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A thesis suknitted in confomity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science

Graduate Department of Botany University of Toronto

O Copyright by Karl Fiederid< Kduirewicr 1997

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Tho uw d tnnsf01llllUonil r n u t i ~ ~ s l a to rtudy tho grntlcr of dlmorphlrm In OphIoatomr ulml. W r e e al' Master d Science, 1997. Karl F. Kokurewicz, Graduate Department of Batany, University of Toronto.

This thesis reports the generation of Ophbstoma uhni mutants dispîaying an altered

dirnorphic distribution ushg the tedinique of transformational mutagenesis, and

presents a partial genetic analysis of the recwered mutants. Using the methoâology

developed by Royer et el (1991,1997) with 0. ulmistrain MH75, the

nonhomologous integretive vector. pPS57, was used as a mutagenic tool to

transform the aggressive VA30 strain of O. ulmi. Selection of transformants on a

hygrornycin wntaining solM medium induced ôudding-yeast growth. Reevaluation of

the meaiodology with VA30, founâ linearited vector and selection with 200pg/rnl

hygromycin to be optimal for the recovery of translormants. An estirnated û6ûû

transformants were screened. Six of the fourteen dirnorphic mutants obtained were

transformants, as detertnined by Southern analysis. One mutant, 1 ", had a

predominantly budding-yeast cell phenotype. Yml cultures producd sectord

growth composed predominantly of hyphae. Meiotic analysis of yml and a p l

sWor isdate, found bath to be inheritabie mutations which were not taggeâ by

pPS57, and sugg8Steâ that the two mutations were cloeely linked.

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Table ot Contenta


TaMe of Contents

List of TaMes

List of Figures


An ovemiew of dimorphisrn

Ce11 wall formation in yeast and hy@d f m s

Significance of fungaI dimorphism to medicine and agn'wIture

Medically important dimorphic fungi

Ophiostoma ulmi and the agriculturally important dimorphic fungi

The genetics and molecular biology of fungal dimorpMsm

Pseudohyphal grawth in ÇaCCI)aromyc8s cefev&iae

Control of dimorphism in: UslYîago maydis

Candùh alk'cans

Mucol spp.

Ophidstom ulmi

Fungal trans fo~matim

Transfomational mutagenesis






Évaluation of aansformational mutagenaokr


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(table d contents continued) Page

lmplementing transfomational mutagenesis to stuûy

fungal dimorphism in Ophiostana ulmi

OpMaPrna ulmi as a "modei dimorphic f ungusa

Charactenirabun and anelysis of the mutants

Classification of mutants

Analysis for reanangements and chromomal aiterations

Analysis of ONA rnethylation

Materials and methods


Strains and cultural conditions

Plasmid pPS57

Protoplasting of Ophiostuma ulmi cells


Screening strategy for recovery of dimorphic mutants on solid media

DNA isolations

Restriction digestions, gel electrophotesis and Southern analysis

Meidc analysis

CHEF electrophoresis and Southern analysis

ONA methylation measurements


T~ansfom,atimal mutag8nesi.S; definhg dhe systm îbf VA30

Hygromycin contakiing seledon media altm VA30 phenotype

Determinhg transformation statu8 of cdonh


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(taMe d contents continu&)

VA30 versus MH75 transformation; transformation with circular and

linear vector, and seledion with varying concentrations of hygromycin

Screening strategy for recovery of dimorphic mutants

Number of transformation experiments performed and putative

trarrsformarits screeried

Chamcterùadion of remveret# mutants

Stability of mutants

Sectoring of ym 1 mutant

Meiotic enalysis of mutants

Mating reactions

Meiotic analysis of: ym l

yml secîor

other mutants

CHEF electrophoresis and Southem analysis

DNA methykitjon

Analysis of pPS57 methylation with Hpa II and Msp I isoschizomen

Analysis of rDNA methylation with HpP II and Msp I isoschizomers

Analysis of DNA methylation with Sazacytidine


Defining the systetn with VA30

Induction of budding-yeast growth by hygromycin

Transformation status of colonies appearing on transformation plates

Transformation parameters for strain VA30

Seledion of dimarphic mutants

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(table d contents continued)

The ym 1 kiddingyeast mutant

ûther mutants

Fudher anelysis of ym 1 and ym l sector

CHEF analysis

DNA methylation

Citerature clted

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List of tables


Table 1. Phenotypes of colonies on transformation plates, and upon 52

transfer to CM plates with and without hygrornycin, obsenred

at vaiious time periods.

Table 2. Number and morphology of colonies growing up on MH75 and 56

VA30 transformation plates, utilizing both circular and

linearized pPSS7 vector, and with varying levels of hygromycin


Table 3. Summary of mutants, indicating transformation conditions 61

utilized, results of Southern analysis using J2P-labelled pPS57

as a probe, and general characteristics on complet8 medium

(CM) plates.

TaMe 4. Radial growth extension of strain VA30 and generated mutants 64

after 9 days of growth on complete medium (CM), complete medium

wntaining hygrom ycin at 200pg/ml, and minimal medium (MM)


Table 5. Summary of meiodic analysis for yml X W2-TOL progeny. 90

Table 6. Summary of meiotic analysis for yml sectlor X W2-TOC 92

P r o g r n Y a


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Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Rgun 8.

Figun 7.

Cotnponenîs of aie Saccharomyces cwevisiae pheromone

response pathway, th& utilkation in other S. oerevisiae

signal transduction pathways, and homologs in

Ustilago meydis.

Comparison of mutant and wild type colony growth.

Southern hyôridization of undigested DNAs from colonies

isolated from transformation plates, probed with

aP-labelled pPS57.

Growth oi wild type strain VA30 and budding-yeast mutants

ym 1, ym2, ym3 and ym4 on complete medium (CM), CM

containing hygromycin at 2Wpg/ml, and minimal medium

(MM) plates.

Comparison of Ophiostma ulmi wild type strain VA30 and

yml budding-yeast mutant cdony morphologies on cornpiete

medium (CM) plates, after 15 days of growth at 25°C.

Liquid cuture growth of OpMarlome ulmi straki VA30 and

mutants ym l(a, ym f(0) sector, ym2, ym3 and yml.

Microphotogr- of wild type strain VA3û and mutant ml. viii

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(list of figures continued)

Figure 8. Southern hykidization of undigestecl and 801 II digested DNA

of Ophiostoma ulmi, buddlng-yeasî mutants ym1. ym2, ym3

and yml, probed with 32P-laôeiled pPS57.

Figure 9. Colony morphologies and radial growth rates d O. ulmi

nontransformed mutants.

Figure 10. Colony morphologies and radial growth rates of O. u/mi

transformed mutants.

Figure 1 1. Liquid culture growth of Ophiostoma ulmi strain VA30 and

mutants 26, 26 maintained on hygromycin. 94-7-27-1,

94-7-27-2, 94-7-27-3, 94-8-4-3. 94-8-44, 918-4-6,

94-8-8-20, and SM-8-8-30.

Figure 12a. Southern hyôridization of Bgl II and Hind Ill digested DNA

of Ophiostoma ulmi mutants probed with 32P-labelled pPS57.

Figure 12b. Southern hykidization of Bgl II end #id III digestd D M of 74

Ophiostoma ulmi mutants probed with 32P-labelid pPS57.

Figure 13. Convoluted giowth Os mutant 158.

Figure 14. Southern analpis of mutant 158.

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(list of figures continued) Page

Figure 15. Sectord growth of budding-yeas? mutant yml on complete 80

medium (CM) plates.

Figure 16. Colony morphdogies and radial growth rates of VA30,

yml and yml sector.

Figure 17. Microphotographs of wild type strain VA30 and mutant 83

ym 1 (O) sector.

Figure 18. Southern analysis of pPSS7 insertion in ym 1 and ym l sectors. 84

Figure 19a. Southern analysis of Bgl II digested ymi X W2-TOL progeny 88

probed with 32P-labelled pPS57.

Figure 19b. Southern analysis of Bgl II digested yml X W2-TOL progeny 89

probed with 32P-labelled pPS57.

Figure 20. CHEF gel analysb of yml and yml sector. 95

Figure 21. Analysis of pPS57 methylatian in yml and yml sectm. 100

Figure 22. Anaîysis of pPS57 methylation in ophiostlome ulmi 1 O1

strain VA3 transformants.

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(Iist of figures continuecl) Page

Figure 23. Analysis of rDNA methylation in ~ i o s t o m a ukni strain VA30 102

and VA30 transformants.

Figure 24. Effect of the methylation inhibitor 5-azacyodkie on radial IO4

growth rates of VA30, ym 1 and ym 7 sector.

Figure 25. Effect of agar concentration on the growîh of VA30 on variws 105

solid media.

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I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Paul Horgen, for hi8 support and for the

opportunity to sing during aie past few years. I would also like to thank my

supewisory cornmittee rnembers, Dis. J.B. Anderson and M. Hubbes for their

guidance and counsel. I am especially appredative of the encouragement,

mentorship and friendship offered by Dr. John Rayer, and for assistance given, I am

also indeôted to Ors. Paul de la Bastide and Barry Saville. I would like to

acknowledge the generosity of Dr. Arabinda Guha and family. F inally, and m a t of

ail, I would like to thank my parents for support of al1 kinds through some difficult


This research was supported in part by the Guha Graduate Scholarship and

graduate scholarships from the University of Toronto.


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Fungal dimorphisrn, as defined by Romano (1966), is an envimnmentally

controlled reversiMe interconversion between the yeast and hyphal gmwth foim.

Fungi capable of dimorphic growth are found in the Ascomycetes,

Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes and Zygornycetes (Griffin, 1 994). The

mechanism undetîying dirnorphic switching hm attracted considerable interest as

a mode1 for cellular moiphogenesis (Sypheid et el. 1978), partly due to its

perceived role in the pathogenesis of several dimorphic fungi th& cause

afflictions in humans and in plants (Stewart and Rogers, 1978). Dirnorphic

switching is initiated by environmental stimuli, such as temperature or nutritionai

changes, which are sensed and transâuced by the ceIl. Some dimorphic fungi

require ôoth temperature and nutritional factors, whle others require a change in

pH (Griffin. 1994).

The p m s s of dirnorphic switching involves reception of the

environmental signal by the d l , and transduction of the signal into a cellular

response, induding activation of the cellular controls which detemine cell wall

formation. The cellular contrds determining fom may indude control over the

p m s s of cell division, polarity, location and rate of deposition of newly

synthesized cell wall cornponents, positioning of the vesiâe supply center (VSC)

and the rate of delivery of vesides to the gmwing cell wail, as well as alterations

to the cell wall composition itaelf (Bartnicki-Garda and Gien, 1993; Gliflin, 1994).

Dirnoiphic switching may play an integrel part in deterrnining th8

pathogenicity of Ophiastom ukni (8uism.) Nannf. (Kulkarni and NMecson,

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1981), the causal agent of Dutch elm disease (DED). The molecular end genetic

processes controlling dimorphic switching in O. ulmi have not been well

characterized. The genetic mechanisms which contrd pseudohyphal growth

(PHG) in Sechammyces c8nMsiae have been shown to be partially consenred

amongst several fungi capable of tnie dimorphic growth, induding Ustiktgo

maydis and CandiMa albicans. In addition to PHG. the genetic cantrols governing

cellular morphogenesis, growth and metabolism, and cellular stress responses

have been well characteiized in S. cerevisiae, and together may provide a

framewoili for the investigation and evaluation of dirorphisrn in 0. ulmi.

Ml ml1 formation in ymst and hyph.l ldm

The fungal cell wall irnparts structural integnty to the cell and determines

the shape of the cell. The composition of the cell wall varies between species,

but in geneial the cell walls of ADcomycetes consist of chitin and

8-glucans, to fom microfibrils which impart strength and fom, (see Griffin. 1994).

The presence of chitin or cellulose is usually considerd to be mutually exdusive.

However, the cell wall of O. ulmi has been shown to contain both chitin and

cellulose polymers (Smith et al. 1967). Ascornycetes typically contain gcilacto-

manno-proteins and pglucans (see Griffin, 1994). A general mode1 for cell wall

biosynthesis in the Ascomycete C. albicans hes been describeci by Shepard and

Gopal (1 993). The cell wdl of C. 8Ibims is composed of mannoproteins, 81 ,3-

linked glucans, pl ,ô-linked gluoans, chitin, protein and lipM (Shepard and Gopal.

1993). Vesides from the Gdgi Iendoplasmic mticulum contain materials foi

construction of the plasma membrane, membrane bound enzymes, soluble

enzymes, mannoproteins and poseiôly wdl polymer primem. Vesides are

directed dong adin fibrils to the pîasma membrerio at the @nt of cell growth.

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Chitin and glucan polymeis are synthesized by transmembrane enzymes and

products are extnided into the outside environment to add to the growing cell

wall. The mechanism by which pl ,6-glucan is synthesized is still unknown.

Constituents are inseited into the growing dl wall, with glucan and chitin

polymers becoming cross-linked with existing constituents of the cell wall. Cross-

linking is believed to be accomplished by the activity of lodized hydrolases and

a branching enzyme, thus the dynamics of cell wall growth are believed to

depend on ôoth cell wall synthesizing and degrading enzymes (Shepard and

Gopal, 1993).

The site of deposition of new cell wall constituents may be the major

difference between yeast and hyphal forms of growth (Kerridge, 1993). In the

hypha of C. elbicans, 990% of the wall extension occun near the hyphai tip, and

1 0% occurs over the rest of the cell (Shepard and Gopal, 1 993). In budding

yeasts, wall extension is divided 70%:30% between the tip and the rest of the cell

respectively, until a certain sire is reached, then 90% occun ove? the entire

sutface. What detemines lacation of cell wall deposition in fungi? It appean

that the spatial organization of cytoskeletal components determines the location

of cell wall synthesis, and that actin granules and microfilaments may be

particulerly important (Yokayama et al. 1 990). Adin granules, essodateci

microfilaments and calmodulin are found at the apex when hyphd growth occuis,

while in budding-yeasts, th8 grmules are dispersed throughout the cell.

Bartnicki-Garda and Gien (1 993), have suggested that the key moleailar events

regulating dimorphisrn rnay be those iesponsiôie for moving and deteminhg the

rate of ôisplacemenVadvanoe of the veside supply centei (VSC), and

detemininu the number of wall-kriiding veskles pmdUCBd per unit time. It is not

known how these processes or indeed the organization of cytobJ<eIetal dements

are affeded by environmental changes (Kertiôue, 1983).

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The extent to which differences in cell wall composition are important to

the formation of yeast and hyphal cells is not known, howevei, little variation has

been found between the yeast and hyphal forms of several species of dimorphic

fungi (Bartnicki-Garda. 1 968; Bartnicki-Garcia and Gierz, 1 991 ).

There has been an increased interest in fungal pathogens afflicting

humans, largely because of the growing numben of immunologically

compromised patients who are at risk of opportunistic fungal infection. This

indudes cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy, AIDS

(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) patients, and patients being treated with

anti-rejedion dnigs used for organ transplantation (Wamodc and Campbell,

1996). Under these circumstances, fungal species which normally do not cause

pathology in the human host may becorne pathogenic and cause life-threatening

systemic infections.

The human fungal pathogens, Blestomyces diematitidis, CCoccidioides

immitis, Hisroplesma capsulatum, P a ~ i o ~ e s bmsiSensis and Spomthnx

schenkii a n ail dimorphic, growing saprophytically in the environment as hyphae

and switching to a yeast forrn of gmwth at the elevated temperature of 37OC in

the human host. With the exception of @omlhrix schmkii, dl of these

dimorphic fungi are primary pathogens of humans; they are capable of infecting

via the respiratory tract and causing serious systemic infections in healthy

individuals who are free of trauma and immune system suppression (Koôayashi

and Mamsca, 1993; Kenidge, 1993). Spomthfix sdimkii is different in that il

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requires traumatic implantation into the tissue for infection to ocair, and under

normal cimmstances remains subcutaneowr (M~vhy, 1 99 1 ). The morphogenic

changes that these dimorphic fungi undergo are viewed as adaptations which

allow an infection to establish itself, and then enable growth to ocair in the host

environment where the temperature is elevated to 37OC, where oxidation-

reduction potentiels are reduced, and where host defense mechanisms are

piesent (Kobayashi and Maresca, 1993).

The important opportunistic fungi capable of causing systemic infections in

humans include Asperpiilus furnigaius, Candida albicans and Pneumocystis

can'nii. Within this gmup of opportunistic fungi, only C. aibimns displays

dimorphism (Kerridge. 1 993). Candida a/&ians, an Ascomycete which causes

canddiosis, is responsible for the most common fungal infection of humans

(Murphy. 1 991 ). Candida albicans grows principall y as a saprophytic yeast. It

colonizes mucosal surfaces including those of the intestinal tract and vagina. It

becornes parasitic in a debilitated host and may become systemic thrwgh the

passage of yeast cells into the circulatory system (Kerridge, 1 993). The role that

dimorphic switching plays in the development of systemic infections by C.

albicms is not dear. However, hyphal outgrowth from the yeast fonn allows the

fungus to evade phagocytosis by leukocytes (Borgem, 1993). The hyphal form of

gmwth may also allow for greater adhesion because of a hig her surlace to

volume ratio, and greater penetration eitttar due to a tip fodng its way through

the plasma membrane or possibly by the secretion of lytic enzymes at the hyphal

tip. Since the hyphal phase is thought to be lese effectively dealt with by the

immune system, there has b e n interest by medical reseaichers to inhibit the

hyphal phase (Bergers, 1993).

The four piimary âimorphic pathogens, BlaSIOmycies demiatidids,

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bmsiliensis, as well asSjwrnthd'x schenkii, have been less extensively studied

than C. a l h n s (Kerridge, 1993). Sparothriw sch8ndIii has recently been

placed within the genus Ophiosforna baseâ on 18s ribosomal RNA sequeme

data (Berbee and Taylor, 1 991 ).

Genes that play a mle in dimorphic switching may be targets for ami-

fungal dnigs (Gimeno et al. 1 993). Antifungal compounds such as azoles, for

example, have k e n shown to inhibit the yeast-hyphel transition in C. e ~ s ,

and allow leukocytes to eliminate Candi& infections. The major antifungais in

use appear to interfere with cell wall formation (Yamaguchi et al. 1993). These

are corn prised of the azoles, allylami ne derivatives and morpholine derivatives,

al1 of which target the biosynthetic pathway for ergosterol, a lipid component of

the fungai cell membrane (Yamaguchi et al. 1993). Disruption of ergosterol

synthesis may cause degeneration of the cell membrane, which impairs ceIl wall

formation by affecting the cooidinated synthesis aWor assembly of glucans,

chitin and other cell wall constituents (Yamaguchi et al. 1993). Several new

classes of antihingal compounds which target the cell wall are currently under

study: the nikkornycins which target chitin synthase, papulacandins and

echinocandins which inhibit glucan synthase, and the benanomicins and

pradimicins which act on cell wall mannoproteins (Wamod< and Campbell, 1996).

The Basidiomycete Smuts (Usfi&go spedes) inlecl a variety of

monocotyledonous and d'iledonous plants and cause severe economic

losses (Banuett, 1995). The corn pathogen. UsIr'- mavas, is a well-studied

mernbei of this group and demonstrates a case where dimwphism is rdeled to

pathogenicity. This fungus is pathagenk in its hyphaî km but non-pathogenic

(Le. incapable of infecting the host plant) in the yeast phase (Bamiett, 1991).

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The Ascomycete Ophioslame species infect a numbei of trees which are

valuable to the lumber and landscaping industries. The best stuâied of this group

is O. ulmi. Dutch dm disease has killed a large proportion of the highly

susceptible Amencan elrn (Ulmus amen'cana L.) population in North America,

with a signifiant economic and aesthetic impact upon the uiban landscape.

Ophiostoma u/mi exists as two distinct subgroups, known as "non-aggressive"

(NAG) and "aggressive"; the latter is divided into the two races North American

aggressive (NAN) and European aggressive (EAN). Braiser (1 991 ) renameâ the

aggressive subgroup (NAN and EAN) as the separate species 0. nom-u/mi

Brasier, while the non-aggressive subgroup remained 0. ulmi. Because of the

controversial nature of this taxonornic change, the aggiessive VA30 strain used

in this study will still be referred to as 0. ulmi.

Within an infected elrn tree, O. ulmigrows in hyphal and budding-yeast

phases, and produces both Spor~thtix (Cepha110sporium) and Graphiumtypes of

spores (Harris and Taber, 1 970; Holmes, 1 978). The process of dimorphic

switching is thougM to be integral to the pathogenicity of O. uimi (Kulkarni and

Nickeison, 1981). @hiostom ukniis transpolted from intected to healthy trees

on and within the Wies of the native elrn bah beetle (Hylurpopinus mfips) or

the European elm bark beetle (Scdyfus mullistnatus) each of which is attracfed

by (-)~rcubebene, which is relessed by the elrn tree (see Sticklen, 1 991 ).

Infection may also be spiead through mot grafts. Grrqphiumtype spores are

produced on stalked, spore-beaiing coremia and mycelia are produced in the

beetle galleires of infected trees (Agiios, 1 988). Them cipores are canied by

aduit beetles, to the ôaik and wood of uninfected trees where they geminate;

the resutting hyphal growth allows the fungus to penetrate and spread between

vessels (Campana, 1978), eventually reaching the large xylem vessels of the

spring wooô. f he invasiveness of the hyphaî fom may make O. ulmi similar to

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C. albims (Kulkami and Nidterson, 1981 ). While in the sap Stream, hyphae

pioduce Sporothrix-type spores, which repmûuce in a budding- yeast fashion.

Conversion of hyphae to a ôudding-yeast cell growth allows the fungus to be

passively carried up the sap stream within individual xylem vessels and to be

spmad to new locations, where budding-yeast cells genninate and initiate new

sites of infection (Agrios, 1988).

Ophiostome ulmi exists vegetatively as a haploid, and sexual repmduction

is rarely observed in nature since single mating types are found over large areas

(Agrios, 1988). Ophiostoma uhni has two mating types, designated by two alleles

'Aa and 'Ba at a single locus (Brasier, 1984). When mating does occur between

compatible strains, spherical, Nad< perithecia containing crescent shaped

ascospores are produced (Agtios, 1 988).

Ophiostoma ulmi produces several metabdites thoug ht to play a role in

pathogenesis. One is cerato-ulmin, which has been shown to be a hydrophobin

(Stringer and firnôerlake, 1 993), and another is a high moleailar weight

peptidorhamnomannan (see Stiûûen 1 al. 1 991 ). Ophiostome u/mi also

produces elidtocs, a group of glycoproteins known to stimulate mansonone

production in host elm cells (Yang et al. 1989). Mansonones aie phytoalexin-like

sesquiteipenes, and their production represents one molecular defense

mechanisrn utilized by elms when faced with infection by O. uhni (Stiden et al.

1991). Resistance to DED occuis mainly through a damage contrd and

containment mechanisrn to prevent spreading of the pathogen.

Compartmentalization and containment of the pathogen ocairs thmgh the

formation of tyîoses - outgmwths of xylem parenchymai ce#s which ocdude

vessels. The tyloses dog the vesse1 mity and plevent rnovement of the fungus

to other vascular ekments (StMen et al, 1 991 ).

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Strategies for the control of DED have invohred manipulations of the elrn

tree host, the beetle vector, or the 0. ulmi pathogen itself, none of which have

been succ8ssful in preventing the continued destruction of the elrn tree

population. These results have led to a belief that control of DE0 shoukl utilize

an integrated approach involving: i) the use of chemicals for disease protection.

ii) the induction, identification and genetic manipulation of the elrn tree's defense

system and. iii) control of 0. ulmivinilence (Hubbes, 1988). Manipulations of the

host elrn tree have included treatrnent with fungicides (Smalley, 1978), breeding

strategies to increase resistance to DED, pre-inoculation of trees with non-

aggreasive strains of O. u/mi in an attempt to elicit a pmtective response, and

pending the availability of appropriate resistance genes, the use of gene-transfer

methods to create resistant elms (see Brasier, 1991 ). The recent successful

production of fungus-tolerant transgenic oilseed rape (Bmssica napus), which

expresses the chitin degrading enzyme chitinase (Grison et al. 1996), suggests a

possible strategy for the production of resistant elms. The resistance obtained

wit h oilseed rape, may have resulted from both the dired degradation of chitin in

growing hyphae, and from stimulation of plant defense mechanisms in response

to the release of chitin oligorners, which may act as elicitors (Grison et al. 1996).

Strategies focusing on control of the bah beetle, either pioposed or attempted,

have induded the use of insecticides, ettractant-baited beetle traps, the use of

insect pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, viruses or nematodes specific to the

beetles, and the release of sterile male beetles into the environment (see StMen

et a/. 1 991 ). Becterial biocontrol agents such as Pseudomnas fluomsoens and

Baailiks subtiNs have also been used to inoculate d m s e d i n p (see StWen et

al. 1991 ). A proposed strategy invoives the aiteration of the pathogen itself; the

mycwiius-like btactom, which decrease pathogenicity of infectai 0. u l d strains,

may be used as a natural control rneasuie (Brader, 1983,1988, Webbei, 1987)-

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Another proposed strategy would devekp dominant, nonpathogenic, mating-

type isolates of O. ulmi to be released into nature to mate with aggressive

isolates (Stidden et al. 1991). This would require a greater understanding of the

determinants of pat hogenidty and aggressiveness (StiMen el a/. 1 991 ), wit h

dimorphism Ming one of the possible determinants.

Pseudohyphal grauth in Saccharomyces cerevisàe

01 al1 dirnorphic fungi studied, it has been the budding yeast,

Saccharomyces cerevisiae , which has proviâed a 'rnodel systema for the study

of fungal dimorphism. This is despite the fact that yeast genetidsts had

"forgottena and subsequently "rediscovereb dimorphism in S. oerevisiae

(Gimeno et al. 1992). Since its rediscovery, eluddation of the genetic controls

goveming pseudohyphal growth (PHG) in S. cereMsiae has ben rapid.

Gimeno et al. (1992) showed that S. œrevisiae undergoes a yeast to

hyphal conversion in response to nitrogen stawation; this is brought about by

either the use of ptoline as the sole nitrogen source or by a low ammonia

medium in the presence of glucose (Blacketer et al. 1995). Pseudohyphal growth

occuis only in heteiothallic diploid yeasts which are heterdogous at the mating

type locus (MATWa). However, MATa and MATa haploids are capable of a

sirnilar 'invasive gmwtha form that exhiMts siightly dongated cells and kids with

a bipolar pattern, ocairring under the sudace of colonies growing on rlch agar

plates that are a few days dd (Roberts and Fink, 1994). A gmwth f o n descilbed

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as pseudohyphal, which is both rapidly reversible and oxygen-âependent, has

also been reportecl to exist in hapîoid cells (Wright et al. 1993). Furthetmore, an

apparently irreversible pseudohyphal form in haploM cells grown in liquid media

with 2% ethanol and 2% leucine has also b e n describeci (Dickinson, 1994).

Although a Rlamentous form had been reported to ocair in S. œrevisiae

(Guillienond, 1920; Schen and Weaver, 1953; etc., in Gimeno et al. 1992).

there were no descriptions for the conditions required for its induction.

Pseudohyphal cells have a unipdar pattern of growth. aie elongated, display

incomplete cell separation to fom attachecl chains of cells, and grow invasively

into the surface of solid media (Gimeno et a/. 1992). The resulting colonies

resemble those produced by filamentous fungi, half of whose cells typically can

be found to be foraging below the surface of the solid medium (Gimeno et al.

1992). Pseudohyphae rnay allow S. cerevisiae to forage for nutrients and reach

substrates at a distance frorn the initial site of colonization, when nitrogen stanred

(Gimeno et al. 1992). Pseudohyphae may also uniquely secrete glycohydrolases

which are nat found in the yeast phase (Gimeno et al. 1992).


PHG requires a unipdar pattern of W i n g , and is controlled by the

rnating type locus (Gimeno et al. 1992). MATWa diploids divide prirnarily with a

unipolar pattern of giowth, where the daughter cells krd and rebud at the free

end, which pemits PHG to ocarr. In contrest, haploids, and MATda or MATda

diploids primarily divide axiaily, whereby the mther and daughter cells bud

adjacent to their cell pole (Gimeno et al. 1992). Oenes which contml budding

patterns indude RSRfBUD1, BUD2, BUD3, BUM end B U M (Bendei and

Pringle. 1989; Chant and HerSkowitz, 1991 ; see Chant and Herskowitz, 1993).

When none of the BU0 genes are fundkning, a iandom W i n g pattern results,

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however, when BUOl end BUD2 genes are fundioning, a unipolar pattern

results. When BU03 and BU04 genes also function, an axial pattern of

budding results (Chant and Herskowitz, 1991 ). Chant and Herskowitz (1991 )

suggested a mechanism by which MATala diploids kid with a unipdar pattern;

M A W a diploids produce a mating type encoded repiessor al a2 that represses

the function of either or both BUD 3 and BUb4 genes, allowing a unipdar pattern

of budding to occur.

PHG was only found in MATa/a diploids and not in a or a haploids, or da

or da diploids (Gimeno et al. 1992). 1 his implicated the mating response in the

control of dimorphic switching in S. cerevisiae. The mating or pheromone

response pathway, is one of the rnost thoroughly investigated signal transduction

pathways; however, the discovery of new genes continues to increase this

pathway's complexity (reviewed by Watson et al. 1992; Kurjan, 1 993;

Herskowitz, 1995).

Haploid cells with a and a mating types each secrete a small polypeptide

pheromone. The a mating type haploid releases &factor and a mating type

hapkiû cells secrete a-factor. Recepüon of these pheiomones by cells of the

opposite rnating type triggers a G-protein linked protein kinase signal

transduction cascade t hat cul minates in the activation or inactivation of a nurnber

of pnes which allow mating to occw (Kurjan, 1 993). Celh respond by

undergoing a change in shape to form elongated "schmoo ceIlsa, and the cell

cyde anests in 0 1 so that m l n g can ocarr (Kurjan, 1993). Cell cyde anest is

accomplished by the tmnscirptional inactivation of y d i n genes required foi

Cdc28p protein kinase activity (Kuifan, 1 QQ3). Cydin proteins inte- with

Cddûp protein kinase to fonn a iunctionaî protein eerlneithreonine kinase

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cornplex, allowing the cells to proceed through 01 (Watson et al. 1992).

Inactivation of cyclin transcription in response to phemmone binding prevents the

formation of the functional Cln-Cdc28p protein Wnsse cornplex, and arrests the

cell cycle in G1 (Watson et al. 1992). Several genes encoding components of

the pathway itself, for example FUS1 and STE2, are transciiptionally induced by

this pathway. Other genes regulated by the pheromone response signal

transduction pathway indude the gene encdng agglutinin which allows th8 two

mating cells to adhere, genes required for cellular and nuclear fusion, and genes

needed for recovery from cell cycle arrest (Kurjan. 1 993).

Figure 1 illustrates the mating response pathway of S. arevisiae in

schematic fonn. The mting pheromones are glycosylated peptides, 1 2 or 1 3

amino acids in length, and are encoded by the MATa and MATa mating type

alleles, respectively (Watson et al. 1992). Upon reception of the pheromones by

receptors on the opposite mating type cells, the pheromone binds to the receptor

on the extracellular surfam of the yeast ceil membrane (see Fig. 1). This

receptor has seven hydrophobie helioes which span the lipid bilayer, with an

extracellular amino terminal and a cytoplasmic carboxyl terminal. The ieceptor is

linked to a O-protein (a trimeric guanine nudeotide-binding protein), a three

subunit protein with a, pl and y subunits, which coupies the membrane-spanning

receptor molecule to a cytoplasmic effedor moleaile, a protein kinase encoded

by the SE20 gene (Watson 1992; Kurjan, 1993). O-pioteins are activatd

when they release GDP and bind GTP, and have an intrinsic enzymatic Wvity

that hydrdyzes bound GTP back to GDP (Stryei, 1986). All receptors that are

couplecl to their effectois by O-proteins have k e n fwnd to have this seven-helix

structure (Watson, 1992). A number of the genes encding proteins involved in

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Flgun 1. Components of the Saochammyces œoerevisiae pheromone response pathway, their utilization in other S. cetwisiae signal transduction pathways, and homologs in UsfMgo maydis. Input for the pheromone response pathway involves reception of pheromones by G protein-linked pheromone receptors in hapîoid cells. -20 protein kinase and a MAP kinase module transduce the signai to the 5181 2 transcription factor, which Wulates the activity of several genes involved in the mating response. Two other pathways, the invasive gmwth pathway of haploid cells and the pseudohyphal gmwth pathway of diploid cells, utilize several of the sarne cornponents; however, pheromone receptors and G- proteins are not required, and other signals pmide the input (likely nitrogen starvation). Neither pathway requires the acüvity of Fus3 or Kssl , but may utilize other undiûcovered MAP kinases. The pheromone response pathway of Ustilago maydis is required for fusion of haploid cells and filamentous growth in the resuhing dikaryon. The acHvity of pheromones and pheromone mceptors and unknown signais provided by the host plant, are required for continued filamentous growth. F uz7, an Ste? MAPKK horndog, and an Ste20-iike protein kinase have ben identifid in U. maydis, while the existence of other components in this pathway an speculated. Involvement of this pathway in the filamentous arowth of U. maydis hadoid ceils has not been evaluated. Csndida aI6ians mai also utilize a simila? signal transduction cascade for the formation of hyphae (not illustrated). An S T E ~ ~ homolog (CPHI, or C H & pseudohyphal regulator) hm been found, and can conect both PHG and mating ôefects in S. cemvisiae ste12 mutants. Adapted from Heiskowitz (1995) and ûanuett (1995).

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Ustilago maydis

Haploid Diploid Ir-

Stol 1 [Fj Skl t [y] transcription C F ) Factor

Pheromone Pheromone Invasive Growth

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the pathway are STE genes. 'STE" stands for sterile; one of the mating

responses elicited by the mating pheromone is cell cyde anest. To select foi

mutants containing mutations in this pathway, hapîoid yeast cells were grown up

on media containing the a factor pheromone. Cells that continued to grow (and

therefore were unable to mate) and fom colonies were those mutants that dd

not respond to the pheromone, and wem therefore non-functional in some part of

the pathway (Watson et el. 1 992). In the absence of the phemmone. the G-

protein exits as a trimer with GDP bound to the a subunit homolog. Binding of

pheromone to the receptor results in an exchange of GD? for GTP in the a

subunit homolog. This causes dissociation of a-GTP from &y, allowing free By to

ad downstream upon the effector molecule (Kurjan, 1993). In the case of the

yeast mating response pathway, the effector appears to be a protein kinase

encoded by STE30 (Herskowitz, 1995). Protein kinases function to

phosphorylate other proteins to activate or inactivate thern, and are the

mdecules that really do the woik in signal transduction pathways. Protein

kinases are phosphotransferases that celalyze the transfer of the y phosphoryl

gmup from ATP to an amino acid side chain of the iedpient protein in the

presence of magnesium. Accepton for the phosphoryl groups are the alcohol

gmups of serine and threonine, and the phenol group of tyrosine (protein-serine,

t hreonine kinase, and piotei n-tyrosine kinase respeaively) (se0 Giiault, 1 993).

The protein kinase effector, STE20, links the G-protein to a MAPK

(mitogen-acthrated protein kinase) module in which a cascede of sequential

phosphorylations occurs (see Fig. 1 ). In S. œrevishe the MAPK module consists

of the MAP kinase kinase kinase, the MAP kinase kinase, encoded by Si€ l 1

and S E 7 respectively, and two MAP kinases encoded by FUS3 and KSSI

(Heiskowitz, 1995). The kinase casde poRlon of the pathway is paiHy

conservecl when compared with other known signal transduction pathways;

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Fus3p and Kssl p proteins of the pheromne response pathway have sequeme

similarity to the mammalian MA? kinase gene which responds to extracellular

signais (i.9. marnmalian growth factor) and stimulates growth and diflemntiation

(Costigan et al. 1 994).

The MAP kinase cascade induces the phosphorylation of Ste12p, a

transcription factor, which is then activata and able to bind to a pheromone

response element in the upstream activation sequences of a number of genes

transcriptionaiiy regulated by t his pathway (Kurjan, 1 993). As discussed eailier,

this would include some of the genes encoding components of the pathway itself,

those that confer the ability to mate, and those that arrest the cell cycle at Start in

01. To induce cell cyde arrest, the genes encoding cydins are transcriptionally

inactivated so that an active Clnp-Cdc28p cornplex no longer foms (Kurjan,

1 993).

Genes of the S. cerevisiae pheromone response pathway fall into two

groups with respect to their role in PHG; those which are only utilized in the

pheiornone response pathway in haploid cells, with no known function in dploids,

and those genes wMch play a second role in PHG of diploids and invasive gmwth

of hapîoids (see Fig. 1 ). Lui et al. (1 993), found that the S T E ' , STE 1 1, S E 7

and STEllgenes which encode the putative protein kinase effedor, MAP protein

kinase kinase kinase, MA? kinase kinase homobgs, and the pheromone

rmponse transcription factor, respectivdy, were requiied for ?HG, but not for

nomai yeast growlh in dipldds, suggesting a role for thme genes in PHG. The

same genes, SfE20, S E 1 1, STE7and STE 12 were also found to be required

for the invasive giowlh of haploids (Rokfts and Fink, 1994). The portion of the

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pheromone respnse pathway encoding the phemmone recepton, and the three

G-protein subunits SE2, S E 3 , STE4, GPA 1 and SE18, respectively, were

found not to be required for bath PHG in MAT& diploids and invasive growth in

haploids (Lui et al. 1 993; Roberts and Rnk, 1 994).

1- af PHG

PHG is induced by poor nitrogen sources - either prdine as the sole

nitmgen source or a low ammonia media. In S. cereuidae, the RAS (rat

sarcorna) pathway is thought to regulate various stress responses (Broach and

Deschennes, 1 990). RAS genes are part of the larger farnily of genes that

encode guanine nudeotide-binding proteins (Watson. 1992) and regulate

different signal transduction pathways in yeast. S. oereuisiae has two RAS

genes - RAS7 and RAS2 (see Uno, 1992) - which are activated with GTP by

the CDC25 protein. Ras proteins activate adenylate cydase which regulates the

intracellular secondary messenger CAMP, which in tum activates CAMP-

dependent protein kinases (see Uno, 1992; Marx, 1993).

To test the mode1 that nitrogen starvation might induce the RAS2 pathway

which le& to PHG, Gimeno et al. (1 992), looked at the effect of constitutively

activating the RAS2 signal transduction pathway on PHG, by transfoming

hapioid and diploid strains with a RAS2vd1g gene. This mutation destroys the O-

protein's GTP hydmlytic activity so that it remains active. iesulting in increased

intracellular CAMP levefs and incmacred sensitivity to nitmgen stantation. Gimeno

et al. (1 992), found that they could induce PHG (in diplob) on both nitmgen poor

and nitrogen rich media by expressing tMs adhiabcl RAS2 gene. consistent with

a mode1 for the involvement of the RAS signal tnnsdudion pathway in bringing

about a switch to PHG in response to nitiogen starvation. Anothei pogeibility

suggested was that Wvated RAS itsel may cause a change in the organismWs

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ability to utilize or assimilate nîtrogen (Gimeno et al. 1992). It has recently b e n

suggested by Maikwardt et al. (1 995), t h a PHG is triggered by falli ng amino acid

pods within the cell, and that activateci RAS induces PHG by causing a decrease

in intracellular amino add pools.

Consistent with a nitrogen limiting switch for PHG, several mutations

which interfere with nitrogen utilization have been shown to stimulate

pseudohyphal development. The S M 3 gene (Gimeno et al. 1992) encodes a

component of the endoplasmic reticulum required for amino acid permeases,

including the proline permease. A shr3 mutant which fails to produce a functional

pennease and impairs amino acid uptake, was found to stimulate pseudohyphal

growth. The PPSl gene (Blacketer et al. 1994) encodes a

phosphoribosylpyrophosphate synthase, a key enzyme required for nitrogen

metabolism. This enzyme catalyzes the transfer of the terminal pyrophosphoryl

group of ATP to the C-1 carbon of ribose-5-phosphate. A mutation to this gene

also induced pseudohyphal growth (Blacketer et al. 1 994).

Several genes have been characterized which are invoived in cell

elongation, cell division and other motphological deteminants of PHG.

The PHDI gene (pseudohyphal deteminant), is believed to be a ceIl cycle

regulator contmlling cell cycle related processes such as cell wall biosynthesis

and cell separation. PHDl may have targets such se cydin and chitinase

encading genes (Gimeno and Fink, 1 994). When werexpressed, PHDl

intensifies and acceleiales the PHG response to nitmgen limitation in MATala

dipiob, and allows PHG to occur in nitrogen rich media and in liquid culture

(Gimeno and Fink, 1994). PHDl encodes for a putative transcription factor with

high sequeme similarity to the SM gene of As,ipergiIkrs n&&ns which 1s

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invohmd in the regulation of conidiophon m~rphogenesis~ PHDl has a DNA-

binding motif related to those found in SW14 and MBP1 of S. cereWae. which

encode transcription factors regulating the cell cyde (Gimeno and Fink, 1994).

Genes implicated in the elongation of budding cells indude those involved

in the control of the cell division cycle. When mutated, cell division cyde mutants

CDC3, CDCIO, CDCI I and CDCIZ grow with an elongated cell phenotype. All

code for proteins that localire to the 10-nm filament iing, believed to be the bud

emergence site (see Blacketer et al. 1995). C. a/krns also has a structure

similar to the 10 nrn filament ring of S. oemvisiae. Antibodies raised against S.

cerevisiae CDC3, CDC10, CLXI 1 and CUCI2 gene products were found to

localize to the filament ring of C. albicans and to the mother bud junction

(Blacketer et el. 1995). Several other genes in S. mevisiae have b e n found to

produce elongated cell phenotypes when mutated. but for reasons unknown.

This would include those involved in cydin-dependent kinase aetivity,

ubiquitination-protein degradation, bud site seledion. the secretory pathway, the

signai transduction in response to high extemal osmolarity, protein kinases and

phosphatases. transcription factois SW14 and SWI 6, and the H+ ATPase (see

Blacketer et al. 1995).

Blacketer et al. (1 993, 1994, 1995) isolated 1 4 €LM (elongated

rnorphology) gene mutants identifid by a consüMhrely expmssed elongated cell

rnorphology on nitrogen rich media, which they pro- functioned to repress

PHG in inappropriate conditions. ELMI encoded a novel protein kinase

homolog, and two ELMgenes comsponded to previously charaderized genes

GRRI (encoding a muitifunctionaî protein, see Blacketer et a/. 1995) and CDCl2.

ELMI, €LW, €LM3 and COCI2 were found to constituitively express dl PHG


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Humiôity was found to affect the extent of PHG response, with a humidity

of 55% resulting in the greatest PHG dltferentiation. Blaketer et al. (1 995),

suggested that the agar surface may be alteied in some way by the humkmy ot

the air, and that the inability of PHG forming strains to produce ?HG in liquid

media implicates the importance of surface contact.

PHG is induced by nitrogen staivation and is specific to MATa/MATa

diploids. PHG requires cell elongation, incornpîete cell sepration, invasive

growth and a unipolar W i n g pattern. All of these processes, except unipdar

budding. are induced by nitrogen staivation ( s e Gimeno and Fink, 1994).

Nitrogen starvation is the pfimary signal and rnay be transduced by a RAS2

adenylate cyclase/cAMP pathway (Gimeno et al. 1992). The protein kinase

cascade portion of the yeast phemrnone response pethway (MAP kinase

cascade) is also involved in the transduction of this signal (Liu et al. 1 993) and

the signal leading to the invasive growth of haploids (Roberts and Fink, 1994).

The protein kinase cascade is invohred in producing pseudohyphal cell shape,

but not in determining kidding pattern. A mode1 to explain the specificity of PHG

to MATa/a diploids, propoees that a matirtg type encoded represwr, a l a2,

represses the function of either or both Büû 3 and BUDl genes, allowing a

unipolar pattern of budding and thefefore PHG to occur under conditions of

nitrogen limitation (Chant and Hemkowitz, 1991). Pseudohyphel development

may function to put propagules into prwiously in80~~88/#e suôstrates (Blaaeter

et el. 1993). In addition to nitmgen starvation, humiaty aWor sutface contact

eppear to be impoclant in the expmssion of P M (Bladceter et al. 1995), and

aeiobic conditions are required for the PHG-lik gmwth tom seen in MATa and

MATa haploids (Wright et a/. 1993).

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Control of dmorphism in Usfilago mayds

The genetic contrd of dimorphism in the coin smut U. rnaydis shows

remadable similarities to that of S. cemvisiae, despite the fact that U. maydis is a

Basidiornycete, and S. cereMsiae an Abcomycete. Ustihgo m a y a undergoes a

yeast to hyphal conversion when yeast-like haploids mate to fomi a hyphal and

pathogenic dikaryon, capable of infecting the host plant and indudng turnour

formation (see Banuett, 1995). This process is analogous to the S. cemwisiae

system where MATa and MATa haploiâs fom a diploid capable of PHG. While

with S. cemvisiee, nitmgen limitation is required for this conversion and is

considerd to be the primary signal in dimorphic switching, the situation is not as

dear with U. maydis ; unknown factors provided by the corn plant are required

for cantinued filamentous growth. A transient filamentous growth between

compatible haploids is possible without the unknown factors, and nitmgen

starvation may also stimulate the conversion in diploiâs heterozygous at the a

and b mating loci (Banuett and Herskowitz, 19943. Analogous to the invasive

growth phenotype of S. cerevisiae haploids, at low pH on synthetic medium

containing NH4+ ions, U. maydis haploids show fully filamentous growth identical

to that of diploids, and are therefoie capable of bypassing the mating requirement

for dimorphic switching under certain cultural conditions (Ruiz-Herrera et al.

1 995).

Ustirno mayas has two mating type loci a and b which are invdved in

dirorphic switching. The a locus governo cell fusion and filamentous gmwth,

and encodes components that are analogous to those found in the phemmone

response pathway of S. œrevisiee. The e locus has two alleles, a l and a2,

each ewoüng a pheromone preainroi (either Mal whidi is 40 amino adds long

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and processeci to a 12 amino acid pheromone, or Ma2 which is 38 arnino aQds

long and is processed to 9 amino adds) and phemmone receptor (Mer Pral or

Pm), analogous to the S. cemvisiae a factor receptor encadecl by STE3 (-20%

identity with Step verws 24% identity between Pral and Pra2 themselves) (see

Banuett, 1 995). The existence of anU. mayas Ste* MAPKK homolog encoded

by W7 (Banuett and Herskowitz, 1 994a) and an Stem like effector homolog

(Banuett, 1995). suggests that the Pia receptors are likely to be linked to a G-

pmtein linkeâ MAP kinase cascade anaiogous to that tound in S. oerevisiae

(Banuett, 1995) (se6 Fig. 1). In S. œmvisiae, both pheromone and pheromone

receptor are requi red for mating, but do not function in pseudoh yphal formation.

However. in U. mayaYs, the continued functioning of these components is

required for the continued formation ot filamentous growth, suggesting that the a

locus has an autocrine or self-stimulatory mle in the formation of filaments

(Banuett , 1 995).

The activity of both a and b mating type loci are iequired for filamentous

gfowth (see Banuett, 1995). While the a locus fuMions extracellularly in the

mciling reaction and intracellulaily in an autocrine role, the b locus funclions

intracellulaily and is also required foi pathogenidty. The b locus is multiallelic

and encodes a pair of dissirnilar pioteins b€ and bW, which contain

homeodomain motifs (Banuett, 1995). Horneodomain proteins form a dess of

transcription factor. An active b cornpiex is fonned between M and bW proteins

of different allelic origin to fom a hetemdimer, while those pmsent in a haploid

cell am unable to dimerize (Kamper et ai. 1995). Thur, upon mating. a fundional

b mating type locus encoded, heteiodirneiic, puîativ8 transcription factor is

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fomed, which functions to maintain the pathogenic filamentous fom. The

downstream targets of this putative transcription factor have not yet been


Recent work by Ruiz-Herrera et al. (1 995). indicatm that filamentous

growth can be indu- in haplokb in both liquid and sdid media, and that the b

rnating type gene is not essential to this process under certain cultural conditions.

tt was found that an acid pH (optimally pH 3.0) induces filamentous growth

of haploids without the presence of a compatible haploid. Filament formation

under these conditions did not require activity of the b mating-type locus, as

determined by the induction of filamentous growth in nuIl mating-type b mutants.

Ruiz-Herrera el el. (1 995) founâ that yeast-like cells needed to be starved

and taken to the Go stage to be respnsive to pH. An acid pH in the media was

required both initially and continuously foi the transition; metabdic addification

of initially neutral meâia did not stimulate filamentous growth. The nitrogen

source was also found to be important in bringing about the transition.

Ammonium ions from NH4N& produceâ the best filamentous grawth, followed by

(NH4)2S04 and casamino ad&, while K N a did not stimulate hyphai gmwth.

Aeration of the media was aiso fwnd to stimulate hyphal development (Ruiz-

Henera et el. 1995).

The operation of the proton pump was suggested to be important in

causing the dimoiphic transition and not just intwnsic pH; both NH4+ containing

nitmgen sources, NH4Nq and (NH4)2w4, pmduced filamentous growth and

NH4+ ions are beliwed to require the adhrity of the paon antiport for theif

uptake which causes furthei addification of the media. the NO$ conteining

nitrogen source KNa, however, did not stimulate filamentous growth and does

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not use the proton pump for uptake, but uses a proton sympart which reâuces

acid'i of the media. Fuithemore, acidifkation of the media was sensitive to

inhibitors of plasma membrane ATPase which is required for proton pump advity

(Ruiz-Herrera et al. 1 995).

Catabolite repression was also believed to be important in the formation of

mycelia. All caibon sources teaed (citrate, soibitol, xyîose, succinate, suciose

and glucose) stimulated hyphal growth when present at 1 % using (NH&S04 as

a nitrogen source. However, high concentrations of g lmse (5 and 10%)

reduced filamentous gmwth, while sudnate, which is poorîy utilized, generated

srnooth and regular hyphae (Ruiz-Herrera et al. 1995).

Cyclic AMP has also been shown to play a role in dimorphic switching in

U. maydis . The uecl gene of U. mayds was found to encode adenylyl cyclase,

the enzyme which pioduces the second messenger CAMP (Gold et al. 1994).

Cydic AMP binds to and inhibits the regulatoty subunit of cAMP-dependent

protein kinase (PKA), which is encoded for in U. m y d s by the ubcl gene (Gold

et al. 1994). This frees the catalytic subunit so that it may act to phosphorylate

various target proteins involved in dmoiphic switching. It is not currently known if

PKA ads to prornotes yeast gronRh or inhibit filamentous growth (Benu@tt, 1995).

Nitrogen levels and sources are known to be important in dimorphic

switching (ûanuett and Heikowitr, 1994; Ruiz-Herrera et el. 1995), and have

been suggested to directly affect CAMP levels (Banuett, 1995). Possible

invoîvernent of the proton pump or catabolite repmsbn in this CAMP pathway

have not been evaîuated.

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A gene belonging to the hydrophobin family which was specifically

expnssed in the filamentous dikaryotic phase of U. maydls, was isolated using

differential display (Bolker et al. 1995). Hydmphobins are a secreted group of

proteins which f om a hydmphobic layer and in some cases are believed to play

a mle in the production of aerial hyphae.

Contml of dmrphism in CencAda albicans

Candd albitans demonstrates yeast and hyphal growth, but is also

capable of forming pseudohyphae (Shepherd, 1985). Unlike S. cerewisiae which

appears to require rnating for ?HG, C. albicans switches between yeast and

hyphal growth as a diploid. ln fact, a haploid sexual cyde is not known to exist

for this fungus (me Lui et al. 1994).

While the primary signal stimulating a yeast to PHG transition in S.

cemvisiae may be nitmgen stawation, the case is not as dear with C. albicans;

nitrogen starvation has reporteci to induce mainly yeast growih, and rich media to

stimulate hyphal growth (see Lui et al. 1994). However, as with S. cerevisiae, L-

proline. which is known to be a poor nitrogen source (Cooper, 1982), has been

shown to induce germ-tube formation (see Shepherd et al. 1985), and, in a

medium high in ammonium sulphate, to support yeest-like giowth in C. a1k.m~

(see Girneno et el. 1992). Proline induces the formation of a spedfc prdine

pertnease in C. albricans (see Shepherd et a/. 1985). C a m alMans also

responds to additional environmental aies; an add pH, or the addition of

glucose or cysteine to growth media stimulates a hyphaî to yaast conversion and

senrm stimulates a yeast to hyphal conversion (see Shepheid et al. 1985; Griffin,

1994; Lui et a' 1994 ). Changes in temperature may alao signai a dimorphic

switch. As in U. majds, plasma membrane H+ ATPase aelivity hm d m been

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suggested to play a role in the dimorphism of C. al&kans (se0 Kaur and Mishra,

1994). Surface contact also plays a d e in the formation of hyphae in C.

albfcans, as it does with S. cerevisiae; an opaque colony growth f o n , can gmw

as a hypha in liquid culture, only when attached to the surface of a glass plate, or

layer of epithelial cells (Anderson et al. 1989).

Gemtic dissection of dimorphism is difficuit in C. eAbicans, since it has no

known sexual cycle and is diploid. However, transformation and

complementation of S. cerevisiae with C. albhrns genomic libraries prwides a

tractable method around this problem. Using this appmach. Lui et a/. ((1 994)

were able to identify several clones which enhanced PHG. They identifid the

CPH 1 gene (Candida pseudo h yp ha1 regulato r) , encoding a protei n homolog of

the S. wevisiae SE12 encoded transcription factor, which is required for PHG,

invasive gmwth, and mating in S. cereuisiae. When transformed into a S.

cemvisiae ste12 mutant, the C. alMcans CPHl protein was able to correct PHG

and mating defects. This suggested that the same MAP kinase casad8 may be

present in both organisms and that C. elbicens may have an undetected sexual

cyde (Lui et el. 1 994). In C. albicans CPHI double knockwt mutants, hyphal

growth was suppresed on solid media, but was still found in liquiâ media or

senim induced conditions, suggesting that C elMans migM have more than one

pathway to transmit the signal for yeast to hyphai conversion - fiiing with its

ability to respond to severai environmentai stimuli (Lui et al. 1 994).

A pH regulated gene PHRI (pH-responshre gene), which is required for

hyphaî growth, was oôtained from subtradive cDNA libmrim and found to

encode a ceIl surface pmtein with a glycos~phophatidyIimsitoI membrane

anchor (Fonzi et al. 1993). PHRI is expreaasrl at high pH where hyphal growlh

is stimulated, but is not expresseâ at acidic pH levek which favour the formation

of yeast-like growth. Disiuption of PHRl destmyed t k ability of the fungus to

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gmw as a rnyceliurn. Pioteins with GPI anchois make up a diverse functional

gmup and no mechanism for its action in known, ôut mey play a structural role in

gerrn-tube formation or in the transduction of a signal fmm the environment

(Fonzi et a/. 1 993).

Contml of Omorphism in Mucor spp.

In Wmrspedes. hyphal growth ocairs in an aerobic environment and is

considered to be the normal form of growth . The yeast form occurs under

vadous types of stress, the most general of which is a microaerobic environment

in the presence of a hexose sugar (Ruiz-Herrera, 1993). Oxygen is the primary

moiphopoietic effector and acts independently of the respiratory chain (Borgia et

el. 1985). Dirnorphic switching is believed to be comrolled by an unknown môox

agent which senses oxygen levels (Salado-Hemandez and Ruiz-Herrera, 1 993).

Cydic AMP also plays a role in Mucorspecies ôimoiphism, with high levels

conelating with yeast-like growth (see Orkwski, 1995). A current mode1

suggests that the polyamine putresine, whose level increases during the yeast-

hyphal transition, acts antagonistically with CAMP to control dimorphism t hroug h

a DNA methylation transcriptional control (see Odowdri, 1 995); putresine, which

is formed from omithine by the enzyme omithine decarboxylase (ODC),

decmases CAMP levels by inhibiting adenylyl mase activity, while CAMP itself

represses the formation of ODC. During the yeast-hyphal transition, elevated

levels of putresine are proposed to activate genes controlling polar gIowlh by

effeding their demethylatkn. Reduction of putresine adhiity by

diaminobutanone, a cornpetitor of ODC, has been shown to Mock the yeast-

hyphal transition and the demethylation of nudear DNA that occun duiing the

devdopment of hyphae (see OikwsW, 1995). Ahcor l i ~ ~ ~ m o u s has three RAS

homologues, MRASI, MiUS2and AURAS3 MtUSl ib transcrlbed in gem

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tubes and yeasts convetting to hyphae, while MRAS3 is tmsciibeâ in the yeast

form. MRAS2 appears not to be transciibed (see Oilowski, 1995). MRASl may

be a functional equivalent of the S. cemdsise WS2 gene and MRAS3 the

equhralent of S. mevlsae RASI. Oilowski (1 995), suggests that MMSl may

ôe repiessed under microaerobic conditions. and that a fermentable hexose

sugar derepresses MRAS3 to allow yeast-like growth to occur. It is not known if

either MRASl or MRAS3 activates adenylyl cydase activity (Oilowski, 1995).

ConttuI of dmrphism in Ophiostome ulmi

The cultural conditions required to stimulate dimorphic switching in

Ophiostoma ulmi have been determined. and several biochemical studies

suggest some of the genetic mechanisms that might be at work in this organism.

However, apaa frorn the meiotic analysis of a nonsponilating isolate by Richards

(1 994) and his finding that nonsponilation is likely under the control of a single

nuclear locus, there are no published studies on the genetics of dimorphism in O.

ulmi. Ophiostoma ulmi switches between yeast-like and hyphal forms as a

hapkid, while traditionally the other dimorphic fungi discussed have been

characterited as either switching from yeast-like to hyphal growth while

undergdng a haploiâ to diploidldikaryotic transition, or am dipîoid t hroug hout the

switch. Exceptions now indude the haploid switching of S. œrevisiae to the

invasive form (RobeRs and Fink, 1994) to PHG (Wright et al. 1993), and of U.

mawjs hapkids to a filamentous fonn at acidk pH (Ruiz-Herrera et a/. 1995).

The effect of arlarial andions on the dimorphic switching of O. u/mi wem

investigated by Kulkami and Nkkerson (1 981 ). The use of proline as the $018

nitrogen source in a defined liquid media wae found to sthlate yeast-like

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grMh, as was the absence of a nitrogen source. ûther nitrogen sources tested,

(NH4)2S04, NHdCI, arginine and asparagine, al1 stimulated hyphal gmwth by

thernselves or in combination with proline. These results suggested that yeast-

like gmwth migM result from the absence of ammonium ions (Kulkarni and

Nickerson, 1989). The possible rdes played by pH and catabolite repression in

this process, as suggested by the woik of Ruiz-Herrera ef el. (1995) in U. maydis,

are difficutt to assess, since pH levels were artifiiaily maintained above pH 3.0

and glucose levels were invariably kept high at 20%. An affect of pH on cel

mrphology was noted, however, as hyphai fragmentation and production of

chlamydospores was reported when pH was allowed to dmp below 3 with media

containing either (NH4)2S04 or NH4CI. The effect of proline in bringing about

yeast-like gmwth may be important to the pathogenidty of 0. ulmi; resistant and

immune dm trees have been shown to have high levels of proline in their nylem

sap (up to 23% of total nitrogen) while susceptible trees have only trace amounts

(Singh and SmaJley, 1969).

A f ~ l e for the second messenger CAMP, in the dimorphic suvitchhg of O.

ukni was suggesteâ by the work of Brunton and G a d (1 989). Intracellular levels

of CAMP were found to incmase during the switch from yeast-like to hyphal

gmwth, and exogenously added nudeosides and nudeotides (induding dibutryryl

CAMP, a lem polar derivative of cAMP which enters the cell more readily) or

yeast extract, were found to promote hyphal g M h . Inhibition of CAMP

phosphodioaterase (POE) br8akôown of CAMP to AMP by theophylline and

cafîeine, also promoted hyphal gmwth (Brunton and Gadd, 1989). Cydic AMP

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albicans, BBlaomyoes dematitids and P m d d e s bbresiliensis (Odowski,

1995). Given the alrnost ubiquitous invohrement of CAMP in the dimoiphic switch

of other fungi, il rnust be considered probaMe that such a genetic mechanism

controlling dimorphism is also at woik in O. ulmi.

The role of another second rnessenger system in 0. uhidirnorphism, the

inositol lipid signal pathway, was suggested by the woik of Muthukumar and

Nickerson (1984). and 6~n t0n and Gadd (1991). In this second messenger

system, a cell receptor activates th8 enzyme phospholipase, which functions ta

hydrolyze inositd phospholipids in the plasma membrane, to form inositol

triphosphate and diacylglycerol (see Watson et al. 1 992). Both of these

molecules then act as or through secondeiy messmgers in the cell. The C l s t

rndecule, inositoi triphosphate, causes the release of C s + into the cytoplasm by

binding to Ca*+containing intracellular vesides. The released Ca2+ acting as a

second messenger, binds to calmodulin which then regulates the activity of

several enzymes, including a Caz+CaM-dependent protein kinase. The other

second mesenger molecule, diacylglycerol, remains in the membrane and

activates protein kinase C (PKC), which phasphoiylates various proteins (se0

Watson et el. 1992).

The possiMe rde of this systern in the dimocphic switching of O. ulmi was

imestigated by tieating cells with exogenody supplied Cs+, Ca*+ antagonists

( M l 3 ) and chelaton (EGTA), and six airnodulin inhibitois (see Muthukumar

and Nidcenon, 1 984). Exogenously supplied Ca2+ stimulated hyphal growth,

white the Ca2+ and calmodulin inhibitois all inhibited hyphal growlh, consistent

with the invohrement of a Ca*+-CaM interaction in the fonatkn of hyphal gmwth

(Muthukumar and NUcerson, 1 984). The dmoduîin inhibitor (R24571) wes also

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founâ to inhibit hyphal growth by Brunton and Gadd (1 991). while the effect of the

PKA activatoi, phorbd myristate acetate (PMA), was to M o r e hyphal growth,

consistent with PKC imolvement and the BCfivity of the second messenger

diacylglycerol in the formation of hyphal growth. lntracellular Ca2+ uptake was

found to be highest in geminating cells, while the exogenous addition of the

other secondary messenger, inositol triphosphate, stimulated hyphal growth

(8runton and Gadd, 1991). These results were consistent with the invohrement

of a inositol lipid signal pathway; however, genetic determination of the existence

of this pathway and identification of both its signal and receptor remain to be


Cytosolic Ca2+ levels may also be modulated by the plasma membrane

H+ -ATPase; by studying the effect of ATPase inhibitors on the uptake of

exogenoudy addeâ Cs+, Gadd and Bninton (1 992) found the uptake of

exogenously addeâ Cazt to be dependent on the electrochemical pmton gradient,

which is generated acioss the plasma membrane by the H+ -ATPase. Ca*+

-calmodulin may also regulate CAMP levels thmugh Ca*+ dependent adenylate

cydase and CAMP phosphocliesterase, thereby linking these second messanger

pathways (see Gadd and Brunton, 1992).

Finally, it seem probable that 0. uld rnay utilire components

homdogous to those of the S. œreVr.Sim pheturnone mponse pathway for

dirnorphic switching. In each of S. csrevisiae, U. mayds and C. aMcans, som

cornponents of this pathway appear to play non-mating roles in dimorphic

switching. A mle for these components in 0. ulmi dimorphism seems likely,

given the existence of the CPHI gene in C. tiWuuw, wh&h encodes a homdog

to the S. œmMsiee SE12 encoded transdpion &toi; C. a M a n s hes no

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known sexual stage and theoretically no use for this gene in a mating function.

The existence of homologous pheromone msponse pathway components in O.

uhnl must remain open to speculation.

Transformation may be defined as the genetic transfer of pure extractecl

DNA from one organism into the cellls of another, which brings about a

hereditary change in the second cell type. DNA-mediateci transformation of a

filamentous fungus was first reported for Neumspon, c m s a (Mishra and Tatum,

1973). Since then, transformation systems have b e n developed for numemus

filamentous fungi (Fincham, 1 989; Fi nkelstein, 1992).

Severai st rategies for t ransfoimation of fungi have k e n developed

induding the addition of DNA to protoplasts. electroporated cells, or to intact cells

made permeable by treatment with alkali cations such as Li+ (Finkelstein, 1992),

by ballistic delivery into cells using a gene gun, or by the vigorws agitation of

DNA and cells wit h glas beads (Costanzo and Fox, 1 988). Most transformations

of filamentous fungi utilize a strategy similar to that first used with S. mmvisiae

(Hinnen et al, 1 978), where pmtoplasts (cells devoid of cell walls) are

enzymatically pioduced and resuspnded in an osmticaily supporting media.

The transforming DNA is then added to the protoplasts along with Ca&, which

facilitates DNA uptake by neutralizing the negativeiy charged phosphates in the

DNA and protoplast membranes. DNA uptake is effected by the addition of the

fusogen pdyethylene glycol (PEG), which causes protoplmts to dump and may

fadlitate trapping ot DNA (Fincham, 1989). Regeneration of protoplast cell walls

ocarrrr on an osrnotically balanced m d u m and the rwîting œlls are screened

to identify transfomed cells. Typical strategies loi the seldon of transtonnants

are based on complementation of auxotrophic mutations to piototmphy, dnig

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resistance conferred by the incorporation of a drug resistance gene into the

vector DNA. or visual seleclion of Bgalactosidase activity on X-gal containing

media by incorporation of the Iacïgene into the vector DNA.

Traditional methods of mutagenesis typically use either chernical

compounâs, such as ethyl methanesulfonate, nitrosoguanidine, or UV radiation to

alter the DNA in a living cell. The mutagenized cells are then screened to iôentify

mutants with altereâ characteristics, such as temperature sensitivity, auxotrophy,

morphological or developrnental changes, etc. With these rnethods, the location

of the mutation is unmarked.

However, using transfonational mutagenesis, a DNA vector is

transfomed into a cell, where it integrates into the chromosomes and serves as a

DNA tag. In targeted transformationai mutagenesis, the transforming vector

contains regions of known homology to the genornic DNA and will preferentially

integrate into those sites in the chromosome to which it shares homology. This

technique may be used to replace one ailele with another (gene replacement) or

c m be used to produce nuIl alleles (gene disruption), in cases where the

expression and function of a gene is b ing studied or moâified. With random

transformationai mutagenesis, however, the transfoming vector DNA contains no

known homology to the genomic DNA of the cell being transformed. Integration

of the vector into the chromosomes should occur randomly and interrupl, alter or

destioy, the activity of various genes or genetic elements (Royer et al. 1991).

Vectois used in random transformational mutagenesis typically contain an

antibiotic gene such as hygiomydn phos(rhotmn8feram (hph), to allow foi the

selection of transfomants They aîso contain a bacîetiai antibiotk *ne, wch as

chloramphenicol aoetyltransterase (CAT), and an Ml 3 odgin of replication to

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facilitate their retrievaî by plasmid IBSCU~ (Orbach et al. 1988) in E. ooli. Using

plasmid rescue, genomic DNA from the transformant is digested with a restriction

enzyme which does not cut the vector, but arts into the flanking genomic DNA.

Ugadion of genomic DNA. followed by transformation into E. coi with antibiotic

seledon, allowç the drculafited recombinant plasmid to be retrieved. The

recombinant plasmid contains portions of the intemipted gendgenetic element,

which can then be used to screen a wild type library and retrieve clones

containing the conesponding uninterrupted genelgenetic element.

A high frequency transformation system was developed for 0. ulmi by

Royer el al. (1991) using the protoplast CACI2/PEG methd of DNA delivery.

Protoplasts were generated from the predominantîy uninudeate haploid yeast-

like celk of O. ulmi (Brasier, 1 988) using the Trichodema viw enzyme

preparetion Novozyme 234, which contains a cornplex mixture of hydrd ytic

enzymes, indudng 1 &glucanase and chitinase (Fincham, 1989). One of the

transformation vectors used in this study, pPS57, contained no known homology

to 0. ulmi genomic DNA and was detemined to integrate randomly, suggesting

its suitability for random transformation J mutagenesis (Royer et al. 1 991 ). The

vector contained the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hph) driven by the

isopenicillin N synthese promoter of PeniCiIbum chlysogemm for seledion of

transfonnants on hygmrnycin containing media. An Ml3 origin of replication and

chlommphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene #rom E. CON allowed the

intempted gene/genetic sequences to ô8 retrieved in E. W B by plasmiâ rescue.

Udng pPS57, random transformationai mutagenesis was subseqwntly

perfonned on O. u/mi to generate the d l morphology mutant (Royer et al.

1991, 1997).

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The pilmary objective of this study was to futther investigate the use of

transfomational mutagenesis as a means of generating mutants with an aîtered

dimorphic distribution, using the aggressive VA30 strain of Ophiostom ulmi.

A concunent objective was to characterize any mutants rewvered with

respect to the following questions:

U Are the mutants tagged by the transforming DNA or are they


ii/ Are chmmosomal length polymorphisms or other chromosomal

alterations açsociated with any of the mutants studied?

iii/ Are changes in DNA methylation patterns involved in switching fmm

hyphal to budding cell morphologies?

iv/ What an, the other relevant ôiological characteristics of the mutants

(0.g.. colony and micmscopic morphology, radial growth rates, etc.)?

The technique was evaluated utilizing the nonhomologous randornly-

integrating vector, pPS57, with the aggressive VA30 strain of 0. ulmi. The

purpose of the transformational mutagenesis, was to generate mutants defective

in their ability to grow predominantly in either b-ng-yeast or hyphal forms.


For this study, the aggmssive VA3û strain wae chosen to allow mutants

aff8C1ed in their dimrphic distribution to k evaluated for changes in vinilence

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with host plants at a Iater date. The integrative plasrnid uæd in this study,

pPS57, had previously b e n used to effidently transfoim the MH75 strain to

hygromycin resistance with a reportedly random pattern of integration as

determined by CHEF and RFLP analysis (Royer et el. 1991). Part of the work

containeci within this thesis was an attempt to establish a screening strategy for

the recovery of VA30 dimorphic mutants.

Ophiostoma ulmi as a "model dïmorphc tbqp~s'

Their were several reasons for undertaking a genetic study of fungal

dimorphism in O. ulmi. Firstly , it provided a tractable systern : Ophiosforna ulmi

grows vegetatively as a haploid and can be readily mated to produce meiotic

progeny (Holmes 1977; Asina and Hubbes 1980; Brasier 1981 ; Marshal et al.

1982), it can be tiansformed efficiently (up to 4 x 103 transformantslpg DNA per

1 o7 protoplasts, Royer et al. 1 991 ), budâng-yeast or hyphal phases can be

induced in the hapldd state by altering cultural conditions (Kulkarni and

Nickerson, 1981), and it presents less of a safety concern than the human

dimorphic pathogens. Secondly, an understanding of the genetic bads of

dimorphic growth could help define the ide that dimorphism plays in determining

Oplriostoma uhnivirulence on the host plant. The relationship ôetween

dimorphic growth and pathogenicity has been motivation in the past for the study

of fungal dimorphism in both plant and human dimoiphic pathogens.

C&ss~*~t ion of mutants

In this study, a genetic anaîyds d âimorphic mutants pmducecl by

transformation ai mutagenesis experiments, was canied out in order to dassify

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the mutants as having arisen either by the insertion of pPS57 vedor into a

gene/genetic element which causes the obseweâ mutant phenotype (a tagged

mutation), or having arisen by another rnechanism (a nontagged mutation).

A nurnber of dimorphic mutants were recovered and partiaîly analyzed.

Most of the genetic analysis undertaken, was directed towards a single O. ulmi

transformant, designated yml for "yeast mutant 1 ." The yml mutant had a stable

phenotype for six months, but m a n to produce fast growing sectom with a fluffy

morphology, unlike the phenotype anbicipated from a simpîe reversion mutation.

Another objecîive of this study, was to attempt to idenüfy the nature of the

mutationls causing the ymt and ymt sector phenotypes, both @or to, and

following the meiotic analysis results.

Anabsis for reamngements and chromosoma/ allerations

Sectors were examined for possible rearrangement of pPS57, using

Southern analysis of yml and several yml sector isolates, with a*P-labelled

pPS57 as a probe. Wild type VA30, yml mutant, and yml sectom were also

examined for chromosomal differences, using contour-clamped homogeneous

electric field (CHEF) gel analysis of ethidium bromide stained chromosomal DNA

(chDNA) patterns. and by Southem analysis of CHEF gels using pPS57 and the

cloned rDNA sequence of SchizophyIIum commune as 3Waûelled probes.

Anawsis of DAU methyletion

Wild type VA30, yml and yml secîors wem examined for evidence of

DNA methylation. Regulation of fungal dimorphism by a DNA methylation

mechanism has been suggested for M w r m. (Cano et al. 1 988; Oilowski.

1995), and in C. alWins, levels of S-rnethykyt6sine (5mC) have b e n found to

be greater in the yeast phase than in the hyphaî phase (Russell et al. 1 987).

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Transforming vector DNA has also been shown to becorne subject to methylation

in the Ascomycete Neumslipora cmssa (Bull and W~ott@n, 1984; Pandit and

Russo, 1992).

Materials and Methods


Unless specified, all chernicals were obtained from either Sigma Chernical Co.,

Fisher Çcientific, or BDH (Toronto, Ont.) and were of reagent grade. Restriction

enzymes were purchased from eithei BiofCan (Mississauga, Ont.) or Pharmacia.

Strains and cuituml cionditions

Ophiostoma ulmi strain VA30, originally isolated in Viiginia, was oMained fmm

S. Takai (Sauit Ste. Marie, Ont.). Strain MH75, isolated In Toronto in 1975, was

obtained from M. Hubbes (Toronto, Ont.). Strains 173, 175, M3096 and PPi used

for mating crosses, were also obtained from M. Hubbes. Strains CESS1 GK, W2

and W2-TOL alço used for mating crosses, were oôtained from L. Bernier (Univ.

Laval, Quebec City). CESS16K was originally obtained from S. Takai, W2 fiom

C. Brasier (UK) and W2-TOL from J. Webber (UK). Stock cultures of VA30,

MH75,173,175, M3096, PPi, CESS1 GK, W2, WPTOL, and VA30 derived

muîants yml, yml sectoi, 26,158,94-7-27-1,94-7-27-2,94-7-27-3,94-8-4-3,

94-8-4-5,94-8-4-6,99-8-8-20 and 94-8-8-30 are meintained in 10%

dirnethylsulforide (DMSO) at =7O0C. For -70 aC preseivation of yml , sarnples

were taken from the thid seilal transfer after purification from original

transtorrnetion plates (ym l C, J, X, Y, 2). For sectored isolates of ym l (ym l Jb,

M, O, 0, hyphaî tips wen transferred h m the maipins of the tastest giowing

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patt of the sectored colony and serially transfened twice. Material fmrn this last

transfer was preserved at -70 OC.

Working cultures were streaked out from -70°C stocks ont0 complete

media (CM) agar plates (see below) and allowed to grow for 5 to 7 days at 25OC.

then resîmaked onîo fresh CM agar and stored et 25% in the dark. Complete

media contained per Mer of double didilled water: 1g KH2P04; 0.59 MgSO,

*7H20; O. 1 g CaCI, 2Hz0; 500 pg H3BO3 ; 400 pg ZnSO, -7H20; 400 pg

MnSO. *7H20; 200 pg Na2Mo04 .2H,O; 200 pg FeCIS -6H20; 40 pg CuS04

5H20; 100 pg pyridoxine-HCI; 20g sucrose; 1 . l g proline as a nitrogen soum.

For complete media (CM), (NH4),S04 at 1.32gA was used as a nitrogen source in

place of proline, and 5 g/L of malt extract (Difco , Detrol, MI) and 5 g/L of yeast

extract (Difco) were added. For CM plates, Bacto-agar (Difco) was added at

20g/L. For minimal media plates, agarose (Sigma) was adâed at 20glL.

For protoplasüng experiments, where budding-yeast cell cultures of

O. ulmi were required, 100 ml cultures of liquid minimal medium in 250 ml

Eilenmeyer tasks were inoculated with 5 mm diameter hyphal plugs taken from

the margin of an adively growing CM culture of VA30 or MH75. Cultures were

typically set up in tripliate or in batches of up to 9 flesks when larger amounts of

material were required, and grown at 25OC in the da& on a shaker at 150 rpm for

7 to 9 days.

Phsrnid pPS57

Plasmid pPS57 was obtained from P. Skatrud (Eli Lilly Corp.). Plasmid

pPS57 consists of the hygromycin phoephotransfeiase (hm) gene of Eschetjchia

coi fused to the isopenicillin N synthetaee promoter of Penia'lum chrysoq8nurnI

the chlorarnphenicd acetyltransfera$a gene ot E. COI, and the Ml 3 ongin of

replication. Phsrnid vector DNA was used in both circulai and linear forms in

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transformation expeiiments. Vector DNA was isolatecf using an alkaline lysis

pmtocol (see section on DNA isolation below). Unearized vedor was prepared

by Hind III (Sigma) digestion. foltowed by phenoVchlorofom and chkrofom

extractions, ethanol precipitation, and resuspension in ddH8.

Pmtq&sting of Ophiostome ulmi mIIs

Piatoplasts were generated from O. u/mi budding-yeast cells using the

procedure developed by Royer et al. (1 991 ). Prior to protoplasting, cell densities

of VA30 or MH75 100ml budding-yeast cell liquid media cultures, were rneasured

with a haemocytometer. Cells were collectd ont0 steiile 1.2pm membranes

(Gelman) using vacuum filtration with a Nalgene filter apparatus. Solutions were

sterilized either by autodaving or by filtration through 0.2prn disposable syringe

filters (Uniflo). Filter apparatuses were sterilized by autodari ng . Fitters were

removed with forceps and cells releaseâ into 50 ml polypropylene centrifuge

tubes (Falcon) containing 50ml of 25mM 2-mercaptoethanol. 5mM NeEDTA.

Cells were pretreated in this solution by gentle agitation for 20 minutes on an

Mams Nutator (Becton, Dickinson. Parsippany, N.J.) and centrituged in an IEC

centrifuge for 10 minutes on setting 7. The pelleted cells were washed with 50 ml

of filtei sterilized 1 M h@S04, then pelleted again at setting 7 for 10 min. Cells

were digested with 10 ml of filter sterilized Novozyme 234 (1 0 rng/ml) in 1 M

MgS04 for 2 hrs with agitation on the Nutator et m m temp. Centrifugation for 5

minutes at setting 2 separateci reddual unprotoplasted cells from the protoplasts

which remained in the supernatant. Supematants were transferreâ to new tubes

and six volumes of 0.6 M KCI edded to m v e i pmtopiasts by centrifugation foi

20 minutes at setting 1 on an IEC centrifuge. Pellets were washed with STC

buffer (1 M sorbitol, 25 mM f RIS-HCl pH 7.5,50 mM CaCld, opun for 15 min. on

setting 1 and resuspended in STC buffer. Memurement of protopiast dendly

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was made using a haemocytometer, and cell density aâjusted to give a final

concentration of approximately 1 x 108 protoplest per 1 ml of a solution

containing 800 pl STC ,200 pl PEG-TC (PEG 4000(66%) in 25 mM TRIS-HCI,

pH 7.5,50 mM CaCIJ and 10 pl of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Aliquots of 200 FI

(2 x 1 O7 protopiasts) were placed into Eppendorl tubes and fiozen at -70°C.


Transformation reactions and no-DNA control reactions were cartied out in

50 ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes following the prooedure developed by

Royer et al. (1 991). Aliquots of protoplagts (2 x 107 protopiastS/20Opl) were

removeâ from -70 O C storage and thawed on ice. Circular or Hind III linearized

pPS57 vector DNA (1 pg) was added to the protoplasts, followed by 1 pl 2-

mercaptoethanol and 50pI of PEG-TC solution. No-DNA transformation cuntrols

contained ail of the above components, except vector DNA, for which sterile

ddHIO was substituted. Controls were incubated at 22OC for 20 minutes followed

by the addition of 2.5ml of PEG-TC solution in aliquots of one drop. 0.5ml and

2ml. Tubes were incubated for 20 minutes at m m temperature followed by the

sequential addition of 1 , 5 and 30ml of STC. Protoplasts were pelleteci by

centrifugation at setting 3 in an IEC centrifuge for 20 minutes and the pellet

resuspenôed in 1 ml of CM containing 0.6M sucrose. Sampîes were incubated for

3-5 hm at room temperature. Aliquots of I O @ or 1 OOCJ of the transfomation

reaaion were pîated out onto CM agar mntaining 0.6M suciose and hygmmycin

at 200Cie/ml, and spiead over the surlace diredly, or more oommonly, an overlay

technique was utilized to allow for a more even wparation of the colonies;

aliquots of the transformation mix were added to Sml of CM containing 0.6M

suciose and low rnelting point agame (7.5gA) at 45%, mixed, then ovedaid

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onto CM plates containing 0.6M sucrose and hyglomydn at 200pglml. The

following controls were performed:

V To determine the total number of viable protoplasts and unprotoplasted cells

in transformations and no-DNA transformation contrds, 1 O@ of a 100% dilution

of the reactions were plated ont0 CM plates containing 0.6 M suciwe, without

hygromycin, using a CM overlay which contained 0.6M sucrose.

ii/ To determine the number of unprotopiasted budding-yeast cells remaining

(control for protoplasting reaction), 10pl of a 1 OOx dilution of the

transformation reaction and no-DNA contiols were piated ont0 CM plates

which did not contain 0.6M sucrose as an osrnoticum, using a CM overlay

also without 0.6M sucrose.

iiü To detemine the etfectiveness of hygromycin for the selection for

transformants, 10pl or 100@ of the no-DNA control reactions were plated ont0

CM plates containing both 0.6M sucrose and hygromycin at 200pgiml, using a

CM overlay which contained 0.6M sucrose.

Screening strategy lor reoovery of dmorphic mutants on solH media

To select for 0. ulmi mutants with a budding-yeast cell mutant phenotype,

transformation plates were initially exarnined for the presence of budding-yeast

cell colonies. However, with the detemination that selection on CM plates

containing hygromyan (2Wpg/ml) and 0.6M sucrose induced budding-yeast

gmwîh in VA30 and VA30 protoplast regenerates, the screening strategy for

selection of mutants haâ to be altered. Subsequently, a screening strategy was

adopteci whereby transformation plates were obsenred for the presence of

coknies consisting only of krdding-yea8t cells which were growing fagtei than

those found on the no-DNA control plates. These cdonies weie transfened to

numbered grided CM plates withwt hygmrnydn seldon using an inoculation

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loop, and examined for continued krdding-yeast cell growth for 7-10 days.

Colonies which reveited back to a wild phenotype were discaideô. while those

which continued to display a predominantly budding-yeast cell phenotype on CM

plates were selected and puilfied (see below).

A second strategy for the recovery of yeast-like mutants was also

empîoyed. Over a peiiod of approximately 3 weeks, most colonies wem

observeci to accumulate pigment with aga Yeast-iike colonies which meintained

an unpigrnented appearance were transfened to CM plates and obsented for

continuing budding-yeast cell growt h.

To select for hyphal mutants with a reduced budding-yeast cell gmwth.

hyphal colonies were transfened from transformation plates and grown on CM

plates. Colonies were examined under a dissecting microscope (Zeiss) and

regular light microscopes (Zeiss) for reduced buMing-yeast cell gmwth. After

purification (see below), selected colonies were grown up in minimal media (MM)

liquiâ shake culture and examined for the relative amounts of yeast to hyphal

gmwth using VA30 as a control.

DNA isolations

For the routine production of O. ulmi material used in DNA isolations.

1 Wrnl CM liquid aiitures were collecteci in 50ml (Falcon) polypropylene tubes by

centrifugation in an IEC centrifuge on the high setting foi 10 minutes. Matefial

was collected and placed ont0 miradoth, wrapped in a layer of cheeædoth and

pîaced into liquid nitrogen. Samples were lyophilized foi 3 to 4 days and stored

with silico gel desiccant at -20°C. DNA was iwiated using a miniprep piocedure

(Zolan and Pukkila, 1986).

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Plasmid pPS57 was transformeci into DH5a competent cells (Gibco BRL)

using a bacterial transformation procedure (Sambmk et al. 1989) and isolated

using an alkaline lysis protocol (Maniatis et al. 1982).

Restfiction digesiions, gel electrophoresis and Southem anaîysis

Restriction digestions were carried out using restriction endonudeases

(BioiCan or Pharmada) following the manufecturers instructions with suppîied

buffeis. DNA electrophoresis was performed using 0.8% agarose gels with fBE

buffer and gels stained with ethidium bromide for viewing and photography.

Transfer of DNAs was petformeci with GeneScreenPlus (Dupont) m r d i n g to

the manufadureh instructions. Hybridizations were peiformed overnight at 6S°C

(Maniatis et al, 1982). Radioadive DNA probes were prepared using a ni&-

translation kit (Bet hesda Research Labo ratones, Gai the rsôurg , MD).

Meiotic anaîysis

Matings were petformed as outlined by Bernier (1 988). E h Sapwood

Agar (ESA) phtes weie used for rnating reactions. Elm wood was obtained from

M. Hubôes (Toronto, Ont.) and milled through a mesh screen. The milled wood

was pmautoclaved for 20 minutes and inôividual plates prepared by mixing 3g of

milled elm wood with 5ûml ddH,O and 1g of agar. This was autodaved for 20

minutes, allowed to cool and paured into single Petri dishes. Plates were aîkwed

to sit ovemight in a transferhood with laminar flow to reduce surface moisaire.

W n g s were initially perfomied by pledng 5 mm plugs (rom both parent cultures

on the plate surlace. Later matings wem perforrned by allowing a 5 mm plug

from the fernale parent strein to colonize the center of the plate for 10 days.

Budding-yeast ce8 suspensions of the mutants being analyzed were prepared in

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ddH20 and then spread over the surface of the plate containing the female

parent. The following controls were performed:

V Mutants were meied to wild type VA30 as a negatieve contmls.

iV The female parent strain was mated with itself as a negative contml.

iiü VA30 was mated with the female parent strain as a positive control.

Plates were exarnined for the presence of peritheda on a weeWy basis

using a dissecting scope. Perithecia usually appeared after 4-6 weeks for

succassful matings and ascospores were collected as follows; using a dissecting

scope in a transfer hood, sterilized pins were touched to the exudeâ spores at the

tops of individual perithecia and the spores from 5 perithecia cornbined into 2ml

sterile MH20 or 1 perithecium/200pI where fewer peritheda were available.

Dilutions were made (10X) and 200@ aliquots plated onto CM and CM containing

hygromycin at 400 vg/ml. Plates were examined for wiid type and mutant

colonies and observations recorded induding the number of each colony type.

Between 3 and 7 days, individual colonies frorn CM plates Wthout hygromycin

were transferred to CM plates diviâed by a grid pattern, and allowed to grow for 3

days. Transfers from colony margins were made and replated ont0 individual CM

plates. Cultures were grown for 10 days at 2S°C in the daik befoie being used

for DNA isolations. Stocks (-70°C) were prepared fo i 50 ymlXW2-TOL progeny.

CHEF electmphoresis and Southem awsis

Protoplasts were prepared as describeci above, and embedded in low

melting preparative grade agarose plugs (BioRad) at a concentration of 4x1@

protoplasts/ml, then treated and stoied in 50mM EDTA at 4% (Emmpelli.

personal communication). CHEF gels were run using a CHEF-OR II system

(BioRad, Mississauga, Ont.) in 0.5% T6E butfer at 14%. Gels were macle with

0.6% chiornosornai grade agamm (BioRad) and eîectrophoresed at 40V with a

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swi?ch interval mmp of 50 to 110 minutes over 250 hours. A chmmosomal DNA

pnparation of Schizosacchammyœs pombe strain 972 (BioRed) was wed as a

mdeailar sire standard. Following dectrophoresis, geb were stained with

etMdium bmmide and photographed using a gel digitizer (BioRad). Transfer to

Genescreenflus (New England Nudear) in 0.4N NaOH, was pertormed as

indicateâ in the GenescieenPlus manuai (Red and Mann, 1985). Hybridlzatlons

weie performed ovemight at 65OC (Maniatis et al. 1982). Radioadive DNA

probes wem prepaied using a ni&-translation kit (Bathesda Reseaich

Laboratories, Gaitherskirg. MD).

DNA methylaton measurements

For Msp VHpa II isoschizorner analyses, DNAs (1 5pg) weie digested

ovemight at 37OC, and electmphoresed on 0.7% T E agarose gels. For 5.

azacytidne experiments, CM plates containing Bazacytidine at Opglml, 1 Opg/ml,

50Cig/ml, 100pghnl and SOOpgiml, in triplicate, were innoculated with 5 mm

diameter hyphal piugs taken frorn the margin of actively growing cultures of

VA30, yml and yml sectoi. Cultures were grown f o i 9 days ai 25OC in the da&,

and observed for phenotypic differences. Three measurements of cdony

diameter were made for each plate.

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Hygmmycin oontaining sel8CIion media aitets VA30 phenutype

Initial transformation experiments were perforrned with strain VA30 using

drcularized pPS57 vector. Transformed VA30 protoplasts were plated onto CM

solid media containing 0.6M sucrose and hygrornycin at 200pg/ml (CM+O.GM

sucrase+hyg.2ûô~g/mI), wit h a CM+O.GM sucrose agame overlay . Unexpectedly, numemus yeast-like colonies composed entirely or sometimes

parily of budding-yeast cells, were observed on transfomation plates. These

colonies had a shiny smooth and convex shape, similar in appearance to certain

yeast or bacterial colonies. Transformation plates also containecl colonies with a

hyphal phenotype more typical of VA30, and colonies of intermediate

morphologies containing some hyphal and budding-yeast forms of growth.

Colonies were also observed on "no-DNA" transformation control plates (also

CM4.6M sucmse+hyg.200pg/mI with an overlay), however, theæ were

extremely slow growing, yeast-like, of a uniform sin, and nevei fast growing or

partly hyphal, li ke the colonies found for the actual transfomation readions. On

control plates not containing hygromyan (CM+O.BM sucrose = total viable

piotoplasb and unprotoplasted celb), al1 colonies, either from the no-DNA control

reaction or the transformation reaction, were of a phenotype msemMing that of

wild type strain VA30, but with a greater proportion of budding-yeast ceils than

what would typically be found for VA30 on CM plates not wntaining 0.6M

sucrose. Several of the slow gmwing yeast-like colonies were transfened ftom

transformation plates (CM4.6M sucr~se+hyg.200~ml) to CM plates. All

reveited to the fast growing, mainly-hyphel phenotype of wild type strain VA30,

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suggesting that these colonies were not Wng-yeast mutants, and that the

CM4.6M sucrose+hyg.2ûûpg/ml seledive media had induced budding-yeast

growth. When cell suspensions of the budding-yeast cells were diluted and

plated onto CM plates. only colonies with a normal VA30 phenotype wem

obsewed, demonstrating that no contaminant was present.

By plating VA30 and three of the hygromycin resistant budding-yeast cell

VA30 protoplast regenerates onto CM, CM4.6M sucicwe, and

CM+hyg.200pg/ml plates, it was found thai both high levels of sucrose (O.BM),

and to a much greater extent, hygmmycin at 200 pgirnl, caused kidding-yeast

cell gmwlh to occur. This result was surprising given that the identical

transformation protocol and selection conditions had been used with drain

MH75, and that no phenotypic changes or induction of yeast-like growth of

protoplast regenerates on transformation plates had been reported (Royer et al.

1991 ).

The growth of wiîd type strains VA30 and MH75 was examined on CM

plates, and on CM plates containing hygromycin at 2Wpg/ml- the concentration

of hygmnydn used by Royer et al. (1 991) for the seleclion of MH75

transformants. Hygromydn at 2ûûpglml induced slow budding-yeast growth in

MH75 as well as VA30 (Fig .2A).

The slow rate of growth of many of the colonies on transformation plates

sug-sted that a large number may have been unstaôîe transfomants or

transfomants with poor hph expression. To determine if some of the cdonies

wen unstable transformants, the growth of 104 randomly selecled colonies with

varying growth rates and morphologies was evaîuated under continued

hygmmyan seledon for a 30 day peiiod. Cdonies were selected from

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Fig. 2. Cornpison of mutant and wild type colony growth. Colony morphologies and radial growth rates wen examined on complete medium (CM), CM containing hygromycin at 2 0 I(

ml, and minimal medium (MM) plates after 15 days of growth at 2S°C. A; wild type strains VA30 and MH75. B; mutants col1 and yml.

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transformation plates where the cirwlar plasrnid, pPS57, had been uHlized in the

transfomation reactions. Colonies from transformation plates and

nontransformed VA30 (in tripkate), were initidly grown on CM plates containing

hygromycin at 200pg/ml, and 0.5cm plugs of 7 day old cdonies transfened to CM

plates and CM plates containing hygromycin at 200pglrnl. Radial gmwîh was

assessed after 3,9 and 30 days, and compareci to nontransformed strain VA30.

On CM plates, el1 104 cdonies and the VA30 nontransformed control reverted to

a wiîd type fast and predominantly hyphal fonn of growth (Table l), confirming

that the hygrornycin-containing selection media had induced the mutant

phenotypes, and that none were caused by actual mutations. Under cantinued

hygromycin seledion, a polarization of growth and cdony morphologies

occuned; by day 30, 84 of the 104 cdonies displayed a very slow rate of yeast-

like growth similar to that of the rontransfoimed VA30 control (Table l), while

only 20 cdonies developed a fast growing hyphai rnorphology. The numerical

results of Table 1 and the obsenred progression of growth foi individual colonies

(data not shown) suggested that the majority of slow and fast growing yeast-like

colonies were likely to be unstable transformants which originally contained

vector DNA (presumabîy unintegrated), but then loat the vector with the hph gene

over the 30 dey period, while those identified on transformation plates as being a

mixture of yeast and hyphal growth or of a hyphal mophology (1 9 of the 104

cdonies) wen originally stable transfomants or had staüely integrateâ pPS57

durlng the 30 day pend of growth; the later is suggested to have ocaiired in one

isolate, since 19 colonies were hyphal on original transformation plates, and this

increased to 20 by day 9 (Taôîe 1 ). When colonies were grown on CM plates

without hygromydn selective preswre for six deys prkr to transfer to

CM+hyg.200pg/ml piatm, 21 fast giowing hyphai cdonies were oôtained (Table

1. far right column), suggesting that selecîive pmmm by hygmmycin toi the

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Table 1. Phenotypes of colonies on transformation plates. and upon transfer to CM plates with and without hygromycin, observed at various time periods.

Number and phenotype of donies on:

Original CM CMthyg. CMthyg. CM+hyg. W h y g . der Tnnsforrnation Plate 3 daya 3 dam 9 days 30 deys 6 dayi growth

(pbmtYP@) on CM. O days

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integlation of plasmid was negligible this late after the transformation and

Southem analysis was performed on 12 of 104 cdonies to definitively

identify which colony types wem transformants and which were not, and

detemine if any of the slower growing colonies may have been transfonants

which poorly expressed the hph gene. Four slow giowing, yeast-like colonies,

two fast growing, yeast-like colonies, one slow growing, partly hyphal cdony, and

five fast growing, mainly hyphal colonies were selected. Colonies were single

spore purified and material for DNA extraction was gmwn in CM liquid media, as

described in the Materials and Methods. Undigesteâ DNAs from the 12 colonies

and VA30 negative control were probed with 3*P-laôelled pPS57 (Fig. 3). None

of the slow or fast growing yeast-like colonies contained inserts (lanes 4 through

9 and 22 through 27 respectively). Only the slow growing, partly hyphal colony

(colony 1 54, lanes 1 2 and 1 3) and, surpiisingl y, only 2 of the 5 fast growing

hyphal colonies (colony 128, lanes 10 and 1 1, and colony 157, lanes 14 and 15)

contained an inser?.

VA30 versus MH75 translbrmaîion; tmnslbmtion with cimlar and linear vector,

and ~~ Iec t ion with varying concentratons of hygmmyun

A transformation expriment cornparhg strains MH75 and VA30 under

different transformation and selection conditions was performed dong with no-

DNA contrd reactions. There were several masons for pedoming this

experiment: Fimtly, to detemine why VA30 protoplast regenerates were affeded

by hygromycin, while Royer et al. (1991) reported no effects with protoplast

regeneiates of MH75. Secondly, the optimal levd of hygmmyun for selection of

VA30 transfomnts might be different than what had been detennined for MH75.

Signilicantly dffeient levels of hygromycin wnsitivity have, foi instance, b n

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2324 a26 2728 . " .

. . U.lkb- ' "." . ', o. .

Lt B= œ- . - 4.4 kb-

. . . . ' - .

Fig. 3. Southem hybridization of undigested DNAs from colonies isolated from transformation plates, probeâ with 3*P-labelled pPS57. Uncestricted DNAs (5 pgllane and 30pg/lane), were run out on a 0.7% agarose TBE gel at 45V. DNA was transfemd to a nylon membrane and hybridized with pPS57. The membrane was given a 2 d2y exposure. Top panel; ethidium bromide stahed gel. Bottom panel; gel probed with '*P-labelled pPS57. Lane 1. Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 2, Spg VA30 nontransfonned negative contml; lane 3.30pg VA30; lane 4.5pg colony 100; lane 5. 30pg colony 100; lane 6.5pg colony 101; lane 7.30pg colony 101; lane 8.5pg colony 103: lane 9,30/cg colony 103; lane 10.5pg colony 128; lane I l , 30pg colony 128; lane 12, Syg colony 154; lane 13,30pg colony 154; lane 14.5pg colony 157; lane 15.30 pg colony 157; lane 16,5yg colony 158; lane 17.30pg colony 158; lm 18.5 yg colony 169; lane 19,30pg colony 169; lane 20.30pg colony 170; lane 21,51(g colony 170; lane 22.30pg colony 189; lane 23,5yg colony 189; lane 24,30pg colony 190; lane 25,5pg colony 190; lane 26,30/cg colony 191 ; Lane 27, Spg colony 191 ; lane 28, Hind III digested lambda market.

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repotîed to occur amongst strains of Aspergi//us nidvlens (Leong et al, 1987).

Thirdly, the effects of transfonning with a drailar versus a linear vector, and of

using an agarose oveilay dunng selection Ath strain VA30 wuld also need to be

evaluat ed.

Strains MH75 and VA30 were transforrned with circular and Hind III

linearized pPS57. Selection was performed at four concentrations of

hygromycin: CM plates containing O.6M sucrose Ath 5ôpg/ml, 100pg/mI,

200pg/ml, and 500 Wrnl of hygromycin. each with and without CM+O.GM

sucrose agarose ovedays. Transformation plates were initially examined after 7

days. Most of the colonies on VA30 transformation plates and no-DNA contml

plates (CM+O.GM sucmse+hyg.200pg/mI) wem small in size, and consisted of

budding-yeast cells, while colonies on MH75 transformation plates and no-DNA

controls were more hyphal. However, when MH75 plates were reexarnined on

day 9, colonies were obseived to have becorne largely composed of budôing-

yeast cells also.

The results of this experiment. scored after 1 O days of growth, are given in

Table 2. The total number of pmtoplast regenerates (and nonprotoplasteci cells)

per plate, was similar for each transformation reaction, as determined by colony

counts on CM plates containing O.6M sucrose (hygmycin Opg/ml). Slow

growing budding-yeast colonies were numerowr or confluent for both strains at

50pg/ml and 100pghnl hygrornydn setection (fable 2). Hygromydn at a

concentration of 200pg/ml prevented the growth of most nontransfomeci

pmtoplast regenerates on MH75 plates (31 slow growing yeast colonies with an

oveiley and 53 without, on MH75 no-DNA control plates). By cornparison,

nontransformed VA30 protoplast regenerates wem found to be less sensitive to

hygromycin and wem still able to giow at 2ûôpgiml hygmmycin, howwer, their

rates of growth were edremdy slow (confluent with an oveilay, and 61 2 without

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Tabk 2. Number and morphology of cdonies growing up on MH75 and VA30 transformation plates. utilizing boUl drcular and linearized pPS57 vector, and with varying levels of hygromydn seledion.

Transformation Select ion Conditions Conditions

hygro mydn hygm y d n hygroydn hygrornydn hygromydn W m ? SOpg/mI 1 owfnl 2dOpgîml s w d m l

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on VA30 no-DNA control plates). Hygrornycin et a concentration of 5ôôpgiml

was required to completely prevent the growth of al1 nontransformed protoplast

regmerates on no-DNA control plates for both strains. This level of selection

also swerely reduced the number of putative transfonnants growing on

transformation plates (Table 2).

A greater number of colonies with a hyphaî moiphology and iewer

colonies with a slow growing yeast colony morphology were obtained when

transformations were performed with linearized pPS57 vector instead of drarlar

pPS57 vector for both VA30 and MH75 strains. When linearized pPS57 vector

was used, 177 hyphal and inestimable (but not confluent) slow growing yeast-like

colonies were obseived for VA30 using an oveilay and selecting with 200pgIml

hygrornycin, while 15 hyphal and confluent slow g W n g yeast colonies were

observed with circular pPS57 (Table 2). Similariy for strain MH75, utilizing

linearized plasmid, 154 hyphal and 162 slow gmuing yeast colonies were

obtained using an overlay and 200pg/ml hygromydn seleclion, while only 18

hyphal but 1273 fast growing yeast colonies were oôtained when cirailar pPS57

was used (Table 2). The reduction in the number of slow or fast growing yeast

colonies, and the concurrent increase in hyphal colonies which was oôtained with

linearized vector, potentially reflects a greater efficiency of stable transformation

with linearized plasmid.

Plating of protoplasts without agarose overlays $ave less deairable results.

Colonies were pooily separated making the seledion of individual colonies

diffgilt. Scoring was irnpeded and offen msulted in inestimable colony cwnts

(TaMe 2).

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Screeniing sttategy lor m v e r y of dimorphc mutants

To select O. ulmi mutants with e predorninantly budding-yeast cell mutant

phenotype, transformation plates were examined for colonies which consisted

almost entirely of budding-yeest cells, and which grew faster than coknies found

on no-DNA contrd plates. These were transfened to numbereô, CM plates

containing grids. and examined for continued budding-yeast cell growth ove? the

course of 7-1 0 days. Colonies which reverted to a wild type hyphallbudang-

yeast growth were discarded, while those which continued to display a

piedominantly budding-yeast growth were selected and single spore purified

(Materials and Meth&).

A second strategy for the recovery of mutants with a predorninantly yeast-

like gmwth was also empîoyed. Over a period of approximately 3 weeks, most

colonies accumulated pigment with age. Yeast-like colonies which maintained a

healthy non-pigmented apparence were transfened to CM plates and obsewed

for continued budding-yeast cell growth.

To select hyphal mutants with a reduced budding-yeast cell phase. hyphal

colonies wsre transferreâ from transformation plates to CM plates. Colonies

were examined for reduced budding-yeast cell gmwth with compound and

dismcting light microscopes.

Number of translbmtion expenhmts petibmied end puretive tmsîbmants


Twelve transformations (one transformation reaction utilires 2x1 07

protoplasts) dong with control readions, wem peitomied with stiain VA3û on CM

plates. Seven expen'rnents wen perfomed with circular pPS57 vwor and,

following the resuits of the previously describecl expriment, five ewperiments

utilized a Hind III linearized vectoi with 2CQ@rnl hygromycin aelecüon and an

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oveilay. If only fast growing. hyphal cdonies an, considered, the total number of

putative transformants scieened on solid media plates was approximated to be

8655. This estimation L based on the number of hyphal colonies counted on 3

plates (one tenth of a transformation reaction/plate) fmm 3 separate experiments,

using li nearized vedor (mean î standard deviation of 1 51 *35 colonies) , and 2

plates from 2 experiments using circulai vectoi (1 7f2 cdonies). However, if dl

colonies larger than those seen on no-DNA transformation controls are

consiâered, the number of putative transformants screened on solid media plates

would be greatet than 64,000. The Southem analysis of putative transformants

described previously (see Fig. 3) suggested that only a portion of the hyphal

colonies (3 of 6) and none of the slow or faster gmwing, yeast-like colonies (4

slow, 2 fast) were actually transformants; these rearlts may apply where a

circular vector is utilized in transformation mactions, but it is not known if a similar

situation exists for colonies derived h m transformation experiments where a

linearized vector is utilized. However, Southem analyds of fast growing, yeast-

like mutants generated fmrn transformation experiments, using the linearized

plasmid pPS57, does suggest that a greater proportion of colonies (of any

morphology) may contain stable integiations of pPS57 (see below).

Four mutants which displayad a predominantly budding-yeast cell

phenotype were generateâ eaily on in a series of transformation expeiiments

which utilized circulai pP S57 vector. These mutants wem selected on

transformation plates as fast gmwing yeM-like colonies which had remeined

heaithy in appearance and diâ not accumulate pigment ovei an extended period

of tirne, and were designateci yml, y&, ym3 and yml (yeast mutanis 1 thmugh

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4. see Table 3). Mutant yml fortned upraised Mged masses composed almost

entirely of kidding-yeast cells on the plate's surface, and grew invasively into the

agar plate with hyphae (see Figs. 4 and 5). The mutants ym2, ym3 and ym4 had

smooth colony morphologies and aîso grew invasively into the agar plate surface.

On CM plates, al1 four mutants had a reâuced rate of raâiaî growth: 2.3f0.1 cm,

2 .M. 1 cm. MM. 1 cm and 2.2iû.0 cm for ym 1, ym2, ym3, and yrn4

respectively, compared to VA30 at 7.6f0.l cm over a 9 day period (see Table 4.

top). All four mutants grew slightly faster than VA30 on CM+hyg.POO pg/ml

plates: O.8f0.l cm for VA30, versus 1 . W . 0 cm, 1 .M. 1 cm, 1 .W. 1 cm , and

1 .W. 1 cm for ym 1, ym2, ym3 and ym4, respectively. When plated ont0

agarose minimal media, VA30, ym2, ym3 and ym4 grew quickly over a 9 day

period (3.6#). 1 cm, 2 . M . 1 cm, and 1 .W. 1 cm, respectively), while ym l

showed minimal growlh (O.W.3 cm) (Table 4, top). This initially suggested that

yml might be an auxotmph, and proviâed evidence that the yml mutation was

likely different from the col1 mutation of strain MH75, which grew well on minimal

medium (Fig. 28).

Growth characteristics in IiquM culture were examined. In CM liquid non-

shaking culture (conditions which favour hyphal growth), VA30 grew as a mixture

of budding-yeast and hyphal forms (Fig. 6). An extembve mat of submerged

m ycelium trappeâ and held budding-yeest cells, so that little kidding-yeast

growth was obsû~ûd, unless the cuîture was sheken vigorously. Hyphal growth

was paiticulady reduced with yml(Z), which formed a looculant budding-yeast

cell precipitate, while ym2, ym3 and ym4 consisted of a mixture of budang-yeast

and hyphal gmwths (Fig. 6).

Micmscopic analysis was peilormeâ on 9 day dd colonies of VA30 and

yml growing on CM plates. Ail surface growth contained within a 5mmxSrnm

agar Modc taken from the periphery of the donies, was removed by scraping

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Figo 40 G corn piete plates. l!

rowth of wiM type strain VA30 and budding-yeast mutants yrnl, ym2, y n J and medium (CM), CM containing hypmycin at 200pg/ml, and minimal medium 5 days of growth at 25.C.

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Fig. 5. Comparison of Ophiostomu ulmi wild type strain VA30 and yml budding-yeast mutant colony morphologies on complete med- ium (CM) plates, after 15 àays of growth at 25OC.

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Tabbk 4. Radial gmwth extension of strain VA30 and generated mutants after 9 days of growth on complete medium (CM), complete medium containing hygmmycin at ZOOpg/ml, and minimal medium (MM) plates.

Colony diameter (cm). on: Culture


yml ym2 ym3 vm4


yml yml sector 26 158 94-7-27- 1 94-7-27-2 94-7-2793 94-8-4-3 94-8-4-5 94-8-46 94-8-8-30

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Fig. L Liquid c u l ~ r e growth of Ophiostom ulmi strain VA30 and mutants yml(Z), yml(0) sector, ym2, y d and ym4. Complete medium (CM) liquid cultures (lOml), w e n grown for 9 days without agitation at 25 O C .

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and viewed under a ligM micmscope with 10X and 4OX objectives.

Miciophotographs of fields of view, which pmviâed a representative view of the

relative amounts of budding-yeast and hyphal growth forms, are shown in Fig. 7.

VA30 consisted of an extensive rneshwoik of hyphae and budding-yeast cells.

Mutant yml consisted of rnostly budding-yeast cells. The few hyphae presem

were shorter and much less developed than those of VA30.

Southern analysis was performed on yml, ym2, ym3 and ym4 to

detemine if they were transformants. Undigested and Bgl II digestecl DNAs were

transfened to a nylon membrane and probed with 32P-labelled pPS57. VA30

DNA was used as a negative control, and DNA from the ml1 transformant (Royer

et al. 1991) was used as a positive control and for size comparison. *P-Labelled

plasmid pPS57 hybridized to a single 15.7 kb Bgl II fragment of BQ/ II digested

ym 1 DNA (see Fig. a), indicating the presence of no more than 3 copies of the

vector at one insertion site. Plasmid pPS57 hybridized to high molecular weight

DNA (>23kb) in the undigesteci yml DNA lane, consistent with a chromosumai

integration. The mutants ym2, ym3 and ym4. while similar in appearance and

growth characteristics to yml, were detemined not to be transformants by

Sout h m analysis (Fig. 8).

8y transferring yeast-like colony mutants from transformation plates onto

CM plates, and selecting for donies which maintained their mutant phenotypes

without hygromycin selection, 8 budding-yeast mutants and 1 hyphaî mutant

were recovered and purified for further examinatlon (see Table 3 for summary of

mutants, Figs. 9 and 10 for colony morphologies, and Table 4 for linear gmwth

rates of colonies). Budding-yeast mutants wen designateci 91-7-21- 1,

21-2, 94-7-27-3, 94-û-4-3, 944-4-5, 94-84-20, and 94-8-8-30. W~th the

exception of 26, al1 were generated in transfomation experiments w k r e Hind III

Iinearized pPS57 had been utilized. All of these mutants, as originally

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Fie. 8. Southem hybridization of undigested and Bgl II digested DNA of Ophiostoma ulmi budding-yeast mutants yml, ym2, y& and ym4. prokd with 32P-laôelled pPS57. DNAs ( 15 pg/ lane) were run out on a 0.7% agarose TBE gel at 45V. Top panel; ethidium bromide stained gel. Bottom panel; gel probed with 32P-Iaklled pPS57. Lane 1, Hind II1 digested lambda marker; lane 2, undigested VA30 nontransfonned negative control; lane 3, VA30 Bgl II digest; lane 4, undigested coll positive control; lane 5, coll Bgl II digest; lane 6. ym I undigested; lane 7, yrnl Bgl Il digest; lane 8, ym2 undigested; lane 9, ym2 Bgl II digest; lane 10, ym.3 undigested; lane 1 1, y n J Dg111 digest; lane 12, ym4 undigested; lane 13, ym4 Bgl II digest.

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Fig. 9. Colony morphologies and radial growth rates of O. ulmi nontransfomeci mutants. Colonies wen grown on complete medium (CM), CM containing hygmmycin at 200pglrni and minimal medium (MM) plates for 9 &ys ai 2S°C.

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10. Colony morphologies and radial gmwth rates of 0. ulmi tnuisfomed mutants mies were gmwn on complete medium (CM), CM containing hygromycin at 200p minimal medium (MM) plates for 9 days at 2S°C.

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characterlzed, exhibited reduced hyphal growth on CM plates, and consisteâ of a

greater proportion of budding-yeast cells than wild type VA30, as detennined by

microscopie analysis. Mutant 26 proâuced only budang-yeast cells when grown

on CM plates containing hygmrnycin at 200pg/ml, while al1 other mutants

displayed some degree of hyphal growth, however limited, on hygromycin

containing media. Mutant 26, which had been maintaineâ on CM+hyg.2Wpg/ml

plates continuously for over 3 months (26 hyg.), displayed a greater amount of

budding-yeast growth than 26 maintained without hygromycin selection, when

transfened to CM plates. The only hyphal mutant recovered, 94-8-4-6, formed

small, tight colonies of highly branched hyphae on CM plates (Fig. 10). Initially,

budding-yeast growlh was extremely reâuced and almost completely absent foi

94-8-4-6, however, it was occasionally observed to mvert to a more wild type

mixture of yeast and hyphal forms of gmwth and lose its frequent branching

phenotype (see section on instability below).

In CM liquid non-shaking culture (Fig. 1 1 ), mutants 26, 94-7-27-1, 94-70

27-2, and 94-7-27-3 contained some hyphal growth and a flocculant yeasty

predpitate. Mutants 94-8-4-3 and 94-8-4-5 contained signifcantly more hyphal

growth, and hyphai mutant 94-8-4-6 had no detectabîe budding-yeast growth.

Mutants 94-84-30 and 94-8-8-30 were sirnilar to VA30. Mutant 26 maintained on

CM+hyg.200bg/ml plates (26 hyg.) contained significantly less hyphal growth and

more budding-yeast gmwth than 36 maintained without hygromydn.

Southern analysis was perforrneà on Bgl II digested and undigestecl DNAs

probed with UP-labellecl pPS57 (Figs. 12a and 12b). Plasmid pPS57 hybrldited

to a 19.1 kb Bgl II fragment of Bgl II dgested 94-7-27-3 DNA, a 22 kb 89111 fragment of 94-8-49 DNA, a 20 kb Bgl II fragment of 94-84-5 DNA, and a 19.1

kb @Ill fragment of 91-8-44 DNA. Mutants 26, 91-7-27-1, 94-7-27-2 and96

84-30 were detemined not to be transformants (Taüe 3). Plasmid pPS57

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Fig. II. Liquid culture growth of Ophiostuma ulmi strain VA30 and mutants 26,26 maintained on hygmmycin. 94- 7-2 7- 1.94- 7-2 7-2.94- 7-2 7-3,94-8-4-3.94-8-4-5.94-84-6.94-8-8-20, and 94-8-8-30. Complete medium (CM) liquid cultures (100ml). were grown for 9 days without agitation at 25OC.

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"Y!. ' ' I ., k W / &-uu, L **. #

0 !


23.1 kb- / i 9 ,

9.4 kb- !

6.6 kb - 4.4 kb -

2.3 kb- 2.0 kb -

Fig. 12a. Southem hybndization of Bgl II and H j d III digested DNA of Ophiustom ulmi mutants pmbed withuP-laklled pPS57. DNA (15 &lane) was mn out on a 0.7% agame TBE p l at 45V. Lane 1. Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 2, ynr l Bg1 II digest positive control ; lane 3. Bgl II di gested VA30 nontransformed negative contrd; lane 4, VA30 Hind III digest; lane 5, 26 Bgl Il digest; lane 4 26 Hind I l i digest; lane 7.94-7-21-1 Bgl II digest; lane 8.94-7-27-1 Hind III digest; lane 9.94-7-27-2 Bgl II digest; lane 10,947-27-2 Hind III digest; lane 11.94-7-27-3 Bgl II digest; lane 12.94-7-27-3 Hind III digest; lane 13.94-8-4-3 Bgl II digest; lane 14.94-8-4-3 Hind III digest; lane 15.91-84-5 Bgl II digest; lane 16.94-8-45 Hind III digest; lane 17. W-8-46 Bgl I l digest; lane 1 8.94-846 Hind III digest; lane 19,94-88-191 II digest; lane 20,948-8-1 Hid nI digest; lane 21. Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 22, pPSS7 linearized with Hind III p s i tivc contd and marlcr.

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Fig. 12b. Southem hybridization of Bgl II and Hind III digested DNA of Ophiostm ulmi mu- tants probed with "P-labelled pPS57. DNA (ISpg/iane) was run out on a 0.7% ûgarose TBE gel at 45V. Lane 1, Hind III digested lambda market; lane 2, yml Bgl II digest positive control; lane 3,948-8-20 Bgl II digest; lane 4, P4-8-8-20 Himi III digest; lane 5.94-8-8-39 Bgl II digest; lane 6,948-8-30 Hind III digest; lane 7, ynul Bgl II digest; lane 8, ym3 Hind III digest; lane 9, ym4 Bgl II digest; lane 10, ym4 Hind III digest; lane 11, Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 12. pPS57 linearized with Hind III positive control and marker.

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hybfidized to high molecular weight (~23kb) unrestricted DNA in transfomants

(Figs. 1 2a and 1 2b), indicating that transfomants likely contained chromosomal

integrations and not an autonomously replicating plasmid.

Severai changes in phenotype were noted when cuitures were set up for

microscopie analysis (see section on instability). Mutants 94-7-2793 and 94-8-8-

30 looked similar to wild type VA30, consisting of a mixture of budding-yeast and

hyphal growth. Mutant 94-8-4-3 consisted mainly of budding-yeast cells, mutant

94-8-45 unexpectedly consisted almost entirely of hyphae, and 94-8-4-6

consisted of a mixture of hyphae and budding-yeast cells.

Mutant 158 was one of 3 colonies that displayed a fast growing hyphal

growth on hygromycin containhg CM plates (Table 4). kR did not contain a

pPSS7 insert as determined by Southern analysis (Fig. 3). On solid media

plates, 1% displayed a near wild type phenotype, consisting of a mixture of

budding-yeast and hyphai cells (Fig. 9). After approximately 3 weeks on a CM

plate. 158 was observed to form dramatic upraised, convoluted masses of

budding-yeast cells (Fig. 13). These masses were not t o r d evenly throughout

the entire culture, kit at distinct points, and continued to increase in number and

sire (up to 4mm above the surface of the plate) as the colony aged. 158 was

puiifieâ twice, by plating out suspensions of budding-yeast cells from upraised

masses ont0 CM plates, and ælecting single colonies. When yeast celis derived

from the purified culture were streaked ont0 CM plates, the resulting growth was

at first yeast-like and resulted in the production of small convoluted ridges of

budding-yeast cells. These cells soon aftennaids produceû a normal looking,

fast growing mycelia. which grew out to cover the plate and l&ed much the

sarne as it had on the original tmnsfonnation plate. After approximately thme

weeks, masses of amvoluted budding-yeast cells wen again obeenred to fom et

distinct points on the plate even though the culture had been puiified by

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Fige 13. Convoluted growth of mutant 158. Mutant 158 was grown on a complete medium (CM) plate for 7 weeks at 2S°C.

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selecting single colonies derived from single yeast cells frorn the convoluted

mass of cells.

Mutant 158 grew well on CM+hyg.200pg/ml plates, yet was found not to

contain a pPS57 insert. To determine il 158 migM have b e n an u n M e

transformant that had lost pPS57 when it was gmwn up foi DNA isolation in CM

liquid culture, the following expertment was performed; 158, VA30 (negative

control) and ym 1 (positive control) were gmnrn in CM liquid media (1 00ml in

tripikate) for DNA isdations wit h varying levels of hygromycin selection: Opgf ml,

1 Opg/ml, 5ûpg/ml and 100pg/ml. VA30 grew poorly at 1 OCig/rnl. while yml and

158 grew well at 100jqfml hygromycin. DNA samples from the cultures were

içolated, digested with Bgl II. transferred to a nylon membrane, and Southern

analysis was pedormed using 3*P-labelled pPS57 (Fig. 14). Plasmid pPSS7

hybridized to a 15.7kb Bgl II fragment of Bgl II cut yml DNA (positive control) as

expected. and with uniform intensity for al1 levels of hygromycin selection. 158

did not hybridize to pPS57 at any of the levels of hygrornycin selection (Fig. 14

midae panel), suggesting that 158 was not transformed, and that 158 did not

loæ an autonomously repîicating pPS57 plasrnid during the growlh of material in

CM liquid culture for DNA isolation. Restriction digests of 158 DNA with 801 II producd an ethidium bromide (EthBr) stained banding pattern of repetitive DNAs

that was distindy âifferent than that of VA30 (Fig. 1 4 top panel). To detemine if

158 was a derivative of VA30, the membrane îmm the above expriment was

stripped and probed with the *P-labelled iDNA iepeat of ScnitophyIkrm

aommune. A different banding pattern was obsenred for 158 (mg. 1 4 bottom

panel), suggesting that 158 was most certainly a contaminent.

StabiYty of mutants

Ol the many cdonies scrwned which ap~eared to have Feduced hyphal

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itmt 158. Muiant 158 almg with VA30 (negative control) and ym l (positive grown at a range of hygromycin conceniratioris. DNAs wctc run out on a 0.7% TBE gci at 4SV. Top pnnei; cthidium bromide stnincd pl . Mlddk pud; gel pmkd with "P-laklîcd pPS57. truK 1, Hind Ill digeotcd lambda marker, lane 2 and 3, Bgl II d i ~ t c d VA30 grown at Opglml d 10pghnl hygromycin mpaaively; Iancs 4 through 7, Bgl II digestcd yml gmwn at Op@ml, 1 Opgid. 5ûpg/mi and 1 Oûpglrnl bygromycin rcspciively ; lanet 8 h g h 1 1. Bgl II digestal 158 grown at Olglml, IOpghi, Sûpglrnl and 10ûpgIrnl hy gromycia mpectively ; lane 12, Bgl II digcslcd pPS7 c0llt.d; lane 13. Hind Ili digestcd lambda marlrer. httm plW(; gel probai with sP-lakllcd pR1 rDNA prok of SchirophyIIwn corrrmy~.

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growth, only the 14 mutants listed in Table 3 were found to be mitotically stable

between the time they were recovered from transfomation plates, and the time

they were g m up for DNA isolations. Of these 14 mutants, both transformants

and nontransfomants. many eventually showed some degree of reversion to a

more wild type phenotype, either between the time they had been identifid as

mutants and transferred to -70°C, or after having been removed from -70% for

preparation of material used in various manipulations. This variability was also

obwtved repeatedly with the wll mutant of MH75. Revetsion to a near wild type

VA30 motphology was observed for 94-7-27- 1,9407-27-2 and 94-8-4-3 (see Figs.

9 and IO), and a reversal of the alteration of dimorphic distribution occurred for

budding-yeast mutant 94-8-4-5, which began to grow almost constituitively as a

rn ycelium on CM plates (see Fig . 1 0) . Mutant 94-84-6 was also observed to

occasionally ieveit to a more wild type phenotype, and IOS~ its distinctive

compact colony and extensive hyphal branching phenotype.

Sectodng of yml mutant

Over a period of 6 months (four serial transfeis from the original

transformation plate), ym l remained unchanged when grown either with or

without hygrornycin selection, continuing to grow mainly as a budding-yeast. The

yml plate cultures from the fouith transfei grew nomaIIy at Irst, but then some

plates developed distincü y diff erent "sectored" growth rno~hologies. In al1

instances, sectors consisteci of upiaiseâ areas of fast growing fluffy giowth, with

increesed derelopment of aerial hyphae. The morphology of some of these

sectors is illustrateci in mg. 15. Non sectord yml is shown in the top mw, lefi.

The 4 colonies in the second and third rows were dl derkred from the same plate

of non sectoied ym l and are of the same age. In =me instances, the entire

colony grew normaîly at fia, then became fluffy (Fig. 15 top row, iigM and

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Fig. 15. Sectored growth of budding-yeast mutant yml on complete medium (CM) plates. A; yml. B through H; sectors ofyml.

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bottom mw fight). Some sectors were dramatically pie shaped (Fig. 15 second

row Mt), while othem occurred later in the gmwth of the colony and spread at the

margin (Fig. 15 second row right, third mw left. and bottom row Mt). Sectord

growth was never observed to revert back to the slow growing budding-yeast

phenotype of ym 1.

The linear growth rates of yml, yml(0) sector. and VA30 were compred

on CM, CM+hyg.ZOOCie/rnl and MM plates (Fig. 16). On CM plates, the radial

growth of yml sector was equal to or typicelly greater than that of VA30 (6.3I0.2

cm versus 6.4I0.2 cm, respectively, in Fig. 16, and 8.2130.2 cm versus 7.3îû.1

cm, respectively for an eailier erperiment) versus 2.3I0.3 cm for yml. On

minimal media. yml sector grew well (5.4I0.3 cm), while yml grew very pooiiy

(1.2M.2 cm). The yml sectoi grew very well on CM+hyg.200pg/rnl plates

(6.9I0.2 cm) compared to yml (1.3M.3 cm) (Fig. 1 6 and Table 4).

Microphotographs were taken of ym 1 (O) sector (Fig. 17). Compared to VA30,

ym 1 sector had a reduced budding-yeast phase and consisteci of a greater

proportion of hyphae which were long and robust.

Sectois were examined for alterations in the site of pPS57 insertion, or

the number of insertions. Fig. 1 8 illustrates the hybridization of Bgl II and Hind III

digested ym 1 mutant and yml sector DNA with 32P-labelled pPS57. Bgl Il does

not cut within pPS57, while Hind Ill cuts pPS57 once. NO differences were seen

between yml and ymt sector. In each instance, a dngle Bgl II fragment of

approximately 15kb hybridized to pPS57, indicethg neither an increase noi a

decrease in the number of veclor insertions et this one site. A change in the

insertion site or number of insertion sites was also not indicated. However,

rearrangement and reinsertion at another location of a laiger fragment containing

the entire 15 kb Bgl II fragment could have ocaimd. This possibility w88 rot

investigated given the iesults of the rneiotic anaîysib of yml(0) -or, which

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Fig. 16. C( gmwn on ( (rn agm

~lony morphologies and radial growth rates of VA30, yml and yml sector. Colonies were :ornplete medium (CM), CM containing hygromycin at 200pgfml and minimal medium plates for 9 âays at 2S°C.

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Fig. 17. Microphotogniphs of wild type strain VA30 and mutant y m l ( 0 ) sector. Pîate A; VA30. 10X objective. Plate B; yml (O) sector, 1OX objective. Colonies were grown on complete media (CM) plates for 9 days and examined by taking surface scrapings from 5mm X 5mm agar blocks taken from colony rnargins.

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Fig. 18. Sourhem analysis of pPSS7 insertion in yml and yml secton. Bgl II and Hinû III digested yml and yml scctor DNAs (15 pghne) werc run out on a 0.7% agarose TEE gel at 45V, and pmbcd ~ith~~P-labt l led pPSS7. Top ml; ethidium bromide stained gel. Bottom -1; gel probcd with nP-labclled pPSS7, Lane 1, Hind III digestcd lambda market; lant 2, Bgl II digested VA30 negative control; lane 3, Hind III digested VA30 negative control; lanes 4 and 5, yml(C) Bgl II and Hind II digests ttspectively (panially degradcd); lanes 6 and 7, yml(K) Bgl II and Hinû III digests; lanes 8 and 9, yml (M) scctor Bgl II and Hind 111 digests; lanes 10 and 1 1, yml (O) scctor Bgl II and Hind Il1 digests; lanes 12 and 13, yml (P) sector Bgl II and Hind III digests; lanes 14 and 15, yml( W) Bgl II and Hind II1 digests; lanes 16 and 17, yml(X) Bgl II and Hinâ II1 digests; lanes 18 and 19, yml(Z) Bgl II and Hind Il1 digests; lane 20, Hind II1 digcsted lambda mariter; Iant 2 1, empty ; lme 22, pfS57 linearizcd w itb Hind II1 positive control and rnarker.

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indicateâ that the sector phenotype did not cosegmgate with pPS57 (see section

on meiotic analysis below). Restriction endonudease analysis of yml and ym1

sector DNA with Hind III resolved a single band of 5.38 kb, equivaîent to the size

of the linearlzed vector pPS57 itself. The intensity of this band remained the

same for yml and yml sector supporting the Bgl II digest data, which indicated

that there was neither an increase nor a decrease in the number of pPS57


Melotlc Anaîysis of Mutants

Mating reactions

VAN, ym 1 0 , ym1 (O) sectoi, 94-7-27-3, 94-8-4-3, 94-8-4-6 and 158

were rnated with three O. ulmistrains which are North American race of the

aggressive biotype and 6 mating type: CESS 16 K, W2 and W2-TOL (obtained

from L. Bernier, Quebec City). B mating type strains were used as fernale

cultures in crosses on Elm Sapwood Agar (ESA) plates, with the appropriate

negative and positive cont rols (Materials and Methods) . Perit hecia were

obtained for the VA30 positive conttol and each of the mutants crossed with W2-

T a , but with none of the negative contd crosses. Perithecia were obtained

after 4 to 6 weeks for all mutants.

MeioHc anahsis of yml

A successful mating of ymlX W2-TOL was performed îwice. Progeny

were either distindly like the m'Id type parents, or veiy dow growing and yeast-

like, es per the yml parental strain on CM plates. In fact. yml-like progeny were

geneially slower gIomng and more yeast-like than the yml parant itself. No

colonies of intemiediate size or morphological characteristics were ever

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observed. From the first mating, a total of 120 single spon pmgeny wen

collected from CM plates; 67 had a nomal wild type phenutype while 53 had a

distinct yml mutant phenotype. From the second mating, a total of 118 pmgeny

were collected; 72 were normal and 46 wen of e yml mutant phenotype. The

yml mutant phenotype was inherited in an approximately 1 :1 ratio in the yml X

W2-TOL progeny (0.005~p<0.01).

The ratio of normal to mutant phenotype progeny on CM plates, with and

without hygrornycin selection, was insufticient to deariy demonstate

cosegregation of the vector with the mutant phenotype. ît was necessary to

isolate DNA from single spore progeny and determine the presence of pPS57 by

Southern analysis, and not rnerely rneasure hygmmycin resistance, as had been

done with the col1 mutant (Royer et al. 1997). This was necessary because of

three factors: Firstly, there was the possibility that some of the yml-like pmgeny

would sector, making it difficult to distinguish mutant from wild type phenotypes.

Secondly, transiorming DNA could be subjed to DNA modification - either repeat

induced point mutation ("RIPn; Selker et al. 1987; Selker, 1990) or methylation

induced prerneiotically ("MIP"; Rossignol and Picard, 1991) - and lead to a failure

to transmit hygromycin resistance through to the progeny. RIP has been

suggested to account for the low levels of transmission of hygmmycin iesistance

to the progeny of some of the MH75 transformants analyzed by Royer et al.

(1 991 ) in instances where more than one copy of the vector DNA had been

integrated. RIP or MI? of pPS57 (possiôly present in more than one copy) in the

yml X W2-TOL progeny was a concem. Thirdly, when analyzing progeny Ath a

ym 1 mutant phenotype, it was difficult to distinguish hygmmydn sensitivity from

hygmmydn resistance, because of the very siow rate of gmwth of many of the

progeny on plates with or without hygmmydn.

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Fi@ ot the 120 single spore prageny from the first yml X W2-TOL mating

were purified (see Materials and Methods) and DNAs exarnined for the presence

of pPS57 by Southem hybridization (Figs. 19a and 19b). Greater than half of the

pmgeny with a yml mutant phenotype âid not contain a pPS57 insert (1 2 of 20,

see Table 5). indicating that the ym 1 mutant phenotype dM not cosegregate with

the vector, and therefore that yml was likely not a tagged mutant.

Linear gmwth rates for progeny with a yml mutant phenotype were

distinctly âifferent from those with a wild type phenotype on CM plates; overall

average colony diameter was 1 . M . 9 cm for yml-like progeny, veisus 5 . M .4

cm overall cdony diameter for those displaying a wild type phenotype (TaMe 5).

Radial growth rates on CM+hyg.400pg/ml plates was a reasonaûie indicator of

the presence of pPS57 in the progeny; progeny with a yml mutant phenotype

which contained pPS57 grew only slightly faster glowth on hygrornycin containing

plates than those not containing pPS57 (0.9M.3 cm containing pPS57, versus

0.6H.2 cm without pPS57) (Table 5). However, for those colonies displaying a

wild type phenotype on CM plates, the presence of pPS57 conferrd an ability to

gmw significantly faster on CM+hyg.400Ciglml plates (5.0f0.8 cm with pPS57,

versus 0.7f0.2 cm without pPS57; see Table 5).

Prior to the detemination that yml was unlikely to be a tagged mutant, a

considerable effort was put forth to analyze yml and retrieve the gene/genetic

element interrupted by the pPS57 insetlion. This seemd a masonable appmach

at the time given the great length of time which lapsed between the determination

t hat ym l was a transformed mutant, a d analysis of meiotic progeny (because of

an inaôility to successfully mate yml with any of the strains initially obtained for

this purpose). Secondly, given that Royer el a/. (1997) hed determinecl their

single a / l buôôing-yeast mutant to have ben tagged, it seemeâ piobable that

yml might be a tagged mutation as well. Thersfoie, the following woik woe

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Fig. 1%. Southem anal ysis of Bgl II digested yrnl X W2-TOL progeny probed with xP-labelled pPS57. DNAs (15pgIlane) were run out on a 0.7% TBE gel at 4SV. Top panel; ethidium bromide stained gel. Bottom panel; gel pmbed w ith 32P-labelled pPS57. Lane 1, Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 2, Bgl II digested pPS57 (22ng) positive control; lane 3, Bgl II digested VA30 nega- tive control; lane 4, Bgl II digested W2-TOL negative contml; lane 5, Bgl II dipsted yml positive control; lanes 6 through 34, Bgl II digcsted yml X W2-TOL progcny # 1 through 29.

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Fig. 1%. Southem analysis of Bgl II digested yml X W2-TOL progeny with 32P- labelled pPS57. DNA ( 1 Spgllane) was nin out on a 0.7% TBE gel at 45V. Top pne l ; ethidium bromide stained gel. M o m panel; gel probed with 32P-labelled pPS57. Lane 1. Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 2. Bgl II digested pPS57 (22 ng) positive control; lane 3, Bgl II digested VA30 negative contml; lane 4, Bgl II digested W2-TOL negative contml; lane 5. Bgl Il digested yrnl positive control; lanes 6 through 26, Bgl II digested ym I X W2-TOL progeny 1 30 through 50.

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Tabh 5. Summary of meiotic analysis for yml X W2-TOC progeny.

Number and pPS57 Colony diameter (cm) on: phenotype of present ProgenY

CM CM+ hyg.400wg/ml

20 yml mutant 12 no 1.6f0.4 ~ Y W 2.Wû.8

30 Wild type 13 no 5.W.9 17 yes 5.Sf1.2

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perlonned in an attempt to retrieve the gendgenetic element intempted by


i/ Mutant yml was examined for the piesence of the chloramphenicol

acetyltransferase (CAT) gene and Ml 3 origin of replication by Southem

analysis, both of which are required for successful retrieval of the vector in

E. coli by plasmid rescue.

iif Attempts at pîasmid rescue with yml were made, along with wlt as a

positive control.

iiil A partial yml genomic library was constructed in Lambda FIX-II, and

screened with pPS57.

Meiotic malyss of ym 1 sector

ym l(0) sector was mated with W2-TOL Nice. On CM plates, progeny

were either similar to those obtained in the VA30 X W2-TOL positive control

cross. or had a fluffy and fast growing phenotype typical of yml(0) sector. (The

VA30 X W2-TOL positive control cmssing produced colonies of a unifom

phenotype that did not display ftuffy growth to the extent seen in the yml sector

rnating). Progeny with a slow growing,yml budding-yeast cell moiphology were

never obærved. suggesting that the mutation whidi causes the yml phenotype

occuned at the same locus or was dosely linked to the locus which caused the

ym l(0) secior phenotype.

To detemine if yml sector was a tagged mutation, a total of 39 randomly

seleded single spore isolates were examined. A wilâ type phenotype was

obsewed for 23 isolates. white 16 had a fluffy yml sector phenotype on CM

plates. Measurements of colony diameters were made a m i 7 days of gmwth on

CM plates both with and without hygromydn et 4ûOpg/ml (Table 6). Single spore

isolates with a fluffy yml sector phenotype grew quicûly on CM plates with a

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Table 6. Summary of meiotic analysis for yml sector X W2-TOL progeny.

Phenotype pPS57 Colony diameter (cm) on: and number presenta of progeny

CM CM+ hyg.400pg/ml

23 Wild type 19 no 5.6îû.8 0.6M. 1 4 yes 5.6f6.4 4.6k1.8

a The presence ol p f S57 is Mened h m greater Ynear W h rates on CM+hyg.4ôûp@ml pîates.

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mean colony diameter of 7.0f1.3 cm, versus 5.6I0.8 cm for those with a wild

type phenotype. Based on the results of the ymlXW2TOL progeny, a fast rate of

growth on CM+hyg.4Wpg/ml plates was lnfened to indicate the presence of

pPS57. Approrirnately haH of the progeny with a sectoi phenotype (7 of 16, see

Table 6), grew pooily on CM+hygAOOpg/ml plates (0.W.1 cm) indicating that

the yml sector phenotype did not cosegregate with the vector, and therefoie that

yml sector was also not a tagged mutation.

Meiotic anaîysis of other mutants

Three of the five transformed dimorphic mutants (94-7-27-3, 04-8-4-3 and

94-8-4-6) remained mitotically stable and wen mated with W2-TOL. All of the

progeny from the 94-7-27-3 X W2-TOL mating had a normal appearance when

grown up on CM plates both with and without hyg.40Opg/rnl. No colonies with a

94-7-27-3 parental budding-yeast mutant phenotype were obsetved. However,

when growing 94-7-27-3 from -70°C storage prior to the mating reaction, the 94-

7-27-3 phenotype had becorne increasingly like the VA30 wild type . Progeny from the 94-8-4-3 X W2-TOL mating grown on CM plates had a

normal colony appearance. Only slow growing budding-yeast colonies were

observed on CM+hyg.400~g/ml plates, but when transferred to CM plates, al1

grew with a normal VA30 phenotype.

Progeny from the 94-8-46 X W2-TOL mating grorni up on CM plates

were almost al1 nomial. Only a few colonies with a 84-84-6 mutant phenotype

were obsenred amongst hundreds of nonnal lod<ing colonies. No colonies grew

up on CM+hyg.400pg/ml plates.

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CHEF &ct~~phomsls and Southem ~ ~ l y s i s

Having established by meiotic analysis that the mutation/s resp~nsible for

causing the yml and ym1 sector phenotypes were not âirectly tagged by the

insertion of vector pPS57, yml and yml sector were exarnined for chromosomal

aiterations. CHEF (aontourclamped homogeneous electiic field) gel anelysis

was perfonned on yml and yml sector to:

il determine if chromosomal poiymrphismr were 8ssociated with the

formation of the yml mutant or sectoring in the yml mutant.

iü confirrn that pPS57 had integrateâ into a chromosome and was not

replicating autonomously as a high moleculai weight digomer, and

determine into which chromosome integration had occurred.

iiil determine if changes in the rDNA tract were associated with the

formation of the ym 1 mutant or sedoring in the yml mutant.

Separation of chromosomal DNAs (chDNAs) by CHEF gel electrophoresis

was performed on wild type VA30, three separate cultures of yml, which had

been maintained on CM plates for several months (ymlC, ym1 J and yml Y), and

three yml sector isolates (yml Jb, ym lM and ymlû). lsolate WPTOL and six

pmgeny from the yml X WBTOL rnating with either normal or yml mutant

phenotypes (with and without pPS57 insertions), were also exarnined to

determine if a partiailar chromosomal polymorphisrn segregated with the yml

mutant phenotype. A karyotypic pattern consisting of at least six chromosomal

bands, ranging from greater than 5.7 Mb to less than 3.5 Mb, was msohred for all

isolates except sector ymlJb (Fig. 20, top panel). The pattern oûtained for the

VA strain was similar to that observed by others (Dewar and Bernier, 1993;

Bowden et al. 1994). For the yml Jb sector isdate, chromosome II appean, to

have been lost and a unique chONA between chDNA II1 and IV gained (Fig. 20,

top panel, lane 7 position of the a m ) , perhape through brmbge and b s of

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hybridized with3p-lakikd pff57. L.m 1; Schi;osa~~horr,myccs pornbr &cr; Iw 2 VA30; lue 3. W2-TOL; lane 4. yml(C): lanc 5. yrnl(J); lane 6, yml(Y); lane 7, yml(Jb) scctor; lonc 8, yml(M) scctor, lnnc 9, yml (0 ) sector. lancs 10 through 1 S. yrnl X W2-TOL progay. Bottom pud; gel hy bridizcd wiih 32P-labtlkd pR 1 rDNA probe oï SchizophyIInm commune.

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part of chromosome II. It is difficult to identify this chromosome as being uniquely

present in ymf Jb from the ethidium bmmide stained gel alone, due to the poor

separation of chromosomes in this region. When the chDNAs were blotted ont0

Genescreen Plus and hybridized with SP-la$elled pPS57 (mg. 20. rniddle panel),

pPS57 appeared to have integrated into chDNA IV (the fourth largest

chiornosorne) in each of the yml and yml sector isolates. The position of the

band which hybridized to 32P-labelled pPS57 (chONA IV) was lowest in the

ymiJb lane (lane 7), while the ethidium bromide stained gel dearly shows the

putatively unique chONA of yml Jb to ocaipy a higher position than chDNA V of

yml Y and ymlM in adjacent lanes (see Fig. 20, middle panel position of anow).

This strongly suggests that the chDNA between chDNA III and chDNA N is

unique to sector ym 1 Jb. Altematively, this band may be present in the other

lanes, but not well resolveû, and the rONA tract may have transposed fmm this

chromosome to chDNA IV in dl isolates except ymlJb. Given the relatively weak

staining of some of the chromosomal bands, additional CHEF separations would

be required to confirm th8 loss of chromosome II, and Southern analyses with

probes residing on chromosome II would be required to determine if the unique

chromosome between chDNA III and chDNA IV in isolate ym1Jb was derived

ffm chromosome II. Polymorphisms were not deteded in any of the other

sectoreâ isolates. However, chromosornal separation in the e3.5 Mb range was

insutricent to definitively rule out the existence of additional polymorphisms. A

thorough investigation would require severcil CHEF gels to be cun undei âifferent

conditions, or different separation techniques to be utilized, such as PACE

(programmable autonomously controlled electrodes) PFAGE, with which supefior

separation of the O. u/mi ùaryoîype has been achieved (Dewar and Bernier.

1 995).

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To detenine if changes in the rûNA chiornosorne, such as translocation

of the rDNA tract to other chromosomes, or large expansions or contractions of

the rûNA tract were assodatecl with yml or ym1 sector phenotypes, the same

CHEF gel was stripped and hybridized with the 32P-labelled iDNA probe which

mitains the entire cassette for the ribosomal genes of SchizophyI/um commune

(Bucùner et al, 1988); variation in the rûNA chromosome has. for example,

been observeci after transformation, and changes in rDNA tract length have been

conelated with alteration of growth rates in K/uyveromyc8s W i s ; C. a-ns and

S. cerevisiae (see Zolan, 1995). A single band of approxirnately the same sire

in each lane corresponding to chDNA IV, hybridized to the rûNA probe (Fig. 20,

bottorn panel). Therefore, transposition of rONA to a different chromosome or

large changes in rONA tract length did not appear to be associated with yml

sector formation, or with the formation of the original yml mutation.

A prelirninary analysis was perfoned to determine if DNA methylation

was açsociated Wh the formation of the yml mutant, yml sectors, or involved in

the control of dimorphic growth in general:

i/ Isdates ym 1 , ym 1 sector, and several other transfomants were

examineci b r methylation of the pPS57 vector and flanking genomic DNA,

using the restridion enzyme isoschizomer pair Hps II end 1.

ii/ Isolates yml , yml sector, and VA30 were examined for changes in

methylation of their rDNA repeats, using the Hpa II end Msp I

isoschizomer pair.

iiil lsdates yml, yml sedor and VA30 wen tmated with the methylation

inhibitor 5-azacytidine, and examined foi phenotypic changes.

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Anabsis ofpPSS7 methyleîon w'th Hps 11 and Msp 1 isoschizomers

Prior to the results of the yml and ym l s a o r meiotic analyses, a DNA

methylation mode1 was proposed which might account for the occurrence of the

yml and yml sector. Methylation of vector DNA has been reported to oocur

during the asexuaî cyde after transformation in the Ascomycete Neumspom

cmsa (Bull and Wootten. 1984; Pandit and Russo, 1992) when more than one

copy of the vector has been integrated. It was hypothesized that pPS57 repeats

and 0. ulmi DNA, which flanks the site of insertion. may have become

methylated in yml when it was transfomied. If this genomic DNA was involved in

dimorphic control, then its methylation (the promoter region in particulai), could

have resulted in the yml phenotype, and demethylation in the yml sWor

phenotype. Methylation at the promoter region of a gene, has been shown to be

suffident to repress gene activity; for instance, methylation of specific DNA sites

have been found to inhibit the binding of "CREW, the CAMP-responsive element

binding factor (see Levine et al. 1992), a transcription factor which may itseH be

expected to play a role in 0. ulmi dimorphism. (Note that for this methylaüon

mode1 to be valid, pPS57 would have had to been either tagged or be8n very

closely linked to the mutation responsible for causing the yml phenotype, and

therefore this mode1 was considered invalid after the resuL of the yml meiotic

anaîysis were obtained).

To test for the methylation of pPS57 and flanking O. ulmi genomic DNA,

ONAS from VA30, yml and ym l sectors wwe digested with the isoschizomer pair

Hpb, M and Msp I, electrophoresed and probed with labelled pPS57.

Restiidon of DNAs with this pair of enzymes distingukhee the internai

unmethylated C from a 5-methyîcytdne (5-mC) in the sequence S CSniCGG 3';

Hpa 11 will not deave at this site when the internai C is rnethyîated, while Msp I

deaves this site mgardless of its methylation status. A number of fragments

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hybridized to pPS57. However, no ôifferences in hybddization banding patterns

wen obsenred between the isoschizomer pair for any of the yml or ymI sector

isolates (Fig. 21). This suggested that the pPS57 inseWs and the Hpa IUMsp I

fqments spenning the insert(s) and flanking O. ulml DNA were not differentially

methylated at the intemal C position at any of the âigested CCGG sequences for

the isolates examined. Several other transformed mutants were also examined

(mg. 22). No differences in Hpa II and Msp I digestion patterns in any of the

isolates were observed, suggesting that pPS57 inserts and flanking genomic

DNA were not differentially methylateâ at these CpG ôinudeotide sites.

Anal)sis of rDhlA methyktion with Hpa II and M s p I isoschizomets

In other fungi which have been studed, the rONA repeat has usually been

shown to be methylated, and may be dfferentially methylated in various

developrnental stages or morphological foms (see Magill and Magill, 1 989). The

possiôility of modulation of rDNA gene expression by DNA methylation was

examined in ymf, yml sector and severel other dimorphic mutants. Hpa II end

Msp 1 restricted DNAs from VA30, yml and yml secton were electrophomsed

and probed with the 32P labelled heterologous rDNA probe pR1 of Schizophy//um

commune. A number of fragments hybiidized to pR1, however, no differences in

hybriâization ôanding patterns or €thBr stained gel digest patterns wem

observed (Fig. 23). These results suggested that differential methylation of rûNA

migM not be important in sedored gmwth or dlmoiphic switching. (Note; no

differences in hybndzation banding patterns were obsetved for yml end yml

sector DNA isdates; however, the signais wen weak and requim further

and ysis).

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werc nui out on a 0.7% TBE gel aî 4SV. ?iDp p W ; eihidium bnnnidc sîaincd gel. Batîan pucl; ficl pobcd wiihJ2P-labcllcd pfSS7. Lam 1, HM III digcsiui lamùda d e r ; lane 2, Hpp II digestcd VAW. lsac 3, Msp 1 digestcd VA30; lanc 4, H' II digestcd pi557 (M ng); lane 5, Msp 1 digcsicd pPSS7 (50 ng): lane 6, Hpcl II digcstcd yml(C): lanc 7, Msp 1 digwtcd yml(C); lanc 8, Hsp 11 digestcd yml(K); laoe 9, Msp 1 digestcd yml(K); loac 10, H p II digestcd yml(M) sector; lanc II, Msp I digestcd yml(M) sector, lane 12, H p II digcsted ynil(0) sector; lane 13, Msp 1 digestcd yml(O) sector, lane 14, Hpo II digcsted yml(P) secior, lane 15, Msp 1 d i g d yml(P) scctor; lanc 16, H p II digcmd yml(W); lant 17, Msp [ digesicd yml(W); tanc 18, Hpa II digestal yml(X); lanc 19, Msp II digcstaî yml(X); lanc 20, H p II digestcd yml(Z); l ~ a c 2 1, Msp II digcsted yml(Z); lane 22, Hind III dipicd lambâa mariter.

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Fis. 22. Analysis of pPS57 rnethylation in Ophiostom ulmi strain VA30 transfumants. H' II and Msp 1 isoschizomer digested DNAs (15pgAane) wece nin out on a 0.7% TBE gel at 45V. Top panel; ethidiurn bromide stained gel. Botton panel; gel pcobed with nP-labelled pPS57. Lane 1, Hind III digested lambda marker; lane 2, Hpu II digcsted VA30; lane 3, Msp 1 digested VA30; lane 4, Hpa II digested pPSS7 (Song); lane 5, Msp 1 digested pPS57 (50ng); lane 6, Hpa 11 digested 94-7-27-3; lane 7, Msp 1 digested 94-7-27-3; lane 8, H p II digested 94-8-43; lane 9, Msp 1 digested 94-8-43; lane 10, Hpo II digested 94-8-45; lane 1 1, Msp 1 digested 94-8-45; lane 12, H p II digested 94-8- 4-6, lane 13, Msp 1 digested 94-8-4-6; lane 14, H p II digested 94-8-8-30; lane 1 5, Msp I digested 94-8-8-30.

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Fig. 23. Analysis of rDNA methyiation in Ophiostornu ulmi svain VA30 and VA30 transfomana. Hpa II and Msp 1 isoschizomer digestcd DNAs (15&lane) w e n run out on a 0.7% TBE p l at 4SV. Top panel; ethidium bromide stained gel. Bottom panel; gel probcd with XP-labelled pR 1 rDNA probe of Schizophyllum commune. Lane 1, Hid III digested lambda marker; lane 2, Hpu II digest4 VA30: lane 3, Msp 1 digestcd VA30; iane 4, Hpo 11 digested pPSS7 (50 ng); lane 5. Msp 1 dipsted pPS57 (50 ng); lane 6, Hpo II digested 94-7-27-3; lam 7, Msp 1 digested 94-7-27-3; lane 8, H p II digested 94-8-4-3; lane 9. Msp I digested 9-48-43; lane 10, Hpo II digested 94-8-45; lane 1 I , Msp 1 digestcd 94-84-5; lane 12. H p 11 digested 94-84-6; lane 13, Msp 1 digestcd 94-8-44; lane 14, H p II digestcd W-8-&JO; lane 15, Msp 1 digestcd 94-8-8-30.

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1 O3

Analysis of DNA mefhyhtion with 5-az-ine

The in hibitor of DNA methylation, 5=azacytidine, was used to investigate

the d e of DNA methylation in the formation of yml, yml sector and regulation of

dimorphic switching. Wild type VA30, yml (2) and yml(0) sector were gmwn (in

tripkate) on CM plates containing 5-azacytidine at concentrations of OpM 1 OpM,

WpM, 100pM and 500pM. Plates were examined both macroscopically and

microscopically for alterations in colony morphoîogy over a three-week petîod.

No changes in colony morphology or altered dimorphic distribution were

observed for any of the cultures, at any concentrations of 5-azacytidine. Radial

gmwîh rates were recorded after 8 days of growth, by taking 3 measuremenls of

colony diameter for each of the triplicate plates. The radial growth of VA30

declined steadily with increasing 5-azacytidine concentration; 7.3M.1 cm on CM

plates without Sazacytidine, to 5.5I0.6 cm on CM plates containing 5ûOpM 5-

azacytidine (Fig. 24). Mutant yml(Z) remained unchanged a 2.W.0 cm. while

the colony diameter of yml(0) sector decreased only marginally; 8.Zîû.2 cm

wit hout 5-azacytidine, to 8.M0.4 cm wit h 500pM Sazacytidine.


In the present study, the technique of insedional mutageneds, as developed

by Royer et al. (1 991), was used to generate and begin a gnetic analysis ot

dimorphic mutants in O. ulmiarain VA30.

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Flg. 24. Effect of the methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine, on radial growth rates of VA30, ym l and ym l sector. Colonies were grown on complet0 medium (CM) plates containing 5-azacytidine at Opg/ml, 1 Opglml, SOpg/ml, 100pglml and 500pg/ml in triplicate for 9 days at 2S°C.

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Fig. 25. Effect of agar concentration on the growth of VA30 on various solid media. VA30 was grown on complete medium (CM), complete medium which did not contain yeast extract and minimal medium (MM), at three concentrations of agar: IO@. 20gk and Mg&. Plates were photographed after 9 days of growth at 25'C.

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Induction of buMing-yeast gmwh by hygmmycin

Hygromycin was found to stmngly induce yeast-like gmwh in O. ulmi

strain VA30. High levels of sucrose (0.6M). piesent as an osmotic stabilizer in

the transformation plates and the oveilay, was dso found to induce budding-

yeast growth in VA30. but to a much lesser extent than what had b e n obsened

wit h hygromycin. H ygrom ycin is a broad spectwm arninoglycoside antibiotic

which has been shown to inhibit pmtein synthesis by interfering with translocation

in eukaryotic translation (Cabanes et al. 1978; Gonzalez et al. 1978) and causes

translational misreading (Singh et al. 1 979). Hygromycin may have induced

yeest-like gmwt h in O. ulmi by activating a cellular stress response, (possibly

through a heat shock mechanism), or by reducing the level/activity of a protein

required for hyphal growth.

The gmwth of cultures on CM plates containing hygrornycin was also

found to induce a lasting alteration to the phenotypes of cultures. The

nontransformed mutant 26, was sirnilady affected by continueci culturing on

hygromycin containing media Mutations may have ocairred to affect the cell

wall to allow the antibiotic to be excluded or to be more effiiently transpoRed

from the cell.

Transformation status of colonies appem'ng on transîbmtion pletes

Yeast-like colonies originally identifieci on transformation plaies as being

either slow or fast growing, were not erpected to contain pPS57 inserts, since

they usually reverted to a slow nontransfomecl rate of growlh by day 30 on CM

plates containing hygromycin. Howevei, only 3 of the 6 hyphal colonies

containeci pPS57 (Fig. 3). ît is unlikely that the vedoi was beiow levels of

detection by Southem analysis; when a blot containing equaîly loaded col1 DNA

(believeâ to amtain 1 or 2 copies of pPS57), and 158 &/ II digested DNAs wen

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1 O7

piobed with 32P-labelled pPS57, the cd1 mutant gave a dearîy visible signal,

while no signals wem detected for 158. While 158 was likely a contaminent,

some of the other colonies might have amtained an autonomously replidng

vector, which may have been lost duiing g m h in CM liquid media. Some

nontransformed colonies may have becorne mistant to hygromycin by mutations

induced by transcient or unstable interactions with the transfoning DNA.

Additionally, it has been suggested that transformation conditions may stimulate

the induction of repair processes, and lead to a hypermutabie state where the

stnngent controls over the karyotype are relared and lead to mutations (Zolan,

1995); however, no specific mechanism has been identified h m .

Transformation parameters for strain VA30

Induction of budding-yeast growth by hygmrnycin and 0.6M suciose

required an investigation of the screening strategy used to identify yeast-like

mutants using VA30. Considerable variability in hygromydn sensitivity amongst

strains, has for instance, been found to ocçwr in AspetpiIlus nidulans (Cullen et

al. 1987) - VA30 and MH75 strains may also have b e n variable in their

sensitivity. The resuHs in table 2 indicate that hygromycin strongly induces

budding-yeast growth in MH75, but only atter a 9 dey period subsequent to

plating of the protopiasts. Strain VA30 dearly showed yeasl-like gmwth as won

as colonies were visible on transformation plates.

Transformation experiments Wh strain VA30 should be perlomied with

linearized pPS57 vector in order to maximize the number of stable integrants.

Most yeast-like colonies are likely to be untransfonwed or unstabie transformants

which contain autonomously replicating vector, while hyphal colonies am more

likely to be stable transfomants which have integrated the plmrnid into one or

more chromosomes, and am expressing I@J Bdivhy wfkiontly to wercome the

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1 O8

budding-yeast indudng effects of hygromydn. An overlay of agarose is required

for better separation of colonies. Selection of transformants with 200pg/ml

hygromydn gave optimal results by allowing reasonabk seledion of

transfomiants, while maintaining the sunrivel of transformants expressing low

levels of hph activity. ûuerall, the transformation parameters optimized by Royer

et ai. (1991) for MH75 were found to be suitaMe for VA30, and were adopted for

this study.

SeIeciion of dimorphc mutants

Selection of transformed colonies with a predominantl y yeast-like growt h,

was accomplished by transfernng budding-yeast colonies, which were larger than

those found on the no-DNA control pla!es, to CM plates without hygromyun.

Only a small proportion of these transfened colonies had a piedominantly

budding-yeast phenotype on CM plates. These were subsequently purifieci, and

examined for mitotic stability. This screening stmtegy was not optimal. since it

would not identify transformed yeast-like mutants with pooi hph expression, or

transformed yeast-like mutants with an intrinsically very slow rate of growth.

The second strategy which was concunently employed to identify colonies

with a predominently yeast-like growth, was based on the obsenration that neaily

al1 of the slow gmwing, yeast-like caionies becme dafkiy pigmented with tirne.

Pigmented colonies were likely to be either non-transformants, unstable

transfonnants, or transformants with poor hph expression. Fast growing hyphal

colonies overgrew the plates in a few weeks, obaiarring some of these potential

slow gmwing mutants. However, this additional strategy led to the identification

of 4 mutants; yml, ym2, ym3 and ym4.

The straiegy for the selection of mutants gmwing predominantly as a

myoelium may not have ben as serioudy aflecîed by the selednre media

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1 O9

Colonies on transformation plates with reduced budding yeast growth were

transfened to CM plates and examineci under a dssecling andlor compound light

microscope. Only one predominantly hyphd colony was iecovered: 94-84-6.

Selection by this method required that colonies have the ability to grow

predominantly in the hyphal phase on CM plates containing both hygromydn and

0.6M sucrose. A more effective screen for hyphal mutants might utilire CM

minus yeast extract, with a lower concentration of agar, such as 1.5% (1% plates

would likel y be too watery); these conditions strongly favour yeast-like growth in

the wild type (Fig. 25). Yeast-like mutants would likewise be more effectively

selected, by pîating protoplasts onto CM with 4% agar. For efficient scieening of

budang-yeast mutants, the use of a vector other than pPS57 is required. An

altemate osmotic stabilizer should be used, since 0.6M sucrose altered the

dimorphic distribution. The effect of sucrose on the dimorphic distribution may

have been caused by osmotic stress, an increase in caibon source

concentration, perhaps thiough cetabolite repression, or alteration of the

caibonhitrogen ratio.

The overall nurnber of stable transformants screened was ditficuit to

estimate accurately. Southem analysis indicated that when transfomations were

performed with cimlar vector. that few slow or fast growing yeast-like colonies

and only some hyphal colonies were likely to be stable transformants (Fig. 3).

However, transformation with linear vector produced more staôîe transformants

than circularized vector; this wes reflected in the greater proportion of hyphal

coknies and lower proportion of yeast-like cdonies oblained with lineaiited

vector (TaMe 2). Royer et al. (1991 ), ieported that Hneerlration ot pPS57

increased the frequency of stable transformation (number of transformant$ per

microgram of pPS57 DJA per IO7 protoplmts) from 3W15.3 to W11.7 in an

eailiei stuây with MH75, and that linearization al= notinnahly reduced unstable

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transfonants. With optimized conditions, Royer et al. (1 991) reported

transformation frequendes as high as 4000. Estimated transformation

frequendes obtained in this study using drwlar and linearized vector (1 7-

and 151 CH35 respedively). were comparable to those obtalned by Royer et al.

(1 991 ) and those of Bowden et crl. (personal communication). using MH75.

Based on the number of hyphal colonies growing on transfomation plates in

several experiments, an estirnated 8,655 colonies were screened.

Mutants isolated

The ym l budding-yeast mutant

A total of fourteen colonies with aitered dirnorphic distribution were

isdated using the selection rnethods of this study. Fow colonies with a

predomi nantl y budding-yeast cell phenotype, designated ym 1, ym2, ym3 and

ym4, were nonpigmented and grew faster than the wikl type on hygromycin

containing media. Mutant yml may have a nutritional or metabdic defect which

severely limits gmwth on a nutrient poor medium. Altematively, the added level

of metabolic stress experienced by yml on minimal media may induce a stronger

metabolic stress signal, which transduces into a decreased rate of growth, and a

stronger induction of the budding-yeast phase. The yml mutation was different

than the MH75 defived col1 mutation isolateci by Royer et el. (1 991 ); cdl had a

smooth colony phenotype and grew well on minimal media plates (Fig. 1).

Meiotic analysis of yml established that pPS57 DNA did not cosegregate

with the mutant phenotype, and that the insertion of pFS57 into chromowmal

DNA likely did not directly cause the yml phenotype. It is possible that the vector

pPS57 may sUll Yag" the site of mutation. If, for instance, the yml phenotype

was caused by a chromosomrd break, and the vector joined to the bioken

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fragment then rejoined to another chromosome, or to the bmken chiornosorne

greater than 50 map units away from the initial breakage site, then the vector

could Mill tag the mutated genelgenetic elernent. If tMs occured, then the yml

mutation could still be m v e r e d by pîasmid rescue. The ratio of mutant to wild

type progeny approximated 1 :1 (0.W5q~û.01) and may be consistent with the

inheritance of a single nuclear mutation. There were slightly more progeny with a

wild type phenotype than with a mutant phenotype (139 wiM type and 99 mutant).

Non-meiotic budding-yeast cells or mycelia from the W2-TOC fernale culture may

have contaminated the meiotic progeny to increase the apparent number of wild

type progeny. Secondly, fast growing wild type colonies rnay have obscured the

yrnl colonies which were extremely slow gnnnring.

Othe? mutants

Several ot her colonies wit h altered dimorphic distribution were isolated

but only partially characterized; eight budding-yeast cdonies and one hyphal

colony were obtained by transferfing yeast-like colonies from transformation

plates onto CM plates, and selecting colonies which maintained an altered

phenotype. Only five of the colonies were transformants as detennined by

Southern analysis. Linear gmwth on CM+hygm2ûûpg/ml plates was, as eitpected.

a good indication of transformation; only those colonies with a linear growth rate

significarttly greater than VA30 were tramforW. The size and intensity of the

Bgl II and M d III bands was greeler than what had been obseiued for yml

(which contained 3 copies of pPS57 at mm), indicating that pPS57 likely

integrata as tandem repeats in at least one site in each tmnsfomied cdony.

One intense trailing &Ill and H M III ôand was found for each of the colonies

with the exception of the Hind III digest of $4-8-4-5, for which two bands were

observed (Fig. 12a, lane 16). This result is amsistent with a tandem integrdon

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of pPS57, where one Hind III restriction site had been left intact in the vector, or

mth a second site of chromosomal integration by a single copy of pPS57. ît

appears as if the Hind III restriction sites were lost upbn integration ot the Himl III

linearizeû vector in each case. since transformant DNAs digested with Hind III

and pmbed with pPS57 never resolved a band at 5.38kb. the expected sire of

pPS57. Loss of restriction sites in the linearized vector may indicate degradation

of vector ends by exonuclease activity or some aspect of the mmbination and

repair proces.

Meiotic analysis of the three stable transfomed cdonies 94- 7-27-3. 94-8-

4-3 and 94-84-6, suggested that none were tagged by pPS57; 947-2793

reverted to a wild type phenotype when cultural material was grown from -70°C

storage. Despite this phenotypic change, 94-7-27-3 was crossed with W2-TOL to

examine the nature of the progeny. However, no mutant progeny were obseived.

Similady, no mutant progeny were oôserved with the 91-8-4-3 X WBTOL rnating

on CM plates, and only a few colonies with a 94-8-4-6 mutant phenotype were

observed amongst hundreds of typical wild type colonies on CM plates. ît is

possiMe that the 94-8-4-6 phenotype may not have ben an inheritable genomic

mutation, and the few mutant cdonies observeci resuîted from mitotically derived

cells contaminating the sticky mass of meioticelly derivecl ascospores at the top

of the peritheda. Abmatively, the mutation causing the 94.8-4-6 phenotype

and those of 94-8-49 may have been poorîy tmnsmitted to their piogeny. Low

transmissibility of the phenotype to progeny may have ocarned. for example, if

the mutant phenotype had been caused by a c h r o m m a i aiteration such as a

brd<en chromosome, and loss of a c h r o m m a l fragment, the latter of which

could have been selected against. Mutations migM elso have been

mitochondriaî, in which case none of t k progeny would display the mutant

phenotype if the mitochondria were matemaîly inherited. Foi 94-843, the

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I l 3

colony phenotype may have reverted to the wiM type h m the tirne the elmwood

agar plates were inoculated with spore suspensions of 94-8-4-3, until the time

meiosis occuned. Adâtionally, none of the progeny fmm the 94-86-3 cross

were obseived on h ygromycin containing plates (versus several hundred

colonies observeâ on CM plates with the same size of spom inoculum). Pwr

transmissibility of hph gene expression may have been caused by DNA

modification; judging frorn the intensity and size of the band obtained by probing

94-8-4-3 DNA with 32P-labelled pPS57 (Fig. 12a, lanes 14 and 15). the 91-84-3

mutant appeared to contain multiple copies of pPS57, and therefore may have

been subjed to DNA modification.

FuRh.r a ~ l y s l s of yml and yml secfor

Mutant yml was mitotically stable for appmximately six rnonths but then

began to fom sectors which had a flufiy appearance with a much reduced

budding-yeast phase, and were typically faster growing than the VA30 wild type,

(se8 Figs. 15 and 16 for colony morphologies on plates, Fig. 6 for liquM media

gmwth, and Fig. 17 for microphotographs). Sectors were never oôsenred to

revert back to a yml phenotype. The fornation of these sectors was of pafticular

interest, dnce ym 1 and ym 7 sector exhiôited the two extremes of dmorphic

distdôutions, were derived lineaily fmm VA30, and theiefore might underscore a

cornmon genetic mechanism invdved in morphk switching.

An alteration in the number of pP S57 inselts, or additionai mutation

through transposition of pPS57 to another chromosomal location, were

considered as possiôie rnodds to explain cudorlng, Moi to the r e w b of the

meiotic anelysis. The ability of yml -01 to grow wdl on CMthyg.2ûOpgIrnl

plates (mg. 16) initially suggested that yml sectom dd not lose the pPS7 insert

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and Southem analysis of yml and yml sectors probed with 32Plabelled pPS57

confirmed that neither an inctease nor a decrease in the number of pPS57

insertions had ocaineci (Fig. 1 8).

Analysis of yml sector X W2-TOL piogeny also indicated that the pPS57

inseition did not tag the mutation responsiMe for the sector phenotype (Table 6).

MigM the presence of pPS57 in the yml mutant have predisposed il to sector

formation through an increased tendency to cause chromosornal reanangements

or karyotypic instability by homologous recombination? Recombination between

ectopic copies of pPS57 in yml would be extremely unlikely, since pPS57

integrated et a single chromosomal location with a single or at most two copies

(32P-labelled pPS57 hybridizing ta Bgl II digested yml DNA gave a weaker signal

than that of the ooll positive control, which may contain two copies of pPS57 at

m0St; S8û f ig. 8).

The meiotic progeny of yml sector X W2-TOL possessed phenotypes

which were either like the VA30 X W2-TOL control progeny, or the yml sector.

Slow growing yml-like progeny were not found in the ,200 progeny examined,

indicating that ym l and ym l sector were most likely caused either by two very

closely linked mutations, or by two mutations at the same locus. The yml sector

phenotype could have resulted from a chromosomal break, and the yml mutant

allele may have been lost in a chromosornai fragment.

Both wild type VA30 and yml sector grew predominantly in the hyphaî

fom on MM plates. The original yml mutant grew dowly, and predominanty in

the budding-yeast tom, on MM media plates (Ag. 16), yet did not have a

significantly reduced rate of groWh in CM liquid media (Fig. 6). Mnimal media

poorly supported growth with this metabolic mutetion - the gene/genetic element

mutated in yml may have had a rnetabdic fundion. Altematively, an added

metabolic stress irnposed on the yml mutant by minimal media may have

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resulted in the transduction of a stronger signai to aller the contmls goveming

gmwth, resulting in both a reduction of growth rate, and an induction of the yeast


CHEF anaîysis

Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (CHEF) chromosomal separations of ymt

and yml sectors probed with 32P-labelled pPS57 esteMished that pPS57

integrated into chromosome IV, and that pPS57 diâ not exist as an autonomowrly

replicating , high moleculai weight oligomer (Fig. 20). Et hidium bromide stained

chromosomal separations of yml and yml -or wem similar to that obtained

for VA30, and did not indicate that chromosomal polymorphisms were associatecl

with the formation of the yml mutant or yml secîored gmwth. One of the three

sector isolates, ymlJb, exhibited a putative chromosomal pdymorphism (Fig. 20,

lane 7). Sectors of ym1 or yml itself may have had a genetic alteration which

predisposed the mutant to chromosomal breakage or othei chromosomal

instabilities. Examples of these instabilities would indude: Alteration in the

distribution or numbei of repetitive DNA spedes such as the iDNA repeats,

dispersed repetitive elements, or the ectivity of transposons or retrovinises.

Alternatively, the yml mutant may be in a metabolicaîly stmS88d hypermutaMe

state which promotes karyotypic instability. ln response to starvation or certain

other physidogical states, Zdan (1 995) has suggested that either the controls

goveming ùaryotypic stability becorne relexed, or DNA iepair hrnctions becorne

induced, leadng to phenotypic variability and chiorno8omal variation. Cdd

conditions for example, were found to induoe vadous types of cdony mutants in

C. abkms, some of which showed speciîk karyotypk alteraîions (Rustchenko-

Bulgac et al. 1990). Several of these C. dbicans cobnies are very sirnilai in

appearance to the O. ulm yml mutant whîch m y or may n a be signifiant.

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I l 6

Aiterations to the rûNA chromosome were not observed in yml or yml

sector isolates at the level of resolution obtained hem. it was considered

possible that aiterations to the rDNA tract, induding translocation, expansion or

contraction, might have been assodated with either the slow growing yml mutant

or fast growing yml sector formation. Variation in the iDNA chromosome has,

for example, been obsenred after transformation, and changes in rûNA tract

length have been correlated with alteration of growth rates (see Zolan, 1995).

Growth-related amplification of rDNA sequences has been found to occur in

Kluyveromyces lactis; slow growing strains that experienced an increase in

growth rate, ais0 underwent an increase in the size of the rûNA duster. Fast

growing cuHures of C. ai'bicens and S. cemw'siae have dso been found to contain

more copies of iDNA than slow growing cultures (see Zdan, 1995). Changes in

chromosome size often involve the iDNA chromosome and variability of the

rDNA chromosome has been obseiveâ amongst several fungi examinai,

induding 0. ulmi (Dewar, personal communication, in; Zolan. 1995).

CHEF gel separations of ym1 and ym1 probed with the 32P-labelled pR1

rDNA probe of Schizophy/lum commune did not, however, indicate that

alterations to the iDNA tract haâ ocarrred (Fig. 20, bottom panel). Finer

detection methods would be required to iâentify srnall rûNA expansions or

contractions, or rearrangements within the same chromosome not detectabb by

the methods used hem.

Transformation conditions have also been suggested to cause the

induction of repair processes which resuît in karyotypic changes (Zolan, 1995),

and may suggest a mechanism for the generation of the nontagw mutations

obtained in the cunent study. Extensive karyotvpic aiteration duiing

transformation has, for instance, b e n reportecl to ocav in several fungi: A

nidulens (Xuei and Sketrud, 19944 C. alMans (6arton et al, 1994), Cqprin~S sp.

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(Casselton, 1995), Coprinus dnereus (PuMla and Sknynia, 1993). and N.

cessa (PeiWns et al. 1 993). Peikins et al. (1 993) have ieported chromosomal

reanangements to occur in 10% or more of dl mitotically stable transfonnants,

but aîmost no rearrangements in unt ransformed control reactions, indicating that

the vector DNA itself must somehow be involved in the induction of

reanangements. The lad< of mutant colony phenotypes observeci on O. ulmi no-

DNA transformation control plates and t heir presence on t ransformatiocr plates

where pPS57 was included, is consistent with this hypothesis.

DNA methylation

A preliminary analysis of DNA methylation found no evidence for its

involvement in the formation of the yml mutant, yml secton, or in the control of

dimorphic growth in 0. ulmi. DNA methylation has generally been found to

conelate with gene inactivity and hypomethylation Wth gene activation, end is

believed to play a role in the regulation of gene expression and cellular

differentiation in eukaryotes (Magill and Magill. 1989). Regulation of fungel

dirnorphisrn by a DNA methylation mechanism has been sugg8!3Wd for Wear

spp. (Cano et al. 1988; Orlowski, 1995; see introduction and discussion below).

A correlation between levels of methylation and dimorphic switching has also

b e n found to occur in C. albicans, where 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) levels have

been reported to be about twofold lower in the hyphel form than in the yeast-like

fom (Russell et al. 1987). SmC is the only base found to be methyîatated in

eukaryotic DNA (see Selker, 1 993).

No evidence was bund for WgO methylation of vector DNA in O. uhni

transformanls. Methylation of transforming DNA ha$, for example, been found to

ocair in N. massa in instances wem more then one copy of the vectoi ha8

integrated (Bull and Wootten, 1984; Pandit and Russo, 1992). No S n i C p O

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methylation of insert or flanking genomic DNA was detecteâ using Msp I and Hpa

II isoschizomer anaîysis (Fig. 21). More irnportantly, meiotic analysis of yml and

yml sector established that the site of vector insedon dkl not cosegregate with

these mutant phenotypes. Therefore, nelhei mutation nor epigenetic alleiation

of vector or flanking genomic DNA by a DNA methylation mechanism wuid have

been responsible for causing the obseived mutations.

Ym 1 and ym 1 sectors were examined for the diff erenti al met hylation of

their iDNA repeats. using H ' II and Msp I isoschizomer analysis. In a number

of fungi which have been studied, the rDNA repeat has wually been shown to be

highly methylated, but hypomethylation of rDNA has also ben observed (see

Magill and Magill, 1989; see Li and Horgen, 1993). A greater level of SmC

residues in rONA regions has also b e n repoRed to occur in ungeminated

versus germinating conidia of N. cmsa (see Magill and Magill, 1989). No

CsWGG methylation of iDNA repeats was detecîeâ in yml and yrnl sedois

(Fig. 23), nor was any methylation detected in the rDNA repeats of wild type

VA30 or in any other of the transformants analyzed (Fig. 24). It therefore

appean as if generation of the ym l and ym 1 sector phenotypes could not be

accounted for by modulation of iRNA gene expression through methylation. Nor

did a correlation exist between colony phenotype ( W i n g yeast cell growth in

yml versus hyphal growth in yml sector) and the degme of rûNA methyletion, as

measured using isoschizomer analysis.

The role played by DNA methylation in 0. ulmi dimorphism and the nature

of the yml and yml seclor mutationls, wes investigated using the DNA

methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine. No alterations to VA30, yml or ym 1 sedor

phenotypes were obsenred on CM plates cmtaining 5-ataeytkline concentrations

of up to 50pM (Fig. 25), suggesting that DNA methylation might not be imoîved

in dimorphic switching or yrnl -or formation in 0. ukni. However, there was

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no simple way to demonstrate that 5-azacytidine was entering the cells and was

able to effect DNA demethylation (part of the rationale for examining rûNA

methylation was to identify a rnethylated DNA sequence which could be used to

verify cytosine residue dernethylation in studies with 5azacytiâine). Since a

genelgenetic element of O. ulmi has not been demonstratd to be methylated

using isoschizomer analysis, detection of O. ulmi DNA demethylation by 5-

azacytidine activity would require measumment of 5mC levels in cultures before

and after 5-azacytidine treatment using a more sensitive technique such as

HPLC. Preliminaty HPLC measurement of methylation in O. ulmi (Horgen et al.

unpublished data) does indicate that 5-mC is present in low quantities, and that

greater levels of 5-mC may be present in the yeast phase than in the hyphai

phase (1.1 mole % and 0.6 mole % respectively). The reduction in growth rate

by VA30 with increasing concentrations of 5azacytiâine (Fig. 24), suggests that

Bazacytidine was likely entering the cell. In N. crassa, a final concentration of

30ûpM 5-azacytidine in plates easily induces the demethylation of cytosine

residues, yet does not result in any major inhibition of growth (Pandit and Russo,

1 992) and 25pM Bazacytidine is known to result in the kss of approrimately

90% of cytosine methylation (Cambareri and Kinsey. 1993). The same may not

be true of the 0. ulmi system - verifmtion of cytosine resMue demet hylation is

required. It may be signifîînt thad the linear growth rates of yml and yml sector

were not affecteâ by high levels of 5azecytidine. In Mucor spp. the polyamine

putresine has been proposad to regulate DNA methylation by indudng the

demethylation of genes during the yeast to hyphal transition (Cano et al. 1988).

The enzyme omlhine decarboxylase, which catelyzes the formation of putresine

from ornithine, was shown to be MOdceâ by daminohtanone (OA8). DA6 also

inhibits the yeast to hyphal tiansilkn, and, consistent with a DNA methyûation

mechanism for the contml of gene expression, the methylation inhibitor 5-

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azacytiane was shown to counteract the effeds of DA0 and restore the yeast to

hyphal transition. supposedly by indudng DNA demethylation (Cano et al. 1988).

Surprisingly, in the Cano et al. stuây, the overail level of ONA methylation in

spores was so great. that Msp IIHpa II isoschizomer digestion of total DNA

proâuced extremely different distributions of DNA fragments, which was

consistent with a high degree of 5-mC DNA methylation. Ukewise, a treatment

with 2mM 5-azacytiâine resulted in identical distributions of lower molearlar

weight fragments, consistent with complete dernethylation of total DNA. Baseâ

on what is cunently known, it remains unclear whether DNA methylation plays a

prlmary role in controlling fungai dimoiphism. Methyîation and demethylation of a

single key gene's promoter region could facilitate a dimogW switch. The

number of DNA probes that could be screened for differentiaî methylation would

be unlimited, but few DNA probes are actually available. Therefore. the fiist step

in analyzing the role played by DNA methylation in dimorphic control, should be

to determine whether the methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidinr can induce a

dirnorphic switch. Higher concentrations of bazacytidine should be utilized, and

demethylation of cytosine residues verifid using HPLC.

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