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Updating Linguistic Maps Klaus Wedekind SIL International 2002

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Updating Linguistic Maps Klaus Wedekind SIL International 2002

Updating Linguistic Maps

Klaus Wedekind

SIL International2002


Contents1 Introduction

2 Languages, Regions, and Little-known Groups: Charting the Unknown

3 Maps3.1 Overview: Sketch map of the regions3.2 Overview: Sketch map of the languages

4 Key to the Language Map

5 Regional Maps5.1 Region 4: “Oromo”5.2 Region 6: “Beni Shangul”5.3 Region 7: “Gurage/Hadiya/Kembata”5.4 Region 8: “Sidama”5.5 Region 9: “Wolaita”5.6 Region 10: “Omo”5.7 Region 11: “Keffa”5.8 Region 12: “Gambella”

6 Key to the Language Names


1 IntroductionIn an attempt to reconcile current knowledge about Ethiopian languages with the maps

available, Giorgio Banti (Rome) and I spent some time considering how best to update the 1993version of the Ethnologue map.* The resulting suggestions for corrections can be summarized asfollows.

Missing in this version of the map:Agamja (G. Banti: a HEC language in the northern Gurage area; as identified by Haberland)Baiso: Region 8 (G. Banti: should be added)Dobbi as reported by S. Gardner and M. Kruse should be identified with Goggot

(information from Alemayehu Gurmu)Galila at Lake Wonch'i (a form “Gurage”? to be added, as identified by Haberland)Girirra near El Kene as described by Abdurrahim (G. Banti: “a Sam language with extensive

lexical borrowing from Somali and some Oromo”)Guba, a form of Shinasha (probably differs only ethnographically)Kichinchila north of Buttajira (as reported in the newspapers; but when Aklilu Yilma

searched for speakers of such a language during the last survey trip, the search was fruitless)Mabaan (probably no community of speakers on this side of the Sudan border)Maraqo (G. Banti: a HEC language in the eastern Gurage area)Qabena should be identified on the mapShashago (G. Banti: another HEC language in eastern Gurage areas, needs to be checked

out)Shita, a Koman language also called Langa, Opo, or Opuo (by Abebe G/Tsadik)Weyt'o Amharic (Amharic as used by former Weyt'o speakers. Is this still of interest?)

Other corrections which seem necessary:Bale and Zilmamu: only one name should be retained for this language; preferably “Baale”,

as suggested by Dimmendaal (cf. SLLE report 4).Errors in language locations and missing information need to be taken care of; in particular:

the location of languages with the numbers 15, 16, 34, 36, 37, 50, 55–57 and all of the starreditems (Adare, Bale, Bambeshi, Dembiya, Gaam, Ganjule, Ganza, Guba, Hozo-Sezo, Ongota, andToposa).

Majang is given four places on the map. If migrating or scattered speakers of each languagewere treated this way, the map would lose its usefulness. G. Banti asks: which is the main area?

Multi-language areas such as Amharic, Arabic, and Oromo in Beni Shangul (or Me'en orMajang in various Keffa and Omo areas) may have to be indicated in a particular graphicpattern.

Ongota/Birale (G. Bantil: add to Region 7.)Oromo dialects, if listed separately, should be labelled consistently. G. Banti suggests for

this map: Southern (rather than Borana), Eastern, and Western (rather than Wellegga). But notethat the dialect of Region 3 is called “Qottu” rather than “Eastern Oromo”.

*An earlier version of this report appeared in Survey of Little-known Languages of Ethiopia (S.L.L.E.). LinguisticReport 13, January 1994. Addis Ababa: Institute of Ethiopian Studies and Summer Institute of Linguistics.


Resettlement areas, such as that of Wello Oromos to Beni Shangul, may have to be indicatedin a particular graphic pattern.

2 Languages, Regions, and Little-known Groups: Charting the UnknownIn this report, some of the common knowledge about Ethiopian languages has been sketched

in the form of maps and lists.Where there are gaps in this knowledge, we have supplied guesses, in order to fill the gaps.

This was done to make visible where we are in error, or where information is lacking.By delimiting the well-known, we hope to chart the unknown—and thus identify what needs

corrections or closer research. In the next SLLE, we hope to improve on the sketches presented here, and the following

procedure shall be chosen to do so:(1) The locations of the well-known languages shall be sketched with reference to

geographical and administrative landmarks. Where no such landmarks are given, reference shallbe made to administrative boundaries.

(2) The sources for this information shall be spelled out, so that necessary additions can beidentified. (In the present report, only the following sources have been used: The 1976 map ofM. Bender et al., Language in Ethiopia, Oxford; the 1993 map of B. Grimes, Ethnologue,Dallas, (based on information of the 1988 edition, but with revisions for the 1996 edition), a mapof regions or “Regions” as prepared by “Bole Printing Press”, and some of the SLLE 1993survey results, based on talks with linguists and administrators in Ethiopia.)

(3) Where there are several names for the same language, all of the various names shall belisted with the one preferred name which is used most commonly today (cf. the Key to thelanguage names). Where we are in doubt, the self-name of the group will be used.

(4) Where there are several varieties or dialects of one language, all of the various dialectsshall be listed with the preferred name (cf. the Key to the language names).

(5) The locations of the little-known dialects and languages, those which are not found oncommon maps, shall be identified with reference to the well-known neighbouring languages—where this is possible (cf. the Maps).

(6) Uncertainties and complex situations will, hopefully, become obvious in the process, andthey shall be pointed out and delimited (some of these are marked as “uncertainties”). Variouskinds of uncertainties shall be distinguished:

• “multi-language areas” where several languages are spoken in the same area, either bythe same population, or by integrated populations

• “fuzzy areas” where no geographical border can be identified from the sources available• “zero areas” where no location can be identified, but a language is said to exist• “errors” where we need corrections• “ignorance” where we need information.

Your suggestions are welcome!


3 MapsApart from an overview, this report only gives sketches of the following areas: part of

Region 4, part of Region 6, and all of Regions 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

3.1 Overview: Sketch map of the regions

Region 01 Kunama (lg. map no. 61), Saho (lg. map no. 81), Tigre (lg. map no. 88)Region 02 Afar (lg. map no. 03)Region 03 Agew-Kamir/Xamir (lg. map no. 93), Amharic (lg. map no. 05), Awngi (lg. map no.

13), Oromo-Kottu/Oromo-Eastern (lg. map no.77)


Region 04 Oromo (lg. map nos. 76–78)Region 05 Somali (lg. map no. 86)Region 06 Berta/Berta-Gamila (lg. map nos. 19, 34), Gumuz (lg. map no. 41), Koma (lg. map

nos. 55–57), Semien Mao/Bambeshi (lg. map no. 16), Shinasa/Boro (lg. map no. 21)Region 07 Allaba (lg. map no. 04), Gurage/Peripheral West (lg. map no. 47), North (lg. map no.

46), Innemor (lg. map no. 45), Indegegn (lg. map no. 44), East (lg. map no. 43), Central West(lg. map no. 42), Mesmes (lg. map no. 69), Hadiyya (lg. map no. 48), Kambaata/Kambaata-Allaaba (lg. map nos. 04, 53), Timbaro (lg. map no. ??) Yem/Yemsa (lg. map no. 96)

Region 08 Amaro/Kore/Koorete (lg. map no. 59), Burji (lg. map no. 22), Gedeo (lg. map no. 38),Gidicho/Kachama (lg. map no.51), Sidamo (lg. map no. 85)

Region 09 Aydi (lg. map no. ??), Busa (lg. map no. ??), Dawro (lg. map no. ??), Gamo (lg. mapno. ??), Gewada/Gawwada (lg. map no. 37), Gidole/Dirasha (lg. map no. 29), Gobaze/Dobase(lg. map no. 31), Gofa (lg. map no. ??), Komso (lg. map no. 58), Konta/?Kullo (lg. map no.60), M. ? Wolayatta (lg. map no. 92), Zayse (lg. map no. 97)

Region 10 Aari (lg. map no. 01), Arbore (lg. map no. 11), Basketto (lg. map no. 16), Bodi/Me'en(lg. map no. 68), Daasenech (lg. map no. 24), Dime (lg. map no. 28), Gnangatom/Turkana (lg.map no. ??), Hamer-Banna/Karo (lg. map nos. 49, 54), Male (lg. map no. 67), Mursi (lg. mapno. ??), Tsamai (lg. map no. 91)

Region 11 Bench (lg. map no. 39), Chara (lg. map no. 23), Dizi (lg. map no. 30), Keficho/Kafa(lg. map no. 52), Meen (lg. map no. 68), Mocha(Shakaccho) (lg. map no. 70), Nao/Nayi (lg.map no. 72), Sheko (lg. map no. 83), Surma (lg. map no. 87), Zelmam/Zilmamu/Baale (lg.map nos. 15, 98)

Region 12 Anuak (lg. map no. 07), Majangir (lg. map. no 66), Nuer (lg. map no. 74)Region 13 Adare (lg. map no. 02)


3.2 Overview: Sketch map of the languages(based on the map of B. Grimes ed. Ethnologue Dallas 19882nd revision for the 1996 edition)


4 Key to the Language Map

1 Aari > Ari-Aari 2 Adare > Aderi 3 Afar 4 Allaaba > Alaba 5 Amharic 6 Anfillo > Mao-South 7 Anuak > Agnuak 8 Arabic-Modern Standard 9 Arabic-Sudan10 Arabic-Yemeni11 Arbore12 Argobba13 Awngi14 Baiso > Bayso15 Bale > Zelmam-Baale16 Bambeshi > Mao-North17 Basketo18 Beja19 Berta20 Bilen21 Boro > Shinasha-Boro22 Chara > Chare-Ch'ara23 Burji24 Daasenech25 Dache26 Dembiya27 Didessa > Mao-North28 Dime29 Dirasha > Gidole30 Dizi31 Dobase > Gobeze32 Dorze33 Gaam34 Gamila > Berta35 Ganjule36 Ganza37 Gawwada > Gawada38 Gedeo39 Gimira > Bench40 Guba


41 Gumuz42 Gurage-Central-West43 Gurage-East44 Gurage-Indegegn45 Gurage-Innemor46 Gurage-North47 Gurage-West-Peripheral48 Hadiyya > Hadiya49 Hamer-Banna > Hamer50 Hozo-Sezo > Mao-North-Hozo51 Kachama > Gidicho-Haruro52 Kafa > Keficho53 Kambaata > Kembata54 Karo > Hamer-Karo55 Komo-Central > Koma-Central56 Komo-North > Koma-North57 Komo-South > Koma-South58 Komso > Konso59 Koorete > Amaro-Kore60 Kullo > Dawro-Wolaita-Kullo61 Kunama62 Kunfal63 Kwegu64 Libido65 Mabaan66 Majang > Majangir67 Male68 Me'en > Bodi-Me'en69 Mesmes > Gurage-West-Peripheral70 Mocha71 Murle72 Nao > Na'o73 Nara > Nera74 Nuer75 Ongota76 Oromo-Southern77 Oromo-Eastern78 Oromo-Western79 Oyda > Wolaita-Oyda80 Qimant81 Saho82 Shabo


83 Sheko84 Shita > Komo-Central85 Sidamo > Sidama86 Somali87 Surma > Surma-Mursi88 Tigre89 Tigrinya90 Toposa91 Tsamai > Tsemai92 Wolaytta > Wolaita93 Xamir94 Xamtanga95 Yemsa > Yem-Yemsa96 Zayse97 Zilmamu > Zelmam-Baale98 Zway > Gurage-East-Zway ______________________________

Questions:The following language names are not found on the map, or they are found under a different

name. In most cases they are not listed for any of the Ethiopian “Regions”:

Amuru (alternative names: “Shinasha”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Omotic, North, Gonga-Gimojan, Gonga, North)

Dihina (alternative names: “Tihina, Tihinte”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern,Dullay)

Region: Gemu-Gofa Province, west of Lake Ciamo (Chamo)

Gaba (alternative names: “Kaapo, Kaapa”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern,Dullay)

Region: Gemu-Gofa Province, west of Lake Ciamo

Gafat (alternative names: “Gafatinya”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Semitic, South,Ethiopian, South, Outer, n-Group)

Region: South Blue Nile area

Gamo (alternative names: “Gemu”)Region: 09 (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Omotic, North, Gonga-Gimojan, Gimojan, Ometo-

Gimira, Ometo, Unclassified)Region: Gemu-Gofa Province


Geez (alternative names: “Ancient Ethiopic, Ethiopic, Ge'ez”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic,Semitic, South, Ethiopian, North)

Gergere (alternative names: “K'ark'arte”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern,Dullay)

Region: Gemu-Gofa Province, west of Lake Ciamo

Gobato (alternative names: “Gebeto”) (classified as: Nilo-Saharan, Berta)Region: Didessa Valley

Gollango (alternative names: “Kollanko”) (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern,Dullay)

Region: Gemu-Gola Province, west of Lake Ciamo

Gorose (alternative names: “Gorrose, Korrose”)Region: 09-Gob (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern, Dullay)Region: Gemu-Gofa Province, west of Lake Ciamo

Harso (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Eastern, Dullay)Region: Gemu-Gofa Province, west of Lake Ciamo

Kara (alternative names: “Koura, Quarasa, Quarina, Qwera, Kwarasa”)(classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Cushitic, Central, Western)Region: Eritrea, Gondar, north of Lake Tana, and communities near Addis Ababa

Mursi (alternative names: “Murzi, Murzu, Merdu, Meritu, Dama”)Region: 10-Mursi (classified as: Nilo-Saharan, Eastern Sudanic, Eastern, Surmic, Kwegu,

Suri)Region: Near the Amar

Rer Bare (alternative names: “Rerebere, Adona”) G. Banti: should be written Reer Baarre(classified as: Unclassified)Region: Wabi Shebelle River around Gode, eastern Ogaden, near Somali borderAlso along the Ganale and Dawa Rivers

WamberaRegion: 06-Shi (classified as: Afro-Asiatic, Omotic, North, Gonga-Gimojan, Gonga, [delete


Weyto (alternative names: “Wayto”) (classified as: Unclassified) Near Lake Tana


5 Regional Maps

5.1 Region 4: “Oromo”



Region 4 West

The group listed for Region 4, “Oromo”, is:78 Oromo


5.2 Region 6: “Beni Shangul”

Region 6

Groups listed for Region 6 “Ben-Shangul” are the following:16 Mao-North19 Berta21 Shinasha > Shinasha-Boro41 Gumuz55 Komo > Koma-North


5.3 Region 7: “Gurage/Hadiya/Kembata”

Region 7

The groups listed for Region 7, “Gurage/Hadiya/Kembata”, are the following:04 Alaba53 Kembata42-47 Gurage (see below)48 Hadiya > Hadiya-Timbaro (?)48 Timbaro > Hadiya-Timbaro (?)96 Yemsa > Yem


5.4 Region 8: “Sidama”

Region 8

The groups listed for Region 8, “Sidama”, are the following:22 Burji38 Gedeo51 Gidicho (Gidicho-Haruro-Kachama)59 Amaro/Kore (Koorete)85 Sidamo (Sidama)


5.5 Region 9: “Wolaita”

Region 9

The groups listed for Region 9, “Wolaita”, are the following:00 Aydi00 Busa00 Dawro00 Gamo31 Gobeze (Dobase)00 Gofa00 Konta00 ?Meton29 Gidole (Dirasha)37 Gawada58 Konso92 Wolayta97 Zayse


5.6 Region 10: “Omo”

Region 10

The groups listed for Region 10, “Omo”, are the following:00 Gnangatom (Turkana)01 Ari11 Arbore17 Basketo24 Dasenech (Daasanech)28 Dime49 Hamer (Hamer-Banna-Karo)67 Male68 Bodi (B'odi-Me'en)87 Mursi (Surma-Mursi)91 Tsemai


5.7 Region 11: “Keffa”

Region 11

The goups listed for Region 11, “Keffa”, are the following:22 Chare (Ch'ara)30 Dizi39 Bench52 Keficho (Kafa)68 Me'en (B'odi-Me'en)70 Mocha (Shakaccho)72 Na'o (Nayi)83 Sheko87 Surma (Surma-Mursi)98 Zelmam (Zelmam-Bale)


5.8 Region 12: “Gambella”

Region 12

The groups listed for Region 12, “Gambella”, are the following:07 Agnuak66 Majangir74 Nuer


6 Key to the Language Names

The following key indicates which term will be used to refer to a particular language ordialect . At this point, the list is just a reference tool. It does not distinguish between alternatenames and dialects.

This list definitely needs further revision.

Alternate names Names used hereor dialects___________ ___________

Aamir > Beja or TigreAari > Ari/AariAbigar > NuerAcha > MaleAdal > AfarAdare > AderiAdika > Dizi?Af-Kareti > KonsoAfan-Oromo > OromoAfaraf > AfarAgau > AwngiAgewo > AwngiAllaaba > AlabaAmam > Komo-NorthAmar > HamerAmarinya > AmharicAmarro > Amaro/KoreAmir > Beja or TigreAnfillo > Mao-SouthAnsita > Komo-CentralAnuak > AgnuakAnyuak > AgnuakAnywa > AgnuakAra > Ari/AariAre > Ari/AariArgobba > AmharicAro > Ari/AariArsi > OromoArussi > OromoAssaorta > SahoAwi > Awngi


Awiya > AwngiAymasa > KunamaAymellel > Gurage-NorthB'odi > Bodi-Me'enBa'adu > AfarBaale > Zelmam-BaaleBaaza > KunamaBaazen > KunamaBacha > Kwegu-YidinitBachada > Amaro-KoreBachuma > Bodi-Me'enBada > KunamaBadittu > Amaro-KoreBaiso > BaysoBake > BertaBako > Ari-AariBale > Zelmam-BaaleBaletha > Zelmam-BaaleBalta > WolaitaBambala > BurjiBambassi > Mao-NorthBambeshi > Mao-NorthBangalam > MurleBanna > HamerBararetta > OromoBarea > NeraBarga > MabaanBariya > NeraBarka > KunamaBarya > NeraBaza > KunamaBazen > KunamaBedauye > BejaBedawiye > BejaBedawiyet > BejaBedw > BejaBegi-Mao > Mao-CentralBeir > MurleBembala > BurjiBen-Shangul > BertaBenadir > SomaliBench-Non > Bench


Bencho > BenchBenesho > BenchBeni-Amer > Beja or TigreBeni-Shangul > Berta or GumuzBeshada > HamerBilayn > BilenBilin > BilenBio > Ari-AariBirale > OngotaBitaama > KunamaBitama > KunamaBodi > Bodi-Me'enBogos > BilenBoran > OromoBorana > OromoBoren > OromoBoro > Shinasha-BoroBorodda > WolaitaBuldit > Komo-CentralBuma > GnangatomBume > GnangatomBurun > MabaanBussa > BusaBworo > Shinasha-BoroCh'ara > Chare-Ch'araChaha > Gurage-West-Central-ChahaChara > Chare-Ch'araCheha > Gurage-West-Central-ChahaChencha > WolaitaCiita > Komo-CentralCule > TsemaiD'aashi > BurjiDaarod > SomaliDaasenech > DasenechDaim > Bodi-Me'enDama > Surma-MursiDamot > AwngiDanakil > AfarDangla-Agew > AwngiDankali > AfarDarasa > GedeoDathanaik > Dasenech


Dauro > Dawro-Wolaita-Kullo?Dawro > Dawro-Wolaita-Kullo?Denkel > AfarDerasa > GedeoDesua > GumuzDidessa > Mao-NorthDigil > SomaliDigini > SomaliDirasha > GidoleDirayta > GidoleDisoha > GumuzDizu > DiziDobase > GobezeDobbi > Gurage-North-GoggotDobeze > GobezeDobi > Gurage-North-GoggotDonyiro > GnangatomDonyoro > GnangatomDorze > WolaitaDullay > Gawada etc.Dume > TsemaiEndegegn > Gurage-West-PeripheralEner > Gurage-West-PeripheralEnnemor > Gurage-West-PeripheralEnneqor > Gurage-East-InneqorEnor > Gurage-West-PeripheralErbore > ArboreEzha > Gurage-West-Central-IzhaFadiro > Mao-North or Berta?Falasha > QwaraFelasha > QwaraGaba > TsemaiGabra > OromoGalila > Gurage-North?Galla > OromoGamil > BertaGamila > BertaGamu > GamoGanta > Konta?Ganzo > GanzaGardulla > GidoleGarre > Oromo


Gato > KonsoGawata > GawadaGawwada > GawadaGe-Sinan > AderiGebra > OromoGede'uffa > GedeoGeez > Ge'ezGeleb > DasenechGeleba > DasenechGemu > GamoGerese > DacheGeto > Gurage-West-PeripheralGi'iz > Ge'ezGiiz > Ge'ezGimira > BenchGirirra > GirirraGobato > BertaGogot > Gurage-North-GoggotGokwom > Komo-CentralGolango > GobezeGollango > GobezeGorase > GobezeGorose > GobezeGowaze > GobezeGozza > Ari-AariGudella > HadiyaGudellinya > HadiyaGuji > OromoGuldiya > Bodi-Me'enGumer > Gurage-West-Centr-GumerGumis > GumuzGura > Gurage-West-Centr-Gura or Mabaan (Sudan)Gwama > Komo-NorthGwami > Mao-North? Komo-North?Gwemara > Gurage-West-CentrGyeta > Gurage-West-PeripheralHabaab > TigreHabesha > TigrinyaHadaareb > BejaHadareb > BejaHadendoa > BejaHadia > Hadiya


Hadiyya > HadiyaHado > SahoHadu > SahoHalaba > AlabaHamer-Banna > HamerHamer-Koke > HamerHarari > AderiHarro > Gidicho-HaruroHarso > Gobeze-HarsoHaruro > Gidicho-HaruroHaruro > Gidicho-HaruroHayahaya > Komo-CentralHigir > NeraHozo > Mao-North-HozoHozo-Sezo > Mao-North-HozoIilit > KunamaIlit > KunamaIndegagne > Gurage-West-PeripheralIndegegn > Gurage-West-PeripheralInnemor > Gurage-West-PeripheralInneqor > Gurage-East-InneqorInnxarsi > GobezeInyangatom > GnangatomIrbore > ArboreIsaaq > SomaliIslam > Argobba or Gurage-East-Silt'eIssa > SomaliIttu > OromoIzha > Gurage-West-Centr-IzhaJanjero > Yem-YemsaJanjor > Yem-YemsaJemjem > OromoJikany > NuerKaba > BenchKachama > Gidicho-HaruroKafa > KefichoKaffa > KefichoKafficho > KefichoKambaata > KembataKambara > KembataKareti > KonsoKaro > Hamer-Karo


Kayla > QwaraKebena > Kembata-QabenaKefa > KefichoKemant > QimantKere > Mao-North?Kereyu > OromoKerre > Hamer-KaroKhamir > XamirKhamta > XamtaKhassa > TigreKimant > QimantKistane > Gurage-NorthKoke > HamerKoma > Komo-CentralKoma > Komo-NorthKoma > Komo-SouthKomo-Central > Komo-CentralKomo-North > Komo-NorthKomo-South > Komo-SouthKomso > KonsoKoorete > Amaro-KoreKoyra > Amaro-KoreKoysha > Dawro-Wolaita-KulloKoyta > NeraKucha > Dawro-Wolaita-KulloKuchumba > AmharicKuile > TsemaiKule > TsemaiKullo > Dawro-Wolaita-KulloKunfel > AwngiKusha > Dawro-Wolaita-KulloKutscha > Wolaita?Kwama > Komo-SouthKwera > Amaro-KoreKwollanyoch > AwngiKwottu > OromoLanga > Komo-CentralLaqi > Gurage-East-ZwayLibido > HadiyaMaccha > OromoMadiin > Komo-SouthMajang > Majangir


Majanjiro > MajangirMaji > DiziMan > Mao-North-HozoMano > GanzaMansa' > TigreMao-South > Mao-South-AnfilloMarako > Hadiya-MareqoMaraqo > Hadiya-MareqoMarda > KunamaMarda > NeraMarille > DasenechMasongo > MajangirMaymay > SomaliMe'en > Bodi-Me'enMecha > OromoMediban > SomaliMeen > Bodi-Me'enMekan > Bodi-Me'enMenja > Kwegu-YidinitMensa > TigreMer > BenchMesengo > MajangirMeskan > Gurage-East-MisqanMesketo > BasketoMesmes > Gurage-West-PeripheralMesqan > Gurage-East-MisqanMieru > BenchMiniferi > SahoMisqan > Gurage-East-MisqanMocha-Oromo > Oromo-MechaMogarebe > NeraMuguji > Kwegu-YidinitMuher > Gurage-North-MuxirMun > Surma-MursiMuni > Surma-MursiMurle-Omo > MurleMursi > Surma-MursiMurzu > Surma-MursiMuxer > Gurage-North-MuxirMuxir > Gurage-North-MuxirNao > Na'oNara > Nera


Nayi > Na'oNiyatom > GnangatomNokanoka > Komo-NorthNuna > Amaro-KoreNuro > AgnuakNyangatom > GnangatomNyidi > Kwegu-YidinitNyidini > Kwegu-YidinitOgaden > SomaliOlam > MurleOmati > Wolaita?Ometay > Dawro-Wolaita-KulloOmo-Murle > MurleOrase > GobezeOrma > Oromo-OrmaOromo-Qottu > Oromo-EasternOtschollo > Wolaita?Oyda > Wolaita-OydaPodi > Bodi-Me'enQabena > Kembata-QabenaQebena > Kembata-QabenaQottu > OromoQuara > Amaro-Kore or QwaraQwera > Amaro-Kore or QwaraRaya > OromoRer Bare > Reer BaarreReshiat > DasenechSai > GumuzSaysay > GumuzSelale > OromoSelti > Gurage-East-Silt'eSese > GumuzSetiit > KunamaSetit > KunamaSezo > Mao-NorthShaho > SahoShangama > Ari-AariShankalla > Ari-AariShankalla > GumuzShankalla > KunfelShe > BenchShita > Komo-Central


Shuro > Bodi-Me'enShuru > BertaSidamo > SidamaSidi > Ari-AariSido > Ari-AariSilti > Gurage-East-Silt'eSoddo > Gurage-NorthSogadas > KunamaSogore > Bodi-Me'enSurbm > Bodi-Me'enSuri > Surma-MursiSurma > Surma-MursiSurma > Surma-MursiTama > MajangirTamaha > TsemaiTambaro > Kembaata-TimbaroTeshina > Bodi-Me'enTid > SurmaTigrayi > TigreTimbaro > Kembata-TimbaroTirma > SurmaTirmaga > SurmaTishena > Bodi-Me'enTonko > MabaanTsamaho > TsemaiTsamai > TsemaiTsamako > TsemaiTsamako-Gaba > TsemaiTungan > MabaanTurkana > GnangatomTwakwama > Komo-NorthUba > Wolaita?Ubamer > Ari-AariUrbareg > Gurage-East-UrbaregWag > XamtaWalani > Gurage-East-WalaniWambera > Shinasha-BoroWarazi > GobezeWardai > OromoWarday > OromoWardey > OromoWelamo > Wolaita


Weleni > Gurage-East-WalaniWellega > OromoWello > OromoWerize > GawadaWetawit > BertaWolaytta > WolaitaXassa > TigreYambo > AgnuakYangaro > Yem-YemsaYemsa > Yem-YemsaYidi > Kwegu-YidinitYidinich > Kwegu-YidinitYidinit > Kwegu-YidinitZaisse > ZayseZala > Wolaita?Zara > Ch'araZilmamo > Zelmam-BaaleZilmamu > Zelmam-BaaleZinjero > Yem-YemsaZuwai > Gurage-East-ZwayZway > Gurage-East-Zway
