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Up Hatherley Parish Magazine · 12/5/2020  · Magazine Shirley Little -Editor 01242 525631 David...

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Parish Magazine The Parish of Saints Philip and James Up Hatherley December 2020 1 Christmas
  • Parish Magazine

    The Parish of Saints Philip and James

    Up Hatherley

    December 2020



  • Saints Philip and James Parish Church,

    Cold Pool Lane, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham, GL51 6HX.



    Parish Priest Fr. Mark Catherall B.Th (Hons) SSC

    The Vicarage, 336 Hatherley Road, Up Hatherley,

    Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 6HX.

    Telephone: 01242 704837:

    Churchwardens Janet Loveday 01242 510150 Shirley Little 01242 525631 [email protected]

    PCC Secretary [email protected]

    Treasurer [email protected]

    Electoral Roll Jennifer Link 01242 570961

    Magazine Shirley Little -Editor 01242 525631 David Kirk - Distribution 01452 586585

    Printer Color Co Design Print 01242 226332

    Website [email protected]

    Facebook Saints Philip and James Church, Up Hatherley

    Church Centre Bookings and Enquiries 01242 570961 [email protected]

    Toddler Group

    Safeguarding Julie Brown [email protected]

    Articles for the Magazine, including local groups’ programmes should be sent to

    The Magazine Production Secretary The Church Office

    Cold Pool Lane, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham, GL51 6HX no later than the 7th of the preceding month

    The Editor accepts no responsibility for the content of any advertisement

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Parish Church Calendar December 2020


    Tues 1st Feria Places of Education Wed 2nd Feria Catechesis

    Thurs 3rd S. Francis Xavier Pr. Work for Aid Agencies Fri 4th Feria Diocese of Europe Sat 5th Our Lady Families & Young People SUN 6th ADVENT 2 The Parish Mon 7th S. Ambrose SSC Tues 8th Immaculate Conception of the BVM Expectant mothers Wed 9th Feria Rural Communities Thurs 10th Feria The Armed Forces Fri 11th Feria Medical Practitioners Sat 12th Our Lady Victims of Crime SUN 13th ADVENT 3 The Parish Mon 14

    th Feria The unemployed

    Tues 15th Feria Forgiveness & Renewal Wed 16th Feria Refugees Thurs 17th Feria O Sapientia Fri 18th Feria O Adonai Sat 19th Our Lady O Radix Jesse SUN 20th Advent 4 O Clavis David Mon 21st Feria O Oriens Tues 22

    nd Feria O Rex gentium

    Wed 23rd Feria O Emmanuel Thurs 24th Christmas Eve All God’s Children Fri 25th CHRISTMAS DAY Nativity of the Lord Sat 26th S. Stephen M The permanent Diaconate SUN 27th The Holy Family The Parish Mon 28th The Holy Innocents M Bereaved Parents Tues 29th S. Thomas Becket Bp, M The rights of the Church Wed 30th In the Octave of Christmas Prisoners & Captives Thurs 31st In the Octave of Christmas Respect for the earth

    Subject to Government & Church restrictions, Mass will be offered at Church on the following days and times, by appointment:

    THURSDAYS: 10:00 SUNDAYS: 10:00

    Parishioners are asked to visit the Church and print their name for the

    appropriate day. Mass will also be live-streamed via our website & Facebook page on Sundays.

    Please adhere to the directions set out on entering the Church.

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    The Years Mind

    Every day the Church remembers and prays for the souls

    of those whose anniversary of death falls during the

    month. Below are those who we remember this month

    1st William Henry Gratton, Joseph Allan Heaton,

    Alice Mary Dougal


    3rd Valerie Paddy Leplain, Megan Elsie Iten.


    5th William Henry Webb.

    6th Eva Kirsti Ovell, Douglas Williams,

    Glenn Christopher Hands, Stephen Hadland,

    Donald William Harmsworth, Edward Fowler,

    Ann Dewing.



    9th Thomas George Henry Sealey.

    10th Francis James Searle, Adrian Grace.


    12th Frederick Dodd.


    14th Elizabeth Oaker.

    15th Frances Whittern, Alan Forster,

    Henry John Rendell Tyler, Mavis Goodwins.

    16th Barbara Joan Collier.

    17th James Arthur Beech, Charlotte Evelyn Hawkes,

    Robert John Vick.

    18th Lazlo Kocis.

    19th William Alex Knight Munro.

    20th Muriel Peggy Beech.

    21st Olga Betteridge, Austin Farrer (Pr).

    22nd Philippa Dennis Philp, Kenneth Aveyard Peart,

    Ben Platt.

  • 5

    www.saintsphilipandjames.org. uk

    The ideal venue for that special occasion.

    Well equipped kitchen and

    Licensed Bar by arrangement.

    Special rate of £45 for Children’s

    parties off –peak.

    All being well and subject to Government and Church regulations during December the following services and celebrations for Christmas will be offered:


    Christmas Eve Midnight Mass 23.30 pm

    By Appointment and Live-Streamed

    Christmas Day Parish Mass 10.00 am By Appointment

    Please note that attendance for Mass is by appointment and attendance sheets are located on the Church Lobby table. Please Print Your Name Clearly.

    A group of carol singers are hoping to visit streets within the Parish on Christmas Eve afternoon to sing carols at various locations. Parishioners are welcome to listen and join in their favourite carols from their doorsteps but, in consideration of social distancing, please don't gather together around the carollers.

    Merry Christmas.

  • 6

    100 Club

    The winners of the August Draw were :

    1st Prize = June Ireland

    2nd Prize = Pat Griffiths

    3rd Prize = Jeff Hall

    Next Draw will be on

    December 13th

    100 club tickets

    There is still time to renew your subscription for the 100 Club. It costs £12 for the year and a prize draw is undertaken each month. Winners are announced in the magazine. There are a few spare tickets so if you would like one or have a second then please contact Shirley Little.

    Citizens Advice provides an appointment only advice service

    on Thursday morning at Up Hatherley Library.

    Please call 01452 527202 to arrange an appointment:

    Recipe for the Month

    Christmas Gingerbread Biscuits

    Ingredients 100g butter 1.5 teaspoons warm water 100g caster sugar 1.5 teaspoons ground ginger 1 egg 1.5 teaspoons ground cinnamon 225ml treacle 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 450g plain flour 50g sultanas/piped icing pens for decoration pinch of salt

    Method In a large bowl, cream butter, sugar, egg and treacle. Dissolve bicarbonate of soda and add to butter mixture. Beat until smooth. Mix in flour, spices and salt until well blended. Cover and leave for 24hrs. Preheat oven to 180c. Grease baking trays, roll out dough to a thickness of 5cms on a floured surface and cut gingerbread men with shaped cutters. Use icing and sultanas to make eyes, nose etc. Bake 10-12 mins in the preheated oven until firm. Let cool on a wire rack. Makes around 48 shapes.

  • 7

    2020 Continues

    This year has been a very different experience for us all and I have, in previous magazines given you an insight into my life through the Corona-virus. The story continues but this time I have reflected on the word Lockdown and how it has impacted on our lives. Strangely, although perhaps not unexpected, the word Lockdown has been named “word of the year”.

    We are now, here in England, getting ready to come out of this second lockdown, which hopefully will end and we can all look forward to Christmas, although it may not be the same as our past celebrations.

    Lockdown has given me a lot of time to reflect of many things and in particular we should never take things for granted. We, in this parish, should have learned that lesson looking back to the 2007 floods when water no longer came when the tap was turned on. Fortunately this only lasted 16 days with no water but lockdown seems to have taken up most of the year.

    Lockdown means our freedom has been taken away from us and new rules and regulations have been brought in to keep us all safe. We all appreciate that this has been done for the safety of the nation in what we, as a whole world, are going through. The talk of a vaccine is exciting news and it is hoped that this will bring a light to the end of the tunnel when we be able to come and go as we want and do the things we have been missing out on.

    Can you remember when you last hugged a loved one? You probably haven’t seen face to face many of your family and friends. In comes Zoom and the like and it has become a friend, giving us the opportunity to see those family and friends we have missed so much, albeit online.

    We must look to the future in a positive way and I am sure we will come through this as better people and will have more respect for each other and, as I said before, never take things for granted.

    I hope you all enjoy the Christmas festivities as much as possible, but please remember that this season is not only about presents and parties etc. but we celebrate the birth of Jesus and no matter what is going on in our World he is always there for us.

    Stay safe and hope to see you all in 2021.

    Shirley Little


  • For the children


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    Puzzle Time Christmas

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    Up Hatherley Parish Council

    What an extraordinary year 2020 has been, but despite all

    the restrictions placed on us, the Parish Council has

    achieved a lot through the efforts of our councillors, all of whom give their

    time freely as volunteers. We are ably supported by our only member of

    staff – our Parish Clerk Kathryn Oakey, who deals with correspondence,

    looks after hall bookings, settles accounts, arranges our meetings,

    minutes the meetings and makes sure we comply with governance

    requirements. This year, with the challenge of Coronavirus, she has

    enabled us to discuss matters and decide matters “virtually”. We have all

    become used to this way of working so it will be a shock to meet face to

    face and we will need to remember that meeting in public requires a

    different dress code. I am told that there is a new item of clothing called

    the “Zoom shirt” which makes the virtual meeting participant look

    professional, even if they are in fact sitting there in their underpants or PJs!

    A major theme for us this year has been improving the quality of the

    environment we live in. Earlier in the year before the first lockdown we

    installed outdoor exercise equipment in Caernarvon Park. In the Spring,

    we agreed financial support to enable Lakeside School to have a “Daily

    Mile” all- weather track around the school grounds. During the summer we

    consulted residents living around the open spaces about what changes

    they would like to see happening and as we enter winter, funding has

    been agreed to support projects at Caernarvon Park, Cheriton Park, Broad

    Oak Way and Chargrove open spaces. The consultation has also

    identified many volunteers ready and willing to get involved with litter

    picking and maintenance of open spaces.

    It’s going to be a busy period ahead making sure that things happen, but

    we will keep everyone informed and we will be doing this through this

    magazine, on our noticeboards, on our website, on a Facebook Group that

    we are setting up “Friends of Up Hatherley Open Spaces” and on the

    social media group “Nextdoor”.

    On behalf of UHPC, I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and although we

    are unable to host the customary Christmas Eve Carol singing and sharing

    of mulled wine on Fernleigh Green, we plan to have a well decorated and

    lit Christmas tree and are working on having some music!

    Sarah Bamford (Chair)

  • 11

    Up Hatherley Village Hall, Cold Pool Lane

    Bookings and further information from

    Caleb Oakey 07403 582472 [email protected]

    Hillview Community Centre

    Large Hall, Skittle Alley, Kitchen & Licensed Bar available at Reduced Rates.

    Bookings - contact 01242 863635 after 6pm. Social Members Bar Open: 6pm-11pm Mon-Fri & Noon-11pm Sat & Sundays

    Community Organisations

    Scouts and Cub Scouts All enquiries to Chris Keith 01242 519112

    Guiding and Brownies All enquiries to Kim Poulson

    01242 581710

    The Reddings Wives Group

    On Tuesday 26th January 2021 at 8pm we are meeting for the first time for quite a while at The Reddings Community Centre. Please bring your own chair if possible- or a cover for one of the chairs in the hall. Also bring your own liquid refreshments and nibbles as we are unable to use the kitchen area. It will be a social evening to discuss where the future might take us.

    We look forward to seeing you all then.. Kathy Ursell 01452 714240

  • 12

    Gardening News

    November was a classic autumnal month, a mish mash of

    crazy, ever changing conditions. Covid aside (and that cer-

    tainly brought some turbulence) we had still, calm, warm

    days, torrential rain, gales and enough frost to knock the Dahlias and

    Beans for six. In truth it has been great. I so enjoy boisterous weather, the

    rough and tumble when you are just trying to get on. I was out there today,

    raking leaves, continuing to cut back herbaceous plants, I’ve repaired a

    fence, trimmed the lawn and planted a few bits of bedding, all in all

    a satisfying day. I may even get to paint the shed in the coming days. It’s

    a snap shot of my day and a gentle reminder that it is a great time to be

    cleaning and tidying. It is also a time for making ready for winter, for

    protecting the bits that we want to keep. So lift the dahlias tubers, take up

    the least hardy geraniums and fuchsias and salvage any remaining

    summer vegetables for storing. It is even worth running a fork back

    through the potato patch (you will have left some). Make storage space

    clean and dry, watch our for rodents too. You can still be planting peas

    and beans, together with sweet peas, but here too keep an eye for

    rodents. The squirrel has been busy in our garden knicking tulip bulbs and

    the mice just love the peas. If you want to play then just do a few pots and

    if you use something of a decent size peas and beans can both grow right

    through to harvest in containers. This month you will see bare root plants

    on offer, most notably hedging and raspberries. They are fine to plant now

    and most centres will be offering a good range of informal and formal

    hedging as well raspberries for all seasons. The raspberry is a great fruit

    and by careful selection, it is possible to be cropping from June to


    And finally, December is the month for reflection and planning. The time to

    consider, what worked and what didn’t. The 2021 seed lists are out,

    teeming with new ideas, I will be trying the Green Knight Aubergine for

    certain and there are new Zinnias to consider. My real dilemma will be

    with Tomatoes though. If Boxing day offers you a quiet moment then join

    me as I journey to https://www.worldtomatosociety.com/

    Happy Gardening.


  • 13

    Up Hatherley as recorded in the 1897 Kelly’s Directory

    UP HATHERLEY is an ancient parochial chapelry, and was formed into an ecclesiastical parish in January 1887; it is 2 miles south-west from Cheltenham, in the Northern division of the county, upper division of Dudstone hundred, Cheltenham union, county court district and petty sessional division, rural deanery of Cheltenham and archdeaconry and diocese of Gloucester. The ancient church was destroyed in 1640, and the inhabitants for many years attended Shurdington : the present church of SS. Philip and James, erected in 1885-6, at a cost of £2,000, entirely defrayed by the Rev. W. H. Gretton M.A. and Mrs. Gretton, is a building of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch and a bell turret on the south-west containing one bell : the east windows, consisting of simple lancet lights, together with the west window and two on the south side, are stained, and one of these commemorates the 60 years’ reign of H.M. the Queen : the ancient font has been preserved and is in use : in 1894 the chancel was decorated with mural paintings by J. Edie Reid esq. : there are 133 sittings. The register dates from the year 1886. The living is a vicarage, yearly value £30, in the gift of Mrs. Gretton, and held since 1886 by the Rev. William Henry Cotes M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. The principal landowners are Capt. Tickell, Mrs. Gretton, of Coney Gree, and the trustees of the late David Bowly esq. The soil is clayey ; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are cereals and roots. The area is 810 acres ; rateable value, £1,236 ; the population in 1891 was 99. Letters through Cheltenham arrive at 7 a.m. Wall Letter Box cleared at 6.20 p.m. No collection or delivery on Sundays. Cheltenham, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph office. The children of this place attend the day school at St. Mark’s Cheltenham, but a Sunday schoolroom for the parish was erected in 1896. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. (for other names see Cheltenham) Apperley. Edward, Alma villa. Hatherley road. Cotes. Rev. William Henry M.A. The Vicarage Cresswell. Miss, Witley lodge Gretton. Mrs. Coney Gree COMMERCIAL Apperley. Edward, farmer, Alma villa, Hath’ley Rd Baldwin. Alfred, market gardener Bishop. John Jas. Farmer, Greatfield farm Brown. John, dairyman, Green farm Brownett. James, rate collector Brunsdon. Thomas, thrashing machine proprietor, Sunny field Cox. Edward G. market gardener, Woodbine cottage Randall. John Benjamin, farmer, South Park farm Swordy. Robert, manager to Miss K. A. Johnson, Hawksclough Shill. John, market gardener, Oakland cottage Stafford. Jacob, Hatherley inn Verrinder. Frank, farmer, Brick house

    Johnson. Miss K. A. Greenwode Leghe Tounsend. Frederick, Sunnymeade Walsh. Lieut. George Sarsfield R.N.S’th park Young. Frederick, Hatherley manor

    Cox. George, pig dealer Day. Thomas, market gardener Green. Thomas, market gardener Hooper. George, market gardener Kearsey. Albert, market gardener, Bank side Mayo. William James, farmer

  • 14

    Father’s Mark….. Dear Everyone, in the middle of the night, tired from my flight I was shown to my room. I put down my luggage and I heard a bang not far away – “a car backfiring”? No, I was told it was a gun! The lights of Bethlehem twinkled in the darkness four miles away.

    So this was the Holy Land where I was to spend my sab-batical with the sound of gunfire from the birthplace of the Prince of Peace echoing across the shepherd’s fields.

    For some of us it looks as if Christmas might be different this year. Will we be able to see those we love? As I write there are hopeful signs about a vaccine. But as we view the troubled world we might ask has the birth of the Christ-child really made a difference?

    And yet within that same troubled land there came a holy man who, when the baby was brought into the temple, saw at once who he was and he uttered poetry on the spot;

    “For mine eyes have seen thy salvation”

    and those words are sung daily in churches and cathe-drals under the title Nunc Dimmitis.

    So, ponder these and related things this Christmas and with that vision in the temple of the Christ-child see again that, in the words of Julian of Norwich (14

    th century);

  • 15

    “All shall be well, and all shall be well

    and all manner of things shall be well”.

    So, on behalf of Father Mark, our parish priest and vic-ar, the assistant clergy and everyone else at S. Philip and S. James, Up Hatherley we wish you and yours every happiness this Christmas and beyond.

    Father Graham Bryant

    (Retired Assistant Priest)

    “Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel”.

    (Book of Common Prayer 1662)

    The Nunc dimittis; also known as the Song of Simeon or the Canticle of Simeon, is a canticle taken from the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke, verses 29 through 32.

    Its Latin name comes from its incipit, the opening words, of the Vulgate translation of the passage, meaning "Now you dismiss".

  • 16

    Quality bedding plants

    Hanging baskets

    Vegetable plants

    Garden supplies

  • 17

    CULTIVATED LAWN TURF Quality Screened Topsoil

    High Quality and Utility Lawn Turf Mushroom Compost Blended Loam Composts and Mulches Sand and Gravels

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    OPEN: MON - FRI 8am –5pm SAT 8am-1pm

  • 18

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    Tel: 01242 577570 Mobile: 07749045261

    [email protected]

  • 19

  • 20

  • 21

    REPEAT PRESCRIPTION COLLECTION SERVICE We can collect your prescription from all the Cheltenham surgeries on your behalf

    Then all you have to do is call into the Pharmacy to collect your medication. A free delivery service is available if required.

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    Ostomy supplies – incontinence supplies – pregnancy testing Medicines usage review – special diets - gluten free – diabetics

    Yard ley p roducts now s tocked . Please ask or phone Hazel Hawkes your local

    Pharmacist for any advice or for further details

    HAWKES PHARMACY 52 Windermere Road, Cheltenham

    Telephone Cheltenham 523290

  • 22





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  • 23




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  • 24

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  • 25

  • 26

    Jo Wheeler has set her heart on marrying Sidney Sheppard.

    Now he’s dead in a freak fall in Gloucester Cathedral.

    The two of them had such great plans for the future that

    someone must pay for her disappointment.

    Jo is convinced that Sidney’s wife Marjorie is to blame.

    Except Jo’s increasingly erratic behaviour convinces the

    police that she is the killer.

    But who’s the mysterious witness she saw at the scene

    of the crime? Why won’t anyone believe he is stalking


    Jo must prove she’s right about Marjorie before she, too,

    suffers. But is Sidney the man she thought he was?

    What happened on his honeymoon five years ago for his

    bride to

    take revenge


    Available from Amazon in ebook and paperback.

  • 27

  • 28

    Gloucestershire Constabulary Local PCSO Jules Mounsor

    (01452 907600) [email protected]


    Alma Garage 24

    Arvonia Veterinary Surgery 28

    Book and record Sale 5

    Churchdown Computers 16

    Citizens Advice 6

    Foxcubs Day Nursery 19

    Guy Sheppard—The Unwanted Bride 26

    Hawkes Pharmacy 21

    Hatherley Dental Surgery 17

    Hop-2-IT Computer Repair/IT Specialists 18

    I can do it…Tutoring 23

    Mark Williams Computer Solutions 24

    Michelle’s Mobile Foot Care 20

    Piano Lessons – Simon Probert 20

    PC-Menders 17

    Oggie’s Silver Fitness –personal trainer 22

    Oven Busters oven Cleaning Services 19

    Oven Clean 23

    Playhouse Day Nursery 23

    Richmond Retirement Village 11

    The Healing Feeling – Reflexology 18

    Tracey George Mobile Hair Stylist 24

    Up Hatherley Village Hall 11

    Property & Finance

    Louise Newman Chartered Cert.Acc’nt 18

    Food and Drink

    Lakeside Takeaway 22


    Building / Repair

    Alan J Gillespie Painting & Decorating 16

    Andrew Jones – Carpenter 19

    Church Centre Hire 5

    D B F Electrical 23

    D J Cook Plumbing Services 22

    Firmfix 26

    Hatherley Heating and Plumbing 17

    Home Maintenance Services 20

    Jason Bond Carpet Fitter 24

    Just Carpentry & Locks 16

    S Hathaway-KItchens,Bedrms,Bathrms 16

    Spa Plumbing & Heating 19

    Sparkes Aerial & Satellite 21

    UK Blinds 22

    The Combi-Man Heating & Plumbing 25

    Brian Mitten Decorator 22


    KJP Fencing 24

    Landscape Creations (Chelt) Ltd 22

    Cheltenham Mowers Ltd 23

    Garden Maintenance Service 18

    R & M Garden Services 21

    Shurdington Nurseries 17

    Valley Roundabout Nurseries 16

    Stonemasons / Funerals

    Cleevely Memorials 19

    Selim Smith & Co. Funeral Directors 20

    W S Trenhaile Funeral Directors 21

    Support our Advertisers We rely on our advertisers to produce this free magazine which is available to all via our

    Website and Facebook pages and also during this period of ‘lockdown’ hard copies can be

    obtained at Hatherley Post Office, The Parish Council and Dundry Garden Centre,
