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University of Nebraska–Lincoln...1 miMmmijHrrrtmnfrj&6it ss '. --t pvw ium , . .! T ' - - -- --...

Date post: 26-Jan-2021
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1 miMmmijHrrrtmnfrj&6it ss ' . -- t pvw ium , . .! T ' - - -- - - -- w - - SZEZ335SZS2 THE ADYEilHSER. rbabod every Thursday by CAFFJiBYSt JZACJBJSJtj Proprietors. -. 11. MunYsi T7li1r. itn Kf nils. l.-- n. 7- - tn- - u . j - f St-- " JiKi;WVILLE, .MJUiAJv. Terms, in Advance : nn ioc-57.J"'J- " I v. w mftntd 1 00 - three months ... r i t TG TI .VTTEK OX EVEIt Y P A GE - - i i r r - n SOCIAIi DIRECTORS. H LODGES. vT,'"". ilrst Xomlny in ft " ( :,iiiodtati-!- iirtr tlie t"iiBjitT ..! T. J-- 31. T.A--KKio- a. .,rinrWimmniiiloryKiH?l'Tcni-- T - -- (,f . -- so. ;. Meals Jn 31s-lil- c Jiullou the , .A. Jvo. 3lLAKi-,ltecor- I y irLAjjnuiiniiwiUona-jrT- - Miida mirlit UJ.AKK, . K. Jl. I'. ltl'CsX ,mft Va'JcT I'VAsr No. J. A.,V. & Kecila- - 0r3ir.iuntcflio!is nr?taQ ' ' '.l-t- s la ccU mor'h. f oi -- , fatarrtay uz'ot. Jo:tK BuvKn, i mrvi-7,,J- -v , . T,nrtt . " I. ' ' l'. j " ''-.- , , i -- .. .ntf it each ciimtcifias. ; j A'' ".v vnir.F. SnbbatU-fccbod- l ' i J. IMlAfKi. l'tor. " ,r ;.rjfr.a ii .. mdCJOV ill. Su'i-- V U'VW,,r iVs, i? I . ?i r Stfjj, tTLG. ' Il J". H i lor ' r (K Ser.-iet- -. everj :i 'nth cx- - - J .lyeachjrnontlirtJii'iOcrorv a.m., cfc rVit. SumtaJiSclKiOl at Mn im. J. Jiuu- - ' a .h& WedajaBfejenjT. T n7iPti'iilt::irr1s, KoiidorT.pIIncwr. t j " iv - . . AtDmTtor. f -- t ..v i - 5" T .5 ODBtipilirV'tctts tho Plrst-Mon0- a iv a s? IiSfilHy-WiT- . A, 'fitt. . I r A 1 ' wii. IM" .TUrlMl.' N ' "' - .!, i. 5 i ll- - il ' ri, J. -t .., '.Y. .di'.. t.,n. I' 'i.ec J.id0-- i ,;r,iil aniDcptrtiire r.r j3Iallx. I, . - . i;,.iyhi liall'foad-ArrfJC- 3ll n.'in.' 4 '11- - - ' r.i i'utiy,8y JiaUr6all ArrlvosSWp !i. s ".-- Somalia Wi, H.illj Arrives. 6 . ts;u.jii. . .. i T to I'.tznncvvaiii v i a fC0Ji"li A -.- ...i-Yij. Ti.iiSe at.ofc-iJVfil.-v - ; . p.ui. ? Mommy Ht !"- - -- To'IHeli.t Sinl Weekly Ai- - ii -- htm ln null KturUa lit 0 p. ra. jjicvnin . 1 HllMV Mt 7.LID. I!,. r .ii Ta.jn..tv"J4 i. Crn ii ifl : n.-i- n v.-- v. poijtfK.a'C ii. rjrjra'w sLisvsizwae BUSINESS GARBS.'' t- - ATTOR.VEVS. lUClC,AUirnuvii al Ijvw. Urown N j. .joM.i ' to? tales. cyini..ijuius 7 ,1 . :ijfe- -. May- - bj consuUeUnnlth- - t r.:i.l.i JUSUil&Ui. t.J.ce .. cr lJvt 2 olu ni-- i ? N lTT-- . Attornoyand Own .flr Rt ..Kitor in tH.Hin.ery. jsr .n ni v '. ' vk. ITk'VLrT A5 VKWM.tKtiuibriiays and t'o'un-1- 2 ii atlAiW.llruttiiviUe.Xeb. Oilice ..No. 70. r j i:'vir ptiir. ,' . 'Ii 'I'tfJl.lS''. Attirne-"- ' and ' l1 t .. Wit! c'.ve diligent n uvnny-le- - . , ..V...,1 t.Al ll,..,- - ,r. llfflrohlljlllrt fW' if J . id ,t,c llr iwtiiginy. N' 1 t tt- - r M VK '. 5".(f.rX.i-Vpoinfy- s &t)liw anl 1 4 m f' B bncery. w:av-:- ? in iw.sirict . tourt y fa.ain .iic.Jw " . , : . i I '1 N N. ttnr.- -i ui..I l ii- icr et v ..rusfca'. re " " ii. ctiil 1!IM1KKY. AUsnwHndC.Miiifftor- - i i.i.in (I ',l'..r, 'H; , ,t'li.. "T l " 1 i . - I. ""'l' ' "" ' "'""-l'."- '! S .- - 'i '.'.ex . 0 . a 0fe H i elini''k.C T t ;? riiTsiri v"?. . I. M. 1, Slirjtiu, Mll. Jtr'uwiS 'Hi.rvai . toy jt, id. 7 Tiii. t'li.aein n. u. ia.s i ..-- - - i i up aw ,'fl,,iy-!r- ' T:j " dThU.--,; '.' ICk". v9rfp&. .sfii.ifli s) ot, llritv i. . i :. .i .vcnxTR. jl . rt,, iiual J !.., i.n.1 l.ix X .. In . i'. T'xit.v'it eti Ulook.eoinw I" ;- - : . Will A ' e " '111 (..!. Ii iii.i . il .. Jtittc ii.d Iliu i'.i.flie-.tti- . Ticve ' ; ' tt Nenialii Land jDtsUier. !' W 'V Hn:M'o,lt."a :' .. . -. : .id . IO!h liCeillJIc.TitihfOitl ulti'ai! a - -- l!rr.:.!.- V.l. , , v 1 " k !I 110JVUW. l:nt f :i'r iindTar ! n "i.I. lit! : i !; .:. U oirrt ll'M-:- ' . .ktaM' i ui t!.er do '! K'-- 1 1- - l! r ii u: Of raM'lhrOJKholitllie Nemaha t i 1 - : x L- - nn.'ix nc'vxr.RS. . .. f l.y " '.' TirrX-'!- . Tifa-rf:- n lied Coairol'- - L s v. n 'ui:.aaaue,eriMNl Wusor Oralul r ' ' " -- 1 . Oli,."!. J Y.u tTOuui. -- o.,l rj ji rM,ira.,!.c.N. Jl " .msiiauAAm&u. - ""uN JtPHI'ltSOX? bc.ilor in Gent-ni- l ,Mrch- - - .. .uohi hi ia';u;ru.il.l-.ck,iXo.-i'- ; I'rovcnvnle, Ni''i. ' ivr,fr X- - T n ov .' "CO.. Meroli-- m Vo nMalh -- trcH. Krowtivule. Xeb. s "' I IKV. General rl ' - 'i aii l iifiiaitMercli- - j f.- -. Vi . i ,. troet, ift iiillt, X-'- . I'l-r- t - H.'.rs i' stvps. KuraHure. tc. nlwav- - oil i " "'t !UrkHinltti4 pj.IJ lor. Hides, ifolU! f ' J . .; IVMU. KOTAUIKS. .1 ill. XuUty lnibiicaad Uinveya-icur- , - " .m street, sh- - jnd flour, Urounv .'Ju, r ti.e j;i iitM K' and Tou-.,,-- (. nip,'iiies. !"- - 1"l-- e I'ideRnd . ii.tj-i- t lioa. Luild:us. iiruwti- - tOliNU-VfStltVKYOR- .t 1 RKfcT6uity.;irrenr. 'Posiollife' -- S011, iWinuuii Co'inty, Nfbmnka. SAimmitV." i ' . il. Ii irness. IJr:dlJs. Collar. Kw., So. .litowiiv ue.ri?). '" ".' sftiOii l.aaranteett. J. :U.l)GE It I'l I. DING. ' vni C! rn Tinde'U.i!MeriilidComractOr. ' v. s,,'l....Culji..i1iulUi'i. . .ir . Tho stroii-- i an t woailen ! I t II(1L. '. 0R-a-G.3- I3KfiBiaaii.Pxoprle- - "Q-- v. :Mfta A. li.cJ'stii- - .ntiec-Io:- ) nji tiie'hou SMseyStr l11 aupf 1 U'SC? forca ' r. ' tfrf VN Hfl sn. KP.Jtouoii.J.TopntorJ M, t biMym Main unu Collece. uooa iUd3verj stable in connectloa-flu'tUi- s Sk i . - iX-V- ' .i .m IJRvGGISSfS. . 1" - :m:y a NlCKELftV Dealers m l'.-'-r-s. ' xjmrztQgsg&fiffit. : . - .,nary. etc;oa 1 w..-i---M-a- S ." - p at "No- - 32, "lam street, Hrw n illo. - ' r andrepjlrtnpdone -- i. ar-r..-- . m .d?:oord,r. I w . c ip riit iy . - I : r Eij t a. nRiYWr b .; f : Tl ! 7YN!: ftTicRVN-Gf- of PaiiertyPro": I r r N"o. o7 jl.im JStftel. T.-c- v. nv lie. Neb. 'tiia-aSUirs- . Hoard hy jliel.vj.or ycrtkv. KIACIvSJlI'lIiS. J Jj, ItA.ou.GtfaKral.UlaoksMiili,- - Miuontreet.. , i- w nvliie. Net) fs ,r Part-d-t- do-li!- l kinds r nlrnn Aid- - nfpriccs'ln' th the J -- f. 3 r ;:-.' lVj,-k-in!- :l! Rr.ri Hnre s 1 .rn-i.herwee- n V.i 21 i M'an'ic. ti ""U . -- eh. ork Joae.t c. Jr tad hfttisuui- - Z ;i-- ' t.M"i. HOOTS AX!) SHOES. A "ft "tBlNSON. Hoot and Shoe ilnker Xo. L ",lsXtt4reei. Uro.vnv:lisXh. llftccoiisuwit-V- , """".I n i.Ki "ody's". a .j m.::ji s jioots aim iiioes. . isioin ; Jjs wit a u..vuoob wid duwateL.. lUymlriiiff M- - notice'. " T ' - AT.OONS. . J -- rIT Ur.i:RH&,X.,l'eaiHijitli.lctSi-i,- ; 'l ilalns-ret.llroviiMli- e, XA. Thf l'l-l- ij l.tii.Jrs.tnlon hand. ' , - l - t i r a - - J 1170 Paoer 'Collars ! ..j, vxv PosTorriCE. zmzi& . j& A1' r '.'.; jgg&A A , r. j !i r?fN?Qr2& rw a&s' r js?& tm rm r :- - -- - V, , ai Nftf &ia " 35; " I Z5! SKJ riSSLt . ADVEItTlSINR KATKJ. JU&i. fri'l -- tfv R:J rSi , .?. A " . J?K ., a a?; -V ". V S A. f3 fc. &. a X?3k J h iS- - M A .jL 3i &. A vk - "iSf-li-f .", x &&m nsss &s-a- Y w v . ( afNrif wthy ram '' - .... ? Ff i55j K J5ul WSV Hda "X OBSJ AT I ' K2J Se7 Z i3 W I ?37 C tf? rl- - I KJ N." SpJJ V ISQS ' CS I bam 1. HHH fT Sta" 7 ; " sr 1 55s??e B3 "Ti a X ys r twa 6 m .X I p& v V- - 4 Sv x5 fc7-- gs vr v. fc' tJa fee Erf! PeS B9 V HP R3 MfeC ra t PUwA ' S58 J 9U V i I - i .w koss M-- j wi a;a. j i cai' fcwj i i?t cm i iw; .w i TiTrw wsae r3"a ir.i . p.3 nsi. bul y t,i rrwij i v: w-- y s?.. TvoniiiJier- f- ni- - IlKX I iSSJ A??V ffyi S33 .ftiiftV Kft Wfi3 ia KW3 tffiJMta 6l) jZrSxT.tl iM1 A OfV iSWW Z?K- -J H.SZZis A 3fcs' CS3?T ' 157 flMS1. i'P'ror AJ.y &. ..gJW W yW ; &w mf ,r 2Sv-- o 'wvyAwr '5 -- WfWlr VT T v ) V J a ' -- "a.. j ESTABLISHED 1850. Oldest Proper in tho Stato rin"rTTriTr rr - Ti tt r i i mii..i-"- i -- m ti hi fcT. bi iii ...- - PEP.U BUSINESS CAHDS. liOCATIOS OF PKIttW yem is silnfitod en tr.e wesi bank T the Missouri river. ! Nemtihn Vinty. nbout i c miles suuiii of t!i Ote Omntv line, and nine i.:Ies south-- n st of JJrownvIllo. TIasa remrtrlc:iblyple,'nnt location, aud U..1- - :iur i becoi n a town o no little import- ance. It hits a puputa'ton of avout sOO. The State Korrnal sr'x.cl Is located here, and some branches of l)U.nfl nro well rfiirccntPd, bn the trade csrrlpd on Tre !s not p to th demand? of the f irtfr fT r, ,iltli tnri fiii ronli'lifo ht.1 siii(K'owlt)U3i!iefthoi4i'n!. 'i'rierer.reliemtwoilro j iiur' unu jiruiuuisi; eiinnuiiMnc, j sriio ' noTr".ont rioirlnjr.llli.'t-.- .. Jlo- - t l, one Liory stnb-e- , tle tftorf" two Unit' siorw, one Uurdware fetnr at 1 Tin si up, i.vo I.tiiiiber Yfcrd"., tlirc Black .ni't'i S;.oj. onn WuK ri una i.iri. '.s; MUop, two ;io- - one IJdkvry. tin lltrnes-- ? Shop, two Pnlnt Slinps. two Meat .rarkf's.tv.oA(?riciilturat Iinolfment Ilo;n, on-- i Jiarbcr -- Jift, nvt Itenl Jttatt and Inmrauce AKncy. two l'.n:k Yards. lots of Clergymen, l'liy icia2s. lo!iticlaiis, etc., but no JLanyer'b Oilice nor Si.! on in town. THOMAS IIUTfHIXSO--- , mSM. Alffl-GARBI A&E 25A.Ur4CTU52,SRr - 7 PlillTJ.-- - iNX:BRASIS?L. ' rtdt .' rmm 7 nJiui Okifcrnaim-v- y, to. -- . i. ... . KncrtS of Tf, alrln?df-n- e on shortinotlce. VLIi l ..bira-- i W'urJciuid ullini. made to order. Terias i easi.nubit. and all v rk warranted. CITY MEAT BIARKETi liy CHAIlIiES WET. ;? "'' KEIOJ, NEgpASK: fOStrr.VNTMp m h md a ood supply of Trosji V audbultet ile.3. Jliglieat market price paid f,jr " i FAT CATTLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. COMPTOX BROTHERS, a JLiI UMBER MERCHANTS, ANDDKAtEIlS IX AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, St. YAGOrJS,&;e. PER a, - - - - NEBRASKA. u YARD AT"D WAREHOUSE, in Fiftli-StroGt- , neai'lMain. -- ; C KKBP eoustantlyon liand apood assorlmenior LumliT. ircsli froia the saw, h.ch ihy propose to sell a ',7- - , .. LTTTLB L0AVER " Uian at any otiier point on the T.Iissourl river. Tli6 public iuvilii! to Call und examine onr toek bwfort j 'irc,iasln eNewhere Ji-l- y 'V. I L. LIS TAUTER, PAINTER, .GLAZIER AND Popov JIaiiff(' "PKTL17. KEBRASKA. AT!- - 111 - 1" il'Ti itr'lie !'' '' of Peru nr '. "sit ry nimrliic cjj'.'ilry. J .c; lit- - mrtl'itr' ' t'i lo nil niTr. in lil- - ' 'i wlj" onte. .! ;i .it mil leibntis .etui; . 4V!y && J 'KSHTJ2 nCpisaCT ftS! .tl e2j j f tSJS2 tJ. faj?.i22 t5. 4 CHARI.SS GA3DS, t if :;... ; -. PERU, -- .lV. -. lVZBRASKA. t T-- " ff ' rpill0 "irn-is- Is new, ana newly fitted and fur i Tiislu-- 1 in everj' deprtnient. (Jiiest--s v i'l litid h.reas ;ocd rnreitcaji be found at any .Hotel in " ' ? IlT-k- s 10 cimnnet'wlth TO. It. trains leave thii llou.--- e e crv luorniiia uLl o clock. LIYEHY 'STABLE . In connection v.ith ihi House. Teams furnished jruet o'i tin- - most l terms. "' 1 J. IV. BLISS, E:!3. I C? OSS Bi. 50'' i?5k 4-- t I3a5 3S sL I i ssyi "is XD- - IInSUEANCE ACtSN iTJ ' PEaS, iJBSRASHLA. ReaJ Estate UJos2i nl SoJtl on Comuiishion. Collections made and Tuxo paid f. r Xon Ttesidnnts . R L. ritOUTY, oil ciisjajq P axd sheet ilio r AX U 1 Ji.AsJ- - lilt-- J X -- r- n -- t v "TZT A "E3 TT1 9 jr AV Bv, JJ wf J- - cr. tJ i - ' ' r m "PAliEs th"is,metliod of informing the ck'rens of X Ne'U'd'a comity, and tlie la'incp urti world, thst he is prep.red nlth'a'fiiU sTitek. and Ricd workmen, to- - lurnish auy nnd in his line at aow prices us toe nrae-c;i- a be bought ut an point on the Mi-so- ar river. r Attcntloif paid to - SS ; SPOUTIRG.ffOpFING.&o. ,, Constantly .on band, sjiill block of HEATING & COOKING stoves 1 ortuein. t approved patterns. Ai-- o ..... jfe?iCTlIt-ara- l ImiiIe2nealS, of-s- ll khrJs. Elacksmitli's Iron and ''Supplies. XAILS, WOOUEN.WF.2, rEHOE WISE,! ' &p.,tcVve:.rc. 'i j ItiglicBt Price pnld for oltl Irou, Copper, I Crabs, Itairs, Scc. I miUUl 1U1 llll- - l.lcoi ttlVU tll.ll 1- -1 - f . . PiTAll ;ooi!s wari!''! a-- sa'Isf.ictlon - rfaiitjcd in refcrence loTirice and quality of good's. nrc.ryi:t,x,Ccr.:i.iii-sa.rrIic- . Arnrt Cn-- IVi.t rol.lKno.inrl riilnlnn Oak CgoK Stoves. iij'jniMm.Mj -- in BR0T7NVILLE, NEBRASKA, PEPvU BUSIIESS CARDS. C. C. V. IIGRLCR. V. A. 1IANKIXH. WIIEEX.ER fc IIAiTKJ,N:S, PHYSICIANS AM) SURGEONS, C orncr 3tTi iSrTrnln Sts., 'PERTT, WEBKASKA. PpBclal Attsntica pid te Dkhsk of 1he Rye and Ear. 1lrfi:Rr.vci3 Prof. 71. D. rii'inrr. Kooknfc. Ta.: Ij'ft J- - ' Shrader. Ivwatate University JOY &. DAI1V, DpalersSn . .,..nr, .Tr,,.T1 ,, T,.,c. nir o Uiil u,. Jll'iUlVl-SIiS- j i A WJ 5. I'ili3. ' Glass, Putty, ctclicoi jdooks, RTATIONEUY, PrilFL'MKIY, ic, Ac 1'oHf OIHpc HnHiHner-n,,Pcr- n. NprfmTcrtf I'i.j aia.u'il!rt'i;ripUuu.carofuJy and Mjentifi-call- j '" '4"1 rOnipmihflPd. - H.F.Morton & Brother, m? T Pi ff. RIHI MB? J PERU, IVBSSR'ASKA. C027T3ACTS TASSST FP.0H ?0UHDATI0N, A"XD yiKIsOIEl) THROUGIIOUT, Oli REASONABLE TERMS. Ta VI! work warrantetlto Kfve sativfaction. ISyl P CitS ACCOMMODATIONS for crossing Teams, GOOD tock. FreiKlit.ic.atal.time. .Nodelny on account of weather. M. If.THOMPSCS, Proprieior. PSRTJ AND WATSON 0, S, Mail and Transfer Line "W. II. Tliosupson, Prop. nAf'KS leave Toni every moniins. in tim" to w.tli train .South act! North on the Joseph fc t oiinf'.l Illaay-KallrPa- d, returning to Peru every evemzifj. ISyl PIONEER DRUG STORE I PKRU, NEBRASKA. JOI-I- N PATTE11SOX, PKOPIIlKTOIt. PIIIS Old and 'nelipble House is fullv prepared to I liirn.s!i an.. :nd ei-rjtl:ln- UHiially inund ma "rst class DniR "store at Unrrr priC( r than aim House theStatr. t'QMI'rtTJftA' DrJtlhl). 45yl 23a PPflfflRRtPH RMIFRV CALL AXD fLg Hid PXGTUKES AUK SPECI3IENS! IX THE 3 LIFE-LIK- E! ant' can be liad o !ss Style bizcs.for the or Tnr: r ALBUM, ok roit J-- 4 v --- 3 for tlie Tarlor Y.'alls.' Main St., fe IIR01VXYILLE. 3 '.'.-.- p CALL AND SEE HIM. tf Clocks, Watches, Jewelry JOSEPH SHUTZ, No. 59 Main Slreot, Krownvillo. g Keeps in-ta- n! 'y on liand v l.'ir?c anil well V :L,.n"(l !"' '. ol'c.'ii'uneii.tii-l- e in bis line. i x?c- -, WnteiiPs and Jewelry 'liocf on sj. 1 roiic. ui re:v.soiiab!e rates. ALL WnliK WARRANTED. JACOB BSRSLS Wagon & CsiTiagsMaksr ! COLLEGE aTHEET, BKOV;NVLLE, NjB; "1USTOM YVOUK done on "h'irt notice and In a stvleand luanuerwhlcii-Aillgaarr.ntucsatiifac-tlc- In connection with llr. Hcrkle"j Wagoii Shop MICHAEL SW1TZEB ltA9 A BLACKSMITH SHOP! And is turning nv In firt e'os ?:- -. liavlnjr Cven'ecneRj! MUfa-"io- n In every piece "of work li'di luu thus far Icf' hn shop. 1'iirncul.ir atten- tion paid to nonsi: shoeing. PtT'itlenieacall. . . C.V"in BANK .dSESTAMMU GEORGE D.VIGUEIITY, Vrojirlelnr. Rio. S"? main street j ISrovsivJIIc. BOARD BY THE DAY OR WEEK. MSALS ATAIL HOUES. Yoi 'StjlMi Kedlktiesj!: GO TO THE POSTOFPICS. GEO. DAIGIIERTY, B' vuopini7r)it. itsrnwa EVVJOLU qSiiiN Jsii b-a- b J, iL U iiiN L I 3 , ,. w,- - M-- r IG I:iln-st- ., Rro-tvi- i ille. C. 55. KArrFJl IS", Proprietor, TiX.X5IliJ - IX 00XXECT10X WITH THE HOUSE.' This Honso has been remodeled anil refnrnNhed UirowOsout.T-.i- d RConls the best accommodiilonsln the citr t j she 1 cai.iind'travehns yuMic. It is ren-iral- lr iotated, fetuses for the West und Omnibuses for all trains, o in m the Sherman House. Fair llrst class, cburpes moderaie. GEO. S. PHILILSPS, . mm 9 t t t pjfsri! LaQM X, Lynhannra I!lh!so For Choice Cigars, GOTO THE POSTOFPICE. J. BLAK, -- a -- .W. 1KT A -- 3 .vr&3s3&&gS&iz 5 y L 51 i 3 y All Operations f l.-v- -tS formed iu the bent ciauuer- - t$jk&&i tat "" Oiric- -r f;' siPi'' ry5 'r'j" At ee oa Mala . A ' . fl -,. .. 1 1 . ; f . , ' . , ' A ai I TvlfiW-i&'J"i'- C AgntfUttii rnRc.-vn.i.E- , SEC. i t . tmvniiocujijuDi! --- :. . i ' i 1 - , - 0.S MORE ITXFORTUXATE. Oh ! tell mo, am I tlyiriE ? (Jan this indeed be death. That weighs po heavy on 1117 heart And clutches at my hreath? . -- Oh ! tell me, am I dyim;'. Hefore too v ak Thcie are wiiam my weary soul Some words I fain would speak. ' Mv name Is npt Kolle Henry Ah ! no, a deanr mtn "Was mine of early pirl)iood, lleforc I lirrt?ht it shame. Tlmre Is a lowiy cottage, WluTe peaceml wateis How, Yliere wild bird hy the windows sing, And mmtlcilowers blow; I cannot ay It was my home, It beeiiis o long go. Mv mother, dearest Tnothcr, I bee her strangely now. Her pa ?, sad ryes and bending form, Aud iro upon her brow. I I" my r oM father, AVIio had no word of blatnc, ' ' , Though upon his: snow-whit- e head 1 1'nsl broti'sht thU burning tshr.mc. i am dyint:, father, dying, Hi thls'tlreary place Ujiio! - No liimd to smooth my pillow, "No li.mt-arh- o for my moan ! Oh ! well I now remember The snowy little lied. When mother eame to bless mo Id prayeih'-o.aolti- y tald ; . , I iice t he apple llo.somf. " J hc.tr the pttriilgc call , I 1 1 ho light of morning, Peace brooding overall. ' ' ' ' Twns fifteen, only fifteen YVhen the cruel tempter camq , I 'knew but how to loye him. And he to bring mo shame: : r. How my playmates nil foiopi:,mc Ttnlie cold woiliPvlook'of scorn. When in shameful seusuol horror !My little lube was born. Ah! hi left he joy he brought me, For joy It was to me To feel one ciing so closely Wlien all .so hard could be. But he faded irom my clasping, I laid him down to rest, Ills liltle hands soft folded' ' Upon hLs ltttlo breast : 4 i; Shall I never more behold lilm, Ne'er clasp his lonn again. Alter all tl!ee ytairs of anguish And all this life of pain. ' ' ' 1 I fled one dreary midnight ; Indeed I could notbear-M- y lather's silent sorrow. My motlier'.s Ioo'i of eaie; . , And lower still and lower ' Parsed my weary feet, t Entll 1 &tood an outcast , Upon ilio darkling street. Oh!:iekii(-s-.. cold, and hunger, , Oh ! degradation's ban ! ' Yoaiesottand kinder-hearte- d ,, Than the heart cf cruel man. My father oft has read us ,, , While 1 knelt beside hi- -, knee, Of the woman :.nd the Savior No Savior came to me ; Rut scorn and bitter omscs. i ii- - And wrongs I may not tell, From they whose blighting shadows Upon my pathway lell. Oh! father, deaest father, Oh ! mother lar away, , , Yon morn your long-lo- st out-ca- st Lam twe:Uy.-on- e to-da- y , . oi ! would th-i- t I we're with you! To have von inair me now Would take this nun f:m out my heart, This anguish frni my lrow ; . You would not bptu n your darling, ITut clasp the v. anted form Of the po.ir, weak, erring oreatnro The yr rid can only seirne. My prayer Is not unanswered, ileela spirit sweet . . Steal or my sm1, and eaJC my heart 1 pray you Jet me sleep. M TOWELOOME VISITOR. The burglars had been -- very active and bold in their operations in our city, but as the thermometer had marked above the nineties! for some days, and I had little of value in my room, I preferred to risk that little and leave my window open, although of easy access, rather tb.in undergo partial suHbeation. If an uninvited gue.-trar.- de his appearance, and I did not awake, J could, feign sleep and let him take whattv-- r lie might ilnd. This class of vir-itors- , I reasoned ith myself, do not generally commit personal violence, ii they fan accom- plish I theft, and make good their es- cape vt'ltlioiffe-i- These were my reflections every I night as I undressed ami threw my-fce- lf on my bed, leaving my castle open to the enemy. I had been asleep one nisiht about an hour, when J was awakened by the tailing of a fcjiitiii china ornament. Starting slightly and opening my eye-;- , I saw the gad hurnimr, and a tall, broad hhouldored man witli lite buck toward me, his face looking over his shoulder to see whether the noise had awaken- ed me. Our eyes met that my plan to feign sleep "would have been use- less. Aly did not how- ever forsake me. What followed il- lustrates tlie .value of presence of mind. Opposite the side of my bed, and about eight feet from it, was the door of my room, two or three, feet from which were the stairs leading to the lower hall. The burglar mu.-- t have used a ladder in ascending tho roof, from which he entered the window. It was some thirty feet from the ground aud isolated. .My plan was not only to escape harm myself, but to effect his capture. I knew the po- liceman's beat, and he would pass in a short time. bitting bold upright, then, as I opened my eyes and taw the burglar looking very unpleasant at me, I said rubbing my eyes drowsily although, to tell the truth, I never was more wide awake in 1113' life : "Hello, John what are you looking for? Can't you come into my room without making such a confounded noise?T' The fellow, taken somewhat abaci; at being addressed in this way, said in a low but menacing voice, and pointing a revolver at me: "Shut up! What do you take me for?" "I took you for-Uub- r"- l replied T 4 "But 1 didn't s:;pl J- - ua after t anvthiny vnin?iliio : r- - ni v. v ......v. r w v "i - cop! one thing, and--tiv'r- e v.-a- v if you are not-th- most uirlul-- k ieiiow in the world." "IJow's that?" growled my visitor. "Well, I have a pretty good watch, but if you want to get it" you must pay a visit to the watchmaker's after you leave here, for I had what I consider- ed the bad, but what seems now the good fortune, to break the spring yes terday, and left it for repairs." "ou'rea precious cool one!" he said evidently astonished at my indif- ference. "What's the use of my getting ex- - cueu or attempting to resist .ypuL You are armed and you see I ain ,notT!r Ana 11 you nau no weapon, "vouriii. z. -- uteb 'i- - t t 1 iunr. 11111; 111 him 1 w nni.niir'!i than nine and a half. I haYPninfl-ta-f- l LlIUl Vj! UbdjUi LAuha.Ij' u OiuuiUO . of interfering with you. If tfitOTitU -- m i-- L " ... .uf . I .were filled with diamonds, t wnl . - BrotmviUc.WoDra-ua- . L!not lift my tinKer to fi!lve rf JiiiLiiio .. "s.-it,i- i. 111 not uc til lL'USt . a ...i:i : nil VOll Call llnd T nrh tfWW sleep Wdou't make any more 4 if Y'ou please." . ' "Koid on!" said the fellw.; ,7 "I suppose you want toiif much of a haul as you ciiir,J so look in my pants hanging! bed-pa- st there, and you'll pocket book, with a few sfaj It-wa- s nearly time fo$ ,tb? manto-pass- , and I pnti&e! fp must in a fewsnQmcra-Jlat- . into execuho, j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 18T1. "rJIIJ. ."- -' MJL1."IJIV J", A glfince quick as lifthtninsj show- - cu me tiiat the Key of tne door was on the outside. My listening expression tliil not es- cape the sharp practised eye of my grim visitor. It was a curious scene, no doubt. I sitting in my. bed, iu my night clothed, unarmed, ami this stalwart rullia:i, "pistol in hand, glar- ing half suspiciously, half ferocious- ly, at mo, aud almost, in the douch ing of a tiger to spring upqn his But therel sat coolly con vernu Villi him, the necessity of the moment keeping my wits too wide awake to allow my fears to get the upper hand for an instant. "What are you listening to?" asked the burglar. "I thought I heard 'a cry of fire?' J replied. c' - - Jn that,, jiistan.t,, an.d in tho dead silence .of the night, I heard the IrarTi'p oV tub policeMan. It was soule distance off; - r.. "You will find," I said, "some clothes of mine in the. press; they will, however bo too small for you. Good night, the kdys are in the mid- dle drawer..' Ho turned to the drawer indicated, and, as he did so, with .one tremen.-dou- s bound I cleared the space be- hind my bed and the door, antl slam- med the door and locked it upon himi Oblivious of my dishubiUe, I sprang to the steps. I had two flights to de- scend and the door to open before I could reach the yard, but it was hard- ly possible-fo- r him to descend the lad- der more quickly. Bounding, rather than running down stairs, I flung hack the bolt and dashed into the yard. - He was half way down the ladder. Shouting "Policel" lustily, I siezed ihe ladder at tho bottom, and Using all my power, brought it and tee burglar to the ground with a crash. Tlie pistol he held in his hand fell from his grasp. , I made a dash for it, and hespmigiug to his feet like a cat, niilieQ atane,' atn.l as I stooped, -- ieAsl me by lhj nap'of tlie neck. I tufnejl the pistol upwante and puUltl'the trigger. It merely snapped there was no more charges in it. With a terrible oath, the baf- fled villain wrenched the weapon from my gra-- p and raised it alott to deal me wnat might have been a fa- tal blow, Jien there was a rush be- hind him aud he was felled to the ground. The policeman had heard tlie shout and was just in time to res- cue me. The burglar was ,sorm secured, and in my excitejnent I was about to re- late the story I have heie told, when the policeman with a smile, sugges- ted that 1 might "catch cold in tnem clothes." I then remembered, for the first time since I hail sprung from bed, that I was shoeless and stockingless, and had nothing on but my night -- hirt, ami I beat , a hasty retreat. With a long-draw- n breath, I took my fine gold repeater, which had had such a iiarrow escape, and was not at the watch makers alter all, lrom un tier my pillow, looked at the hour and nfror .0 1 itle while fell tishn. It is almost needless to add that the above narrated afterward to a jury, when 1 was in better trim for story-teliin- g tlian when the police- man interrupted me, had the elleet of giving the vwor lodgings in a public institution, J nil red me against a repetition of his c.sli for at least ten vears. V.IIAT'S IN A NA?TE. Charles and Harry stood chatting in the eorr.er of a ball room. "So, (. ii.irley,"sa'id tho latter, "your little Ellen got safe to New Y-.rl- aw Iter there last week, looking like a beauty." "i daresay," returned Charles,"for hear Osborne is so happy in his new nos-pss-i- on that he spares no expense to her oil" to the best ad van t ge." " 'lis true enoui-h.an- d I honietiinei wonder how you made up your amid to pait v.ith i.er." "O! I'm going to be married you know; and young ladiciuirt toler- ate anv rivals near the thione. Jn fact, I expect to find happiness enough it iionic " "Ah! very fine, but I should not wonder if, before long, you were for gettinr your beauty back again." ".May'be," said Charles, shrugging hi- -, shoulders "is iw;-o;?s.- " And the two separate:! while a lovely girl who had approached be- hind unseen, and had been an invol- untary itelner, ha-M- iy retreated. The next morning piodueed the following correspondence: No. 1. I take an early opportunity to request that our engagement may be considered at an end from this lime. Your principles would destroy all chance of happines with yon,even if the insulting manner in which you have allowed youn-el- f to refer to our connection were not sufiicieut to pro- duce the resolution I have communi- cated. .Irr.TA. No. 2. I am entirely at a loss to cornpiehend the meaning of your note, and until you cm give me a clearer idea of what T am accused, it is impossible for me to defend myself. I await your reply. C'iiakles. Xo. 3." i"ou ask my meaning. Ah ! Chailes, you add hypocrisy to your faults. If your conscience does not ac- cuse you perhaps it may be enough to mention to you the name of Otbornc. ..1-L.r.- No. 4. I am more than ever puzzled. I never spoke to Mr. O.-bi.r- ne but once, unu that wa wnen i soio nun mv yacht. Prav let me know what .. ' yoc vaout ,V'.;iV',-"Si- o FMaS f Oh ! ,U.;.rt. ClmrU ! Wlmt a I have ! Come to me di- - rectly, and I'll tell you- -I can't write, it. Your own Ju,ia. "Mv love she wore i simple ilress, Her hnir in waving curls: They c.tllel her lovely 5;lncK-eye- d Bess, Queeii rote ainon; the girls. n?ft her far away to roam : iho.vo-.re- d she il richer forgct7 Hut everything, alat-- i had canyea - r.eforeastlti we met. .t. - . - v.. . IWXXXJ:'''? i- - SZSrMikl TimW - - jtF,friZije-;- , chignons.-i.c- . trStfmfcl? imm loytof aJusrsrwi !IHESE'7T . 4 e'wr" -- " f 4 u ain ,,env lnos rrapvui.B 11 - au" '"":.ryJU'iJ.lJuiJm.fnl " BICUAIiBSON COUNTY. LETTER PROX THE STATE SU- PERINTENDENT. Ricliardron CounJy Teachers' Insti- tute A Pcav Good Suggestion. Editor Nebraska Advertiser: The Richardson county Teachers institute convened its session on ' Tuesday moriling, at 10 o'clock, Octo- - her 17th.' ' Only three teachers were present at the opening. ' There seemed to be an impression that but little would be done the fir?f day, hence but few came ovt.' This is wrong in every department of life, but espoe'nlly is it wrong forte'fV'hersJ as they thus inculcate lesson's of "tnr-dines- 's. Promptness and punctuality arecar-din- al virtue's in every person, but teachers should possess them in an eminent degree. The people generously threw open their doors and welcomed the teach- ers to enjoy their hospitality ; so no excuse could be'giveu for not accept- ing it. The exercises were commenced and carried forward regardless of non-attendanc- e. This undotlb'ted'jy is the best way to insure prompt attendance; let the woik "indicated 'be performed at the time, and those really desiroii3 to avail themselves of the advantages of the institute will soon understand il and be on hand. In the afternoon' quite a number were present and a lively interest was taken in the subjects presented. 'As the institute progressed this in- terest "was greatly increased, and all seemed to fceyycl paid for the time spent. j It does seem strange that teachers do" not feel greater interest in thesein-stitufJ- ?. Whether it is slothfulness or indlf-rerenc-e, or a feeling that nothing will presented that will help them in their work, or whether it is through fear that they will be called upon to inswer questions or demonstrate principles they cannot, and thus ef - fectuallv expose their ignorance, .cm.- - not be positively known ; but let it be any or all of these and they 'are pool flim-- excuses. True teachers need all the help they can po.-ibl- y obtain, and take every ntnnritlTiii' In riil thor-iurvIo- c it" ?.nn. ,". rance and a0 new thoughts Oil all subjects. ' Such teachers attend institutes and all other gathering: where education- al matters are Wo fear there are comparatively few teachers who-ente- r the business with the in-tent- i-u of fallowing it any great iength of time; bene' they fee! it will not pay them to spend much time in prep" ration. This view of tlie subject Is all The bc- -t teacher in the State can learn enough at a good live insti- tute, to pay him for the ios-- s of time in less than cue term and it is great- ly to the interest of every district to t.llow or compel the teacher to spend two or three days' at sueh insHtute if one is held in the county during the session of school. Section f'l of the School law, among other things says: "He (the State Su- perintendent) shall cause all common schools in said district to close (mean- ing that several counties may be uni- ted into one district for institute pur- poses) during such term, (of institute) and use his efforts to procure the of teachers in the district." 'Now it i.- - evident the State Super- intendent has power and it te mt.de lils duty to cioe the schools in each county during the session of tho in- stitute ; and the only way to do so perhaps will he to declare the lime taught during the' institute as illegal and forming no part of the School term, unless the teacher attend the institute. Tt is certainly the intention of the law that every active teacher should attend the Teachers lustitufeand that hi time should go on as if he were actually engaged fit caching. It is to be hoped that each district will carry out the law without com- pelling the State and county oftT ers to enforce it. So far, it is conceded that the Insti tutes held this' hill are awakening new 14. life in the counties and are suece3 Let the Countv Snrcrinten -- .i-ttj.m- fe' l.i .niuwicr, JLiwiir try to suit nuilivicu,. mvself tth-5timeagre- ed on. iVery. ixies jwctni 1 iy , ;( . .J. Zl. jMcKen7.ii:. . -- . U: 5 bprtciimeagaa lady and gentle-4ili- '' married very quietly iu the rg ,.- - '.nOn tr Villi .1 nroeoeued 111 tri-- ir ear- - AaWfb snend'rhe honey mooif ainoii- - i rtrUl.r& to his footman 0:1 no account newly inarrieil. AVhen leaving the firat Imto oncheroad tho happy cou- - ne m1 much. astonished and a.unoy- - ints ail assembles! rjoiu'inii to tne erentleman. mv-i- - ftufly excJaiminir. "That's him EpS'tbe man!" On reaching the iui;e ine muignanu uiasier toiu sRci'Vuut mail ne nau uivuiireu (fit ic . u imorsfl! unnn ...Cr. l ' A. urs a secret, and that In- - bad told jpeieervants at the last inn that thev ere a newly married couple. "Be jnin.-i3- , hi-- - ns not true, ver nonor, re- - inieu iiieserraiu; " roiu the whole pkit that yer honor and ver honor's la- - ly (God bless her!) wouldn,1 niur I rie foc a fortnight yjet .q Kd 1 . Sabacrib foy tie -d- vxe-cissb. A'fi where the Tlie gentleman rict . VOL. 16 -- NO. 8. j i..miii FJiOJI PAWNEE CITY. Pawnee TrilnuxCerTlie. Improvements in tHe City liiviv n-s- , Doctor .c School Death. From' our "".pedal Correspondent. PawxivK City, Neb. Oct. 24. 1 . Dear Sir; In a recent number of the Pawnee Tribune, I charged j wim mienuing 10 start, a aemorrrmc newspaper with aspiring to the hon- orable position of Roprosentitive. Nov.- - as! never, in all my "born j days," premeditated the starting of a ! 1 1 newspaper 01 any Kinu nor had a "hankering" for any office higher than road supervisor, lam at a groat loss to undenrrtni! the drift of the said Pawnee Tribune. But, as 77, du-ring- or four jea'di existence has'failed to gain an influence with the more reliable and influential por- tion of the people, it matter-- ; li'tle what flings it may make at me. So, in the future, I hope none will think strange if I refuse to notice any re- marks it ma3 make concerning me. . Improvements are still, progressing here, but not so rapidly as in the fore- part of the summer. Tho Presbyterians have begun the erection of a house of worship. This is the fourth church edifice in Pawnee City. Times are somewhat belter than two months ago. The merchants Shellhorn & Brq., Butler it Rapcr, D'. C. Strattan seem to be takingjthe lead in business. Nye & Humphrey, and CoiliiVs & Babcock are our only lawyers, afpl nr&daiug a thriving bus-iner- s. Doctors- Stewart. .Gere, Ste-ven-- -, Nichols mrirl'LindsIey, do al- most the ' entire practice in the county. We have a'wcll conducted anil well attended public school iij, progress1 here, under the management of Mr. Smutz, with two assistants. We are sorry to note that your fel- low towns-man- . Jlr. Wibley, has de- cided to ''discontinue the furniture trade at thte jiliice. We had hoped he would make it a permanent busi-nps- s. ThiVi i- -t now one of the best ' point? ior'sneli a trade iu the west, The Maonie fraternity' of this 'place buried MY. W. T. Stout, sojourner of , Falte Oily Lodge on Tuesday last, with appropriafe'lionhr-s.- " 'Yours Truly, V Jay Raiid.' SIIOClvEY vs. HRADSN. Tipton, Mo. Oct. 21st, 1871. Editor Advertiser. Dr-AicSi- i-- T am on a tour to in "! elude five weeks, the last of which will bring me to Humbo'dt. There ean be no genteel propriety in Mr. Clark Brndon announcing in four (teys after our last interview that the discussion between him and nfe, "is po-tpont- until November 11th or 14th" at London ; when I proposed to him at St. Dcroin, iuai t could ar- range t- - meet him at Humboldt No- vember jMth, to" which he definitely replied, "I cannot an.mge to. do -0! until I can hear from Unuerwooit with whom T'have a'i arraugement i: No .'ember nest." This may 5:e constntant with "a- - great big puff of wind," but with gentlemen of intelligence it is not, nor ever can be. : I now .say once fur all tV.e.t J have contracted to .commence a four month's term of school the 4th day of Decern! er next. H, T wiil, "the Lord willing," meet him, or their "more com.ietent hand," on Monday November 27th, anil discuss three days, If on each of the firdt two prop- ositions, at L'.ndon, beginning at 2 o'clock and 7 o'eb.'k P. :r. They furnishing Ihe house charging 10 cents a person for each day, to be equally j divided between the two disputant 31, on Thursday Novt ruber 20th s.t 2 o'clock and 1 o'clock p. 3r .at Mc-- 1 I'her.son's Ifall in Brownvihe, and furnishing it, charging 10 cents a per- son at each. session of two hours, to be equally divided a above alter paying for the Hall. One day an Ihe 3d proposition and two days-w- i Um Iat. 4th. I call on him to 9eftiuf0-i- s mat- ter by acquiesjtfeneo or refusal at once, and to announce injfere Advektisek, so I eannow soon. ?rr. 'pffrey if he aeeepfs, pleiise umil it me' care W. II. Ford.' Tit.- - ..Mmrto. Gentleman. lam in much Mteein. ' Yours Truiy W.r. P. Shockey. ship. A Cineinnatian failed to obtaiu a narriiu;e license because. he couldn't recall bis intended's name. An Indiana groom kissed the bride so lou.ll, as to extort a round of ap- plause fiom the congregation. Two lovers font-h- e at Ijouisviiie un- til the object of their adoration had theai arrested and sontto jail. Why is a husband Pkea Misissii)pi steamboat? Becau-- e he nev-- r knows when he may -- jet a Mowing up. The Bo&ton Pott says many young ladies aio accused of wearing their engagement rings iu their pockets, except when "ho" is umuud. A Chicairo Iidy has broken her hus- - band to the j ," carry 'J.l'lJW-i- m iuuu mr.Ke iroin cream oaKiu-- r towu er ! ti,P ;(.r ,i cw.of n;c,... .A Terre Haute girl thinks it about as niiea An Indiana girl tearfully consent- ed to marry a roan sbe hated, because she couldn't lar the thought of lo sing the wed liny- - trotscftu. -w Nemaha count v do all in niKg.!!:a , rP ,. , ...7 rrVZ'ofZ siSS' ' ,,Bdw " "c""i:' of "LES .Wl,-- ' . "',' "l-- ry of. , ml,.w ,AIa8e rim mt die Lt-- t Inm w often ft uarr.ltive of nian,. Worid. and if sSrofc far as :,o-- ib , ers a, r.,.pmnnv , t5rUG! ,J Klready., .pointed I f - UJ vve just curUoiicej-nicttlierjiilinijo-iak-i.s- .: gaves HKrrihi'tJ. - .ja-- . jruuiii be ; am three of """ihujuuuk iljiuw proposeu. suu ,,us "" oriuesmaui t ami has been tantahz.-- u enouirh. -- ..- THE ADVERTISER. . w . y. tyj 'SoiSgjgalii "e ;": 5 ' ; -"- 5 - f r .3 t e ...ji.ou ;ij'?2.oo ?:,?3.TOjf;.co $ g. I.fXJi -- Ji JkV-- 'l WU. ft.lJI iJV JKWW J 2 50! 3V' LOO 5.UH T.WMO.I'O U.W Throe to 4.0O, 5JJ 6.rfl 16.,13.i . SixfncJies .nn' s.ooild.cw lit l.o)!ivco 4PM Tweivj!tic!ier.' "UW'ticfl I5.W' is.ou CS.(!-).o- . Onecoliimn tm.oi20.i)0 2S.) a.cx) ta.co'Po.f'Q'lfO.Oo X.eal ndvortfsui'nt.-- t at lejral rates: One square, (oluht line of As-it- e s( ace, or lew j Jlrrt JI.PO: pacIi.sutsp.,noat Iiiertioa. 50c. jBSA.1I transcfeu: advertisements mast be piu for In nrtvair-e- . OFFICIAL PAVER OF TUT. COUNTY. FKtCT THE V.-J1- .D TEXAIfS ATCD HOW: THET ARE MANAGED. So many of our people have durjry the past week" witne-se- d for the 1i:M time the peculiar ha'iits r.f thu Texaa cattle. hat wo introduce froTn tho jo cal columns of the Ki u 2Tmcs, tho following,, which will li read with interest bvr "every cne: Our people !. but tr i?o to U muv-- k yiuus iiii'i in oii-.- - ir-njs- is n West K:in-i- a affrf .ste.fdfF'Tr.Mujehe to realize tin; tttte is -- file ,; the gre t-- cattle markers 01 Tlr--i. jtrdrlt, at'.a tuut tho. cattle .!& j&ppJ-- f j1M trau are as wuu ., iHfiMfjiidi sMfti mals of the herlI eious kin.' uui, T4.. ?.lauy nn KNciTixb' sbVf.-V- : takes place and many hairbreadth es- capes are-mad- e by" those wlio.se bus-i-nes- s it is to manage Ike stain p;g herds driveiiiu-lronvsin- e broi yiaius of Texas. Accustu1i.u-'i5it- s we "are ' see cattle in "eubjec't'oir, dovile anil quieoiu Darn yaxds"t.rid 'pastures, it looks quite natural to seen herd in u pen at tiie- - sluiiglUer houses; but it dops not appear that' there has to bo great care exercised imcf constant watchfulness to prevent their break- ing out of their eagea as are in fact and rushing furiqualy Among the people on the streets. " APTEItTIIET. vx. $r.;vES , in which they grauur.Ily ll-.tn- i to fear the drovers' goad and 'whip, the5aro somewhat tamed, but still are' dan-geio- us, being always sufcjectwta stampedes and every individual aulr riial 01" the herd liable to share in any. sudden panic, they caif never be trust- ed toother than" the treatment-'o- f wild herds. Some, .of the animals; with all their jourueyinga and herd-ing- s, nevt r lose a ttth of TIIEin NATIY'I-- ; FEIlOCITT, in which they o4ual the wild buffiilo bulls, and their temper is such as would delighMhe patrons or the-bull- fights in Spain, faome of the drovers at the stock yards pass through ma-- , nouvers and exptnere perils every day, of a nature that would vie with the- - trained exhibitors, but fortunate- ly tho precautious arusueh that seri- ous accidents occiued but very rareiy. A strange incident of a crowded cattle yard was taking place place yes- terday at the yards of one of the paek-in- i: houses, where the cattle were said-t- o bo They were all in motion, tramping round and roumf the yard, the entire drove like a vast living wheel, one af- ter the other, never Hloppipg, and im- - able to slop, only trauipiugaiui clash- - ing their long horns one asMinst Hit) other, panting and suffiring with their incisant round. They will' sometimes tramp aroitiid in this way in a crowded enclosure, till thoy,. full delid with exhaustion.. Once set, iii" motion, the march K 'impossible trt siop, except by letting u lare pnrtf'of them ouj. of the yard ; tltoae behiml! t.pai 1. pun lh...,e etoro, and it soiuo. . should ... the wlmle " rjctus . cf th ut I i -- J1 muring m-:- s bent 'id' forces 'Urt-m"G- a; aair, and so vrtli the rest, j l.or yard '"nil v. had tcett 'milling" lor twenty-fou- r hours. ,, STAiiri-r.jNO- . , i Anotktr tiling tha is. liable to I.aii-pen'- is :. sfau ..de. Stimi-v-.-i.nr-j- . ! frequent o'.fK on tliu"drive in. bafr wnen one' ynnifu ie n-.- -riii 00 8;i- puscd there CJs.d be .10 more. Sobu- - times, however, t'i- - 'a u. iL ol a ioco- - motive or other erne, will strike a, wild herd in the yart?-- i with p-?- !. und lb ej dish oft in " dtr-etio- n with such a t rri'jr'i ch.irjr; that it. br.uk- - i'.o.vu t;i- - ientv - y SiJs.' v."i,b, cJ-- r! r su!fr.ji - - ofL'it lMi-c:iM- liei'ig s'tran..-!i- ? t" THE MATAIKiBSF. In driving from yard to yard-.tani- l in the operntions 0? toreinjf the cnttlt into the cars, the wildest scfcii03 t:t.k;0' place. A crowd of men wih polea six or seven feet long anil others on trained ponies, with the rilopt hideous veils drive the cattle, half terrifted'-ital- f furious, before them. (JuiH-rati- i smile of tiio untamed btwtsts will turii back, thfir htie broad Jioins reteh-in- ir almost across the pissajfes-- , their' iieads near the ground, thuir eyes flushing fury, and woe to the manor horse they may be able to reach in Iheirons'Rdght. But the drivers :ro prepared for thte, the men on foot spring upon tho. fane-- ? above the .niii-ma- !s' tho poni,'- - dexterously wheel t- - or.e side r- - eaf e :n0 an- other jMMi. the wild steers dh rounih the enclosure a:id find no millet till there have been SMieh fercioui brutes brought in that a v. hole jivu has had to be given them to them- selves, to prevent them killing the others of the drove; and even the pushing of a stick through the- - fenco would oau-.- e them to duab at it with the lerocity of a least of All the yards and pu-st-g- fs. are so pfanned that there i4 little nr no necessity for' men to enter them, except to drive out the last of the drove. A shrewd old lady compares bar husband to a tallow caudle; he a!- - ways sputters and smokes when he'tf' put ou. Boston pap"r says that the best way to improve .'the lot of a woman is to put- - a good bouse on it, and u good uian in the house. If small girls are waifs, are larger girls waifers? We don't know,. but it is sakl that young men sometimes ni-p- ly to their lips in staling their vows. After mourning the dfcith of his wife for six months, a man at Stoelhy Depot, Tenu., has. married his imrth-er-in-la- w, aged sixty. He is forty years old. The latent style of bridal h?tl-c!rc-- s is a wreath composed of small whl;-Ostriq- h tips. The bridl veil is trim-nif- ed wi'th vines of lilies of the vsi-ie- y an-f'j- es -- amine. A young man in Connecticut, hav- ing th" Iftte railroad !W.ters in kiu mind, Law broken lin eugaireriMM 1; youug lady, because she Wears a trai.1 and is negligent about he switch. A t'erman - or:.-rav- d F.ench girr weie-raarric- d in. Hartford, last weeh after forty-eig- ht hours acquaintance. Neither of th&-- u t.iiueratands the of the other, so It wil! be soaia iit.'e time bt.ore tbA c.-- i 'fi-- . t if peace." A polite Dutroiter wao ofiert-- d tr -- pc ;i 01u.g lady bor. fro.ii ciiarcb. an !a-- 3 allowe ! 10 do m vj c r.--i s'irpri o to 1 v , vey liim to a relative's houdc, seve oni-- s our. of town. He ev-Ut- id the city borefootecL, lle3' 'u,rn l,:" " nones they cawe,. wnen the ilriwrs are all after tbeni nm, Jlf:or 8ewmI eventually force them into the cur. "l,c" other tIrau eigut !ncUe8.I inscrtien City thuy and, have prey. them witli
  • 1

    miMmmijHrrrtmnfrj&6it ss '. --t pvw ium , . .! T ' - - -- - - -- w - -SZEZ335SZS2

    THE ADYEilHSER.rbabod every Thursday by

    CAFFJiBYSt JZACJBJSJtjProprietors.

    -. 11. MunYsi T7li1r. itn Kf nils.l.-- n. 7- - tn- - u . j - fSt-- "

    JiKi;WVILLE, .MJUiAJv.

    Terms, in Advance : nnioc-57.J"'J- "

    I v. w mftntd 1 00- three months ...

    r i t TG TI .VTTEK OX EVEIt Y PA GE- - i i r r- n



    vT,'"". ilrst Xomlny inft " ( :,iiiodtati-!- iirtr tlie t"iiBjitT

    ..! T. J-- 31. T.A--KKio- a.

    .,rinrWimmniiiloryKiH?l'Tcni-- T-

    -- (,f. --so. ;. Meals Jn 31s-lil- c Jiullou the, .A. Jvo. 3lLAKi-,ltecor-

    I y irLAjjnuiiniiwiUona-jrT- - Miida mirlit

    UJ.AKK, . K. Jl. I'. ltl'CsX

    ,mft Va'JcT I'VAsr No. J. A.,V. &Kecila- - 0r3ir.iuntcflio!is nr?taQ' '

    '.l-t- s la ccU mor'h. f oi--, fatarrtay uz'ot. Jo:tK BuvKn,

    i mrvi-7,,J- -v

    , . T,nrtt . " I. ' ' l'.j

    " ''-.- , , i --.. .ntf it each

    ciimtcifias. ; j

    A'' ".v vnir.F. SnbbatU-fccbod- l'i J. IMlAfKi. l'tor.

    " ,r ;.rjfr.a ii .. mdCJOV ill. Su'i--V U'VW,,r


    I .

    ?ir Stfjj, tTLG. ' Il J". H i lor' r (K Ser.-iet--. everj :i 'nth cx- -

    - J .lyeachjrnontlirtJii'iOcrorv a.m.,cfc rVit. SumtaJiSclKiOl at Mn im.J. Jiuu- -' a .h& WedajaBfejenjT.

    T n7iPti'iilt::irr1s, KoiidorT.pIIncwr.

    t j " iv- . . AtDmTtor.f -- t ..v i -


    T .5 ODBtipilirV'tctts tho Plrst-Mon0-a iva s? IiSfilHy-WiT-

    . A, 'fitt. . I r A 1' wii. IM" .TUrlMl.' N ' "'- .!, i. 5 i ll- - il ' ri, J. -t.., '.Y. .di'.. t.,n. I' 'i.ec J.id0--i

    ,;r,iil aniDcptrtiire r.r j3Iallx. I,. - . i;,.iyhi liall'foad-ArrfJC- 3ll n.'in.'

    4 '11- - - 'r.i i'utiy,8y JiaUr6all ArrlvosSWp !i.

    s ".-- Somalia Wi, H.illj Arrives. 6. ts;u.jii. . .. iT to I'.tznncvvaiiiv i a fC0Ji"liA -.- ...i-Yij. Ti.iiSe at.ofc-iJVfil.-v-

    ; . p.ui. ? Mommy Ht !"- --- To'IHeli.t Sinl Weekly Ai- -ii -- htmln null KturUa lit 0 p. ra. jjicvnin

    . 1 HllMV Mt 7.LID.I!,. r .ii Ta.jn..tv"J4 i. Crn

    ii ifl : n.-i- n v.-- v. poijtfK.a'Cii. rjrjra'w sLisvsizwae


    t- -ATTOR.VEVS.

    lUClC,AUirnuvii al Ijvw. UrownN j..joM.i ' to? tales. cyini..ijuius

    7 ,1 . :ijfe- -. May- - bj consuUeUnnlth--t r.:i.l.i JUSUil&Ui. t.J.ce .. cr lJvt2 olu

    ni-- i ? N lTT--. Attornoyand Own .flr Rt

    ..Kitor in tH.Hin.ery. jsr .n niv '. '

    vk. ITk'VLrT A5 VKWM.tKtiuibriiays and t'o'un-1- 2ii atlAiW.llruttiiviUe.Xeb. Oilice ..No. 70.r j i:'vir ptiir.

    ,' . 'Ii 'I'tfJl.lS''. Attirne-"- ' and' l1 t .. Wit! c'.ve diligent n uvnny-le- -. , ..V...,1 t.Al ll,..,- - ,r. llfflrohlljlllrtfW' if J . id ,t,c llr iwtiiginy. N' 1 ttt-- r M VK '. 5".(f.rX.i-Vpoinfy- s &t)liw anl

    1 4 m f' B bncery. w:av-:- ? in iw.sirict. tourty fa.ain .iic.Jw " . , : .i I '1 N N. ttnr.- -i ui..I l ii- icr

    et v ..rusfca'. re" " ii. ctiil 1!IM1KKY. AUsnwHndC.Miiifftor- -

    i i.i.in (I ',l'..r, 'H; , ,t'li.."T l " 1 i.- I. ""'l' ' "" ' "'""-l'."- '!S .- - 'i '.'.ex . 0 . a 0fe H i elini''k.C T t ;?

    riiTsiri v"?.. I. M. 1, Slirjtiu,

    Mll. Jtr'uwiS 'Hi.rvai . toy jt, id.7 Tiii. t'li.aein n. u. ia.s

    i ..---- i i up aw,'fl,,iy-!r- ' T:j " dThU.--,; '.' ICk".

    v9rfp&. .sfii.ifli s) ot, llritv i.. i

    :. .i .vcnxTR.jl . rt,, iiual J !.., i.n.1 l.ix X .. In. i'. T'xit.v'it eti Ulook.eoinw I" ;- -

    : . Will A ' e " '111 (..!. Ii iii.i. il .. Jtittc ii.d Iliu i'.i.flie-.tti- . Ticve '; ' tt Nenialii Land jDtsUier. !'

    W 'V Hn:M'o,lt."a :' .. . -. : .id. IO!h liCeillJIc.TitihfOitl ulti'ai! a- -- l!rr.:.!.- V.l. , , v

    1 " k !I 110JVUW. l:nt f :i'r iindTar! n "i.I. lit! : i !; .:. U oirrt ll'M-:- '

    . .ktaM' i ui t!.er do '! K'-- 1 1- -l! r ii u: Of raM'lhrOJKholitllie Nemahat i 1 - : x L--nn.'ix nc'vxr.RS. . ..

    f l.y " '.' TirrX-'!- . Tifa-rf:- n lied Coairol'- -L s v. n 'ui:.aaaue,eriMNl Wusor Oralulr ' ' " -- 1 . Oli,."!. J Y.u tTOuui. -- o.,lrj ji rM,ira.,!.c.N. Jl "

    .msiiauAAm&u. -""uN JtPHI'ltSOX? bc.ilor in Gent-ni- l ,Mrch- -

    - .. .uohi hi ia';u;ru.il.l-.ck,iXo.-i'- ;I'rovcnvnle, Ni''i. ' ivr,fr

    X-- Tn ov .' "CO.. Meroli-- m

    Vo nMalh -- trcH. Krowtivule. Xeb.s "' I IKV. Generalrl ' - 'i aii l iifiiaitMercli- -j f.--. Vi . i ,. troet, ift iiillt, X-'- . I'l-r-t - H.'.rs i' stvps. KuraHure. tc. nlwav- - oili " "'t !UrkHinltti4 pj.IJ lor. Hides, ifolU!f ' J . .; IVMU.

    KOTAUIKS..1 ill. XuUty lnibiicaad Uinveya-icur- ,

    - " .m street, sh- - jnd flour, Urounv .'Ju,r ti.e j;i iitM K' and Tou-.,,-- (.


    !"- - 1"l-- e I'ideRnd. ii.tj-i- t lioa. Luild:us. iiruwti- -


    1 RKfcT6uity.;irrenr. 'Posiollife'-- S011, iWinuuii Co'inty, Nfbmnka.

    SAimmitV." i' . il. Ii irness. IJr:dlJs. Collar. Kw., So.

    .litowiiv ue.ri?).'" ".' sftiOii l.aaranteett. J.:U.l)GE It I'l I. DING. '

    vni C! rn Tinde'U.i!MeriilidComractOr.' v. s,,'l....Culji..i1iulUi'i.. .ir . Tho stroii-- i an t woailen! I t

    II(1L.'. 0R-a-G.3- I3KfiBiaaii.Pxoprle- -

    "Q-- v. :Mfta A.li.cJ'stii- -

    .ntiec-Io:- ) nji tiie'hou SMseyStr l11aupf 1 U'SC? forca ' r. ' tfrf

    VN Hfl sn. KP.Jtouoii.J.TopntorJM, t biMym Main unu Collece. uooaiUd3verj stable in connectloa-flu'tUi- s

    Sk i . - iX-V- '.i .mIJRvGGISSfS. .

    1" - :m:y a NlCKELftV Dealers m l'.-'-r-s.' xjmrztQgsg&fiffit. :. - .,nary. etc;oa



    ." - p at "No- - 32, "lam street, Hrw n illo.- ' r andrepjlrtnpdone-- i. ar-r..-- . m .d?:oord,r.I w . c ip riit iy. -I : rEijt a. nRiYWr b .; f : Tl! 7YN!: ftTicRVN-Gf- of PaiiertyPro":I r r N"o. o7 jl.im JStftel. T.-c- v. nv lie. Neb.

    'tiia-aSUirs- . Hoard hy jliel.vj.or ycrtkv.

    KIACIvSJlI'lIiS.J Jj, ItA.ou.GtfaKral.UlaoksMiili,- - Miuontreet.., i- w nvliie. Net) fs ,r Part-d-t- do-li!- l kindsr nlrnn Aid- - nfpriccs'ln'

    th the J -- f.3 r ;:-.' lVj,-k-in!- :l! Rr.ri Hnres 1 .rn-i.herwee- n V.i 21 i M'an'ic.ti ""U . -- eh. ork Joae.t c.Jr tad hfttisuui--Z ;i-- ' t.M"i.

    HOOTS AX!) SHOES.A "ft "tBlNSON. Hoot and Shoe ilnker Xo.L ",lsXtt4reei. Uro.vnv:lisXh. llftccoiisuwit-V- ,"""".I n i.Ki "ody's".

    a .j m.::ji s jioots aim iiioes. . isioin; Jjs wit a u..vuoob wid duwateL.. lUymlriiiffM-- notice'. " T ' -

    AT.OONS. .

    J -- rIT Ur.i:RH&,X.,l'eaiHijitli.lctSi-i,- ;'l ilalns-ret.llroviiMli-

    e, XA. Thfl'l-l- ij l.tii.Jrs.tnlon hand. ' ,

    - l - t i r a - -

    J 1170 Paoer 'Collars !

    ..j, vxv PosTorriCE.

    zmzi& . j& A1' r '.'.; jgg&A A , r. j !ir?fN?Qr2& rw a&s' r js?& tm rm r :- - -- -V, , ai Nftf &ia " 35; " I Z5! SKJ riSSLt . ADVEItTlSINR KATKJ.JU&i. fri'l -- tfv R:J rSi , .?. A " . J?K ., a a?; -V ". V S A. f3 fc. &. a X?3k J h iS- - M A .jL 3i &. A vk - "iSf-li-f .", x&&m nsss &s-a- Y w v . ( afNrif wthy ram '' - .... ?Ff i55j K J5ul WSV Hda "X OBSJ AT I ' K2J Se7 Z i3 W I ?37 C tf? rl-- I KJ N." SpJJ V ISQS ' CS I bam 1. HHH fT Sta" 7 ; " sr1 55s??e B3 "Tia Xys r twa6 m.X I p& v V- - 4 Sv x5 fc7--gs vr v. fc' tJa fee Erf! PeS B9 V HP R3 MfeCra t PUwA ' S58 J 9U Vi I -

    i .w koss M-- j wi a;a. j i cai' fcwj i i?t cm i iw; .w i TiTrw wsae r3"a ir.i . p.3 nsi. bul y t,i rrwij i v: w-- y s?.. TvoniiiJier- f-ni- - IlKX I iSSJ A??V ffyi S33 .ftiiftV Kft Wfi3 ia KW3 tffiJMta 6l) jZrSxT.tl iM1 A OfV iSWW Z?K- -J H.SZZis A 3fcs' CS3?T ' 157 flMS1. i'P'ror AJ.y &...gJW W yW ; &w mf ,r 2Sv--o 'wvyAwr '5 -- WfWlr VT Tv ) V J a '

    --"a.. j

    ESTABLISHED 1850.Oldest Proper in tho Statorin"rTTriTr rr- Ti tt r i i mii..i-"- i --mti hi fcT. bi iii ...--


    liOCATIOS OF PKIttWyem is silnfitod en tr.e wesi bank T the Missouri

    river. ! Nemtihn Vinty. nbout i c miles suuiiiof t!i Ote Omntv line, and nine i.:Ies south-- n stof JJrownvIllo. TIasa remrtrlc:iblyple,'nnt location,aud U..1- - :iur i becoi n a town o no little import-ance. It hits a puputa'ton of avout sOO. The StateKorrnal sr'x.cl Is located here, and some branchesof l)U.nfl nro well rfiirccntPd, bn the tradecsrrlpd on Tre !s not p to th demand? of thef irtfr fT r, ,iltli tnri fiii ronli'lifo ht.1siii(K'owlt)U3i!iefthoi4i'n!. 'i'rierer.reliemtwoilro j

    iiur' unu jiruiuuisi; eiinnuiiMnc, jsriio ' noTr".ont rioirlnjr.llli.'t-.- .. Jlo- -t l, one Liory stnb-e- , tle tftorf" twoUnit' siorw, one Uurdware fetnr at 1 Tin si up,i.vo I.tiiiiber Yfcrd"., tlirc Black .ni't'i S;.oj. onnWuK ri una i.iri. '.s; MUop, two ;io- - oneIJdkvry. tin lltrnes-- ? Shop, two Pnlnt Slinps. twoMeat .rarkf's.tv.oA(?riciilturat Iinolfment Ilo;n,on-- i Jiarbcr --Jift, nvt Itenl Jttatt and InmrauceAKncy. two l'.n:k Yards. lots of Clergymen, l'liyicia2s. lo!iticlaiis, etc., but no JLanyer'b Oilice nor

    Si.! on in town.


    mSM. Alffl-GARBI A&E25A.Ur4CTU52,SRr- 7

    PlillTJ.-- - iNX:BRASIS?L.' rtdt .' rmm7nJiui Okifcrnaim-v- y,to.

    --. i. ... .KncrtS of Tf, alrln?df-n- e on shortinotlce.VLIi l ..bira--i W'urJciuid ullini. made to order.

    Terias i easi.nubit. and all v rk warranted.


    "''KEIOJ, NEgpASK:fOStrr.VNTMp m h md a ood supply of TrosjiV audbultet ile.3. Jliglieat market price paidf,jr "i







    PER a, - - - - NEBRASKA.

    uYARD AT"D WAREHOUSE, inFiftli-StroGt- , neai'lMain.


    KKBP eoustantlyon liand apood assorlmeniorLumliT. ircsli froia the saw, h.chihy propose to sell a ',7-- , ..


    Uian at any otiier point on the T.Iissourl river. Tli6public iuvilii! to Call und examineonr toek bwfort j 'irc,iasln eNewhere Ji-l- y

    'V. I L. LIS TAUTER,

    PAINTER, .GLAZIER ANDPopov JIaiiff('

    "PKTL17. KEBRASKA.AT!- - 111 - 1" il'Ti itr'lie !'' '' of Peru nr '. "sitry nimrliic cjj'.'ilry. J .c; lit- - mrtl'itr' ' t'i lo

    nil niTr. in lil- - ' 'i wlj"onte. .! ;i .it mil leibntis .etui; . 4V!y

    && J 'KSHTJ2nCpisaCT ftS! .tle2j jf tSJS2 tJ. faj?.i22 t5.



    t if :;... ; -.

    PERU, -- .lV. -. lVZBRASKA.t T-- " ff '

    rpill0 "irn-is- Is new, ana newly fitted and furi Tiislu-- 1 in everj' deprtnient. (Jiiest--s v i'l litid

    h.reas ;ocd rnreitcaji be found at any .Hotel in" '?IlT-k- s 10 cimnnet'wlth TO. It. trains leave thii

    llou.--- e e crv luorniiia uLl o clock.


    In connection v.ith ihi House. Teams furnishedjruet o'i tin- - most l terms. "' 1

    J. IV. BLISS,E:!3. IC? OSS Bi. 50'' i?5k 4--t

    I3a5 3S sL I i ssyi "is

    XD- -



    ReaJ Estate UJos2i nl SoJtlon Comuiishion.

    Collections made and Tuxo paid f. r Xon Ttesidnnts

    . R L. ritOUTY,

    oil ciisjajq Paxd

    sheet ilio rA X U 1 Ji.AsJ- - lilt-- J X

    --r- n -- t v "TZT A "E3 TT1 9jr AV Bv, JJ wf J-- cr. tJ i- ' ' rm

    "PAliEs th"is,metliod of informing the ck'rens ofX Ne'U'd'a comity, and tlie la'incp urti world,thst he is prep.red nlth'a'fiiU sTitek. and Ricdworkmen, to- - lurnish auy nnd in hisline at aow prices us toe nrae-c;i-a be bought utan point on the Mi-so- ar river.

    r Attcntloif paid to - SS ;

    SPOUTIRG.ffOpFING.&o.,, Constantly .on band, sjiill block of


    stoves 1ortuein. t approved patterns. Ai-- o.....

    jfe?iCTlIt-ara- l ImiiIe2nealS,of-s- ll khrJs.

    Elacksmitli's Iron and ''Supplies.


    ' &p.,tcVve:.rc. 'ij ItiglicBt Price pnld for oltl Irou, Copper,I Crabs, Itairs, Scc.

    I miUUl 1U1 llll- - l.lcoi ttlVU tll.ll 1- -1

    - f ..

    PiTAll ;ooi!s wari!''! a-- sa'Isf.ictlon- rfaiitjcd in refcrence loTirice and quality of good's.nrc.ryi:t,x,Ccr.:i.iii-sa.rrIic- .

    Arnrt Cn-- IVi.t rol.lKno.inrl riilnlnnOak CgoK Stoves.

    iij'jniMm.Mj --inBR0T7NVILLE, NEBRASKA,



    PHYSICIANS AM) SURGEONS,C orncr 3tTi iSrTrnln Sts.,

    'PERTT, WEBKASKA.PpBclal Attsntica pid te Dkhsk of 1he Rye and Ear.

    1lrfi:Rr.vci3 Prof. 71. D. rii'inrr. Kooknfc. Ta.:Ij'ft J- - ' Shrader. Ivwatate University

    JOY &. DAI1V,DpalersSn

    ..,..nr, .Tr,,.T1 ,, T,.,c. nir oUiil u,. Jll'iUlVl-SIiS- j i A W J 5. I'ili3.'Glass, Putty, ctclicoi jdooks,

    RTATIONEUY, PrilFL'MKIY, ic, Ac1'oHf OIHpc HnHiHner-n,,Pcr- n. NprfmTcrtf

    I'i.j aia.u'il!rt'i;ripUuu.carofuJy and Mjentifi-call- j'" '4"1rOnipmihflPd. -

    H.F.Morton & Brother,

    m? T Pi ff. RIHI MB?J




    Oli REASONABLE TERMS.Ta VI! work warrantetlto Kfve sativfaction. ISyl


    ACCOMMODATIONS for crossing Teams,GOOD tock. FreiKlit.ic.atal.time. .Nodelnyon account of weather.

    M. If.THOMPSCS, Proprieior.

    PSRTJ AND WATSON0, S, Mail and Transfer Line

    "W. II. Tliosupson, Prop.nAf'KS leave Toni every moniins. in tim" tow.tli train .South act! North on the

    Joseph fc t oiinf'.l Illaay-KallrPa-d, returning toPeru every evemzifj. ISyl



    PIIIS Old and 'nelipble House is fullv prepared toI liirn.s!i an.. :nd ei-rjtl:ln- UHiially inund ma"rst class DniR "store at Unrrr priC( r than aim House

    theStatr. t'QMI'rtTJftA' DrJtlhl). 45yl23a




    ant' can be liad o!ss Style bizcs.for the

    or Tnr: r ALBUM,ok roit


    v--- 3 for tlie Tarlor Y.'alls.'

    Main St., feIIR01VXYILLE. 3 '.'.-.- pCALL AND SEE HIM.


    Clocks, Watches, JewelryJOSEPH SHUTZ,

    No. 59 Main Slreot, Krownvillo.g Keeps in-ta- n! 'y on liand v l.'ir?c anil wellV :L,.n"(l !"' '. ol'c.'ii'uneii.tii-l- e in bis line.

    i x?c- -, WnteiiPs and Jewelry'liocf on sj. 1 roiic. ui re:v.soiiab!e rates.


    JACOB BSRSLSWagon & CsiTiagsMaksr !


    BKOV;NVLLE, NjB;"1USTOM YVOUK done on "h'irt notice and In a

    stvleand luanuerwhlcii-Aillgaarr.ntucsatiifac-tlc-

    In connection with llr. Hcrkle"j Wagoii Shop


    BLACKSMITH SHOP!And is turning nv In firt e'os ?:- -. liavlnjrCven'ecneRj! MUfa-"io- n In every piece "of work

    li'di luu thus far Icf' hn shop. 1'iirncul.ir atten-tion paid to

    nonsi: shoeing.PtT'itlenieacall. . . C.V"in


    Vrojirlelnr.Rio. S"? main street j ISrovsivJIIc.


    MSALS ATAIL HOUES.Yoi 'StjlMi Kedlktiesj!:



    B' vuopini7r)it.itsrnwa EVVJOLU

    qSiiiN Jsii b-a- b J, iL U iiiN L I3 , ,. w,- - M-- r

    IG I:iln-st- ., Rro-tvi- i ille.

    C. 55. KArrFJl IS", Proprietor,TiX.X5IliJ -

    IX 00XXECT10X WITH THE HOUSE.'This Honso has been remodeled anil refnrnNhed

    UirowOsout.T-.i- d RConls the best accommodiilonslnthe citr tj she 1 cai.iind'travehns yuMic. It is ren-iral- lriotated, fetuses for the West und Omnibusesfor all trains, o in m the Sherman House. Fairllrst class, cburpes moderaie.

    GEO. S. PHILILSPS,. mm 9 t t t

    pjfsri! LaQM X, Lynhannra I!lh!so

    For Choice Cigars,GOTO THE POSTOFPICE.

    J. BLAK,-- a -- .W. 1KTA -- 3.vr&3s3&&gS&iz5 y L 51 i 3 y

    All Operationsf l.-v--tS formed iu the bent

    ciauuer- -t$jk&&itat "" Oiric- -r f;'

    siPi'' ry5 'r'j" At ee oa Mala

    . A ' . fl -,. .. 1












    aiI TvlfiW-i&'J"i'- CAgntfUttii rnRc.-vn.i.E-, SEC.i t . tmvniiocujijuDi!

    --- :.

    . i'






    Oh ! tell mo, am I tlyiriE ?(Jan this indeed be death.

    That weighs po heavy on 1117 heartAnd clutches at my hreath? . --

    Oh ! tell me, am I dyim;'.Hefore too v ak

    Thcie are wiiam my weary soulSome words I fain would speak. '

    Mv name Is npt Kolle HenryAh ! no, a deanr mtn

    "Was mine of early pirl)iood,lleforc I lirrt?ht it shame.

    Tlmre Is a lowiy cottage,WluTe peaceml wateis How,

    Yliere wild bird hy the windows sing,And mmtlcilowers blow;

    I cannot ay It was my home,It beeiiis o long go.

    Mv mother, dearest Tnothcr,I bee her strangely now.

    Her pa ?, sad ryes and bending form,Aud iro upon her brow. II" my r oM father,AVIio had no word of blatnc, ' ' ,

    Though upon his: snow-whit- e head1 1'nsl broti'sht thU burning tshr.mc.

    i am dyint:, father, dying,Hi thls'tlreary place Ujiio! -

    No liimd to smooth my pillow,"No li.mt-arh- o for my moan !

    Oh ! well I now rememberThe snowy little lied.

    When mother eame to bless moId prayeih'-o.aolti- y tald ; . ,

    I iice t he apple llo.somf. "J hc.tr the pttriilgc call ,

    I 1 1 ho light of morning,Peace brooding overall. ' ' '

    'Twns fifteen, only fifteen

    YVhen the cruel tempter camq ,I 'knew but how to loye him.

    And he to bring mo shame: : r.How my playmates nil foiopi:,mcTtnlie cold woiliPvlook'of scorn.

    When in shameful seusuol horror!My little lube was born.

    Ah! hi left he joy he brought me,For joy It was to me

    To feel one ciing so closelyWlien all .so hard could be.

    But he faded irom my clasping,I laid him down to rest,

    Ills liltle hands soft folded' 'Upon hLs ltttlo breast : 4 i;

    Shall I never more behold lilm,Ne'er clasp his lonn again.

    Alter all tl!ee ytairs of anguishAnd all this life of pain.

    ' ''1I fled one dreary midnight ;

    Indeed I could notbear-M- ylather's silent sorrow.

    My motlier'.s Ioo'i of eaie; . ,And lower still and lower '

    Parsed my weary feet, tEntll 1 &tood an outcast ,

    Upon ilio darkling street.Oh!:iekii(-s-.. cold, and hunger, ,

    Oh ! degradation's ban ! 'Yoaiesottand kinder-hearte- d ,,

    Than the heart cf cruel man.

    My father oft has read us , , ,While 1 knelt beside hi- -, knee,

    Of the woman :.nd the SaviorNo Savior came to me ;

    Rut scorn and bitter omscs. i ii- -And wrongs I may not tell,

    From they whose blighting shadowsUpon my pathway lell.

    Oh! father, deaest father,Oh ! mother lar away, , ,

    Yon morn your long-lo- st out-ca- stLam twe:Uy.-on- e to-da- y , .

    oi ! would th-i- t I we're with you!To have von inair me now

    Would take this nun f:m out my heart,This anguish frni my lrow ; .

    You would not bptu n your darling,ITut clasp the v. anted form

    Of the po.ir, weak, erring oreatnroThe yr rid can only seirne.

    My prayer Is not unanswered,ileela spirit sweet . .

    Steal or my sm1, and eaJC my heart1 pray you Jet me sleep.

    M TOWELOOME VISITOR.The burglars had been --very active

    and bold in their operations in ourcity, but as the thermometer hadmarked above the nineties! for somedays, and I had little of value in myroom, I preferred to risk that littleand leave my window open, althoughof easy access, rather tb.in undergopartial suHbeation. If an uninvitedgue.-trar.- de his appearance, and I didnot awake, J could, feign sleep andlet him take whattv-- r lie might ilnd.

    This class of vir-itors- , I reasonedith myself, do not generally commit

    personal violence, ii they fan accom-plish

    Itheft, and make good their es-

    cape vt'ltlioiffe-i-These were my reflections every I

    night as I undressed ami threw my-fce- lfon my bed, leaving my castle

    open to the enemy. I had beenasleep one nisiht about an hour, whenJ was awakened by the tailing of afcjiitiii china ornament. Startingslightly and opening my eye-;- , I sawthe gad hurnimr, and a tall, broadhhouldored man witli lite buck towardme, his face looking over his shoulderto see whether the noise had awaken-ed me. Our eyes met that my planto feign sleep "would have been use-less. Aly did not how-ever forsake me. What followed il-lustrates tlie .value of presence ofmind.

    Opposite the side of my bed, andabout eight feet from it, was the doorof my room, two or three, feet fromwhich were the stairs leading to thelower hall. The burglar mu.--t haveused a ladder in ascending tho roof,from which he entered the window.It was some thirty feet from theground aud isolated. .My plan wasnot only to escape harm myself, butto effect his capture. I knew the po-liceman's beat, and he would pass ina short time.

    bitting bold upright, then, as Iopened my eyes and taw the burglarlooking very unpleasant at me, I saidrubbing my eyes drowsily although,to tell the truth, I never was morewide awake in 1113' life : "Hello, Johnwhat are you looking for? Can't youcome into my room without makingsuch a confounded noise?T'

    The fellow, taken somewhat abaci;at being addressed in this way, saidin a low but menacing voice, andpointing a revolver at me:

    "Shut up! What do you take mefor?"

    "I took you for-Uub- r"- l repliedT 4

    "But 1 didn't s:;pl J-- ua aftert anvthiny vnin?iliio : r- - ni v.v ......v. r w v "i -cop! one thing, and--tiv'r- e v.-a-v if youare not-th- most uirlul--k ieiiow inthe world."

    "IJow's that?" growled my visitor."Well, I have a pretty good watch,

    but if you want to get it" you must paya visit to the watchmaker's after youleave here, for I had what I consider-ed the bad, but what seems now thegood fortune, to break the spring yesterday, and left it for repairs."

    "ou'rea precious cool one!" hesaid evidently astonished at my indif-ference.

    "What's the use of my getting ex- -cueu or attempting to resist .ypuLYou are armed and you see I ain ,notT!rAna 11 you nau no weapon, "vouriii.

    z. --uteb'i- - tt 1 iunr. 11111; 111 him 1 w nni.niir'!ithan nine and a half. I haYPninfl-ta-f- l

    LlIUl Vj! UbdjUi LAuha.Ij' u OiuuiUO . of interfering with you. If tfitOTitU -- mi--

    L" ... .uf . I .were filled with diamonds, t wnl

    .- BrotmviUc.WoDra-ua-. L!not lift my tinKer to fi!lve rf

    JiiiLiiio.. "s.-it,i-i. 111 not uc til lL'USt

    . a ...i:i :

    nil VOll Call llnd T nrh tfWWsleep Wdou't make any more 4if Y'ou please." . '

    "Koid on!" said the fellw.; ,7

    "I suppose you want toiifmuch of a haul as you ciiir,Jso look in my pants hanging!bed-pa- st there, and you'llpocket book, with a few sfaj

    It-wa- s nearly time fo$ ,tb?manto-pass- , and I pnti&e! fpmust in a fewsnQmcra-Jlat- .into execuho,


    THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 18T1."rJIIJ. ."- -' MJL1."IJIV J",

    A glfince quick as lifthtninsj show- -cu me tiiat the Key of tne door wason the outside.

    My listening expression tliil not es-cape the sharp practised eye of mygrim visitor. It was a curious scene,no doubt. I sitting in my. bed, iumy night clothed, unarmed, ami thisstalwart rullia:i, "pistol in hand, glar-ing half suspiciously, half ferocious-ly, at mo, aud almost, in the douching of a tiger to spring upqn hisBut therel sat coolly con vernuVillihim, the necessity of the momentkeeping my wits too wide awake toallow my fears to get the upper handfor an instant.

    "What are you listening to?" askedthe burglar.

    "I thought I heard 'a cry of fire?' Jreplied. c' - -Jn that,, jiistan.t,, an.d in tho dead

    silence .of the night, I heard theIrarTi'p oV tub policeMan. It was souledistance off; - r..

    "You will find," I said, "someclothes of mine in the. press; theywill, however bo too small for you.Good night, the kdys are in the mid-dle drawer..'

    Ho turned to the drawer indicated,and, as he did so, with .one tremen.-dou-s

    bound I cleared the space be-hind my bed and the door, antl slam-med the door and locked it upon himiOblivious of my dishubiUe, I sprangto the steps. I had two flights to de-scend and the door to open before Icould reach the yard, but it was hard-ly possible-fo- r him to descend the lad-der more quickly. Bounding, ratherthan running down stairs, I flunghack the bolt and dashed into theyard. - He was half way down theladder. Shouting "Policel" lustily, Isiezed ihe ladder at tho bottom, andUsing all my power, brought it andtee burglar to the ground with acrash. Tlie pistol he held in hishand fell from his grasp. , I made adash for it, and hespmigiug to hisfeet like a cat, niilieQ atane,' atn.l as Istooped, -- ieAsl me by lhj nap'of tlieneck. I tufnejl the pistol upwanteand puUltl'the trigger. It merelysnapped there was no more chargesin it. With a terrible oath, the baf-fled villain wrenched the weaponfrom my gra-- p and raised it alott todeal me wnat might have been a fa-tal blow, Jien there was a rush be-hind him aud he was felled to theground. The policeman had heardtlie shout and was just in time to res-cue me.

    The burglar was ,sorm secured, andin my excitejnent I was about to re-late the story I have heie told, whenthe policeman with a smile, sugges-ted that 1 might "catch cold in tnemclothes."

    I then remembered, for the firsttime since I hail sprung from bed,that I was shoeless and stockingless,and had nothing on but my night-- hirt, ami I beat , a hasty retreat.With a long-draw- n breath, I took myfine gold repeater, which had hadsuch a iiarrow escape, and was not atthe watch makers alter all, lrom untier my pillow, looked at the hour andnfror .0 1 itle while fell tishn.

    It is almost needless to add that theabove narrated afterward to ajury, when 1 was in better trim forstory-teliin- g tlian when the police-man interrupted me, had the elleet ofgiving the vwor lodgings in a publicinstitution, J nil red me against arepetition of his c.sli for at least tenvears.

    V.IIAT'S IN A NA?TE.Charles and Harry stood

    chatting in the eorr.er of a ball room."So, (. ii.irley,"sa'id tho latter, "your

    little Ellen got safe to New Y-.rl-aw Iter there last week, looking

    like a beauty.""i daresay," returned Charles,"forhear Osborne is so happy in his new

    nos-pss-i- on that he spares no expenseto her oil" to the best ad van t ge."

    " 'lis true enoui-h.an- d I honietiineiwonder how you made up your amidto pait v.ith i.er."

    "O! I'm going to be married youknow; and young ladiciuirt toler-ate anv rivals near the thione. Jnfact, I expect to find happiness enoughit iionic "

    "Ah! very fine, but I should notwonder if, before long, you were forgettinr your beauty back again."

    ".May'be," said Charles, shrugginghi- -, shoulders "is iw;-o;?s.- "And the two separate:! while alovely girl who had approached be-hind unseen, and had been an invol-untary itelner, ha-M- iy retreated. Thenext morning piodueed the followingcorrespondence:

    No. 1. I take an early opportunityto request that our engagement maybe considered at an end from thislime. Your principles would destroyall chance of happines with yon,evenif the insulting manner in which youhave allowed youn-el- f to refer to ourconnection were not sufiicieut to pro-duce the resolution I have communi-cated. .Irr.TA.

    No. 2. I am entirely at a loss tocornpiehend the meaning of yournote, and until you cm give me aclearer idea of what T am accused, itis impossible for me to defend myself.I await your reply. C'iiakles.

    Xo. 3." i"ou ask my meaning. Ah !Chailes, you add hypocrisy to yourfaults. If your conscience does not ac-cuse you perhaps it may be enough tomention to you the name of Otbornc.


    No. 4. I am more than ever puzzled.I never spoke to Mr. O.-bi.r-ne butonce, unu that wa wnen i soio nunmv yacht. Prav let me know what

    .. ' yoc vaout ,V'.;iV',-"Si-o

    FMaS f Oh ! ,U.;.rt. ClmrU ! Wlmta I have ! Come to me di- -rectly, and I'll tell you--I can't write,it. Your own Ju,ia.

    "Mv love she wore i simple ilress,Her hnir in waving curls:

    They c.tllel her lovely 5;lncK-eye-d Bess,Queeii rote ainon; the girls.

    n?ft her far away to roam :iho.vo-.re- d she il richer forgct7

    Hut everything, alat-- i had canyea- r.eforeastlti we met.

    .t. - . - v.. .IWXXXJ:'''? i- -

    SZSrMikl TimW-


    jtF,friZije-;- , chignons.-i.c- .

    trStfmfcl?imm loytof aJusrsrwi !IHESE'7T. 4

    e'wr"-- " f




    11 -au"

    '"":.ryJU'iJ.lJuiJm.fnl "BICUAIiBSON COUNTY.


    Ricliardron CounJy Teachers' Insti-tute A Pcav Good Suggestion.

    Editor Nebraska Advertiser:

    The Richardson county Teachersinstitute convened its session on' Tuesday moriling, at 10 o'clock, Octo--her 17th.' '

    Only three teachers were present atthe opening. '

    There seemed to be an impressionthat but little would be done the fir?fday, hence but few came ovt.' This iswrong in every department of life,but espoe'nlly is it wrong forte'fV'hersJas they thus inculcate lesson's of "tnr-dines- 's.

    Promptness and punctuality arecar-din- alvirtue's in every person, but

    teachers should possess them in aneminent degree.

    The people generously threw opentheir doors and welcomed the teach-ers to enjoy their hospitality ; so noexcuse could be'giveu for not accept-ing it.

    The exercises were commenced andcarried forward regardless of non-attendanc- e.

    This undotlb'ted'jy is the best way toinsure prompt attendance; let thewoik "indicated 'be performed at thetime, and those really desiroii3 toavail themselves of the advantages ofthe institute will soon understand iland be on hand.

    In the afternoon' quite a numberwere present and a lively interest wastaken in the subjects presented.

    'As the institute progressed this in-terest "was greatly increased, and allseemed to fceyycl paid for the timespent. j

    It does seem strange that teachersdo" not feel greater interest in thesein-stitufJ- ?.

    Whether it is slothfulness or indlf-rerenc-e,or a feeling that nothing will

    presented that will help them intheir work, or whether it is throughfear that they will be called upon toinswer questions or demonstrateprinciples they cannot, and thus ef-fectuallv expose their ignorance, .cm.- -not be positively known ; but let it beany or all of these and they 'are poolflim-- excuses.

    True teachers need all the help theycan po.-ibl- y obtain, and take everyntnnritlTiii' In riil thor-iurvIo- c it" ?.nn.

    ,".rance and a0 new thoughts Oilall subjects. 'Such teachers attend institutes and

    all other gathering: where education-al matters are Wo fearthere are comparatively few teacherswho-ente- r the business with the in-tent- i-u

    of fallowing it any greatiength of time; bene' they fee! it willnot pay them to spend much time inprep" ration.

    This view of tlie subject Is allThe bc- -t teacher in the State

    can learn enough at a good live insti-tute, to pay him for the ios--s of timein less than cue term and it is great-ly to the interest of every district tot.llow or compel the teacher to spendtwo or three days' at sueh insHtute ifone is held in the county during thesession of school.

    Section f'l of the School law, amongother things says: "He (the State Su-perintendent) shall cause all commonschools in said district to close (mean-ing that several counties may be uni-ted into one district for institute pur-poses) during such term, (of institute)and use his efforts to procure the

    of teachers in the district."'Now it i.-- evident the State Super-

    intendent has power and it te mt.delils duty to cioe the schools in eachcounty during the session of tho in-stitute ; and the only way to do soperhaps will he to declare the limetaught during the' institute as illegaland forming no part of the Schoolterm, unless the teacher attend theinstitute.

    Tt is certainly the intention of thelaw that every active teacher shouldattend the Teachers lustitufeand thathi time should go on as if he wereactually engaged fit caching.

    It is to be hoped that each districtwill carry out the law without com-pelling the State and county oftT ersto enforce it.

    So far, it is conceded that the Institutes held this' hill are awakening new 14.life in the counties and are suece3

    Let the Countv Snrcrinten--.i-ttj.m- fe'

    l.i .niuwicr, JLiwiir try to suitnuilivicu,.mvself tth-5timeagre-

    ed on.iVery. ixies jwctni 1 iy ,;( . .J. Zl. jMcKen7.ii:.

    . -- .U:5 bprtciimeagaa lady and gentle-4ili- ''

    married very quietly iu therg ,.- -'.nOn trVilli .1 nroeoeued 111 tri-- ir ear--AaWfb snend'rhe honey mooif ainoii- -

    irtrUl.r& to his footman 0:1 no account

    newly inarrieil. AVhen leaving thefirat Imto oncheroad tho happy cou- -ne m1 much. astonished and a.unoy- -

    ints ail assembles!rjoiu'inii to tne erentleman. mv-i- -

    ftufly excJaiminir. "That's himEpS'tbe man!" On reaching the

    iui;e ine muignanu uiasier toiusRci'Vuut mail ne nau uivuiireu(fit ic . u imorsfl! unnn ...Cr.l 'A.urs a secret, and that In- - bad told

    jpeieervants at the last inn that thevere a newly married couple. "Be


    hi--- ns not true, ver nonor, re- -

    inieu iiieserraiu; " roiu the wholepkit that yer honor and ver honor's la- -

    ly (God bless her!) wouldn,1 niurI rie foc a fortnight yjet .q Kd1 .

    Sabacrib foy tie -d- vxe-cissb.

    A'fi where the Tlie gentleman rict


    VOL. 16 --NO. 8.j i..miii

    FJiOJI PAWNEE CITY.Pawnee TrilnuxCerTlie. Improvements

    in tHe City liiviv n-s-, Doctor.c School Death.

    From' our "".pedal Correspondent.

    PawxivK City, Neb. Oct. 24.1 .

    Dear Sir; In a recent number ofthe Pawnee Tribune, I charged jwim mienuing 10 start, a aemorrrmcnewspaper with aspiring to the hon-orable position of Roprosentitive.Nov.- - as! never, in all my "born jdays," premeditated the starting of a

    !1 1newspaper 01 any Kinu nor had a"hankering" for any office higherthan road supervisor, lam at a groatloss to undenrrtni! the drift of thesaid Pawnee Tribune. But, as 77, du-ring-

    or four jea'di existencehas'failed to gain an influence withthe more reliable and influential por-tion of the people, it matter-- ; li'tlewhat flings it may make at me. So,in the future, I hope none will thinkstrange if I refuse to notice any re-marks it ma3 make concerning me. .

    Improvements are still, progressinghere, but not so rapidly as in the fore-part of the summer.

    Tho Presbyterians have begun theerection of a house of worship. Thisis the fourth church edifice in PawneeCity.

    Times are somewhat belter thantwo months ago. The merchantsShellhorn & Brq., Butler it Rapcr,D'. C. Strattan seem to be takingjthelead in business. Nye & Humphrey,and CoiliiVs & Babcock are our onlylawyers, afpl nr&daiug a thriving bus-iner- s.

    Doctors- Stewart. .Gere, Ste-ven-- -,Nichols mrirl'LindsIey, do al-

    most the ' entire practice in thecounty.

    We have a'wcll conducted anil wellattended public school iij, progress1here, under the management of Mr.Smutz, with two assistants.

    We are sorry to note that your fel-low towns-man- . Jlr. Wibley, has de-cided to ''discontinue the furnituretrade at thte jiliice. We had hopedhe would make it a permanent busi-nps- s.

    ThiVi i- -t now one of the best' point? ior'sneli a trade iu the west,

    The Maonie fraternity' of this 'placeburied MY. W. T. Stout, sojourner of ,Falte Oily Lodge on Tuesday last,with appropriafe'lionhr-s.- "

    'Yours Truly,V Jay Raiid.'

    SIIOClvEY vs. HRADSN.Tipton, Mo. Oct. 21st, 1871.

    Editor Advertiser.Dr-AicSi- i-- T am on a tour to in "!

    elude five weeks, the last of whichwill bring me to Humbo'dt.

    There ean be no genteel proprietyin Mr. Clark Brndon announcing infour (teys after our last interview thatthe discussion between him and nfe,"is po-tpont- until November 11th or14th" at London ; when I proposed tohim at St. Dcroin, iuai t could ar-range t- - meet him at Humboldt No-vember jMth, to" which he definitelyreplied, "I cannot an.mge to. do -0!until I can hear from Unuerwooitwith whom T'have a'i arraugement i:No .'ember nest."

    This may 5:e constntant with "a- -great big puff of wind," but withgentlemen of intelligence it is not,nor ever can be. :

    I now .say once fur all tV.e.t J havecontracted to .commence a fourmonth's term of school the 4th dayof Decern! er next. H, T wiil, "theLord willing," meet him, or their"more com.ietent hand," on MondayNovember 27th, anil discuss threedays, If on each of the firdt two prop-ositions, at L'.ndon, beginning at 2o'clock and 7 o'eb.'k P. :r. Theyfurnishing Ihe house charging 10 centsa person for each day, to be equally jdivided between the two disputant31, on Thursday Novt ruber 20th s.t2 o'clock and 1 o'clock p. 3r.at Mc-- 1I'her.son's Ifall in Brownvihe, andfurnishing it, charging 10 cents a per-son at each. session of two hours, to beequally divided a above alter payingfor the Hall. One day an Ihe 3dproposition and two days-w- i Um Iat.4th. I call on him to 9eftiuf0-i- s mat-ter by acquiesjtfeneo or refusal at once,and to announce injfere Advektisek,so I eannow soon.

    ?rr. 'pffrey if he aeeepfs, pleiiseumil it me' care W. II. Ford.' Tit.- -

    ..Mmrto. Gentleman. lam in muchMteein. ' Yours Truiy

    W.r. P. Shockey.

    ship.A Cineinnatian failed to obtaiu a

    narriiu;e license because. he couldn'trecall bis intended's name.

    An Indiana groom kissed the brideso lou.ll, as to extort a round of ap-plause fiom the congregation.

    Two lovers font-h- e at Ijouisviiie un-til the object of their adoration hadtheai arrested and sontto jail.

    Why is a husband Pkea Misissii)pisteamboat? Becau-- e he nev-- r knowswhen he may --jet a Mowing up.

    The Bo&ton Pott says many youngladies aio accused of wearing theirengagement rings iu their pockets,except when "ho" is umuud.

    A Chicairo Iidy has broken her hus- -band to thej ," carry 'J.l'lJW-i- miuuu mr.Ke iroin cream oaKiu-- r towu er! ti,P ;(.r ,i cw.of n;c,....A Terre Haute girl thinks it about


    An Indiana girl tearfully consent-ed to marry a roan sbe hated, becauseshe couldn't lar the thought of losing the wed liny- - trotscftu.


    Nemaha count v do all in niKg.!!:a , rP ,. , ...7rrVZ'ofZ siSS' ' ,,Bdw " "c""i:' of "LES.Wl,-- ' . "',' "l-- ry of. , ml,.w ,AIa8erimmt dieLt--t Inm w often ft uarr.ltive of nian,. Worid.and if sSrofcfar as :,o-- ib ,ers a, r.,.pmnnv ,t5rUG! ,J Klready., .pointed


    - UJvve just

    curUoiicej-nicttlierjiilinijo-iak-i.s- .: gaves









    """ihujuuuk iljiuw proposeu.suu ,,us "" oriuesmaui tami has been tantahz.--u enouirh.

    -- ..-


    . w . y. tyj'SoiSgjgalii

    "e ;": 5 ' ; -"- 5- f r .3 t e...ji.ou ;ij'?2.oo ?:,?3.TOjf;.co $ g.

    I.fXJi --Ji JkV-- 'l WU. ft.lJI iJV JKWWJ 2 50! 3V' LOO 5.UH T.WMO.I'O U.WThroe to 4.0O, 5JJ 6.rfl 16.,13.i .SixfncJies .nn' s.ooild.cw lit l.o)!ivco 4PMTweivj!tic!ier.' "UW'ticfl I5.W' is.ou CS.(!-).o- .Onecoliimn tm.oi20.i)0 2S.) a.cx) ta.co'Po.f'Q'lfO.Oo

    X.eal ndvortfsui'nt.-- t at lejral rates: One square,(oluht line of As-it- e s( ace, or lew j JlrrtJI.PO: pacIi.sutsp.,noat Iiiertioa. 50c.

    jBSA.1I transcfeu: advertisements mast be piufor In nrtvair-e-.



    So many of our people have durjrythe past week" witne-se- d for the 1i:Mtime the peculiar ha'iits r.f thu Texaacattle. hat wo introduce froTn tho jocal columns of the Ki u2Tmcs, tho following,, which will liread with interest bvr "every cne:

    Our people !. but tr i?o to Umuv--k yiuus iiii'i in oii-.- - ir-njs-is nWest K:in-i- a affrf .ste.fdfF'Tr.Mujeheto realize tin; tttte is --file ,; the gre t--

    cattle markers 01 Tlr--i. jtrdrlt, at'.atuut tho. cattle .!& j&ppJ-- f j1Mtrau are as wuu ., iHfiMfjiidi sMftimals of the herlI eious kin.' uui, T4..?.lauy nn

    KNciTixb' sbVf.-V- :takes place and many hairbreadth es-capes are-mad- e by" those wlio.se bus-i-nes- s

    it is to manage Ike stain p;gherds driveiiiu-lronvsin- e broi yiaiusof Texas. Accustu1i.u-'i5it-s we "are 'see cattle in "eubjec't'oir, dovile anilquieoiu Darn yaxds"t.rid 'pastures, itlooks quite natural to seen herd in upen at tiie- - sluiiglUer houses; but itdops not appear that' there has to bogreat care exercised imcf constantwatchfulness to prevent their break-ing out of their eagea as are infact and rushing furiqualy Amongthe people on the streets.


    APTEItTIIET. vx. $r.;vES ,in which they grauur.Ily ll-.tn-i to fearthe drovers' goad and 'whip, the5arosomewhat tamed, but still are' dan-geio- us,

    being always sufcjectwtastampedes and every individual aulrriial 01" the herd liable to share in any.sudden panic, they caif never be trust-ed toother than" the treatment-'o- fwild herds. Some, .of the animals;with all their jourueyinga and herd-ing- s,

    nevt r lose a ttth ofTIIEin NATIY'I-- ; FEIlOCITT,

    in which they o4ual the wild buffiilobulls, and their temper is such aswould delighMhe patrons or the-bull-fights in Spain, faome of the droversat the stock yards pass through ma-- ,nouvers and exptnere perils everyday, of a nature that would vie withthe- - trained exhibitors, but fortunate-ly tho precautious arusueh that seri-ous accidents occiued but veryrareiy.

    A strange incident of a crowdedcattle yard was taking place place yes-terday at the yards of one of the paek-in- i:

    houses, where the cattle were said-t-obo

    They were all in motion, trampinground and roumf the yard, the entiredrove like a vast living wheel, one af-ter the other, never Hloppipg, and im- -able to slop, only trauipiugaiui clash- -ing their long horns one asMinst Hit)other, panting and suffiring withtheir incisant round. They will'sometimes tramp aroitiid in this wayin a crowded enclosure, till thoy,. fulldelid with exhaustion.. Once set, iii"motion, the march K 'impossible trtsiop, except by letting u lare pnrtf'ofthem ouj. of the yard ; tltoae behiml!t.pai 1. pun lh...,e etoro, and it soiuo.

    .should... the wlmle " rjctus. cf thut I i -- J1muring m-:- s bent 'id' forces 'Urt-m"G- a;aair, and so vrtli the rest, j l.oryard '"nil v. had tcett'milling" lor twenty-fou- r hours. ,,

    STAiiri-r.jNO- . , iAnotktr tiling tha is. liable to I.aii-pen'- is

    :. sfau ..de. Stimi-v-.-i.nr-j- .! frequent o'.fK on tliu"drive in. bafrwnen one' ynnifu ie n-.- -riii 00 8;i-puscd there CJs.d be .10 more. Sobu- -times, however, t'i- - 'a u. iL ol a ioco--motive or other erne, will strike a,wild herd in the yart?-- i with p-?- !.und lb ej dish oft in " dtr-etio- nwith such a t rri'jr'i ch.irjr; that it.br.uk- - i'.o.vu t;i- - ientv - y SiJs.'v."i,b, cJ-- r! r su!fr.ji - - ofL'itlMi-c:iM- liei'ig s'tran..-!i- ? t"

    THE MATAIKiBSF.In driving from yard to yard-.tani- l

    in the operntions 0? toreinjf the cnttltinto the cars, the wildest scfcii03 t:t.k;0'place. A crowd of men wih poleasix or seven feet long anil others ontrained ponies, with the rilopt hideousveils drive the cattle, half terrifted'-ital- f

    furious, before them. (JuiH-rati- ismile of tiio untamed btwtsts will turiiback, thfir htie broad Jioins reteh-in- ir

    almost across the pissajfes-- , their'iieads near the ground, thuir eyesflushing fury, and woe to the manorhorse they may be able to reach inIheirons'Rdght. But the drivers :roprepared for thte, the men on footspring upon tho. fane-- ? above the .niii-ma- !s'

    tho poni,'-- dexterouslywheel t- - or.e side r- - eaf e :n0 an-other jMMi. the wild steers dh rounihthe enclosure a:id find no millet till

    there have been SMieh ferciouibrutes brought in that a v. hole jivuhas had to be given them to them-selves, to prevent them killing theothers of the drove; and even thepushing of a stick through the-- fencowould oau-.- e them to duab at it withthe lerocity of a least of Allthe yards and pu-st-g- fs. are so pfannedthat there i4 little nr no necessity for'men to enter them, except to driveout the last of the drove.

    A shrewd old lady compares barhusband to a tallow caudle; he a!- -ways sputters and smokes when he'tf'put ou.

    Boston pap"r says that the best wayto improve .'the lot of a woman is toput- - a good bouse on it, and u gooduian in the house.

    If small girls are waifs, are largergirls waifers? We don't know,. but itis sakl that young men sometimes ni-p- ly

    to their lips in staling theirvows.

    After mourning the dfcith of hiswife for six months, a man at StoelhyDepot, Tenu., has. married his imrth-er-in-la- w,

    aged sixty. He is fortyyears old.

    The latent style of bridal h?tl-c!rc-- sis a wreath composed of small whl;-Ostriq- h

    tips. The bridl veil is trim-nif- edwi'th vines of lilies of the vsi-ie- y

    an-f'j-es -- amine.A young man in Connecticut, hav-

    ing th" Iftte railroad !W.ters in kiumind, Law broken lin eugaireriMM

    1; youug lady, because she Wearsa trai.1 and is negligent about heswitch.

    A t'erman - or:.-rav- d F.ench girrweie-raarric- d in. Hartford, last weehafter forty-eig- ht hours acquaintance.Neither of th&-- u t.iiueratands the

    of the other, so It wil! be soaiaiit.'e time bt.ore tbA c.-- i 'fi-- . t ifpeace."

    A polite Dutroiter wao ofiert-- d tr-- pc ;i 01u.g lady bor. fro.ii ciiarcb.an !a-- 3 allowe ! 10 do m vj c r.--i

    s'irpri o to 1 v ,vey liim to a relative's houdc, seveoni-- s our. of town. He ev-Ut- id the

    city borefootecL,

    lle3' 'u,rn l,:" " nones they cawe,.wnen the ilriwrs are all after tbeninm, Jlf:or 8ewmI

    eventually force them into the cur.












