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Until He Comes by Margie Burger

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Until He Comes is a resource for small groups that will challenge believers to live out the Book of Acts in their daily lives. Each of the chapters in the study centers on a different aspect of the Spirit-filled life. We are called to be filled with the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, to live in the Spirit, to pray in the Spirit, to worship in the Spirit, and to preach and teach in the power of the Holy Spirit. The acts of the Holy Spirit will empower our fellowship, our care for the poor, and our outreach to a hurting and dying world - and so much more.
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UNTIL HE MARGIE BURGER COMES LIVING OUT THE BOOK OF ACTS Until the Lord returns, the Book of Acts contains the marching orders for every believer ALDERSGATE RENEWAL MINISTRIES
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COMESUntil He Comes is a resource for small groups that will challenge believers to live out the Book of Acts in their daily lives. Each of the chapters in the study centers on a different aspect of the Spirit-filled life. We are called to be filled with the Spirit, to walk in the Spirit, to live in the Spirit, to pray in the Spirit, to worship in the Spirit, and to preach and teach in the power of the Holy Spirit. The acts of the Holy Spirit will empower our fellowship, our care for the poor, and our outreach to a hurting and dying world - and so much more.

Organized into e ight chapter s, the study wil l enable you to encounter God as you

Study, pray, worship and serve together

Live a supernatural life empowered by the Holy Spirit

Be ready for Christ’s return

Margie Burger is the Director of Prayer Ministries, Aldersgate Renewal Ministries, where she has served since 1993. She lives in Goodlettsville, Tennessee.

Equipping the local church to minister to the world in the power of the Holy Spirit


Until the Lord returns, the Book of Actscontains the marching orders for every believer


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Until the Lord returns, the Book of Actscontains the marching orders for every believer

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Introduction 4

Chapter 1 Filled with the Holy Spirit Acts 7

Chapter 2 Supernatural Ministry Acts 16

Chapter 3 Prayer Acts 26

Chapter4FellowshipActs 36

Chapter5CareforthePoorActs 44

Chapter 6 Worship Acts 53

Chapter 7 Teaching and Preaching Acts 63

Chapter 8 Missionary Outreach Acts 73

Other Resources 82

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anaffiliateofTheUpperRoom,General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church

AldersgateRenewalMinistries(ARM)isanaffiliateorganizationoftheGeneralBoardofDiscipleshipoftheUnitedMethodistChurchthroughTheUpperRoomProgramSection.ARMwasorganizedin 1978 as the United Methodist Renewal Services Fellowship, Inc. as a network of individuals and churches who are praying and working together for the spiritual renewal of the Church.

The purpose of ARM is to encourage United Methodists and their churches, by the grace of God and the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be filled, gifted, empowered, and led by the Holy Spirit in ministry to the world.ARM,a501(c)(3)non-profitministry,receivesnofundingfromthegeneralchurch.Individualandcorporatecontributionsaretax-deductible.ARMisamemberoftheECFA–EvangelicalCouncilforFinancialAccountability.LocalcongregationsareencouragedtoincludeARMintheirmissionarybudget.TheministryissustainedsolelybythegraceofGodandthefreewillofferingsofthosepersonsandChurchesthathavecaughtthevisionof“bringing the Life of the Holy Spirit into the Life of the Church.”

Aldersgate Renewal Ministries121EastAve.,Goodlettsville,TN37072Phone:615-851-9192Fax:615-851-9372Email:[email protected]


All rights reserved.

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The book of Acts is an inspiring and challenging book in the Bible. Contained in these chapters are amyriad of stories of the earlydisciples.ButActsismuchmorethanahistoryoftheearlychurch.


Somedo not consider Acts as a “teaching” book like the epistles, butconsiderthis:Eventhe“acts”ofJesusandtheapostlesweremeanttoteachussomething.InthefirstchapterofMarkwereadhowJesusmetamanwithanuncleanspiritthatcriedout,“Whatdoyouwantwithus,JesusofNazareth?Haveyoucometodestroyus?”AndalthoughJesuschosenottoenterintoconversationwithademon,hisclearanswertothequestionwouldbe,“Yougotthatright!IHAVEcometodestroyyouand allthedevil’sworks!”Theresponseofthepeopleisveryinteresting.Mark1:27saysthatthepeoplewereamazedandsaid,“Anewteaching, andwithauthority.”ThereisnorecordofJesusgivingalectureoncastingoutdemonshereordoinganyteachingatall,yetthepeoplereferredtoa new teaching.Theyrecognizedthatthiswasnotjustaspectacularevent,notjustan“act”ofJesus;therewasanewteachinghereinhisactions.YouareencouragedtoseethebookofActsinthesameway.

ThefirstdisciplesencounteredtheLord’spoweratPentecostandtheywere never the same. Their lives andministrieswere empowered bythe Holy Spirit. They leave us a legacy of seeing the Holy Spirit at work throughordinarymenandwomenwhogave themselves totally to theLord.Theirstorieschallengeustobefilled,gifted,empowered,andledbytheHolySpiritinministrytoourworldtoday.

As you study this book with others in the body of Christ, you will be consistently challenged to live a supernatural life where the works of the Holy Spirit are evidenced in your own life and the life of your church. Actsholdsakeytounderstandingandactivatingthesupernatural. ButthisresourceismeanttobemorethanaBiblestudy.Itwillbeameans

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6 foryoutoshareyourtestimonyandyourhonestquestionswithothers.Toreapthebenefitsofthesmallgroupexperience,youarechallengedtoread, pray, worship and serve together.

TheeightchaptersinthisresourceareinnowayacompletestudyofthebookofActs.Rather,theyarerepresentativeofthemesforbelieverswhodesire to live out the book of Acts in their daily lives. Each of the chapters inthestudycentersonadifferentaspectoftheSpirit-filledlife.WearecalledtobefilledwiththeSpirit,towalkintheSpirit,toliveintheSpirit,to pray in the Spirit, to worship in the Spirit, and to preach and teach in thepoweroftheHolySpirit.TheactsoftheHolySpiritwillempowerourfellowship,ourcareforthepoor,andouroutreachtoahurtinganddyingworld-andsomuchmore.Thereisnoendtothestory.Until He Comes we are to carry on the acts of the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts contains themarchingordersforeverybeliever.

Theadventurebeginsasyoudelveintothescripturesandparticipateinthegroupdiscussions. Thestudydeepensasyouparticipate inprayerandworshipactivitiestogether.ButtherealworkoftheSpiritbeginsasyoucommityourselftoliveaSpirit-filledlifeandallowtheHolySpirittouseyou inministrytotheworld. Thatmeansyourworld;yoursphereofinfluence;yourchurch;yourfamily;yourworkplace;yourcommunity.Mayyouneverbethesameagain!

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Chapter 1


“But the ministration of the New Testament was that of a Spirit which giveth life; -- a Spirit, not only promised, but actually conferred; which should both enable Christians now to live unto God, and fulfill precepts even more spiritual

than the former; and restore them hereafter to perfect life, after the ruins of sin and death. The incarnation, preaching, and death of Jesus Christ were designed to represent, proclaim, and purchase for us this gift of the Spirit.” (JohnWesley,sermon#141)

Until He Comes. Christ will one day return for his bride, the church. The scripturestellustobealwaysreadyforthatday.Considertheseexamples:

At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. (Mark 13:26-27)

I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time. (1Timothy6:14-15)

What a glorious truth. My heart is joyful at the thought of seeingChristcomingintheclouds.PerhapsyouandIwill livelongenoughtoexperiencethatday.Thosewhoarestillaliveonthatdaywillbechangedinaninstant,givenglorifiedbodies,andpreparedtospendeternitywiththeKingofKings.WewilljointhosefaithfulfollowerswhodiedawaitingthefulfillmentofChrist’sreturn. AndwewillcelebratetogetherforalleternitythemiracleofChrist’ssacrificeonourbehalfandHislordship.

ButanimportantquestionforeachofusiswhatshouldwedoUntil He Comes?

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8 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. (1 Thessalonians 5:10-11)

We should be encouraging one another as Christ’s return becomesimminent and we should be found faithful doing what the Lord hascommanded.Inthisfirstchapterwe’lllookatsomeimportantdirectivesfromthebookofActsconcerningtheHolySpirit. WeliveinagloriousdayandtimewhentheActsoftheHolySpiritcontinuetobemanifestandeven increase. So understanding the person and work of the Holy Spirit is foundationaltobeingreadyforChrist’sreturn.


Wheredowebegin? ThebookofActsbeginswiththepromiseofthebaptismoftheHolySpiritandthefulfillmentofthatpromiseatPentecost.Sothatisourstartingplaceaswell.Allofthe“acts”recordedinthebookofActsflowoutofPentecost. AllofthemrequiredtheempowermentoftheHolySpirit.TheywouldnothavehappenedapartfromtheHolySpiritbeingpouredoutonthechurch.TheseimportantscriptureslaythefoundationforthebookofActsandforourstudytogether.


For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:5)

By amiracle of God’s grace that scripture was fulfilled on the day ofPentecost.

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. (Acts2:4)

AndeverybelieversincethatfirstPentecosthasfullaccesstothebaptismof the Holy Spirit.

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. (Acts 2:17-21)

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9 But there ismuchconfusionandevendissention in thebodyofChristconcerning the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Aldersgate Renewal Ministries(ARM)alwaysteachesandministersthebaptismoftheHolySpiritfromabiblicalandWesleyanunderstanding.ARMhasateam-ledlocal church renewal event called Life in the Spirit Seminar that centers on thebaptismoftheHolySpirit.YouareurgedtoconsiderthiseventforadeeperunderstandingandexperienceoftheSpirit.

The following quote from Wesley Center Online ( wesley.nnu.edu), Ibelieve,helpsputthemysteryofthetrinityinperspective.

“But of all the doctrines of the church we believe that the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is the least abstract and impractical. It is precisely the Holy Spirit that makes all Christian doctrine practical and relative to life. This is because the Holy Spirit personalizes all Christian truth. The Holy Spirit explains the trinity rather than obscures the meaning of it.” (The Communion of the Holy Spirit by Mildred Bangs Wynkopp)

DoyoubelievethattheHolySpiritpersonalizesallChristiantruth?Haveyou experienced how the Holy Spirit explains the trinity rather thanobscuresitsmeaning?


Forthepurposesofthisstudy,let’sbeginwithsomefoundationaltruths.The Holy Spirit is the indwelling presence of the risen and living God. He is not a third God or 1/3 of God. He is God. The Holy Spirit is the empowermentofbelievers.TheSpiritfillsourlifewithGod’spower.Thepowertolove,toforgive,towitness,forexample,allcomefromtheHolySpirit.



I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.(Luke24:49)


Study of scripture shows that the early church discussed who could be

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10 filledwiththeHolySpirit.SomebelievedthisgiftwasonlyfortheJews.That’swhatmakesPeter’sexperienceofministering to theGentilessoimportant.

It clarifies for all of us that God’s promise of theHoly Spirit is for all.ConsiderActs10:44-48.

While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Then Peter said, “Can anyone keep these people from being baptized with water? They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.” So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked Peter to stay with them for a few days. (Acts10:44-48)

TheHolySpirit istheSpiritof life. It is impossibletohavespiritual lifewithout the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit takes up residence in our life at conversion. He is the source of spiritual life at the new birth. When we prayandaskJesustocomeintoourheartsatsalvation,itistheSpiritofChrist, the Holy Spirit, that enters our life. Consider these scriptures that helptoilluminatehowtheSpiritbringslife.

Very truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit. (John3:5-6)

But you are not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. (Romans8:9)

Thesescripturesclearlyanswer thequestionmanybelieversask:“Do IhavetheHolySpirit?”AsaChristian,yes,youdo.Animportantquestion,andthefocusofourstudyhereis:“DoestheHolySpirithaveallofme?”Inotherwords,“AmIfilled,gifted,empoweredandledbytheHolySpirit?”



ThebaptismoftheHolySpiritmeanstobeimmersed. Inwhatareweimmersed?AtbaptismintheHolySpiritweareimmersedinGod’snature,hisholiness,andhisimmeasurablelove.Romans5:5containsonegood

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11 definitionofthisbaptism.

God’s love is poured into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit. (Romans5:5)


The baptismof theHoly Spirit also signifies burial. What is buried inthe baptism of the Holy Spirit? Our old self is buriedwith all of ourwillfulness, our selfish self-centeredness, our priorities and our ownpersonalagendas.WiththebaptismoftheHolySpirit,wefullyrelinquishcontrol.AndthisispreciselythereasonmanybelieversarenotfilledwiththeHolySpirit. Theyfailtorelinquishcontrol.Godcannotfillwhathedoesnothave.Thereisatruecosttothiskindoftotalcommitmentandsurrender to the Holy Spirit. But it is absolutely worth the cost. Has your oldselfbeenburiedinbaptismintheHolySpirit?


Scripturetellswhythebaptismof theHolySpirit is so important. It isclear that we are to be born of the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, be led by the Spirit, pray in the Spirit, worship in the Spirit, and live in the Spirit. We are tobebaptizedintheHolySpirit.Considerthesescriptures.

While staying with them, he ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. This, he said, is what you have heard from me; for John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. (Acts1:4-5)

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)

Haveyouheededthatcommand?ThegoodnewsisthebaptismoftheHolySpiritisbothaninitialexperienceandarepeatableone.Thosewhohavebeenbaptized in theHoly Spirit understand it best thatwe leak.Constantlyministeringtoothersand/orjustthedemandsofdailylifeoftencausesustofeeldepleted. ButGodhastheanswer. Theremedyistoaskagain.ThelanguageofEphesians5literallymeans“tobecontinuallybeingfilled.”Askonce.Askagain.Botharescriptural.

AnotherundeniablereasontobebaptizedintheHolySpirit isbecausetheworldislookingforanauthenticwitnessofGod’spower.Thereality

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12 isweoftenfailontwocounts.WefailtodisplaythecharacterofChrist.WealsofailtodisplaytheministryofChrist.TheworldislookingfortheembodimentofChrist’sloveinourwitness.Oftenourwordsdonotmatchouractions.ThefruitoftheSpirit,truelove,isabsolutelynecessaryforanauthenticwitnesstotheworld.Inaddition,theworldishungrytoseethe true power of God. Many turn to other sources seeking power. An anemicchurchcanbeatfault.ArewedoingthesupernaturalworksoftheLord? Weshouldbe. Consider1Corinthians2:4-5. Thisscripturegivesagreatexampleofhowwecanjudgeeffectiveministry.CouldtheLordsaythesameaboutyourministryoraboutyourchurch?

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. (1Corinthians2:4-5)


The results of being baptized in the Holy Spirit demonstrate why thescriptures so clearly encourage every believer to experience Spiritbaptism.ThepowertolivetheChristianlifeispouredout.God’sSpiritsetsusapartforhispurposesinsanctification.WithSpiritbaptismtheprocessofsanctificationintensifies.Godchangesusfromtheinsideout.TheLordworkshischaracterandnatureintoourlives.ThegiftsoftheHolySpiritarereleasedinourlives.ThesupernaturalministryofChristbecomesactivatedinourliveswiththisbaptism.EachoftheseresultsofthebaptismoftheHolySpiritisaworkofGod’sgrace.Eachdeservesfurther study beyond the scope of this chapter. Without doubt, however, theyshouldmakeushungrytopursueSpiritbaptism.

WhenyouareconvincedoftheneedofSpiritbaptism,youmayeasilyaskanotherquestion.HowmayIbebaptizedintheHolySpirit?Luke11:13gives a clear scriptural answer.

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him. (Luke 11:13)


ManyChristianstodayhavelostthefervoroftheearlydisciplestomakecertain that all believers were filled with the Holy Spirit when theyreceivedChristastheirpersonalsavior.ConsiderActs8:14-17.

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13 When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to them. When they arrived, they prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them; they had simply been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (Acts8:14-17)


Spirit of the living God, fill me and empower me. I want to be a vital witness of your love and grace in my family, my church, and my community. Lead me by your Spirit to opportunities to share with others. I commit myself to be fully surrendered to your will and your way. Amen.


1. AtPentecostrecorded inActs2,peopleasked“Whatdoesthismean?”(Seeverse12.)Answerthatquestioninyourownwords.Sharewith your group any questions youmay have about thebaptismoftheHolySpirit.

2. Reflectonthestatement:The Holy Spirit is the empowerment for change. Have you ever tried to stop sinning by trying to stop sinning?Whatwastheresult?HowhastheHolySpiritbeenthesourceof change inyour life? Wheredoes theHolySpirit stillneedtochangeyourlife?

3. WheredoyouseetheHolySpiritatworkinyourlocalchurch?Whatelementsof1Corinthians2:4-5couldyourgrouppraytoexperience?

My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. (1Corinthians2:4-5)

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1. PrepareafiveminutetestimonyofyourownpersonalPentecost.ThiscouldmeanthefirsttimeyouwerebaptizedwiththeHolySpiritorasubsequentrefillingoftheSpirit.Bepreparedtoshareyourstorywithyoursmallgroup.

2. StudysomeoftheworkoftheHolySpiritintheOldTestament.TakenoticeofthemanywaystheHolySpiritwasactiveintheOldTestament.ContrasttheworkoftheHolySpiritbeforeandafterPentecost.HerearesomeexamplesoftheHolySpirit’sworkintheOldTestament:· Special powers bestowed on the Judges including Othniel,

Gideon, Jephthah,andSamson. (Judges3:10; Judges6:34;Judges11:29;Judges13:25)

· Wisdomandskill forvariouspurposessuchas thebuildingof the tabernacleand the temple. (Exodus31:2-4; Exodus35:21;1Kings7:14;2Chronicles2:12-14)

· Wisdomandempowerment for leaders like Joseph, Joshuaand Daniel.(Genesis42:38;Numbers27:18-21;Daniel4:8,5:11-14)

3. PrayEphesians5:18withthemembersofyoursmallgroup.YoucanusethisscripturetoprayfortheinitialbaptismoftheHolySpiritorforafreshinfillingoftheHolySpirit.

Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead,befilledwiththeSpirit.

4. Read and study together Guidelines the United Methodist Church and the Charismatic Movement. This document is availablethrough Aldersgate Renewal Ministries or can be found in the 2008BookofResolutions.(Resolution#8010,p.921)
