, which in Consul Mclvor's report aiono-coiiipanie- by tho names of tho cities from whioh tho duta iu ob- tained, no goncr.il idea of tho cities iu which tho highest wages aro paid can bo obtainod, us evory locality goems to havo a (xalo of its own for each class of labor. Tor instance Tokyo pays moro for masons than Yokohama and less for oil pressors and so on. If uny oxcoption be made it would appear from tho roport that Tokyo, Yokohama, Kanngawii, and Ilok-kaid- o pay tlio highest wagos und Hiroshima, Akita and Tokushima tho lowest. Hosi'ir.u, iri,oui:u nnsM.. Ariulicmeiil for ttie lllllerlulninriil 011 TiicsiIii) Dccli. Tho ladies of tho Hospital Flontr Mission hold a meoting yostciday and nppoiutod tho fol- lowing committocB to arrange for tho oiiioi'laintnent tit lin irivnti nt tho homo of Mrs. Siwmzy on tho evening of Tuesday, 2Gth inst: Itofrnalimnnt. nnminitlnnMrn. 'IV 11. "Walkor, Mies Pindar ond Mrs. Andrew Fuller. Fancy tablo committoe Mrs. von Holt and Mis. liiruio. Flower tablo committee Mrs. Eloanor Graham and Mrs. II. II. ItenjoB. Candy table committoe Mrs. F. R. Day and Miss Lewors. Committoo on lickots Mrs. C. L. Wight and Miss Castlo. Donations of ico cream, cako, fanoy artioloa, llowors or candy will bo gratofully received by tho various committoos. AHGU3 WON THE RAGE. TO.ltlV KINJ MMIKI A i.triLt: 'loo soorr. An Innuendo Crow il (Jadicroil nt Union Siliiaro mid iatv the l'lllUh I'ollco Arransciiirnla. Yesterday's r.ico could moro properly bo tormed an oxhibilion of hicyclo riding in fanoy undor-cloth- os, judging from tho time made by tho wiunor, 37J minutos. Everybody knows that oither of tho riders cou.d havo bentou 28 minutes if he wantod to, as the roads wero good, and tho weather was porfect, with a total absence of wind. Union bquaro wnscrowdod with peoplo to soo the start and Cuish of tho raco and hoar tho baud play , but thoy grew vory tired nftor waiting half an hour for tho boys to got back, and many supposod that tho contestants woro piled up in a neap soiucwtioro along the road. But thoy wero not; they wore simply jogging loisuroly along whilo tho ciowd waited. Thoro was no raco until Thomas squaro was roached on tho return trip, whon King mado a, spurt and took tho load by ICO yards, but ho could not maintain it and at church ho was pass- ed by Sylvester and Angus, tho former loading woll. But Angus had beon rosorving his strongth for tho last nud oxeitmg it at this point passou bylvostor in a flash and crossed the string four seconds ahead. Iu its account of tho raco tho morning paper makes it appear that tho riders uoro about oqtml. It must bo boruo in mind, how-ovo- r, that Tommy King uover rode a bicycle until four mouths din co ana has uevor been in a raco. Tho othors wero old hands at the business nud have had plenty of exporionce. Such being the caso King is to much moro ciodit than bus been accord- ed him. If ltuby Doxtor had been well onough, ho would have ridden a Tribune wheel and tho result would probably have been n bolter raco. Marshal Brown and Captain Parker desorvo credit for tho po- lice arrangements, which wero ex- cellent. Till: IIAIIHOIC WOltkS. No IMllille Improvement Alienil of 'I lice. Kpitou Bulletin: An ovoniug ing paper states, "Dredging oper- ations aro carried on at a moder- ate cost, and good progress is boing mado in the work." In a formor issuo it scorns ti invito criticibm on imprnvomouts mado and those undor way. Is this .a caio of "Save mo from my friends!" or in tho writer Miicon' Wo will tike il that ho is sincere, and uuihteiitinn'tlly m.ikos state- ments that, tn say the least, uro misleading, fan it be callod good progiess to pump iu a given time about 1000 cubic ynrds of mud, whon if tho drodgor wns worked to her capacity it would ho tro- - blo that amount in the sumo time, oven allowing for tho timo lost pumping undilutod wator through pipos that wore allowed to choko through (to bo chnritablo) an oveisight? la it economical to have a largo forco of mon building, tearing down and rebuilding re- taining walls? Or is it common sonso to havo armed men patrol- ling round the till nftor a govorn-mon- t physician has statoii that there is not tho least dangoi to the public health? Microoos aro 1 believe impervious to loud or powdor, and nearly ovoryono is aware by this timo that anything I of value that tho dredcor raises is givon to tho governmout. Mr. Lincoln once mudo there-mar- k: "You can fool some of tht peoplo till tho timo, and all tho pcoplo sotno of tho time, but you cannot fool all tho people all ths'i timo." Ynguo and iiulolinite as sertions carry no woight even if given editorial promiuouce. A tabulaloil statement, such fur in stanco as tho Ministor of Fiiiiuico given, stating work dono, in what way dono, and the cost, would satisfy nil. These islands havo a futuic ..nd it lios with tho men in pouor to lay the foundation for futuro groutnees. A good harbor cannot be mado by nowspaportalk, neith- er can it bo made in the picay-uui- sh manner by which the pre- sent work ih boing carried on. Harbor improvements are tho most important of all public works. Good docks, oasy of ac- cess, draw shipping. Vho would havo predicted GO or 70 years ago that tho city of Liverpool would enjoy tho commercial supionmcy sho does today, all through a deeponod harbor and good docks? Lot tho Presidont appoint a com mission of soafaring mon, with one or two harbor experts. If the lattor aro not hero get Ihoiu. In that mannor wo will got a harbor that will nt only letleot credit on this administration but will re- main as an enduring munumout to buildors and designers. Xkmo. i:nucATitNAi. in:?i. Trnlntni: of Ilnnllii Teuclier-lu- ? crenncil Scliuol Allciidiiucc. Tho following paragraph" aro from the Progressive Educator: Thoro seems to bo 0 nourishing colony ot normal departments in Honolulu just now. Thoro is one nt Kamehnmeha School for Boys, one at Knmohamoha School for Girls, oue at Oalin Collego, and ono at the now High School. And it is hardly safe to bay that thoro are no others. Thev "are spring- - ' inK "P "ilh bewildering rapidity All this shows the trend of educa tional thought ami activity. There is hope ic the Hawaiian race in the training of Hawaiian teachers. TLe most hopeful fea- ture in negro education in Atno-ric- a is tho part taken in the work by such negroes as Brookor T. Washington. If our friends of tho Kainehamoha schools, who aro devoting thomselves exclusive- ly to training Hawaiians, can do-vel- op one such leador thoy will moro than justify all thoexpoudi- -t n 103 ever mudo for those institu- tions. Reports from all quarters indi- cate a considerable incicase iu tho attoudauco at tho govornmont schools. At last accounts tho at- tendance at Ilolualoa had reach- ed almost a hundred. Last year this was a ono-roo- school. Tho attendance now indicates that it was an orror to provido for only two toachors in tho building re cently orootod thore. The coming legislature will have a larger school attondanco to don! with than it j prodocossorsjaud this will cull for lirgor oxpoudi-turo- s. Tho provision in tho new Constitution that no public mon- ey shall bo oxpeudod on bchools not wholly under control of tho Board of Education is in soino dciiieo responsible for the increas ed attondanco at public schools; but for tho most part it roprosents nn iucroaso iu tho total school attondanco of tho country. In order to impress upon your mind tho fact that tho Seattle lircwing and Malting Co's boors aro Mild, Light and Lively, wo holow givo tho avorago per cont of alcohol in various liquors in com- parison : "llainicr" Beer. . . 3.-- por cont "Olympic" Iker.. . 3.1 Alo 7.-- Cider 8.(5 Claret 13.3 Whisky 51.0 On draught at tho Critorion,. PTunrc 5 CKNIU THt LATEST BICYCLE TIRE IUAC'KII'TMik op Till: m;w ,v. vi:niio. It rmmoi tr I'Miiilnro.l hiiiI ,1i,, u0 Run Ojtir IIb.i uln, IVrled Sifel The committee who hae chnrgo of tho Bicyclo Votinu Contest uern otlionviso occupied at noon today and could not attend to tho coun- ting of tho vote. In addition to that tho gentlomtin having posses- sion of tho koy of the box has cono out of town temporarily; conse quently no votes can bo counted until his roturn. As will be scon in a communi-cati- ou in anothor column, Mrs. Iionnor today withdraws hornamo lrom tno contest. By way of making up for tho g of tho votes, tho Buu.r.Ti.v presents its roadors ay with a cut of tho latest invention in tho shapo of wheel - rims. The tiro horo illustrated has been patent- ed by a Canadian. Uo claimi that it may be lidden over tacks, glass and ovon razors, without fear of punctilio. Tho invention conRists of a series of olliptical Mod springs sot at (right angles to tho rim and riveted to it. A ydQQ Ik XJSf'l-- Jv A mm Ml L, steel rim passes ro.n. d tho outer circumference of the tire thus formed, which is i 1 tarn tivoted to the spn ig, fo "ming .1 strong, resilient and ' ipiick' tre. Tt may be covered with rubber to keop oat dirt and w iter. It is aid that Araorican firms have entered into negotia- tions f r the use of this tiro. svrciiiiAVs uicr. Coiiiplctc LU(or ('iiunluiiln uiul ibo llnmllru. Tho entries fu- - tho livo tnilo road nice of the Athletic Assjoia-tio- n woro kopt open until " p. m. yostordiy, and closed with ten namos, tho handicapping of which has boon arrangod by Davo Crozior as follows: Geo Angus, scratch; II Giles, 13 seconds; D G Sylvester, 18; T V King, 30; E II Paris, 31; E H Tumor, 12; P Lishinan, 11); U Wilder, Oli; Jl Kspinda, 1 minute; A Giles, 1 miiiuto and 10 seconds. The race will bo from Campbell's pliiooat Waikiki to Union bquaro, and tho club will arrange t havo ropes stretched from Kiinninimn cnurcn to the linishing place, so as to keep tho crowd hick and not shutout any of tho contestants as was tho caso yestordav. I'AIICircLI. DItlM.lt. (iltcii In Japiiurne OinelnU ti) I'ro-niliic- nt .tlcrclimiit. At Saus Souci tomorrow after- noon at 5:30 a fnrowoll dinuor will bo givon to tho retiring Japanoso consul, Mr. Shimhu, and his socretary, GoroflNarita. It will also bo in tho na- ture of a wolcomo to tho new Consul-Genor- ami hissoorotary. Covers will ho laid for forty-tw- o, and tho guests will consist of proininont Japanoso morchantg and officials. . 1 1 1
  • BMBBHMBBWMB8IE?BWinBBTif.-',- """" 'i." rri1:IiM7r7 "FPgsaWfcJI 1) III JW"" MIJiitfnwn fwrvi niw(ff)Kvat '.ihmv " a t.,z'k- t ..ah wd Tqnwioim:. w, ' vwihka s Ji'ir fi ,'thv;4Tr,' wi. - ran JET f SwV

    W?TK3!?m j etiii

    VOL. l. NO. 153.


    ueiii? Bulletin

    Published every day except Sunday ntG03 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

    aunscmrxioN uatks.Per Mouth, nnywhero In tho Hn- -

    wnilnn Islands. . S 75Per Venr 8 00Por Yenr, postpaid to Amerlcn,

    Cnnndn, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

    Countries....: 10 00I'nynblo luviirtnlilr In Ailvnneo.

    Advertisements itnnccompnnled byepccillc Instructions inserted till orderedout.

    Advertisements discontinued beforeexpiration of period will bocharced ns if continued for full term.

    Liberal allownnco on yearly and halfyearly oontrnetn.

    Address nil communications to tho edi-torial department to "Editor Bulletin."Business letters should bo addressed to"Manager Evening Bulletin."

    Telephono 250. P. O. Box 8'J.

    B. L FINNEY, M2naEcr.

    RESTORED TO HEALTHiiv Tin: fsr. or

    Ayer's SarsapariHaSim. M. A. Ciimitiliif;, of Ynrrnvlllo,

    Victoria, Australia, tajm'"Aliout.i jcarnRO. I lii'l a severe, attack

    of Influenza, wlilcli left iiieerj weak, ultli.out energy, appetite, or mti rest la life.

    Htllo or nn rellif from doctors, orfrom tho many remedies leeoii.menileil tonio,I finally tried Ajcr's h.inniiailll.i,ninl fromthat lime, I began to gain lieallli uutl strength.

    t continued tho treatment tinlll fully recov-ered, nml now luvi) Mty ureal lutelling in) f rlemJs nt tln nn il i of A J er'H Bar.caparlll l, and the li:i ppj retults of Its use. 1consider II tho Lost Ulood-pu- r flcr known."

    a e?ys SarsapariKa1 I H Wl IMIUI.WWIBMWMiaMMMi

    Hns cured othoro, will euro you.Made lijr Dr. J. C Ayer & Co , Low oIl.Maj J..U.S.A.

    Hollistor Drug Co., L'd,Bolo Accntu for tho Itepublio nt Hawaii.


    Somclliiiij Iiilwti

    Imports of Champagne In-to the United States,

    PIlOM JAN. 1ST TO JUNE IsT, 1895.

    Cases.G JI Mumra & Co.' a extra

    dry 30,831Pommory & Grouo 11,708Moot A: Chnndon J,G0SHoidsicck it Co., (dry

    Monopolo) 7.G01Louis ltocduroiIiuinurt 3,130Perrier Jouot 3.280Irroy &Co; 1,785Vvo. Clicquot 2,378BouohoSeo 992Dolbeck&Co 728St. Marconux 334Krug&Co 270OhiiR. lloidsiock 355Various

    Total 81,859


    Macfarlane & Co.,

    Bolo Agonts for G. H. Mumm & Co.for tho Hawaiian Islands.



    so.tn: ov aioi-SlItONt- l'tII UN com hi:.

    A Vow ol the l'ncl 'Hint I.lternryI'lrnto Would llnir Incnrpor- -

    nteil In Hl llctmrt.

    A recent oditorial in the Adver-tiser on tho subjoct of wages inJapan contains tho following :

    "Purine; hit recent Wilt to Japan, V. N.Arinstions tolleeteil eonlderable materialfor a report on the labor and Industrie of.Japan wlt'j the end lu lev of showing towhat extent the pi lees nml s) stems of labormay affect the nlatlons of tU it country withthee Islands. Unas tho Intention to Incorporate the fifts obtained In a report of theLabor Commission but the, teriuhi ittou of theCommission bylaw pmcnteil Its p n rota-tion.

    "Consul-ficner- al Mchor of YokohamaMildly faiortd him with thescaluof wageprealllup; lu Japan. The foreign mcrchintsalso furulslud statistics which show that thestale of wages Is rliltn; In that country.It Is to be hoped that Mr. Armstrong'repirtwlll be made public, as the tendene)of the labor market lu the East U a matter of

    Ilnl importance to the Industrial futuic oftlilt country."

    As stated in tho columns of thispaper tho facts with which

    Mcivor of Yokohamakiudly favored him wero publish-ed in tho Consular Reports of thoUnited States in July last, and80vcr.il copies of tho ropoit weroto bo had iu this city a monthnfterwiuds. indeed it wouldseem Unit tho Advortisor writerhad a copy of tho roport beforohim. for noto tho similarity ofllieso expiessions:

    "Tim Adveitisor snys, "Thoforo ii moichnnts also lurnishedstatistics."

    Consul JMoIvor says. "Tablo 2tulatcs only to wages paid in thocity f Yokohama; it was piep.uedby niio if tho tifeietiines in thoKenclto (profect's oilice) fromdata ohtuiucd from tho p ilico

    and tho various tiadeguilds."

    Tho Advortisor man concludeswith tho hopo that Mr. Arm-stionx- 's

    loport will bo mado pub-lic, but seems to havo lost itsanxiety since the Bulletin

    the sourco of Labor Com-missioner Armstrong's roimtodinformation. This paper h iswaited patiently for two weeks fortho Advortisor to do what it hopedwould bo dono, but nothing buscorao evon though tho Bulletinpointed out whoro tho informa-tion could bo easily obtainod.

    With tho Advortisor tho Bulle-tin bolieves that whatovor infor-mation Mr. Armstrong obtainedwhilo acting in tho capacity ofLabor Commissioner belongs totho lluwniinn pcoplo and shouldnot bo withhold from thorn. ThoBulletin presents an extract fr mConsul Mclvoi's roport whichwill bo found of spocial intorestto sugar planters and laboringmon alike.

    Tho following ttblo shows thoocctipitinu of nitisans or laboioismid tho highost and lowost wagespaid thorn during tho your 18'J2in yen, tho nvtiago value of thoyon in that year boing G8 eontsin United Stites money; in themonth of January, 1895, tho avor-ag- o

    value of tho yen was only 18conts :


    ilr iliiyCunicntero 0T.0 0 20Wall pantcm otio 0 2!)Stono cutterH (' II!) 0 22Wood siiwyers oro OKIHoof liuildciH oco 020IlrieklajerH OSS 0 20Matting nmkorii . . . or.o 0 20Make in of doors 0 nr, 0 17Ilox Makcni os:i 0 17'1'ailorH -

    .TupnnuH) clothe" oco 0 inForeign clothes... 1 oo 0 2J

    Dyers oco 001Ill.icksmith ot;o 0 18I'orcelaln iniikeia oco OL'ILacquer makers ons 0 1.1Oil prefers 031 OldTobacco mukprn Of.0 OilPrinters (pressmen).. 0 70 OilShip luilders 0 70 0 )


    Cotnposltorn 0 83 0 108ako makers i or..i 0 IT)Haueo makers 0 40 o 10farm Laborers:

    Mon 0.10 0 00Women O'.M o on

    Silk weacrii (womou) 0 2.1 l) o:Silk worm cultivators (men). 0 fill oio

    Women 0 07Tea lunkeru (men) 0S0 o inC'ooliei) 0 XI on

    Hi- - MonthWeovcrs!

    Men l'J 00 1 ooWomen 12 00 100

    farm bands:Men r. oo i ooWomen :i :.o o i

    Uouiostlcs:-- -Men r.no o&oWomen :itj 0 Si)

    In table 2 Mr. Mcivor has computed tho avorago daily wages ofartisaus in Yokohatntt por woik-iu- u

    day of ten hours in AmnrinnnI money, January 18th of this yoaruuiugauiccieii, ami tno computa-tion mado on tho exchange valueof tho yon on that day, viz; 18coins, it is as follows, only thocommon trades being given horo:

    OCCIWATIOX. )V !,,Carpenter 053 0 20l'lasteren 0 TO 0 UStono cutters 0 05 0 31Sawyers O00 0 29Itnoiern o." 0oTilers oo.-- . oaiMattingMukuii) 0 50 0 24Scrocn Makers 0 TO 0 2d.lolneri 0 00 0 20Paper lianpen 0 oO 0 24Tailors -

    .lniKtneo clothes 0 M 0 21Foreign clothes 1 00 0 48

    Overs oco 0 24Ilrncksmiths 0 75 0 ;I0I'orcelaln makers 0 CO 0 24l'orcclain artiste:

    Ui,'hoat 1 50 0 72Lowest OS0 0 38

    men 0 50 021Tolmccocuttets 0 50 0 21Printers 040 0 10Ship Cat pen tera 0 to 0 29I.iu'quo r workers 0 CO 0 21Compositors 0 00 0 21)S.iko lirowors 05 0 22Silk Spinners (female) .... 0 ::." 0 17Tea workers 0 00 0 21)Tea flrcrs 0 30 OilCommon laborers 0 10 0 10Confectioners 0 35 0 17

    1? Month.Farm laborers;

    Mule ;i 00 144lVinalu IS CO 1 20

    iiilkwortn breciluri:Mule 1 00 19.'relink' 2 00 0 90

    Servants in foreign housedas follows: Males, six tu

    iiftcon yen or $2.88 to 7.20, andfemales fivo to ton yen or ?2.'10 to

    From tho ubovo tibleH, whichin Consul Mclvor's report aiono-coiiipanie-

    by tho names of thocities from whioh tho duta iu ob-tained, no goncr.il idea of thocities iu which tho highest wagesaro paid can bo obtainod, usevory locality goems to havo a(xalo of its own for each class oflabor. Tor instance Tokyo paysmoro for masons than Yokohamaand less for oil pressors and so on.If uny oxcoption be made it wouldappear from tho roport that Tokyo,Yokohama, Kanngawii, and Ilok-kaid- o

    pay tlio highest wagos undHiroshima, Akita and Tokushimatho lowest.

    Hosi'ir.u, iri,oui:u nnsM..Ariulicmeiil for ttie lllllerlulninriil

    011 TiicsiIii) Dccli.Tho ladies of tho Hospital

    Flontr Mission hold a meotingyostciday and nppoiutod tho fol-lowing committocB to arrange fortho oiiioi'laintnent tit lin irivnti nttho homo of Mrs. Siwmzy on thoevening of Tuesday, 2Gth inst:

    Itofrnalimnnt. nnminitlnnMrn. 'IV11. "Walkor, Mies Pindar ond Mrs.Andrew Fuller.

    Fancy tablo committoe Mrs.von Holt and Mis. liiruio.

    Flower tablo committee Mrs.Eloanor Graham and Mrs. II. II.ItenjoB.

    Candy table committoe Mrs.F. R. Day and Miss Lewors.

    Committoo on lickots Mrs. C.L. Wight and Miss Castlo.

    Donations of ico cream, cako,fanoy artioloa, llowors or candywill bo gratofully received by thovarious committoos.


    TO.ltlV KINJ MMIKI A i.triLt:'loo soorr.

    An Innuendo Crow il (Jadicroil nt UnionSiliiaro mid iatv the l'lllUh

    I'ollco Arransciiirnla.

    Yesterday's r.ico could moroproperly bo tormed an oxhibilionof hicyclo riding in fanoy undor-cloth- os,

    judging from tho timemade by tho wiunor, 37J minutos.Everybody knows that oither oftho riders cou.d havo bentou 28minutes if he wantod to, as theroads wero good, and tho weatherwas porfect, with a total absenceof wind.

    Union bquaro wnscrowdod withpeoplo to soo the start and Cuishof tho raco and hoar tho baudplay ,but thoy grew vory tired nftorwaiting half an hour for tho boysto got back, and many supposodthat tho contestants woro piled upin a neap soiucwtioro along theroad. But thoy wero not; they woresimply jogging loisuroly alongwhilo tho ciowd waited. Thorowas no raco until Thomas squarowas roached on tho return trip,whon King mado a, spurt and tooktho load by ICO yards, but hocould not maintain it and at

    church ho was pass-ed by Sylvester and Angus,tho former loading woll. ButAngus had beon rosorving hisstrongth for tho last nud oxeitmgit at this point passou bylvostorin a flash and crossed the stringfour seconds ahead.

    Iu its account of tho raco thomorning paper makes it appearthat tho riders uoro about oqtml.It must bo boruo in mind, how-ovo- r,

    that Tommy King uoverrode a bicycle until four mouthsdin co ana has uevor been in araco. Tho othors wero old handsat the business nud have hadplenty of exporionce. Such beingthe caso King is to muchmoro ciodit than bus been accord-ed him. If ltuby Doxtor hadbeen well onough, ho would haveridden a Tribune wheel and thoresult would probably have beenn bolter raco.

    Marshal Brown and CaptainParker desorvo credit for tho po-lice arrangements, which wero ex-cellent.

    Till: IIAIIHOIC WOltkS.

    No IMllille Improvement Alienil of'I lice.

    Kpitou Bulletin: An ovoniuging paper states, "Dredging oper-ations aro carried on at a moder-ate cost, and good progress isboing mado in the work." In aformor issuo it scorns ti invitocriticibm on imprnvomouts madoand those undor way. Is this.a caio of "Save mo from myfriends!" or in tho writer Miicon'Wo will tike il that ho is sincere,and uuihteiitinn'tlly m.ikos state-ments that, tn say the least, uromisleading, fan it be callod goodprogiess to pump iu a given timeabout 1000 cubic ynrds of mud,whon if tho drodgor wns workedto her capacity it would ho tro- -blo that amount in the sumo time,oven allowing for tho timo lostpumping undilutod wator throughpipos that wore allowed to chokothrough (to bo chnritablo) anoveisight? la it economical tohave a largo forco of mon building,tearing down and rebuilding re-taining walls? Or is it commonsonso to havo armed men patrol-ling round the till nftor a govorn-mon- t

    physician has statoii thatthere is not tho least dangoi tothe public health? Microoos aro1 believe impervious to loud orpowdor, and nearly ovoryono isaware by this timo that anything

    I of value that tho dredcor raises isgivon to tho governmout.

    Mr. Lincoln once mudo there-mar- k:"You can fool some of tht

    peoplo till tho timo, and all thopcoplo sotno of tho time, but youcannot fool all tho people all ths'itimo." Ynguo and iiulolinite assertions carry no woight even ifgiven editorial promiuouce. Atabulaloil statement, such fur instanco as tho Ministor of Fiiiiuicogiven, stating work dono, in whatway dono, and the cost, wouldsatisfy nil.

    These islands havo a futuic ..ndit lios with tho men in pouor tolay the foundation for futurogroutnees. A good harbor cannotbe mado by nowspaportalk, neith-er can it bo made in the picay-uui- sh

    manner by which the pre-sent work ih boing carried on.Harbor improvements are thomost important of all publicworks. Good docks, oasy of ac-cess, draw shipping. Vho wouldhavo predicted GO or 70 years agothat tho city of Liverpool wouldenjoy tho commercial supionmcysho does today, all through adeeponod harbor and good docks?Lot tho Presidont appoint a commission of soafaring mon, withone or two harbor experts. If thelattor aro not hero get Ihoiu. Inthat mannor wo will got a harborthat will nt only letleot credit onthis administration but will re-main as an enduring munumoutto buildors and designers.


    i:nucATitNAi. in:?i.

    Trnlntni: of Ilnnllii Teuclier-lu- ?crenncil Scliuol Allciidiiucc.

    Tho following paragraph" arofrom the Progressive Educator:

    Thoro seems to bo 0 nourishingcolony ot normal departments inHonolulu just now. Thoro is onent Kamehnmeha School for Boys,one at Knmohamoha School forGirls, oue at Oalin Collego, andono at the now High School. Andit is hardly safe to bay that thoroare no others. Thev "are spring- -

    ' inK "P "ilh bewildering rapidityAll this shows the trend of educational thought ami activity.

    There is hope ic the Hawaiianrace in the training of Hawaiianteachers. TLe most hopeful fea-ture in negro education in Atno-ric- a

    is tho part taken in the workby such negroes as Brookor T.Washington. If our friends oftho Kainehamoha schools, whoaro devoting thomselves exclusive-ly to training Hawaiians, can do-vel- op

    one such leador thoy willmoro than justify all thoexpoudi- -tn 103 ever mudo for those institu-

    tions.Reports from all quarters indi-

    cate a considerable incicase iu thoattoudauco at tho govornmontschools. At last accounts tho at-tendance at Ilolualoa had reach-ed almost a hundred. Last yearthis was a ono-roo- school. Thoattendance now indicates that itwas an orror to provido for onlytwo toachors in tho building recently orootod thore.

    The coming legislature willhave a larger school attondanco todon! with than it j prodocossorsjaudthis will cull for lirgor oxpoudi-turo- s.

    Tho provision in tho newConstitution that no public mon-ey shall bo oxpeudod on bchoolsnot wholly under control of thoBoard of Education is in soinodciiieo responsible for the increased attondanco at public schools;but for tho most part it roprosentsnn iucroaso iu tho total schoolattondanco of tho country.

    In order to impress upon yourmind tho fact that tho Seattlelircwing and Malting Co's boorsaro Mild, Light and Lively, woholow givo tho avorago per cont ofalcohol in various liquors in com-parison :

    "llainicr" Beer. . . 3.-- por cont"Olympic" Iker.. . 3.1Alo 7.--

    Cider 8.(5Claret 13.3Whisky 51.0On draught at tho Critorion,.

    PTunrc 5 CKNIU


    IUAC'KII'TMik op Till: m;w ,v.vi:niio.

    It rmmoi tr I'Miiilnro.l hiiiI ,1i,, u0Run Ojtir IIb.i uln, IVrled


    The committee who hae chnrgoof tho Bicyclo Votinu Contest uernotlionviso occupied at noon todayand could not attend to tho coun-ting of tho vote. In addition tothat tho gentlomtin having posses-sion of tho koy of the box has conoout of town temporarily; consequently no votes can bo counteduntil his roturn.

    As will be scon in a communi-cati- ouin anothor column, Mrs.

    Iionnor today withdraws hornamolrom tno contest.

    By way of making up for thog of tho votes, tho

    Buu.r.Ti.v presents its roadors aywith a cut of tho

    latest invention in tho shapoof wheel - rims. The tirohoro illustrated has been patent-ed by a Canadian. Uo claimithat it may be lidden over tacks,glass and ovon razors, withoutfear of punctilio. Tho inventionconRists of a series of ollipticalMod springs sot at (right anglesto tho rim and riveted to it. A

    ydQQIkXJSf'l-- Jv A

    mmMl L,

    steel rim passes ro.n. d tho outercircumference of the tire thusformed, which is i 1 tarn tivotedto the spn ig, fo "ming .1 strong,resilient and ' ipiick' tre. Ttmay be covered with rubber tokeop oat dirt and w iter.

    It is aid that Araoricanfirms have entered into negotia-tions f r the use of this tiro.

    svrciiiiAVs uicr.Coiiiplctc LU(or ('iiunluiiln uiul ibo

    llnmllru.Tho entries fu- - tho livo tnilo

    road nice of the Athletic Assjoia-tio- nworo kopt open until " p. m.

    yostordiy, and closed with tennamos, tho handicapping of whichhas boon arrangod by DavoCrozior as follows:

    Geo Angus, scratch; II Giles,13 seconds; D G Sylvester, 18; TV King, 30; E II Paris, 31; E HTumor, 12; P Lishinan, 11); UWilder, Oli; Jl Kspinda, 1 minute;A Giles, 1 miiiuto and 10 seconds.

    The race will bo from Campbell'spliiooat Waikiki to Union bquaro,and tho club will arrange t havoropes stretched from Kiinninimncnurcn to the linishing place, soas to keep tho crowd hick andnot shutout any of tho contestantsas was tho caso yestordav.

    I'AIICircLI. DItlM.lt.

    (iltcii In Japiiurne OinelnU ti) I'ro-niliic- nt.tlcrclimiit.

    At Saus Souci tomorrow after-noon at 5:30 a fnrowoll dinuorwill bo givon to tho retiringJapanoso consul, Mr. Shimhu,and his socretary, GoroflNarita.It will also bo in tho na-ture of a wolcomo to tho newConsul-Genor- ami hissoorotary.Covers will ho laid for forty-tw- o,and tho guests will consist ofproininont Japanoso morchantgand officials.




  • iU.'i,.,.



    Helpful Hint lime, I mi tlie Liiiie Kiperl-enc- rof it Nurrrful l'lmil.t.

    Technical practico should bo free-- fromtimidity. Careful thought mid strictmethod should never cramp cudcavor.Tho pupil should venture, nothingdoubting, and tho teacher should kindlyencourage his self trust. Good tono isgrently tho outcomoof muscular plasticity It is doubtless n law that Rtiffhtrokes mid rigid libers forco hard tone,mid limber strokes and looo fibers elicitmellow tone. A sympathetic touch isto havo Miinothinr; of a mental prepara-tion mill must bo realized by a perfect

    of all tho joints of tho fin-gers, a loo-- e but even wrist and plasticforearm".

    Equality of finger power is to bofirmly, by a lioiizontal hand, al-

    ways avoiding tho shed roof dip towardtho little tinner, and, secondly, by muchpr.ietieo of accent oxeicNos in variousposition, and apecially in wales andnrpctfKK's, as in .Mason's method. Thopractice of full arpeggio chords, withclear, ph, rapid movement, holdingdown evi ry linger struck until all areraised simultaneously, is very useful.1'uro finger strokes should bo cultivatedto tho ability of playing oven powerfulchords with them alone. Tho llexibloindependent action of tho thumb is verynece.iry and should bo sedulously attended to. lo leuuuil amateurs that itshould over tho keyboard mayseem needless, but in thousands of caesit is not.

    Power of tone is to bo sought in swiftSTiddemie-- s of stroke, not by bearing untho keys with tho weight of tliu slmulders niul body. A baby's hand with a

    hit would bring out a Imidcrsound than would the slow tread of anelephant N foot. Tho left hand shouldbo well trained not only for its ownwork's sake, but because it will bo lessliable to hamper execution with thoright. Tho bass strings require, morostrength of touch than do tho treble.The lowest nolo of a chord in tho bassshould be well heard, and ciphers andinequalities m tho other notes shouldbe avoided by putting each key prompt-ly and entiielv down. In or Unary chordplaying both hands should stnke exact-ly together. In slow movements nin.i- -teuis aio quite apt to let tho left handlead.

    Witoof motion on staccato notes andchords should bo shunned. Tho handshould not, after rising, fall with athreatening motion toward the kevs,ba- rather letain its upwarduess for tholit"' tri'ke. Kkistio upward spring inshort touches and piquant notes shouldbo under full command, and tho handueur allowed to fall on them like alump of putty. Intensions -- hould bop:it:i r.tly iluuon little eveiy day, with avery giadnal iiicien-- o of width, untilafti.-- s eral months or 11 year tho fullygio'.-- hand can play a fomlh easilywith any two fingers.

    Ai to tho number of hours 0110 shouldemploy in technical practico much willdep"i:d en the physical cndiirancoof thoplayer. When freshness und vigor seemto wane, it is lie-- t to take mi intermis-sion One hour of work witli intonso

    and studious tact is worth morothan four hours of drowsy dawdling.

    A Novel Utimll.Tho latest novolty in way of kitchen

    utensils is the new chopper Tho oldstraight blailcd chopper is unbearably

    irpr - "SW .3SB iB&r.

    tub riiici'LAii cnorrnn.noisy and tlio round curved blado notmuch better, so tlio present patent willIw wolcome.

    Tliis is not a chopper, but a sharpcircular knifo which rotolrcs upon astool iiu and is simply used by lollingit backwnid mid forward over orthrough tho substance under treatment.Tills Is a great advantage over tho clumsystraight machine, with which tho upstioko was practically waited. Tho cut-ting edge is keener and tlio action isnaturally absolutely silent. Finally,tho fact that it is rolled instead ofbeaten down upon tho board produceslunch lighter mincing, nail in tlio casoof hoilw, etc., ictaius tho Haver uncifioshness of tho loaf without bruisingit, as n hoavicr instrument would do.

    Caunlng ltrs.Select sound, perfect fruit, and bo

    sura it is not too ripe. Pool and cut inhah es or quartern as you prefer. Ko-mo- o

    tho coio and throw into cold wa-ter ; prepare, a sirup, ullowing o poundof sugar to J pounds of fruit; uso twicous much water as sugar for tlio sirup.If tho pears aro very hard, steam thornit few momonts boforo putting thorn intho sirup; if thoy aro mollow, put themin tin simp and cook slowly until ten-der ; lift out carefully and put in glassjars and sciow covers ou aftor tho canis filled full of fruit and sirup.

    To pretervo tlio pears: Prepare thosame as for canning. Weigh tlio fruit,and allow nearly as many pounds ofsugar us of fruit, tlissolvo with a littlevi'iiUr, and when it comes to a boil skimwell, add tho fruit and cook slowly.Watch closely tfiat it does not UuriLPill glass cans or email btono jars withtho fruit and sirup. If in jars, coverwith whito paper sealed over tho jar.

    Tho national filtrate for both tho tarsyand navy of tho Unitod States la jH


    r , vneF - r-s-r'WQuxif wmF W r- - &$ &$ ; "m TEVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER U, 1885

    When It Comes


    To Disinfectants wo still jhave

    plenty, our stock 1ms not

    been exhausted, and now

    arrivals are on hand.


    YQkgV a V


    kllwmer lomh lawls

    and a.UBWcl Troubles

    cvr scared hy

    ftvrcU QM


    Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

    l.TC-t- f Aeeuts for tho Hnwaiiau Islsnd3.

    argains mClocks, Watches andJewelry !

    Owing to failing hcnlth, 1 wish to closoout my biihiiiLss earl next year. 'lo thisend I will sell my eutiro stock of

    Clocks, Watches andJewelry IJjjagB



    Thomas Lindsay,Campbell Block, Merchant St

    i4t tr

    Wanted at tho Louvro Saloon.1)1 Xiiuauu Street.

    0000 meu dully to drink tho 5000


    EDWARD & HARRY,I'ostofilco Ilox 47fi Honolulu.

    Hawaiian .'. Lime.A.t Retail

    In Bbls. or in Buckets,Including container 50 cents por bucket.


    (Special terms on hirco lota for shipment.)HO tf

    L. AHLO,No.08, Xuuanu hticet,

    linn juiit received ft now line ofDKY GOODS, LADIUS AXJ) OEXTS'


    Agent for the following rico plnutntions:Wniplo, Wninwn, Waiiualu, Waialua,Knneoho and Kupnlanin.

    $J8 My tieo fnim Kancoho is markodL A and i guaruutccd Al.P. 0. Box 114, . - Telephone 199.

    ii- -


    PCI! POX!Uan Doom & Co., Fort Street

    Next Lien' Planing Mill, will havefii-.l- i ourv iln


    kalih: poi factory,Whic'i will 1h sol.l lo f .itnlle iu large or

    small quantities. No Com Ms- -ills lViiMsiirn.

    W. L. WILCOX,l.lltf- - Proprietor Knliln Poi Factory.

    Store open uMiilns.

    1ST. F. BUKGESSRepairs Mil Hos , srnnklers Water Tars.

    Etc, Etc.

    Saw Filing mid all kinds of Tools Sharp-ened, iucltlditie CarviliL' Knives nml Snia.sors. Lawn Mowers repaired mid for rent.Also, setting mass in fact nil kinds ofJobbing. Work called for mid returned.Shop and residence en Miller street,lting up Telephone Soil. tf




    Smitli'M Cnwli Store.414 A 418 I'roiUM.,


    s. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Wines.Million und l'roUslon, SaKI a sjh dally,

    AIJ.r.N tiTltKET. 'L'r.f.niMIONE 703.l.il-l- y

    YEE 03ST CO.,yi7 Nuuinii St. V. ), llox 14.1.

    Watchmakers and Aanufactur-in- gJewelers.

    Ki'iulrlni: of Watches nml .lewilry." ALLWOIIK (irAUAXTKKD.

    Importers of Wntrlici niij Clocks el FinestH'J flrailcs.

    European Restaurant.500, Hotel htroet.

    CHOCK SING, 3iran:iger.riist-clu- s me.iU nt rCRUlnr rntea. Fowl

    Ki'rveil en Tluu-Mltty- nml Sumlays.Board by week 4.."0.

    g)B Tor host (piality of SlaiiillaClKarH,C'ljjarettos nnajToUicsoTcoiue to flop Smg'rtnext door. 1 17-t-f

    WING WO & CO.,Mnuiifflcltircirf nud donlers in Ladies',

    Geuts'nnd C'hihlion'rt

    Boots, Shoes, - Gaiters.No.Dj Xutinuu St. --

    Ilouohilu.O. I!oi 10S.

    gJSt Hoots and Shoes made to order inWst utjle at Wholenalo nnd ltctnil prices.

    148-t- f


    403 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-t- f

    QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers anil Dcalcra In (icncial


    Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants,1 lo Corner King and Mauimkeii Sts.

    C T. AKANA,No. 324, Nuiiauu stieet.

    MERCHANT TAILOR, vKlne Sultlngt made to ordtr at loirest prices.1 ! Clothes cleaned and repaired.

    IT WmY 6 Pv




    JlONTllOvr. l'jl.. Smil "- -. lenidown, had no nppttito nt nil, was ery nerous, lind no sleep niglitor dnv to snni'lt nilHut thanks to P.iln.- - Celery CoiiiihuiihI I can now eat mid slcei. ami' work hiitWhen I ci'innieiiecil laking (he Coiii)Mnd I weighed 1311 pounils- - J now veinh lflI haw ivcoiniiiemled the Ciiiiihiiiiii1 to three families iln'mh- - nml (l,,V.iking niv fiflh bottle, would lMXOMMKNl) IT'IOAI.I WHO lfl'm.i irtwVOl'S TiiOlJIll.;. Yours

    Agonts for the Hawaiian


    YSs 8afe& wSs.''tX "J. o.'TrV , '-y-w


    Wi.Lt.s, ItiniAr.iisov C(l.,(laitlcnien.l was ury much run

    up, I WAS PI K1TCILY WISI 'inill).wellns I could before I was taken slek.pound nl ilo till llif mkfir miifitmiliinfjlif.vcrvmtieli pleated with it. lam now tWl'lH srOJlAClI THOUIll.r. OK Ni:il

    paide's .'.




    X Naturally Uoilcd

    Wator, pronouncotl by

    peoplo who know to bo

    the best on the Market.

    This Wator received

    tho vory highest award

    at tho . ,. ,

    Calniii.'. liitatiflnal


    As n Tablo Uovorago,


    WATERis a fnvorito antlJoaBily

    loads other Mineral


    Benson Smith & Co.Wholosalo nnd retail agonts for the Ha- -

    waiiau Islands.

    FOR . . .


    At lowest prices, go toWINGTAI LUNG.

    14- 1- U31 Xuuanu street.


    All kiuds of tinwaro, orockory,etc, nt lowest prices

    141- - Nuuanu and ITotoI atreeti


    Wretched I




    This is the Medicine ThatMakes People Well!



    Celery .'. Coppli,IS FOR SALE BY THE


    Tnrw-.- - iitttiticrjx

    ii2rfiSBf!fii if


    No. f.Driiium Htreet, - - Snn Frnuciiiso.

    I'Olt SAI.H IN HUI.K.Amuiicax Bornnov Whiskiis in 7iimf per

    lmru-- conluuiliig about 10 gallons aihnt various prices according to ngo andquality.

    Cai.iiurma Oratk Hkimiv in Howl perbarrel of nlioiit 40 to f0 gallons.

    CASK (lOOI)S.

    Ahti thr celfbmtttl Cure Whiflim"l'xtra Pony" Bourbon Whisky, 12 Lottks,

    3 gallons per cbno.'BenrsinsH" llombou Whisky, 12 bottle3, 2

    2-- 5 g illons per case."Old I iontcr" lionrbou Whisky, 12 bottles,

    2 2-- 5 gallons per cr.se."Tonnosseo Whito Ityo" Whisky, 12 bottlos,

    2 2-- gallons per caso.

    CAxironxiA pout wixes, BHKItlllES,axoi:i,ica.

    Send oi ders by .ijail. Sntisfnolion gna- -rcatsed,

    Braunschweiger & Co.,1H 0m No. S, Driunm street.


    jWF"Ka(iniut('s pi vim on allkinds of Stcna, JJtick nud A ordwork. Kir.(; shoot. 17- If

    TOiAI CHUNG KEE,'"- - 4 Xuuanu btrect.

    Dealer in Ladies' nnd Gentle-men's Shoes.

    Hoot ami Shoes to order. I r.e tlio boutmaterial, (itimls nnrmutetl tonear hill. 14S--

    SING WO,Corner King and Bethel streets.

    Dealer in Cigars and TobaccosBest brands of Manilla Cigarsand llncst Cigarettes. . .

    At lowest prlcts. 142- -

    Notice of Registration ofLabel and Trade Mark.

    iiavixo 8i:cuiu:i) pkoji tiik minis.i tor of the Iutenor, under tho laws of tho

    Hivnuiinu Islands, n certilicato of Beeistra- -tlon of Label anil lindo Mark, as imvused by us,

    Notice is hereby riven thut thn IInn..i.,i.,Soap Works Company will prosecuto in thoCourts of tho Bopublio nil ptraous or (innsBoiling Soap in tho Hawaiian Islands underthe Lnbol or Trade Murk of thn Companyor under the uaino of "Honolulu Soap" or"Hawaiian Soap," eicept soap of our wnnu-tactur-

    HONOLULU SOAP WORKS CO. Lti.1: W M''CiiwtY, l'resident.

    Honolulu, Nov. 4, 1S05. 1520w

    MHS. AUG. DABnoW.


    win, un- -


    As a first-cla- ss bathingresort with new bathing:suits and everythingcomplete pertaining to.a first-cla- ss bathing;place.

    tt This resort willbe run under the direc-tion of tho HawaiianHotel and will bo rununder tho managementof Airs. P. M. Lucas.


    Tho establishmentwill bo enlargedthroughout and willbo tho finest bathingresort on the coast.

    i.Ti-t- r



    And want tho properthing both in cut andstylo and desiro tohavo tho latest Patt-ern you must call on

    edeiros atd Co.Hotel stieet.

    S( Decker, Mgr,

    Ami Don't You Forget It?

    D. J. CASHMAN.

    &ALL AND TENT MAKER.Awninpa a ripooiulty. Over Cali-

    fornia Food Company's Btoro.3C-t- f.

    ., -



  • iiapr w 'WWW"-- ' $yt w vwmmr' ' PWlT f--v"EVENING BULLETIN,. NOVEMBER 14, 1885.

    Tin: oiiim:si: .iiintimti.ii.

    IVnliciKxamlnntlou nnd l Commit-ted Tor Trlnl.

    In tlio District Court yostcnlayWong Look was brought upbeforo Judge Pony mid waivedexamination on tho followingchin go of murder in tho first de-gree:

    "That Wour Look, a foreignerby birth, in Honolulu, Island ofOnhu, en Novombor 10, 1895,with force and arms, feloniously,wilfully and of his doliborntopremeditated inalico aforothough t ,nnd without authority, justifica-tion or extenuation of law, didkill and murder ono Shik Yok,and did then and thero committho crimo of muiilor in thefirst degrco and did mado on as-sault with a cortain knife on thosaid Sink Lok, and did then andthero striko, stib and wound tliosaid ShikLok, then nnd thoroaudthoroby giving to tho paid SliikLok certain mortal wounds, ofwhich the Baid Sink Lok died onthe 11th day of Novemb-- r. 1895."

    Judge Pony comraittod tlio utfor trial at the Giicuit

    Court without bail.m m m

    For tho Homo."While Honry E. Dixey was sit-

    ting in tho oflico of tho ColumbiaTheater yentorday reading over onew part ho was suddonlybrought bick to earth by thoclanging of tho telophono boll.

    'IIalio thoio !'' he answered."What is it?"

    "Who nro you?""Who aioyou?""This is Foddoril Hays' gmin-yaitl.- "

    "Tint's good," loplicd Dixny."Sond up two bilos of hay andtliroo sioks of oats, lio livelyabout it."

    "Hollo thoie! Wh-.- t did yousay?"

    "Sond up two bales of h.iy uudthr o sacks of oats."

    "Threo sacks of what?""Sicks of oats Do you under-

    stand?""Yes. But who i it foi?""Look hoio, young man, don't

    gel g.iv. It's fir tho hovsu."'Vliir-r-i-r-- r! Bang! Zip! Click!

    Mr. Dixoy smiled and wontback to his study.

    The full bbt of outran for thoroad race of tho Athletic Associ-ation next Siturday is E U.Paris, Uooige Angus, ArthurGilts, Tom King, Poicy Lishm.iuand Harry "Wildi r.

    cii.i vim i:t iiiiukTlmtjim i n ml u mil niilttn )ou lmoMir , ilili Iiki nl If jim iiil , tiri-J-, I in

    Kiild nnil ul inn iliiun. It It licciiitu jourblood M ImpuM mill luck UlullttTlniti; troulili' in., Iw nfpriiniie lijr IIimiiPsb irr.ii irltlii lit'i Hiiro ! ioiulViii'iki-- t iniii', ilili blood. It U, lu tiutn, tiieKnat blood iiirlll.r.

    llooii'it I'll It cure tlcr IIIh, lck liriiliu In-- ,coiMlpation, lilllouii(..k, jnuiullee, sb'i ii Jnclif, ludUudloii. 11 -- tl

    V ,vX v

    Viir:-- r-

    3b--.-.- & .

    'llioabou UIcjlIo was mado as good ajnew by

    H. G-- . Wooten,lllculu Mnnufnituiur.

    107 KIiik Btai't.


    Lime & Stone



    Offer forwlo tlio best quality ofLiuioattho ruling market rate. Thin Lime in thegenuine nrticlo, puro unci himjile. Ko for-eign HUbbttUlCCtf UKOll.

    C3k.W8 up 247 uml leave your onlero i


    Queen StreetG-rocez- 3r ZDopt.




    noTcii POTcir, vegetable, chicken broth,MULLIKATAWNY, OX CHEEK, ETC., ETC.

    Tinned Butlor.Topo' Can 1, niter, WhitnoyKoll Uutier, Pottod Moats, Boned Turkey,Chicken, Deviled Ham, Lunch Tongues.BuK'lcHi Herring. I'ostou linked Henna anda compioto linru ol

    , - Bzeanszfstst Ceieals - -

    ort St. ": Store, : No.IEclicLa,,3r 3-oocL- s.

    Marseilles Quilt

    -- : FLUTTER

    Silks AndFancy Colored

    -- AN'D-

    Toilet Quilts- -


    Crepo Grenadines, Ileal Maltese Lace,Vnlonciennos Laco. Lidios and GentsKimberly Gloves, Ladies Cloths Hrown,Drab nnd Grey, Ladies Bhck Hose. Sani-tary Dyo, D. I. Corsets, R. nnd G. Corsets,Equipoiso Waists nnd Corsots

    John T.



    Surahs,SilksDrapery Silks.


    tho city.

    3'our homo nnd take delight in working about itin your spare moments, so as to keep everythingtidy ?

    If you do, you ought always to have some ofIIam.'s Coitaok Paints about tho place, as ahrushful m time, here nnd thero, now and again,will save tho expense of a general painting for along time.!

    Hall's Cottage Paint will outlast Lend and Oil Paintmixed by hand, and from its combination and method of man,ufacture, it is especially adapted to stand tho salt atmosphereand for painting in tropical climates. One gallon of Hall'sCottage Paint will cover GOO feet of ordinary hard surface,ono coat, and 300 square feet two coats.

    This Paint is mado of vukk white j,kai, I'Uue oxide of zino,I'Uiik colohs, PLMtK linseed oil and DKYEits, all of which areground under the supervision of a practical painter, with thelatest improved mills, mixers, nnd other labor-savin- g paint ma-chinery, which thoroughly mix up tho raw materials withoutwaste, thus giving to tho consumer a paint, wnich can-not be surpassed for durability and appear mice.

    Wo have these paints in 24 shades, and they nro put upgallon, half gallon, quart and ono pound tins.

    Our Navy Floor and Deck Paint is the proper thing touse on your tloors. A iloor to wear well, nnd look well, mustharden through from foundation to surface. Therefore, insiston Navy Floor and Deck Famt boing used, and you willnever regret it. To bo had in ton different shades.

    Call and get, or write for a color card of tho Best mixedhouse and iloor paints to be had in


    E. 0. HALL & SON.

    BRiffiB JL P!!!!mSS$SstrP fiV'K4(f

    Shoes Up to-- Ar



    I Buy lew & Second-Han- dnu FURNITURE..IS

    ''TCOUNEIl OFKing & Nuuanu Sts. mSkm


    zuriKt rrairait : -- n

    IIO YExV KEE & CO ,Ill111llCl'M


    Water I'lpi , laM nnd lupilruil,mill plumbing null) cwvutcd.

    H2-- Nn II, Xuiinnii strott.

    Orient Planing Mill,V1NC FAT & CO.,


    rurnlture of nil Klmls mado amillulldlni; hciufis mid innKIni; rlco mlllKn xpe.clnllj. I'. O lloxltU, cnrniT Klnsnuil Jlctliristreets. 1J





    Date..mi.- -

    Cc.'sFORT STI1EET.

    Tei.kpiio.s--k 24EMutual

    AT THK.

    "T T I HonolulutrtjM Sbu 11 nil a. i.

    nu m m.m iiu air


    T. ICro-u.ce- , - 3?ro;p.Dny 77.77 8Week 1'2.(X)

    CjsocioJ. Stfon-tlilr- r RatoatTbo Best of Attendance, tlio Host Situa-tion nnd tho Finest Jlcnh in City

    ALLEN & KOBINSON.Doalors in Lumbor nnd Coal

    and Ihiilding .Matorials of allkinds.

    Quoon Stroot, Honolulu.

    aI. Crescents are leaders3. Crescents are guaranteed3. Crescents are strong and durable4' Crescents are perfect in every detail5. Crescents are light and cay running6. Crescent rider3 arc proud of their

    wheels7- - Crescent buyers get their money's

    worth8. Crescents are built by skilled work- -

    men9. Crescents are made by a

    concern10. Crescents are and up-t- o-

    uate11. Crescents are

    and finish

    1'cr 2.00Per


    handsome it desimi

    12. Crescent prices aie right and stilt thepublic

    ZtlttStraleil IKr.i: on .!;,,.;, ,



    f' " JkfSrfSATURDAYS

    AND- -

    Tr.iiu ti!l leiuo on Siturby nt 0:15n.m , nml 1 :4." p.m., arriWngin Honolulunt" 1:11 p.m. ami 5 '.' p.m.

    Train will leavo on Htiiiiliyi nt 0:l" a.ro,jarming in Honolulu at ." !!ii p in.


    1st Class . $l 75'2nd Ct.is- - 1 25

    F C. Smith,1.12-l- tli'u'l !' im.l li.ki t Agent,



    UUOXZrc H1JASS, ami IRON


    mnilu nnd ropiiit'Ml

    sSCTarticulur nttciitinn paid toSHU'S. ULACKSMITIIING.


    I2i-t- f Qu en Pt.

    Casile & Cooke(I.IMITMi)



    AgriculturalImplementsandPlnutntu n


    .xun yukk.


    1 12 Reasons Whyi It's Best to I

    Buy Crescent 4


    high-grad- e










    Solo Agents- -

  • I






    "J)PH " lr"(!;


    Regulations of the Board of Health.

    Hovit t IX, Noemlcr la, 1395.Tlio tikltir of 1I1I1, fliell HkIi or any product

    oftlio sen, or water ol any pond, stream,creek, Inlet, bay or linrbor, or upon tlio oa ton illstince of two tnlln from tUe Miore withIn tint portion of tlieuaters of tlio districtof Kotia, OaIiii, lylni; between u line formalby the east wall of the enclosure for druli;-In- e

    at Kakaako to Its southwest corner,tlienoe to sea In a ntrnllit line with the sparbuoy, on the st, mid on the west by alinerunning from lunctlon with sHore of the westwall of the Kalhl Kapu flh pond near Moa-lial- in

    to Its most western point, themestruma to sin In Hue with the most westernpoint of the llet Known as Kahakaiulana, Inthe District of Koni, Oaliu, and from inoun-til- n

    to sea U xtrlctl) prohlliited

    The sate of lull and of nil products of theH'.i Is prohibited In the District of Honolulu,excepting at the new inarkit building andsnch other places ns arc peclall) permitted,where si ale llkb, ojslcrs, clams and lobstersfrom water outside of the boe limits maybe exposed for sale uiukr unpen Islon of In-spectors nppolntid b the Hoard of Health.

    Such Inspectors shall hate power to seize,condemn and deilrot am hsh or product ofIhcsea cpocd for Ailc, or brought to themarkit, which Ihev shall liatu reason to oc

    was taken from the locality prohibittdbt these regulation, or nlilili hall appearto bo unlit lor food

    Tho regulation rf the Hoard of Health re-lating to the taking and sate of hsh datedOct. 11, lvjj, Is hercb loclndcd

    Ily ordu ofthe lloird of lliallh,

    JOHN T WATT.ItHOUSi:,lW-- President.

    Dci'jliitmcnt or KiNwrr,Honolulu, II 1., No II, IS'.I')

    Notice Is hereby glien that clilms againstthe (iowrumint for the month of .luh, lsys,1. e., claim tllul with the npecthc Depart-ments pn lou to Augii"t ."ith, lv.tt, will bepajable on VI11DAY, NoMinbel l.'itli, andMONDAY, N0M.ml1. rSltli. Mlj

    & SI. DAMON,r30-- lt llnltir of Finance

    oi)? EveT)T)! Bulletin,

    DANIEL LOGAN. Editor.



    Upon investigation irado by.ho Government, it appealed thatKiino Chineso immigrants wcrosigning engagements "not under-.standingly-

    This wrongful ac-tion was slopped when it was d.

    But surely tho Chinesocie all informed boforo leaving

    Hongkong that tlioy could not landIn ro unless they ontered into laborcontracts. Lau Gluing is shrowdeno lgh to know that decoptionin that rospect would defeat thoobject of his mission. "When thesolast fow arrivals of Chinese, whohave come uuder the now under-standing, shall havo sent wordbuck home, that it is no usescheming to get away from thobargain at Hongkong, there willnot bo likelihood of innoh morotrouble with fresh Chinese labor-ers on their ariival.

    Sttess is laid by a oorro-pondo-

    on tho valuo of harbor improve-ments to tho country. It wouldbo hard to calculate how muchmoney has boen put in circula-tion hore, in consequenceof the doeponing of the chun-no- l

    which allows tlio largo stoam-or- s

    to and from China to comointo tho haibor. "When thosehuge vessels had to lie away offin tho roadstead, fow of thep.i&songors cared to como nshoio.

    Nu.ry tho latest nens fromCub 1 tells of a battle cousidor-- 1ably ho'ivier than tho skirmishesthat have usually formal tho jrtiiiie of intelligence fiom thoseat of war. It was fought a fow

    days more than a month ago, neartho headquaitors of tho oastorndivision of tho insurgent army atPuerto Principo. Tho rosult wasn rout of tho Spanish, with foar-- ,ful loss including tho doath of a ,

    goneral. A thousand insurgentsuudor Genoral Macoo, who werewell disposed in nu old sugarplantation, attacked

    f?"W i.t. 'qsgFffps ripEVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER 11, 1895.

    E?" ind nt tho firsttiuaitor of tltoSpaniards foil. Tho ronminderrotrKitod but, on mooting

    rotnrncd and ronowedtho bnttlo. Aftor fighting throughtin nftornoon tho Spaniards wereagain drivon buck, having lost'ully fivo hundred killed nn(lwounded for tho tiny. GoncralSnlodo, who was aide-de-ca- toCaptain Goncral Campos and wholod tho Spanish forces, died latoin tho aftornoon from wounds

    in tlio battlo. If the in-surgents contiuuo ns successful asmost of tho news would indicatothey have boon, they will not ob-tain recognition as bolligorontsfrom tlio United States muchsoonor than they liavo earnedthat consideration.

    An uunamed missionary, whoIns spent fourteen yoirs on thoCongo nud just roturnetl to Eng-land, has in an intorviow doscribed n reign of torror prevailing onthe Upper Congo. "The valleyhas been desolated by the tyrannyaudoxactionsof the ollicitils, whososolo uim is to raise ruveiiuo Ifthe nitivos usist tho exlortiotritodemands tluit are mudo uponthem expeditions aie sent to burnthoir villages and slaughter tlioinhabitants, incredible crueltiesare practiced by the ollioi.ils." Sodarkest Afiicu 11 heingonlighton-e- d

    by tlio tlaine-- " f its poor in-habitants' homes.

    It will bo seon that countryschools aro becoming crowded aswoll as city ones. Education willbo crying out f.ir moro money,liko every othor important publicservico, at tho regular session ofthe Legislature.

    When tho steamer Australiaarrives it may be soon whethorthocholora scaie has seriously tincct-o- d

    tho prospects of tourist travolhero this winter. If wo aie to beleft all alouo with ourselvesthrough "tho season, this will bo adull town both for business andrecreation.

    It is said that Senator Shormandisagroos with Mr. lteed andothor Republican leaders on thequestion of opening up tho tariffat tho coming session. Ho is re-ported as saying that tariff re-vision is nocessary becnuso thotreasury is need of monoy. An-oth- or

    session of tariff tinkeringwould moan tlio sotting back oftho hotter times that havo startod.Ptobably that is what tho shiewdold warh.irsi) wants, to makecapit.il agiinst tho Democrats intho presidonti.il oloction. If so,it is highly unpatriotic; it istreason to tho country.

    Latolj' a train on tho Londonand Northwostorn llailway rannoarly thtoe hundred miles with-out n stoj). Tho spood was morothan fifty miles an hour, and thodistanco is tho greatest ovor madowitliout stoppiug. TUoro wascoal to spare in tho tender, at thoend of tho journey, and tho en-gine's journals woro all cool.

    Another powerful drodgo hasboen added to the Liverpool har-bor equipment. It is a sister ve-s- ol

    to nno that has beon in useWOJO.trs, and in that timo ro- -

    movodmoio than eighteen rail- -hon tons of sand.


    On the l'rnspoct oTtlin Southern Calt-for- nl1 llrsnp "roi.

    This issue contains tho busi-ness announcotnont of Dr. A. J.Derby, D. D. S., who has oponodan ollico at his residonco at JudgeBickoi ton's former homo on Ala-kc- a

    street, tatweon Hotel and Bo-rola-lie is a craduato of tho

    Boston Dental Collego, and comosfrom Itiversido, California, whichhas boon his homo for tho pastfifteen yoars.

    Tho doctor visitod hero lastJuno, and has spent tho summerand fall upon Kauai, making acomplete lour of th it island.

    Speaking of tlio last winter'sorauRO crop in southern Califor-nia, l)r Derby says that tho hardfreeze, which ruined a number


    of tho Florida orango growers,was oxpected to bo a great god-send to the Cilifornm fruit rais-ers. As n consoqueuoo tho California people withhold a largopoition of tho or p, expecting ngreat riiso in pice-- . .Meditor-l'.iino.- ui

    LTiiwiu took Mlvuntagoof this mill tin- - Calif

    could got thou- - fiuittothoEastern in rket it w.ts lliodnt bythe ICuropoan fruit muti. .

    "Miiuimu, uid iVillio, "diyotisuppose they will lot in 1 ido abicycle when I go to

    "Wh.it makes m sk such nquostion as that, de.ii '

    "But I don't believ H'll bo anyfun,"' pursuod Willie, pinively."if they sprinkle tlio golden slreeinas they do om&." Un c.igo Tri-bune

    AUertioou'n Concert. ZZ

    The regularTliursdiy nfternviuconcert will bo given at Thomassquare at lo'clock with the followingprogram, which contains threenew pieceB:1. Overture "Memories of the Hill"

    I'ucrncr2. Tantasla "A l'astoratc Scene" (utw )

    Humn3. (lavotte "Dulcle" (new) Torey4. Komanra "Ethel" (new) Coutcrno5. Fantasia "Herman Sonus" (new)

    Kappey6. Waltz "Vienna Chronicle". ..strains7. Quadrille "Tullpatau" Otli'iibach

    KUM.irriN iiicy:i.i: covriT.

    Tho subjoined ballot, renewedin evory iesuo, will be receivudat tho Buu.r.Tlv business office,GOU King street, until l'--J o'clocknoon on 'Wednesday, November27, 1S!)5. Each No. of ballot willonly bo accoptablo tin to the timenoted on it, and billotb will bocounted and tho resultsnnnouncedimmediately thereafter. Morethan 0110 voto for one bicyclibt orone bicyclo on a single ballot willrender it void.

    the riuzn...Tho "Most Popular Byolist"

    according to tho ballots cast, willbo u winded tho prize of tho "B -- tBicyclo" sold in Honolulu according to the sumo voto. Tlio follow-ing naind gantlomon havo kindlyconsonted to net as tollois andjudges of the contest :

    0. M. White,J. T. Bxvckku,13. A. Williams.

    raigja rsasaiMia'sisiaiaun'S'areaia'am

    R11 Win Xm JMI. D


    HiTo. SO. .(Joort lor Tno D.ijs Only.

    ntiwi us mtmimmcf niraim'0MOST POPULAR BICYCLIST.


    Z?r Fill In blanks with jour choice Pof bicyclist and blejele, and deposit &

    1nlllco by 13 n' clock noon, Saturday, 1

    IU i0- -g' BaiaiaaaiBSiaiaiaaiEiayaEEiaEisiEBr

    H JI&ATL i ... DEUICIOUal " "DAWT'r--i "I

    j yifS 1 ilMs speciauuv for"'" wpsTjT

    S sJoaeTVial will proe their m,erlrr" m"!"" yxC

    pmely Jopie5 Y OOPS

    The able address by Ars.Sturtevanl-Pee- t, president ofthe California Woman'sChristian Temperance Union,on the occasion of the annualconvention of that body in SanFrancisco, contained a passagewhich takes strong ground onthe benefits of the bicycle. Inspeaking of physical cultureand the relation of the clothesto the subject, she said :

    "All know the value of astrong unhindered body. Forthis reason the banishment olthe corset and restricting bandsis a foregone conclusion.

    Dress reform has pressed itsclaims for foity years, with lit-tle progress till the bicycle,that graceful, silent slee'd ofmotion, dashes thiough andbursts open the door of preju- -dice. This mystic wheel thatwe meet on every road andstreet is the mute" but tellingadvocate of dress reform.It has its virtues as well as itscharms. It invites, yea, de-mands, simplicity in dress, itencourages physical exerciseand utter v refuses to carrv adrunken rider. Unlike thehorse, it balks when touchedby the hand of inebriety. Itinconveniences and discoui-ag- es

    the use of cigars and cigar-ettes to the number of 6?,000,000 a year. In short, the wheelis a reformer, and, though, itcame not through the virtue ofmoral conception, we shouldwelcome its presence as we dothe advent of every new in-vention and corporate edictbearing the balm of sobriety,with tne promise of strongerand better men and women."

    This is a straightforward expression from an able womanwho led the California forcesof one of the greatest Nationalorganizations ever institutedfor the uplifting of the race.The dignity and earnestnesswhich characterize her opinioncast into the shades the hallowobjections which some physi-cians have made to the bicycle.Mrs. Peet gives us to under-stand that m the sole aspect ofreauirine women to dress sensibly this simple instrument oflocomotion has accomplishedmore at a dash than the preach-ers on sensible dress for wo-men have been able to bringabout in nearly half a century.With so eminent an indorsement as this, even the mosttimid woman who is not heldin what amounts to physicalrestraint by father, husband orbrother from obeying an in-stinctive impulse to dress ra-tionally and enjoy life andhealth on a bicycle, mav atleast console herself with theinflection that her impulse wasright and lament that she wasborn a few years too soon.

    In addition to the aboveAtrs. Peet might have mention-ed the saving in labor attainedby the patent sprocket attach-ed to the Tribune wheel, whichamounts to over 1 $ per cent,no small desideratum whenladies are concerned.

    The Tribune is the wheeloar excellence for ladies' use,it has the newest patents andimprovements and can be runwith 1? per cent less workthan any other wheel in exist-ence.


    Bia Eamlian Miara Co. Ui

    In Honolulu tlicro isalways something that de-mands the attention of thefair sex. More especiallyis this true when goodbargains are ofl'ered. Incatering to the wants ofthe Honolulu ladies, themerchants must buy judi-ciously and select only themost artistic designs. Es-pecially is this truo ofwhite dress goods. I re-ceived by tlio AusTitAMAn now lino of these goodstlint aro very pretty. Theymust be seen, however, tobe appreciated. 1 also re-ceived a lino line of Lad-ies' Shirt Waists' and Cor-sets. Now that tho Cho-lera is over and life, social-ly, has resumed its noriiinlcondition, the dry goodsbusiness must increasematerially in tlio nextmonth. Anticipating thisdemand 1 have laid in thislino stock of goods nnr!the' are now ready foryour inspection, and canbe purchased nt a reason-able fiinire.

    M. S. LEVY.iw-t- r

    rot-- --r"HrlEveryone ndmires :.jthe beauty i

    7Unr i t1VIMI 7


    " ClevelandqunlitymeansSl'KKIi.


    AA'atchibr tlio1SOOUeiixxticf

    H.E.Walker, fflJU Apont.ssss:If youWant3. . . , . r:

    HACKRing Up Telephone 705.


    BJSST St ynd s Comer Bcrotanin aAKuuauu striets. 14G-U- .

    enjsene Qi



    Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMITED.



    of all kinds.


    Grainand Feed

    ri:i:i: dkuvkhv.

    A. L. MORRIS & CO.,Til I'ort Street Telephone. 422


    &SBHp5aBn ., . Lmrrianla


    in . ,


    In order to ho "lUghtin it," always insist ongetting "(udtle Hrcw-iv- (j

    ami Mailing Co. 'alien.

    Oi'itei'ion Saloon.

    rftSJSjSfH" 1

    Ml I ! Illim WIW L

    II LJf 11


    500 PAIR


    Empire SaloonA general (.took of Liquors, A103




    Aro fifTtlio fluent mill como to nadirect fmm Europe, -

    017R MCBRAYER WHISKEYImpoitoil t from Louis- -vilfo, Ky.

    JAMES OLDS, Prop.US-t- f

    i Ring Up Ring Up

    200For a Hack,

    For a Carriage.Ifi--


    Hawaiian Blue Stone-- riioM tub rvMoi's- -


    The flntit Stone lnllauall for tiiilJliiK and ftn.cIiik imrioseb-C- ut lo onltr in any klzu or

    shape to suit Hie trade or public.

    Arthur Harrison, Prop.JC& I lus sloiu is the s line as Ukcd In the

    Colliue jml Von Holt buildiiiKS. 151-- tI


  • 1


    Local newB will bo found on thoinsido pages of tho Bulletin.

    Only ono arrest Inst night, ncommon drunk.

    Thoro wero but fivo oftbiulersboforo Judgo Perry this morning.

    A lnrgo shnrk wus soon playingoff tho Hoaltmi Boat Houso Tucs- -lday evening.

    I The grounds of St. Androw's' cathedral are now closed to thopublic.

    Company D. mot Inst night andand was drilled by LieutonantTorbot.

    Tho libol suit against Okita.thoJapanese editor, has boon againpostponed to tho 19th.

    Tho amended fishing regulations1

    of tho Board of Health appoars inthis papor.

    Tho funeral of James I. Dow- -sott takes placo this afternoon aty o'clock from Knpalnm.i.

    Tho enso of John Emmoluth vsJohn Cook in tho District Courthas been postponed until tho after-noon of tho 15th.

    Mrs. E. S. Cunhn, Miss Cunliaand Master Olarcnoo Ounha arcexpected to arrive on tho Austra-- (lia tomorrow.

    It is about timo the dog-catch--made a fow rounds agiin, us

    tho number of canino vagabondsis rapidly increasing.

    Ed. Paris gave a dinner at thoJ Richelieu last night to a uuuibor

    of his cycling frionds.Augusboingtho priiicip.il guest,

    Tho supply of draught beer onhand in somo of tho saloons isrunning short, but tho whiskeystill hold out.

    The Board of Health held itsusual mooting yesterday andtransacted tho routino businessof reading communications androports.

    ThoY.M. 0. A. orchostw willpractice this owning at 7:30 at thousual place, and overy member isexpected to bo on hand and bringhis music.

    Meohanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuauu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Torms: 25and 50 conts per night $1, and

    1.25 por week.Tho second battalion of tho

    First Regiment will drill tomor-row ovoning under tho commandof Majoi Jonos. It is composedof Companios F, D, G, and H.

    II. L. Lyons, a compositor em-ployed on tho morning paper,loft for tho Coast by tho S. G.Wilder. IIo was loft out by thointroduction of machines.

    Harold Kannha, an habitualtruant, pleadod guilty thoretothis morning in thoDistiict Court,nnd Judge Perry sont him to thoIndustrial school for six mouths.

    Thomas Cummins; agod 72;birthplace, Hawaii noi; occupa-tion, capitalist; appoars on thopnssonger list of tho S. G. Wildorto 'Frisco yostorday. Aloha nuiloa, Tom, and a safe return.

    The Los Angeles Times says itlooks now as if eventually thosong would havo to be, "AYo'llNovor Tako tho Spockot From thoDoor," for there won't bo anyhorseshoes left.

    Mr. Yatman will hold a specialmooting for llawaiians atKauma- -kapili church this evening at 7o'clock. Hov. H. II. Parker willintorpret what ho says iuto Hawaiian.

    Prof. King, tho celebrated horsotrainer, oamo over from Maui ontho lost Claudine. Tho professorhas boon away for throo yoars andtrained all tho animals on thoother islands, including moon-goos- es

    and cano rats.During tho rocont opidomio of

    cholera in Shanghai, tho magi-stral being very sorry to hoar oftho continual death of his pooploby cholera, wont to the city tom-pl- o

    to pray for peaco. Ho burneda petition to the god bogging formorcy to tho pooplo.

    Dr. Mooro tho dontist has re-covered his caso of instruments,whioh wero lost overboard fromthe W. G. Hall through tho caro-lcssne- ss

    of ono of tho omployosof that vossol. Tho instrumentsworo considerably damaged butcan bo cleaned so as to bo usedagain. Nativo divers woro em-ployed by tho steamship companyand brought tho instruments up.

    Highest of all in Lonvoniug Power.

    Goorga A. Davis is now a f nilHedged notary public.

    Tho Monowai has a big ship-ment of Innnnns awaiting her.

    It rained hard elovcn days outof tho twolvo that tho Uonuiiigtnnwob in Ililo.

    Tho bind will play timenow piccos at tho Thom.i'u scpiaroconcert this afternoon.

    CoIoupI McLoan mndo uu ofli-ci- nlcnll on tho now Japmeso

    cousul yestorday.Chung See Cheng's examination

    by Judgo Perry for perjury takesplaco tomorrow morning.

    A magic Inntorn show will boi.no of the attractions of thu Hos-pital Flouor Mission's ontortain-mon- t.

    Tho piogram of events for thoracing at Kapiolani Park onNew Year's day appears in anothercolumn.

    A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Dontaloffice Cottogo No. 100, Aluisoastreet, telupliono o. 015 Ollicohouis 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

    AY. W. Dimond has temporarilyrentod tho Forstor pwimisus fortho ntlo of Christmus glasswareand crockery, his new stoioroomnot boing ready.

    Hov. Mr. Yatman will discourseon "Paul" this evening at tho Y.M. C. A. hall. Thoro was a goodnltondanco last night when hotook "Daniel" for his subject.

    Subscribers not rocoiving theirpapers legularly will confer a fa-vor by notifying tho businessoflico at onco, so that tho mattermay bo inquirod iuto andstraiglitoned out.

    The Board of Health has con-solidated tho AYaianao and Ewadistricts into ono, and offered theappointment of government phy-sician thoreat to Dr. Potorsou atf80 por month.

    A mooting of the Choral societywill be hold this ovening at 7:30o'clock in tho lecturo room ofCentral Union Church, for thopurpose of organizing for thocoming year. A full attondancoof members is dosirablo.

    Tho Berctania Tonnis Club bogto thank all those who so kindlyassisted at tho concert given bytho Club, tho success of whichwas duo to Mr. "VYray Taylor, whowas fortunate in Becuriiic suchgood local talont.

    Tho final plans of tho Nuuanustroaui improvements havo boencompleted, and tako in moro oftho St. Louis college propeity thanwas at first intendod. Tho noxtthing is to call a jury to roportthorcon, which will bo donoshortly.

    C. D. Donnys has ongnged tosupply tho audiencos at the baudconcorts with programs. Theywill bo nicoly gotton up and dis-tributed at oach concert. Theyaro in four pogo pamphlet formand tho spaco not used for pro-gram will bo usod for advertising.

    Wait and seo tho fino importodPattern, Hats and Bonnets, thatnro expected on tho Australia forN. S. Sachs; thoy will boboautios.

    Tho card of Dr. R. I. Mooro,tho popular dontist, appears intoday's issuo. Dr. Mooro 1msjust returnod from a vory suc-cessful four months' trip to thoother islands. Ho has roopouedliis oflico on flotol stroot in thoArlington cottago, No. 92.

    Hoo Kong got into a pilikia thismorning by getting up too oarlyand taking a drive about daylight.Policoman Kaili arrestod him fordriving without a light, but ad-mitted that it was aftor a quartorpast five. Both tho dofondant andhis employor swore that it wasdaylight wlion ho was arrostod,und Judgo Porry dischargo himaccordingly.

    Maid of Hawaii, ero wo iart(live mo back, nol not my heartHut that shining diamond rlnir,Bracelet, eardrop, cverjtlilugThat I bought and pivo to jou,When our summer lovo was new.Gho them back, and I will lilt,lrind another whom the 'II lit,Whllo In Ilrowii ,t Kuboj's stoicYob can buy a few dozen wore.

    .,jw.i. .ivfi. TMyr

    1 YrrVifrk,..,EVENING BULLETIN, N0VEM13EU 1-- 1895

    Latest U.S. Gov't Iloport.

    Tho American consulate sportsa now ilag.

    J. L. Cartor w.is one of thopassongors to tho Co.i3t by tin S.N. Castlo.

    Tho now storo fronts for thoHollistor Drug Company andLewis it Co will bo complot d ina day oi two.

    Thomas Iroue, proprietor oftho Arlington, loft ,n tho S.N.Castlo today, as tho BULLlvmsaid lie would two weoks ago.

    Wona Look , the Chinese inur- -doror, has beon sent nvor to OulmPrison, where ho in clusolv wtch- -cd by Jailor Low and hisdoputies.

    Many of tiio boys havo beonputting in a good deal of (heirtime this morning telling how thebicyclo race ought to havo Ivonrun yeatoiday.

    On Sunday afternoou at !o'clock llov. Mr. ratman willspeak at Y. M. C. A. hall on"Tho Foity Wrcstlors." Thorowill bo special singing in connec-tion with this mooting.

    Attonti'in is cullod to the vorydangerous condition of an oloctrielight polo, opposito tho lowergate of the High school on Emmastreet. It has rotted away at thobase so that only an inch or so ofit is left. If it is not roplacedEomo ono will get hurt shortly.

    As tho S N. Casth was beingpulled out in tho stream from herberth at Oceanic dock this morning,hor stem s ung round and came incontact with tho wharf, straslnnghor dingy anil tearing away somoof the woodwork. Tho vodsol wenton her way as though nothing hadhappened.

    71m. Itcniicr WltliilriiWH.Tho following was loceived at

    tho oflico at 1 p. in. today:The EvnxiNo UoLurrix: You

    will obligo mo by withdrawingitnmn Vnm tlio bievnlii pnntitmy

    at jireu (tit conducted by yourpjpor.

    Yours Truly,iMaV HliN.NUIt.

    Honolulu, NToV. 13th, 1895.


    Itcply of a Skipper lo n Llbol Juryl'rocccillnux.

    Cuptiin Larsen of tho bark DonAdolfo has mndo answor to thelibel against the vessel by someof tho crew. He asserts that themen aro articled for two years,


    which havo not yet oxpired; also!charges ono of them with dosor- -'tiou at Newcastle, and two of thoniwith having allowed two stowa-ways to como on board at l'ortBlakoly. Noumanii is proctor tvlibollauts, and Hartwell andThurston aio attornoys for "" -pondent.

    v. i' . Alien nas nioct ins nccount and askod for discharge asadministrator of tho estate ofWilliam A. Aldrioh. IIo recoivod$400 00 and paid $144 00.

    Bishop & Co. havo brought ahill to foreoloso mortgngo for$00,223.50 against Cooil Jlrown,administrator and trustco of thowill of tho lato Wnltor JliurayGibson, Talula Lucy Ilaysoldenand Fiedorick II. IlaysoldenTlio proporty nwrtgagod is tholargo slicop ranch on Lanai. Apetition to havo a rocnivor ap-pointed is ponding.

    Jack Kano was acquitted ofcommon nuisnnco in kooping aforocious dog by tho nutivo jury.

    Niau Mitcholl was on trial yoa-tord- ayby a nativo jury for

    honso-bseakiii- g. Cartor for thoRopublic, and Thurston and lau-luko- u

    for defendant.

    If you feol out of sorts, call atiho Critorion and try our refresh-ing Seattlo 13eer on draught.


    Our Motto is :

    "Tako Pains and Hoop Customers."11.') Dctliol St,, between King ami Hotel,

    152-t- f

    AT KAl'lOI.A.M l'AIKv.

    IroBrin ufXtciitN fur thu Now Yciir'nliny llnelu.

    Chnrlos David lias arrangedtho following list of ovonts for thoproposed races at Kapiolani Parkufl January 1st, 1896:

    1st. Gmilo bicyclo rnco. Prizo:E. O Hall trophy. Froo-for-al-l.

    2d. Half-mil- e bicyclo race ).Prizo: not docidtd. Open

    to all s under 10 yeurs.3d. Bicycle race. Prize: not

    dccidod. Arrangoinonts to bomndo lator.

    lth. Running l'uce. Prize: $100purse. Ono hall' miloiuid repeat.Weight for age.

    oth. Trotting race. Prize: $100puisc. class, niilo beats,best two in throo. For Hawaiianbivd horses.

    Oth. Tiotting race. Prize: i'rlOOpuro. 2:10 class, ono imlo ho its,best two in three. Froo-for-a- ll.

    7th Ono tuilo novelty runningrace. Prize: $100 purbo Free- -for-al- l; first horso re idling thoquartor to rccoivo 2o; first hoisorcacning ino nan, to rccoivo vzo;

    horso ro.ichiug tho thrco- -quarlor, to rccoivo $25; first hle.icliing homo to recoive $25.

    New Advertisements.

    IVj, iVl Pi

    Yales'La Frecklaii llino. Ynlo'd itif.illiblo euro of Frooklcs,Tun inul Sunburn. It is tho only roiucilyover comnounrtou1 that will reiuoo frecUleacomplotoly nml surely.

    llio inner nml mora ilclicnto tlio Akin,tlio moro likely it 1h to frccklo nml tlioworHe it will look nfler it in freckled.

    lliousnuilnol women, othtrwlo beautiful,,ii,iiCH,01i by thehu uusiuuilv. brown

    blotclicH. Xothiiig will hiilo them. Tlieynro a wiurcc oi nii"ory, nut tuey can uo cureu .Lu Freckl.i in tlio cleatli-warrn- to freckles.

    Thu ircuirntiou of L.i l'rcckln Is ono ofJliae. inlo'n Tentedt acliievcmciitH.Thcro nro many imitntious, somo of tliem

    ery tlanoroiis ami liuttful to tlio skin;nnuo of tliem really cfluctiro. l'or safelynml certninty, insist nlwnyH on fiottiug thogouuino nml originnl La Freckln.

    1'riec $1 nt ilrug ntores, or by wnil.MMK. M. YALi:. Health nuil llenutySpecialist, 1 10 Stato St , Chicago, llenuty(iiiido. miiilcil free.

    iiointox Diiua cC,Wholesalo Auonts.

    R. I. MOORE, D.D.S.,

    On ick Hocus: 0 A. m. to .') r. M.

    No. DO Hotel St., Honolulu, II. I.lnii-t- f

    'MewYeaificeg . . ,--AT-


    January 1, 1BBB.

    1st llicu-l.- r It ice; i: O Hall Trophy. Treollll Hll.

    2d Diitci.k Rw Ono-lial- f luilo Juvcnilo.Open to nil under 10yenrs.

    .'Id Ilmn.h Raci.; Prio not ileciileii. Ar- -raiigeiiieut to boiuiulo Inter.

    Rck; l'ruo $100 Purso.One-hal- f tuilo uud repeat. Weightfor ngo.

    Rut; Prize 100 Purso. 3minuto class; uiilo heats, host t! in 3.Kor Hawaiian broil horses.

    Race; l'rizo $100 l'urfco.2:10 class; luilo heats, best 2 in 3.Free for ull

    7tli-0- .s. Mh.k Novni.TV Rcnmmi Rck;l'rizo $100. I'rooforall. First horsoreaching tlio quarter to receive $2.").Fint horso reuchiug the half to re.ceno$2.'i Firnt horso roaching thethreo-iiunrt- er to receive $25. Firsthorso reaching homo to rccon o ?'--'"

    Tliiaraeo will bo of special interest as itwill allow mlmittanco of both long and shortdistance ruuuirs.

    Entranco foo to trotting and runningraces to bo ton (10) per cent of tho amountof tho purses.

    gjV For further information addressCHARLES DAVID,

    P. O.Roi 177, Mnungor.152-t- d

    Now Advertisements.


    N. S. SACHS,520, Fort Street. - . -

    Ladies' Worsted Suitings!A YEBY CUOICE ASSORTMENT OF THE VEI1V

    JLnSaffffSSaHr .HuaTPffivcscK

    "With Trimmings to Match.

    Ladies' Silk Waist PatternsNow Desitins. aiuKUnlv One of a Kind.

    Jet Fronts and Spangled Front!?.These aro entirely and make rich waist trimming.

    Don't Fail to Sec tho St

    55TOur stock of

    Imported HatsAVill arrive on thn

    TEL- - 604


    Grocer, 0



    CHOICE GROCERIESJust oponed a full and comploto nssortmont of theluxurios and delicacies from overy civilized nation,which will be sold lowor than tile lowest.

    Fresh California Creamery and Island Butter.

    i'A?m.Y TitAni:

    AH Goods dclivoroil promntly. Civility nml every attention giton to customcra nt


    furnlilicil, together with a beach lot.

    Apply to


    Stable Room To Let.

    r'INE 8TAHLE ItOOM TO I.UT TKOJIF I to 3 stalls.

    ED. A. WILLIAMS.IH-t- f

    Por Bent.


    Apply to


    Tor Sale.

    400 head or ni'xr cattle. POltsnlo in lots to suit.S. NORRI8,

    U3-t- f Kahukn, Kan, Hawaii.

    For Sale.

    riNH HLACK HORSE, PERFECTLYsound. Apply to

    ED .. WILLIAMS,m-t- f

    Turkeys !


    Thanksgiving and


    A largo flock, enough for everybody.Placo orders early to insure largeit birdi.

    HENRY DAVIS & CO.1 n


    ...T M vp


    now a

    Buttons! Buttons!Nc ..


    . . .




    ni-t- f



    and BonnetsAustralia ii.-- . k.

    l.ii-- tf

    141 ni mPeoples


    a si'i:ti it,'i.

    Animal Meeting.

    ipiirjANM u.Mi:i:TiN(joFTnr.u.io! u. Mil. ,lll.u held at the Com-pn- iiofllcu on FKIDAV the 15th In.t. at 11o clock i. v. v n vin.i..i.M.!t. u .; . :.'l lllilll teiu Jo, Ltd.

    Foi' Sale.

    IN "i:i). WKST.MAYKIl linn iv it,.rii:iii i- - him I,, , Xrclll'Ut rululltlmi nlll iZoiu iic.iii Aililrisa, V

    lS'j-- lf lll'LLhTIV Olllce.

    Aloha Bath House.

    N EXT TO MARINE UAILWAY: PAT.uU "roiiKiii jreo from tho tug-boa- t

    Wi.ni u iviijinuiuug jo. ras. FuruisLodroouiri to let on tho promises.

    13CU Jius. J. H. HEIST

    For tenl? or Trade.

    Hawaiian Hade PhaetonNEARLY NEW,

    Apply t0 J. M. McCHESNEY,1.11-- tf

    N. Fernandez,Notaryy Public and Typewriter

    IIKAAlllMANUSTKKCT,P. O. Do TtliphoncSIS.150-- tf




    S.S. "Asloun1000 tons, is due on or nbout

    NOVEMBER 15th,And will hno imm,.,iui .k...,.,. ,

    abovo ports. ..a'atvu lor

    sage SJly 0loparlIcuUn, of '"iBUt nd pa..

    THEO. H. DAVIES&CO. Ltd.14 Ltd Agents.





  • itM

    ifflpsr Turwr"- "- 'M1"1I!W" ' y' """' i.jnmui ijll'i nwjl


    TOItTl)lU:i AMI NIIOT.

    Cruelilc to Politic il frUotirm In'Nun Snlrntlor.

    Sin Salvador, Oct. 15. Thoughdonieil by tlio Government, u re-port is current, on what boenn thoboat of authority, Unit fourtoonpolitical prisoners wore foic-- d towork on tho roud nenr La Libertad, and after being most cruellytre.itod, and cvfn subjected ttoitnroi to make tliem confers thnames if porsons implicated in thaconspiracy tguinst tho Governmont, wcie shot Saturday ift'i-- 1noon.

    A number of other pri nors,who pititesttd and m ido othersigns nf giufaud d 1 u iluli nat the (ate of their cotnr nie,, worecruelly beaten by the soldier, aa lesult ot which tureo died.Cases of cruelties to prisoners,ofton resulting in their doath, arodaily tin ro frequent. The prossinsists that tho Govern rnonl oidoinn investigation of those crueltiosTho country is flooded with nowEzota revolutionai hoc. tin ttionsdated Aejpulco.

    Tlioro is not a day without ar-lc- slson suspicion ot being

    in koiiiO httpi .., d nolntionniy coiHpiiacy, and it ,s ovenclainnd that a pi t to assas-nat-l'residont Gutierrez tuul a numberof his principal adheients hisbeen disc. iored. Tto-p- j nr- - boing constantly foiwmdod V theprincipal points on tho c i.ct. De-sertions from the aim' continue,aud yesterdiy afternoon th" guardnt the nitillery bairaclm in thiscity, to tho number of twontv-eix- ,dohdted in n body, Liking thoirarms with tliem, and oubis havebeen issued that do'utti- - fiotutho in my are to bo si ut whenevercaptmod.

    l'lculent Gutionez it againreports d to ho anxious to lesignand go abioiid, but his partisans,fearing that if ho goes, Vice-Preside- nt

    I'nulencio Aif. 10 willniako all entire change of theGovernment and place his ownpratisaiis (Libeials) into poweroppose tins move on tho part ofGutieirtz Tho uimy is entiiolyfavorable to Alfnro and opposedto Gutivriez. A rumor is nowcunoiit here Hint tlio Conserva-tives. Willi Jacinto CastollanOBat thoir head, have proj oed a coalition to Geneial ManuelItivns figaiiiht Alfan, i flering toplace Livas in powei providedlio nds the, n of Aliiuo it is-- fur-thci- mi

    ro claimed that theall over tin eonntn fn r theplans i'f Cast' llaii"-- , Mini haiobound theniM lvo- to i le.ich tothat eflVct. Tho reports cuioiithue foi thelusi few dns tiwt theLiberals had boen olloi d biippmlfrom Guat'-mal- a in cant of tumblenie oflicially doniod by both pir-tie- s.

    The Government e tim-- . th ittho most harmonious lei ling nowoxists between the G.ivorniii' ntsof tho two countries.

    It is oflicially denied that thisGovernment 1ms requested that ofMexico to tako any slops againstGeneral AutouioEzot.t, who is nowat Acapnlco. A prominent ollioialhero told tho correspondent thatan emissiry of Antonio E.et'made propositions to the Govern-ment here that ho (Ezota) wo lidgo to Europo and never troublothe G.norninent if given a sum ofmonoy, but that 1'iesident C!uti rlez this proposition wituindignation, and told the emis-sary that he should bo gl id to seeEzota invade tit ia country, foran indignant puoplo would soonlynch him. It is also stated thatthis cmis-sir- y was oidtred toloavo tho countiy within fortyeight horns, which he did.

    "Just listun t that pni rot.Isn't it a sbamo?"

    "Oh, tho bird (loos n it knowwhat it ib saying."

    "1 know ho doefii't. That iswlioro too sorn "t it emus inJust think of beinK ahlo to swearlike lliut w.thout aipieciatiiigyonr gift. "Cincinnati Enquirer.

    .,..... ,r o ,rtt ..i..f..f 1frof.'iV II r.kt,homiLi"in " n"j of Epilcpny,Ua"nUiouiiliiiilrttn.a.!miiU if iiuui" ciiMllinmy living I'liynlci m ; 'iU muri-ai- i i ur oiiililii,& "kavelicanlnfca joIJilyran.'-.u- i illiu iur Jliyliliii.lIfiiubllliCFiavlii tilewor'tniiit u iewliii'-li- ofendllliivlr!!olwUlBf (ineli'.liitpriirc,frietoFjiiyuffi.rcrnliomiiyi'TOililuirI' O.mi.II sprcMAU-dr- c.

    Wamhlwiinjror.o.i ti. i toaiMi.-- ,

    1'rof.W.lI.l'HU.I.r b,4i. ir i.Niwurk.

    THIS PAPER SJ&S" ft,?Aecncy, 04 and 01 MirclmnU Exhauj:e,SanFrancUco, California, where couliaiU lor ad

    ertlsinir can be made Iur It.

    (!( May Xtentley

    Born a GeniusDlooaso Throatons to Cut

    Ghort a Noblo CaroorBut Hood's Sarsoparllla Rostoroa

    Qood Hoalth.Llltlo Jray llentloy l an nccompllshcd tloco- -

    tlonlit ami natural born ipeakcr of only 13 ycarjof ago. Sho li tho only ehIM tempcrancs lect--uror beforo Uis public. Her cenluj, uowMer,did not exempt hor from nn attack of a dlseass01 meoioou. ncrownwords best tell theitorji" C. 1. Hood St Co., Lowell, JIajs. i" 1 heartily Join vi 1th tho many thousand! thaiar recommending Hood's Sarsaparllla. I had

    iMn.ay'jffe. I'uVi"""1"1 " WM U"ulU?Continued to Crow Woroo.

    T was persuaded Cnallv br a frlcnit in r rr,.f.Sarsaparllla. Tho uto of ono bottle acted f--

    Hood's518 Curesfectl.cly upon the blood and I began to Improve,After tho uso of threo bottles tho paliorlng

    1J nJ.",1?,' ' "T c.'.,c'! of W 'ormcr trouble I?,'",V'c'""1 w Ulnlways remain n truo friendto Sir. irl i. LiLLin JUvImilana. CctllOODS.

    Hood'o Fills net eisily, jet promptly andrCltlently, on tho liver and bowels. 23c.

    Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Sole Afjpnts for tlio ltcpublio ot Hnwaii.


    fieadnnaners Eulcmnsc Brcwmir Co'TOE

    Largest Consignment of Beerthat ever arrived hero, now

    on DraughtJ. llOni). I'ron'i

    Central JVEeafc JVEarletLoto'8 Iluilding, Nnuann St.

    A MUST CLASS JIarkct ia eTery.t.pect.

    Onlor-- i delivered iiromjitlv to nil parts otlie oity.

    WESTI1R00K &m OAltrSProprietor?.

    SjST TelcphouB 101. 129-t- f.

    Save Money!You throw away dollars evory

    your in brnkon Iiiiiij. chimneysIjottT btop it now whilo yon cangi t a piopiration that will preumta chunnoy from broaklng wlmiiput on wet. I'luf. Huniboll's o

    comiiound will do thisand will prevent tho exploson ofkoinseno oil and gasoline. Wearo solo ngetits for this inopaia-tio- n

    is will as for the New IdealSewing Machine, tho oqual to amhigh priced article and wo sell itfor WC and S3o with attachments1G000 feet of mouldings for pictureframes just received by the"A bert;" also oval and circularframes, somothing now nnd ele-gnn- t.

    The Pacific Hardware Co,

    Cummhid' Block.

    LmSE N'S

    EXPRESSKino ami Nuuanu Stbklt.s.

    Telephone Xild.S.& C'omruout is unueccbsny.

    WE LARSEN.135-t- f


    Tho Bus man will sendbusses to privato residen-ces for passengers to Wai-ki- ki

    without extra chargo;privnto parties can bo ac-commodated at reducedrates, but remember this,that a bus or wagonettewill call at 'our privatoresidonco and tako you toWaikiki nnd bring 'ouback nt the regular streetcar fare.



    Ht HUILUINO HUltNUD ItECUNTLYhi Milnnakfc, without Iiisurniuv,

    becaiiKO n clerk TOlKiOT to renew certnlapoliclct promptly as instructed.

    "Ho was discharged.

    "A few da s later, the ow uer died withoutinsuianco on life, leaving a widow nndthrco outif( children in poverty, becnaseho had NKOI.r.CTl'I) to iiisme. Ab ptocrnstillation is mole rulpiUu tlimi foiitfuhifsspethnps tho nw ncr is Inning his punishlutut NOW.

    "JJ01IAI. CoiiH.iHiitlon nnd ofllco treat-ment fiec. Special attention given to proorastinatois."

    inxijm: youii nn.Tho Equitable Life Assurance Society

    of the United States.

    Bruce Cartwright,General Mnua(;er for tlio Ilnwniian Inlands.

    CO-t- f


    Carriage Ptlanufactory12S .v. 180 FOHT STltUKT.

    Carriage Builderami lini'Aiucr.

    Blacbmithing in All Its Branches.

    W. V. .VHUJIIT, Proprietor.(SucccBsor to G. West)

    C. B. DWIGHT,Docs all kinds of Work in

    Cement & Stone Sidewalks & Curbing

    Ho lins on hand a lnrRO supply ofCliincpo Grnuito Curb nml alwnja keepsIlawniiiin Curbing Stone. IlinintoH(fiven nnd lowcs1 prices nomircil. 'I'elo-ohon- o


    Bo iid ing Lots!At WAIKTK1 ou nir lino and on 1'A

    LA3I.V KOAD near FertilizinBI'lnnt.

    .These Lots are VeryJCheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

    Desiinhlo Acre Tincts near the city nndothor I'lupcrtics for sale.

    1JKUCK, AVA1MXG At CO.,Dealers in Lots nml Tniida.

    tf 503 Fort Street, nonr KingTr.r.K.i'iroM! (JOT 1'. O. Ilox 321.

    Joso Do TTspirito Santo,

    Guitar 4)5?i) Maker.Ti ro Patch and Ukulele Guitars

    Mudnof Ilawiiiiiu Wiiuili.IU hOABIl. an ts

    13 I Co't Stint 0.po-itcC"lu- l, S'nblcr.







    Record, 2:15.Hawaiian

    main Hum. :s.

    fJ'i SII'llOMlTHl VM. J llf T41

    in til i rum. 1 1 jiirlo. 'j'.j ix.rforiiRrttt) I. I. IV ..It ... II .!. ' 9. .IIIIVf-l- . . 1' ..

    ofline, J 17 iKir, J.'Jn of


    Ill'irAUFKU 2u'ifiMru ill


    I" mrr. .ninuoinri'iiii-,- r, I'n die..19

    Sans SouciSeaside Resort.

    Tho plensantost, quietest,shadiest nnd most perfectly ap-pointed seaside rosort on thoIslands. It is only four milesfroin tho heart of tho oity andwithin easy renoli of the tramcars,which run every twenty minutesr oftonor. Klegautly furnished

    dotached cottages or rooms areobtainable on oasy terms. Thetable is superior to that of any oftho city hotels and all tho nudcniconveniences nie piovided.

    Picnics and bathing parties cani btain uxtia accommodations btelephoning in ndvaiico

    Tho bithiiij; facilities of SansHotici aro stipenor ir, tho.o of anylibieenn the beach. S9-t- f

    Jewelry !Our Stock ot Summer Goodsis acknowledged by every-body to bo tho finest on LlioHonolulu market, and con-sists of everything Usefuland Ornamental. Our pricesaro moderate. Jewelry inspecial designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

    jaCOBSEW&PFEIFFEB.P. O. linx 287 Fort Street.

    H. Q- - BIART.FINE WATCH UKI'AIIUKGIsland Jfwt'iy miido to ordor,

    Souvenii Spoons, Gold wiroJewelry, otc.

    fiflJ" Island mdeis rjolicitodP. O. Ih.x .!5.-.;t- G Gortz's store.

    I'.nt Ktreet. (i2-- t




    Hit.o Hawaii.TOUltlSTS AM) OlIIEItS VISIT 1X0

    Illlii (nn llml MiltnMo bonnl ntul lodirlnj' bycalling nn JOHN I.VCCUtiUS.

    In (iinncuioii with tliu ftboo liu inn suppl)j oil ttltll

    Kort'lijn mid Doineatlv Krullt,Clnicinl TobaciogCool Drlnkf, tc.


    The SINGER Received54 First Awai ds for Si.wixn jrA-ciii.vi-

    and EMintomunv WoitKat thoWoild's Knir, Chie.iuo, III.,be.ng the Inrgcbt number ot'aw ird,obtained by ai y Exhibitor nndmore than dnn'.Ie the nuiiiheigiven to all oilier Sewing Ma-chines

    3. Br.iioKitso.N,Agent.

    my8l tf Iiothol st., Honolulu.

    21 ,702

    Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

    rilLun Duo. (rriulene)-- ;

    iQutrNmill l llllIllH of 70

    I'l.lXTHI. MilMrtuif i In 1M mid ilntni

    n( !i tnillirs mi il .' n,(ir

    .'is',. ,1(1 I lit. t,I I'tf-mo-

    Kniii of I'rnlrlo IUrd

    io v i mi r $ ....Jilt' ts III t fullel


    llulwir. 2 Ji..MiimiriMk U I'liMI 1 V Maii

    I'mvtaii. Xi;i-- mi uf Ibin, to: Kmiii,j jii-- ; mid (In inn uf




    h rtiiifUf'drptlnuii.J.ir.'j7in 11,2 lTVf. lliwlf, . IT1.mid otlurs iHvlilm.

    Wiilix 2 2T., llllrn, 2 Jl: tl'litiRIR IIIMP, 2 2s 1 I ... .nml IMc (1 unsiif llrllllMi- - Hum of llulil, :' ."i, ibmi


    ill,j 7i', mill (laiuH ol MntiniuI'rluce, 2 3); ltilrnr-c-, a: Hi;1'rnu Trim , j'j '4; Kiwi1llllll' 111, 2 92, (lolltll, 2 IIIIliMM, 2 2lU; Hunt'. Itll.i,2'2ljj. ""i tvU.1 lll't 2 IS1,

    LJIauv, f4iItrlal us

    Hum ui Awi'X, i it; Hit-Uni- t,klru cl tin 3 jo; I.Ut,

    (lulu (if j in fjo, Ortui',limn uf I'rtole, t is

    DESCRIPTION AND TBKMS:Crf.oi b In tlio tamest, fastest mill best bred stallion that liap uer been import

    ed into the llmwuum Iehuuls. Ho reduced liis record of L'i'.'O toti.lS in .Vutalimui,Cal., AiiRiiet LM, 'SIM. distancing his whole (Sold in tho ilrst heat , then skjIii ti2:15 in itocVtiin, Cal., September 23, 181)4, winning the first heut in SilSJ, fourllhent inL':l.', mul lift h heat in - 10, proving that he is a remarkably mio no well

    n speedy rui c horse. ("Creole by I'rcmpter out of Grace by lluecnnect thoyi Ithat he is iMp.dili' of getting a mark of 2:10 and In ono of the gunicHt stallions sceithis year, .mil besides burnt; K'll"e, Ib ono uf tlio best formed, nnd miiiirWubly inteVKent."lrtltr and Stwrttman. Bent. 25. 1894.) Hois 151 hands hich nnd olpowerful build throughout. Hia color is glossy black with ono white hind footHit iIIhi nsitiou is all tlmt could be dcsiieu, and his nction superb. He is a surefoal eettor.

    Terma (30, with usual return priyllcgo. Will make tho Bcueon at tho

    CLUB STABLES CO.68-- tf



    White Brothers' Cement, y

    Corrugated Iron Ihofiny,

    Galvanized Water Pipe

    Paints and Oik.

    Roche Harbor Lime,

    C. & C. Fine Flour,Way, Grain, and Groceries,

    Hardware and Cutlery,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Eto.

    nSToted. fox




    Blip 2CqeM


    d. PlavoiMado of the Finest and Most Delicately Flavored Tobacco.

    Tor saio l.y nil Druggist nml Cinr DcBlera.


    Beaver Saloon,II. J. KOLTE, Troprietor.

    ThaBest Lunch in Town

    Tea and CoffeeAT ALTj IIODIiS.


    Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

    The . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany

    Has a largo assortment of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    Constantly on band.

    Estimntes jjivon for house wir-ing aud Eluctrical plants.

    Mnrino Wiung a spocialty.

    THEO HOFFMANN,llnimger.

    e. c. JOMts. E. A. JONES

    The Hawaiian


    Investment Co-iiav- eFOR SALE

    A Few Shares of

    l'abv Sufjar Stock,Hawaiian Sunr Co. Stock.

    Hawaiian Goveriunent and lbtlMort;ui;o Surnr IMimtu- -

    tion Itonds.t3T For particulars apply to

    Tho Hawaiian Safo Deposit &Investment Company,

    tuf Tart Strcat

    M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Agonts for Hawaiian Wands



    A Good FertilizerTo Suit the Timos

    At S"0 pci ton of SOfO'll . i. Allllb7tduSfoll(lM8i " 1

    lOlKrcciit. riiovphoiio Aild. ,u!uUo Unnd iiMiilible.C per cent. Potash (neliinl).1 pir nut Ammonia.lUpiriint. I.lmo(Liiilmiiati;.


    A F. COOKE,117-t- f HAWAIIAN n:UTII.lXrxgrn

    t!laug prjgolfBlg-i- ; U'D.

    BANKERS.Honolulu, Ilawainin Islandj


    Principal Parts of tho World,mid

    Transact u General Bunking; ?


    Merchants Exchange HS. I. SHAW. Proprietor.

    Corner KIuf; A. Nuiiumi Htii-vt- , Honolulu

    (llioit'o Miiuoi'H and Fine Jloor.

    Tolopliono tOi.AH PING,

    Dealer in Chinese Ten, Cignrs,rcntuit Oil. Kngor, 8onp,UndlcH, oto, at lowestinnrLet price

    Corner Nmittiiii and 1 aunhi htreetH. 113.

    CHIN WO & CO.Vounit Ah In, JIKr

    Corner lleietanli and NiiuanutH., Honolulu.KICK l'l.XNTr.US-Ala- ro for,B0 t10nut ipial ly ol rliu Our rke marked V 0 (JUKliurmiteid to be At.

    Alicntit fur tlia fnllowlns ikeralama, ll.tawn W.Ik k Wain',.;mnarkaT11'al'a'lUaWs,0,,-0sl'u'-l- i

    143 Tcl.t!18. - OUoxS43.


  • t 'V "T""' I'7, "Tr " ' WW'WXrVRtyrf T ' ,r?EVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBHR 11, 1895.CAt'OIIT A rOIVEYKD JtlOMITCfl.

    A Creature That Net or Sleep-- , nmlI'rofor" Cold nml Dnrhncis.

    Tbo Eish Commission's steamerAlbatross has returned from thoNorth with a pop-ey- ed clonizon oftho Ueop that is certain to bo thowonder of tho nnturalists thoworld over. It is a fish, but uttor-J- y

    unliko nnything ovor caughtboforo, rind in no way rosomblingordinary fishes. It wns scoopedin by a dredgo that was at tho

    timo traveling along tho bottomof tho ocean a mile and a halfdoep.

    Tho officer of tho Albatross,who ought to know whit thoy aretalking about, Hay that walor amilu and a half (loop has manystningo tilings about it. Wateria those depths is in total d.irlc-no- ss,

    or what would bo calledtotal darkness on otuth. It nevermoves fioni ono your'o ond toanothor, or if it does move, thocurrents aro imperceptible. Thodoopor minois dig uudf-- r tho sur-face of the earth tho hotter it gets,but on tho contrary, the deepor athovniomotoris lo.vorod into thosea the colder it becomes. "Watera milo and a half dt-e- is aboutono degreo above the froozingpoint, the s.uno in tho tropica and'in tho Arctic seas.

    Tho fish that tho Albatrossbrought hero to forward at oncoto tho Smithsonian Institutionwas constructed to liko that sortpf a situation. It w.is perfectlyi'ontontcd in darkness and had noobjection to freezing cold water.Moroover, the immense pressureat such a depth w.is just suited toit. The queor creature was hap-py onoigli at a depth ulioro thopressure wa3 so gro it per square

    viuch upon its surface that wore itan ordinary pint buttlo it wouldbo shatterod to pieces.

    l'rofossor Towniond, the learn-ed man who had a fit of tho

    whon this peculiar marinemonster was removed from thonot on tho deck of tho Albatross,i
