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UP AND ON 1992 - standrewssec.moe.edu.sg · SAOBA DINNER (12th September 1992) "One Family...

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I ' UP AND ON 1992
Page 1: UP AND ON 1992 - standrewssec.moe.edu.sg · SAOBA DINNER (12th September 1992) "One Family Unbroken". This was our theme for the SAINTS 1992 annual dinner held on Saturday, 12 September

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UP AND ON 1992

Page 2: UP AND ON 1992 - standrewssec.moe.edu.sg · SAOBA DINNER (12th September 1992) "One Family Unbroken". This was our theme for the SAINTS 1992 annual dinner held on Saturday, 12 September


L to R Tan Yo Hinn, Kelvin Lim Fung Chee , Conrad Chang Shuh Ho, Koh Woh Sing, Glen Ong. Seated 2nd Row Sudhir Thomas Varakash , Tay Wei Sheng, Chen Xiawen , James Choy Ying Thiam, Benjamin Tai Chih Urn,

Tang Jin Peng.






Conrad Chang

Benjamin Tai James Choy Tay Wei Sheng

Tang Jin Peng Kelvin Lim Koh Wo Sing Tan Yo-Hinn Glen Ong Sudhir Thomas Chen Xianwen

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L to R Mr Lawrence Teo, Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers, Mr Yee Teck Peng, Bishop Moses Tay, Mr Harry Tan.Mr Tan Soo Kiang, Mr Wong Yew Meng. Seated

L to R Dr Tan Chee Hong, Rev. Samuel Sia, Mr Georgie Lee, Rev. Soon Soo Kee, Mr Wee Tiong Howe, Mr James Lee, Mr Victor Cheung, Rev. Tan Piah, Canon James Wong, Ms Priscilla Krempl. Standing

Not in Mr Ivor Freathy and Mr Gerald Lim Picture

Page 4: UP AND ON 1992 - standrewssec.moe.edu.sg · SAOBA DINNER (12th September 1992) "One Family Unbroken". This was our theme for the SAINTS 1992 annual dinner held on Saturday, 12 September

In memory of our late principal, Mr Quah Seng Chuan, who was promoted

to glory on Monday, 13 July 1992, safe in the arms of Jesus.

Ms Jacqueline Dehlers Principal

"We lost a 'Saint' the other day

A true blue 'Saint' was he A 'Saint' we nicknamed QBC. A leader he was meant to be Some sixty years ago When he first joined the school. Staff or pupils, he loved us all Fondly called us kin Visited us often Though sick and frail was he. Black coffee he would sip With stories to lighten our load Intense pain he must have felt But no moan or groan did he display. Stalwart and brave until the end Sweet memories of him shall always stay"

St. Andrew's Junior School


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L - R Mr Harry Tan. Mr Lawrence Teo, Mr Yee Teck Peng , Mr Tan Soo Kiang , Mr Jamshid Medora. Sitting L - R Mr Richard Koh, Major Ramjanam Misra, Mr Chan Kok Pun, Mr Wilson Lim, Mr Fan Yen Yee, Mr Eric Tan . Standing

Not in Mr Chua Teck Seng, Mr Gerald Lim Picture

The President and members of the SAOBA 1991/92 Management Committee were happy

to welcome the members who took time off to attend the 58th AGM held on Saturday,

9th May 1992 at 2pm at the LOKE WAN THO Lecture Theatre, St. Andrew's Secondary School.

The following members were elected to the Management Committee 1992/93.

President Vice-President Vice-President Hon. Secretary Asst. Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Asst. Hon. Treasurer Committee Member

Hon. Auditor

Mr Yee Teck Peng Mr Lawrence Teo Mr Tan Sao Kiang Mr Chua Teck Seng Mr Richard Koh Mr Jamshid K Medora Mr Fan Yen Yee Mr Chan Kok Pun Mr Gerald Lim Maj. Ramjanam Misra Mr Wilson T.H . Lim Mr Eric H. Y. Tan Mr Tan Hee Chai


( re-elected) (re-elected)


(re-elected) (re-elected) (re-elected) (re-elected)

( re-elected)

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The SAOBA extends its heartiest congratulations to the Funding Committee (Chairman: Mr Koh Boon Hwee) and the members of the Fund Raising Dinner (Chairman: Mr Tan Soo Kiang) for the very successful dinner held on Saturday, 25 April 1992 at the Shangri-la

Hotel in which over half a million dollars were raised for St Andrew's School Development


Chua Teck Seng Hon Secretary, SAOBA

Static Display during the cocktail.

Model of the Junior School.


Mr Yee Teck Peng, President of the SAOBA, presenting a momenta to our Guest of Honour Mr David S. Marshall.

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SAOBA DINNER (12th September 1992)

"One Family Unbroken". This was our theme for the SAINTS 1992 annual dinner held on Saturday, 12 September 1992 at the Tan Sri (Dr) Run me Shaw Hall in the Secondary School.

As usual this ever popular yearly event of SAOBA attracted some eight hundred participants

comprising past and present SAINTS, invited retired teachers and our guests. Our

Guest-of-Honour was Mr Geoffrey Abisheganaden.

The guests were entertained to a video show of the history of St. Andrew's School. Everyone had an enjoyable time with good food and fine music provided by the School band which

were awarded the Gold award at the Pacific Basin Band Festival held in Hawaii.

Mr Yee Teck Peng leading in prayer and praise . The Military Band in attendance during the dinner.

Annual gathering of old Saints and no-so-old Saints: "One Family Unbroken".


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It was with pleasure and enthusiasm that the Principal, Staff and students welcomed our Supervisor to address us during Monday morning assembly on 13th July '92.

Mr Tan shared with us his experiences while he was a pupil in St. Andrew's and recounted

how he, like all other schoolboys, had the tendency to be mischievous and playful, not realising nor caring for the consequences and justifying that one is entitled to be playful

because one is young. As a result, he inevitably landed himself in the Detention Class while in the Lower Secondary. However, he went through a change and actually donned 'white on

white' to eventually become a Senior Prefect.


This transition; he assured us, did not happen overnight. One of the factors that brought

about the change could be attributed to the Christian environment of the school.

Attending morning assemblies and the singing of hymns and prayers may not mean much initially to a person of a younger age but, as one gets along, one begins to realise that there

is more than just singng a particular tune. The words and the effects of the Christian

foundation of the school begin to seep into our lives.

To Mr Tan, the result of this influence around the school and becoming a Christian have caused this change which all come about at the right time ... God's time.

He also attributed much to his Principal, Mr Francis Thomas and teachers who helped in

bringing about the realisation that there was much more ahead in life than being playful.

Mr Tan stressed that one significant aspect of the school is that St. Andrew's, being a

Christian school, displays a sense of forgiveness even to those who have erred and it is this wonderful aspect which gives the students this sense of love and belonging and

endeared the school to all who passed through the Arches.


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So, from the day he entered junior school to the time he ran across the quadrangle, attending morning assemblies, with the inculcation from teachers and constant inundation

of Christian precepts, there came a realisation for him that there is a time for work and a time for play quite along the line of our School Song - the words representing the actual

experience that he had with the school.


Mr Tari sees himself as a person called upon by the Board of Governors to assist the

Principal and teachers in formulating progress to bring the school up in the way that we

have been entrenched, in the steep tradition and the belief of a good Christian background ,

not only to provide a more complete education with a balanced emphasis on the academia,

in the field of sports, other curricular activities and the uniformed movement, to assist and provide students with the means of learning and cultivating and in the process ,

developing character and leadership qualities.

By drawing on the Old Boys' Association to help in the field of sports, starting at the primary level, preparing them as a feeder school for the secondary school and hopefully providing

them with a pre-university education in St. Andrew's Junior College, we hope to interest

them with not just brain but brawn as well , with the love of God abiding in their hearts.

In St. Andrew's, we do not discard students that lag behind but try to provide them with the opportunity of catching up with the others. Even if a boy enters as an 'N' level pupil , we

try to help him get into the Express Stream because we recognise the difference of 12 months in the future of this child . And if St. Andrew's can help him shorten his education

by another year, then to us, that is value added.

Mr Tan's hope and vision is that we should continue and cultivate traditions which had

been entrenched for the last 130 years and not just let boys go through the number of years

of education but to turn boys into men. He hopes to see more programmes geared towards

that purpose. The emphasis is on 'One Family Unbroken' - a line taken from our school Hymn. The hope is that the present boys will keep the flame burning brightly ever and come back in

their own time and contribute to St. Andrew's School by taking over the baton from

those currently serving the school in one way or another.


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Rousseau, the 18th century French writer and philosopher once said of wisdom, "Youth is

the time to study wisdom; old age is the time to practise it". Rousseau, who also had an interest in education, was perhaps thinking of the foundation that must be laid at an early age for a young person to acquire wisdom to prepare him for his adult life. Wise, indeed.

St Andrew's School, with its 130 years of tradition in educating young people, continues

to inculcate wisdom in the lives of its students. We take seriously·the words of the Psalmist

in the Old Testament who declares that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: in Ps. 111 :10. The Psalmist reminds us that true wisdom resides in God and therefore when a person's life and commitment is geared towards God in reverence, submission and

obedience then true wisdom will be found in the indidvidual's life. The process by which

this comes about is through our relationship with Jesus Christ whom the Apostle Paul says "has become for us (the) wisdom from God" (1 Cor 1 :30).

"Excellence" is a key word today. We in St Andrew's believe in it but we also believe that

there can be no excellence without godly wisdom through Jesus Christ. In accordance with

the vision of the founders of the School therefore we seek to strive for academic, moral

and spiritual excellence. Only then will we produce boys-who are wise to live a life of wisdom.

Rev Soon Sao Kee


Competition has become more intense in our modern life. What can we do to succeed, or to

reach our goal in life?

The first key to success is to discover what God, wants you to accomplish in life. The person

who has faith in God and works hard will be richly rewarded by his adventure with God. God

is full of surprises.

The second key to success is to discipline our lives. People with undisciplined lives cannot

reach their dreams or potential. The need to focus on "this one thing I do" will help many to

realise their goal.

The third key to success is our ability to learn from one's mistakes as well as the mistakes

of others. Failures and setbacks offer us opportunities to discover God's redirection. Our disappointment are ofter His appointment. We need to recognise this clearly. When we

fail , ask God for new direction and purpose. In doing His will , our hearts and lives will be


May your lives be enriched by using these keys to success.

Rev Tan Piah


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L to R Mrs Pritam Kaur, Mr John Yap, Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers, Mr Victor Cheung, Mr Harry Tan , Seated Dr Rebecca Lian-Loh, Mr Ronald Loke

L to R Mrs Elizabeth C. Fonseka, Mrs Alice Navaratnarajah, Mr Robert Ng, Mr Khoo Khay Giap, Mr Freddie Chia, Standing Mr Karnail Singh Mangat, Mr Heng Kiang Poh, Mrs Mary Yee, Mrs Maggie Vong, Mrs Elsie Chan.

Not in Mr Leslie Ouong, Mrs Lee Cheok Eng, Mr Goh Kuang Huah Picture

As parents of boys attending our Junior and Secondary School , we join our principals and teachers in the vision to share responsibilities in the education of our children. Saint Andrew's Parent-Teacher Association looks forward not only being able to assist financially our schools in various projects but also through feedback to both our principals in the Junior and Secondary School, who are on the PTA committee, to continuously improve the quality of education that our boys are receiving. PTA hopes to continue to organise talks and activities which will help our parents to understand and motivate our boys to achieve academically but also grow morally and spiritually. Amongst some of the highlights of PTA's activities in the last 12 months must certainly include the $25,000 sponsorship towards the dinner for the School Building Fund held on 25th April 1992, sponsoring costs of new coats/jackets for the School Band during their outstanding performance at the Pacific Basin Competition. We would also like to give a word of appreciation to parents who have come forward to help in some of the school, projects. PTA needs the support of parents, Principals and teachers of both our school to come forward with suggestions and identifying of projects. We also need volunteers for these projects and activities. In the months to come,


we continue to look to God for guidance as we serve in the PTA Committee. Dr Rebecca Lian Loh Hon Secretary SAPTA

Chairman Vice-Chairman

Mr Victor Cheung Mr John Yap

Hon Secretary Asst-Hon Secretary Hon Treasurer Asst Honn Treasurer : Committee Members :

Dr Rebecca Lian-Loh Mrs Elizabeth C. Fonseka Mr Robert Ng Mr Leslie Quong Mr Ronald Loke Mrs Alice Navaratnarajah Mr Karnail Singh Mangat Mrs Pritam Kaur Mr Freddie Chia Mr Heng Kiang Poh Mrs Lee Cheok Eng Mr Goh Kuang Huah

The School representatives comprise the following: Principal Seco.ndary School Principal Junior School

Teacher Representatives

Mr Harry Tan Mdm Jacqueline Oehlers Mrs Mary Yee Mrs Maggie Vong Mrs Elsie Chan Mr Khoo Kay Giap

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Parents and members of the Stall at the dinner. PTA Dinner ... an annual event held in appreciation for the stall of the school.

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"And Simon says raise your hands, litt your heads and shout Hellalujah!"

"Boys I don't want any spitting, bitting and kicking. Come on, don't look so down , we can still have good clean nm .

Due to and energy Crisis , SAH resorts to the primitive way of cooking!


The long arms of the law keep peace and order in the boarding house.

SAH chosen for a tooth paste commerical. Smile and flash these theeth!

Hip-Hip Hurray! Three cheers for SAH, champions of the annual SAH -Ascension Church friendly games!

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Seated (L to R) 1st Row Standing {L to R) 2nd Row Standing (L to R) 3rd Row Standing {L to R)


Mrs Pang Chye Leng, Mr M Silan, Mr Yeo Eng Lam, Mrs Lim Wee Leng, Mr Koh Kim Teng, Mrs Koe Poh Tee, Mr Teo Chew Theng, Mr Lum Kum Tong (VP), Ms J Oehlers (Principal), Rev Soon Sao Kee, Mr Wong Shin Chee, Mrs Emily Teo, Mr Chia Cheng Hiang, Mr Stanley Wong, Mrs Kiang Chwee Eng, Mrs Teo Wan Woon, Mr Abdul Aziz bin Talib. Mrs Khoo Siew Lui, Mdm Lee Geok Lian, Mrs Vong Bee Neo, Mrs Lim Chee Jew, Miss K Vallipuram, Mr D P Rajamoney, Mr Gan Chin Poh, Mrs Angela Chow, Mrs Aw Kum Jin, Mrs Helen Tan, Miss Rosalind Loh, Mrs June Lim, Mrs Susan Thomas.

Miss Eng Cheng Noi, Miss Serene Pek, Mrs Sarjit Singh, Miss Tan Poh Ling, Mrs Esther Morales, Mrs Cher Hai Siam, Mrs Rosalind Tan, Miss Angel ine Ling, Miss Elizabeth Jacobs, Miss Angeline Sim, Mdm Ng Ah Huang, Mrs Gan Teck Beng, Mrs Angela Chow, Mrs Sim Chor Siang, Mdm Chng Bee Kiam.

Mr Kwok Pin Lien, Mr Loh Chong Siang, Mr K Thulasy, Mr Low Kin Liang, Mr Ten Che Von, Mr Tng Hock Soon, Mr Kong Tuck Seng, Mr Aman Bin Adam, Mr Teo Seng Huat, Mr Phua Kia Meng, Mr Tan Lian Peng, Mr Mohd Ismail Bin Isa, Mr Seet Pee Ann, Mr Kong Khiang Fook, Mr Mohamed Bin Ahmad.

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We bid farewell to the following: Mrs Khoo Siew Lui 05.5.52 - 29.7.92 (Retired) Mr Low Kim Leong 12.1.56 - 21 .7.92 (Retired) Miss K. Valliparam 14.9.92 (Retired) Mrs Lily Liow 09.6.59 - 31 .3.92 (Resigned) Mrs Tan Kwong Jow 17.3.71 - 31 .3.92 (Resigned)

We welcome the following: Miss Elizabeth Jacob appointed on 01.1 .92 Mrs Gan Teck Beng appointed on 01 .1.92 Miss Rosalind Loh Boon Lee appointed on 23.3.92 Miss Angeline Ling Huei Mieng appointed on 23.3.92 Mrs Susan Thomas appointed on 23.3.92 Mr Abdul Halim Bin Othan appointed on 28.4.92 (Non-Teaching)

Our Condolences to: Mr Mohd Bin Ahmad on loss of mother-in-law on 24.9.91 Mrs Lily on loss of mother on 27.9.91 Madam Lee Geok Lian on loss of father on 03.2.92 Mr Kong Tuck Seng on loss of mother-in-law on 08.5.92 Family of late Mrs Janie Tan who passed away on 04.7.92 Family of late Mr Quahe Beng Chuan who passed away on 13.7.92 Mrs Sarjit Singh on loss of father-in-law on 01.9.92

Our Congratulations to Miss Susan Zachariah on her marriage to Mr Sam Thomas on 11.6.92


Seated (L -R): Mr Alim Bin Othman, Mr Nairn Bin Sawon Standing (L-R): Mdm Sarujai d/o Annasamy, Mdm Alimah Bee Bte Maideen, Mdm Saroja w/o Visvanatha, Mdm Sushila d/o Vallasmy.


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LEFT TO RIGHT: Mrs Emily Teo HOD Mathematics, Art and Music • Mr Wong Shin Chee HOD 2nd Languages, Media

Mr Lum Kum Tong Vice-Principal • Ms J. Oehlers Principal Mr Teo Chew Theng HOD Science, PE , EGA, Health Education • Mrs Koe Poh Tee HOD English , Library


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Seated (L- R)

1st Row Standing (L - R)

2nd Row Standing (L - R) Absent

Seated (L - R)

1st Row Standing (L- R)

PRIMARY 6Al-1992

Nizam A Jaja, Lin Zhichao Michael , Wang Huiyang, Wang Junyu Julian, Shen Mushun, Mrs Lim Wee Leng (Form Teacher) , Zhang Delun, Lin Xiangxian Merrill , Durius Bragassam, Jiang Jiawei , Chen Jianxing Jon. Chen Tonghui , Lin Yujie Leonard , Li Zhenxiong , Shen Jiawei Kelvin , Yang Kaixuan, Shi Xianqun Adrian , Zhang Junyong, Wang Ruiliang Gerard , Xie Junkai , Huang Yingfeng , Liang Yiwen , Jiang Guofeng Jonathan, Zhong Yongyu, Lin Zhiwei , Guo Enli Justin. Shane Martin Dewitt, Eswaran s/o Krishnan , She Yide Reynold , Chen Heying, Zhang Youngwen Jeremy, Au Junjie Thomas, Li Jianhong Lewei , Yang Yongyao, Zheng Mingguang Bryan. Ariekurniawan Sulistyo.

PRIMARY 6A2 - 1992

Chen Xi nyi , Neo Hong Boon, Lee Kwok Chiang , Sim Yang Wei, Devarajan Varadarajan , Mrs Lim C. J. , Lim Wei Kwan , Fu Xiang Xun , Chia Chern Ee, Choo Jun Wei , Lim Terk Hsin.

Madiq Lalchand Swalani , Low Yi Han, Teo Ju-Chye, Beh Lian Yong , Low Swee Lin, Poh Cher Ying, Lean Siang Theng , Goh Zhi-Sheng, Lim Thuan Siew, Yap Choe Yu , Thomas Pendi , Ng Chee Kin , Heng Jia Wei , Yee Wei-Sun , Goh Gou-Hua, Teoh Yentjuin .

2nd Row Lau Wan Yung , Lee Kwee Ann , Tee Guan Kiat, Yip Cheng Kit, Standing Low Taek Howe, Chen Swee Chang, Ronny Tandun , Chen Zhi Yi, (L - R) Chong Tse Feng, Lee Fang Xian , Chee Kuan Way, Lake Timothy, Wong Pei Jun.


--------- -- ---

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Seated (L- R)

PRIMARY 6A3-1992

Chen Oibin, Fu Zhisen, Huang Xinji , Ching Kenhao, Yu Caifu, Mr Seet Pee Ann (Form Teacher), Wu Weijie, Ye Wenhao, Ke Shunquan, Chen Zexiang, Zhao Zhihao, Kenneth

1st Row Wang Kenny, Owyang Jiguang, Long Shijun, Sum Yingchian, Standing Lin Lianhao, Rikranjit Singh, Wu Qinbao, Wang Guohong, Lin (L - R) Mengjin, Ge Ziming, Zhuang Junyao, Fu Dunsheng, Mohd lzwan Bin Jamal.

2nd Row Li Guangkai, Lu Huimin, Tang Wenyao, Zhang Weili , Hong Oishen, Standing Hong Honghuang, Zhang Haoning, Li Chuanben, Yang Jiahui, (L - R) Jarnus, Lu Liang, Li Mingyang, Xu Xianwei, Shen Rongkun.

Absentees Chen Kunsong James, Hu Wenjie, Adrian.

Seated (L - R)

1st Row Standing (L • R)

2nd Row Standing (L - R)

PRIMARY 6A4 - 1992

Hong Mingguan Eugene, Liu Yihong, Ronny Harsono, Feng Jianxiong Dennis, Shang Jinhao, Mrs Rosalind Tan (Form Teacher), Chen Yunjian, Shi Guoqiang, Pan Minghui, Sun Weibin, Li Shiquan. Muhammad Sirhaan Serajudeen, Chen Haojie, Liao Qingxiang, Li Dineng Kelvin, Li Mingqi Bamby, Guo Kehui Mervyn, Prempal Singh, Huang Zhuxiang Jackson, Qiu Yimin, Zhang Jiaming, Chen Ridong Marcus, Hong Rongjie, Sanjeev Singh. Wu Piyang, Liu Weimin Daniel, Su Weiping, Wu Xingquan Alvin, Huang Linghan, Xie Jiawei, Li Qihua Laurance, Zheng Chongfa Adrian, Lin Zhiyuan Alvin, L Kaameswaran, Feng Ruding Robin, Luo Hengjian, Chen Yonghong.

Absentee Chen Vian


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Seated (L- R)

1st Row Standing (L- R)

2nd Row Standing (L- R) Absentee

Seated (L- R)

1st Row Standing (L- R)

PRIMARY 6A5-1992

Lu Yonghong , Chen Chengfa, Li Quandei , lswaran s/o Sothandara Kumaran, Liu Qijie, Miss Eng Cheng Noi Cynthia (Form Teacher), Russel Maurice Charles, Dang Yuyong, Li Guanzeng, Guo Jianzhong, Liu Zhenyi. Huang Xinming , Li Changyou, Huang Yikai , Howard Timothy Francis, Ying Shaolong Nigel , Mo Hanguang, Chen Wende, Zhao Weinien , Hong Mingxiang, Xue Quande, Cai Zhiwei Kelvin , Devraj s/o Vasudevan , Vikram Singh, Wen Qingli Douglas. Kuang Weisen , Sivanandan s/o Jeyaraman, Long Shiwei , Chen Daven, Wu Maohui Benny, Guo Liren , Chen Yaoxiang , Pan Shouqin , Li Zhijian, Shen Jianshun, Fu Changda, Lin Zhenxi , Li Wenshan . Chamberlain Philip Anthony

PRIMARY 6A6 - 1992

Huang Zhixiang Arthur, Zheng Zhichang Darren, Ni Yingjun Kevin , Chen Xuanfeng Bernard, Guo Jinzheng Roy, Mr Phua Kia Ming (Form Teacher} , Wang Lianfa Aaron , Li Qiangzhong Andy, Cai Viren , Zheng Weisheng Aaron. Zhou Jianchong Royston . Ouyang Daren: Cheng Zhihao, Fang Zuxin, Li Changyun , Wang Yuanjun , Chen Zhisheng Winston , Chen Huahua Andy, Zhang Rongguang Benjamin, Lin Weide Matthew, Hu Wenbin Victor. Lin Wenhe Benedict, Chen Yanjie Derek.


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PRIMARY 6A7 -(1992)

PRIMARY 6A8 - (1992)


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SOCCER Training sessions for the present School Team started as early as last year's December holidays. As a result of their poor attendance during these training sessions some of the good players were dropped from the School Team. Display of team spirit, regular attendance

in training and commitment towards the game were some of the criteria in the selection of school players to represent the School in both District and National Tournaments.


We did fairly well in this tournament. We ended as group champion but lost in the semi-final to Catholic High Primary School. However we did not leave the tournament

· empty-handed as we managed to beat Beatty Primary School for the 'bronze'. Our players put up a marvellous show in their game against Tanglin Preparatory School whose players

were bigger and heavier by drawing with them in the match.


Comprising our 7 A-side Team were players from the Primary 5 cohorts. They played as best as they could and showed fine sportsmanship but unfortunately were knocked out in

the first round .


To promote mass participation in Soccer, the School organised inter-class soccer tournaments for pupils in Primary 4, 5 and 6. All 21 classes were represented by their

class teams who were trained by the P.E. and form-teachers during P.E. lessons and out

of school hours. Interest and keen spirit was the order during the matches, culminating

in the finals which were played on 7th August 1992 as part of the School's National

Day Celebration.

Teachers in-charge:

Mr Chia Cheng Hiang Mr Phua Kia Meng Mr Kwok Pee Lian Mr Mohd Ahmad

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Imparting Soccer Skills to PE lechers by Soccer Master, Mr Chia Cheng Hiang at a workshop held on 9th May 1992.

L-R Seated Middle

Back Row


Ambrose Cheung, Jeremy Lin, Wang Huiyang, Mr Kwok P L, Chen Chengfa, Adrian Lai, Noel Oehlers Mr Phua K. M., Wu Maohui, Timothy Lu, Eugene Li, Kelvin Liu, Chen Hexing, Luo Hengjian, Mr Chia C.H. Ng Chun Wei, Mohd. lzwan, Darvinpal Singh, Lawrence Li, Jonathan Chen.


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More than 30 boys from levels 3 to 6 form the core of players for the school teams. Many

of these boys who showed interest in the game were recruited as school players at the beginning of the year.

Training and practice sessions are held on Saturday mornings in the school field . During

these sessions the players were taught basic ball handling and kicking skills and did exercise workouts to build up stamina and endurance which are important elements in the playing of the game. The players also learned safety rules, regulations and sportsmanships associated with the game.


In March this year, our school teams pitted their skills against Tanglin American Primary

School and MacRitchie Primary School in exhibition matches at the sec Padang during

the sec 7s tournaments.


As entries from schools participating were too few to justify the holding of the District

Tournament , the School , as the District Convernor for the game held friendly matches in

a carnival-like atmosphere in the school field on 11th. July 1992. The participating

schools were Anglo-Chinese Primary School , MacRitchie Primary School , St Andrew's

Junior School and our guest, Tanglin Junior School.


This was the second successive year in which our school convened the National tournament

on 29th. August, 1992 at Farrer Park. 6 under 12 and 8 under 14 teams representing their

respective schools played against one another from 8.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m .. Our very own

Under 12 10-a-side Mini-Rugby team won the Gold and the Challenge Trophy.

Congratulations, boys! And a big 'Thank you ' to our Principal, Ms J. Oehlers whose presence throughout was the inspirational and motivating factor in our victory.

Teachers in-charge: Mr Seet Pee Ann Mr Aman 8 Adam

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Mr Aman giving some tips on strategy before the start of the second half of the match.

Principal, Ms J Oehlers addressing the participants at the end of the Carnival.

; ..,IYJ '¢',

Our guest team, Tanglin Junior School, doing 'warming-up' before their match.

Hey! Where is the ball?


LEFT TO RIGHT: Front Row : Sia Junyi, Manmit Singh, Ssywan Buang, Weng Guohui, Ke Shunquan, Mohd Hidayat, Girish Sawlani,

Ye Wenbiao, Liu Minghong. Back Row : Mr. Seel Pee Ann, Mohd Hafiz, Madiq Sawlani, Andrew Chen Hao, Sharanpal Singh, Zhuang Haoning,

Mohd Faruan, Mr Aman bin Adam.


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MINI-HOCKEY With their tested experience and hard work in 1991 in which our players were the 'Runner­up' in the Kallang District Mini-Hockey Tournament and winners of the bronze trophy in the National Tournament, our players were better prepared for this year's Kallang District Tournaments played from 8th August to 20th August 1992. We entered two teams to play in their respective age-group matches. Both teams did well. One team emerged as the new Kallang District Champion and the other team became the runner-up.

Our participation in the National Tournament was not so successful as we were in the District Tournaments. Victory eluded us although the players put as best a performance as they could.

Our training sessions will continue on Saturday mornings and we look forward to better results next year.

Teachers in-charge: Mr. M Si/an Mr Aziz bin Talib

Teachers learning the liner points of Playing Hockey at the Mini Hockey Workshop conducted on 2nd May 1992 by Hockey Master Mr M Silan.


Left to Right: 1st Row L Kaameswaran , B. Vimalan , J. Sivanano, Mr M. Silan, Liu Weiming Daniel , V. Devaraj, R Kumaran . 2nd Row K. Jeyaraj, Huang Ling Han, Hari Arunachalam, K Vijayndran, Wayne , Wang Junyu, Julian. 3rd Row Fu Oun Sheng Sydney, S. Viknesvaran, Bjorn Hendrikson, Yu Ching Bao, William Xavier, M. Subramaniam.


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SWIMMING Swimming courses for both 'Beginners' and 'Intermediate' were held weekly at the Paya

Lebar Swimming Pool from February to May, 1992. At the end of the courses 22 pupils

received certificate of Achievement for the Beginners' Course and 30 pupils received

theirs for the Intermediate Course.

An advanced course for competitive swimming has been planned for these swimmers at the later part of the year to prepare them for participation in inter-school, district and

national swimming championships next year.


At this meet organised by the Senior School at Kallang Basin Swimming Complex our

pupils participated in seven individual events and one team event.


Our school was represented by eight promising swimmers at the Championships held from 25th, May to 29th. May at the Ang Mo Kio Swimming Complex. Our boys performed well

with a medal tally of 4 golds, 8 silvers and 8 bronzes. Our congratulations go the following:

Ying Shao Loong 'B' Div 50m Freestyle Silver 50m Breast-stroke Gold

Kelvin Lee 'B' Div 50m Breast-stroke Bronze 50m Back-stroke Gold

Jackson Wong 'B' Div 100m Freestyle Gold 100m Butterfly Gold

Zhang Rongguang 'B' Div 100m Breast-stroke Silver 100m Freestyle Bronze

Lin Jin Har 'B' Div 50m Butterfly Bronze 'B' Div 4X50m. Free style Relay Silver

Guan Jianlin 'C' Div 50m Butterfly Silver Mark Chow 'C' Div 50m Freestyle Silver Addison Ong 'C' Div 50m Freestyle Bronze

'C' Div 4X50m Freestyle Relay Bronze


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Our school was represented by eight of our swimmers at the championships held at the

Toa Payoh Swimming Complex from 20th - 28th July 1992.

Our star swimmers again performed well. Jackson won 2 golds in the 'B' Division 1 OOm Freestyle and 1 OOm Butterfly. Ying Shao Loong and Kelvin Lee won their bronze in the 'B'

Division 1 OOm Breast-stroke and 'B' Division 50m Back-strokes respectively.

Jackson Wong, our school's most outstanding swimmer participated in the SEA Age

Group Championships held on 17, 18 and 19 April. Jackson collected a gold in the 4x50


Jackson Wong took part in the 16th. Asean Age Group Swimming Championship held in Brunei on 14-16 August, 1992 and did our School proud with the following achievements:

Jackson Wong - Winner of Group 3 - Boys' Championship at People's Association Youth Swimming Club's Annual Swimming Competition in March 1992.

Left to Right:

2nd place in the B-200 Free 3rd place in the B-50 Free 3rd place in the B-400m Free 3rd place in the B-200 Fly.

Teachers in-charge Mr Tng Hock Soon Mr Ten Che Von Miss K. Vallipuram Mrs Helen Tan

1st Row Arthur Huang, Qui Han Chong, Felix Lin, Mark Chou, Li Guan Zheng, Brian Lye, Lie Jun Wei, Yan Chong Cun, Shawn Yang

2nd Row Mr Ten Che Von, Zhou Zonghui, Chen Zhijie, Kwan Chian Lin, Addison Wong, Feng Zhi Liang, Jiang Jian Feng, Mr Tng Hock Soon.

3rd Row Shi Yide, Dominic Jin, Zheng Yiqiang, Benjamin Zhang, Jackson Wong, Yang Zhiwei, Chen Hanjie, Kelvin Lee, Tan Tong Hui.


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The Vice Principal trying hard to catch up with the Principal in the Teachers' Race

Hey! wait for me to get into mine.


Winners receiving prizes from Guest of Honour, Dr Rebecca Lian Loh. Look before you leap.


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Mr Yee Teck Peng, our guest of honour Congratulating the winners Where are the baskets for us to throw the balls into?


Lets twist and turn together Getting Ready for a dragon dance?


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This year a team of seven boys represented the school in the 33rd National Inter-Primary

School Track and Field Championships 1992.

The boys were selected on their performance during the School's Sports Day. The following

boys represented the School in the various events:

1 QOM 'C' DIVISION BOYS - Zhao Weinian

400M 'C" DIVISION BOYS - Li Guian 200M 'D' DIVISION BOYS - Zhu Guanglong 4 X 100M RELAY 'C' DIVISION - Philip Chamberlian

- Zhang Junyao - Liu Dehao - Huang Bingkai

Teachers in-charge: Mr Ismail bin Isa Miss Pauline Tan

Front Row Huang Bingkai, Li Guian, Chen Ridong, Zhu Guanglong Authur (L - R) Xia Liqing. '

Back Row Zhang Junyao, Zhao Weinian. (L - R)


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BOYS' BRIGADE Sure and Steadfast is the motto of the Boys' Brigade. The boys have their weekly activities

of physical workouts and foot-drill , followed by games, songs and tests for their badges.

Once a month the boys and teachers in charge attend church service together with the cadet scouts and members of the Christian Group.

The Company is now 70 strong. An enrolment service was held in April , 1992. Six of the boys qualified for the 'Gold Medal ' the highest award any junior can achieve. They had to

attend a 3 day camp before they could qualify. They are Hong Yong Sheng , Melvin Chan Xie Shengzhu, Tiew Chong Ren , Kevin Wu and Zhu Yaoxing .

Out-door activities organised for the boys during the year included the following :

An excursion to the Zoo during the first semester A tour to Kukup with the scouts last year

A trip to Kata Tinggi during the second semester A trip to Sentosa during the December Holidays.

Assisting us in all our activities are the Senior Scouts from the Secondary School. We wish to record our thanks to them.

Teachers in-charge: Mrs June Lim Mrs Angela Chow Miss Elizabeth Jacobs Mrs Susan Thomas

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CADET SCOUTS Our School's Cadet Scout Unit recruited 18 boys from Primary Three. A combined investiture was held on 22nd. February for the P3 and Secondary 1 boys.

25 cadet scouts from P. 5 & P. 6 went on an educational tour to the Engineering Hangar at

Changi Airport on 10th. April.

14 cadet scouts from P. 4 visited the Crocodile Paradise in Jurong.

33 cadet scouts at tended the Annual Camp at Sarimbun from 12th. June to 14th. June.

Achievements of the cadets: Swimmers Proficiency Badge 9 Community Living Proficiency Badge 9

Crime Prevention Proficiency Badge 6 Silver Standard Badge 6 Bronze Standard Badge 20

TEACHERS IN-CHARGE: Mrs Sim C. S. Miss Sim S.H. Mrs Rosalind Tan Mr Kong K. F.

Recruits wearing their full uniform for the first time at the

Investiture Ceremony on 22.2.92.


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The year began with a large number of boys joining us. We have an enrolment of 34 boys

of which 90% are non-Christians. The group enjoyed the activities and fellowship of the parish workers of the Church of Ascension, in particular Mr Deng Chee Kong.

We met most Saturdays and participated in the monthly combined Service with the Boys'

Brigade and Cadet Scouts.

A picnic to the East Coast Parkway took place in the 3rd term. The boys thorougly enjoyed

the games organised by Chee Kong.

Indeed we see an awarenss and spiritual growth among the boys. Praise God for His Grace

and encouragement in our mission and out reach for our junior boys.

Teacher-in-charge: Mrs Mary Yee

Seated (L to R) Huang Zhiwei, She Shuzhong, Hong Weili, Fong Bangming, Xu Shiyuan, Yan Chongcun, Huang Zhixiang, Yang Shiguang, Qin Weihao, Paul Wong, Chen Weiming

First Row (L to R) Feng Ziliang, Lu Xianyao, Lin Xianwei, Zheng Jianming, Zhou Guolian, Chen Wenwei, Varinder Singh, Lin Zhixiang, Nigel Seow, Xia Liqing, Chen Weiming.

Second Row (L to R) Mr Deng Chee Kong, Loy Suan Je, Zheng Guanming, Lin Weiming, Hong Mingfa, Chen Guowei, Jasveer Singh, Luo Kai Sing, Mrs Mary Yee, Miss Nancy Tan


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SCHOOL CHOIR Last year in conjunction with the National day celebrations, our Choir boys participated

in the 1st National Day Combined Schools Campfire on 17 August 1991. Our boys had an enjoyable time in the lively Sing-a-long session.

We are currently building up their repertoire with the introduction of a number of Partner Songs from various countries.

Every Saturday morning from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. they fill the Shaw Hall with their

melodious Sound of Music.

Teachers in-charge: Mrs Lim Wee Leng Mrs Teo Wan Woon


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LIBRARY CLUB The Library Club has 33 members - 15 from the morning session and 18 from the

afternoon session. Four teachers are in charge of the club's activities which are carried out every Tuesday morning for afternoon session pupils and afternoon for morning

session pupils. Activities include quizzes, poster-designing competition , solving cross-word puzzles, debates, creative writing, viewing videos, doing projects as well as visiting places of interest on excursions. Members are also taken out for famil iarisation. visits to libraries and workshops.

Teachers in charge: Mrs Sarjit Singh (Library Co-ordinator) Mrs Aw Kum Jin Mrs Khoo S. L. Mdm Chua K. S. Mr M. Si/an Mr Aziz b Talib


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THE SCIENCE CLUB The Science Club has a membership of 38 boys. The members meet on Saturdays from

9.00 a.m. to 11 .00 a.m. for both in-door and out-door activities. In-door activities are conducted usually in the Science Room where the boys learn to construct simple

machines and models such as the traffic lights, periscopes etc. Out-door activities

are mainly associated with botanic work in the Science Eco-garden and its maintenance.

Visits to places of Scientific interests have also been planned. The boys visited Malacca

and farms on the way on the 15th. of June this year. They brought back specimens of

plants and fruits for display in the Nature Corner.

A mini-Science Fair has been planned for this year to exhibit some of the work done by

the boys during their Science Club activities.

Teachers in-charge: Miss Eng C. N. Miss Tan P. L. Mr Yeo E. L. Mrs E. Morales


Hurray! We've finished our gardening.


An outing to the zoo-putting their listening and observing skills to use during a talk at the Zoo Theatrette.

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SOCIAL STUDIES CLUB To date the membership of the club stands at 65 boys from P.4 to P.6. Members of the

club are given instructions by the teachers in-charge on projects they do with the help of historical and geographical knowledge they have acquired in their Social Studies. The

teachers also assist the students in gathering materials to plot charts and construct models.

Teachers in-charge: Mrs Pang C.L. Mr Loh C.S. Miss Rosalind Loh

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An Art and Craft Fair was held in the School Main Hall on August 27 and 28. This fair, the

brainchild of Mr Tan· Lian Pheng (Art Co-ordinator) is but one of the many fund raising projects, whose main objective is to raise money for the School Development Fund. Many

art and craft items made by both pupils and teachers were put on sale at the fair. Visitors

to the fair were particularly attracted to the colourful T-shirts of various patterns, designed

by our own pupils with Mr Tan Lian Pheng's assistance. Incidentally, the sale of these T-shirts

made a major contribution to the total sum of $6,000 netted at the fair.

Asst Art Co-ordinator Miss Serene Pek

Hard work pays off Wow! Look at our great work!

ART AND CRAFT Early this year, Wang Chenbo of P.2A1 participated in the Jurong Bird Park 'On the Spot'

Art Contest and won a consolation prize of $125.00. Jason Goh of P3P4 also did the School proud by winning at 'Top' Prize in the 'Nostrum More 2000' contest in

April. This contest was held by the Embassy of Chile.

On 14th April, a school-based Christmas Card Competition was held. Twelve best

designed Christmas cards were selected for printing.

The school engaged an artist to give our pupils who had the potential in drawing a six

week basic art course. This was followed by a supplementary course of the same duration.

The School-based art and craft competition held at the end of September received good

response from the pupils who contributed 26 pieces of craft work.

The Art Fair '92 was held on 27th and 28th. of August. Proceeds from the sale of

various items went to the School's Development Fund.

Art co-ordinator Mr Tan Liang Pheng


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CHINESE CHESS Practice sessions are held on Saturdays from 9.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. Average attendance is 16 boys from Primary Five and Primary Six.

The individual championships for 1992 were held on 4th. July 1992. 16 boys took part in the championships. The results are:


Champion - Pang Yuezhi (5P1) Runner-up - Xie Junwei (5P2)

PRIMARY SIX: Champion - Lin Weiguang (6A2)

Runner-up - Liu Wanyong (6A2)

Teacher in-charge: Mr Gan Chin Poh

Front Row Liu Zhenyi, Chen Jianxing, Xu Hongming, Lin Weiguang, Xie Junwei, (L · R) Lin Zhichao, Lin Yuanhao 2nd Row Pang Juezhi, Liu Wanyong, Liu Zongde, Ou Janjie Tric, Mr Gan Chin Poh. 3rd Row Wang Guojiang, Zheng Zhanwei, Zhang Junyong, Lu Ruilin, She Yide

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GARDENING CLUB The Gardening Club formed in 1992 has the objective of beautifying the surroundings

of the School. It also helps to stimulate a greater interest and instil an aesthetic appreciation

in gardening among the students.

We purchased 150 pots and 200 packets of soil. At the same time, we obtained 150 plants from the Ministry of National Development's Parks and Recreational Department to provide a greener surroundings to the School. Four red palms were purchased and planted at the four corners of the quadrangle. Tools and fertilizer were bought during the

first term to aid students in managing the garden.

Four boys are rostered daily to take care of the garden. On Saturdays, the boys from the club and the teachers in charge perform duties such as watering, weeding, trimming, potting

and other work related to the maintenance of the garden.

Teachers in-charge: Madam Lee G. L. Mrs Gan B. T.

Front Row Li Wenwei, Wu Ziming (PM), Xie Ruifeng (PM), Zhang Hengyi, (L - R) Cai Keli , Huang Haosheng, Huang Qingxiong, Chen Jinzhang (PM), Bai Ruyi.

Back Row Mdm Lee G. L., Liang Wenxiong (PM), Lu Zikun (PM), (L - R) Hu Guanshen, Tan Hanyang (PM), Li Zhihao (PM). Chen Yancun (PM). Yang Weizheng, Ye Wenbiao,

Wang Xingrong, Gan T. B.


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CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY SOCIETY Our 1 Osodd strong society meets every Friday and explores the wonders of Chinese

calligraphy and culture. Not only do we learn and practice calligraphy, we also learn about and understand Chinese proverbs, idioms and verses.

In the process, we also pick up some ideology as to the way of life, Chinese-style!

So join us today! Applications are open to all students from Primary 3 to 6. We look forw;:ird to your participation in our sessions.

Teacher in-charge: Mr Kong T. S.

Front Row Huang RongFu, Chen Wenwei, Wu Yingshun Kenny, Chen Hua L - R Hua Andy, Chen Kunsong, James, Liu Zang De. Back Row Deng Feng, He Yuchao, Lu Ruixiang, Liu Yong Ming, Huang Shengxian. L- R


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ENGLISH LANGUAGE EXHIBITION An exhibition of the pupils' work was held over two days, 27 & 28 August 1992, in the Shaw

Hall. The selected works were displayed according to themes. The exhibition gave parents

a better understanding of what their children had been doing in school. It also enabled

pupils to view their peers' achievements. Hopefully this will spur them on to improve on

their undertakings.

Mrs Koe Poh Tee

HOD English & Library


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OUR TRIM & FIT PROGRAMME A one-day nutrition and Physical Fitness Camp for overweight pupils was held on 14th. March,

1992. Thirty-two P4 pupils who were identified for the programme attended the camp. The programme for the camp included a talk and slide presentation on nutrition by Dr. Rebecca Lian

Loh, an exercise workout by Mr. Koh Kim Teng, a 'fun in exercise the Hockey way' by Mr. M. Si Ian

and guidance and counselling by their P.E. and Health Education teachers.

Follow-up actions after the camp included regular monitoring of the pupils' heights and weights

and dietary habits by their P.E. and H.E. teachers; and a three times a week physical workout in the.Hall using 10 minutes of their recess time.

As shown by the records of their weights and heights and results of their Physical Fitness Tests taken in August 1992, these pupils have benefitted from the Programme.

Pupils going through their physical exercise work-out.

Pupils having fun in exercise the Hockey way.

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Finding answers to the Quiz on Nutrition by Dr. Rebecca Lian Loh.

Guidance Counselling by their P.E. & H.E. teachers


Look at the 'Heart' Ready for Rock Climbing?


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This is the first time the school was holding a commendation service for prefects of both

sessions as a recognition of the important role they play in the discipline of the school.

Principal Ms J Oehlers addressing the prefects.

Prefects receiving their symbol of respect and responsibilities, the prefect's tie.

Proud parents supporting their children's role with their attendance.


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TEACHERS' DAY CELEBRATION 1992 To celebrate Teachers' Day, pupils from lower primary classes gave poetry recitations whilst the upper primary pupils entertained the teachers by dressing up as 'witches', 'phantom', 'King Arthur and Merlin', just to name a few.

Besides entertainment, the concert aimed at promoting poetry. Also, the costume parade

was based on story book characters with the aim of promoting reading among the pupils.

The witch from "Hansel and Gretel '

The 'phantom' and Christine from 'Phantom of the Opera '

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POETRY WORKSHOP During the March vacation, 28 pupils from P3-P5 attended a one morning poetry

workshop conducted by two professional drama instructors from Britain. The emphasis

was to foster appreciation of the English Language through rhyme, rhythm, alliteration and


Mr Steve Stickley, the instructor, had the pupils listening with rapt attention to his poems

on 'children' and 'something' to get your teeth into .. .'

During the hands-on session, the pupils set about composing their own poems on


In April , 400 pupils from P3 and P4 attended the Theatre-In-Education Workshop put up by ACT 3. The focus was on saving the environment. Through elaborate props and exciting

tempo, the message was interestingly conveyed.

Do you want a ride on our motorcycle?

Theatre In Education Workshop by ACT 3

Participants and performers at the workshop.

Performers in action.


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RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK This year, Religious Emphasis Week fell on the ninth week of the first term. Two days

were set aside for Christian meetings which were held on Thursday, 27th February, 1992 and Friday, 28th February, 1992, and for which the speaker was Mr Scott Freeman who is a pastor at Full Gospel Assembly.

Primary five and six pupils attended the meeting on Thursday, while primary three and

four pupils attended it on Friday. The meetings lasted an hour each from 11.00am to 12.00pm for the morning session and from 1.00pm to 2.00pm for the afternoon session.

The meetings were evangelistic in nature; hence, the talks focused mainly on God's free

ift of salvation to mankind through the redemptive act of His Son, Jesus Christ. Apart from the singing of praises to God, two testimonies on how they came to know Jesus Christ were given by Kenny Goh from primary 6A6 and James Tan from primary 6A3.

During the two-day meetings, one hundred and ninety-one pupils accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour, of which thirty-three were from primary three, fifty-two from primary

four, eighty-two from primary five and twenty-four from primary six. A number of pupils also re-dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ; two hundred and fifty in all.

Lum Kum Tong Vice-Principal

Bow your head and pray.

Come forward ii you want to accept

Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour.

Let us sing praises to the Lord.


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VISIT BY THE AMBASSADOR OF CHILE St. Andrew's Junior School is very honoured to have the ambassador of Chile to come to the school on 25 October 1992 and present an award to one of our budding artists,

Master Jason Goh of Primary Three. Jason is one of the two Singaporeans to win the Art Competition 'Our Pacific Ocean' organised by Chile to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the Americas. This competition was opened to all of the

Pacific Rim countries.


The Ambassador

Mr Goh Leng Nai , the proud parent.


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OJ en


L to R Mr Lim Hwee Kiang, Mrs Ong Li Shien, Mr Goh Boon Pin (H.O.D. - Technical), Mr Chan You Meng (H.O.D. - Resources), Mr Philip Yeo (Discipline Master, P.M. ) Rev Tan Piah (Chaplain), Seated Mr Harry Tan (Principal), Mrs Priscilla Krempl (Vice Principal), Mrs Ong Cheow Foon (H.O.D. - 2nd Lang.), Mrs Yeo See Wan (H.O.D. - Maths), Mrs Koh Siew Luan (H.O.D. - Science),

Mr Toh Weng Choy (H.O.D. -English), Mr Phua Kia Wang (H.O.D. - E.C.A. & Aesthetics).

1st Row Mrs Yeo Yuen Chin, Mdm See Swee Tee, Mdm Ng Yuet Mei, Mrs Rosalind Ho, Mrs Gan Chwee Eng, Miss Chua Guat Eng, Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Mrs Julia Hua;ig Swee Leong, Mrs Loh Suan Choo Mrs Noeline Lee, Mrs Dawn Tan, Mrs Janet Oh, Mrs Deanna Wong, Mrs Ong Siok Pin, Miss Low Ee Lang, Mrs Manjit Singh, Mrs Susie Frederick, Mdm Liang Siew Har, Miss Low Ee Nah, Miss Kwan Sow Han, Mrs Elsie Chan, Mrs Sao Siew Keng, Miss Tang Phui Fong.

2nd Row Mdm Soh Whee Bee, Miss Lau Mui Lee, Mdm Tan Kian Eng, Mrs Loh Lay Kian, Miss Wong Woon Tee, Mrs Lee Sock Hoon, Miss Jacqueline Ngin, Miss Eileen Young, Mr Mohamed Azmi, Mr Boonyadi Rosdi, Mr James P.O'Boyle, Mr Mahmod Zainol, Mr Low Eng Choon, Miss Lui Su Ming, Miss Wong Sake Fong, Mrs Goh Ai Lim, Mrs Chan Ee Mein, Miss Soh Geok Peng, Miss Chua Sok Hoon, Miss Pang Lin Hua.

3rd Row Mr Sim Poey Teck, Mr Gerard Fernandez, Mr Chun Yang Hui, Mr Wong Nyam Ken, Mr Ho Boon Kiat, Mr Michael Lim, Mr Ong Hong Teong, Mr Thomas Tan, Mr Amir Noordin, Mr David La'Brooy, Mr Ho Yeow Joo, Mr Liu Wei Ping, Mr Philip Koh, Mr Ouek Kwang Whay, Mr Lim Eng Hoe.

Not in Miss Braema Mathi, Mrs Lui Chor Gek (HOD - Humanities), Mrs Carol Yap, Miss Jacqueline Khoo, Mr Foo Yeong Seang, Mr Khoo Kay Giap, Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam, Miss Esther Lim, Mr M.A. Joseph. Picture

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Mrs Judy Chan

Mr Khamis Jamain


L - R : Mr Ng Chong Kee , Mdm Hamidah Binte Ahmad , L - R : Masod Haji Embran, Nordin Jain, Jakpar Haji Molah, Jeman Maswan, Mr Tommy Seet Ibrahim Mohd, Juljalal Md. Raja, Jumari Jimin.


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L to R Jay Sim, Douglas Tay, Jimmy Lim, Nicholas Goh, Lim Joon Hian, Mrs Janet Oh, Leonard Sim, Vincent Liew, Seated Jordan Lee, Sng Zern Chiat, J. Jasman Sim.

2nd Row Alvin Ng, Benjamin Lim, Wong Soen Hou, Sonny Long, Kwong Kok Fong, Desmond Tan, Lee Wai Kh im, Melvin Tay, Kamaru Budianto, Alan Chan, Benjamin Lee, Khoo Aik Wehn, Heng Buoi Jet, Lim Tuck Hway.

3rd Row Chong Nam Shiu, Tan Kia Joan, William Ting, Chan Chee Whye, Edgar Jeevan Danaraj, Kelvin Ng, Kenneth Yeo, Ang Chong Lai, Chong Youkay, Lim Tian Choon, Lai Jing Dong, Kenneth Lee, Roy Tan, Tan Yo-Hinn.

Absent Alan Chow, Elmer Goh


L to R Eugene Huang Junhan, Ratish Balakrishnan, Gerald Chue Tze Weng, U. K. Shyam, Ng Kheng Hong, Seated Mr Boonyadi Rosdi, Andrew Lee Rong, Alister Lim Chee Tek, Jeremy See Weilong, Edmund Chua Yizhi,

Glen Ong Teck Oon. 2nd Row Jeykanth, Connel Loh Hon Piow, Tan Yanho, Adrian Tian Minguang, Tong Kho Fong, Adrian Tan Shi Xiang,

Wong Chuan Yin, Lim Chai, Danny Siew Liang Shing, Li Hon Yip, Chan Tze Chew

3rd Row Poo Toon Fook, Chng Seng Leng, Tan Kian Leong, Visvanathan, Joseph Mark Anand, David Hoh Choon Wai, David Low Eng Wai, Yang Yanhao, Steve Ho Wai Shing, Chan Ngai Chong, Tan Tze Wei.

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Lio R Seated

2nd Row

3rd Row


Ferix Walter, Edmund Seow Joo Hwee, Damien Lim Chin Hin , Francis Goh Chong Heng , Gary Khoo Soo Hean, Mrs Yeo.Jerry Ong Ser Kai , Benjamin Ong Shao Kiat, Loh Wai Yue, Ronny Tan Ban Wei, Dohadwala Mash-Had Najmuddin.

Gerald Lee Yew Chuan, Adrian Foo Siang Kien, Lim Lian Hai, Cili Andra, Wong Wei Kok, Tan Ting Yuan, Kwek Chiang Loong, Park Derek, Lim Siong Heng, Benny Kwok Hon Sen, Kwan Chyi Feng, Teo Chan Khee, Calvin Ho Kao Feng, Lie Shun Hui, Felix Siew Kai Hong.

Jerome Ng Eu Tong, Michael Ong Kah Leong, Loh Swee Hian, Tan Wai Loong, Chan Kah Wai, Aw Chee Meng, Lim Chin Heng, Koh Sze Ming, Lyndon Tan Ken Len, Soon Chen Ping, Tay Chai Siong, Tjandraputra Victor, Anthony Low Siew Boon.


L to R Ewan Choo Li-Chuan, Jing Chun How, John Low-Yip Kok Chuan, Tan Kee Hwei, Paviter Singh Seated s/o Sowaran S, Mr Michael Lim, Winston Lin Kee Wee, Kok Wee Ming , Soong Yoke Lim,

Watsooksunti Kumpol, Steven Ser Keat Yang.

2nd Row Numata Tatsufumi, Tan Kean Wei, Ng Chee Siong, Low Hui Siang, Koh Chee Yeow, Cheah Seong Beng, Raymond Chan Chee Kwong, Lee Kian Leong, Martin Ho Tze Cheng, Samuel Lim Chee Poon, Wong Ngian Kong, Jenson Lee Boon Leng, Terence Lim Teck Leong, Hee Kok Weng, Colin Lim Teck Beng, Lim Chee Kai.

3rd Row Dave Lim Wee Chuan, Jerome Ng Eng Khoon, Calvin Goh Chin Boon, Sim Kok Chen, Ng Sei Heng, Lim Aik Leng, Edwin Lim Tzu Chiang, Chee Fook Sing, Simon Lim Eng Seng, Boh Chek Liang, Lee Choon Liang, Edmund Pek Kok Weng, Andy Tan Kuan Wei, Lee Chang Chen.


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L to R Kelvin Teo Ban Chuan , Simon Ho Hsien Meng, Wee Chye Hock, Paul Chong Yew Tuck, Kevin Chia Jong Lin , Seated Mrs Goh Ai Lim, Joseph Ranjit George, Mirza B. Mohamed Patail , Brian Koh Sheng Loong, Toh Seng Lee,

Edwin Chua Ooigim.

2nd Row Adrian Tan Khiang Loong, Dennis Lim Kian Wie, Ng Chun Pak. Lim Tee Hsiung, Mohamed Fadzil B. Mustapha, Tommy Tanady, Wong Ann Wie, Farhan B. Ahmad , Randall Lee Teck Yang , Yap Keng Yong , James Cheong Chee Hong , Gary Teo Khong Hui , Christopher Tan Yeow Heng, Tan Chin Heng.

3rd Row Chan Jin Ming, Rick Khaw Sing Boon. Colin Khoo Chin Yen , Anil Kumar s/o Krishna, Woon Yong Khai , Kenneth Hwang Liang Hsien, Royston Lim Kwan Ming, Daryl Mitchell Chan Wei Tjin , Edwin Ng Wei Gee. Daniel Chee Eu Leng , Byron Teo Kok Hong, Djony.


L to R Chia Poh Kiat. Eugene Sam Chee Ming, Chew Teck Chek, Stanley Ong Kang Ii , Lee Kwang Yau, Mrs Loh L.K., Seated Larry Loh Kwang Liang, Lye Ngiap Chiang , Roy Wong Liang Jie. Ng Phoon Hwee. Derrick Lim Wei Jin.

2nd Row Lau Tong Meng, Danny Ng Chin Leng , Tan Boon Leong, Jack Tan Teck Huat, Reggie Koh Chun Hou, Nah Liang Tuang , Ng Rong Yaw, Lee Thiam Guan, Lee Chong Seng, Tan Lian Huat, Nicholas Loke Weng Meng, Tan Tee Yong , Lee Dicky, Adrian Lee Hup Hoi .

3rd Row Goh Jeremy James, Joseph Ho Wee Yong, Yeo Jet Lee , Loh Chee Hoe, lrawan Timotioes, Chin Yi Shuen, Chua Chin Hiang, Tay Kian Kiong , Kevi Oh Chye Leng, Stanley Chia Hoong Mun, Tse Yue-Jen, Tang Mun Leong, Ho Kok Sun.

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Lio R Seated

2nd Row

3rd Row


Balamurugan s/o Ganesan, Wong Hin Kai , Leong Sang Keng, Ong Poh Khoon, Adrian Lim Khoon Liang, Mr Lim Eng Hoe, Benjamin Yong Vik Yen, Marcus Tay Chien Peng, Henry Tania Tanumi Hardja, Tham Yew Loong, See Sze Ping.

Ang Chee Kheong, Lee Lit Seen, Adrian Lee Kee Yeow, Danny Goh Wee Khiam, Chen Tat Wei, Yip Chew Eun, Soh Cheow Kien, Goh Teck Seng, Hor Hen-Ley, Douglas Chew Yew Hin, Tan Chin Boon, Lee Han Chuan, Lee Siew Keong. Ong Cher Wee, Tan Nyit San, Yip Weng Kin, Koh Pang Howe, Khairullah B Zayadi, Loy Tze Yang, Chua Chi Shiong, Ricky Chng Chiang Koon, Dennis Lim Chng Hsin, Tay Soon Liang, Jeromy Ngian Kun Chuan, Teo Joo Yong, Chow Wai Yean.


L to R Andrew Ang Uuu Loong, Shawn Koo Hok Keong, Andrew Pang, Markus Ang Meng Hai , Mr. Ong, Arthur Yong, Seated Bu Yuanhu, Kelvin Ng, Tinagaran.

2nd Row Kenneth Low, Lai Kok Feng, Patrick Foo, Wong Kian Sang, Tan Chee Wee, Liu Zhongping, Alvin Sitoh Melvin Chew, Raymond Ong, Darbright Ng, Sim Moh Shin, Aaron Chwee Toh Yee, Winston Lau, Stanley Boey.

3rd Row Frank Lin Zhuxuan, Fixen Ng, Edmund Sim Choon Wee, Lawrence Sunderaj, Chen Xini, Albert Chua, Daniel Chia Minsong, Luo Guoyong, Wee Toon Keong, Lau Leck Keong, Kelvin Lim Fung Chee, Ou Yong Sheng, Chew Kok Hoang.


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L to R Tan Ngee Hou, Devin Lum Kok Hwa, Andrew Tan, Yong Chee, Alan Tay Chee Wee, Mr Azmi Aini , Seated Aboulaziz Aminoddin, Justin Tan Yew Hock, Jonathan Quek Siew Teck, Clifford Chow Kit Leow.

2nd Row Peter Jayan, Wang Jie Jun, Dairen Foo Chang Min, Toh Junwei, Stephen Yew Yan Weng, Maham Dave Su nil Wayne Lim Wai Learn, Ivan Lim Chong Joo, Raymond Ong Kit Siong, Eugene .Ho Wee Leong, Cheong Peng Yong, Goh Casey.

Lio R Seated

2nd Row


Paul Chua Soon Heng, Lionel Wong Kok Mun, Gerald Wong Chee Mun, Mr Thomas Tan, Tan Yew Kiat, Ivan Ong Lea Wee, Benjamin Lim Boon Chin.

Tang Wai Leong, Yim Wai, Ryan Wong Xin Yin, Xu Li Lun, Mak Chee Leong, Kenneth Oh Tien Yeow, Llewellyn Fong Peng Weng, Melvin Heng Boon Hee, Alvin Liau Tze Loong.


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L to R Mangat Balraj Singh, Tan Tuan Po, Benjamin Chee Hock Wee,. Mrs Tan Wai Ngan, Chua Chun Peng, Seated Yap Teck Chuan, Ang Kim Ta.

2nd Row Heng Khim Liang, Abraham Rajiv John, Koo Seng Boon, Koh Wo Sing, Syed Muhammad Fahmy B. Syed A.K., Eugene Koh Choon Kiat.

3rd Row Sim Shen- Yu, Daries Ng Chinn Yuan, Tong Hiroshi Yang Yih Tzuen, Leonard Tan Bahroocha, Lee Ee Chiu, Leroy Wong Wai Kitt, Amril Syahrir Rahman Arsat.


L to R Christopher Toh Lai Woon, Mervin Tan Lee Koon , Amos Sim Leng Hong, Miss Lau Mui Lee, Seated Jason Chew Keng Huan, Dominic Chia Tue Wye, Nelson Lee Chuen Chi.

2nd Row Alan Tan Juan Lee, Eugene Yang Weiming , Tyron Tan Khai San , Ronald Quek Teng Guan, Alvis Tan Twooi Heng, Terry Goh Keng Tiang.

Absentees Adrian Tan Vik Meng, Benjamin Wong Fu Weng.


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Regarding suggesting another instrument to replace the one used by the Straits Times, I am afraid it will not be possible to find a single instrument for measure that will satisfy everyone or even the majority of them.

Perhaps we should think of an alternative to the ranking of schools unless the object of the exercise is to compare schools with the purpose to urge them to compete with

each other even at the expense of the welfare of the pupils under their wing. If the object of the exercise is to give information to parents, and I believe this is so, then a 2-page profile

of the schools (arranged in alphabetical order), listing the relevant facts and figures will be

the better alternative. Parents who are interested in a number of particular schools could study their profiles and draw their own conclusions.

Perhaps an enterprising publisher, with the blessing and assistance of the

Ministry of Education, could compile all these profiles from the 141 secondary schools and

publish them in a book. I am sure such a book will be an instant best seller.

Editor : If the instrument using the mean 0-Level Score continues to be used to rank all schools, is it possible for S.A.S.S. to strive for a better ranking?

Principal : Yes. But to achieve this, we will have to do the following:

1. We must cease to open normal stream classes. This will mean that children of our old boys and church members may not have the opportunity

to study in S.A.S.S. unless they are good academically.

2. We ought to restrict both the option and the number of subjects to be taken

by the pupils.

3. Perhaps the school should stop being kind to the pupils. By that, I mean that we should not push them up but to push them out instead.

Editor We certainly hope this will not happen in S.A.S.S. even at the risk of a lower ranking.

Principal : I also hope so. In this connection, I trust our old boys, church members and well-wishers will appreciate our love, care and concern for our boys especially

those who are not so academically inclined. I am personally aware that many of these boys are now well-placed in society and are doing well. They have come

back to their alma mater to express their gatitude and to offer any assistance the school may require. This is very satisfying indeed.

Editor Thank you, Mr Tan

Principal : Thank you. 97

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L to R Chua Chun Peng, Wee Chye Hock, Ong Poh Khoon, Mr Foo Yoong Seang, Markus Ang, Douglas Tay, Seated Lee Kwang Yau.

2nd Row Jake Chia, Keith Seah, Muhammad lmran B. Rahmat, Low-Yip Kok Chuan, Edmund Seow, Ng Kheng Hong, Ang Kyaw Myo, Tan Ngee Yong.

3rd Row Sim Leng Hong, Chong Seng Mong, Alan Tay, Ernest Teo. Lee Wei Long, Koh Kwang Hwee. Devin Chan.


L to R Medora Cyrus. Edwin Pang Ting How, Thotsamporn Pongkunawat Richard , John Thomas, Seated Mr Phillip Yeo , Lobo Navin, Medora Feroze, Samuel Koh Eng Hau, Ng Kian Meng.

2nd Row Alex Tee Chin Ee, Aaron Kong Hon Ein , Alvin Goh Seng Hong, Low Haw Chi , Thomas Sujin, Clement Toh Ee Yang , Lan Choo Chong, Patrick Ng Leak Kwee, Timothy Shim Kwan Chiang, Paul Tan Wee Meng, Melvin Au, Khong En, Zulkiffli Bin. Zainal.

3rd Row Colin Chan Meng Tak, Azid Bin. Ibrahim, Ivan Sim Boon Yong, Meyrvyn Tan. Jason Sao Wei Loon, Nelson Yong Li Soon, Ensley Tan Zie Ken. Chan Honwai, Jason Poh Wee Chung, Kelvin Liu Chu Kwang, Stevanes Tam Buwun, Joel Tan Je Kit, Benjamin Quek Hong Heng, Elvin Leong Weng Kit.


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L to R Benjamin Chee Hock Wee, Marcus Tay Chien Pheng, Jerry Ong Ser Kai, Adrian Lim Khoon Liang , (Seated) Mr Foo Yoong Seang (Prefect Master) , Mr Harry Tan (Principal) , Rev. Tan Piah , Paviter Singh,

Kevin Chia Chong Lin , Benjamin Yong Vik Yen.

2nd Row Dennis Chua Hock Beng , Colin Tan , Agilan s/o Elangow, Allan Ng Kin Mun , Kok Wee Ming , L to R Samuel Tham Peng Jaen , Peerapol Tan Poon Kial , Francis Tan Tah Teck, Loon Ming Hong ,

Benjamin Ong Chee Keong , Edmund Neo Weng Chuen , Koh Choon Yang, Kenneth Lim Boon Tong , Joshua Goh Oon Soo, Chong Hsien Yang.

3rd Row Damien Lim Chin Hin , Ranjit George Joseph , Winston Lin Kee Wee, Benjamin Ong Shao Kiat, L to R Jimmy Lim Kwong Menng, Miraz Patail , Paul Chong Yew Tuck, Leonard Sim Mong Kiang , Lim Joan Hian,

Vincent Liew Wei Yeow, Gary Khoo Soo Heng, Nicholas Goh Leng Wei , Tan Kee Hwei , Ben Judah Benjamin.




The Prefect Master The School Captain School Vice Captain Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Detention Class Senior Latecoming Senior Public Relations Senior

Mr Foo Yoong Seang Adrian Lim Paviter Singh Jerry Ong Kevin Chia Marcus Tay Benjamin Chee Benjamin Yong

Benjamin Ong Paul Chong Vincent Liu Mirza Patail Leonard Sim Winston Lin Joshua Goh Ranjit G. Joseph Kenneth Lim Nicholas Goh

Damien Lim Kok Wee Ming Edmund Neo Peerapol Tan Poon Kiat Zhong Xianyang Koh Choon Yang Gary Khoo Allan Ng Lim Joan Hian Francis Tan


Ben Judah Benjamin Agilan s/o Elangow Samuel Tham Dennis Chua Colin Tan Tan Kee Hwei Benjamin Ong Jimmy Lim Loon Ming Hong

The Prefectorial System of St. Andrew's School was constituted in the 89th year of the school's foundation and was amended in 1965.

Since the days of its establishment in 1937, the panel of prefects has once again planted its footsteps in the glorious tradition of rendering service to the school for the academic

year of 1992. The system has gone through many changes and passed through many

hands evolving into a highly efficient, organised and dedicated panel today.

The Prefectorial role is one of serving the school and maintaining a high level of discipline amongst the school population, extending to the responsibility of looking after the boys' welfare.


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Vice-Principal, Ms Priscilla Krempl and guests awaiting the arrival of our Guest-of-Honour.

Mr Harry Tan and Mdm Oehlers greeting our Guest-of-Honour Mr Koh Boon Hwee.

Inspection of Guard-of-Honour

Principal Mr Harry Tan addressing the audience with the School Report. Singing the hymn: "For all the Saints, who from.their labours rest.. "


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A grand turn out of parents, teachers and students.

Prize and award winners receiving their prizes from Mr Koh

A garden party with the Military Band in attendance.

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Saturday, 5 September 1992



Guest-of-Honour Mr Koh Boon Hwee giving his speech.

Bishop Moses Tay, Governors of the School, Principal and staff, students, parents and well-wishers, Old Saints, ladies and gentlemen

The Olympic Games in Barcelona has just ended. It was an event watched around the world

and I am sure many of you watched these games as well . There is tremendous excitement.

These games have grown to become a big media and publicity extravaganza. We had the

world's greatest athletes competing. Olympic and World records tumbled. It symbolises human achievement.

However, all these achievements are marred by a distinct l~ck of sportsmanship among nations and participants today. I am sure the original founders of the Olympic Games could

never have foreseen the use of drugs that appears so rampantly today nor the lack of grace in some of the athletes. The original spirit of the Olympic Games is just not there.

Contrast this with what happened during the world championships for the marathon

tandem kayak race. There are few sports events in the world as taxing as this. The Danish paddlers were leading the race when their rudder was damaged in a portage. The British team, in second place, stopped to help them fix it. The Danes went on to beat the British by

one second in a contest of nearly three hours. In losing the event, the British team became

the most recent winner of the highest honour in all of sports: they won the Pierre de Coubertin International Fairplay Trophy.

Pierre de Coubertin was the founder of the modern Olympic Games. The Pierre de Coubertin International Fair Play Trophy, named after him, has been awarded annually for the past

28 years to athletes who demonstrated the greatest nobility of spirit. The fact that few of you have heard of this award while almost all of you are familiar with the gold medals in the

Olympics is evidence of how rare honour and fair play have become in our modern world.

The point I want to make, especially for our young Saints, is that striving for success or striving to win is important, but just as important is how you play the game.

Now more recently, we have had an Olympic Games of sorts when national rankings for our schools were published. St Andrew's Secondary School was ranked 35. There is nothing wrong with ranking. But like the Olympic Games ranking is not everything. It

would be sad if parents, students and teachers' reactions towards these rankings produce undesirable and unexpected results. Because a good school is not just one that produces good academic results.


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In my experience as a manager, I have had the opportunity to interview and hire

hundreds of people. In my opinion, there is little correlation between an individual's

academic results and his potential for career success. So many other factors are just as

important. Some of these are leadership skills , the enthusiasm and drive with which the person applies himself to the job, how hard he is willing to work, not just how

smart, his character and personality, is it upright, honest, with integrity? And his ability

to work as a team with others. A good school , therefore, should also strive to instil into their students a sense of values, to mould them into men and women of sterling

character, nurture a caring and compassionate personality, while providing the appropriate

emphasis on academic excellence.

Of course, as an Old Saint, I am biased. But I believe that Saint Andrew's appropriately

balances the factors that make it a good school.

The school tries to take anyone who comes to its doors. It does not, for example, deliberately turn away any of our PSLE students from our feeder school , St Andrew's Junior.

Our junior school also takes in all the sons of our old boys, church members and those living in our neighbourhood. As the Principal has already mentioned, we are expanding the secondary school as it goes single session so that none of our PSLE students will go without a place in secondary one. It strives to build character and leadership in all of its

students, through participation in games, like rugby for which the school is famous, or boxing which encourages sportsmanship because for every winner there will be a loser. It gives students an opportunity to learn about leadership through the prefectorial system and uniformed group activities.

Most importantly, the school strives to ensure that students understand that while winning is important, how you win or lose is equally important. Sportsmanship, fair play have always

been important factors inculcated into young Saints. Therefore, I believe, the students today have as much to be proud of in the school as those of us who came earlier. The camaraderie of the relationships built at school, the emphasis on moral and character building, the

emphasis on sports, it is for these reasons that many Old Saints still rally to the school's

call whenever the word goes out. If the School were just a place to study, take examinations and notch up the score, like the athletes in any single Olympic Games, any sentimental

attachment will be over as soon as the association ends.

While the principal and teachers set the tone for the inculcation of values and the moulding

of character, physical bricks and mortar are required to provide a conducive environment for academic teaching and other school activities. With the support of Old Saints, parents,

teachers and students alike, we expect to get the funds raised and the new school buildings built. This will ensure that our youngest Saints and future students continue to experience

that which have put so many Old Saints on a firm footing .

Together, I am confident that we will be able to keep the unique spirit that St Andrew's can justifiably be proud of.

Koh Boon Hwee 5th September 1992


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The Cross-Over

Welcome into the family.

Cheers for our younger brothers.


From boys to men of grace and polish.

In the good hands of an older brother.

"It's a great feeling to be here at last!"

" If you need help, just knock on any of the doors to the Staff Room over there ."

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What is the hot topic around the pond?

Cleaning the classroom.

The test is on today, you see!

Morning devotion in St. Andrew's. Every nook in the school is a conducive place for study.


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Prefects kneeling before the altar to take their vows.

i ) • I • I

"D Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end ... "

Singing the recessional hymn.

The Upper school at the St. Andrew's Cathedral witnessing the solemn occasion.

Bishop Moses Tay presenting badges of office.

The final prayer by Bishop Moses Tay.

The Vice Captain reading the Prefects' Charter.

Singing of the School Hymn.


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And they're off ...

Here we go round the ...

Push on! Just a bit more to go ...

The triumph of a champion. Presenting tokens of appreciation to our guests.


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To be a Saint, you must work very hard. "This is the way you catch a rugby ball" .

First rule of rugby: If you can 't beat 'em, scare them! A prefect leading in the Cheer.

"Wait till the Art teacher sees my centrefold." A triumphant start for years to come in St. Andrew's.


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A saintly gathering

Stand up for Jesus. Our guest speaker from the Church of Our Saviour sharing his testimony.

A musical presented during the Religious Emphasis Week. Praise the Lord.


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Mr Harry Tan and Ms Krempl with Mr Louis Rowen after addressing the school during morning assembly.

Mrs Ong Cheow Foon telling our guests from Caulfield to feel at home in St Andrew's.

City tour of Singapore.

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The Saint's fourth visit to Caulfield Grammar School 5 June - 20 June 1992.

Hang in there guys , just a mile more to go ...

Huh, a fake? Made in Taiwan koalas, I should have known.

Let's see, 24 oranges multiplied by 19, then multiplied by 1.12 to convert and the final answer is ... 131

Who says Singaporeans can't rough it out? St Andrew's train us to be all-rounded.

Hey, look what I've got here!

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In Australia, the back page of the newspaper is invariably the Sports page: football, cricket,

tennis and, yes, even rugby. During my last visit to Singapore, the Australian Rules Football finals were being contested in Melbourne and so I absent-mindedly turned to the back page

of The Straits Times and found? Money! With Australia currently in an economic recession,

I noticed gloomily that the Australian dollar was not worth much more than one Singapore dollar these days. No wonder we hide our exchange rates deep inside the paper

and highlight our sporting successes! Of course Australia is much more than sport just as Singapore is much more than money, they both are very much about people: happy,

hard-working, successful people. There can be no 'exchange rate' on people but that does

not mean that exchanging people has no value: quite the contrary, it is invaluable.

When talking of the student exchange, it is easy to list similarities between St. Andrew's Secondary School and Caulfield Grammar School but too ofter we limit ourselves to the facts

and forget the feelings. In other words, we describe the places but not the people. The exchange of students between our great schools highlights the most important similarity

of the schools: we both have happy, hard-working, successful students. These students are

at the very heart of our schools, they provide the pulse that keeps our schools vibrant, young

and outward-looking. We also share the view that our students are to be citizens of the world who must have a global perspective and an international understanding. We recognize that

these young people will be the leaders of our world tomorrow, and we dream of a world where the point of view is more international than national.

To be honest, these grand aims are probably far from the minds of the students who

participate in the exchange. To them, the immediate enjoyment of the experience is

paramount: the shopping, the exotic sensations, the different cultures. This is quite

valid, of course, because learning should be enjoyable, particularly when you are young.

However, when the excitement of the actual exchange passes, the true values will surface: the lasting friendships, the changed attitudes, the new horizon. There is no better way of seeing another country than by living with a local family and there is great value in seeing

your own country than through the eyes of others. Most importantly, I believe the students

learn that the world is filled with people rather than places. They understand that, even if surroundings seem strange and appearance unfamiliar, people are essentially the same.

We are creatures of one world who adapt to our surroundings, we are not the creations

of our locality. We have dominion over the earth. In learning this lesson, the students come

to reflect upon the very essence of life itself: not how we live but why we live. A grand aim



Neil Lennie HEADMASTER, Caulfield Grammar School

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Mr Harry Tan and the school welcome Mr Ivor Freathy, our guest of honour.

The march past led by our School Captain.

Make way! Here I come.

The elegant dive A Zulu warrior comes to St. Andrew's? 133

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Where did it land? Mr Ivor Freathy giving away the prizes.

C'mon young Saints, try to break another record! In all fairness .. .

Heave ho, pull! A token of appreciation to our special guest.

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Mr Harry Tan arriving with Guest of Honour Mr Richard Koh.

Flying fishes.

_,. - -Teachers' Race: "Now boys, be careful not to drown." Mr James O'Boyle: "Wow! I caught something. Are they edible?"

• ""'--

Splash! Mr John Yap giving away the prizes. Well done , Ernest!


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Principal, Mr Harry Tan, Chaplain Rev Tan Piah and guests, Mrs Elizabeth Fonseka, Mr Tan Soo Kiang and Mr John Yap celebrating National Day with the school.

Mr John Yap giving away prizes to winners.

Salute to Singapore!

A history exhibition was held.

Art Exhibition held in the Art Room


Annual boxing championship held in conjunction with our National Day Celebrations.

Teacher in action in a soccer game of Students vs Staff

Dur Vice-Principal , Mrs Krempl looking at displays during the Art Exhibition.

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CHINESE LANGUAGE SOCIETY Seng Swee Cheng (left) and Zhong Teck Seng of 3AE won the second prize in the

National Schools' Crosstalk Competition jointly organised by Lianhe Zaobao and NJC Chong Teck Seng also the best speaker award.

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Cross-talk and singing competition held in the school hall.



Swee Cheng, Teck Seng and teachers-in-charge Mdm Tan and Mdm Soh (right).

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Prlncipal Mr Harry Tan and members of the Military Band arriving at the Waikiki Resort Hotel.

Music by our band draws crowds to the Alamoana Centre Stage .

. ·

Aloha! Hawaii here we come . A visit to the Polynesian Cultural Centre.


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The School Military Band performing on the lstana grounds during the Lunar New Year.

Thank you President Wee and First Lady

One for the album ...


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Is it real?

"FISH & CROPS": A VISIT TO KUKUP(7th September '92)

36 boys from 3SI & 3S2 accompanied by Ms Jacquel ine Ngin , Ms Jackie Khoo and Mr Toh

Weng Choy on an educational trip to Kukup.


39 pairs of feet balancing precariously on the wooden planks of a floating fish farm

A first hand view (and smell) of neat rows of latex-producing trees , just like those described in the Geography text books.

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L to R Jay Sim, Kenneth Li, Eugene Wong , Daries Ng, Leonard Sim, Dennis Teo , Darien Foo , U.K. Shyam. Seated 2nd Row Ngai Yicong , Sun Renjie , Pradeed R,, Lee Wai Teck, Douglas Tay, Ang Chonglai, Marcus Ang ,

Leroy Tan Bharoocha, Chen Guang Hui , Sudhir Thomas, Corin Ong, Peter Jayan


L to R Kevin Tan Eng Hwee, Teo Kien Heong, Jason Chia Jay Sern , Miss Chan Ee Mein, Indra Sahdan Bin Daud, Seated Liew Khee Cheong, Jason Koh Kok Liang

2nd Row Yap Jiann Wey, Lim Min Soon, Jay Ong Kok Weng , Patrick Tan Wee Phin , Lie Sun Ee, Tang Chee Wei, Matthew Tay Choon Kwan


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Standing Jake Chia Min Chien, Glenn Wong Kuan Yen, Adrian Chai Wern Ser, Cheung Charn Mun, Lim Tse Wei, Navarathnarajah Suresh-Angelo, Quek Chin Haur, Fan Cher Loon.

L to R Arthur Heng Kian Hwee, Chan Lup Hoe, Tanpoonkiat Peerapol , Mrs Priscilla Kremp l, Seated Matthew Chua Wen Chiang, Eugene Ng Hua Leng, Adrian Foo Swee Kwang.


L to R Lee Wai Teck, Sudhir Thomas, Eugene Wong, Dennis Teo, Mr Lim, Tan Yaolong, Ngai Yicong, Sun Renjie.


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L to R Chen Zhijiang Raymond , Li De-Yang Randall , Miss Chua, Teo Quee Lim Ernest, Fu Xianghong Terry Seated 2nd Row Li Changzhen, Low Weiyu , Huang Weiyu Edwin , Fu Quan-An Patrick


L to R Loh Seng Yue, Lim Teng Siang, Tan Chin Gee, Quek Kwang Whay, Christopher Cheng Yew Whye, Andrew Tan Tse Chyuen, Chan Hiang Yong


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L to R Patrick Foo, Lee Chang Chen, Adrian Lee, Miss Chua, Ang Kim Ta, Glenn Wong, Goh Yu-Jin. Seated

2nd Row Soh Wein Kee, Andrew Loke Mun Wai, Loh Wei Lin, Tan Buan Ek, Emile Choo, Adrian Tan, Ong Sian Tong, Lee Siew Kiang, Tan Wai Hong.

3rd Row Low Theng Hui, Liu Li Qiang, Meng Rui Qin, Chin Yi Shuen, Chin Sien Moon, Ho Xian Ming, Lun Ta Hui.


L to R Christopher Chen Youwei, Devin Lum Kok Wa, Raymond Chan Chee Kwong, Randall Lee Teck Yang, Seated Miss Chua G.E., Edwin Ng Wei Gee, Gerald Wong Chee Mun, Vincent Tay Soon Liang, Ernest Teo Quee Lim

2nd Row Marc Aw Kha Onn, Tan Chun Siong, Jonathan Tan, Leong Boey, Chia Jay Sie, Eugene Ho, Colin Ho Wee Ping, Melvin Lim Yong Chin, Wilkinsion Chew Wee Shern

3rd Row Chen Liang, Donny Low Wee Siong, Bryan Xie, Douglas Chew Yew Hin, Mark Wong Menn Khit, Shanker s/o Venu Gopal, Patrick Foo Suan Aun, Derrick Lim Wei-Jin, Lim Teng Siang, Lu Jian Hua, Ong Shu Yong


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L to R Nicholas Loke , Rao Yixian , Colin Tan , Mr. O'Boyle, Edmund Neo, Seated Danny Ong, Colin Wang

2nd Row Lee Hsien, Benjamin Quek, Glenn Wong, Joseph Tan Siow Vee Leen , Koo Seng Boon, Damien Chan , Felix Cheung

3rd Row Jerald Cheong, Soo Boon Kial, Tommy Lee, Tay Wei Sheng, Syed Abdullah Al Sagoff, Lin Wenjie, Kevin Wee, Ang Kim Ta

Absent Fung Ming Tak, Mohd Sah Redha and Mohd Faizal


L to R Kevin Tan , Terenjit Singh Sevea, Tay Hong Chuan, Mr Chun , Coach Syed Abdul Kadir, Virkamjit Singh, Seated A. Anand

2nd Row Syed Mohd Fahmy, Peter Tan Tuan Po, Tong Hiroshi , Fixen Ng, T. Shiwanand, Daries Ng Chinn Yuan, K. Kanan, Desmond Tan , Das George Anand


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Lio R Seated

Lio R Standing


Jack Tan Hong Kiat , Huang Wanlong , Adrian Tan , Mohd Fadzil Mustapha, K. Thanaraj, Kevin Tan Tee Peng.

Ivan Lim, Sanjay Menon, Stanley Huang, Amril Syahir, Mr Mahmod Zainol , Syed Muhammad Fahmy, Visvanathan , Agilan s/o Elangow, Balraj Singh Mangat


- -

Lio R Seated

2nd Row

3rd Row

Anantha Raj, Daniel Lin Yikuan , Yeo Haig Gene, Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam, Lim Tuang Joo, Liao Yen San, Das George Anand Prasad

Paul Chew Boon Siang, Sandeep Singh Johal, Kevin Seah Wei Hua, Wee Kim Yong , Jeremy Seah Jek-Li , Anand s/o Sathi Kumar, Peter Chew Boon Chow

Tay Teng Ming, Siltesh Kumar s/o Pasupathe, Ng Rong Hwa, Medora Kaizad Jamshid, Ivan Lee Shen Chong, Chia Hwee Hing


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L to R Lim Samual , Huang Rong Yao, Tan Tuan Po (GM) , Goh Casey (GM) , Mr Mahmod Zainol, Wong Lionel (GM) , Seated Han Tan To Halim (GM) , Chow Clifford (GM), Huang Wei Gu

2nd Row Ong Xiang Tong , Toh Seng Lee, He Shen Hua, Silas Donald , Geroge Danard, Toh Edmond, Khairil , Tai Yau Long, He Heshika.

3rd Row Wong Eugene, Zhu Li Chuan, U.R. Shyam, SJM Jay, Pradeep R., Pho Kial, Kao Yi Xian Jiu David .


L to R Ranesh Kumar, Daniel Tan Song Yany, Tang Kum Yuen , Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam, Yeo Khung Hui . Seated

2nd Row Ng Kok Wah , Lee Tuck Leong, Ang Yue Xuan , Lee Tze Tian , Mohd Faizal , Andrew Tan Tze Chuan, Anad s/o Sathikuwar.

3rd Row Tan Wah Meng, Freddy Ong Teck Guan, Nazhan Bin Mohd Nazi, Jay Ong Kok Weng , Tan Wee Phin , Lim Teng Siang


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Lio R Seated


Khairil Ridzwan Misnal, Tan Tuan Po, Siew Kong Chuen, Desmond Tan , Mrs Priscilla Krempl , Derek H. Park, Johann Sim, Donald Silas, Syed Mohd. Fahmy.

2nd Row Dave Sunil Mohan, Daries Ng, Leroy Tan Bahroocha, Douglas Tay, Walter Silvester, Koh Kwang Hwee, Fung Ming Tak.

3rd Row Low Chee Weng , Frank Lim, Eugene Huang, Conrad Chang, Fixen Ng, Loo Kuoh Yoon , Lai Chung Fai, Jason Chew, Koo Seng Weng, Wayne Lim.

Absentees Adrian Tan , Johal Singh, Kevin Chee, Max Ouek and Cheong Yong Ming.

Lio R Seated

2nd Row

3rd Row


Andrew Teo, Ho Wai Keong, Tan Wah Meng, Yeo Haig Gene, Lum Wai Keong, Mr Au Yeong Pak Lam, Tan Wee Phin , Ng Chee Keong, Tang How Mun, Saifuddin Bin Rahmat, Tang Kum Yeun

Daniel Tan Song Yang , David Isaac Mathews, Liau Yen San, Liew Chu Kuang, Kim Miang Howe, Ang Yue Shien, Matthew Tay Choon Kwan, Samuel Koh Eng Hau, Koh Kuan Min, Darryl Lau Wy-Men, John Tan Teck Wai, Tan Wei Hao, Yeo Khung Hui

Dwayne Fonseka, Lim Choong Kial, Derek Lee Chuk Leng, Tan Kay Yiong, Nazhan Bin Mohd Azai , Andrew Kwong Sze Ian, Tang Chee Wei, Hiai Boon Hiang, Choong Nan Soon, Dennis Wong Yam Shuen, Woon Chiew Hou, Kevin Toi Kia Tzun, Sunny Tan Chye Lee, Freddy Ong Teck Guan, Ong Toon Keong , Wee Kim Yong


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All hands to the pumps as the Saints repel a Greenridge attack. On spotting a gap, a Saint makes a dash for the line.

Another tense moment for our opponents . I go'up and on '. You can 't stop me!


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Well done, Saints! One final push for victory.

It takes two to stop this Saint. Rugby fans of all ages stop by at the Padang to watch the game .

Go forward! Another conversion by the Saints. 154

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A.V.A. CLUB (A.M.)

L to R Teo Chan Kee, Edmund Pek, Marcus Pang, Mrs W.N. Tan, Mr Y.M. Chan , Cikgu Azmi, Ben J. Benjamin, Seated Ewan Choo, Daniel Lu

2nd Row Keith Seah, Alfie Yeo, Glenn Wong , Jack Tan , Jonathan Quek, Kang Chunpin, Derrick Lim, Mark Lim, George Danaraj, Tan Lewei , Thanaraj, K. Shanker, Goh Yu-Jin , Dennis Lim

3rd Row Sewarajah, Byron Teo, Alister Lim, Stephen Yew, Lim Aik Neng, Koh Kah Hoe, Kenneth Oh, Vimalan , Darryl Chan , Hiang, John Low-Yip , Jerald Cheong, Lim Cai, Harveen Singh


L to R Calvin Ng Wei Loong, Khairul Hisham Misnal, Chew Boon Xiang , Chew Boon Chow, Mrs Deanna Wong , Seated Mrs Manjit Singh, Terence Lim Hong Leong, Teo Teck Guan, Lim Sao Kuan , Ng Hiok Hoe

2nd Row Marcus Tan Lee Kiang , Stanley Chua Kah Wei , Simon Yee Chun Mun, Anand s/o Sathikumar, Desmond Tan Gin Kiat , William Tjen Liang Wee , Terrence Tan E-Jin , Chan Wai Chong , Kenneth Tan Weisheng , Loh Kai Yun , Kourshik Basu Mallick

3rd Row Ronald Chan Hiang, Daniel Tan Song Yang, Vikramjit Singh, Marcus Tan Wee Teck, Ensely Tan Zie Ken , Yee Kit Sun , Lim Tuang Joo, Nazhan B. Md . Nazi , Alex Lee Kah Yew, Kaizad J. Medora, Andrew Tang Wing Cheong, David Isaacs, Ng Kheng Sheng, Wee Kim Yong, Tan Wee Wen


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L to R Lee Chin Pin, Sherwin Chia Tse Min, Low Seo Chin, Benjamin Chee Hock Wee, Mrs Janet Oh, Seated Mr Joseph Chean, Adrian Tien Meng Kwang, Heng Khim Liang, Kaw Jon Kher, Nelson Lee Chuen Chi.

2nd Row Jake Chia Min Chieh, Jonathan Loh Wei Lin, Tan Buan Ek, Anton Ngui Tze Vun, Joshua Goh Oon Sao, Benjamin Yong Vik Yen, Edmund Neo Weng Chuen, Lim Tuck Hway, Danny Siew Liang Shing, Tan Swee Kial, Cheong Mun Khein.

3rd Row Teo Chan Khee, Tang Mun Leong, Kevin Sim Kee Sheng, Loh Chee Hoe, Kelvin Ng Leng, Melvin Heng Boon Hee, Chow Wai Yean, Eugene Eng Kuang-Jen, Adrian Liga Gondawijaya.

Lio R Seated

2nd Row


Shawn Chua Wei Yang, Li Kim Hua, Leck Han Choong, Adrian Boon, Mrs Rosalind Ho, Mr Joseph Chean, Nicholas Sim, Seow Pao Art, Wilkinson Chew, Marc Ao.

Daniel Zhen, Justin Tan Tze Wui, Samuel Ng, Weibin, Robin Goh, Tan Wei Hao, Chng Chung Wei, Kelvin Tan Keng Swee, Derek Han Joan How, Tan Wee Liat, Raymond Tan, Zhao Shiwei, William Tee Su Su.

3rd Row Gerald Ang, Kelvin Tay, Jeremy Lee, Louis Lu, Brendon Loh, Jason Tan, Ng Ho lht, Clement Yu Yang Hao, Winston Wong Choy Wah, Xiao Weidong, Darryl Lau, Daniel Quah, Colin Ong Toon Kawn.


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L to R Lee Chong Seng, Calvin He Gaofeng, Koh Pang Howe, Lyndon Tan Ken Len , Mrs Soo Siew Keng, Seated Chong Hsien Yang , Soon Chen Peng, Simon Ho Hsien Meng, Tommy Tanady.

2nd Row Kevin Wee Kim Ngee, Leonard Chia Tien Tsin, Kew Hin Chew, Lim Wee Gee, Mark Teng, Chua Geng Leong, Soon Boon Kiat , Ong Kit Boone.

3rd Row Tan Wai Houng, Wilson Chia, Ye Weiming , Su Zhao Shen, Dwight Fonseka, Xiang Hua, Tuan Hee Hye, Kwan Chi Feng , Gan Kong Hui , Alvin Soh Wein Kei , Loh Chee Ken .


L to R Fu Zhiwei , Hubert Giam Choon Khong, Toh Boon Seng, an Zhicheng, Chia Ouek Chee, Pang Ti Wee, Seated F Edmund Lin Guoxing, Miss Wong Soke Fong, Aldric Wong Kwok Mun, Khaw Sing Tak, Chia Yuen Che,

Ong Mar-Win, Ngee Wei Ann , Chia Zhaoshan , Ong Mar-Vin

2nd Row Tan Kok Hian, Kelvin Chia, Gerald Ang , Ng Gim Nguan, Huang Oingwei, Chan Beong Wooi , Kwok Hon Meng, Ouek Houchai , Henry Ho, Lee Tian Hock, Seetho Chiat Kang, Koh Peng Chuan, Loo Kian Hua, Kang Yong Kiat , Ng Minghorng, Bee Toh Kum Hung, Chiang Hong Keat, Lim Tze Koon, Lim Say Tum, Lim Teng Beng, Leow Teck Liang, Lee Eng Huat, Wyndson Lee Lok Wing , Lau Kok Kian , Ariel Dragonna Hujaya, Stephen Gunawan, Phang Seng Wa

3rd Row Chew Keng Wah , Tan Kay Yiong, Gan Kongwei , Ernest Chong Yun Yun , Errol Tan Kim Liat, Foo Meng Hou, Huang Weijiun, Yohan Setiawan, Lok Choon Tong , Gary Hoon, Stanley Wong, Bernard Ho Tze How, Patrick Tan Wee Phin, Eugene Tan , Edwin Pang , Huang Weiren , Yeung Wai Kiang , Dennis Wong Yau Shuen, Yong Mann Wai, Leow Teck Leng , Lutler Tan , Eugene Hwang Chuan Wen , Liew Khee Cheong


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Lto R Seated


Tuan Hee Hye, Ang Kim Ta, Mdm Soh Whee Bee, Miss Pang Lin Hua, Lee Wei Loong , Desmond Anura Sahathevan

2nd Row Lim Yeun Chen, Simon Mok Heng Cheon, Collin Lim Lian Deng, Stanley Luo Keen Hong, Lee Chun Hwee, Wu Yinpei, Xu Tong You

3rd Row Han Xingyuan, Lester Chan Lik Teck, Frankie Chong Kar Wah, Albert Lo Su Nyen, Tan Poh Loon, Zhang Junxiong


L to R Kenneth Lim, Stanley Ong, Adrian Lim, Edmund Seow, Samuel Tham Seated

2nd Row Chen Wanyi, Li Shaoqiang, Derek Li, Kelvin Tan, Feroze Medora, Huang Zhengliang, Ian Choo, Ensley Tan.

Not in Mr Khoo Kay Giap picture


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L to R Beng Swee Cheng (Secretary), Freddy Lim Ger Terng (General Editor) , Mdm Tan Kian Eng , Seated Mdm Soh Whee Bee , Chew Kok Hoong (Chairman) , Tan Te Wei (Vice-Chairman)

2nd Row James Tham Leong, Lau Chong Yaw, Kang Chun Phin (Treasurer} , Quek Chieh Hsien, Pok Junn Ping , Chong Teck Seng, Wong Chee Guan


Lio R Seated 2nd Row

3rd Row

Lee Tuck Leong, Tan Chin Gee, Chia Tong Hai, Miss Tang Phui Fong, Mdm See Swee Tee, Kang Chiang Huen, Lim Tze Tzek, Lim Soon Joo.

Leck Han Choong, Sng Aik Khoon , Chong Yoon Wei, Pay Gangyi , Lim Himg Yew, Loh Seng Yue, Lee Mun Leong, Sng Boon Siang,Chong Jin Yun, Lee Wei Kit , Kelvin Goh & Kerry Teo Kai Yang.

Darrel Hon, Terence Goh Lu Shang, Lee Ching Song, Francis Tan Suan Peng , Lim Chee Yong , Sim Hee Juat, Jeremy Wong Wai Yan , Tan Tong Guan, Lee Seng Chuan, Chia Sen How, Tay Hong Chuan, Loy Guo Zhao.


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Lio R Seated

2nd Row

3rd Row


Ratish Bala, Ben Judah Benjamin, Samuel Tham, Parviter Singh, Johal Singh, Miss Braema Mathi Walter Ferrix, Colin Tan, Agilan s/o Elangow, Gerald Lee.

Gao Rongke, Samel Sudesh, Quek Jinhao, Harveen Singh, Joshua Goh, Conrad Chang, Alister Lim, Maung Aung, Ye Weimin.

Derek Park, Ravi Misra, Patrick Toh, Tay Wei Sheng, Kamaljeet Singh, Luke Cunico, Sudhir Thomas, Koh Wo Sing.

LDDS (P.M.) _

L to R Shawn Chua Wei Yang, Erwin Chan Pai Hsiung, Ivan Koh Sze Chieh, Seated Mrs Loh Suan Choo, Ranesh Kumar, Ong Chye Chye, Lim Siew Chuan.

2nd Row Lim Heok Boon, James Lim Soon Leong, Chiam Darnen, Alexander Quang, Lee Chee Teik, Ng Chin Yeow, Winston Su Chin Han, Fahmy Sidik.

3rd Row Keerthi Gaurav, John Thomas Sushil, Serea Terenjit Singh, Medora Cyrus, Thomas Sujin, Thomas Danny, Louis Lu Yixing, Buenas Daniel.


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L to R Chee Fook Sing, Watsooksunti Kumpol, Sim Kok Chen, Lee Choon Liang, Mrs Yeo Yuen Chin, Seated Soong Yoke Lim, Benny Kwok Hon Sen, Lyndon Tan Ken Len, Wee Chye Hock.

2nd Row Koo Seng Weng, Ong Kit Boone, Melvin Goh Heng Lye, Lim Siong Heng, Tay Chai Siong, Low Yong Jing, Tan Wai Loong, James Koh Sze Ming, Simon Lim Eng Seng, Jenson Lee Boon Leng, Derrick Lim Hiok Meng, Low Chee Weng, Najmi Mashhad.


L to R Chung Hoi Wai (Committee Member), Lawrence Teo Kien Heong (Chairman), Andy Loh Khoon Meng (Secretary) , Ng Soo Hwa (Committee Member), Ng Chee Keong (Treasurer), Mrs Frederick (Teacher- in-charge).


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L to R Desmond Anura, Basheer Ahamed, Farhan Ahmad (Treasurer) , Cikgu Boon Yadi , Mohd Fadzil (Chairman) , .Seated Khairullah Zayadi (Vice Chairman) , Aminnudin Aziz.

2nd Row Shamsul Qamar, Soh Tan Ching , lrman Khamis, Mohd Shah Reda, Joseph Mark Anand , Kok Wee Ming, UK Shyam, Am ran, Sudhir Thomas, Jummain Wahid, Mohd Faizal.


L to R Koh Tat Koon , Ho Chin Fah, Heremy Tan Cheng Yew, Mr Chun, Mr Lim, Sanjay De Menon, Tan Teck Wee, Ngeow Yee Hsien.

2nd Row Robin Ang, Chen Yuming, Yu Zhiming, Tan Wee Keong , Neo Yew Ching , Duane Ong Shaowen, Tan Seng Kee, Justin Choo, Li Jingquan, Andy Lim, Edwin Low, Jack Goh.

3rd Row Nathaniel , Qiu Yanzheng, Jonathan Lim, Eugene, Guo Houcai , Chen Weiqu , Lim Boon Teck, Edwin , Choo Chong Ian, Jason Seow, Andrew Gan, Liu Zhiqin , Li Jin Hui.


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L to R Chong Nam Xiu , Nicholas Goh Leng Wei (President} , Mdm Ng Yuet Mei , Jimmy Lim Kwang Meng (Vice Seated President} , Lee Lit Seen.

2nd Row Khoo Aik Wen, Benjamin Lim Jek Wee, Goh Teck Seng, Roy Tan Kwang Wei, Tay Yong Seng, Kelvin Lin , Glenn Ong, Heng Buoi Jet.


L to R Jeremy Wong Wai Yan , Lim Tze Tzek, See Toh Kum Hung, Desmond Heng Wen Chien , Mdm See, Chia Chong Ming, Jason Tan Tong Guan, Raymond Yeo Boon Hwee.


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L to R Gregory Lim Cheng Lock, Rao Yixian , Lee Hon Yip, Lee Han Chuan , See Sze Ping , Jummain Md. Wahid. Seated

2nd Row Hong Chee Peng, James Lim Soon Leong , Tan Ganhe, Ngoh Boon Leong, Thomas Danny, Lee Leng Siang, Ong Shu Han.


Our school pianists Markus Ang (left) and Loh Wai Yue.


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L to R Alvin Ng Boon Tsen , Kiwi Thn , Paviter Singh, Sim Shen-Yu, Mr R.B. Krishna, Miss Lau Mui Lee, Seated Mdm Ng Yuet Mei, Lee Han Chuan , Joshua Goh, Keneth Yeo Wei Loong, Felix Siew Kai Hong

2nd Row Chen Guan Hua, Tan Wai Houng, Kelvin Teo Ban Chuan , Han Wee Fong, Eugene Koh Choon Kiat. Chen Guan-Ye, Gary Teo Khong Hui , Tan Yan Ho, Lee Koon Heng, Yap Wai Meng, Dicky Lee, Yee Der Siang, Kevin Tan Kean Wei , Wang Shang Jie , Benjamin Lim Boon Chin, Terrence Tan

3rd Row Danny Goh Wee Khiam. Calvin Lee Siew Hon, Abraham Rajiv John, Heng Kai Koon , Sunny Long Jiang Ming, Chee Fack Sing, Adrian Choong Hai Mun. Koh Pang Howe, Raymond Ong Choon Hock, Maurice Low Wei Lin , Andrew Tan Yong-Chee , Bellamy Chia Choon Nguan, Daryl Ho Kah Chong


L to R Alvin Tang Chung Ping , Julian Lim Thong Wan , Kenneth Koh Kuan Kial, Lee Hou Heng, Gabriel Tan Tong Neng, Seated Mrs Rosie Yong , Mrs Lee Sock Hoon, Vincent Chow Wai Min, Chia Sheng Chi , Yang Hao Ming,

Peter Ching Sing Wae, Billy Ong Swee Boon

2nd Row Chong Chee Yang , Tan Keng Chong, Fu Zhi Wei , Setiawan Johnny, Colin Chan. Lim Kim Teck, Winston Wong Choy Wah , Timothy Tan , Stanley Wong, Pang Ti Wee, Jack Teo, Ong Mar-win, Han Chong Wee, Cai Jian Hui, Zhuang Zi Lun , James Lim, Tan Wee Liat

3rd Row Alvin Pek Tiong Liu , Daniel Yip, Lee Zhong Hui , Henry Ho Fu Teck, Adrian Liew Tek Min, Chiang Hong Keat, Terence Goh Wee Loy, Andy Low, Chew Kheng Loon, Koh Yoik Meng, Derek Chung Wai Khu in, Lee Ri Rong, Colin Tan Kim Hua. Eric Tan Hoe Hee. David Wong Fook Heng, Aldric Wong Kwok Mun. Robin Hong Jin Tong , Humphrey Lu Chuan Ming


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------- r ~ -- -- ,--



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Lio R Seated

Lio R Standing


OCT Desmond Koh , OCT Stephen Hoe, OCT Lionel Loh, 2ND Amy Rajamoney, 2LT Noel Tan, CAPT Mah Mun Kong, LTA Phi lip Koh, 2L T Kok Wah Loong, OCT Chew Kia Sheng, OCT Teng Tieu Guan, OCT Teoh Chee Meng.

SGT Daryl Tan, SGT Jefferey Ha, SGT Ang Heng Kah, SGT Victor Lee, SSG Alvin Cho, SSG. Frankie Ho, SSG Alex Lee.



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From left to right - Sgt. Victor Lee Wai Teck,

Sgt. Ang Heng Kah and Sgt. Jeffery Ha Jin Siong

They received the award at the Boys' Brigade

Thanksgiving Service held in ACS.

The boys were in the Cameron Highlands for their annual camp last December.

Games session at our campsite: Tanah Raia, Cameron Highlands.

Whether we are in or out of Singapore, we will still worship the Lord. Cameron Highlands Camp.

-G r

Drill competition squad in Action!

'Monkeys' at Batu Caves, West Malaysia.

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Lio R Seated


Ranjit George Joseph, Mr Ho Boon Kial, Mr Vincent Lim, Mr Toh Weng Choy, Adrian Tan Khiang Loong

2nd Row Stephen Samuel , Edmund Soh Wei Chee, Roger Chua Houng Lik, Francis Tan Tat Teck, Aung Kyaw Myo, Andrew Loke Mun Wai , Boon Chee Shiung



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10TH-14TH JUNE 1992

To 'Be Prepared ' in the morning . "Campire's burning, campfire's burning , draw nearer ... "

Flag Break Ceremony. Part ol an obstacle course .


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NP C C(A.M.)

NP CC (P.M.)


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NCC - NCO'S (LAND, AIR, SEA) -------------------------

L to R SSGT Ronny Tan , SSGT Edmund Seow, SSGT Gerald Lee, SSGT Tan Nyit San, SSGT Terence Lim, Seated SSGT Francis Goh, SGT Ho Sze Kai .

2nd Row Sgt Loh Chee Ken , Cpl Lim Tse Wei , Cpl Koh Kian Hong.Cpl Lee Kah Hwee, Sgt Ng Ho Fei, Sgt Tan Kok Leong, Sgt Ng Hiok Kheng , Sgt Foo Xiang Hong

