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Updated Performance Metrics STAR® Scores Result of Major ... · Management News EMA Member...

Date post: 21-Sep-2020
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September, 2018 September, 2018 Issue: Issue: EMA & Energy EMA & Energy Management News Management News EMA Member EMA Member Spotlight Spotlight Tech Talk Tech Talk Standards & Standards & Guidelines Guidelines Government Affairs Government Affairs Organizations & Organizations & Events Events Incentives, Rebates & Incentives, Rebates & Resources Resources About EMA: About EMA: EnergyWise is a EnergyWise is a monthly e-Newsletter monthly e-Newsletter produced by the produced by the Energy Management Energy Management Association (EMA), a Association (EMA), a subsidiary of the subsidiary of the AABC Commissioning AABC Commissioning Group (ACG). Group (ACG). EMA & ENERGY MANAGEMENT EMA & ENERGY MANAGEMENT NEWS NEWS Major Changes in Major Changes in ENERGY ENERGY STAR® Scores Result of STAR® Scores Result of Updated Performance Metrics Updated Performance Metrics It has been a significant summer at EPA's ENERGY STAR Program. On August 26, 2018, EPA updated performance metrics for U.S. buildings in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® based on the most recent market data available. If you benchmark one or more properties in Portfolio Manager, your buildings’ 1–100 ENERGY STAR scores and other source energy metrics were updated across all time periods to reflect the latest performance metrics. Now that the updated models are live in Portfolio Manager for all users, EPA is implementing a review period, during which they will specifically solicit feedback on the application of those models to
Page 1: Updated Performance Metrics STAR® Scores Result of Major ... · Management News EMA Member Spotlight Tech Talk Standards & Guidelines Government Affairs Organizations & ... data

Sept ember, 2018Sept ember, 2018I ssue:I ssue:

EMA & EnergyEMA & EnergyManagement NewsManagement News

EMA MemberEMA MemberS pot l ightS pot l ight

Tech Tal kTech Tal k

S t andards &S t andards &Guidel inesGuidel ines

Gov ernment Affai r sGov ernment Affai r s

Organi zat ions &Organi zat ions &Ev ent sEv ent s

Incent i v es , Rebat es &Incent i v es , Rebat es &ResourcesResources

A bout EMA :A bout EMA :

EnergyW i se i s aEnergyW i se i s amont hly e-News let t ermont hly e-News let t erproduced by t heproduced by t heEnergy ManagementEnergy ManagementAssociat ion (EMA), aAssociat ion (EMA), asubs idiary of t hesubs idiary of t heAABC Commiss ioningAABC Commiss ioningGroup (ACG). Group (ACG).


Major Changes in Major Changes in ENERGYENERGYSTAR® Scores Result ofSTAR® Scores Result of

Updated Performance MetricsUpdated Performance Metrics

It has been a significant summer at EPA's ENERGY STAR Program. OnAugust 26, 2018, EPA updated performance metrics for U.S. buildingsin ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® based on the most recentmarket data available.

If you benchmark one or more properties in Portfolio Manager, yourbuildings’ 1–100 ENERGY STAR scores and other source energymetrics were updated across all time periods to reflect the latestperformance metrics.

Now that the updated models are live in Portfolio Manager for allusers, EPA is implementing a review period, during which they willspecifically solicit feedback on the application of those models to

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EMA i s a new andEMA i s a new andinnov at i v einnov at i v eassociat ionassociat iondedicat ed t odedicat ed t oadv ancing t headv ancing t hequal i t y of energyqual i t y of energymanagementmanagementserv ices for t heserv ices for t hebenef i t of t hebenef i t of t hebui lding owner . bui lding owner .

EMA prov idesEMA prov idescomprehens i v ecomprehens i v et raining, educat iont raining, educat ionand cer t i f i cat ion forand cer t i f i cat ion forenergy managementenergy managementprofess ional s ,profess ional s ,bui lding owners , andbui lding owners , andot her i ndust ryot her i ndust ryprofess ional s . profess ional s .

Learn more:Learn more:www.energymgmt .orgwww.energymgmt .org

CxEnergyCxEnergy2019 Sponsors2019 Sponsors& Exhibitors!& Exhibitors!


Facility CommissioningGroup

Facility GridDwyer Instruments Inc.

Gresham, Smith, andPartners

Hanson ProfessionalServices Inc.

ONICON IncorporatedSSRCx

United Testing andBalancing Inc.

Exhib itorsExhib itorsAmeritech Data Solutions

Building StartElectro


Griffith Engineering, Inc.Intertek

Kentucky ThermalInstitute

National FenestrationRating Council

various commercial building sectors and the resulting scores.

During this period, EPA will temporarily suspend awardingcertifications for all U.S. property types with new score models. (Thisexcludes multifamily, data center, hospital, senior care community,and manufacturing facilities, as well as facilities located in Canada,which will continue to be processed normally.)

For the latest news on these important developments, visit theENERGY STAR website.


Part icipat e in EMA 's Spot light ProgramPart icipat e in EMA 's Spot light Program

EMA is highlighting the workof our EMPs and the valuethey create for their clientsand society. EMA's "Spotlight"series introduces the individualbehind the certification anddemonstrates their dedicationto all things related to energyefficiency. The vignettes are

featured on social media, EMA's website and other media. Have agood story to tell like AKF's Paul Raschilla (above)? Just [email protected]. (Click Image or here to Enlarge)


Why Commercial and I ndust rial EnergyWhy Commercial and I ndust rial EnergyUsers Need t o Get Creat iveUsers Need t o Get Creat ive

Sponsored ContentVia EMA Associate Member GP Energy Management

Commercial and industrial end users are incurring significant costs asthey consume large amounts of gas or power at their physical sites.These retail customers may have limited risk management tools,hindering their ability to pivot when suppliers charge opaque andfixed margins. Read the new GP Energy Management blog to learn

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NuEnergen, LLCOnset - HOBO Data

LoggersRCI, Inc.

Southern IndependentTesting Agency

Spirotherm, Inc.TSI, Inc.

Reserve your Spot!www.CxEnergy.com

how industry players are becoming “self-suppliers,” to eliminate thecostly margins and to strengthen risk strategy. Article

Where are t he EnergyWhere are t he EnergyEfficiency Jobs in t heEfficiency Jobs in t heUS?US?This report focuses solely on theenergy sector of the economy suchas jobs in retail trade, vehicleefficiency-related work. Energyefficiency added the most new jobsin 2017 of the entire energy sector.Its workers now outnumberelementary and middle school teachers and are nearly double thosein U.S. law enforcement. In fact, there are now as many energyefficiency workers as there are waitstaff in U.S. bars and restaurants.Article


T est Y our Energy Efficiency Chops, T ake t he T reasureT est Y our Energy Efficiency Chops, T ake t he T reasureHuntHunt

Here is a fun way to explore energy savings opportunities. Check out ENERGY STAR'sTreasure Hunt pages. During an Energy Treasure Hunt, teams walk around a building looking forquick ways to save energy. Those quick fixes can add up to big savings. Hundreds of organizationshave used Energy Treasure Hunts to reduce their facilities’ energy use by 7 to 15 percent. Are youand your crew ready to find the treasure buried within your buildings? Website



Congress DeliversCongress Delivers

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on Energyon EnergyEfficiency ProgramsEfficiency Programsin 2019in 2019Appropriations Bi l lAppropriations Bi l l

Via Alliance to Save Energy. Congress haspassed an appropriations bill that will providefunding to key energy efficiency programs atthe Department of Energy and, in most cases,these programs will actually see an increase infunding from last year. Also, this could mark thefirst time since 2009 that the Department ofEnergy secures its funding before the start ofthe fiscal year, which is a big deal because it willgive programs the certainty they need toeffectively manage their respective budgets.Importantly, the bill passed with majorbipartisan support - 92-5 in the Senate and 377-20 in the House! To Send a note of thanks toyour congressional delegation, use ASE's portal.

31 Percent Of American31 Percent Of AmericanHouseholds Have Trouble PayingHouseholds Have Trouble PayingEnergy Bi l lsEnergy Bi l lsIn an age of abundant supply and strongeconomic conditions, nearly a third of U.S.households report difficulties in paying theirutility bills, according to a report by the EnergyInformation Administration.

About one in five households had to reduce orforego food, medicine and other necessities topay an energy bill. More than 10 percent ofhouseholds kept their homes at unhealthy orunsafe temperatures.

Ironically, during the period examined,expenditures for energy were at their lowest inmore than decade, according to the agency.Article

Accelerated 1-Day Accelerated 1-Day CxA W orkshop & Exam inCxA W orkshop & Exam inconjunction with the 2018 CxAlloyconjunction with the 2018 CxAlloyUser Group Conference (Nov.12,User Group Conference (Nov.12,Atlanta, GA)Atlanta, GA)

CxA workshop covers all aspects ofcommissioning ranging from design review andOPRs to functional testing and commissioningdocumentation, and including discussion of bothnew and existing buildingcommissioning. Approved by the AIA for 5LU/HSW. Register here.

EMA Supports Power Up EnergyEMA Supports Power Up EnergyExpoExpo(November 15-16, Ft. W alton(November 15-16, Ft. W altonBeach, FL)Beach, FL)EMA is a Supporting Organization for theupcoming Power Up Energy Expo. This eventpromotes collaborative partnerships & connectscompanies with representatives of the AirForce, Navy, Army Corps of Engineers, and theDepartment of Energy. Learn more.

EMA Partner SEEA wil l Draw 100s atEMA Partner SEEA wil l Draw 100s atits Atlanta Conference on Energyits Atlanta Conference on EnergyEfficiencyEfficiencyConference will focus on the fusion of multipleopportunities energy efficiency. This year’sconference will explore storm resilience, health,alternative transportation, DER, the role oftechnology, the built environment, and muchmore as we imagine the future of energyefficiency in the Southeast! Agenda &Registration.


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[email protected] | http://www.energymgmt.org1220 19th St. NW | Suite 410| Washington, D.C. 20036| (202) 737-1334
