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Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle

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  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle


    Perspective Edouard Samakh

    Kaj Grichnik

    Ron Haddock

    Unraveling the ChinesePuzzleA Practical Approach

    For Manufacturers

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle


    Booz & Company is a leading global management consulting

    rm, helping the worlds top businesses, governments,and organizations.

    Our founder, Edwin Booz, dened the profession when he

    established the rst management consulting rm in 1914.

    Today, with more than 3,300 people in 58 ofces around the

    world, we bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional

    expertise, and a practical approach to building capabilitiesand delivering real impact. We work closely with our clients

    to create and deliver essential advantage.

    For our management magazine strategy+business, visitwww.strategy-business.com.

    Visit www.booz.com to learn more about Booz & Company.


    LondonEdouard SamakhPrincipal

    [email protected]

    MunichKaj GrichnikPartner

    [email protected]

    ZurichRon HaddockPartner

    [email protected]

    Originally published as:

    Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle: A Practical Approach for Manufacturers,by Kaj Grichnik, Ron Haddock, and Edouard Samakh, Booz Allen Hamilton, 2006

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle


    A leading industrial iber manuacturer whose

    products are critical to automobile tires and seatbelts had traditionally had most o its actories

    in Western Europe, near company headquarters.

    Recently, though, the companys already low proit

    margins had declined even more, by as much

    as 2 percent, as revenue growth in its domestic

    market slowed. And while the iber manuacturer

    struggled to deal with its eroding inancial per-

    ormance, it became aware o another potentially

    troubling reality: More and more o its competitors

    were in the process o moving their production to

    low-cost countries, especially to China.

    The manuacturer had been planning to make a mul-

    timillion-euro investment to upgrade its European ac-

    tory operations, but considering the changing business

    landscape and geographic shit o manuacturing to

    China, management was orced to reconsider whether

    this was the right decision. A more undamental ques-

    tion needed to be addressed. How would globaliza-

    tion speciically, low-cost manuacturing in China impact the companys operations in Western Europe

    now and in the coming years?

    To help the company work through this diicult quanda-

    ry, Booz Allen Hamilton conducted an exhaustive exami-

    nation o its operations. Our analysis revealed that the

    companys Tier One customers, which included several

    European automakers, tire companies, and seat belt

    manuacturers, had not been opening actories in Asia

    or many o their product lines and were unlikely to do

    so in the near uture. One o the reasons or this was

    that just-in-time delivery requirements, combined with

    high variability in product and ordering requirements,dictated that these Tier One companies stay close to

    their European customer base. Additionally, rigid labor

    contracts limited the degree to which they could relo-

    cate actories without incurring signiicant inancial

    penalties. And existing overcapacity in Western Europe

    would make it prohibitively expensive to close these

    plants and replace them with newer ones in low-cost

    countries. Given the need or short manuacturing and

    delivery lead times, i the Tier One seat belt and tire

    manuacturers ultimately sought lower-cost plants, the

    plants would most likely be built in Eastern Europeor in the southern United States, closer to where an

    increasing number o automakers were building new

    assembly capacity or established markets.

    Traditional Tier Two and Tier Three suppliers in

    other words, the iber company and its primary rivals

    aced a dierent set o challenges. Many o these

    companies, which convert yarn and other industrial

    ibers into raw material or tires or into woven narrow

    abric or seat belts, were deinitely China-bound (i not

    history-bound). The main reason: increased competi-tion rom Asian suppliers. Moreover, many o the Tier

    Two and Tier Three suppliers actories in Europe were

    aging and already ully depreciated, so replacing them

    would incur lower capital costs than was the case with

    Tier One suppliers, and would thereore generate more

    immediate and larger cost savings.

    Consequently, or the oreseeable uture, pricing and

    market trends in the iber manuacturers industry

    would be driven by economically advantaged actories

    in Asia, independent o who owned them. Our conclu-

    Unraveling the Chinese PuzzleA Practical Approach for Manufacturers


  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    sion was that i the iber manuacturer stood still and

    continued to ignore the lure o China or its customers

    and rivals that is, i the iber manuacturer didnt

    explore a shit in its own manuacturing base to China(or other lower-cost countries) its survival might be

    in doubt.

    This was a disturbing inding or the iber manuacturer,

    but it is one that more and more companies in Europe

    are acing. To react quickly to rapidly changing

    low-cost manuacturing dynamics, executives must

    comprehend not only what is happening in their own

    companies, but also the challenges being aced by

    their customers, and the customers o their customers.

    Without a broad understanding o trends across the

    value chain, it is easy to get blindsided and miss nar-

    row windows o opportunity to make changes beore it

    is too late.

    In responding to the challenges emanating rom China,

    industrial-goods manuacturers typically ace several

    top-level issues:

    n Low-cost sourcing: To what degree can China be

    used as a low-cost sourcing base or Western mar-

    kets? What is the true cost dierential?

    n Make versus buy: Should I source rom others or

    establish my own actories in China?

    n Timing: What is the value o preempting a domestic

    or Asian competitor, or an Asian copycat competitor,who decides to use Chinese actories to attack my

    home market with low-cost imports? What is the pen-

    alty o delay?

    n Growth/expansion: What is the opportunity to com-

    bine a manuacturing or sourcing play in China with

    the pursuit o new growth in that nations rapidly

    expanding market by leveraging existing strengths

    or customer relationships? What other markets and

    customers in the Asia/Paciic region could also be

    served rom Chinese plants?

    n Regulations: What is the legal or regulatory environ-

    ment? Will it allow the implementation o reliable

    operations now and in the uture?

    Assessing the level o opportunity or threat rom

    China, or rom other low-cost countries, starts with an

    analysis o a manuacturers cost structure relative

    to the industry as a whole. This is especially critical

    or industries or products that are driven primarily by

    price-based competition. One o the most common

    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton analysis

    Exhibit 1Example Industry Supply Curve

    Cost to Serve Germany rom Dierent Locations

    Conversion +


    Potential Supply into Germany (in Manufactured Units)

    China Eastern Europe Western Europe

    Transport Conversion

    0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    approaches or comparing relative cost positions o

    companies, or even countries, is to develop an industry

    supply curve. A supply curve is based on the classic

    economic notion o economies o scale and geographic

    advantage, and graphically depicts the cost o providing

    a product to a market rom dierent acilities and geo-

    graphical locations.

    As an example, Exhibit 1 (page 2) shows the cost to

    manuacture a commodity product and deliver it to

    Germany rom China, Eastern Europe, and Western

    Europe. The idea is that in commodity industries, com-

    panies with the lowest cost structure that is, those

    with the bulk o their manuacturing operations on the

    let side o the curve have cost structures with the

    greatest advantages. When the lowest-cost capacity

    is ully utilized, the next least expensive manuactur-

    ing and logistics option becomes the best choice. This

    process o gradual participation o increasingly higher-

    cost suppliers and actories continues until ull market

    demand is satisied. By extension, as demand or pric-

    ing drops, the companies or countries on the right side

    o the supply curve are typically the irst ones aected,

    given their higher cost structures and lesser ability to

    compete on the basis o cost alone.

    New entrants as well as incumbents that are adding

    new capacity typically do so on the let side o the sup-

    ply curve, by investing in the latest technology as well

    as choosing the lowest-cost geographic locations and

    suppliers. As incumbents extend their manuacturing

    networks into low-cost locations, they oten can elimi-

    nate or at least reduce their relative output rom the

    more costly right side o the supply curve, minimizing

    their average cost-to-manuacture in the process.

    To avoid being maneuvered into an unproitable posi-

    tion on the right side o the supply curve, manuactur-

    ers need to answer three key questions: What are the

    economic beneits, at the dierent levels o the value

    chain, o shiting manuacturing assets to China or

    other low-cost countries? Looking beyond the advan-

    tage o low labor costs, are there any barriers that

    might prevent or argue against a shit o manuactur-

    ing operations to China? And how ast will the shit to

    China happen? (See Exhibit 2.)

    1. What are the economic beneits, at the dierent

    levels o the value chain, o shiting manuacturing

    assets to China or other low-cost countries?

    An assessment o the cost elements should include aholistic understanding o the key economic drivers and

    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton analysis

    Exhibit 2Framework to Assess the Impact o China on Manuacturing in the West

    1. What are

    the economic


    2. Are there any barriers? 3. How fast will the shift happen?

    Determine cost and

    revenue driversModel relocation


    Is it beneficial

    for a Western


    to shift its

    manufacturing base

    to China?

    Map product

    and process

    characteristicsUnderstand key levers to


    Estimate market size of

    different clustersEstimate impact on

    sales portfolio

    Analyze current and

    future market situation in

    ChinaAnalyze current and

    future regulatory


    Develop entry and

    footprint strategyDevelop operational


    Are there

    any (business)

    barriers that

    offset the

    purely financial


    How does the demand/supply

    balance in China look?

    How does the regulatory

    environment look?

    What is the Chinese government

    policy in this industry?

    Western regional


    Global competition

    (Western and Chinese)

    Global market served

    from China or other

    low-cost country

    Is there a threat

    that China-based

    companies wil l

    compete with











  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    1. Develop a coherent manuacturing strategy. This

    should include a clear mission or manuacturing that

    considers how a China-based operation can be inte-

    grated into a companys total supply chain. The orga-

    nizational structure and leadership team that will drive

    the mission, expectations o the manuacturing pro-

    gram or both short- and long-term results, incentives

    or the local team, and global supporting unctions all

    need to be aligned. Given the rapidly changing environ-

    ment in China, this manuacturing strategy must be

    routinely monitored and adjusted as conditions change.

    2. Determine which resources to import and which

    resources to acquire locally by assessing labor costs

    and needs, quality requirements or raw materials

    and nished products, and availability o talent or key

    management positions. Although most Chinese labor is

    cheap compared with that in more developed markets,

    plant management unctions may be a dierent story.

    Capital can be more expensive than in the West, at

    least or Western companies. And Chinese companies

    usually have access to local sources o unding that

    are not available to oreign-owned companies; or ex-

    ample, the local Chinese banks that oten supply unds

    below the true cost o capital. This can be a real

    disadvantage to multinational manuacturers that are

    required to meet certain hurdle rates or investment


    3. Adapt management and reporting styles to theChina context. Understand the local culture and di-

    erences in business practices between China and the

    West. Dont simply copy the Western way o doing busi-

    ness. For example, accrual accounting is less popular

    in China than cash accounting. Although the benets

    o accrual accounting and the practice o activity-based

    costing are oten crucial or making the right business

    decisions, Western companies that have acquired local

    assets may need to gradually build in these processes.

    And while doing so, they will have to keep the plants

    operating protably using cash accounting systems.

    4. Develop a culture o adaptability, fexibility, entre-

    preneurship, and willingness to accept a large degree

    o ambiguity. This applies not only to customers and

    markets, but also to business partnerships, supplier

    relationships, and local government relations. The con-

    text o business in China can change rapidly, making it

    essential that companies remain fexible and sensitive

    to the local culture.

    5. Manage communications with corporate headquar-

    ters. Executives at the home oce oten have little

    understanding o the situation on the ground in China

    and, worse, sometimes have signicant misconcep-

    tions about China. Maintaining proper communication

    and linkages with global headquarters can be challeng-

    ing and rustrating at times, but communication must

    be appropriately handled to ensure smooth operations

    and provide the China manuacturing entity with the

    support and time to perorm protably.

    6. Constantly update your knowledge about China,

    because the competitive and regulatory environment

    can change rapidly.

    Six Steps to a Successul Manuacturing Entry into China

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    how they trade o against each other. The net beneits

    o these trade-os will drive the economics or the

    company as a whole. Typical economic drivers to be

    examined include:

    n Labor: impact o low labor costs on total product


    n Productivity: number o units that can be produced

    per person per hour

    n Transportation: impact o increased logistics costs

    on total product costs, including losses due to dam-

    ages in transit

    n Inventory: impact o increased delivery time and

    potentially a greater degree o obsolescence on total

    product costs

    n Scale: cost advantages rom increasing the size oexisting plants

    n Utilization: cost advantages rom running more vol-

    ume through existing plants

    n Complexity: cost impact o process complexity in the

    current manuacturing network, and o linking a ar-

    lung plant to the network

    Exhibit 3 (page 6) provides an example o how such

    an analysis might play out in a situation in which labor

    costs, transportation, and capacity utilization are the

    dominant issues.

    In our experience, a correct interpretation o the results

    is as important as getting the detailed analyses right.

    For example, its essential to evaluate incremental

    costs that can be squeezed out o the current manu-

    acturing setup. I the cost gap with a low-cost country

    can be closed by optimizing the existing manuacturing

    network, this will result in a higher net product value,

    as it is a less risky option than building new capacity.

    I the gap cannot realistically be eliminated, then struc-

    tural, low-cost-country options might be the only way tostay in the game.

    2. Looking beyond the advantage o low labor costs,

    are there any barriers that might prevent or argue

    against a shit o manuacturing operations to China?

    Although cost cutting requently (and oten misguid-

    edly) outranks all other considerations in determining a

    manuacturing ootprint, companies should look beyond

    labor cost beneits to the bigger picture; China may not

    be as advantageous as it irst seems.

    Lead time impact:For products that are customized

    and manuactured on a make-to-order, rather than a

    make-to-stock, basis, or are part o a just-in-time supply

    chain, the additional lead time involved in manuactur-

    ing in China may be unacceptable. Longer lead times

    should be actored into inventory costs, orecast inac-

    curacies, and increased supply risks as part o an anal-

    ysis o the system-wide impact. In some cases, com-

    panies may have to pay additional amounts or more

    rapid response rom Chinese manuacturers, even or

    commodities. This too needs to be considered.

    We recently witnessed a case in which a Western aero-

    space manuacturer outsourced the manuacturing o

    some large airplane components to an Asian company

    that had proprietary composite technology, withoutrealizing that these simple parts actually needed

    to be customized to the airlines requests at a late

    assembly stage. The increased lead time needed to

    assemble and ship these parts wreaked havoc with

    the aircrats production schedule. Consequently, the

    aerospace manuacturer had to establish a brand-new

    plant to produce the parts in the West at great urgency

    and cost.

    Communications/coordination impact:When a sig-

    niicant degree o codevelopment or shared R&D isrequired, its oten preerable (although not always

    essential) or suppliers and customers to be located

    close to each other. This can sometimes mean that

    design, engineering, and actory operations should be

    situated in the home country or market, to make it

    easier to communicate and collaborate internally and

    with suppliers and customers on complex, cross-unc-

    tional issues. Although they are more diicult to quan-

    tiy, the cost o lost time, cost o travel, and telecom-

    munications costs all should be taken into account.

    Biotechnology and other advanced technologies in par-

    ticular would be hampered by large distances between

    R&D and production sites.

    Protection of intellectual property:Many companies

    that make innovative products have been careul to

    avoid China when manuacturing components with high

    intellectual property content. They have a legitimate

    ear that their product designs and process technolo-

    gies may be stolen by unscrupulous business partners,

    or even their own employees, in an environment where

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton analysis

    Exhibit 3Cost Driver Analysis (Example)

    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

    Capacity Utilization

    Capacity Utilization Curve

    Capacity Utilization Analysis



    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


    Process 1


    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%


    0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%




    Process 2


    Process 3

    0 100 200 400 500 600

    Capacity (Packaging Units; in Millions)

    Scale Curve

    Scale Analysis


    Czech Republic


    0 100 200 300

    Process 1

    Capacity (Packaging Units)

    Capacity (Packaging Units)

    Capacity (Packaging Units)

    0 50 100 150


    Process 2

    0 20 40 60 8 0

    Process 3

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

    Complexity Index

    Complexity Curve

    Capacity Utilization Analysis




    0 1 2 3 4 5


    Setup Time

    Complexity Index

    Complexity Index0 1 2 3 4 5




    Labor Costs




    Analysis of Key Drivers

























    Change in Unit Costs

    Key Drivers



    -60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%




  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    intellectual property is diicult to protect owing to a

    still-evolving legal system. In a recent case, General

    Motors in China was unable to stop Chinese carmaker

    Chery rom making an automobile that closely resem-

    bled, inside and out, GMs Spark. Because o piracy

    concerns, many companies are careul about restricting

    who has access to what inormation in their Chinese

    ventures. Some companies operating there have begun

    to separate components o a project so that no single

    employee or team has access to the complete set o

    design and process insights and technologies.

    Responsiveness to changes in design/specs:Products

    requiring requent design changes are less likely to be

    candidates or manuacturing in China, because trans-

    mitting the new specs and reconiguring the actoryand logistics schedule can be a slow, tedious process.

    An example o this is T-shirts made to represent teams

    during the World Cup ootball (soccer) tournament. As

    a country is successul on the ield and rises to the

    top o its bracket, the demand or T-shirts displaying

    its lag increases signiicantly. Clearly, manuacturing

    T-shirts, or at least adding the images on the T-shirt or

    sale in Europe, would be diicult to do with production

    in China. The same logic applies to some components

    in rapidly changing consumer or industrial products or

    which supply chains may span wide distances.

    As a result o this broad range o considerations,

    many companies choose to locate some o their

    operations in low-cost countries, while keeping other

    activities closer to home. To evaluate which parts o a

    companys manuacturing operations should relocate to

    China, we typically divide the businesses or products

    into three categories:

    a) Inherently local businesses/products:This includes

    businesses making products that will typically remainin the West because manuacturing costs are less

    critical to total cost competitiveness, or because other

    considerations outweigh costs. For many products,

    transportation economics rom China are unavor-

    able or capital costs ar outweigh the advantages o

    low labor costs. For example, sewage tubes and tires

    have unavorable transport economics (companies

    pay or shipping a lot o air). And sotware has high

    intellectual content, along with relatively little low-cost

    labor content. Additionally, success in designing some

    products requires a deep understanding o local tastes

    and culture, which is best perormed by marketers and

    designers in the home country who collaborate with

    each other. For instance, processed ood and bever-

    ages are typically local businesses.

    b) Transitional businesses/products, shifting from local

    to global:In these segments, much o the manuac-

    turing at the industry level still remains in developed

    home countries and markets, but the companies are

    becoming increasingly vulnerable to price pressure

    rom low-cost, China-based manuacturers. Many con-

    sumer electronics products and components are in this

    transitional category.

    c) Global commodities:These businesses/products

    have already commoditized and largely shited to

    China, or are likely to do so in the near uture. Mass-

    market and some higher-end textiles are in this cat-

    egory, as are many white goods, toys, and consumer

    durables with high labor content that are also relatively

    inexpensive to ship.

    3. How ast will the shit to China happen?

    The third key question manuacturers should ask them-

    selves to be sure they are staying on the right side o

    the supply curve concerns the speed o the move to

    China. Deregulation in China has continued to expandthe ield o industries in which oreign companies are

    allowed to compete by selling products, taking owner-

    ship stakes, or both. With Chinas relatively recent

    entry into the World Trade Organization, this trend will

    surely continue. (See Exhibit 4, page 8.) Indeed, or

    many industries today, China is already an open market

    or both manuacturing in and marketing in the country.

    The Chinese government has also eased ownership

    regulations to increase the ability o oreign companies

    to own assets in China as the economy liberalizes.

    Historically, because o Chinese laws constraining or-

    eign ownership, many multinationals had to set up joint

    ventures and other opportunistic partnerships with

    Chinese companies. Today, wholly oreign-owned enter-

    prises (WFOEs) are the preerred mode o entry into

    China or the vast majority o multinational companies.

    WFOEs have made it so much easier or oreign com-

    panies to implement ull-ledged manuacturing opera-

    tions in China that they have ballooned in popularity.

    In 2004, 66 percent o oreign corporate investment

    in China was in WFOEs, up rom 36 percent in 1997.

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



    Meanwhile, during this same period, the amount invest-

    ed in joint ventures dropped to 27 percent rom 43

    percent. Vehicle assembly remains a notable exception

    to the increasing openness in China. There continues

    to be import duties o varying levels or components,

    and vehicle manuacturers are still required to operate

    through 50/50 joint ventures.

    Another actor that will inluence how quickly manuac-

    turing industries must relocate to China and how

    much capacity they should consider relocating there

    is local Chinese demand. Although the supply/

    demand balance in China or products is in lux, with

    requent major imbalances, overall strong growth in the

    economy will continue to avor the need or increasing

    capacity or virtually all industries. One related ques-

    tion is, In which key industries that China is not yet a

    major exporter will it become one?

    For many manuacturers, China has become the 800-

    pound gorilla. It dominates every conversation and

    strategic plan; even when it isnt a real threat, the

    ear exists that it is about to become one. As usual,

    an educated analysis, diligently conducted, can make

    the dierence between acting out o irrational ear and

    perorming a logical assessment o risk and potential


    Source: Booz Allen Hamilton analysis

    Exhibit 4Changes in the Regulatory Framework in China









    Restricted Free



    Retail andDistribution

    Telecom Service

    Ownership Degree of Freedom



    Product Market

    Degree of Freedom

    From Mid-1990s to Today From Today to 2015

  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle


  • 7/29/2019 Unraveling the Chinese Puzzle



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