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Unreal Conditionals

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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Unreal conditionals

are called "unreal" because they

communicate hypothetical cases

referring to the present or the past.

Si tuviera dinero, compraría un auto.

Si tuviera dinero, compraría un

auto.The sentence above very clearly communicates the reality

that I don't have money, and so I'm not buying a car.

ButSi tuviera dinero (right now), compraría un auto (right now).

This is a present unreal conditional, because it refers to a

hypothetical case right now, in the present.

So you're thinking...

"Yeah, well.. that's just great. You showed me

something I already know, in my own language... How is

that going to help?"

It helps because in English we express unreal

conditionals in the exact same way by the

exact same logic. In other words, if you know

what you're doing in Spanish when you express

an unreal conditional, you can automatically know

what you're doing in English when trying to

express the same.

Si tuviera dinero,

If I had money

compraría un auto.

I would buy a car.

Si tuviera dinero, compraría un


If I had money, I would buy a car.

Si no tuviera bici, no sé qué haría.

If I didn't have a bike, I don't know

what I would do.

Si tuviera dinero, compraría un


If I had money, I would buy a car.

Si no tuviera bici, no sé qué haría.

If I didn't have a bike, I don't know

what I would do.

Indirect Questions Review

¿Qué haría?

What would I do?

No sé qué haría.

I don't know what I would do.

Remember that?

Si supiera la respuesta, te la daría.

If I knew the answer, I would give it to you.

Si no comieras tanto, tal vez serías más delgado.

If you didn't eat so much, maybe you would be


Me encantaría el menudo si su olor no me hiciera


I would love menudo if its smell didn't make me

throw up.

Si te pagaran, les ayudarías?

If they paid you, would you help them?

Okay, so far we've been looking at

present unreal conditionals:

Si tuviera dinero, compraría un auto.

But what about past unreal


Si hubiera tenido dinero, habría comprado un


Si hubiera tenido dinero,

If I had had money,

habría comprado

I would have bought

un auto.

a car.

Si hubiera tenido dinero, habría

comprado un auto.

If I had had money, I would have bought a


Si no hubiera gastado todo la lana en

alcohol y mujeres, habría tenido dinero

para la renta.

If I hadn't spent all the cash on booze and

women, I would have had money for rent.

Si hubiera tenido dinero, habría

comprado un auto.

If I had had money, I would have bought a


Si no hubiera gastado todo la lana en

alcohol y mujeres, habría tenido dinero

para la renta.

If I hadn't spent all the cash on booze and

women, I would have had money for rent.

Si hubiera sabido la respuesta, te la habría dado.

If I had known the answer, I would have given it to


Si no hubieras comido tanto, tal vez habrías

dormido mejor.

If you hadn't eaten so much, maybe you would

have slept better.

Me habría encantado el menudo si su olor no me

hubiera hecho vomitar.

I would have loved the menudo if its smell hadn't

made me throw up.

Si te hubieran pagado, les habrías ayudado?

If they had paid you, would you have helped them?

Si hubiera sabido la respuesta, te la habría dado.

If I had known the answer, I would have given it to


Si no hubieras comido tanto, tal vez habrías

dormido mejor.

If you hadn't eaten so much, maybe you would

have slept better.

Me habría encantado el menudo si su olor no me

hubiera hecho vomitar.

I would have loved the menudo if its smell hadn't

made me throw up.

Si te hubieran pagado, les habrías ayudado?

If they had paid you, would you have helped them?
