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UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal...

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Page 1: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal


A N N U A LR E P O R T2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2

Page 2: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal



BOARD OF DIRECTORS(As on 27.08.2012)


AUDIT COMMITTEE(As on 27.08.2012)



M/s. S. S. KOTHARI & CO.Chartered Accountants




‘UNIWORTH CENTRE’70A, Shakeshpeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017Phone : (033) 4000-3100Fax : (033) 2280-3620

REGISTRARSM/s. C. B. Management Services (P) LimitedP-22, Bondel Road, Kolkata - 700 019Phone : (033) 4011-6700/6711/6718/6723Fax : (033) 4011-6739

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Notice is hereby given that the 19th Annual General Meeting of the Members of UNIWORTHINTERNATIONAL LIMITED will be held at Science City, Seminar Hall, JBS Haldane Avenue, Kolkata -700 046 on Friday, the 28th day of September, 2012 at 12.00 Noon to transact the following business :


1. To receive, consider and adopt the Directors’ Report and the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31stMarch, 2012 and the Profit & Loss Account for the year ended on that date and the Auditors’ Reportthereon.

2. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Kamal Sharma, who retires by rotation and being eligible offershimself for re-appointment.

3. To appoint Auditors and to fix their remuneration.

Registered Office : By Order of the Board‘UNIWORTH CENTRE’70A, Shakespeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017 P. P. ChowdhuryDate : 27th August, 2012 Director


a) A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead ofhimself and the proxy need not be a member. Proxies in order to be effective must be received at theRegistered Office not less than 48 hours before the meeting.

b) The Register of Members and Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from 21st September,2012 to 28th September, 2012 both days inclusive.

c) Intimation of any change of address should be given to the Registrar & Transfer Agent /Companyimmediately.

d) Members/Proxies should bring the Attendance Slip duly filled in for attending the Meeting.

e) Brief profile of the Directors seeking re-appointment/appointment at the ensuing Annual GeneralMeeting is annexed hereto in compliance of Clause 49(IV)(G)(i) of the Listing Agreement with StockExchanges.


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Particulars relating to Directors seeking appointment/re-appointment pursuant to Clause 49(IV)(G)(i)of the Listing Agreement.

Mr. Kamal Sharma

Mr. Kamal Sharma has long association with the Company having wide experience in Project Managementand Administration. He was appointed as an Executive/Wholetime Director of the Company on 09.11.2010and continues to hold the said office since then.He is also a Director of following Companies :

• Unirama Industries Ltd• Uniworth Silk Ltd• Uni Exotica India Ltd• R B Properties Pvt Ltd

He does not hold, either directly or indirectly, any Equity Shares of the Company.

Registered Office : By Order of the Board‘UNIWORTH CENTRE’70A, Shakespeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017 P. P. ChowdhuryDate : 27th August, 2012 Director

GREEN INITIATIVES – on sending Annual Report and Accounts to the members of the Companythrough electronic mode.

This initiative is pursuant to two Circulars bearing nos. 17/2011 and 18/2011 dated 21st April, 2011 and29th April, 2011, respectively, issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India.

Under the aforesaid Circulars, service of documents, including Annual Reports and Accounts, upon theshareholders through e-mail – shall be in compliance with Section 53 of the Companies Act, 1956.

The Shareholders (whether holding shares in physical or electronic mode), who are interested to receivesoft copy of the Annual Reports and Accounts of the Company on and from the year, i.e., 2011-12, arerequested to register their respective e-mail ids at the web-page of our Registrar & Share TransferAgent, C B Management Services (P) Ltd., at : www.cbmsl.com/green.php

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DIRECTORS’ REPORT TO THE MEMBERS :Your Directors have pleasure in presenting the 19th Annual Report together with Audited Statement ofAccounts for the year ended 31st March, 2012

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS :31st March 2012 31st March 2011

(Rs. in Lacs) (Rs. in Lacs)

Turnover & other Income - 1.21Profit/(Loss) before Interest and Depreciation (9.00) (6.16)Less : Interest 580.61 580.61

Profit/(Loss) before Depreciation (589.61) (586.77)Less : Depreciation - -

Profit /(Loss) before Tax (589.61) (586.77)Less : Provision for Taxation - - Fringe Benefit Tax - -

Profit/(Loss) after Tax for the year (589.61) (586.77)Add : Balance Brought Forward from the Previous year (7984.49) (7397.72)Profit/(Loss) carried to Balance Sheet (8574.10) (7984.49)


There was no business activity during the year under review. The accounts therefore mostly comprise ofthe notional Interest provided as per accounting norms.


Your Company has not accepted any deposit within the meaning of Section 58A of the Companies Act,1956 and the rules made thereunder.


In compliance of Section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, your Directors state as follows :

a) That in the preparation of accounts, applicable accounting standards have been followed.

b) That appropriate accounting policies have been selected and applied consistently with reasonableand prudent judgements and estimates so as to give true and fair view of the state of affairs of theCompany.

c) That proper and sufficient care have been taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting recordsfor safeguarding assets and for preventing fraud and other irregularities.

d) That the Annual Accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.


As a Listed Company, necessary measures are taken to comply with Clause 49 of Listing Agreementswith the Stock Exchanges. A report on Corporate Governance along with a Certificate from the Auditors isannexed hereto and forms part of this Report.

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The observations of the Auditors’ Report have been dealt with in the Notes to Profit & Loss Account andthe Balance Sheet of the Accounts, and being self-explanatory, do not call for any further clarifications.


Mr. Kamal Sharma retires by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offershimself for re-appointment.

During the year 2011-12, Mr. Mahesh Sharma resigned from the Board with effect from 12.05.2011.


M/s S S Kothari & Co., Chartered Accountants, are retiring at the ensuing Annual General Meeting andare eligible for re-appointment.


The Company has no employee whose remuneration is more than the limit specified in Section 217 (2A)of the Companies Act, 1956


Statement showing particulars pursuant to Section 217(1) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 and the rulesframed thereunder, are not applicable this year to the Company, in as much as there has been nocommercial activity during the year.


Your Directors acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation and assistance received from all concernedand particularly the Shareholders of the Company for continuing to bear with the adversities of the Company.

On Behalf of the Board

Place :Kolkata Kamal Sharma P. P. ChowdhuryDate : 27th August, 2012 Executive Director Director

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REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE :(Pursuant to Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement)1. Company’s Philosophy on Corporate Governance :

Your Company believes that the Corporate Governance is the combination of voluntary practicesand compliance with the laws and regulations of the Company.

2. Board of Directors :Your Board presently consists of majority of Non-Executive and Independent Directors, many ofwhom are acknowledged as leading professionals in their respective fields. The Board presentlycomprises of 1 (One) Executive Director and 2 (Two) Non-Executive and Independent Directors.

The constitution of Board as it was during the Year 2011-12 is given below :

Name of Directors Executive/Non-Executive/ No. of other Other Committee(s)Independent* Directorships** Member Chairman

Mr. B. K. Dalmia Non- Executive & 1 - -Independent

Mr. P. P. Chowdhury Non- Executive & 4 3 -Independent

Mr. Mahesh Sharma Non- Executive & - - -(Upto 12.05.2011) Independent

Mr. Kamal Sharma Executive Director 3 - -

* An Independent Director is a Director who apart from receiving Director’s Remuneration (SittingFees) does not have any material pecuniary relationship or transactions with the Company or itspromoters or its management or its subsidiers, which in the judgment of the Board may affect hisindependence of judgment.

** Excludes directorship held in Private Limited Companies.

a) Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and Annual General Meeting :The Board of Directors of the Company met 5 (five) times during the year 2011-12 on the followingdates : 12.05.2011, 10.08.2011, 26.08.2011, 09.11.2011 and 08.02.2012.The Company regularly placed before the Board, Internal Audit/Financial matters and results withProvisional Statement of Accounts together with all Current matters of commercial importance andvarious other information as generally required under the Listing Agreement from time to time.The Attendance of Directors at the Board Meetings and Annual General Meeting during the year2011-12 were as under :

Name of Directors Attendance*

Board Meeting Last AGM

Mr. B. K. Dalmia 4 Yes

Mr. P. P. Chowdhury 5 Yes

Mr. Mahesh Sharma (Upto 12.05.2011)(From 01.07.2004) - N.A.

Mr. Kamal Sharma 5 No* Members present at the meeting elect one of themselves as Chairman of the Meeting.

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b) Remuneration of Directors :Details of remuneration paid / payable to Directors for the year ended on 31st March 2012 are asfollows :

(Amount in Rs.)

Name of Directors Board Audit Committee Salary & Commission TotalMeeting Meeting Perquisites

Sitting Fees Sitting FeesMr. B. K. Dalmia 8000 8000 - - 16000Mr. P. P. Chowdhury 10000 10000 - - 20000Mr. Mahesh Sharma - - - - -(Upto 12.05.2011)Mr. Kamal Sharma - - 24000 - 24000

c) Code of Conduct :The Board of Directors play an important role in ensuring good governance. The Code of Conductformulated by the Company during the year which the Directors/ Senior Executive have been advisedto follow envisages interalia, the following:-

To observe the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity and to work to the best of theirability and judgement.

To maintain and help the Company in maintaining highest degree of Corporate Governancepractices.

To act in utmost good faith and exercise due care, diligence and integrity in performing theirofficial duties.

To not seek, accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any gift, payments or favour in whatsoeverform from Company’s Business Associates, which can be perceived as being given to gainfavour or dealing with the Company and to ensure that the Company’s interests are nevercompromised.

To maintain confidentiality of information entrusted by the Company or acquired duringperformance of their duties and not to use it for personal gain or advantage.

To not commit any offences involving moral turpitude or any act contrary to law or opposed tothe public policy.

3. Audit Committee :The Terms of Reference of this Committee cover the matters specified for Audit Committees underclause 49 of the Listing Agreement as well as in Section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956.

The Committee reviews the efficacy of the internal control mechanism and monitors the riskmanagement policies adopted by the Company. The Committee also reviews the report furnishedby the internal and statutory auditors and ensures that suitable follow up actions are taken. Besides,the Committee also examines accounting, taxation and disclosure aspects of all significanttransactions.

During the year 2011-12, 5 (five) meetings of the Audit Committee were held on the followingdates : 12.05.2011, 10.08.2011, 26.08.2011, 09.11.2011 and 08.02.2012.

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The Constitution of the Committee and the attendance of each member of the Committee during the year2011-12 are given below :-

Name Designation Executive/Non-Executive/ Profession Committee Independent Meetings Attended*

Mr. B. K. Dalmia Member Non- Executive & Independent Professional 4Mr. P. P. Chowdhury Member Non- Executive & Independent Service 5Mr. Mahesh Sharma Member Non- Executive & Independent Professional -(Upto 12.05.2011)Mr. Kamal Sharma Member Executive Director Service 5

*Members present at the meeting elect one of themselves as Chairman of the Meeting.4. Remuneration Committee :

The Remuneration Committee was formed with a view to reviewing and making recommendationson annual salaries, performance, commissions, perquisite and other employment conditions ofExecutive Directors and other Executives and Officials. The Committee’s also takes into considerationremuneration practices followed by leading companies as well as information provided by reputedconsultants while determining the overall remuneration package. The following are the members ofthe Committee at present :Name Designation * Executive/Non-Executive/IndependentMr. B. K. Dalmia Member Non-Executive & IndependentMr. P. P. Chowdhury Member Non-Executive & Independent* Members present at the meeting elect one of themselves as Chairman of the Meeting.

5. Share Transfer cum Investors Grievance Committee :The Board has formed the “Share Transfer cum Investors Grievance Committee”, which looks intoShareholders and Investors’ grievances and Share transfer. Mr. P. P. Chowdhury is the ComplianceOfficer of the Company.During the year 2011-12, 11 (Eleven) Meetings of the Share Transfer Committee were held on thefollowing dates : 29.04.2011, 31.05.2011, 30.06.2011, 29.07.2011, 30.08.2011, 21.09.2011,31.10.2011, 30.11.2011, 30.12.2011, 31.01.2012 and 30.03.2012.The Attendance of Directors at the Share Transfer Committee Meetings during the year 2011-12were as under :Name of the Director Attendance *

Share Trasfer Committee MeetingMr. B. K. Dalmia 11Mr. P. P. Chowdhury 11Mr. Mahesh Sharma (Upto 12.05.2011) —Mr. Kamal Sharma —The following are the members of the Committee at present :

Name Designation * Executive/Non-Executive/IndependentMr. B. K. Dalmia Member Non-Executive & IndependentMr. P. P. Chowdhury Member Non-Executive & IndependentMr. Kamal Sharma Member Executive Director

* Members present at the meeting elect one of themselves as Chairman of the Meeting.

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i) Share Transfers :• All Shares have been transferred and returned within the prescribed period so long as the

documents have been in order in all respects.

• The Share Transfer Committee met approximately once in a month.

Total number of Equity Shares transferred during the relevant period was 7220.

(ii) Status of Investor Complaints :Complaints received from Shareholders have been mostly cleared within the financial year.The complaints are generally replied to within 10-15 days from their lodging with theCompany.

No. of Complaints received from the Investors (including brought forward) 32No. of Complaints resolved 32Complaints pending as on 31st March, 2012 NILNo. of Share Transfers pending for approval as on 31st March, 2012 NIL

6. General Body Meetings :The location and time of the Annual General Meetings held during the last 3 years is asfollows :Annual General Meeting Date Time Venue No. of (AGM) Special


16th Annual General 30.09.2009 12.30 P.M. Science City —Meeting Seminar Hall

JBS Haldane AvenueKolkata – 700 046

17th Annual General 30.09.2010 12.30 P.M. Science City —Meeting Seminar Hall

JBS Haldane AvenueKolkata – 700 046

18th Annual General 29.09.2011 12.00 Noon Science City —Meeting Seminar Hall

JBS Haldane AvenueKolkata – 700 046

The Special Resolutions, if any, are usually passed on show of hands and mostlyunanimously.No Postal Ballot were used in last year. The Company does not have any proposal forPostal Ballot at present.

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7. Notes on Directors Appointment/ Re-appointment :Mr. Kamal Sharma is retiring by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and is eligible forRe-appointment. He has long association with the Company having wide experience in ProjectManagement and Administration.

8. Disclosures :a) No transaction of material nature has been entered into by the Company with the Directors or

Promoters or Management and their relatives, their Subsidiaries etc. that may have a potentialconflict with the interest of the Company at large. The Register of Contracts, in which Directorsare interested, was placed before the Board regularly.

b) No penalties or strictures have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges orSEBI or any statutory authority on any matter related to capital markets during the last threeyears, as all requirements were complied with.

c) The Company has followed all relevant Accounting Standards while preparing the FinancialStatements.

d) There are no Equity Shares of the Company held by Non-Executive Directors (both own orheld by/for other person on a beneficial basis).

e) Risk ManagementA comprehensive risk management policy for the purpose of management policy in the Companyfor periodical review by the Board of Directors has been formulated during the year. In addition,Risk Management issues are generally discussed in the Audit Committee.

f) CEO/CFO CERTIFICATION :The Executive Director who is also heading the finance function have confirmed to the Boardthat :(a) He has reviewed financial statements and the cash flow statement for the year and that to

the best of his knowledge and belief :(i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material

fact or contain statements that might be misleading ;(ii) these statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s affairs and

are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.(b) There are, to the best of his knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the

company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the company’s codeof conduct.

(c) He accepts responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for financialreporting and that he has evaluated the effectiveness of the internal control systems ofthe company, pertaining to financial reporting and he has disclosed to the auditors andthe Audit Committee, deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls, if any, ofwhich he has aware and the steps they have taken or propose to take to rectify thesedeficiencies.

(d) He has indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee(i) that there have been no significant changes in internal control over financial reporting

during the year ;(ii) that there have been no significant changes in accounting policies during the year;

and(iii) that there are no instances of significant fraud of which he has become aware and

the involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significantrole in the company’s internal control system over financial reporting.

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9. Publication of Consolidated Financial Statement in the Annual ReportIn view of there being no business or trading operations in the subsidiary Company, Uniworth BiotechLimited, during the last financial year, and only a meager amount of Rs. 30,590/-. was spent for inthe books of the Company by way of administrative and statutory expenses, no consolidated FinancialStatement have been added separately in the Annual Report as a cost saving measure and to avoidfurther increase to the losses of the Company, as such additional publication would have onlyrepeated almost the same figures and financial statements of the Holding Company.

10. Means of Communication :a) The Annual, Half-yearly and Quarterly Results are submitted to the Stock Exchanges in

accordance with the Listing Agreement and are published in an English and also in a BengaliDaily leading Newspaper.

b) Management Discussion & Analysis Report is forming a part of the Annual Report.11. General Shareholder Information :

a) Annual General Meeting :- Date and Time 28th September, 2012 at 12.00 Noon- Venue Science City

Seminar HallJBS Haldane Avenue, Kolkata - 700 046

b) Financial Calendar :(tentative and subject to change)Financial Reporting for- the Quarter ending 30th June, 2012 2nd week of August, 2012- the Quarter & Half Year ending 30th September, 2012 2nd week of November, 2012- the Quarter ending 31st December, 2012 2nd week of February, 2013- the Quarter & Year ending 31st March, 2013 2nd week of May, 2013

c) Date of Book Closure : 21st September, 2012to 28th September, 2012

d) Dividend Payment Date : N.Ae) Registered Office : ‘Uniworth Centre’

70A, Shakespeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017

f) Listing on Stock Exchanges :The Equity Shares of the Company are listed on the following Stock Exchanges.

Code No.The Calcutta Stock Exchange Ltd. (CSE) 10031018Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (BSE) 514282The Listing Fees for the Financial Year 2011-2012 have been paid.

g) Stock Market Data & performance of company’s Share prices vis-à-vis BSE Sensex :As the Shares of the Company were rarely & thinly traded in the market, the Stock MarketData & performance of Company’s Share prices were not available.

h) Registrar and Transfer Agents :

M/s. C. B. MANAGEMENT SERVICE (P) LIMITEDP-22, Bondel Road, Kolkata - 700 019Phone No : (033) 4011-6700/6711/6718/6723Fax No : (033) 4011-6739E-mail : [email protected]

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i) (1) Distribution of Shareholding as on 31st March, 2012

Slab of Equity No. of % No. of Equity %Shares held Shareholders Shares

1- 500 41646 93.26 5445890 36.55501 – 1000 893 2.00 748250 5.02

1001 – 2000 1245 2.79 1798400 12.072001 – 3000 678 1.52 1957200 13.133001 – 4000 81 0.18 276860 1.864001 – 5000 18 0.04 81400 0.555001-10000 59 0.13 414100 2.78

10001-Above 34 0.08 4177900 28.04Total 44654 100.00 14900000 100.00

(2) Categories of Shareholders as on 31st March, 2012

Categories Number of Amount in % Equity Shares (Rs.)

Promoters, Directors, Relatives and 3716450 37164500 24.94Associated Companies

Mutual Funds 200 2000 0.00

Banks 7500 75000 0.05

Foreign Institutional Investors 1400 14000 0.01

Non – Resident Indians 1616050 16160500 10.85

Other Bodies Corporate 364375 3643750 2.45

Public 9194025 91940250 61.70Total 14900000 149000000 100.00

j) Dematerialisation of Shares and Liquidity :Equity Shares held in Dematerialized and Physical Mode as on 31st March, 2012 were as under :Particulars No. of Equity Shares % of EquitySharesHeld in Dematerialized form in NSDL 4329768 29.06Held in Dematerialized form in CDSL 487744 3.27Held in Physical mode 10082488 67.67

Total 14900000 100.00At present, the Company’s Shares are compulsorily traded in Dematerialised Form, as per notificationissued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). The ISIN allotted for the EquityShares of the Company is INE760D01015.

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We have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by Uniworth InternationalLimited for the year ended 31st March, 2012 as stipulated in clause 49 of the Listing Agreement of thesaid Company with Stock Exchanges.

The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. Ourexamination was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the company for ensuringthe compliance of the conditions of the Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression ofopinion on the financial statements of the Company.

In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us.

we certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated inthe above- mentioned Listing Agreement.

We state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor theefficiency or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO.Chartered Accountants

Firm Registration No. 302034E

A. DattaPlace : Kolkata PartnerDate : 27th August, 2012 Membership No. 5634

k) Share Transfer System :To expedite the Share Transfer process in the Physical segment, authority has been delegated tothe “Share Transfer cum Investors Grievance Committee”. Share transfer/transmissions approvedby the Committee are placed at the Board Meeting from time to time.

l) Outstanding GDRs/ADRs/Warrants : Not Applicablem) Investor Correspondence : Mr. P. P. Chowdhury

Uniworth Centre70A, Shakespeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017

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AUDITOR’S REPORTTO THE MEMBERS OF UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDWe have audited the attached Balance Sheet of UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LTD. as at 31st March2012 and also the Statement of Profit and Loss and the Cash Flow Statement for the year ended on thatdate annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the company’s management.Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standardsrequire that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financialstatements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidencesupporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing theaccounting principle used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating theoverall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for ouropinion.

As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 (as amended by the Amendment order2004) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-section (4A) of section 227 of theCompanies Act, 1956, we enclose as Annexure, a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 &5 of the said order.

Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above we report that :

a) We have obtained all the information and explanation which to the best of our knowledge and beliefwere necessary for the purpose of our audit;

b) In our opinion, proper books of account as required by the Companies Act, 1956 have been kept bythe company so far as appears from our examination of those books.

c) The Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report arein agreement with the books of account.

d) In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Statement of Profit & Loss and Cash Flow Statement dealt with bythis report comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards referred to in Sub-section (3C)of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956 (as amended).

e) On the basis of representations received from the directors, as on 31st March, 2012 and taken onrecord by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March,2012 from being appointed as director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274 of theCompanies act, 1956.

f) In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanation given to us the saidaccounts subject to

a) Note No. 17 regarding presentation of the accounts on the basis applicable to “Going Concern”although the Company’s net worth has been fully eroded due to accumulated losses, includingthe loss for the year, for the reason as stated in the note. In the event, the Going Concernassumption is vitiated; the financial statements may require necessary adjustment.

b) Note No. 4 regarding estimated amount of Rs. 804.00 Lacs being provided during the financialyear 2002-03 as Sales Claims & Commissions relating to earlier years from overseas customersof the company which is pending for final settlement. The necessary adjustments for such Claims& Commission will be made after final settlement and obtaining necessary approval from theconcerned regulatory authorities, in absence of which we are unable to express our opinion onsuch adjustment.

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c) Note No. 5(i) regarding Interest provision on borrowings from some of the banks have beenmade in the accounts under simple interest method at the prevailing/estimated rates applicableon such loans in absence of relevant documents/ confirmations, the impact of which can not beascertained.

d) Note No. 5(ii) regarding non receipt of confirmation in respect of Bank borrowings due torestructuring in progress book balances have been relied upon.

e) Note No. 9(iv) regarding foreign exchange gain amounting Rs.370.33 Lacs arising out of exportbills have not been considered in accounts due to uncertainty in realization.

f) Note No. 9(iii) regarding Overdue Export Bills amounting to Rs. 123.41 lacs outstanding for longwhich in our opinion are Doubtful of recovery against which no provision has been made in theBooks of Accounts.

g) Note No. 11(i) regarding Claim receivable amounting to Rs. 57.21 lacs due from various banksoutstanding for long which in our opinion are Doubtful of recovery against which no provisionhas been made in the Books of Accounts.

Impact of Para no. (a) to (d) is not ascertainable. However, had our observation made in Para no (e),(f)& (g) being considered the loss after tax for the year would have been Rs.219.28 lacs (as against thereported figure of Rs.589.61 lacs) and Loans, Advances and Deposits would have been Rs.245.90 lacs(as against reported figure of Rs.288.69 lacs), Sundry Debtors would have been Rs. 3123.98 lacs (asagainst reported figure of Rs 3,010.57 lacs), accumulated losses would have been Rs.7794.78 lacs (asagainst reported figure of Rs7984.49 lacs) the annexed accounts read with other Notes gives the informationrequired by the Companies Act, 1956(as amended) in the manner so required and give a true and fairview in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India;

(i) In the case of the Balance Sheet of the state of affairs of the company as at 31st March, 2012,

(ii) In the case of the Statement of Profit & Loss, of the Loss for the year ended on that date and

(iii) In the case of the Cash Flow Statement of the cash flow for the year ended on that date.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO.Chartered Accountants

FR No. 302034E

A. DattaPlace : Kolkata PartnerDate : 27th August, 2012 Membership No.5634

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Annexure referred in the Auditor’s Report to the members of UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDon the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2012.

I. During the year under audit, there are no Fixed Assets lying with the company. Accordingly clause4(I) (a) to (c) of the order are not applicable.

II. During the year under audit, there are no Inventory lying with the company. Accordingly clause4(II) (a) to (c) of the order are not applicable.

III. The company has neither taken any loan nor granted any loan, secured or unsecured during theyear from/to companies, firms or other parties covered in the Register maintained Under Section301 of the Companies Act. However, we have relied upon the entries recorded in the Registermaintained under section 301 and Management’s representation in this regard. Accordingly, clause4(III) (b) to (g) of the order is not applicable.

IV. In our opinion and according to the information and explanations given to us, there is an adequateinternal control system commensurate with the size of the company and nature of its business.During the course of our audit, no major weakness has been noticed in the internal controls.

V. Based on the audit procedures applied by us and according to the information and explanationsprovided by the Management, we are of the opinion that there are no contracts and arrangements,the particulars of which need to be entered in the register maintained under section 301. Accordinglyclause 4(V)(b) of the order is not applicable.

VI. The Company has not accepted any deposits from the public within the meaning of section 58Aand 58AA of the Companies Act, 1956 during the year. We have been informed that, no order hasbeen passed by the Company Law Board or National Company Law Tribunal or Reserve Bank ofIndia or any other Court or Tribunal on the Company.

VII. The Company has appointed a firm of Chartered Accountants to do the internal audit periodically.In our opinion, the internal audit system commensurate with the size of the Company and natureof its business.

VIII. The Company is not required to maintain proper cost records as prescribed by the CentralGovernment under section 209 (I)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956.

IX. On the basis of the records of the company, the clause regarding statutory dues is not applicableto the Company.

X. The accumulated losses of the company are more than its net worth. The company has incurredcash losses during the current financial year covered by our audit and also in the immediatelypreceding financial year.

XI. The company has defaulted in repayment of dues amounting to Rs. 2,157.90 lacs on account ofPrincipal and Rs. 3366.98 lacs on account of Interest to the Banks.

XII According to the information & explanations given to us the Company has not granted any loansand advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other security.

XIII. The Company is not a Chit fund or a Nidhi/Mutual Benefit Fund/Society.

XIV During the year under audit the company has not dealt or traded in shares. The Company has

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maintained proper records of transactions and contracts in respect of shares, securities, debenturesand other investments and timely entries have been made therein. We also report that the Companyhas held shares, securities, debentures and other securities in its own name.

XV. The company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by other companies from banks orFinancial Institutions.

XVI. Based on information and explanation given to us by the management, no term loan were obtainedby the Company during the year. Hence this Clause is not applicable.

XVII. On the basis of our overall examination of the Balance Sheet, no fund was raised on short termbasis. Hence this Clause is not applicable.

XVIII. During the year under audit, the company has not made any preferential allotment of shares toparties or companies covered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act1956.

XIX The Company has not issued any debentures during the year.

XX The Company has not raised any money by way of Public Issue during the year.

XXI Based upon the audit procedures performed and on the basis of information and explanationsgiven by the Management, we report that no fraud on or by the Company has been noticed orreported during the year.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO.Chartered Accountants

FR No. 302034E

A. DattaPlace : Kolkata PartnerDate : 27th August, 2012 Membership No.5634

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BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH, 2012(Rs. in 000’s)

Note As at As atNo. 31.03.2012 31.03.2011

I. EQUITY AND LIABILITIES1. Shareholders’ Fund

a) Share Capital 2 149,000 149,000b) Reserves and Surplus 3 (857,410) (708,410) (798,449) (649,449)

2. Non-Current LiabilitiesLong Term Provisions 4 80,399 80,399

4. Current Liabilitiesa) Short Term Borrowings 5 359,431 359,411b) Other Current Liabilities 6 600,512 959,943 541,575 900,986TOTAL 331,932 331,936

II. ASSETS1. Non-Current Assets

a) Non-Current Investments 7 741 741

b) Long Term Loans and Advances 8 283 1,024 283 1,0242. Current Assets

a) Trade Receivables 9 301,057 301,057b) Cash and Cash Equivalent 10 982 986

c) Short Term Loans and Advances 11 28,869 330,908 28,869 330,912TOTAL 331,932 331,936

Significant Accounting Policies 1

The Accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our Report Annexed.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO. Kamal SharmaChartered Accountants Executive DirectorFirm Registration No. 302034E

A. DattaPartner P. P. ChowdhuryMembership No. 5634 Director

Place: Kolkata B. K. DalmiaDate : 27th August, 2012 Director

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Note For the year ended For the year ended31.03.2012 31.03.2011

I. Other Income 12 – 121

II. Total Revenue – 121

III. Expenditure :

Finance Cost 13 58,061 58,061

Other Expenses 14 900 58,961 737 58,798

Total Expenses 58,961 58,798

IV. Profit before tax (58,961) (58,677)

V. Tax Expenses - -

VI. Profit ( Loss ) for the period (58,961) (58,677)

VII. Earnings Per Equity Share:

i) Basic (3.96) (3.94)

ii) Diluted (3.96) (3.94)Significant Accounting Policies 1

The Accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our Report Annexed.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO. Kamal SharmaChartered Accountants Executive DirectorFirm Registration No. 302034E

A. DattaPartner P. P. ChowdhuryMembership No. 5634 Director

Place: Kolkata B. K. DalmiaDate : 27th August, 2012 Director

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CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2012Year Ended Year Ended31.03.2012 31.03.2011

(Rs. in 000’s) (Rs. in 000’s)A) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES ;

Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax and after Extra Ordinary Items : (58,961) (58,677)Adjustments for :DepreciationInterest Charged 58061 58061Investment Written offMiscellaneous Expenditure written offOperating Profit before Working Capital changes (900) (616)

Adjustement for :Trade and other Receivables – (104)InventoriesTrade payables 896 715Cash Generated From Operations (4) (5)Cash Flow berfore Extra Ordinary Items (4) (5)Extra Ordinary Items :Revaluation of Sales PriceNet Cash From Operating Activities (4) (5)

B) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES ;Addition to InvestmentLoansIntererst ReceivedNet Cash used in Investing Activities – –

C) CASH FLOW FROM FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES ;Proceeds from Short Term Borrowing(including Foreign Exchanage FluctuationInterest paidDividend PaidShare Application Money refundNet Cash used in Financing Activities (C) – –Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) (4) (5)Cash and Cash Equivalents (opening balance) 986 991Cash and Cash Equivalents (closing balance) 982 986

The Accompanying Notes are an integral part of the Financial Statements

As per our Report Annexed.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO. Kamal SharmaChartered Accountants Executive DirectorFirm Registration No. 302034E

A. DattaPartner P. P. ChowdhuryMembership No. 5634 DirectorPlace : Kolkata B. K. DalmiaDate : 27th August, 2012 Director

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The Financial Statements have been prepared to comply in material respects with the AccountingPrincipal generally accepted in India. Including mandatory Accounting Standard notified underthe Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules,2006 (as amended) under the historical costconvention and on accrual basis. The Accounting Policies in all material respects, have beenconsistently applied by the company and are consistent with those used in previous year, exceptfor changes in the presentation and disclosure of the Financial Statement as described in Notesbelow.


Long-term investments are stated at cost less provision wherever the management considersthe fall in value to be of permanent nature.


The items of income and expenditure are recognised on accrual basis.


Borrowing costs that are attributable to the acquisition and construction of a qualifying assetare capitalised as part of cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expensein the period in which they are incurred.


Current Tax is determined on the basis of the amount of tax payable under the Income Tax Act,1961, if any. Deferred Tax Liabilities/Assets, subject to consideration of prudence, are recognisedand carried forward only when there is reasonable certainty that sufficient taxable Income willbe available against which such Deferred Tax Liabilities/ Assets can be adjusted. Fringe BenefitTax is accounted for on the estimated value for the year as per related provisions of Income TaxAct, 1961.


The company recognizes a provision when there is a present obligation as a result of a pastevent that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made of theamount o obligation. A disclosure of a contingent liability is made when there is a possibleobligation that may but probably will not require an outflow of resources. Where there is possibleobligation or a present obligation and the likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provisionor disclosure for contingent liability is made. Contingent Liabilities is are generally not providedin accounts and are disclosed separately in the notes on accounts.


Basic earning per share is calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributableto equity shareholders by weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during theperiod. The weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period and for allperiods presented is adjusted for the events, such as bonus share, other than conversion ofpotential equity shares that have changed the number of equity shares outstanding, without acorresponding change in resources. For the purpose of calculating, diluted earning per share,the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders and the weighted averagenumber of shares outstanding during the period is adjusted for the effects of all dilutive potentialequity shares.


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2011-12 2010-112. Share Capital :

a) Authorised :26000000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each(Previous Year 26000000 Equity Shares 260,000 260,000of Rs. 10/- each )4800000, Cumulative Redeemable Preference 240,000 240,000Shares of Rs. 50/- each(Previous Year 4800000 Cum PreferenceShares of Rs. 50/- Each)

Total 500,000 500,000

b) Issued,Subscribed & Paid Up :14900000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each 149,000 149,000(Previous year 14900000 Equity Sharesof Rs. 10 /- each)

Total 149,000 149,000

c) Reconciliation of the number ofEquity Shares Outstanding :Number of Shares outstanding at the beginning of the year. 14,900,000 14,900,000Number of Shares outstanding at the end of the year. 14,900,000 14,900,000

d) Shares in the Company held by each Shareholdersholding more than 5% Shares.Name of Shareholders Number of % of Number of % of

Shares held Share Shares held ShareNos held Nos held

Aviante International Limited 755,000 5.07 755,000 5.07

3. Reserve & Surplus :Particulars As at 31st Addition Deduction As at 31st

March, 2011 March, 2012Surplus (798,449) (58,961) - (857,410)Total (798,449) (58,961) - (857,410)

4. Long Term Provisions :OthersProvision for Commission on Export Bills 27,944 27,944Provision for Sales Claim on Export Bills 52,455 80,399 52,455 80,399Total 80,399 80,399

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NoteThe final settlement in respect of Sales Claims & Commissions provided during the year 2002-03 for Rs. 804.00 lacs is still pending& the necessary adjustment for such Claim & Commissions will be made after finalisation on receipt of necessary approval fromthe concerned regulatory authorities.

2011-12 2010-115. Short Term Borrowings :

a) Loan Repayble on Demandi) From Banks

Secured :Export Packing Credit 29,975 29,975Principal Debt - Centurion Bank 57,697 57,697Cash Credit & Advance against Bills 48,068 48,068Foreign Bill Discount 137,746 137,746

ii) Unsecured :Book Overdraft From Banks 75,997 349,483 75,997 349,483

Terms of Repayment :As per original agreement all the Working Capital Loansbecome due for repayment.However, the company’s nego-tiation with term lender’s for the rescheduling is in process.Nature Security :The Working Capital Loans from banks are securedby hypothecation of Book Debts and Advances.

b) Loans and Advances from Related Parties :Uniworth Textiles Limited 9,948 9,928Total 359,431 359,411

Note :1) Interest provision on borrowing from some of the banks has been made in the accounts at prevailing/estimated rates on

simple interest basis applicable on such loans. The impact of compound interest/Penal charges wherever applicable could notbe ascertained.

2) The outstanding balance of Working Capital facilities from some of the banks are subject to receipt of confirmation/Statements.which could not be available due to restructuring being in progress.

3) Certain Banks and Financial Institutions have taken legal recourse for recovery of their dues from the company.

(Rs in 000’s)

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2011-12 2010-116. Other Current Liabilities :

a) Interest Accrued and Due on BorrowingsInterest on Working Capital Loan 568,944 510,883

j) Other PayablesE C G C 382 382Tax Deducted at Sources 5 4Leagal & Proffessional Expenses 10 -Audit Fees 38 38Rent 72 72Miscellaneous Liabilities 31,061 31,568 30,196 30,692Total 600,512 541,575

7. Non-Current Investmentsa) Investments in Equity instruments

Bodies Corporate :Quoted Fully Paid Upi) Uniworth Textiles Ltd.

568750 (Previous Year 568750 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each) 512 512Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each.

Un-Quoted Fully Paid Upi) Uniworth Apparal Ltd

550300 (Previous Year 550300 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each) 2,752 2,752Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each.

ii) Uniworth Biotech Ltd 229 2,981 229 2,98149300 (Previous Year 49300 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each)

3,493 3,493Less : Provission for diminution in value of Investments 2,752 2,752Total 741 741

Aggregate value of Quoted Investment 512 512 Market value of Quoted Investment 1,706 1,706 Aggregate value of Un-Quoted Investment 2,981 2,981 Aggregate Provision for diminution in value of Investments 2,752 2,752

Note : Investment includes Rs.5.12 Lacs in a company and Current Assets includes Rs. 565.10 Lacs amounts receivable fromCompanies which have become Sick and registered/referred to BIFR under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions)Act, 1985. No provision has been considered necessary by the management at this stage.

2011-12 2010-118. Long Term Loans and Advances

a) Security DepositsUnsecured, Considered Good : 283 283Total 283 283

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2011-12 2010-119. Trade Receivables

Sundry Debtors:Unsecured, Considered Good :Outstanding for a period exceeding six monthOther Debts 301,057 301,057Doubtful :Outstanding for a period exceeding six monthLess : Provision for doubtful debts 85,343 85,343

(85,343) - (85,343) -Total 301,057 301,057

Note :

i) Rs. 2586.76 Lacs (as on 31.03.09 Rs.2586.76 Lacs) representing overdue Export Bills outstanding for long. The companyhas realized from such Debtors. only Rs. 293.79 Lacs being first yearly installment out of 20 yearly installments pursuant todecree of Court. The Company has also filed an appeal for reduction/ variation of the period of time, which has since beenrejected by the Court.

ii) Rs. 299.28 Lacs (Previous year Rs.299.28 Lacs) representing overdue Export Bills outstanding for long that will be set offagainst import liabilities, claims and commission etc. of the respective parties.

iii) Rs 123.41 Lacs (Previous year Rs.123.41) Lacs representing overdue Export Bills outstanding for long against which themanagement has taken appropriate steps for its recovery.

iv) Due to uncertainty in realization, no adjustment for foreign exchange gains amounting Rs.370.33 lacs arising out of theabove export bills has been considered in accounts.

v) Balances of Debtors are subject to confirmation.

2011-12 2010-1110. Cash and Cash Equivalent

Balances with Banks :- In Current Account 964 967- Cash on hand 18 19Total 982 986

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2011-12 2010-1111. Short Term Loans and Advances

b) Others :Unsecured, Considered Good :Loans to Bodies Corporates 7,048 7,048TDS Receivable 1,395 1,395Claims Receievable from Banks 5,721 5,721Miscellaneous Advances 78,982 78,982

93,146 93,146Less : Provision for Doubtful Advances 64,277 28,869 64,277 28,869Total 28,869 28,869

Note :i) Claim receivable includes Rs. 57.21 Lacs due from various banks on account of excess interest charged by them in earlier

years are subject to confirmation. however bank has not disputed claims.ii) Balances of Loans and Advances are subject to confirmation.

12. Other Incomea) Miscellaneous Income 3b) Other Non-Operating Income (Net) 118

Total 121

13. Finance Costa) Interest Expense 58,061 58,061

Total 58,061 58,061

14. Other ExpensesRates & Taxes 5 7Insurance 1 1Bank Charges 1 1Travelling & Conveyance 3 3Directors Fees 36 36Payment to Auditors 38 38Legal and Professional Expense 210 57Postage and Telegram 190 190Miscellaneous Expenses 416 404Total 900 737

15. Additional InformationPayments to AuditorsAudit Fees 38 38Total 38 38

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NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS16. The Company has transferred during the financial year 2002-03 its Leased Imported Fixed Assets to the lessee Company

(Export Oriented Unit) at Book Value Rs. 1064.21 Lacs with its liability towards Term Loan taken from the Financial Institutionsamounting Rs. 1844.51 Lacs. As per terms of sanction from Ministry of Commerce, Government of India the Company shallbe liable to pay the applicable duties on import (amount not ascertained) in case the lessee company loses its identity as anexport-oriented unit. The Company is in process of and fulfilling the documentary obligations with the Regulatory Authorityfor transferring these liabilities to the transferee company.

17. The company’s net worth has been fully eroded due to accumulated losses including the loss for the year. However theaccounts are presented on the basis applicable to “Going Concern” as the Management is of the opinion that the GoingConcern assumption is on the basis of foreseeable future.

18. The Company has applied from time to time to Reserve Bank of India for extension/set off of certain overdue bills and saleof certain investment where their approvals are required.

19. In preparation of these Accounts, cognizance has not been taken by the Company of a Debit Note sent by a body corpo ratewithin the year end, indicating the unilateral transfer back by the said body corporate of all the assets which were transferredto them on 01.04.2000, together with all existing and underlying securities/charges as part of the restructuring schemeformulated by ICICI, in view of the various judicial proceedings pending at this juncture. However, the Company has beenlegally advised to deal with the above transfer back only after final disposal of the process of adjudication by the Court.

20. The Company’s has not recognized Deferred Tax Assets (Net) as per Accounting Standard – 22 regarding “Accounting forTaxation” in view of consistent losses and of uncertainty regarding estimation of future profit with reasonable certainty.

21. Earning Per Shares (Rs in 000’s)2011-12 2010-11

a) Net Profit/(Loss) after tax available for equity shareholders (58961) (58677)b) Weighted average number of Basic Equity Shares of Rs.10/- 14900000 14900000

each outstanding during the year.(No.of shares)c) Weighted average number of Diluted Equity Shares of Rs.10/- 14900000 14900000

each outstanding during the year.(No.of shares)d) Basic Earning Per Shares (Rs) a/b (3.96) (3.94)e) Diluted Earning Per Shares (Rs) a/c (3.96) (3.94)

22. The financial statement for the year ended 31st March, 2011 had been prepared as per the then applicable, pre-revisedSchedule VI to the Companies Act 1956.Consequent to the notification of Revised Schedule VI under the Companies Act1956, the financial statements for the year ended 31st March, 2012 are prepared as per Revised Schedule VI. Accordingly,the previous years figures have also been reclassified to conform to this year’s classification. The adoption of RevisedSchedule VI for previous years figures does not impact recognition and measurement principles followed for preparation offinancial statements.

For S. S. KOTHARI & CO. Kamal SharmaChartered Accountants Executive DirectorFirm Registration No. 302034E

A. DattaPartner P. P. ChowdhuryMembership No. 5634 Director

Place: Kolkata B. K. DalmiaDate : 27th August, 2012 Director

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To the MembersM/s Uniworth Biotech Limited

Your Directors are pleased to present 17th Annual Report together with the Audited Statement of Accountsfor the year ended 31st March, 2012.


Your Company did not transact any business during the year.


The Notes to the Accounts referred to in Note No 1 to 11 are self explanatory and therefore do not call forany further comment.


The Auditors M/s. R K CHANDAK & CO. Chartered Accountants retire at the ensuing Annual GeneralMeeting and are eligible for re-appointment.


A) The Directors confirm that :

In the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards have been followed.

Appropriate accounting principles have been selected and applied consistently to give a true andfair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2012.

Proper and sufficient care has been taken for the maintenance of adequate accounting records inaccordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 for safe guarding the assets of theCompany and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities.

The annual accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.

B) Particulars of employees pursuant to the provisions of Section 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956read with the Companies (particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975 is not applicable.

As regards disclosures under sections 217(i) (e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with Rule 2 of theCompanies (Disclosures of particulars in the report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1980 are notapplicable.

Registered Office : On Behalf of the Board

Place : Kolkata S. K. Rathi A. K. LadiaDate : 27th day of August, 2012 Director Director




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at March 31, 2012 and the relative Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended on thatdate annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’smanagement. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statementsbased on our audit.

2. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India.Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assuranceabout whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes,examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financialstatements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significantestimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of thefinancial statements. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

3. We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledgeand belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit.

4. In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Companyso far, as appears from our examination of these books.

5. The Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss dealt with by this report are in agreementwith the books of account.

6. In our opinion, these financial statements have been prepared in compliance with theapplicable accounting standards referred to in Section 211 (3C) of the Act.

7. Based on the representations made by all the Directors of the Company as on March 31,2011 and taken on record by the Board of Directors of the Company and in accordancewith the information and explanations as made available, the Directors of the Company donot, prima facie, have any disqualification as referred to in Clause (g) of Sub-Section (1) toSection 274 of the Act.

8. In our opinion, and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given tous, the Balance Sheet and Statement of Profit and Loss together with the Notes thereonand attached thereto give in the prescribed manner the information required by the ‘Act’and also give respectively, a true and fair view in conformity with the accounting principlesgenerally accepted in India:i) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31,

2012; andii) In the case of the Statement of Profit and Loss of the loss for the year ended on that

date.9. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order 2003 and the Companies (Auditor’s

Report)(Amendment) order,2004 issued by the Central Government of India in terms ofsub-section (4A) of Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, and on the basis of suchchecks as we considered appropriate and according to the information and explanationsgiven to us, we further state on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the saidOrder that:




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i) a) Proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details, situation offixed assets are under up-dation.

b) Fixed assets have been physically verified by the management during the year,which in our opinion is reasonable having regard to the size of the company andthe nature of its fixed assets.

c) As informed no material discrepancies were noticed on such physical verification.d) There was no substantial disposal of fixed assets during the year.

ii) The Company did not have any inventory during the year.iii) The Company has not granted any loan, secured or unsecured, to Companies, firms

or other parties covered in register maintained under section 301 of the CompaniesAct, 1956.The Company has not taken any loans, secured or unsecured ,fromCompanies , firms or other parties covered in register maintained under section 301 ofthe Companies Act,1956. Accordingly sub-clause b,c,d,f & g of clause (iii) of the orderare not applicable

iv) In our opinion and according to information and explanations given to us, there areadequate internal control procedures commensurate with the size of the company andthe nature of its business with regard to fixed assets and for the sale of the goods andservices. During the course of our audit, no major weakness has been noticed in theinternal control in respect of these areas.

v) In absence of updated records in respect to Company Law, we are unable to commenton whether any contracts or arrangements referred to in section 301 of the CompaniesAct, 1956 that need to be entered into the register maintained under section 301 havebeen entered or not. Accordingly clause 4(v) (b) of the order is not applicable to theCompany and no further comments are made.

vi) The company has, during the year, not accepted any deposit from public.vii) The Company has its own internal audit system commensurate with the size and nature

of its business.viii) Maintenance of Cost records as prescribed by the Central Government under section

209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 are not applicable.ix) a) Undisputed statutory dues including Provident Fund, Investor education and

protection fund, Employees State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax,Service Tax, Custom Duty, Excise Duty and Cess have generally been regularlydeposited with appropriate authorities.

b) According to information and explanation given to us, no undisputed amountspayable in respect of Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service tax, CustomDuty, Excise Duty and Cess were outstanding as at 31st March, 2012 for a periodof more than six months from the date they became payable.

x) The company has accumulated losses of Rs 6,68,141.81/- at the end of the financialyear which is more than fifty percent of its net worth. The Company has incurred cashloss of Rs. 30,590/- during the year and cash loss of Rs. 78,131/- in the immediatelypreceding financial year.



Page 32: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

xi) Based on our audit procedure and as per the information and explanation given bythe management, the Company has not taken any loan from Financial Institution &Banks or issued any Debentures.

xii) According to information and explanation given to us and based on the documentsand records produced to us, the Company has not granted loans and advances onthe basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debenture and other securities.

xiii) In our opinion the company is not a chit fund. Therefore, the provision of clause 4(xiii) of the Companies (Auditors’ Report) Order, 2003 (amended) are not applicableto the company.

xiv) In our opinion, as per Information and explanations given to us and records examinedby us, the Company has maintained proper records of the transactions and contractsrelating to Investments made by the Company. The shares held are in the name ofthe Company. However, the Units of US 64 are not held in the name of the Company.

xv) According to information and explanation given to us the company has not givenguarantee for loan taken by others from banks or financial institution.

xvi) According to information and explanation given to us, there were no term loansobtained by the Company.

xvii) According to information and explanation given to us and on an overall examinationof the balance sheet of the Company, we report that no funds raised on short-termbasis have been used for long-term investment.

xviii) The Company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to a parties orCompanies covered in the register maintained u/s 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.

xix) According to information and explanation given to us and on an overall examinationof the balance sheet of the Company, we report that the Company issued nodebentures during the year.

xx) The Company has not raised any money through a public issue during the year.xxi) Based upon the audit procedure performed for the purpose of reporting true and fair

view of the financial statement and as per information and explanation given by themanagement we report that no fraud on or by the company has been noticed orreported during the course of our audit.

For R. K. Chandak & Co.Chartered Accountants

Binay SharmaPartnerFRN : 319248EMN : 065863

Place : KolkataDated : 27th August, 2012




Page 33: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH 2012(Amount in `)

Particulars Note As at As atNo 31st March 2012 31st March 2011

EQUITY AND LIABILITIESShareholders’ FundsShare Capital 1 500,000.00 500,000.00Reserves and Surplus 2 (668,141.81) (168,141.81) (637,551.81) (137,551.81)Non Current LiabilitiesOther Long term Liabilities 3 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00

Current LiabilitiesOther Current Liabilities 4 72,188,587.90 72,188,587.90 72,162,943.90 72,162,943.90Total 74,420,446.09 74,425,392.09

ASSETSNon Current AssetsFixed AssetsTangible Assets 5 9,817,585.00 9,817,585.00Capital Work in Progress 5 51,338,625.00 51,338,625.00Non Current Investments 6 140,000.00 140,000.00Long Term Loans and Advances 7 13,109,163.00 74,405,373.00 13,109,163.00 74,405,373.00Current AssetsCash and Bank Balances 8 15,073.09 15,073.09 20,019.09 20,019.09

Total 74,420,446.09 74,425,392.09

Significant Accounting Policies 10

Notes on Financial Statements 11



As per our Report of even date

For R. K. Chandak & Co For and on behalf of the BoardChartered Accountants

Binay Sharma S. K. Rathi A. K. LadiaPartner Director DirectorFRN : 319248EMN : 065863

Place : KolkataDated : 27th August, 2012

Page 34: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal



(Amount in `)Particulars Note Year ended Year ended

No 31st March 2012 31st March 2011Revenue from operation – –

Total Revenue – –

ExpensesOther Expenses 9 30,590.00 78,131.30

Total expenses 30,590.00 78,131.30

Profit/(loss) before tax (30,590.00) (78,131.30)

Profit/(loss) for the year (30,590.00) (78,131.30)Significant Accounting Policies 10

Notes on Financial Statements 11



As per our Report of even date

For R. K. Chandak & Co For and on behalf of the BoardChartered Accountants

Binay Sharma S. K. Rathi A. K. LadiaPartner Director DirectorFRN : 319248EMN : 065863

Place : KolkataDated : 27th August, 2012

Page 35: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

Notes on Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2012(Amount in `)

Particulars As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

1 Share CapitalAuthorised Share Capital1,000,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 (1,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each.

10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00Issued, Subscribed and Paid up :50,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully paid up(50,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each fully paid up 500,000.00 500,000.00

Total 500,000.00 500,000.00

1.1 The details of Shareholders holding more than 5% shares :

As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

Name of Shareholders No of shares % held No of shares % heldM/s Uniworth Inernational Limited 49,300 98.60 49,300 98.60

1.2 The reconciliation of the number of shares outstanding is set below :

As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

No of shares No of shares

Equity Shares at the beginning of the year 50,000 50,000Equity Shares issued during the year – –Equity Shares bought back during the year – –Equity Shares at the end of the year 50,000 50,000

1.3 Terms/rights attached to equity sharesThe Company has only one class of equity shares having a par value of ]` 10 per share. Each holder of equity shares isentitled to one vote per share. In the event of liquidation of the Company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled toreceive remaining assets of the company, after distribution of all preferential payments. The distribution will be in proportionto the number of equity shares held by the shareholders.

As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

2 Reserves and SurplusSurplusAs per Balance Sheet (637,551.81) (78,131.30)Add : Profit/(loss) for the year (30,590.00) (559,420.51)Closing Balance (668,141.81) (668,141.81) (637,551.81) (637,551.81)

Total (668,141.81) (637,551.81)

3 Other Long term LiabilitiesAdvances from Promoters 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00Total 2,400,000.00 2,400,000.00



Page 36: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

Notes on Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2012(Amount in `)

As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

4 Other Current LiabilitiesAdvances from Holding 2,595,364.00 2,595,364.00 Advances from Others 69,584,792.90 69,559,792.90 Other Payables 8,431.00 7,787.00

Total 72,188,587.90 72,162,943.90

As at As atParticulars 31.03 2012 31.03 2011

5.1 Capital Work In Progress includesa Building-in Progress (Refer Note 11.5) 1,127,928.00 1,127,928.00b Other expenses pending allocation 50,210,697.00 50,210,697.00c Net of Income (Refer Note 11.5)

Total 51,338,625.00 51,338,625.00

GROSS CARYING BLOCK DEPRECIATION NET CARYING BLOCKPARTICULARS As at Addition Deduction/ As at As at For the Deduction/ Upto As at As at

01.04.2011 during Adjustments 31.03.2012 01.04.2011 Year Adjustments 31.03.2012 31.03.2012 31.03.2011year the year year

Tangible AssetsFreehold Land 8,025,082.00 – – 8,025,082.00 – – – – 8,025,082.00 8,025,082.00Plant & machinery 403,872.00 – – 403,872.00 72,818.00 – – 72,818.00 331,054.00 331,054.00Electrical Installation 91,965.00 – – 91,965.00 33,528.00 – – 33,528.00 58,437.00 58,437.00Vehicles 1,079,077.00 – – 1,079,077.00 398,692.00 – – 398,692.00 680,385.00 680,385.00Furnitures & Fixtures 476,272.00 – – 476,272.00 115,948.00 – – 115,948.00 360,324.00 360,324.00Office Equipments 430,667.00 – – 430,667.00 81,968.00 – – 81,968.00 348,699.00 348,699.00Computers 33,760.00 – – 33,760.00 20,156.00 – – 20,156.00 13,604.00 13,604.00

Total 10,540,695.00 – – 10,540,695.00 723,110.00 – – 723,110.00 9,817,585.00 9,817,585.00

Previous Year 10,540,695.00 – – 10,540,695.00 723,110.00 – – 723,110.00 9,817,585.00 -

Capial Work in Progress 51,338,625.00 51,338,625.00

5 Fixed Assets




Page 37: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

Notes on Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2012(Amount in `)

As at As at31st March 2012 31st March 2011

6 Non Current InvestmentsNon-Trade InvestmentEquity Shares fully paid upQuoted shown at cost24,000 Equity Shares of KGR Industries & Construction 120,300.00 120,300.00(24,000) Limited of face value ` 10/- eachOthers Trade InvestmentQuoted shown at costMutual Fund fully paid up (Quoted at Cost)1984.265 units of US-1964, (1984.265) 19,700.00 19,700.00Total 140,000.00 140,000.00Aggregate Market value of quoted Investments 139,700.00 139,700.00

7 Long Term Loans and AdvancesUnsecured considered good unless otherwise statedLoans and advances to others 12,195,570.00 12,195,570.00Security Deposits others 913,593.00 913,593.00

Total 13,109,163.00 13,109,163.00

8 Cash and Bank BalancesCash and cash equivalenta. Cash on hand 968.00 968.00b. Balance with Bank in current account 14,105.09 19,051.09

Total 15,073.09 20,019.09

Year ended Year ended31st March 2012 31st March 2011

9 Other expensesAuditors’ Remuneration- Audit Fees 7,865.00 7,721.00Bank Charges – 110.30Professional & Consultancy Charges 20,100.00 67,770.00General Charges 2,625.00 2,530.00

30,590.00 78,131.30



Page 38: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS10. Notes to Accounts on Financial Statement ending on 31, March 2012.

10.1 Basis of PreparationThe financial Statements have been prepared to comply with all material respects with the mandatoryAccounting Standards (AS) notified under section 211(3 C) of the Companies Act,1956 and therelevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.The financial statements have been prepared underthe historical cost convention on a accrual basis.

10.2 Significant Accounting Policiesa) Presentation and disclosure of Financial Statements

During the year ended March 31, 2012 the new Schedule VI notified under the CompaniesAct 1956, has become applicable to the Company, for the preparation and presentation of itsfinancial statements. The adoption of this Schedule VI does not impact recognition andmeasurement principles followed for the preparation of financial statements. However, it hassignificant impact on preparations and disclosures made in the financial statements. TheCompany has reclassified the previous year figures in accordance with the requirementsapplicable in the year.

b) Use of EstimateThe preparation of financial statements in conformity with Indian GAAP requires themanagement to make judgments, estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amountsof revenue, incomes, assets and liabilities and disclosures of contingent liabilities at the endof the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on the management’s bestknowledge of current events and actions, uncertainty about these assumptions and estimatescould result in the outcomes requiring a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assetsor liabilities in future periods.

c) Tangible Fixed AssetsFixed Assets are stated at cost.

d) Depreciation on tangible fixed assetsDepreciation has been provided on Straight Line Method at the rates prescribed in ScheduleXIV to the Companies Act, 1956 (as amended) on those assets which have been put to useduring the financial year.

e) Capital work in ProgressCapital work in progress are stated at cost.

f) InvestmentsInvestment are stated at cost.

g) Recognition of Income & ExpenditureItems of Income & Expenditure are recognized on accrual basis.

h) Taxes on IncomeCurrent Tax is determined on the amount of tax payable in respect of taxable income for theyear.Deferred Tax liabilities/assets are reviewed as at each balance sheet date based ondevelopment during the year to reassess realization/liabilities and are accordingly provided.




Page 39: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

i) Contingent Liabilities

Contingent liabilities are generally not provided for in the accounts and are shown separatelyin other notes on accounts.

11. Other Notes to Financial Statement for the financial year ended on 31st March 2012

11.1 Capital Commitments remaining to be executed are ` Nil.(Previous Year ` Nil)

11.2 Contingent liabilities not provided for are ` Nil.(Previous Year ` Nil)

11.3 Out of land acquired three parts of land measuring 8.54 acres valuing acquired by the Companyfrom IIDC are yet o be get registered in the name of the Company and hence not accounted for.

11.4 All expenses incurred upto 31st March 2003 has been carried forward under preoperative expensespending allocation and shown under capital work in progress.

The details of capital work in progress in given herewith

Particulars As at 31.03.2012 As at31.03.2011

A) Capital work in Progress ` `Building 1,127,928.00 1,127,928.00

B) Preoperative expenditure pending allocationEmployee Salary & Benefits 6,819,203.00 6,819,203.00Staff & Workers Welfare 704,794.00 704,794.00Rent 2,177,740.00 2,177,740.00Rates & Taxes 62,116.00 62,116.00Stores Consumed 321,886.00 321,886.00Insurances 86,688.000 86,688.000Bank Charges 44,408.00 44,408.00Postage, Telegram & Telephones 587,980.00 587,980.00Traveling & Conveyance expenses 4,935,259.00 4,935,259.00Miscellaneous expenses 4,693,478.00 4,693,478.00Repairs & Maintenance-Plant & Machinery 25,155.00 25,155.00-Others 740,814.00 740,814.00Professional & Consultancy Charges 17,067,648.00 17,067,648.00Research & Development Expenses 5,016,266.00 5,016,266.00Finance Charges 6,302,787.00 6,302,787.00Auditor’s RemunerationAudit Fees 102,900.00 102,900.00In other capacity 5,000.00 5,000.00Depreciation 723,751.00 723,751.00Sundry Balances Written off 90,675.00 90,675.00Less : Miscellaneous Income 246,454.00 246,454.00Liability no longer required written back 51,397.00 51,397.00

Total 51,338,625.00 51,338,625.00

11.5 Depreciation has not been provided during the year as the assets have not been used during theyear.



Page 40: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

11.6 The company has not recognized deferred tax assets as per Accounting Standard - 22, regarding“Accounting for Taxation” in view of losses and uncertainty regarding estimation of future profit withreasonable accuracy.

11.7 The Company has communicated to Orissa Government and Orissa Industrial InfrastructureDevelopment Corporation of its intention of withdrawing from the project due to non-alienation ofland and has raised a claim of ` 1,27,21,156/- towards the cost of land, its development cost andcost of Building along with interest thereon etc.

11.8 Demand raised by the Income Tax Department for Assessment year 1996-97 to Assessment Year1999-2000 amounting to ` 6,36,098/- had been disputed by the Company and appeal was filedbefore Commissioner of Income Tax which was rejected by CIT and therefore an appeal was filedbefore the Tribunal on 26.12.2006. The honorable ITAT has vide its order dated 21.9.2007 hasdeleted the demand for assessment year 1996-97 for ` 4,42,630 and for assessment year 1999-2000 for ` 1,64,196/-, the effect of which is yet to be given by the jurisdictional assessing officer.

11.9 A notice for penalty u/sec. 271/274 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 has been received on 30.03.2006relating to assessment year 1996-97, 1998-99 and 1999-2000 for an amounting to ` 525,298/-,` 4,925/- and ̀ 105,875/- respectively. A representation has been made before the Assessing Officerfor granting the stay against the said notice in view of the original matter pending before the ITAT. Inview of the order dated 21.9.2007 passed by the honorable ITAT deleting the demand for assessmentyear 1996-97 for ̀ 4,42,630 and for assessment year 1999-2000 for ̀ 1,64,196/-, the penalty imposedneeds to be reconsidered by the Jurisdictional assessing officer.

11.10By virtue of acquisition of 98.60% Shares of the Company by M/s Uniworth International Limited,theCompany has become the subsidiary company of M/s Uniworth International Limited.

11.11Balances in Advances & Payables Accounts are subject to confirmation and pending adjustment, ifany.

11.12The financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2011 has been prepared asper the then applicable, pre-revised Schedule-VI to the Companies Act, 1956. Consequent to thenotification under the Companies Act 1956 the financial statements for the year ended 31st March2012 are prepared under revised Schedule-VI. Accordingly, the previous year figures have alsobeen classified to conform to this year’s classification.

11.13Significant accounting policies adopted by the company are disclosed in the statement annexed tothese financial statements as Note 10.



As per our Report of even date

For R. K. Chandak & Co For and on behalf of the BoardChartered Accountants

Binay Sharma S. K. Rathi A. K. LadiaPartner Director DirectorFRN : 319248EMN : 065863

Place : KolkataDated : 27th August, 2012


Page 41: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal

UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDRegistered Office : Uniworth Centre, 70A, Shakeshpeare Sarani, Kolkata - 700 017

DP ID No. * : Reg. Folio No. :

Client ID No. * : No. of Shares held :

ATTENDANCE SLIP(To be handed over at the entrance of the meeting hall)

I / We hereby record my/our presence at the 19th Annual General Meeting of the Company held at Science City, SeminarHall, J B S Haldane Avenue, Kolkata - 700 046 at 12.00 Noon on Friday, the 28th September, 2012.




Notes :1) Please complete and sign the Attendance Slip and handover at the entrance of the meeting hall.2) Only Member or their Proxies with this Attendance Slip will be allowed entry to meeting.* Applicable for Investors holding shares in electronic form

UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDRegistered Office : Uniworth Centre, 70A, Shakeshpeare Sarani, Kolkata - 700 017

DP ID No. * : Reg. Folio No. :

Client ID No. * : No. of Share held :

PROXY FORMI / We of being a

member / members of UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED hereby appoint of

or failing him / her

of as my / our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf atthe Annual General Meeting of the Company held at Science City, Seminar Hall, JBS Haldane Avenue, Kolkata - 700 046at 12.00 Noon, on Friday, the 28th September, 2012 and at any adjournment thereof.

Dated this day of , 2012 Signature

Notes :

1) The Form should be signed across the stamp as per specimen signature registered with the Company.2) The proxy form duly completed must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48

hours before the time fixed for holding the aforesaid meeting.3) A proxy need not be a Member.

* Applicable for Investors holding shares in electronic form



Page 42: UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDkamal sharma _ executive director bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury audit committee (as on 27.08.2012) bijay kumar dalmia partho pal chowdhury kamal


If undelivered, please return to :UNIWORTH INTERNATIONAL LIMITED‘Uniworth Centre’70A, Shakespeare SaraniKolkata - 700 017
