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University of South CarolinaCHRISTMAS GOODS* _J? vi .Af : j *.*-. CANDIES, * *tBi Bp. v I Nutsand Pe...

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CHRISTMAS GOODS* _J? vi .Af : j *.*-. * *tBi Bp. v CANDIES, I Nuts and Pe liaisins, at FRANK HAMMOND & CO*8. ^ v,Vv « J" MOKING ayd £ ^3) Oliowing T# Tobacco, th Segars, , 01 Pipes, Ml otn mtt* at FRANK HAMMOND A COS. ^ children's Toys, %Jf) in large variety, ft Dolls, j Horses. I Dogs, ^ Balls, Jumping Jacks, at FRANK HAMMOND A CO S. »IRE CRACKERS, c Turpedoes and Pull Crackers, at FRANK HAMMOND A CO'S. *ICKLES, Oysters and Sardines, at _ FRANK HAMMOND A COS. WpOMATOES, (Jfo) In cans, at FRANK HAMMOND A CO S. iQPUGAR add Coffee, Blacking and Mustard, at FRANK n^MMOND A COS. SPICES, T F Nutmegs, r V f Mace. i Ginger, gloves and Pdi>or, at FRANK IlJlMOND & CO\S. 1 Befor1 Buying \ i PUR p OIIRISTIAS TOYS! GOOD tniNGS ; Generally, call I l IIAMMMUiOfi, ^ Dec U. ( 32 if * AWfcl'ltil; PMJtTTO SHOE FACTORY! , GOWER, ty-LS 8c CO.' "j plied themselves A*/ >; »itb iho best and /»/ V most skillful manIy[ WfWii 1 nfaeturere, togeth {/'- I -jjtn r with u full sup- ViA I <*ls '*'' °' t'>0 m°fc' \U I J-jM ^approved inaehin\^2ttfiutu^al'|!en|nu''te(' * _ . large stock of s«petior leather from t'lieir " Buck horn Tann* are piepurcd fto i supply the trsde with vas styles of Men's, Women's and Boys' ' SHCQS. ^ Their First-Class Wtwill be stamped with the njune ol the Fland warranted. T. C. OOWKR, | I J. McBRAYRR, A O. P. MILLS, | | p. HELD MAS, Sept 25 21 L CLASSICAL AKENGLISH |) 8CHOL. By jbi^ MR. W. LjT, « ( aduate ^ 'jjfrird0 >, and who !»« B *jfcfjfjlhad experien teaching, will B 'ir»n s OLA \Land K\O w Ggsr LISH SCHOf »r Boys, in the W City of Graeovifle, an Ft Monday in Jnmiary Hia School be opened in X the old Methodist Chun i-re he In,pee ) to receive s share of pui tr«o*ge. Rales per session of hontlo as folI lows: Classics. Algebra and h' ft. g. lish Br*«lwi.,.,..»l.,,. $20 00 I Elementary Branches.. 15 00 , Tuition to bo ftatd In mm. Pupils will l»« from »»f entrance »© ' end of session ,«xe«pt in <pt protracted #iok aesa. Jly permission, be refcrbe following gentlemen-. K«». I>r. K|rvnarriie, J. Waller fit ay, K»q, and HVBatfe?. i>a«n tf AK 0|KUI\ii; TO AMKND AN ORDfNATO RAISE SUPPLIES FOR THKrfl )878. Win it tnmcUdbftlt M«W Ahltrmen. , ^ ** of the CWuV Or«Hn Council ' "I" «nv. Tliat I ; '1 <7 t if} * L TERMS CASWMP 6. £. £& DEAL^i ^BOOKS AND 6 COURT HOUSS S$VAlU KBBPS IH 8 Ti-ifinmii, Pr»yr Book*, Hymn J Sunday Schools, SoHool Books, Slates, C< t sad Bo*elope* of various grades, Ink, laki emoranditm and Blank Boots, large and an tarda and Clips. Mathemstioal instruments, CI g Paper. UseuW Paper, Btlelol and Bonnet Bo Ik J n n n i. rviimin uonivrp, run IUU I I'OU l/Hltf, I~OCK® riling Desks, Portfolio*, Albums, Pocket Bw jfrr. nee PI'm, Wri|t|.lng Twins, Klnttio Bi ayon*. Water Colo<« l'«p»r Folders and l'earer iga No|aiial Sea's, Sealing Wax, Ao., together e qui*# or leaa, Deeds, Mortgages, Mseonic I cars ol various prices and approved brands. Orders trou a distance, accompanied w ntl«>n. 3HRISTMAS^ AKD MEWYEAR! c s wl hrialmaac CHRISTMAS S Goto RESENTS.) and \ Walter's ^ >HOLIDAY « > PRESENTS. IV"g New ) . ( Store. (t #"£4 " MS* > PRESENT \ ) for a ..... < Little Money, \ Holiday ) ,0 ) Prvsenla WALTER'S. J S Walter's T ) Do you ) S want a rich < » g »» Bridal ) TOILET SET, < h Presents. / go to ( Store, tl WALTER'S. ( For an ) Riithdny \ elegant pslr of ? Present*. S V ASKS, I ] B g(t lO J >W A LTEK'S. C J \ Walter's jj 'or a (Pine ) a Cb«a|< Writing ) l>rBR e Ve»cni, < De»ka t S go t-S and cstors. 0 Va Iter's. pW riling ) t p Slut, i i»l, at > f ? WALTER'S.) J S ~~~~ v ° ^ 'or a (For a ) {> nlc. ( g.-nuine (. I rc«^yil. s Meerschaum (c g'i tl Pipe and ( Wallers V niter's. p Segar ) s ) Holder) "'"g * C go to) C "or ^ <| WALTERS j »<*« no tiM'or the \ ^ult.rV, \ fill eft ( > lot of \ G o ) Confectionery) ? and \ 'w c Confection r rcailyt Boxes, C Walters ind \ go to \ t willing WALTER'S. ) Jlerks S ) tiODo )8 t o r e. In* W ) yi« / GoodrV wsnt t fo ? n fine y to < Bet tie of t Go to i Wniter'. \ Cologne) . .) aod ) Walter's » c the/ For Vest of >l>rug Store iVsll Perfumery I . I I Bracket*. / Uo 10 \ < To well ( WALTER'S) : and ( . ) [1st Usek'.S For s ) go to ) nice ) Wi.l'er's ) pair f Waller'* Por r Lamps, |lrti| 8kiw. fine ( go to ) Toilets WALTER'S. > ' iospe \ j sn.l jPor a ) Go Toilet? nice < Article., ) Promenade, j ^ go to / Lunch, v Walter'*? Traveling,) Waller** \ or Work ) If < Basket,) Drug you i bo !< ( want »S WALTER'S. ( 8t..re. piesenl. ) . t an 1 ) For \ me? anything i ondecl led ( rich, in ) r a r e and/ your > raey, r Waller'# releciiun, ) po to ? call )\V A ITER'S n"»h' and / ( look?! f you S Store, over ( want ) I he S to huy ) Slock ) cheap, ? Go to *i/ bo to ? WalUr'a Walter'*. ) WALTER'S. O'mg Siore. D c 11 32 If Brooks Place to Bent. 'PIIK residence of the late Captain J. W. JL BROOKS to Kent, Contain. Two Room* 2Ax32, and Seven Ronm* additional, with Fire p'aeer, and Two without. Good otnhuildmB* and Garden plat. For terms, apply «o T. 0. GOWER, W. K. ROWLAND. «r MILLS* MoBRtYKR, Dee 9i h. 1872 **. S DISSOLUTION^ THE COPARTNERSHIP M^tofora exist. / log between OLINH A HUBS, is this ' dav DISSOLVED nv matnal/°nscnt. frhuee having Claiml win/«»«nt them, uil I tho»« Indented will pleaeo />me forward and make payment. / i /L. n. CLTNB, i 8. 8. OI BBS. November SO, 1872. / &' .tf ] tN ro». >r*1 Per lie P blare and Price LiaU oaal frw* oa apon. by P. P. TOAL.E, 20 llayuo and 33 Pinckncy felt., Cbarlecton, 8. C. V. 'R1CK8 LOW. * toss, Et IN STATIONERY, r, GREENVILLE, 3. C. TOOK, Rook*, Question Book*. Tickets. £e, (o |i>y end Coni[>f>#lli<>n Book*, Writing P> foods, Ptni, P«Mib, Penholder*. Ruler* mil. Invoice Book*, Letter Boi**, Lolte irasroen.Donvinoee, Visltln* Cards, Draw ecd. Gilt Paper, Conner Foil, Gold I'm* I KniVes. Thermorne'era, Tape Measurer L>k«, Memorandum Book*. Kcadj and*, Paper Weight., Cha'k and Fane* », P»|>er Fiilantri, ItuciU «r, Gnrai*beW with Law and Trial Ju.tioe'a Blanka. b; )emiU, UrafU, Ac , and 9 good stock c ith tha Gub, will bmI with prompt at Deo 11 82 tf 13th August, 1872. 172 hereby notify tha pahlie that 4k ff United States Patent Office baa SI1RT» A PATSNT POM "WEST'S GW&IQ DISTEITOI" bteh fully eovors all its parts. They will be manufaetarod, and f«r aal r ua. £ST Stale and County Rights ft tie. All infringement* protecult > the full extent of the law. W. J. WEST. QOWER, COX A MARKLEY, Owner* of the Patent. Aug 21 16 tf City Ordinance. rllE following Ordinance ia publish* for ioforinatioii. It* provisiona wi e rigidly enforce*!, and the Poliee a er«-l»y inatrueted to arrest and hring rial all persona who may violet 1 it. H. P. HAMMETT, Mayor. Deermher 9lh, 1872. ORDINANCE. BE it ordained by '.he Mayor and Aide men of the Oily of Greenville, louneil assembled, and by the authority he eame. That it shall not he lawful f ny person to Rre any Fheertckrti, R«e la, or fireworks of any Wind, on Ma Itreet. between the River and North 8tre< ir within "fitly yard* of Main Street, 1 w-cen <1ie above limits, or on Runcorn itreet, between Mnio and Richard, itrecta. or on Pendleton Street. Ix.i we ),. 11._ l...... .r ( rnd'«y, or on Augusta Street, b'twe 'endUton Street and tlie I'ae-enger I>ep >r within the viointy of tlie Fieight O-i Srcwoi* 2. i3e it further ordaioed. 1 >11 violation of the above Ordinance r »a punished by fine or imp<faoomeat, a li'cretion of the Council. Done and ratified under tlie Co>i Seal of the City of GreenvtlM twenty-first day of Decembrr, Jeer of our Lord one tbournn 1 undred and seventy. I n T. O. GOWER, I J A. II. McDAVlfr, Ctlv Clerk. ( Dee 11 82 . Q rho State of South ,t GREENVILLE COW L Site riff's Sale , ^ , , eurt of IBY virtvie of an order front|Hn,|#y | fVobate, ( will red on ll>'^J(.f.r» I n Jannaiy next, at put lie * Yract I he Court II oura door, the fe 4 >f Lend, vie: . _ ... I * All that Tract of Land, »Vw##t,ing. I rillo County, adjoining and I ton Taylor, Joa.pli 11. ller.^, or Van.- I » Ii.taining Sixly-Iilne A«r«, Ale I toid a* the properly of °morg ||,e wine, deceased, for P*'jirg_ tieira. Purchaser to pay r l gonBN.6.n c. Dell 82 -I ~Nof , . horn It may «onS hereby givm to ^ H j noiithii, rem, that I will j^Hls C...,v. on Judge of Yrohale for^, f()f , pi^AL Vletrator «f the Kelt SCH Alt -1?i aa fa ^oema'd. lata ol O. M. «AK£k CHaRLE*. 11AKH Administrator. 82- S Dee- mber 9ih. . ?ltfC . all whom in may ennTS hereby giv/ y tinnihit 1 ««rn, that I' "IVT"'" . P'nhate Jud 'e T«wn>i|t^tJ«Mniy. on the I ft ill day ,.f *rT ne*»,fora FIN A I, I>ISCHAI?GF Administrator of the Estate of KLI lArsKEW- derated. \^ jl JESKKW, Adminiiintor. 1872. St. 6 oticeT At t _.4»t who are indebted to the E«» ^ Mr». JANF. WOODSIDE, doceased #/°t.iBed to c»" upon the undersigned'ao"!" '^e Mm8; *nd thnae having claim, ^prcsont (hem. properly attested as (ho a* l-81"1* will he closed up on tba 8rat #f *! ' J. L. WOODS IDE, A grot. Deo ^ 81 4J Notice 18 I*'1? *"<*« > to nil whom U may ronearr at I will apply to 8. J. Don hit. Pre hatfJudjco of tireenvitle County, on tb »thday of Jannary next, for a Fini Djtbirit aa Administrator of tha Keta.e tlLLIAM PAYNE, deceased. All parth f»ving elaiaa will present them on or befu tid day. JAMES II. PAYNE, I Administrator. Doceaibct 2, 1872. 31-6 Notice 18 hereby given to all whoaa it may coneei that *> will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Pi l-a. .r Orwnaiiin Count*, on thai ley of January noil, for a Final Discharge Administrttora with the Will annexed of I Batata of WILBY W. H038, dcoeaaed. ELM IN A KOSS. W. W. R08S, Administrators with Will annexed December 2, 1272. 31lf*tiee IS hereby given to all «b<« it way rona that we will apply to 8. J, Duuthit, I bate Judge of Greenville County, on the day of January next, for a Pinal Disoharg Uxrralor* of the Estate of AMBRTCA F( I.Kit, deceased; all partiee having Claims p meant them en or before Mid day. M. H. FOWL1R, I KxeontoVi T. N. FOWLKK, J ""o*10*1 PeeewWer 2, It>72. «lj Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may corn, that I will epp'y l<» S». J. Pom Probate Judge u| Urrenvilla County Ike 4lk da if of Jmnmary next, tor a I Discharge ae Administratrix, with the annexed ; of the Kotala of 0. M. Okf daoeaoed, therefore, all nartie* ha Otaimi againat said Estate will preeent 1 on or before on id day to Die, or the Pre Judge, or l>o debarred. I.UCINDA 0. MoCRBART, Administratrix, With the Wl'l Annex Novi tnh.r 2Stb, 1872. 81 CAROLINA KATWr'ha OF w. «. wn COLUMBIA, i W1 Capital Itook Paid in $? Board of Director^t T^'T ' L. D. Child,, Prp«., Ji«. - J. W. Pakii, VW Free., R»*> C. Di Mxltor, Solicitor, J -*' r U. O'Nkalk, Jr., F OiW. 1 i W. B. 0click, Oaiki«r. Itkitr. ' C. J. tiiBDr r i M- p* f Tlf addition t»tba osdlna'ntlonal JL Of Banking, Lba»t-boary Bank of Columbia, U C., V«t>la ©u CI >1 log Certificate* Tor any # Interest demand, and bearing !* , from date, internet «<* previ- || month*, if the Cert i Beat,®°ei*ed on jjot ouaiy presented, ltopokind. De- * Ad* terms, and Inters , . positors bare all the ad ^ ^ A A. I and Ibeaafaty of their >*d Tk»**and m a pnid-ap capital ef U arbleh they Dollar*. Person* b find tbia a aare /-t *bh to invest teaap* upon demand, IrTOCi meana of iiiseatmec.ld a mcN profit- J*$ and always ready f ! able investment of by Bxmwi. and ' Remittance**** by majl without I* Certificate* will b delay. , 1871. ' Columbia, S. ( 3 m No* 27 Not i' ]> .FIC. |o - mNJMPANT8 , <* (CAFW'W*0'#*0> S1LV o I yteifle Guano. a now so wall 'known in all rpniS a Stales for its remarkable Nc _ J. th»ey for inersDaing the pro.. . effect* t not to require special recomduct* out It* «se for seven years ^ tnendaibed its eharaetor for .reliable aa HI past largo filed capital inraatad exoelly in thia trade afforda th* aureat rrui by thae-fieatinued eseellence of thia I lo ffuan A Onaias put into market tbia season Tbfore. prepared under the peraon- BOW arejdenco of l)r. St. Julian Havana). wh|| al the Company, at Charleston, S. C., M|e Cltera may reat assured that its qu*U . h<a>position ia precisely the seme a* . itnfore sold. ' * " ' TO t'J. N. RODSOM, Balling Agent, Ql Charleston, 8. C. j-i: "r JNO. 8. HKKST, A CO., " General A Rente, Ualtiinora. . ,n 1.$48 cash ; $63 time, without Interest. c .. *'» accommodate plantar* thoy can order * nd bar* until th* l«t of April to decid* c"' bewhether they will take nf Aim* or oaah P" oi. When delivered from the Factory by *>'< eear load no drayage will bo charged. (or 27 30 3m |-rl BWffl OIIEGNVILLE COACH FACTORY, V U.L AND WINTERTRADE, 18T2 *3 rllB public are notified that betides out. usual supply of VEHICLES, c ur .. we make aaroral new and handuna aty lea of RDCKAWAYS AND x 1 nVJGCS-KlQSa Wow and elegant stylos SPRING-WAGON BUGGIES, I for one aud two horaoa. tTT trm WAGOMS, ' specialty. First-Class A, No. I, Iron-ArU 1, 2, 3, 4 and C horse FA KM WAGONS aept regularly in stock. 37 Years practical experience ! GONVER. 00 X k MARKLEY. Oet 2 22 4 Change of Business. IDHSIRE to (ire notice that I bare this day sold my enterest in the jtoek of 1>RY GOODS and GROCERIES in the firm of FOWLER A VAUGHN, with my good will, to Messrs. L. B. austin a b. F. SUOCKLEY, who will in future ho associated with Mr. L. L. FOWLER, and conduct the same, under the Firm name of FOWLER, AUSTIN A O0-, and in retiring from the bueineae, would commend them to our old friend* and ce(tourer* as worthy their highest esteem aad conddence. W. P. VAUGHN. September 18, 18TC. Take Notice* WE hare bought out all of the stock o the firm »f FOWLER A VAUGHN > continuing business at the etd stand. W > hereby assume al, uf the liabilities of the ol< 1 concern, and ail persons owing debts to then will make payment to us. TW did friehds e 4 the eatablichiaent Will reootve a warm recej. lion, and no trouble Will be sparc^ U |ji * general satisfaction. FOWLER, AUSTIN A C*. j Oct. 22, I8V2 ; Money. A LL persons indebted to the Pir»u l% JA. FOWLER a VAUGHN are notifi ro that all accounts doe them are Very aiu needed r therefore an early settlement is c sired. FOWLER, AUSTrti a CO October 22, 1872. 25-t n, The 8tate of South Carolin ?h GUEKNYILLE COUNTY. ^ , In Court of Probate. Simern E dnrgfm ti Pumd Sullivan, et .Petition (or Sate «l Rf*l KtUit. IT appearing to my aatiefaotion that J< Hurgcee, Marv Ljrnth, Margaret M . ilie l»«4rt of William liurgeaa, d#ceai I trho«e nrtm-a are nnVnnwn; the h»W I Benjamin Bnigea*. droeare-l, wlioee na are unknown, and the hrlra of Marg 8th Weet, deeeaaed, via: Solomon Weak a MS hurband, and her children, whoea na )W. are onkrcwo, drfendanta in thia ear,*, re will out of the State': /I it kertiy ordered, that they appei I. perron, or by »itorney, at a Court of haie, to he holden at OreeeyiHe C. H the M l day o( January next, to aliow ei if any they can." why the Real Ratal MaROARRT BUROl*tS, dreeaeed, ah eon- not be aold, for diviaioo among the I (hit, and (or th* paynaanl of dehta of aaid on eeaeed. On felling to attend, their rmal arnta to the eama will ha entered of re Will S. J. DOTTTHIT, P. J. O. CER. December 6th, 167*. String Town Lot for Sale. 'PHR LOT IN TUB PORK OK TUB I 1 combe and Rutherford Roada, eoi ing about One-half A< ra. Terms Libei rd Apply to KAKLKAULYTl -i I No* 4 ;o rlotte (N. C) 8TATE Advertisements. gf " " ttY* w. t. tutu. AJ m LSON & BLACK, HH WHOLESALE Oy, tUGGISTS, ffe' r Henry A»P PI*UP proper!; Paint*, Varnlel*-*, Wii.PowQla**, *«*« ' 'oily, Dm StrHTa, Dri*»he% .1A,,#r L-mne. *lr* *c and everything F,,t*i!0 rlalnirg to the Dru* Ratinea*. ® ®' OILS A SPECIALTY. LenO 1ARLOTTK, N. C. d"i , . Alto Prompt and ptrtoatl alien- Stale I r Uoa given all order*. JBSk eontait - y. . more o: 1 to the Stvlea, *a»r. w. n. mimct. w. i. raw at on M , L NISBET & BRO., ^ WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Ala< trie*. Confection trie* % Cigars, ^"3 " " *" «r th. pes, Tobacco, jxusicch, un- . . Urvmsnts, Strings^ &c. Town* A LAO, AOtNT* |r«tg Colco PRIZE CANDY. If CHaHLOITE, N. C. ier<Yt re 27 3m u,o Blytl; HN T. BUTLER, *aj DEALER IK Hor* ine Watches, Jewelry, eSi* ER AND PLATKD WARE. To*' SPECTACLES. AC. A1 TRYON STREET, La* CHARLOTTE. V. C. \Tal >v 47 8m mile j. A, CHAKLOTTE K undfitl^ned dnsr« V> eall the t(Ko> P°ri tlon ol the public to hie ,|H MARBLE WORKS carried on it ClIAllLOTTK. N C.. at »dj< ch place he keep* the lirgnt end beet Eiu rted ilotk ( Hirbli, lod i nunb*r ol otb find CutleM In the Southern Stale*. mo MBS, MOV77MBHTS, QRAV JE«TO*E3 * j( every description Manufactured file q. very Guaranteed, Freight prepaid 100 ra. 28 per eent lea* than ean be pur»*n el«ewhere in the Southern State*. I '"j 1 dnpheate Northern order*, saving pur- tai urn expense o( freight, drayage, ex- m im of putting t p eostly MONUMENTS, ^ 1 danger of breakage. Sati.taetion aranteed, or no pay required. Send for ol lee Kits and drawing*, and nave money. O Remember the dead. I] F. A. McNINCII\ charlotte; n. c. 1) Nov 6 27 Sui Hl If ALT E R BR E M, I IMPORTER AND DEALER IN HARDWARE, P "*Tmi PI»V A vn CITNS. VU 1 UCift%JL orner Trade and Tryon Streets, i MANSION HOUSE BUILDINO. CHARLOTTE. IV/C. iov 6 27 1 mi ESTABLISHED 1835. ' aF.EEXTVILLE COACH FACTORY. r|MlK Stock for Fall and Wintar trad* ia 1 rapidly Ailing op. 65 doe. Door. Pad and other Look* 40 keg* Cot Nails and Brads 00 pairs Trace and Breast Chain* Log Chains mud Continued Chain 3 tons Fire and Rod Iron Band Iron and Sheet Iron Cast Steel, square and octagon i.000 feet best safely Blasting Fuse Dozens L«>ng Handled Shovels Spades. Forks and Hoes 1 GO gallons VarnLhes, assorted 3 casks Linseed Oil 3 casks Tanner's Oils Largo stock Machinery Oils Oils for Wool Carders Large assortment of Paints, ground ia Oil and dry Brushes, Wind< w Class, Putty Carriage Materials, Lea her, Bent Kims, Morticed IIulis, Castings, Lea.hei and India Rubber Belting, from twc to eight inches wide Files, Tools, Locks, Ilintfes, Ac., Ac. GOWER.COX A MAKKLKY. Sept 25 21 If : BM MWS I AND ! GROCERIES THE undersigned have now on bar an.I . ill Knniinut to keen, full SU plioft of T)ry Good*, Cloths, Cnxxlmeres, Shirtings, Sheetings, Yarns, of Bagging. Hats, Caps, jf Boots, Shoes, etc , etc., ch Also Groceries, Sugar. Coffee, Flo\ Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas Besides Hardware, Cutlery, As Hoes, Shovels, Chains, a. And everything needed about the Fa or Home. Jt-9T All we want U a trial, and i ' ikfact ion will be guaranteed. ibn JSTTIte high eat price will be p .llt for Country Produce. FOWLER, AUSTIN & CO «" » Ort 28 25 ret a LAND FOIi SAL 'pwo TRACTS of LAND, on 8ouili t [r in J. da Ri v*r, containing 780 aerea. Pro- bnl Rirtr end Creek BOTTOM, with on improvement* mac. Also large lot cf valuable H0R8RS,' ol TLE and HOQS. Apply to o»M JUMUSO SMITH. ' »re. J. M. MoCLA.NAlU des May t9 4 eord. . jj Prof. Iff. G. DeCam I^KALKIt in all kind* «f MIM JLJ MERCHANDISE. On kaml no*. M'l'oieou*. Shrrt Miinii 1T7N- Mueie li<M>k«. CnII ami 'ro him. i iiain- Kooiu* in 'he ACADEMY OP MIMIC ml. AVcir (he h'riHi'lt Qollfff IK 0rrettviPe. a M May *2 U 5^ */?*>> v l OF SOUTH CABOLIVA. gMtgr OREKNVILLK COUNTY. atio^'ibi IKRIPF'S SALES. lt|ti« of sundry vrh. of Fi M«. (n C««»«ll, i <tire«Ud, 1 wilf »- ll l«-f >r* tk. "T ^ dvor. on £>«/r»-<£ty in jmfhmrj/ ° .r.e iwrfn the lto.tr* «rf R u'd-ick In ike V®1 n, nnd I oVcrk In the afternoon, J 'reel of Lend, an lk« Buneombe # mHe» from Grrenttilo C. H.,Contain- gQVKS Ho ad red nnd Forty.Three miw, More adjoining landa of tb« Estate 01 mr*. dm, y. Lynch and other*. Levied a* the perform* f of E. B. Coleman, at the *«it of tion for a Bomer. ville, nil Oo« tract of Land, containing Sixty, tained Ir re*, mora or leoo, adjoin lag land* of the llccaaa a of John Htokn, iccaiwd, p. Oob»», follow* i i Qtlffiih and other*. Levied on a* the blbUiuo, y of Wller Smith, at the »ait of Sto- Bid* Bk< riflith. Homestead to set off l#d»- nor cm I before day of cat*. Mayor On* tract of Land on both *lda*of Ike load, altait lk mile* from tircoyvilla, ting Eight llundrad and Sixty acre*. PV*1"!! J r lea*.tba hooaeatead having boon act off ' Defendant,.adjoining land* of Simoon ®" 8. H. Poo!, Cutry and otbara. Levied ,0.B! *" be property of J. L. Waetmorolapd, at *? , It of M. L. Merchant, Galne* A Dear* ' iMignee*. Jama* Birnia. Assign*#. nt Harrison, Administrator, and other*. gec >, One llundrad and Twenty Two and Corpur 'fourth acre* of Land, more or less, situ- carry $ mile* from tba Court IIoasa, and weat until b a Whito llorae Road, adjoining lands Llcen* A. Town**, John Southern and 0. F. provid **, being part of the treat known a* tba eitbar ck tract, and including a final! portion log, tli Brushy Creek tract. Levied on a* (be not ex rty of 0. P. Towne*. and all the In- ahall | in law and equity of W. A. Towne* 1n cents; am*, at tba suit of W. Cboico, for A. and n< Hd other* tr*. U. V- Towns* and W. I lar* ; iwaos. and t to, Twenty-BI* acre*, mora or lew, near* Ten I fine woodland, Iving east of tho White Doll* Road, part of the Brushy Creek tract* Doll* nhig the land* nl John Southern, Wm , ,,CM , Gaorga Wright and other land* of (J. F. ceedii ne*. Dolla *o, Twenty-Two and a Half acres of R*'* I, more or lees, adjoining tlio forogning J Vind east of tho same ; two-third* of which ,e ' , to woodland, and all of good quality, throo ~,r ' * from tho Court House. | ( Iso, Two Hundred acre* a! 1and» m»re or e|a p situated 2} miles from the Court Hour*,' >ii|| is land* known a* the Brushy Creuk tract, ]). lining the last mentioned, and land* of W. { grim Towne*, A. Williman and others, the larger per i :ion of which is fina woodland. Homo- | Ten d to bo laid off before tho day of sale. each ,l*o, One vacant Lot, a deeirabto and good Man lolng situation, situated on Rh*tt street, Prin doing lot lately belonging to Hen. W. K. Bar* .ley's Estate, Mrs. Uerndon, McBeo and Twe era, containing tfinotrnth* of an acre, of tl re or less. Levied on o* the property of Q. 1st i Towne*, at tho auit of Vardry McBoa and yooi ixander MoBoa, Executor* and other* v*. on i F. Towne*. ho i Also, One tract of Land, lying on ^"j,1 a water* of Durham'* Creek, con- pjj inlng Two Hundred nnd Kitty arre*, t ore or le**, adjoining land* of John J food, Jno. J one*, Anthony Jones, and j hers, known a* the Mill Plaee. Also, Pfc ne tract of Land containing Five [undred and Seventy Two acre*, more r lens, adjoining land* of M. M. Jones, [.II Stewart, It. II. Hunter and others, ad known as the Homo Place. Levied *" n an the property of Wm McNeelv lm t the auil of Iiewlel Su'Jivao, liavid *u 'itman, John I). Williams and other*. * Terins.Cash. Purchasers to pay for 'pa* a ers. J. li. SOUTHERN. 8. O. C. It Sheriff's Office, December 19, 1372. 32-4 bi in . ~ 111 a tu Ordinance to liaise Supplies for the Year of 1873. 11' BE it enacted by the Maypr and Aldermen t of the City of Greenville, in Council as- J icuiblcd, and by tho authority of the rauio: ^ That a Tax to cover the period from i January let, 1673, to January 1st, 1374, for the suins and in the manner hereinafter mention- j cd, shall be raised and paid into the public . Treasury of the City of Greenville, by the first . day of March next, for the use and serrico thereof. Suction 1. On each One Hundred Dollars of assessed value of Real Estate nnd Personal Property, the sum of Fitly cents. Seal Estate Stocks, Goods and Chattels Sold at Auction. See. 2. There ehall be paid quarterly, Two and a half per cent, upon all sales at Auction, on all Goods, and One per cent, on all Chattels and Real Estate and Stocks of every description, except on sales made by order of Court or procoss of law, or bja Executors and Administrators. Goede, Ware* and Merchandise Bold o:i Consignment. See. St. There shall be paid by alt merchants or orherr:, One Half of ono per cent, upon sales of all Goods, Wares and Merchandise sold on Cousijrnment, ma le from the 1st day of Jar. usry, 1873, to the 1st day of January, 1S74, the above Tax to he paid quarterly. Road and Street Tax. 8cc. 4. That each and every nrnlo person of ( Twenty-one jcars of ago and upwards, other than members of the Firo Department, Ordained Ministers, and Studcnta, ahnll pay on * or before the let day of March next, Two Dollars for Road nnd Street Exemption ; and it any' porsou liable to this Tax shall fail make payment at tho time specified, he shut be held liable to work on the streets of th< City for six days, undor the direction of tbi _ acting oveisecr of tho streets ; any person re fusing or neglecting to oboy the summon shall be fired at tho'disc re lion of the Council said fine to he collected hy Exoontinn ; and I '.all be the duty of the City Clerk nnd C«t( Police to report to the Council, all defaultei under either of the clauses of the section. Lawyers, Physician*, Dentists, Phot' graphists. froid Sec. &. There shall be p»id Thirty cent* c the Hundred Dollars of gross income of Rri I kers and Hankers, and all income derivt from tho Commission Business,or the practice the professions of Law, Medicine and Deniirtr and from the business of Dagucrreotypin Ambrotyping and Photographing, within t limits of tho City, the amount of incune In estimated fro in the 1st day of January, 1SI to tho 1st day of January, IS74, tho Tax u on the saine to be paid quarterly. CA llfl J AGES, 031SIT! VSSES, WAGO.\ AC. '*** Sec. . There shall he pntft Ten Dollars oaeh four-horse Omnibus or Hack ; Six D lars on each Carriage drawn by two or m rm horses, run for conveyance of passengers hire; Three Dollars on each one horso Bug Gig or Stllky, kept for hire; Twenty Doll on each four-horse Wagon; Ten Dollar* each ta o-horse Wagon, Dray or Cart, Seven Dollars en each one-horse Wagon, D mid or.Cart, rnn for .hire. The Taxes on On buses, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, Wag Drays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be ; before they are allowed to run : Provided, 1 nothing herein contained ahall beoonstrue tf Us to extend to Wagons, Carts or other V cles going to or from market, and owned, and used by nonresident* of the city. Jft, ITINERANT TRADERS AND AUCH EEML * 8eo. 7. Fire Dollars per day thai! be P"rl by every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer, i *ew lof four tale within tbe corporate limn* elty at auction or otberyO®<\ Govt*, W 3AT- or Merchandise, to be paid each day it ranee, and every Itinerant Trader or Auo or err liable to tbe ta^ atnreeaid. and who ,N. Tail to inako psjriuent, shall ba fine.I Ten lure for each <lay ho a^ny ao offend : I*rov Tho provisions of this section shall n const rued at 1°. epp'y thq ordinary in rrairy rpilt, potatoes, |o,karco. p»! iron-ware, earthen ware, or oilier prudii lOAl, ntan^liv:teres of like obaractep I.IV nuk/ARP J.\ Hl.ES A, Mi TEf /VA » *».d IEVS% »t lite i^0 g_ That an annuel las of Twcal Dollars Shall be paid on each and ever 'i Hard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars or 0. and every Nine or Ten Pin Alloy, kept i ti |Uv limits <{f tlic city of Urccuxillq for j 1 L " to paid before Kmrn to IN tW 11 mateJ > any prMi or peraona i artioloe or openlag tto NitklU* tloned tkiti ( rhl« aretloo withoet ng obtained a Uwiw fam tto City Mtd rlriai a bond to tto t>«« la tto wo Hundred Dollar#, nMUIoto tbo lav# of tb« State and CHy, shall t to a ln« avt exceeding Tan PoH«M lay #aoh MiUukmit shall to k«ft aad. TMA iy AMD THEATRICAL PKUfODMANCKS. Ttot no £q0crtfhfn Or Theatrical IN or poitortaaoeo#, or otto# ilfelM> [mb, shall bo tod in Ito <itj of Own hoot a Hoodoo ttoorfor being #T»l eh# » tto Mpyor, aad pry nam r fee tobf »aJa to tto Oty Clm no ctoaadiL W For aaeh and ora#y F pant rain M»~ Fifty Dollar* 5 for sash ami wTotf »w, a m sot I«m than PWaMari ctiling Twenty*## DoitoOy as tho hall determtoe; for Theatrical ami MHilloti for $nto, aaeh onaa aa tho hall drtttiniM f tod aaob and avory tlkhMlog for gain, wllhont Aral haralaid a lfcconoo, tod tho perineal of >1 tax In adraaeo, abaft bo ffnod la d Imi than do«Mo Ito afuato of tto, I, In Banner toroiaaftcr prorided for Koltka of Imi aad forfeiture** SPECIAL fAX. 10. That no Person, Finn, Company of atloo hall to engagod in, proaaenta ar on any Trado, ButineM ar Profession e, she or tboy ball hara paid a Special , tberafor, in tha manner baroinaftar ed, to wit: Bach and orery toainaaa, * Mercantile, Mechanical or Maaafaetnria groM salea or receipt* of wbioh (ball 1 »:. n-.« j it..u COTVi |lfU I4UIIUIVI VMMtt * |»v« lay a License of Two D dlitrs an«l Fifty and In exooss of Flco ilnndred Dollars »t exceeding Two Thousand, 8lx Doland in oxccaa of Two Thousand Dollar*, tot exceeding Fir* Thousand Dollars, >»llars | and is oxooos of Fir* Tbosuaod rt, and not exceeding Ton Thousand rs. Twelve Dollars and a Half; and la i of Ten Thousand Dollars, and not *xsg Twenty Thousand Dollar*, Fifteen rs; and iu excess of Twenty Thousand rs, Kightoeu Dollars; each first-class I, Thirty Dollars ; each second-class Ho, iflocn Dollars; cash Saw Mill, Tau Doleach Corn Mill grinding ur.dor Throo sand Bushels per annum. Six Dollars ; tach grinding over Three Thousand Bush; er annnm. Fiftoen Dollars; a sob Flouring grinding under Twonlyflro Hundred >elr wheat per annum Ten Dollars aud aaeh ling orer Twenty-fire Hundred Buahela innuin, Fifteen Dollars; eaeb Cotton Gin, Dollars; each Cotton Press, Fir* Dollars; Lirery Stable, Fifteen Dollars; each (las ufaetory or Works, Ton Dollare; eaah ting Estahliebment, Ten Dollar*; eaah er Shop, Fira Dollars; each Auctioneer, Ire Dcllars. The license iMI^QM/tirtu* lis section shall he cellectc^WjpF'w/ tha day of Mareh next, aad shalfeorar the r of 1873, and all basinesa licenses iaauad ind after the 1st dey of Mareh next, shell arued on a ratsM* proportion of tha year ing from the 1st day of (he month in whieh my be iaaued. YS1CIA SS, LA Tf YKRS^ DKMTISTM, »IIOTOORAHISTS, ARTISTS, IN8UR1SCE COMPAXIKS, AO. >oc. 11. Kach Physician, Lawyer, Dentist, otograpliist and Artist, and each insurance mpany. and Speculator in Grain, Flour er nntry Produce, cot otherwise licensed uor this Ordinance, shall pay a Lleeuaa of n Dollars ; nnd each Expras# Company, and ch Telegraph Company having an ofloa la, , d doing business within tbo corporate limits the city, Twenty-five Dollar*, for eoadaetC ruch business or oceupatinu. said swm or ins to Imj paid on or t-eforo tha 1st day ef arch next, or on my subsequent day before muiencing such business or occupation, and penalty of Five Dollars per day ahall he vied against any person prosecuting snob , ieii)cms or occupation, or any business naasod this section, without frit having taken out license therefor. LIQUOR LICENSE, See. 1?. Firt-class Liquor Dealers Retailing, sail pay an annual Tax of Two Hundred nd Fifty Dollar* ; Sccond-elara Liquor Dealrs. stiall pay an annual Tax of Two Hundred tollara, payable quarterly in adranco : each caler wbo sella by (lie quart,or larger quaab ty, One Hundred Dollar*; eaeh Grocer or Iruggitl ahull be granted a license to sell Li|tiora hy tho bottle, not lees than Throe-half 'iuts, upon the payment of an annual Tax of Pifty Dollars, payable quarterly in advance: Provided, tho Liquor ao sold shall not bo lrank on the premises where sold, by any oth:r than a Retail Dealer. All applications lor Retail or Dottle License, must first be made to tho Clerk of Council. Bond required ia tho penal nun of One Thousand Dollars, to be approved by Committee on Securities, and elasscd hy the Committee on Classification, and tha license for all dealers in liquor shall oover tbo yca^cxpiring on tho 1st day of October, H78iiacD d.iy Uar Rooms arc closed by order of Council, they shall l>e credited on their license. First-class Dealer, Ten Dollars; for 8*oond« class Dualars, Six Dollars. PENALTIES* 8rc. 13. ,l«./ be !l fnrt\*r »nfxiiinf,*Tlat any person or persons wbo shall fail, nogleet or refuse to uiako a return to tbe City Clerk on oath of all his, her or their Taxable PropI crty, Income, Pales, Receipts er any or all other things taxed by this Ordinance,and pay the Tax thereon imposed, within the time specified by this Ordinance, the Clerk of tbe Council, assisted by the Assessors of the'City, aro hereby authorised nnd requested to asses such person or persons for bis, ber or tbeir property or other things taxed by this Ordinance, according to the best information which b% nnd the assessors enn obtain af tha vtdwa of snob taxable property, and add One Hundred per cent, to the amount of the tag of tba perI son or persons thus neglecting or refusing to make a return as aforesaid, os pay tba tag I thereon ; and if Ibo Double Tax thus imposed , D not paid within Thirty Days thereafter, tbo a said Clerk is hereby authorised and requested to isswo an Execution tbe refur immediately, which said Kxeeulion shall by lodged with the * Sheriff of the County of Greenville, tu he colli looted according to the provisiona of tho Act y of the General Assembly ia steob eases made and providod. I Done and ratified under the corporate seal of the raid City of Greenville, on tho »- [L. S ] third day of December, in the year of uir Lord, one thouaand eight bunin dred nrd seventy-taro. II. P. IIAMMETT, Mayor. J. D. IfENRT, City Clerk. of Deo II *2 If MURPHY'S MAUBLE YARD, r ct\) w mb, s. o. Present Location on Pall Street, ena 'S, Block from front of Gower, Cox 4 Berkley. WILL M\NI KAcrt-aa 2 MONUMENTS, TOMBS, . MONUMENTAL °r IIEA D STONES, dkc, tfc. Inr* pyy As I em the proprietor of tbo and Bs3Jl\tn Ea'abl elurent, PAVMJiNTS RlS >K=3|FOR WORK OR material d so in net be made to myself or order, eod all 'obi- contracts must be ratified by me before ran they are valid., fy* Call and etan>rne onr TValgoc and' ov Priors before pnreb»«ln^ ehiewharo, ^ 8AMWEI. MUBV»T. ' Oct 9* 25 \j. o paid ITcr- .=*" "JJ/ "I S glvMV »« «,)> <jh<>u H inay onno* to. .. X lh*l t will-apply (i» 8. J. D<>wlhh, l*r»« . b.,:c ) «nlge of Wroro rill, Coaoty, on tbo SOtR D . day »»f )>(Hvui)x>r next, for * Piul DInSm|[« a* AHiiiihl<»n(nv of lb* K<UU of JORDAN ,,7; hicks. .kr,.«,d. i i*r! HANSOM 1IICK8, Ad.lol.tr.to,. ii'try. N'ortobw 23, 1872. M-* too or ' -l Notlc® T8 IwitW (brn In all whoaa U may eMr*|», JL »Hi»l I will apply to JF% UoulkU. IVy«fivo biia Juflg« of Urceiitlll* Cuantf, on tho 10|k y Bil< <Uy of January not'., for a Rinal I>i*»h*«foa« > each Guardian of JOHN I.. HAWKINS. flihin HENRY P. HAMMKTT, Go- si_5 .roflt j December 3, 1873, * *V i .
Page 1: University of South CarolinaCHRISTMAS GOODS* _J? vi .Af : j *.*-. CANDIES, * *tBi Bp. v I Nutsand Pe liaisins, at FRANKHAMMOND&CO*8. v,Vv « J" ^3)MOKING aydOliowing £ Tobacco, T#th


GOODS*_J? vi .Af :j *.*-.

* *tBi Bp. v

CANDIES, INuts and Pe

liaisins, atFRANK HAMMOND & CO*8. ^

v,Vv « J"MOKING ayd £^3) Oliowing T#

Tobacco, th

Segars, ,


Pipes, Mlotn mtt* at

FRANK HAMMOND A COS. ^children's Toys,%Jf) in large variety, ftDolls, jHorses. I

Dogs, ^Balls,

Jumping Jacks, atFRANK HAMMOND A CO S.

»IRE CRACKERS, cTurpedoes and


Oysters andSardines, at _



iQPUGAR addCoffee,

Blacking andMustard, at



Nutmegs, rVf Mace.

i Ginger,gloves and

Pdi>or, atFRANK IlJlMOND & CO\S. 1

Befor1 Buying \iPUR p

OIIRISTIAS TOYS!GOOD tniNGS ;Generally, call I

l IIAMMMUiOfi, ^Dec U. ( 32 if *



GOWER, ty-LS 8c CO.' "j

plied themselvesA*/ >; »itb iho best and/»/ V most skillful manIy[WfWii 1 nfaeturere, togeth{/'-I -jjtn r with u full sup-ViA I <*ls '*'' °' t'>0 m°fc'

\U IJ-jM^approvedinaehin\^2ttfiutu^al'|!en|nu''te(' *

_. large stock ofs«petiorleather from

t'lieir " Buck horn Tann* are piepurcd ftoi supply the trsde with vas styles of Men's,

Women's and Boys' '

SHCQS.^ Their First-Class Wtwill be stamped

with the njune ol the Fland warranted.T. C. OOWKR, | I J. McBRAYRR,

A O. P. MILLS, | | p. HELDMAS,Sept 25 21m«


Byjbi^ MR. W. LjT, « ( aduate^ 'jjfrird0 >, and who !»«

B *jfcfjfjlhad experien teaching, willB 'ir»n s OLA \Land K\O

wGgsr LISH SCHOf »r Boys, in theW City of Graeovifle, an Ft Monday inJnmiary Hia School be opened in

X the old Methodist Chun i-re he In,pee) to receive s share of pui tr«o*ge.Rales per session of hontlo as folIlows:

Classics. Algebra and h' ft. g.lish Br*«lwi.,.,..»l.,,. $20 00

I Elementary Branches.. 15 00, Tuition to bo ftatd In mm. Pupilswill l»« from »»f entrance »©

' end of session ,«xe«pt in <pt protracted#iok aesa.

Jly permission, be refcrbe followinggentlemen-. K«». I>r. K|rvnarriie, J.Waller fit ay, K»q, and HVBatfe?.i>a«ntf


SUPPLIES FOR THKrfl )878.Win it tnmcUdbftlt M«W Ahltrmen.

, ^** of the CWuV Or«Hn Council

' "I" «nv. TliatI ; '1 <7

t if} *



6. £. £&DEAL^i


KBBPS IH 8Ti-ifinmii, Pr»yr Book*, HymnJ Sunday Schools, SoHool Books, Slates, C<

t sad Bo*elope* of various grades, Ink, lakiemoranditm and Blank Boots, large and antarda and Clips. Mathemstioal instruments, CIg Paper. UseuW Paper, Btlelol and Bonnet Bo

Ik J n !» n n i.rviimin uonivrp, run IUU I I'OU l/Hltf, I~OCK®

riling Desks, Portfolio*, Albums, Pocket Bwjfrr. nee PI'm, Wri|t|.lng Twins, Klnttio Biayon*. Water Colo<« l'«p»r Folders and l'eareriga No|aiial Sea's, Sealing Wax, Ao., togethere qui*# or leaa, Deeds, Mortgages, Mseonic Icars ol various prices and approved brands.

Orders trou a distance, accompanied wntl«>n.


MEWYEAR!c s wl

hrialmaac CHRISTMAS S Goto

RESENTS.) and \ Walter's^


> PRESENTS. IV"gNew ) . ( Store. (t#"£4 " MS*

> PRESENT \) for a..... < Little Money, \Holiday ) ,0 )Prvsenla WALTER'S.J S Walter's T

) Do you )S want a rich < » g »»

Bridal ) TOILET SET, < hPresents. / go to ( Store, tl


( For an )Riithdny \ elegant pslr of ?Present*. S V ASKS, I]

B g(t lO J>W A LTEK'S. C

J \ Walter's jj'or a (Pine ) a

Cb«a|< Writing ) l>rBR eVe»cni, < De»ka tS

go t-S and cstors. 0Va Iter's. pW riling) t

p Slut, i i»l, at >f? WALTER'S.) JS ~~~~

v° ^

'or a (For a ){>nlc. ( g.-nuine (. '° I

rc«^yil. s Meerschaum (cg'i tl Pipe and ( Wallers

V niter's. p Segar )s) Holder) "'"g *

C go to) C"or

^ <| WALTERS j »<*«

no tiM'or the \^ult.rV, \ fill eft (

> lot of \ G o

) Confectionery)? and \ *»

'wc Confection rrcailyt Boxes, C Walters

ind \ go to \t

willing WALTER'S. )Jlerks S )

tiODo )8 t o r e.In*W ) yi« /

GoodrV wsnt tfo ? n fine y

to < Bet tie of t Go to iWniter'. \ Cologne)

..) aod ) Walter's »

c the/For Vest of >l>rug Store

iVsll Perfumery I . IIBracket*. / Uo 10 \<To well ( WALTER'S) :and ( . )[1st Usek'.S For s ) 0° *°go to ) nice )

Wi.l'er's ) pair f Waller'*

Por r Lamps, |lrti| 8kiw.fine ( go to )Toilets WALTER'S. > '

iospe \ j

sn.l jPor a ) GoToilet? nice <

Article., ) Promenade, j ^

go to / Lunch, vWalter'*? Traveling,) Waller**

\ or Work )If< Basket,) Drug

you i bo !< (want »S WALTER'S. ( 8t..re.

piesenl. ) . tan 1 ) For \me? anything i

ondecl led ( rich, f°in ) r a r e and/your > raey, r Waller'#

releciiun, ) po to ?call )\V A ITER'S n"»h'

and / (look?! f you S Store,

over ( want )I he S to huy )Slock ) cheap, ? Go to

*i/ bo to ? WalUr'aWalter'*. ) WALTER'S. O'mg Siore.D c 11 32If

Brooks Place to Bent.'PIIK residence of the late Captain J. W.JL BROOKS to Kent, Contain. TwoRoom* 2Ax32, and Seven Ronm* additional,with Fire p'aeer, and Two without. GoodotnhuildmB* and Garden plat.

For terms, apply «oT. 0. GOWER,W. K. ROWLAND. «rMILLS* MoBRtYKR,

Dee 9i h. 1872 **. S


log between OLINH A HUBS, is this '

dav DISSOLVED nv matnal/°nscnt.frhuee having Claiml win/«»«nt them, uil I

tho»« Indented will pleaeo />me forward andmake payment. /i

/L. n. CLTNB, i8. 8. OI BBS.

November SO, 1872. / &' .tf ]



Pblare and Price LiaU oaal frw* oa apon.by

P. P. TOAL.E,20 llayuo and 33 Pinckncy felt.,

Cbarlecton, 8. C.


'R1CK8 LOW.*

toss,Et IN

STATIONERY,r, GREENVILLE, 3. C.TOOK,Rook*, Question Book*. Tickets. £e, (o|i>y end Coni[>f>#lli<>n Book*, Writing P>foods, Ptni, P«Mib, Penholder*. Ruler*mil. Invoice Book*, Letter Boi**, Lolteirasroen.Donvinoee, Visltln* Cards, Drawecd. Gilt Paper, Conner Foil, Gold I'm*I KniVes. Thermorne'era, Tape MeasurerL>k«, Memorandum Book*. Kcadjand*, Paper Weight., Cha'k and Fane*», P»|>er Fiilantri, ItuciU «r, Gnrai*beWwith Law and Trial Ju.tioe'a Blanka. b;)emiU, UrafU, Ac , and 9 good stock c

ith tha Gub, will bmI with prompt atDeo 11 82tf

13th August, 1872.172 hereby notify tha pahlie that 4kff United States Patent Office baa



"WEST'S GW&IQ DISTEITOI"bteh fully eovors all its parts.They will be manufaetarod, and f«r aalr ua.

£ST Stale and County Rights fttie.

All infringement* protecult> the full extent of the law.


Owner* of the Patent.Aug 21 16tf

City Ordinance.

rllE following Ordinance ia publish*for ioforinatioii. It* provisiona wi

e rigidly enforce*!, and the Poliee a

er«-l»y inatrueted to arrest and hringrial all persona who may violet 1 it.

H. P. HAMMETT, Mayor.Deermher 9lh, 1872.


BE it ordained by '.he Mayor and Aidemen of the Oily of Greenville,

louneil assembled, and by the authorityhe eame. That it shall not he lawful fny person to Rre any Fheertckrti, R«ela, or fireworks of any Wind, on MaItreet. between the River and North 8tre<ir within "fitly yard* of Main Street, 1w-cen <1ie above limits, or on Runcornitreet, between Mnio and Richard,itrecta. or on Pendleton Street. Ix.i we),. 11._ l...... .r

( rnd'«y, or on Augusta Street, b'twe'endUton Street and tlie I'ae-enger I>ep>r within the viointy of tlie Fieight O-iSrcwoi* 2. i3e it further ordaioed. 1

>11 violation of the above Ordinance r

»a punished by fine or imp<faoomeat, a

li'cretion of the Council.Done and ratified under tlie Co>i

Seal of the City of GreenvtlMtwenty-first day of Decembrr,Jeer of our Lord one tbournn 1undred and seventy. I n

T. O. GOWER, I JA. II. McDAVlfr, Ctlv Clerk. (Dee 11 82. Q

rho State of South ,t

GREENVILLE COW LSite riff's Sale

, ^, , eurt of IBYvirtvie of an order front|Hn,|#y |fVobate, ( will red on ll>'^J(.f.r» I

n Jannaiy next, at put lie *

Yract Ihe Court IIoura door, the fe 4>f Lend, vie: . _

... I *

All that Tract of Land, »Vw##t,ing. Irillo County, adjoining and Iton Taylor, Joa.pli 11. ller.^, or Van.- I» Ii.taining Sixly-Iilne A«r«, Ale Itoid a* the properly of °morg ||,ewine, deceased, for P*'jirg_tieira. Purchaser to pay r

l gonBN.6.n c.

Dell 82 -I~Nof

, . horn It may «onShereby givm to ^ H j noiithii,rem, that I will j^Hls C...,v. on

Judge of Yrohale for^, f()f , pi^ALVletrator «f the KeltSCH Alt -1?i aa fa ^oema'd.

lata ol O. M. «AK£k CHaRLE*.11AKH Administrator.82- S

Dee- mber 9ih. .

?ltfC. all whom in may ennTShereby giv/ y tinnihit

1 ««rn, that I' "IVT"'" .

P'nhateJud 'e T«wn>i|t^tJ«Mniy. on the

I ft ill day ,.f *rT ne*»,fora FIN A I,

I>ISCHAI?GF Administrator of the Estateof KLI lArsKEW- derated.

\^ jl JESKKW, Adminiiintor.1872. St.6

oticeTAt t _.4»t who are indebted to the E«»^ Mr». JANF. WOODSIDE, doceased#/°t.iBed to c»" upon the undersigned'ao"!"'^e Mm8; *nd thnae having

claim, ^prcsont (hem. properly attested

as (ho a* l-81"1* will he closed up on tba

8rat #f *» *!' J. L. WOODSIDE, Agrot.

Deo ^81 4J

Notice18 I*'1? *"<*« > to nil whom U may ronearr

at I will apply to 8. J. Don hit. Pre

hatfJudjco of tireenvitle County, on tb

»thday of Jannary next, for a Fini

Djtbirit aa Administrator of tha Keta.e

tlLLIAM PAYNE, deceased. All parthf»ving elaiaa will present them on or befu

tid day. JAMES II. PAYNE,IAdministrator.

Doceaibct 2, 1872. 31-6

Notice18 hereby given to all whoaa it may coneei

that *> will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Pil-a. .r Orwnaiiin Count*, on thai

ley of January noil, for a Final DischargeAdministrttora with the Will annexed of I

Batata of WILBY W. H038, dcoeaaed.ELM IN A KOSS.W. W. R08S,

Administrators with Will annexedDecember 2, 1272.31lf*tiee

IS hereby given to all «b<« it way rona

that we will apply to 8. J, Duuthit, Ibate Judge of Greenville County, on theday of January next, for a Pinal DisohargUxrralor* of the Estate of AMBRTCA F(I.Kit, deceased; all partiee having Claimspmeant them en or before Mid day.

M. H. FOWL1R, I KxeontoViT. N. FOWLKK, J ""o*10*1

PeeewWer 2, It>72. «ljNotice

IS hereby given to all whom it maycorn, that I will epp'y l<» S». J. Pom

Probate Judge u| Urrenvilla CountyIke 4lk da if of Jmnmary next, tor a IDischarge ae Administratrix, with theannexed ; of the Kotala of 0. M. Okfdaoeaoed, therefore, all nartie* haOtaimi againat said Estate will preeent 1on or before on id day to Die, or the PreJudge, or l>o debarred.

I.UCINDA 0. MoCRBART,Administratrix,

With the Wl'l AnnexNovi tnh.r 2Stb, 1872. 81

CAROLINA KATWr'haOF w. «. wn

COLUMBIA, i W1Capital Itook Paid in $?

Board of Director^t T^'T' L. D. Child,, Prp«., Ji«.- J. W. Pakii, VW Free., R»*>

C. Di Mxltor, Solicitor, J -*'rU. O'Nkalk, Jr., FOiW. 1

i W. B. 0click, Oaiki«r. Itkitr.' C. J. tiiBDr

r i M- p*f Tlf addition t»tba osdlna'ntlonal

JL Of Banking, Lba»t-boaryBank of Columbia, U C., V«t>la ©u CI>1 log Certificate* Tor any # Interest

demand, and bearing !*,

from date, internet «<* previ- ||month*, if the Cert i Beat,®°ei*ed on jjotouaiy presented, ltopokind. De-

* Ad* terms, and Inters , .

positors bare all the ad ^^AA. I

and Ibeaafaty of their >*d Tk»**andm a pnid-ap capital ef U arbleh they

Dollar*. Person* b find tbia a aare /-t*bh to invest teaap* upon demand, IrTOCimeana of iiiseatmec.ld a mcN profit- J*$and always ready f !able investment of by Bxmwi. and '

Remittance**** by majl without I*Certificate* will bdelay. , 1871.

' Columbia, S. ( 3 mNo* 27 Not

i' ]> .FIC. |o- mNJMPANT8 ,<* (CAFW'W*0'#*0> S1LV

o I yteifle Guano.a now so wall 'known in all

rpniS a Stales for its remarkable Nc_ J. th»ey for inersDaing the pro.. .

effect* t not to require special recomduct*out It* «se for seven years^ tnendaibed its eharaetor for .reliable aa

HI past h» largo filed capital inraatadexoelly in thia trade afforda th* aureat rrui

by thae-fieatinued eseellence of thia Ilo ffuan


Onaias put into market tbia seasonTbfore. prepared under the peraon- BOW

arejdenco of l)r. St. Julian Havana). wh||al the Company, at Charleston, S. C., M|eCltera may reat assured that its qu*U .

h<a>position ia precisely the seme a*

. itnfore sold. ' * " ' TOt'J. N. RODSOM, Balling Agent, Ql

Charleston, 8. C. j-i:"r JNO. 8. HKKST, A CO.,


General A Rente, Ualtiinora. .

,n 1.$48 cash ; $63 time, without Interest. c..

*'» accommodate plantar* thoy can order *

'« nd bar* until th* l«t of April to decid* c"'

bewhether they will take nfAim* or oaah P"oi. When delivered from the Factory by *>'<

eear load no drayage will bo charged. g»(or 27 30 3m |-rl


rllB public are notified that betides out.

usual supply of


ur .. we make aaroral new and handunaaty lea of


Wow and elegant stylosSPRING-WAGON BUGGIES, I

for one aud two horaoa.


specialty.First-Class A, No. I, Iron-ArU 1, 2, 3, 4 andC horse

FAKM WAGONSaept regularly in stock.37 Years practical experience !GONVER. 00X k MARKLEY.

Oet 2 224

Change of Business.IDHSIRE to (ire notice that I bare this

day sold my enterest in the jtoek of1>RY GOODS and GROCERIES in the firmof FOWLER A VAUGHN, with my goodwill, to Messrs. L. B. austin a b. F.SUOCKLEY, who will in future ho associatedwith Mr. L. L. FOWLER, and conduct thesame, under the Firm name of FOWLER,AUSTIN A O0-, and in retiring from thebueineae, would commend them to our oldfriend* and ce(tourer* as worthy their highestesteem aad conddence.

W. P. VAUGHN.September 18, 18TC.

Take Notice*WE hare bought out all of the stock o

the firm »f FOWLER A VAUGHN> continuing business at the etd stand. W> hereby assume al, uf the liabilities of the ol<1 concern, and ail persons owing debts to then

will make payment to us. TW did friehds e

4 the eatablichiaent Will reootve a warm recej.lion, and no trouble Will be sparc^ U |ji

* general satisfaction.FOWLER, AUSTIN A C*.

j Oct. 22, I8V2

; Money.A LL persons indebted to the Pir»u

l% JA. FOWLER a VAUGHN are notifiro that all accounts doe them are Very aiu

needed r therefore an early settlement is c

sired.FOWLER, AUSTrti a CO

October 22, 1872. 25-t

n, The 8tate of South Carolin?h GUEKNYILLE COUNTY.

^ ,In Court of Probate.

Simern E dnrgfm ti Pumd Sullivan, et.Petition (or Sate «l Rf*l KtUit.

IT appearing to my aatiefaotion that J<Hurgcee, Marv Ljrnth, Margaret M

. ilie l»«4rt of William liurgeaa, d#ceaiI trho«e nrtm-a are nnVnnwn; the h»WI Benjamin Bnigea*. droeare-l, wlioee na

are unknown, and the hrlra of Marg8th Weet, deeeaaed, via: Solomon Weaka MS hurband, and her children, whoea na

)W. are onkrcwo, drfendanta in thia ear,*, re

will out of the State':/I it kertiy ordered, that they appei

I. perron, or by »itorney, at a Court ofhaie, to he holden at OreeeyiHe C. Hthe M l day o( January next, to aliow ei

if any they can." why the Real RatalMaROARRT BUROl*tS, dreeaeed, ah

eon- not be aold, for diviaioo among the I(hit, and (or th* paynaanl of dehta of aaidon eeaeed. On felling to attend, their

rmal arnta to the eama will ha entered of re

Will S. J. DOTTTHIT, P. J. O.CER. December 6th, 167*. String

Town Lot for Sale.'PHR LOT IN TUB PORK OK TUB I1 combe and Rutherford Roada, eoi

ing about One-half A< ra. Terms Libeird Apply to KAKLKAULYTl-i I No* 4 ;o

rlotte (N. C) 8TATE

Advertisements. gf"

" ttY*w. t. tutu. AJ m


A»P PI*UP proper!;Paint*, Varnlel*-*, Wii.PowQla**, *«*« '

'oily, Dm StrHTa, Dri*»he% .1A,,#rL-mne. *lr* *c

and everything F,,t*i!0rlalnirg to the Dru* Ratinea*. ® ®'


, .Alto

Prompt and ptrtoatl alien- Stale I

r Uoa given all order*. JBSk eontait-y. . more o:

1 to theStvlea,

*a»r. w. n. mimct. w. i. rawat on M ,


trie*. Confection trie*% Cigars, ^"3"" *" «r th.

pes, Tobacco, jxusicch, un- . .

Urvmsnts, Strings^ &c. Town*ALAO, AOtNT* |r«tg Colco


re 27 3m u,oBlytl;


ine Watches, Jewelry, eSi*ER AND PLATKD WARE. To*'


CHARLOTTE. V. C. \Tal>v 47 8m mile

j. A,


K undfitl^ned dnsr« V> eall the t(Ko> P°ritlon ol the public to hie ,|H

MARBLE WORKScarried on it ClIAllLOTTK. N C.. at »dj<

ch place he keep* the lirgnt end beet Eiurted ilotk ( Hirbli, lod i nunb*r ol otb

find CutleM In the Southern Stale*. mo


every description Manufactured file q.

very Guaranteed, Freight prepaid 100ra. 28 per eent lea* than ean be pur»*nel«ewhere in the Southern State*. I '"j1 dnpheate Northern order*, saving pur- taiurn expense o( freight, drayage, ex- m

im of putting t p eostly MONUMENTS, ^1 danger of breakage. Sati.taetionaranteed, or no pay required. Send for ol

lee Kits and drawing*, and nave money. ORemember the dead. I]F. A. McNINCII\

charlotte; n. c. 1)Nov 6 27 SuiHl



"*Tmi PI»V A vn CITNS.VU 1 UCift%JL

orner Trade and Tryon Streets, i


iov 6 27 1 mi


aF.EEXTVILLECOACH FACTORY.r|MlK Stock for Fall and Wintar trad* ia1 rapidly Ailing op.

65 doe. Door. Pad and other Look*40 keg* Cot Nails and Brads00 pairs Trace and Breast Chain*Log Chains mud Continued Chain3 tons Fire and Rod IronBand Iron and Sheet IronCast Steel, square and octagoni.000 feet best safely Blasting FuseDozens L«>ng Handled ShovelsSpades. Forks and Hoes1 GO gallons VarnLhes, assorted3 casks Linseed Oil3 casks Tanner's OilsLargo stock Machinery OilsOils for Wool CardersLarge assortment of Paints, ground ia

Oil and dryBrushes, Wind< w Class, PuttyCarriage Materials, Lea her, Bent Kims,

Morticed IIulis, Castings, Lea.heiand India Rubber Belting, from twc

to eight inches wideFiles, Tools, Locks, Ilintfes, Ac., Ac.



! GROCERIESTHE undersigned have now on bar

an.I . ill Knniinut to keen, full SU

plioft of

T)ry Good*, Cloths, Cnxxlmeres,Shirtings, Sheetings, Yarns,

of Bagging. Hats, Caps,jfBoots, Shoes, etc , etc.,

chAlso Groceries, Sugar. Coffee, Flo\

Bacon, Lard, Mackerel, Teas

Besides Hardware, Cutlery, AsHoes, Shovels, Chains,

a.And everything needed about the Faor Home.

Jt-9T All we want U a trial, and i' ikfact ion will be guaranteed.

ibn JSTTIte higheat price will be p.llt for Country Produce.

FOWLER, AUSTIN & CO«" » Ort 28 25ret

a LAND FOIi SAL'pwo TRACTS of LAND, on 8ouili t

[r in J. da Ri v*r, containing 780 aerea.Pro- bnl Rirtr end Creek BOTTOM, withon improvement*

mac. Also large lot cf valuable H0R8RS,'t« ol TLE and HOQS. Apply too»M JUMUSO SMITH.' »re. J. M. MoCLA.NAlUdes May t9 4


jj Prof. Iff. G. DeCamI^KALKIt in all kind* «f MIMJLJ MERCHANDISE. On kamlno*. M'l'oieou*. Shrrt Miinii

1T7N- Mueie li<M>k«. CnII ami 'ro him. i

iiain- Kooiu* in 'he ACADEMY OP MIMICml.AVcir (he h'riHi'lt Qollfff

IK 0rrettviPe. aM May *2 U

5^ */?*>>v

l OF SOUTH CABOLIVA. gMtgrOREKNVILLK COUNTY. atio^'ibiIKRIPF'S SALES.lt|ti« of sundry vrh. of Fi M«. (n C««»«ll, i

<tire«Ud, 1 wilf »- ll l«-f >r* tk. "T ^

dvor. on £>«/r»-<£ty in jmfhmrj/ ° .r.eiwrfn the lto.tr* «rf R u'd-ick In ike V®1n, nnd I oVcrk In the afternoon, J'reel of Lend, an lk« Buneombe# mHe» from Grrenttilo C. H.,Contain- gQVKSHoad red nnd Forty.Three miw, More

adjoining landa of tb« Estate 01 mr*. dm, y.

Lynch and other*. Levied o» a* the perform*f of E. B. Coleman, at the *«it of tion for a

Bomer. ville, nilOo« tract of Land, containing Sixty, tained Ir

re*, mora or leoo, adjoin lag land* of the llccaaa a

of John Htokn, iccaiwd, p. Oob»», follow* i

i Qtlffiih and other*. Levied on a* the blbUiuo,y of Wller Smith, at the »ait of Sto- Bid* Bk<riflith. Homestead to b« set off l#d»- nor cm

I before day of cat*. MayorOn* tract of Land on both *lda*of Ike

load, altait lk mile* from tircoyvilla,ting Eight llundrad and Sixty acre*. PV*1"!! Jr lea*.tba hooaeatead having boon act off '

Defendant,.adjoining land* of Simoon ®"

8. H. Poo!, Cutry and otbara. Levied ,0.B! *"

be property of J. L. Waetmorolapd, at *? ,

It of M. L. Merchant, Galne* A Dear* '

iMignee*.Jama* Birnia.Assign*#.nt Harrison, Administrator, and other*. gec>, One llundrad and Twenty Two and Corpur'fourth acre* of Land, more or less, situ- carry$ mile* from tba Court IIoasa, and weat until ba Whito llorae Road, adjoining lands Llcen*A. Town**, John Southern and 0. F. provid

**, being part of the treat known a* tba eitbarck tract, and including a final! portion log, tliBrushy Creek tract. Levied on a* (be not ex

rty of 0. P. Towne*. and all the In- ahall |in law and equity of W. A. Towne* 1n cents;am*, at tba suit of W. Cboico, for A. and n<

.« Hd other* tr*. U. V- Towns* and W. I lar* ;iwaos. and t

to, Twenty-BI* acre*, mora or lew, near* Ten Ifine woodland, Iving east of tho White Doll*Road, part of the Brushy Creek tract* Doll*

nhig the land* nl John Southern, Wm ,,,CM

, Gaorga Wright and other land* of (J. F. ceediine*.


*o, Twenty-Two and a Half acres of R*'*I, more or lees, adjoining tlio forogning JVindeast of tho same ; two-third* of which ,e '


to woodland, and all of good quality, throo ~,r '

* from tho Court House. | (

Iso, Two Hundred acre* a! 1and» m»re or e|a psituated 2} miles from the Court Hour*,' >ii||is land* known a* the Brushy Creuk tract, ]).lining the last mentioned, and land* of W. { grimTowne*, A. Williman and others, the larger per i

:ion of which is fina woodland. Homo- | Tend to bo laid off before tho day of sale. each,l*o, One vacant Lot, a deeirabto and good Man

lolng situation, situated on Rh*tt street, Prin

doing lot lately belonging to Hen. W. K. Bar*

.ley's Estate, Mrs. Uerndon, McBeo and Tweera, containing tfinotrnth* of an acre, of tlre or less. Levied on o* the property of Q. 1st i

Towne*, at tho auit of Vardry McBoa and yooiixander MoBoa, Executor* and other* v*. on i

F. Towne*. ho i

Also, One tract of Land, lying on ^"j,1a water* of Durham'* Creek, con- pjjinlng Two Hundred nnd Kitty arre*, tore or le**, adjoining land* of John J

food, Jno. J one*, Anthony Jones, and j

hers, known a* the Mill Plaee. Also, Pfc

ne tract of Land containing Five[undred and Seventy Two acre*, more

r lens, adjoining land* of M. M. Jones, T«

[.II Stewart, It. II. Hunter and others,ad known as the Homo Place. Levied *"

n an the property of Wm McNeelv lmt the auil of Iiewlel Su'Jivao, liavid *u

'itman, John I). Williams and other*. *

Terins.Cash. Purchasers to pay for 'pa* a

ers. J. li. SOUTHERN. 8. O. C. ItSheriff's Office, December 19, 1372. 32-4 bi

in. ~ 111 a

tu Ordinance to liaiseSupplies for the Yearof 1873. 11'BE it enacted by the Maypr and Aldermen t

of the City of Greenville, in Council as- Jicuiblcd, and by tho authority of the rauio: ^

That a Tax to cover the period from iJanuary let, 1673, to January 1st, 1374, for thesuins and in the manner hereinafter mention- jcd, shall be raised and paid into the public .

Treasury of the City of Greenville, by the first .

day of March next, for the use and serricothereof.Suction 1. On each One Hundred Dollars

of assessed value of Real Estate nnd PersonalProperty, the sum of Fitly cents.

Seal Estate Stocks, Goods and ChattelsSold at Auction.

See. 2. There ehall be paid quarterly, Two anda half per cent, upon all sales at Auction, on allGoods, and One per cent, on all Chattels andReal Estate and Stocks of every description,except on sales made by order of Court or procossof law, or bja Executors and Administrators.Goede, Ware* and Merchandise Bold o:i

Consignment.See. St. There shall be paid by alt merchants

or orherr:, One Half of ono per cent, upon salesof all Goods, Wares and Merchandise sold on

Cousijrnment, ma le from the 1st day of Jar.

usry, 1873, to the 1st day of January, 1S74,the above Tax to he paid quarterly.

Road and Street Tax.

8cc. 4. That each and every nrnlo person of

( Twenty-one jcars of ago and upwards, otherthan members of the Firo Department, OrdainedMinisters, and Studcnta, ahnll pay on

* or before the let day of March next, TwoDollars for Road nnd Street Exemption ; andit any' porsou liable to this Tax shall fail t«

make payment at tho time specified, he shutbe held liable to work on the streets of th<City for six days, undor the direction of tbi

_ acting oveisecr of tho streets ; any person re

fusing or neglecting to oboy the summon

shall be fired at tho'disc re lion of the Councilsaid fine to he collected hy Exoontinn ; and I'.all be the duty of the City Clerk nnd C«t(Police to report to the Council, all defaulteiunder either of the clauses of the section.

Lawyers, Physician*, Dentists, Phot'

graphists. froidSec. &. There shall be p»id Thirty cent* c

the Hundred Dollars of gross income of RriI kers and Hankers, and all income derivt

from tho Commission Business,or the practicethe professions of Law, Medicine and Deniirtrand from the business of DagucrreotypinAmbrotyping and Photographing, within t

limits of tho City, the amount of incune In

estimated fro in the 1st day of January, 1SIto tho 1st day of January, IS74, tho Tax u

on the saine to be paid quarterly.CA llfl JAGES, 031SIT! VSSES, WAGO.\

AC.'*** Sec. . There shall he pntft Ten Dollars

oaeh four-horse Omnibus or Hack ; Six Dlars on each Carriage drawn by two or m

rm horses, run for conveyance of passengershire; Three Dollars on each one horso BugGig or Stllky, kept for hire; Twenty Dollon each four-horse Wagon; Ten Dollar*each ta o-horse Wagon, Dray or Cart,Seven Dollars en each one-horse Wagon, D

mid or.Cart, rnn for .hire. The Taxes on Onbuses, Carriages, Hacks, Buggies, WagDrays, Carts, Ac., kept for hire, shall be ;before they are allowed to run : Provided, 1nothing herein contained ahall beoonstrue

tf Us to extend to Wagons, Carts or other Vcles going to or from market, and owned,and used by nonresident* of the city.


* 8eo. 7. Fire Dollars per day thai! beP"rl by every Itinerant Trader or Auctioneer, i

*ew lof four tale within tbe corporate limn*elty at auction or otberyO®<\ Govt*, W

3AT- or Merchandise, to be paid each day it

ranee, and every Itinerant Trader or Auoor err liable to tbe ta^ atnreeaid. and who

,N. Tail to inako psjriuent, shall ba fine.I Tenlure for each <lay ho a^ny ao offend : I*rovTho provisions of this section shall n

const rued at 1°. epp'y t° thq ordinary d«in rrairy rpilt, potatoes, |o,karco. p»!iron-ware, earthen ware, or oilier prudii

lOAl, ntan^liv:teres of like obaractepI.IV nuk/ARP J.\ Hl.ES A,Mi TEf /VA» *».d IEVS%»t lite i^0 g_ That an annuel las of Twcal

Dollars Shall be paid on each and ever

'i Hard Table, and Twenty-five Dollars or

0. and every Nine or Ten Pin Alloy, kept i

ti |Uv limits <{f tlic city of Urccuxillq for j

1 L "

to paid before Kmrn to IN tW11 mateJ > any prMi or peraonai artioloe or openlag tto NitklU*tloned tkiti ( rhl« aretloo withoet

ng obtained a Uwiw fam tto CityMtd rlriai a bond to tto t>«« la ttowo Hundred Dollar#, nMUIoto t«tbo lav# of tb« State and CHy, shallt to a ln« avt exceeding Tan PoH«Mlay #aoh MiUukmit shall to k«ftaad.TMA iy AMD THEATRICAL

PKUfODMANCKS.Ttot no £q0crtfhfn Or TheatricalIN or poitortaaoeo#, or otto# ilfelM>[mb, shall bo tod in Ito <itj ofOwnhoot a Hoodoo ttoorfor being #T»l eh#» tto Mpyor, aad prynamr fee tobf»aJa to tto Oty Clm no ctoaadiLWFor aaeh and ora#y F pantrain M»~

Fifty Dollar* 5 for sash ami wTotf»w, am sot I«m than PWaMarictiling Twenty*## DoitoOy as thohall determtoe; for Theatrical amiMHilloti for $nto, aaeh onaa aa thohall drtttiniM f tod aaob and avorytlkhMlog for gain, wllhont Aral haralaida lfcconoo, tod tho perineal of>1 tax In adraaeo, abaft bo ffnod lad Imi than do«Mo Ito afuato of tto,I, In Banner toroiaaftcr prorided forKoltka of Imi aad forfeiture**

SPECIAL fAX.10. That no Person, Finn, Company ofatloo hall to engagod in, proaaenta aron any Trado, ButineM ar Professione, she or tboy ball hara paid a Special ,

tberafor, in tha manner baroinaftared, to wit: Bach and orery toainaaa, *

Mercantile, Mechanical or MaaafaetnriagroM salea or receipt* of wbioh (ball1 »:. n-.« j it..u .«

COTVi |lfU I4UIIUIVI VMMtt * |»v«

lay a License of Two D dlitrs an«l Fiftyand In exooss of Flco ilnndred Dollars

»t exceeding Two Thousand, 8lx Dolandin oxccaa of Two Thousand Dollar*,tot exceeding Fir* Thousand Dollars,>»llars | and is oxooos of Fir* Tbosuaodrt, and not exceeding Ton Thousandrs. Twelve Dollars and a Half; and lai of Ten Thousand Dollars, and not *xsgTwenty Thousand Dollar*, Fifteenrs; and iu excess of Twenty Thousandrs, Kightoeu Dollars; each first-class

I,Thirty Dollars ; each second-class Ho,iflocn Dollars; cash Saw Mill, Tau DoleachCorn Mill grinding ur.dor Throosand Bushels per annum. Six Dollars ;tach grinding over Three Thousand Bush;er annnm. Fiftoen Dollars; asob Flouringgrinding under Twonlyflro Hundred

>elr wheat per annum Ten Dollars aud aaehling orer Twenty-fire Hundred Buahelainnuin, Fifteen Dollars; eaeb Cotton Gin,Dollars; each Cotton Press, Fir* Dollars;Lirery Stable, Fifteen Dollars; each (lasufaetory or Works, Ton Dollare; eaahting Estahliebment, Ten Dollar*; eaaher Shop, Fira Dollars; each Auctioneer,Ire Dcllars. The license iMI^QM/tirtu*lis section shall he cellectc^WjpF'w/ thaday of Mareh next, aad shalfeorar ther of 1873, and all basinesa licenses iaauadind after the 1st dey of Mareh next, shellarued on a ratsM* proportion of tha yearing from the 1st day of (he month in whiehmy be iaaued.YS1CIA SS, LA Tf YKRS^ DKMTISTM,»IIOTOORAHISTS, ARTISTS, IN8UR1SCECOMPAXIKS, AO.>oc. 11. Kach Physician, Lawyer, Dentist,otograpliist and Artist, and each insurancempany. and Speculator in Grain, Flour er

nntry Produce, cot otherwise licensed uorthis Ordinance, shall pay a Lleeuaa ofn Dollars ; nnd each Expras# Company, andch Telegraph Company having an ofloa la, ,

d doing business within tbo corporate limitsthe city, Twenty-five Dollar*, for eoadaetCruch business or oceupatinu. said swm or

ins to Imj paid on or t-eforo tha 1st day efarch next, or on my subsequent day beforemuiencing such business or occupation, andpenalty of Five Dollars per day ahall hevied against any person prosecuting snob ,

ieii)cms or occupation, or any business naasodthis section, without frit having taken outlicense therefor.

LIQUOR LICENSE,See. 1?. Firt-class Liquor Dealers Retailing,

sail pay an annual Tax of Two Hundrednd Fifty Dollar* ; Sccond-elara Liquor Dealrs.stiall pay an annual Tax of Two Hundredtollara, payable quarterly in adranco : eachcaler wbo sella by (lie quart,or larger quaabty, One Hundred Dollar*; eaeh Grocer or

Iruggitl ahull be granted a license to sell Li|tiorahy tho bottle, not lees than Throe-half'iuts, upon the payment of an annual Tax ofPifty Dollars, payable quarterly in advance:Provided, tho Liquor ao sold shall not bolrank on the premises where sold, by any oth:rthan a Retail Dealer. All applications lorRetail or Dottle License, must first be made totho Clerk of Council. Bond required ia thopenal nun of One Thousand Dollars, to be approvedby Committee on Securities, and elasscdhy the Committee on Classification, and thalicense for all dealers in liquor shall oover tboyca^cxpiring on tho 1st day of October, H78iiacDd.iy Uar Rooms arc closed by order ofCouncil, they shall l>e credited on their license.First-class Dealer, Ten Dollars; for 8*oond«class Dualars, Six Dollars.

PENALTIES*8rc. 13. ,l«./ be !l fnrt\*r »nfxiiinf,*Tlat

any person or persons wbo shall fail, nogleetor refuse to uiako a return to tbe City Clerkon oath of all his, her or their Taxable PropIcrty, Income, Pales, Receipts er any or allother things taxed by this Ordinance,and paythe Tax thereon imposed, within the time specifiedby this Ordinance, the Clerk of tbe Council,assisted by the Assessors of the'City, aro

hereby authorised nnd requested to asses suchperson or persons for bis, ber or tbeir propertyor other things taxed by this Ordinance,according to the best information which b%nnd the assessors enn obtain af tha vtdwa ofsnob taxable property, and add One Hundredper cent, to the amount of the tag of tba perIson or persons thus neglecting or refusing tomake a return as aforesaid, os pay tba tag

I thereon ; and if Ibo Double Tax thus imposed, D not paid within Thirty Days thereafter, tboa said Clerk is hereby authorised and requested

to isswo an Execution tbe refur immediately,which said Kxeeulion shall by lodged with the

* Sheriff of the County of Greenville, tu he collilooted according to the provisiona of tho Act

y of the General Assembly ia steob eases madeand providod.I Done and ratified under the corporate seal of

the raid City of Greenville, on tho»- [L. S ] third day of December, in the year of

uir Lord, one thouaand eight bunindred nrd seventy-taro.II. P. IIAMMETT, Mayor.

J. D. IfENRT, City Clerk.of Deo II *2If

,« MURPHY'Sj» MAUBLE YARD,r ct\) wmb, s. o.

Present Location on Pall Street, ena'S, Block from front of Gower, Cox 4

Berkley.WILL M\NI KAcrt-aa



Inr* pyy As I em the proprietor of tbo

and Bs3Jl\tn Ea'abl elurent,


RlS >K=3|FOR WORK OR materiald so innet be made to myself or order, eod all'obi- contracts must be ratified by me beforeran they are valid.,

fy* Call and etan>rne onr TValgoc and'ov Priors before pnreb»«ln^ ehiewharo,^ 8AMWEI. MUBV»T. '

Oct 9* 25 \j. o



"JJ/ "I S glvMV »« «,)> <jh<>u H inay onno* to... X lh*l t will-apply (i» 8. J. D<>wlhh, l*r»«

. b.,:c ) «nlge of Wroro rill, Coaoty, on tbo SOtRD . day »»f )>(Hvui)x>r next, for * Piul DInSm|[«

a* AHiiiihl<»n(nv of lb* K<UU of JORDAN,,7; hicks. .kr,.«,d. i

i*r! HANSOM 1IICK8, Ad.lol.tr.to,.

ii'try. N'ortobw 23, 1872. M-*too or

' -l

Notlc®T8 IwitW (brn In all whoaa U may eMr*|»,JL »Hi»l I will apply to JF% UoulkU.IVy«fivobiia Juflg« of Urceiitlll* Cuantf, on tho 10|k

y Bil< <Uy of January not'., for a Rinal I>i*»h*«foa«> each Guardian of JOHN I.. HAWKINS.flihin HENRY P. HAMMKTT, Go- si_5.roflt j December 3, 1873,

**V i.
