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Upgrade Your Future

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected] 1
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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


Upgrade Your Future

School Role-Play

Cast of Characters:

Sara: Teenager, dreams of becoming an actress

Michael: Successful entrepreneur

Olivia: Flight Attendant

Tristan: Teenager, dreams of becoming a professional snowboarder

Gloria: Teenager, dreams of a career in business


When three teenagers on their way home from a class trip get bumped to first class, they learn

the principles of success through a conversation with a millionaire.

Scene Breakdown:

I - I believe in myself

Introduce all characters. Introduce the “I believe” technique. Introduce

Sara’s dream of becoming an actress. Discuss self-belief. Use “Star Wars”


B - Be Passionate and Want it

Discuss passion, maintaining focus on Sara’s dream. Introduce Tristan’s

dream of becoming a professional snowboarder. A relatively new sport, this

would require a tremendous amount of passion. All athletes must have passion to succeed. Use examples of famous athletes. Also discuss passion

for music, or films, or other entertainment.

E- Extend your comfort zone Discuss extending your comfort zone, using an example of an outward-

bound course. Sara makes a connection with extending her comfort zone

through audition process. She expresses fear of speaking in front of

strangers. Michael leads the kids in song as an exercise in extending your comfort zone. The kids talk about public speaking on their group trip. Olivia

talks about overcoming her shyness to become a flight attendant.

L - Lies and Luck don't work

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


Discuss lies and luck in reference to exams initially. The kids discuss a

friend who was found to be cheating. Here we introduce Gloria’s dream of

becoming an entrepreneur, and how lies do not work in business. We tie it back to Sara’s dream with a brief discussion of her belief about luck and

fame. Michael discusses creating your own luck and opportunity.

I - Install Goals Here we discuss all of the student’s dreams in reference to the set of goals

needed to accomplish them. Michael discusses installing goals. The kids

discuss a recent fundraising event at school and the goals they had to set in

order to raise enough funds for their school trip.

E- Enjoy Hard Work

Here we discuss all of the possibilities of working within your field to gain

experience – to be near your dream. We use all of the student’s dreams as a reference here, with the main focus on Sara’s dream. We refer back to

Michael’s question about what would you do if money were not an issue?

V- Very Very Persistent

We come back to Tristan’s dream of a career in snowboarding as the main focus. We discuss the need to “get back on” when you fall off, and reference

other types of activities, like skateboarding. Sara makes the connection with

trying again after rejection, and Gloria discusses applying a different

approach in business when one fails.

E - Expect Failure

Again, we tie this in to all of the dreams of our students. We discuss

possible failures, and how to overcome them and move on. We can use race analogy here, or Olympic events. Also use the walking analogy.


The flight comes to an end as we discuss teamwork as it related to each

dream. How can these three help each other achieve their dreams? Refer to successful sports teams, or the teams on reality television shows like “The


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



Scene One

“I” – I Believe in Myself

The first class cabin of an airplane. The first two rows of the cabin are empty; there are two seats in each row. SARA, TRISTAN and GLORIA enter hurriedly with carry-on bags.


I can’t believe we made it on this flight!

SARA First class, baby! Do you think we should tell the others?

SARA No way!

GLORIA (laughing)

They’ll never believe us.

TRISTAN (taking out his cell phone)

Let’s get proof. Smile!

GLORIA and SARA huddle in close to TRISTAN and smile for the camera. OIVIA, the flight attendant, enters the cabin.


Sorry. Are we making too much noise?

OIVIA You’re fine. We are getting ready for take-off, so if you would please store your luggage and take a seat…

GLORIA and TRISTAN store their bags below their seats in the same row, while SARA spreads out in her own row.

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TRISTAN I want the window…

GLORIA I want the window…

SARA I want some elbowroom…

GLORIA Fine! I want the aisle.


Would you like some help with your bag?

SARA Can’t I just keep it on the seat next to me?

GLORIA She wants easy access to all of her movie magazines.

TRISTAN And make-up…

SARA Tristan! Sorry about that. I’m just so excited to get some space.

OIVIA Oh, sweetie, sorry to disappoint you, but the seat next to you is occupied.

SARA Oh. I thought…it looks empty…

OIVIA Mr. Redford is running a bit late.

SARA Okay. Sorry.

OIVIA He’s very nice.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


TRISTAN (laughing)

Get out your Ipod, Sara!

SARA On our flight out, I had to sit next to this woman who would not stop talking to me about her grandchildren.

OIVIA If Michael Redford wants to talk to you, I would listen.

GLORIA Michael Redford? The Michael Redford.

SARA Who’s Michael Redford?

OIVIA For starters, he’s the man who gave you this seat on the plane. He always books two seats, and he gave this one up so you could get home.

SARA Really?

MICHAEL enters the cabin, well dressed, relaxed and confident.


Morning, Olivia. How’s everything?

OIVIA Terrific. You’re just in time.

MICHAEL hands his briefcase to OIVIA who exits. SARA quickly moves her bag, and MICHAEL sits down next to SARA.


Hello. I’m Michael.

SARA Hi. Sara.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


MICHAEL Pleased to meet you Sara. I hope I’m not cramping your style.

SARA Thank you. I mean, no, you’re not. I mean…sorry. I was a bit spread out.

MICHAEL No need to apologize. You have brothers and sisters, right?

SARA Three. How’d you guess?

MICHAEL I have three also. I get it. You never have any space.

SARA Right. Thanks for giving up this seat.

MICHAEL My pleasure. The gate agent told me you were the only one who might not make it home from your group. I usually book two seats, in case my assistant has to fly with me last minute.

TRISTAN That’s so cool.

GLORIA Are you the Michael Redford?

MICHAEL Depends. Who is that?

SARA Gloria!

GLORIA I saw your picture on the cover of a magazine.

TRISTAN Are you famous?

MICHAEL Not really.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


TRISTAN But you’re loaded, right?

GLORIA Obviously, Tristan. Why else would he be in first class?

TRISTAN Maybe he has an expense account.

GLORIA I read about you. You just sold your company for 50 million dollars.


MICHAEL (laughing)

Close. It was a bit more than that.

SARA Do you want to sit here, Tristan? I can move….

TRISTAN I’m cool.

GLORIA Do you know any other word?


You must really like movies.

SARA I’m sort of obsessed.

GLORIA She wants to be Julia Roberts.

SARA Gloria!

GLORIA Well, you do!

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


MICHAEL Would you like to be an actress in films?

SARA It’s just a crazy pipe dream.

MICHAEL There’s no such thing.

SARA What do you mean?

MICHAEL I believe if you can dream it, you can do it.

SARA But everyone wants to be a movie star. I’m just one of millions.

MICHAEL Maybe. But that shouldn’t stop you.

SARA I guess. No, it’s silly. I don’t really take it seriously.

MICHAEL But you just said you were obsessed with films. That sounds serious to me. I believe you can do anything if you have the passion. I did.

SARA But who am I? I’m just a kid.

MICHAEL You have to start somewhere. I started selling shoes in a market stall when I was “just a kid.”

SARA But I have no experience. I have nothing to go on.

GLORIA You were in the school play last year.

TRISTAN She was good.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


SARA Whatever. School plays don’t count.

MICHAEL Success in life has little to do with where you begin, and everything to do with what you believe. Think of it this way – do you know how to ride a bicycle?

SARA Who doesn’t?

MICHAEL So when you get on the bike, how do you know you can ride it?

SARA I just know. I mean, I know I can ride a bike.

MICHAEL So you believe you can ride a bike.


MICHAEL You know for certain? What if you fall off?

SARA It doesn’t mean I can’t ride it. You just have to get back on.

MICHAEL So you know, you firmly believe, you can ride a bike. That is exactly the kind of belief you need to develop in order to succeed.

SARA But how? I mean, aren’t you just born with this stuff?

MICHAEL Not at all. I believe you can develop self-belief by doing something a little risky, outside of your comfort zone. You try something new, overcoming your fears, and you build confidence. Confidence leads to self-belief.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


GLORIA This one time, I went rock climbing, and no one thought I would go up. Everyone was like, chanting for me to let them take their turn instead. So I did it anyway.

TRISTAN She’s like that.

GLORIA When I got to the top, it really didn’t seem that far.

MICHAEL At first you doubted you could do it, right?

GLORIA Yes. So did everyone else.

MICHAEL And if you had given in to that self-doubt, you would never have made the climb.

GLORIA Exactly! See, Sara!

SARA See what?

MICHAEL If you took a small, uncomfortable step, perhaps another school play or an acting class, you would find an increased confidence. I believe if you take a few risks, you will develop the kind of belief in yourself that you need to succeed at anything.


GLORIA Stop saying that!

TRISTAN What? He uses the word “believe” a lot – why don’t you snap at him?

SARA Why do you use that word so much?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


MICHAEL Because believing in yourself is critical to success. Saying “I believe” is a device I use to remind me what I need to do to be successful.

GLORIA So you just say “I believe” over and over and like magic your dreams come true?

MICHAEL (laughing)

No, no. You have to act on your beliefs in order to change your life. “I believe” represents the principles of success that I have seen firsthand over and over again. Each letter of “I believe” stands for the qualities I am looking for in myself.

TRISTAN Coo…I mean, awesome!

MICHAEL Thanks. Sara, what do you think you could accomplish if you believed in yourself totally and completely?

SARA I don’t know. I mean, even if I believe in my dream, I still have to have money to live. I don’t want to be a starving artist. I’m not big on struggle. Or rejection. Or disappointment.

MICHAEL No one is. It sounds like you may just want to read about movie stars, rather than be one. Why don’t I leave you to it?

SARA Wait! I didn’t mean – Can we keep talking? The thing is, I’ve been sort of thinking about this stuff for a while, and you seem really smart – I mean –

MICHAEL I have two key questions for you. Remember them, because asking yourself these questions will help you time and time again in your life: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you do if money didn’t matter?

GLORIA I would start my own business. Like you did.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



That was fast.

GLORIA I know what I want.

SARA You’re sure I absolutely can’t fail?

MICHAEL I’m sure. What would it be?

SARA Acting. Performing somewhere.

MICHAEL I thought so. And would it matter if you weren’t rich and famous?

SARA Honestly, I just want to be an actor. I don’t even care where it is, or how much money I make – but then I start to think about the struggle…

TRISTAN Yeah. It’s easy for you to say money doesn’t matter. You could probably buy a small country!

MICHAEL (laughing)

Ask any entrepreneur why they do what they do, and they will tell you it’s their passion and belief in an idea, or business. Sure, money is part of it, but your heart must be in your work, or you will never truly make it. This is true if you are start your own business, work for a small or large company, or even work for yourself. This is even true when you’re a student.

TRISTAN But what if you don’t know what you want to do?

MICHAEL You’re not alone. Most people don’t know their life’s purpose straight out of the gate. Some people teak their whole lives to figure it out.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



But how do you figure it out, like, now?

MICHAEL Go where your passion is. What you love to do most. Start there, and you can begin to find your path.

SARA Do you really think I could become an actress?

MICHAEL If you believe, I believe. Your confidence in yourself helps me to be confident in you.

GLORIA Right. When I go to climbing now, I totally own the place.

TRISTAN You just “radiate” confidence, Gloria.

GLORIA Shut it, Tristan.

MICHAEL Self-doubt is the death of any dream.


MICHAEL It doesn’t have to be. Have any of you seen “Star Wars?”

SARA I love “Star Wars.”

TRISTAN “May the force be with you.”

MICHAEL Exactly. The Jedi had to believe in the force, or it would not serve them. Without belief, they couldn’t access it. Once they believed in the force without any doubt, they became powerful, unstoppable even.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


GLORIA Right, and when they had doubts, the dark side gained power!

MICHAEL The dark side is your self-doubt.

SARA You know, you don’t have to talk to us.

MICHAEL I know. I can’t help myself. I jump in whenever I hear someone afraid to live their dreams. I want to help.

SARA I’m really glad you did. END OF SCENE


If you could do or be anything, what would it be?

What are the possible outcomes of unwavering self-belief?

What the possible outcomes of self-doubt?

What does it take to develop a strong belief in yourself and your dreams?

What are some examples of stepping outside of your comfort zone?

Who are some successful people who have overcome seemingly insurmountable odds through a strong self-belief?

What is the difference between self-belief and arrogance?

How can you help others to maintain their self-belief?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



Why does Sara feel her desire to become an actress is a pipe dream?

Describe what Sara really wants most of all.

What are the obstacles Sara has placed in the path of achieving her dream?

According to Michael, how can you develop self-belief?

What are some steps Sara could take towards her dream in order to build confidence?

How did Michael get started in business?

Why does Michael use the word “believe” so much?

What is “I believe?”

What are the two key questions Michael asks Sara in order to help her uncover her life’s purpose?

According to Michael, why do most entrepreneurs do what they do?

What is one sure way to squash your dreams?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



Scene Two

“B” – Be Passionate and Want It

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.


So the first letter in “I Believe” helps us to remember to believe in ourselves no matter what.

MICHAEL Yes! “I” for “I believe in myself.”

SARA That’s easy.

TRISTAN What’s the next letter?

GLORIA “B” – aren’t you paying attention?

TRISTAN I meant, what does it stand for?

MICHAEL “B” stands for “Be Passionate and Want It.”

SARA Well I already know I want to be an actress.

MICHAEL Right. But do you want it more than anything? Do you want it more than you want money?

SARA Ummm – won’t I need money to live on?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



Of course you will. But you can always make the money you need to get by. What if that was all you ever made, but you were acting and loving it?

SARA I guess that would be okay…

GLORIA Why would anyone want to be just “okay” and “get by?” I want to be the best.

MICHAEL You don’t set out to be mediocre at something. I am telling you a truth in business and in life – unless you love what you do more than anything else, unless you have passion for your chosen path, you will not succeed. To think about money first is the mindset of a person who settles. Love for your idea is the beginning of any success in life. When you focus first on your passion, you will dramatically improve your income earning potential.

TRISTAN Did you get that, Gloria?

GLORIA At least I know what I love. You don’t even have a passion.


MICHAEL Tristan, is there anything in your life you love to do? Anything you think about all of the time, something you are completely absorbed by?

TRISTAN Sure. Snowboarding. But that’s just for fun.

MICHAEL Exactly!


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


I mean it’s just a hobby.

MICHAEL So you don’t plan to make a career of it?

SARA It is an Olympic sport now.

TRISTAN I know. But I never thought about it like that. I just like to go out and have fun with my friends.

GLORIA He’s obsessed. He has posters of snowboarders up in his locker, his screensaver is a snowboarder. He talks about it constantly…

MICHAEL Sounds like you have passion for the sport.

TRISTAN I guess I do. But the boarders in the Olympics, they have mega talent.

MICHAEL You can’t win a medal on talent alone. You must want it more than anything.

SARA You can tell when an athlete’s heart isn’t in it. You can kind of see it on their face.

MICHAEL Right! Just now Tristan, when you began to talk about snowboarding, your whole demeanor changed. You seemed excited. Energized.

TRISTAN I know, right? But snowboarding isn’t like other sports. It’s hard to get endorsements, because it’s so new.

MICHAEL You’re thinking about the money like Sara. Just focus on your love of the sport. It was my obsession with running that changed my life. I wanted a fantastic training shoe, and it was

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


very hard to find. I may not have had a career as a runner, but I could take my passion for running and turn it into a viable business. I worked out a deal with the suppliers of the best shoes, and opened up my own market stall.

GLORIA They call that “thinking outside the box.” I read that somewhere.

MICHAEL Right. Tristan, what are some ways you could turn your passion into a job?

TRISTAN Well, I’m pretty into the boards. I like to come up with different designs for them, the way they do with surfboards. I play around a lot with graphic design.

MICHAEL Designing graphic art for snowboards. That’s a great idea!

GLORIA You could also become an instructor. That way you would get to snowboard while you work!

MICHAEL Sure. If you wanted to open a business, you could incorporate both ideas into one, selling custom snowboards to your students.

GLORIA I could build you a website to sell the boards all over the world! I already know how to do that!

MICHAEL See. You’ve already created a vision for your living your passion.

TRISTAN I never really thought about getting a job in snowboarding. This is pretty cool.

GLORIA You would be so good at this, Tristan! You are really on to something.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



I guess I could start by getting a job at the ski lodge.


MICHAEL When you follow your curiosity, and embark on a venture around something you truly love, it’s amazing what comes your way. The right people, necessary resources, great ideas – they all seem to land on your doorstep.

SARA So if I follow my passion for acting, and really want it, I could live my dream?

GLORIA You could be famous!

MICHAEL Always remember to connect your head and your heart around your dream. Tristan’s dream may be to live a snowboarder’s life, and that is the heart part. But when he follows his intuition he finds several ways he could live his passion and be successful. That’s the head part.

TRISTAN You’ve really got me thinking now...

GLORIA Me too.

MICHAEL The phrase “Be passionate and want it” reminds you to relentlessly pursue what you desire. That passion will give you the will to succeed, the ability to never give up.

SARA Like Lance Armstrong. He had cancer and then won the Tour de France seven times!


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


You don’t just get on the board and sail down the slopes. You fall down, like, a million times before you figure it out.

MICHAEL Athletes have to want the fulfillment of their dream so much they could overcome failure and rejection.

SARA Actors get rejected all the time.

TRISTAN Get used to it -

SARA You get used to it!

MICHAEL Everyone has something they love to do. Choosing to follow your passion is like choosing the right road. The one that will get you where you want to go. END OF PLAY GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

If you could become wealthy doing anything you want, what would it be?

What are the three things you are most passionate about?

If you were guaranteed success as long as you never gave up, what would you pursue?

How do you know you love something enough to choose it as a career path?

How do you deal with failure or rejection?

How should you respond to failure or rejection if you want to accomplish your dreams?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


How can you find your passion if you aren’t sure what it is yet?

Sometimes the path to your passion is not the obvious choice. Brainstorm ideas for making a living from your passion. Remember, think outside the box!


What does the first letter in “I believe” represent?

What does the second letter in “I believe” represent?

What type of person thinks about money first when choosing a life path?

What is Tristan’s favorite hobby? How can we tell he’s passionate about it?

What are some ways Tristan can earn a living from his passion? What would be a good way for him to get started?

How can passion for a project, dream or job help you on your path to reaching your goals?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



Scene Three

“E” – Extend Your Comfort Zone

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.

MICHAEL (counting off on his hand)

The first letter in the “I believe” success device is “I,” which stands for…?

SARA I believe in myself!

MICHAEL Right! And the second letter…?

TRISTAN “B” for “be passionate and want it!”

MICHAEL Perfect! Any guesses on the next clue to a lifetime of success?

GLORIA How about, “everyone has value?”

MICHAEL That is true, but it’s not the belief I’m looking for. Any other ideas? OLIVIA enters carrying a notepad.

OLIVIA I was going to take your drink orders, but this sounds much more fascinating.

TRISTAN Michael is about to teach us one of his keys to success.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


OLIVIA Would you mind if I write this down?

MICHAEL By all means, do. You see I developed a device to help me remember the keys to success. Each letter in the phrase, “I believe” stands for one of the tools. We were just getting to the third letter, “E,” which stands for “extend your comfort zone.”


You were so off base.

MICHAEL At least she tried to answer. She took a small risk. Did you have an answer you wanted to offer?

TRISTAN I guess.

MICHAEL Why didn’t you speak up?

TRISTAN I knew it was wrong.

MICHAEL But what if you were right? What if just by telling me your idea of what it might be, you came that much closer to the real answer?

SARA So you’re saying I need even if I’m a little scared, I need to do it anyway? So like, being a little nervous about it is kind of a good thing, as long as I get past it?

MICHAEL You are catching on fast!

SARA I’m going to have to audition a lot if I want to work as an actor. I guess I should tell you I have a crazy case of stage fright. I just freak out when I have to get up on that stage.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


GLORIA Me too. We had to give a talk yesterday as part of our class trip, and I was shaking I was so scared!

OLIVIA Fear of speaking in front of people almost cost me my dream.

MICHAEL How’s that, Olivia?

OLIVIA All of my life, I wanted to travel and see the world. There was nothing I loved more than travel and adventure. So, I brainstormed ideas about how to travel for a living. Of all of my options, becoming a flight attendant seemed the best choice for me. I was really excited about my future when I showed up for training. But when I realized I would have to speak into the intercom and address a whole plane full of passengers, I choked.

TRISTAN But no one listens to that stuff anyway…

OLIVIA (laughing)



OLIVIA No, you’re right. Most passengers tune me out. But that didn’t stop me from freezing on the spot during training. I knew I had to do it, but I couldn’t make the words come out.

SARA So how did you get through it?

OLIVIA I told myself, all you have to say is “good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,” and after that I could stop. So I said it.


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


What happened?

OLIVIA I just kept on and finished the exercise. Once I got the first few words out, there was no problem.

MICHAEL That’s a great story, Olivia. You summoned up your courage and took a small risk. That’s all it takes.

GLORIA Like when we climbed the rocks when we went to that outward bound course!

TRISTAN They had us doing all sorts of crazy stuff.

SARA They had us in a ropes course hanging from the trees –

TRISTAN And we had to walk across a suspension bridge –

SARA Blindfolded. That was nuts.

TRISTAN But we did it.

MICHAEL I assume you all feel the experience was positive? You got something in return for taking the risk?



SARA Sure.


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Than you can see why it would be important to make a practice of it. Expand your comfort zone by taking one small risk each day. Do you think you can you do that?

TRISTAN I totally can!

MICHAEL I was hoping you would say that.

GLORIA I don’t like the sound of this.

MICHAEL All of you have mentioned instances where you were afraid you would look foolish, but you did it anyway. Let’s put that to the test.

GLORIA I definitely do not like the sound of this.

MICHAEL Gloria, since you are obviously feeling a bit nervous about what I am about to do, you are the perfect candidate to lead us in song.

GLORIA In song?

MICHAEL Olivia, I have an unusual request. Would it out of the question if we used that intercom you were speaking of earlier?

OLIVIA Let me check with the Captain. OLIVIA exits.

GLORIA You want me to lead the whole plane in song?

TRISTAN This is going to be good.


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I wish I had my video camera.

GLORIA Don’t even think about it! I’m not doing it anyway.

MICHAEL You want to succeed in business, right?


MICHAEL Do you trust me?

GLORIA I’m afraid to say “yes.”

MICHAEL What if I told you, if you push past your fear and do this today, you would have the ability to succeed in everything you do? Would it be worth it?

GLORIA Of course, but… OLIVIA enters.

OLIVIA As long as you keep it short, and I explain it beforehand, you can go ahead.


TRISTAN You can do it, Gloria.

GLORIA You won’t laugh?

TRISTAN Just do it.

OLIVIA speaks into a hand-held intercom, addressing the audience.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special treat for you this afternoon. One of our first class passengers would like to lead you all in a song.

MICHAEL Have one in mind?

GLORIA Okay. Yes.

OLIVIA hands the hand-held intercom to GLORIA.


You’re on, sweetie.

GLORIA Hello? Hi. I normally wouldn’t do this, but – everyone sing along -

MICHAEL and OLIVIA sing along loudly, while TRISTAN and SARA sing softly.

“Just one cornetto

Give it to me Delicious ice cream From Italy Vanilla Or chocolate chip Give me cornette From walls ice cream”

MICHAEL Fantastic! How did that feel?


MICHAEL Sing it again.

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GLORIA Are you serious?

MICHAEL Yes. Are you serious about succeeding?

GLORIA (more relaxed)

Okay. Here goes -

MICHAEL and OLIVIA sway and move as they sing loudly, while TRISTAN and SARA sing a bit louder than before.

“Just one cornetto Give it to me Delicious ice cream From Italy Vanilla Or chocolate chip Give me cornette From walls ice cream”

MICHAEL How was that for you?

GLORIA A little less silly. But it was still silly.

MICHAEL One more time, then?

GLORIA What if they tackle me and take the intercom?

MICHAEL Just sing.

GLORIA (laughing and totally relaxed)

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Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in singing my little song for a third time. This time with feeling!

MICHAEL and OLIVIA sing loudly and dance along in aisle. TRISTAN and SARA join them.

GLORIA (Cont.)

“Just one cornetto Give it to me Delicious ice cream From Italy Vanilla Or chocolate chip Give me cornette From walls ice cream”

MICHAEL Now how do you feel?

GLORIA That was fun!

MICHAEL You see? When you try something at first, it may feel silly. But once you’ve done it a couple of times, it’s no problem. Success lies on the other side of comfort.

TRISTAN When I extend my comfort zone, all sorts of good stuff comes my way. Like things I didn’t even know about. Opportunities and stuff.

MICHAEL Exactly!

GLORIA Wow, Tristan. That was really profound.

TRISTAN Thanks. I try.

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So when you think of the letter “E” in “I believe,” remember to extend your comfort zone every day and sow a seed of opportunity every day.

SARA So the more I go on auditions, the easier it will be, and I will get more confidence and opportunities?

MICHAEL Right. You’ve got it.

GLORIA This was really fun. You were testing my limits, weren’t you?

MICHAEL But now you have new limits, because you’ve already pushed past the ones you had five minutes ago.




How has fear held you back in the past?

If you would not look or feel foolish, what would you be willing to try that you have avoided in the past?

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What would you gain if you pushed past your comfort zone once each day?

How does taking small risks create opportunity for you?

Give an example of when you have pushed past your fears in the past. What was the result?

Describe the impact on your life if you sow a seed of opportunity each day?

Can you think of a person in history or in popular culture who has moved beyond their comfort zone and achieved great results?

How many risks are you willing to take for your dream? COMPRENSION DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

What are the first and second principles in “I believe?”

What is does the third letter in “I believe” stand for?

How does Tristan stay in his comfort zone in the beginning of the play? What might have happened if he had chosen to extend his comfort zone?

How will Sara have to extend her comfort zone if she wants to work as an actor?

What happened when Olivia went through training to become a flight attendant? How did she solve the problem?

According to Michael, how do you extend your comfort zone?

How does Michael test Gloria?

How does Gloria feel about her test the first time she does it? How about after the second and third times?

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According to Michael, what are the benefits of extending your comfort zone?

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Scene Four

“L” – Lies and Luck Don’t Work

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row. OLIVIA stands, taking notes.


Tell me more about that farmer stuff you were talking about.

MICHAEL Farmer stuff? Oh, yes, sowing the seeds of opportunity.

TRISTAN That’s what I said.

MICHAEL (laughing)

Right. Actually, it ties in with the next success phrase, “Lies and Luck Don’t Work.” Well, it ties in with the “luck” part.

SARA I’m going to need luck if I’m going find acting jobs!

MICHAEL You believe in luck, then?

SARA Sure. Doesn’t everybody?

MICHAEL What if I told you, your luck was directly related to how hard you work?

TRISTAN But what about people that work hard all of their lives, and never get ahead?

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MICHAEL Let me clarify – your luck is related to how hard you work at your dreams, at what you want. When you commit fully to your goals, you are prepared to meet luck when opportunity shows up. Luck is the crossroads where opportunity and preparation – or hard work – meet.

GLORIA So we create our own luck?

TRISTAN By being a farmer!

GLORIA Tristan!

TRISTAN Just kidding. I get it, I get it. You make your own luck by “sowing the seeds of opportunity.” See?

MICHAEL Exactly! When the right person or circumstance comes our way, we often say, “how lucky!” What we really mean is, “how lucky it was that I was ready for this opportunity.”

SARA I could sow those seed things by extending my comfort zone and going on an audition every week.


GLORIA You could read up on all of the latest movie and theater news. That way, you would know what was happening and if something cool came up, you would know about it right away.

TRISTAN You could take an acting class. Or wait, remember that community theater we went to last year? You could ask if they need volunteers or something.

SARA That’s a great idea!

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Yes, it is. One of the ways you create your own luck is by networking with influential people.

OLIVIA When I became a flight attendant, I had a goal of working on international flights in first class. Only the best flight attendants could get those flights. So, in addition to learning the basics of two new languages, I also started socializing with the international flight attendants.

GLORIA Did they help you get promoted?

OLIVIA Yes, because I learned the ins and outs before a position became available. When the next opening came up, I applied and I easily aced the interview.

MICHAEL You’re a real go-getter Olivia. I never new!

GLORIA That’s why I read all of those business magazines.

TRISTAN Oh. I thought you were just off.

GLORIA Thanks!

MICHAEL Reading up on trends is a very good use of your time, Gloria. You have a real entrepreneurial spirit.

SARA She takes TONS notes about all of her ideas.

GLORIA You never know…

MICHAEL I’m glad you said that. Because you don’t know when opportunity will come knocking. All you can do is be ready for it.

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TRISTAN So there’s got to be more to the “lies” part of this one. Am I right?

MICHAEL What do you think?

TRISTAN Lies don’t work. I get it. Honesty is best. That sort of thing.

MICHAEL Yes, of course.

TRISTAN I don’t mean to make light of it -

SARA One of our friends was just caught cheating on an exam.

TRISTAN He’s one of my best friends.

MICHAEL I see. So you already know the consequences of lying?

TRISTAN He’s much worse off now than he was before he cheated. Even when his grades were in the tank, at least he was still in school. Now he’s suspended.

MICHAEL I could not have built my business without integrity and respect. But you were right, Tristan. There is more to it than that. The deeper message of “lies don’t work” is about how we lie to ourselves.

SARA About what?

MICHAEL Your friend who cheated on the exam, he probably told himself a few lies. He might have lied to himself about his abilities, or

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he may have decided he was doing all he could do but it wasn’t enough.

TRISTAN He kept saying he was studying so hard, but really he was surfing the Net and watching TV.

MICHAEL As you go through life, in all that you do, take a hard look at yourself and be completely honest. Are you doing all that you can to reach your goals? Are you staying on your path, believing in yourself and dream? Are you working hard each day in order to create your own luck?


TRISTAN We know you are.

MICHAEL You’re very sure of yourself, Gloria. And you seem to be committed to a career in business. But giving it an honest look takes longer than a few moments. Is there anything you’ve been avoiding that would help you realize your dreams?

GLORIA Nothing I can think of.

SARA What about the women in business mentorship program? You still haven’t applied.

TRISTAN You’ve been sitting on that for -

GLORIA I know, I know. I keep meaning to...I get busy with other things.

MICHAEL We all get distracted by circumstances. Don’t be too hard on yourself for what you haven’t done. But going forward, when you commit to your dream, commit to work at it each day.

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SARA But what about homework –

TRISTAN And practice –

GLORIA And family stuff –

MICHAEL There are dozens of small steps you can take each day, even if it’s something as simple as reading on the subject, or doing some research on the web. Maybe making a phone call. You can find a way to take a tiny step towards you dream each day. I know you can. END OF PLAY


Do you believe in luck? Do you view yourself as “lucky” or “unlucky?”

How have you created luck in your life?

What could you do each day to prepare for opportunity?

What conditions do you need to create in order to reach your full potential?

What types of relationships/mentorships would you need to cultivate to reach your goals?

Can you think of an example of a famous person who benefited from living an honest life?

What about a person who lost out on something important because he/she was dishonest?

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What are some of the excuses you tell yourself when you procrastinate?

If you were brutally honest with yourself, what comments would you have about your own progress?


What are the first three success principles in “I believe?”

What does the fourth letter in “I believe” stand for?

Fill in the luck is the crossroads where _________ and __________ meet.

What are some of the suggestions Tristan, Michael and Gloria have for Sara to help her make her own luck?

What strategy did Olivia employ to get promoted?

What is the deeper message of “lies don’t work?”

How did Tristan’s friend slide into cheating?

What does Gloria need to do that she’s been putting off?

According to Michael, what are some ways you could work on your dream each day, without impacting your other obligations?

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Scene Five

“I” – Install Goals

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.

SARA You know what? Before I got on this plane, I never thought I could really make my dreams come true. I thought they were just, you know, like wishing on a star.

MICHAEL They are.

SARA What? You’re kidding, right?

MICHAEL Not at all. Right now they are just that – a wish.

GLORIA But you said -

TRISTAN What about all of that stuff you said about -

MICHAEL Hold on, hold on. What I’m trying to get across is, until you install your goals, they are just wishes.

SARA Install goals – that’s the next “I” in “I believe,” isn’t it?

MICHAEL You catch on fast.

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SARA Not really. I still don’t get why you said my dream was just wishful thinking.

TRISTAN Does that mean you think a job in snowboarding is just a wish too?

MICHAEL Not at all. But I am delighted to see you are both passionate about your plans! You see, talking about your goals is a good step toward achieving them. But everyday life, personal doubts and lack of support can get in the way and very soon, you are off track. When you install your goals, you keep them at the forefront of your mind. When your goals are right in front of you, it’s impossible to wander off course.

SARA So we need to do more than just talk about it.

MICHAEL Yes. In fact, here is where the hard work really begins.

GLORIA You said, “I” was for “install goals.” How do I do that?

MICHAEL Installing goals is the process of programming your subconscious to be constantly aware of your goals.


MICHAEL Let me think, how can I show you? (pause) Okay, it’s like loading your iPod with new songs for a trip -

SARA Road trip!

MICHAEL Or maybe for a workout at the gym.

TRISTAN Or for a party.

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Right. You load new songs that are designed to make you feel a certain way, get you in a certain mood.

TRISTAN Like when Gloria loaded all of her moody slow songs after Ryan -

GLORIA Tristan!

SARA So we sort of load up our brain with our goals so we can feel the energy from them all of the time, which will help us remember.


SARA And take action?

MICHAEL Perfect!

TRISTAN Okay, but I know how to load my iPod. How do I load my brain?

MICHAEL By simply writing down your goals.

GLORIA Everyone knows that.

MICHAEL Everyone may know that, but it doesn’t mean everyone actually does it. This part is worth writing down, because there are few steps to remember. GLORIA takes notes.

TRISTAN Can I get a copy of those when we get home?

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MICHAEL (laughing)

Here’s something you can remember on your own, Tristan. Goals are dreams with deadlines.

TRISTAN (a slow revelation)

Goals are dreams with deadlines. Cool.

MICHAEL So your dream, whether it’s snowboarding for a living, or becoming an actress or businesswoman, is step one. Step two is breaking down your dream into a few goals along the way.

SARA Like going to drama school -

GLORIA Starting my own business -

MICHAEL Yes, the big ones. Imagine a map, and you have to get from where you are to where you want to be. The goals you set in step two are like the larger cities on the map. Step three is working out which steps to take to reach those goals, or which towns you have to get to before you can reach the big cities. You will also have to determine what tasks you will need to do in order to get to the next step, or which road markers you will have to get to in order to get to the next town.

TRSITAN That’s a lot of driving! What’s step four?

MICHAEL The last step, step four, is turning your tasks into action. When you take action on a task, and reach the next step, eventually you will accomplish one of your goals. If you continue on, it won’t be long before it all adds up and you end up at your destination. And Tristan?


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MICHAEL You install them by writing them down.

TRISTAN Oh. Right. Can I borrow a pen?

GLORIA hands TRISTAN a pen and paper. TRISTAN jots down notes.


You need to write down your goals, and include a timeline. Have you ever accomplished a goal in a set time frame? Maybe your public speaking event, or the outward bound course?

GLORIA We raised the money to go on this class trip.

SARA We knew we needed to raise a ton of money for everyone in our class to be able to go, so we came up with some ideas for raising the money ourselves.

GLORIA We had our own World Cup football tournament.

TRISTAN That was totally cool.

SARA We had a cake bake where everybody made treats and we sold them at a silent auction.

TRISTAN And we even raised money from other students, by having a dress down day. Kids had to paid money to wear whatever they wanted.

MICHAEL Brilliant.

SARA We raised all of it in two months, and it was totally fun.


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Impressive! I don’t think you need me. You had a dream of raising money, which is step one. You had three major goals along the way, which were the events. Step two covered.

GLORIA Step three was all of the planning for the events.

SARA And step four was actually following through on the planning!

MICHAEL You might be surprised how many times you have installed your own goals without even realizing it.

TRISTAN But my goals, they seem so out there. No one’s going to take me seriously.

MICHAEL What would you say if I told you that you had a better chance of achieving your goals than the average person?

TRISTAN No, seriously -

MICHAEL When you have a seemingly unobtainable goal in mind, it forces you to think differently. You have to get creative in order to get what you want. When you think outside the box, you are already ahead of the game. Have you read about the first man to ever walk on the moon?

GLORIA Neil Armstrong.

MICHAEL Right. You agree that was a big accomplishment?


MICHAEL What you might not know is the American President John F. Kennedy set a seemingly unobtainable goal in 1962 to be the first country to send a man to the moon. And he set a timeline.

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Ten years. At the time, that seemed impossible. Because President Kennedy set a goal that seemed unreachable, it forced NASA engineers to reach well beyond their comfort zone, get creative and step up their efforts to meet the goal and the deadline. Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969.


MICHAEL I’d say. The Americans actually reached their goal ahead of schedule. I guarantee they wrote down the steps and tasks they needed to take in order to reach the moon.

SARA What do I do with my goals, once I’ve written them down? Do I put them in a drawer somewhere? Do I stick them on the wall?

MICHAEL Posting them on the wall is a great idea. That way you’ll see them every day. I’ll show you what I do with mine. MICHAEL takes out his wallet.

GLORIA I can’t believe I am looking into Michael Redford’s wallet!

MICHAEL On this paper is the vision for my life, the goals I need to achieve and the steps I need to take to achieve them. I take it with me everywhere and look at it everyday.

GLORIA Wow, you really mean all this stuff you’re saying, don’t you.

MICHAEL Yes. It helps me to stay focused and clear about my path, and it influences all of my decisions. All of my choices need to be aligned with my goals.

TRISTAN So thinking big is good?


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Yes, thinking big is great. It’s essential. So is writing out your plan.

TRISTAN I’m writing, I’m writing!

MICHAEL Good. You’ll soon find it’s not as hard as you think – to plan things out. You may even start carrying a notebook with you, just in case. MICHAEL winks and smiles. END OF PLAY GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

Have you ever worked from a written plan to achieve a goal, large or small? What was the outcome?

Discuss any instances where having installed goals would have made a positive difference in the outcome?

How can a written plan help you stay on track?

How do deadlines help you accomplish your goals?

What strategy would you use if you ran into a roadblock while trying to implement your plan?

What would be an “unobtainable” goal for you or for us as a group?

Come up with three ideas for obtaining the unobtainable.

Of the four steps discussed in this role play, which one would you find most challenging?

What are some other ways you can stay on track with your goals?

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How can you help each other to install goals and achieve results?


What are the first four success principles in “I believe?”

What does the fifth letter in “I believe” stand for?

How can a written plan help you stay on track?

What are some things that could sidetrack you from your goals? How would installing your goals help you to stay on track?

How do you reprogram your brain to work toward your goals?

According to Michael, what are goals?

What are the four steps to installing goals?

Why is a timeframe for your goals so important?

How did Gloria, Tristan and Sara raise money for their class trip? Retell their fundraising stories using the four steps to installing goals.

What is the benefit of having a seemingly unobtainable goal?

What example does Michael give of the realization of an “impossible” dream?

How does Michael remember his goals? What does Sara plan to do with her goals in order to keep them in the forefront of her mind?

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Scene Six

“E” – Enjoy Hard Work

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.

TRISTAN (counting his notes)

Okay, I’ve been working on installing my goals, and I’ve already come up with 14, no 15 tasks. I’m going to be busy!

MICHAEL Once you have written down your goals, review them each day. That simple act will create an energy around your goal, and more opportunities will come your way.

GLORIA Good list.

TRISTAN Thanks. It’s kind of hard to wrap my brain around it.

SARA I haven’t even been able to start my list. My brain is stuck.

MICHAEL No one said success was easy. Simple, yes. But not easy.

GLORIA But your life must be pretty easy now, right?

MICHAEL Why now?

GLORIA Because you’re set. You made your millions.


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I have, but again, I’m not in it for the money. Success is like a muscle. It’s hard work to keep them strong and toned. Just

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MICHAEL (CONT.) like it is important to keep in good physical shape, you need to keep up the hard work it takes to become – and remain – a success.

SARA Do you ever take any time off?

MICHAEL Sure. I enjoy taking a well-earned vacation. But I also enjoy hard work. Which is the principle behind the next letter in, “I believe.” “E” for “enjoy hard work.”

TRISTAN I knew there had to be a catch!

MICHAEL There’s no catch. Just a truth about how you can make something out of your life.

TRISTAN I’m not really a hard worker. I don’t like being stuck inside all day.

MICHAEL The principle is enjoy hard work, not just “work hard.”

TRISTAN How can you enjoy hard work? I mean, don’t most people live for their weekend off?

MICHAEL I suppose I might do the same if I was employed at a company I did not believe in, doing the kind of work that deadened my senses instead of igniting my fire. But even if I found myself in a job that was not ideal, I could still approach it in a more enterprising way.


MICHAEL Well, Sara, you certainly will have some jobs, internships and other work along your path to becoming a successful actress.

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I’m sure I’ll have to understudy, or work for next to nothing -

GLORIA Or nothing at all -

TRISTAN You could be a runner at on a movie set! Wouldn’t that be cool?

SARA Totally. I could meet all of the actors, learn about how movies are made. It would be amazing, even though it wouldn’t pay much.

MICHAEL And you would have to work long hours. Perhaps for free. Are you okay with that?

SARA It would be fun. I can do anything if it’s fun.

MICHAEL That reminds me of a quote that made a real impact on me when I first heard it. It’s from the playwright and actor, Sir Noel Coward. “Work is more fun than fun.”

TRISTAN I like that. Sometimes I give skiing lessons on Saturdays. That is more than fun. I could do that all day long and I wouldn’t even care if I got paid.

MICHAEL That is where the energy is for you, and if when you find work that would be so much fun you wouldn’t care about the money, you have found the right job for you. Even if you are in a job temporarily that is not exactly what you want, but is a necessary step on your path, you can still have fun. And when you give each job opportunity your all, really go the extra mile, it will always pay off. If you only do what’s required of you, or just enough, you will never be promoted or move on to your next step.

GLORIA You need self-discipline.

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MICHAEL Yes. Sometimes you won’t want to put in the time required. You might rather go out with your friends. It’s important to make the kind of choices that take you closer to your goal. Which takes us back to my earlier question – what would you do if money were not an issue? Would you be willing to sell snowboarding equipment to learn the ropes?

TRISTAN Sure. If it fits with my steps.

MICHAEL (laughing)

Good answer. Would you enjoy it?

TRISTAN I would, because I love snowboarding. And I could learn stuff and meet people, who might help me out someday.

MICHAEL Successful entrepreneurs, managers, and employees immerse themselves in their jobs. They spend every possible moment enjoying the hard work it takes to turn their dreams into reality.

GLORIA I definitely do not think of hard work as fun. I mean, I know I have to do it if I want to run my own business, but I guess I just thought I would find a way to get through it. I never thought I would actually enjoy it.

MICHAEL Work has to be fun in order for you to truly succeed. The more you love what you do, which goes back to “be passionate and want it,” the harder your work. When you are motivated to succeed, the hard work become easier and more -


MICHAEL Exactly. Gloria, I know you have a plan for success, but remember to have fun with it. Otherwise, you will easily get

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burned out, and soon, you will be looking forward to the weekend just as Tristan said.

GLORIA I see that now. I need to be serious about having fun working hard at what I love.

MICHAEL That is precisely what I mean. Can you think of any fun jobs in the business field you might be interested in?

GLORIA Well, I’ve always wanted to learn about how lawyers prepare for court cases. But that doesn’t really fit with owning my own business.

MICHAEL Maybe not right now, but believe me, entrepreneurs need lawyers! Besides, many lawyers become entrepreneurs by opening their own practices. At the very least, you would be exposed to valuable information you could use later in life. And it would be fun.

GLORIA I guess I do need to think about what I would be the most fun. I don’t want to be bored. (pause) I’ve realized something else, too.

MICHAEL What’s that?

GLORIA I’ve been reading all of the business magazines, because I want to run my own business someday. I thought if I went to the right school, landed a job, a business idea would just pop into my head eventually. But I guess I can’t wait. I have to have a plan of my own.

MICHAEL Fantastic realization, Gloria! The old adage, “good things come to those who wait” has a second part for entrepreneurs – “good things come to those who wait – but only what is left behind by those who hustle.”


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Give examples of instances where you have worked long, hard hours and enjoyed every minute of it. Why was it fun?

How hard are you willing to work to achieve your goals?

Do you have an idea of what kinds of jobs successful people in your field of interest have had to do on the way to the top?

Do you have an idea of how many hours you will have to work in order to achieve your goals?

What are some ways you can make hard work more enjoyable?

Give some examples of instances when you have procrastinated. What was the outcome?

Now give some examples of instances when you have pushed through procrastination and completed your work. What was the outcome?

Have you ever made the choice to skip out on an event with friends in order to achieve something or meet an obligation?

What type of work would not feel like work to you?

What type of work would you do for free?

Give other examples of instances when you have been self-disciplined.

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What are the first five success principles in “I believe?”

What does the sixth letter in “I believe” stand for?

What kind of a job does Tristan recommend Sara try in order to have fun while working hard?

What is the famous quote from Noel Coward? What does it mean?

How can you enjoy hard work at a job that is less than desirable?

What does Michael tell Gloria will happen to her if she works hard with zero enjoyment?

What kind of job does Gloria think would be fun?

According to Michael, what comes to people who wait?

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Scene Seven

“V” – Very, Very Persistent

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.


We’ve covered a lot of ground so far – are you sure you wouldn’t like to just read your magazines and chill out?

SARA No way. This is a big deal, I mean, who knows if we’ll ever see you again.

GLORIA I want to know what the “V” and the “E” stand for.

TRISTAN I’m guessing the next one, okay?. How many words can begin with “V” anyway?

GLORIA Victory, voice, value, vested -

TRISTAN Okay, okay. I still want to guess.

MICHAEL Be my guest.

TRISTAN We’ve had believe in yourself, be passionate and want it, expand your comfort zone – and -

SARA Lies and luck don’t work -

TRISTAN Right, lies and luck don’t work, install goals -

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Enjoy hard work -

TRISTAN And I think the next principle has to do with vision. Is it, “vision is key?”

MICHAEL Vision is a key to success, that’s true. But it is not the next principle, no.

GLORIA “Vanquish all doubt?”

TRISTAN Good one.

GLORIA Thanks.

MICHAEL Very good, yes. But no, still not correct.

SARA How about “voice your opinion?”

MICHAEL Also good, but no. Okay, give up?

TRISTAN I’ve got nothing. We give up.

MICHAEL Hmmm. Interesting. The next principle reminds you that giving up is not an option for successful entrepreneurs. The “V” in “I believe” stands for “very, very persistent.”

TRISTAN There’s no way I could have guess that!

MICHAEL If you had refused to give up, you would eventually have come up with the correct answer.

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GLORIA Maybe not.

MICHAEL All right, let’s take snowboarding. What happened the first time you got on a snowboard and tried to make your way down the hill?

TRISTAN I had a total blast!


TRISTAN And I fell off.

MICHAEL So does everybody. Snowboarding is a skill that has to be developed over time. So what did you do when you feel off?

TRISTAN I got back on.

MICHAEL Did you fall off again?

TRISTAN Sure. A few times. Okay, I fell off a lot.

MICHAEL How about now? How often do you fall off?

MICHAEL Hardly ever. Unless I’m trying a new maneuver.

SARA He’s won three local competitions!

MICHAEL So if you chose to let falling off getting in your way, not only would you have missed out on winning three snowboarding medals, you might not even have made it down the hill!


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I’d still be up there!

GLORIA Not to be rude, but I kind of know this already. It’s pretty basic.

MICHAEL Basic, yes, but rarely followed. If more people actually lived this principle, there would be more success stories than failures. Persistence is the single most important thing that makes the difference between success and failure.

GLORIA What about talent and ability? Doesn’t that count for anything?

MICHAEL How do you develop ability? We just talked about becoming an expert snowboarder. Tristan may be a talented athlete, but he still had to be persistent in order to master the sport. MICHAEL takes out his wallet. I have a quote I carry in my wallet to remind me of the importance of persistence. It is from Calvin Coolidge, the 13th

American president. He said, “nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press On' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

TRISTAN That’s deep. Mind if I just write down, “press on?”

MICHAEL Not at all. It is good to have shorthand for remembering key principles. That’s why I developed “I believe.”

GLORIA So my brains alone won’t get me where I want to go?


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There are lots of smart people who never reach their goals.

MICHAEL Right. People who stop short of achieving their goals lack persistence. Anyone who has achieved great success in life never gives up. When they see a wall, they go around it, climb it, even bulldoze it over to get where they need to go.

TRISTAN They get back on the board.

MICHAEL Exactly!

TRISTAN It’s the same for skateboarders -

SARA And equestrians -

MICHAEL It’s the same for everyone. Persistence is what underlies all of the other principles we have talked about today. It’s the glue that holds everything together.

GLORIA How do you become persistent? I mean, why do some people give up and others never do?

MICHAEL Good question. The simple answer is some people are just not “that kind of person,” but I don’t buy that. I believe if a person lacks persistence, it is because they are not truly passionate about their goal. When all of the other success principles are in place, persistence comes easily. It’s automatic.

TRISTAN Because you really want it.

GLORIA And you have a plan.

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SARA And you are taking steps each day.

MICHAEL Absolutely right. You can develop the persistence you need to reach your goals if you follow four simple steps. First, you must have a clearly defined goal that you are really passionate about. Second, you must have a plan that you can take action on immediately. Next, you must immerse yourself completely in the achievement of your goal and remain steadfast. Finally, establish relationships with people who support your goal and can help you achieve it.

SARA So like, if my friends think my acting is a waste of time, I shouldn’t hang out with them?

GLORIA Some people don’t want you to succeed.

MICHAEL That is true, unfortunately. It doesn’t really matter why. Just stay positive and focused, and don’t let negative comments influence you.

TRISTAN Sometimes it’s hard, you know, when you’re with your friends. They don’t always get it. How do you stay on track, even when they’re bugging you?

MICHAEL I have a trick for that. It really helps. Close your eyes and imagine your backbone. Do you have a clear picture?


MICHAEL Okay, before we go on, take note of your posture. Do not make any adjustments, just be aware of how you are sitting. Now imagine your backbone is a solid iron rod. This rod is special. It is engraved with powerful reminders of who you really are.

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Imagine the words persistence, courage, vision, passion and determination on the rod. Do you see it?



MICHAEL Do you feel yourself suddenly sitting taller?


TRISTAN That is so cool.

MICHAEL Whenever you are feeling unsure of yourself and your dream, you can ground yourself with this exercise. You can even do it without closing your eyes. No one will even know you are visualizing anything. But they will know you are tenacious and unwavering in your pursuit of your goals.

SARA But what if you try and try and nothing works?

MICHAEL Remember to expand your comfort zone. Persistence requires creative thinking and problem solving. You must be flexible in your approach. If you feel you cannot get where you need to go, that you’ve tried everything, it’s time to take a look at what would make you uncomfortable. Perhaps your fear of something is preventing you from seeing all of the options available to you.

SARA So there’s always a way?

MICHAEL Yes, there is always a way.


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I never thought I could make anything happen. I always thought there would be a limit to what I could do. In the back of my mind, I gave myself two years to make it as an actress, and then if I didn’t make it, I would do something else.

MICHAEL Your little secret, I take it?

SARA Yes. Sorry about that.

MICHAEL No, no. It’s a common belief. Even when we are on the path to fulfilling our most heartfelt dreams, we often have given ourselves a time limit or conditions. Perhaps you don’t even realize it. But successful entrepreneurs have a secret too.

GLORIA I know what it is -

MICHAEL Persistence.

GLORIA Okay, I didn’t know that.

MICHAEL (laughing)

Persistence is the most hidden trait of successful entrepreneurs.

TRISTAN And athletes.

SARA And movie stars.

MICHAEL I think you’ve got it!

TRISTAN Wait! I need to write all of this down before I forget! What were the four steps to developing persistence again?

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MICHAEL One: have a clearly defined goal you can be passionate about. Two: have a plan that you can take action on right away. Three: immerse yourself in the achievement of your goal and stick with it. Four: build relationships with people who support your goals and can help you achieve them.

TRISTAN Thanks, I have it now.

MICHAEL I know you do. END OF PLAY


Give examples of instances in your life when persistence has paid off for you.

Have you ever given up on a goal? How did that make you feel about yourself?

Do you have an example of someone you know personally who overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles to achieve success? What about in popular culture or history?

Describe how you would approach overcoming an obstacle.

What type of friends, role models or mentors would be helpful to you as you work toward your goal?

How would being persistent affect other areas of your life, such as with personal relationships?

What would your life look like if you were very, very persistent? What would it look like if you gave up?

If money and talent were not an issue, what would you be willing to persistently pursue?

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Have you ever had to move beyond the obvious solutions and think creatively in order to accomplish something? Give examples.


What are the first six success principles in “I believe?”

What does the seventh letter in “I believe” stand for?

How did Tristan learn to snowboard?

According to Michael, what is the single most important thing that makes the difference between success and failure?

Can you sum up the message in Michael’s quote from Calvin Coolidge?

What shorthand phrase from the Calvin Coolidge quote does Tristan use to remember it?

According to Michael, why would a person lack persistence?

What are the four steps to developing persistence?

Describe the exercise Michael teaches Tristan, Sara and Gloria to help them when they are feeling unsure of themselves.

If you feel you’ve tried everything, what can you do to remain persistent and stay on track?

According to Michael, what is the most hidden trait of successful people?

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Scene Eight

“E” – Expect Failure

The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.

SARA This is the last principle, so it better be good!

MICHAEL Pressure. I think I can handle it.

SARA No doubt. I was only teasing, sorry.

MICHAEL No worries.

TRISTAN I’ll bet it’s something inspirational, to tie everything together.

MICHAEL It is inspirational, in fact. The final “e” in “I believe” is “expect failure.” (silence) What, no comments? Don’t tell me you’re actually speechless?

GLORIA You did say, “expect failure,” right?


GLORIA I’m confused. Why would anyone want to expect failure? Isn’t that the same as setting yourself up for failure?


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Not at all. Failure is part of every success story. In fact, you cannot succeed without failure.

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GLORIA Now I’m really confused.

TRISTAN Good, it’s not just me for once.

MICHAEL Let me explain. Would you agree that everyone makes mistakes from time to time?

GLORIA Of course.

MICHAEL The more you put yourself out there, the more mistakes you will experience. You just can’t be perfect at everything all of the time. The key is how you respond to failure.

TRISTAN You mean if I’m persistent or not?

MICHAEL Yes, that and what you learn from the failure. Failure is a great teacher. The truth is, you can learn much more from failure than you can from success.

SARA How so?

MICHAEL When despite your best efforts you fail at something, you learn about what does not work. You are able to make a new plan, adjust your approach, and try again armed with better knowledge and experience.

GLORIA So you can turn your failure into a positive experience?

MICHAEL Right. In every failure is a seed of opportunity.

GLORIA But I thought that failure was a bad thing. Shouldn’t we try to avoid it?

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MICHAEL Of course you want to avoid failure, I’m not saying you should seek it out. But as long as you are moving toward something, it is bound to happen. It is important to realize there is no shame in failure. The only failure is not starting something. Not trying.

GLORIA You’re saying I need to change the way I think about failure.

MICHAEL Yes. If you fear failure, you may not extend your comfort zone, you may give up if you are presented with an obstacle, or you may not try at all.

GLORIA That would be worse.

TRISTAN And boring.

SARA So when I don’t an acting role I want, I could figure out how I could have done it differently and try again?

MICHAEL Yes. Try to think of it this way: success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.

TRISTAN (furiously writing in his notebook)

Hold on, hold on!

GLORIA Are you actually saying failure is part of success?

MICHAEL When you fail at something, you gain wisdom. With your newfound wisdom, you can take larger, calculated risks. So in actuality, you win.


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What do you mean by a calculated risk?

MICHAEL A calculated risk is when you try something new using all of the information you have gained from both your successes and your failures. A calculated risk is not impulsive, it is thoughtful and purposeful.

TRISTAN (reading his notes)

“Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

MICHAEL Fantastic! Because this success principle is perhaps the most important. The way we look at failure is a determining factor in your success.

GLORIA Failure sounds so final.

MICHAEL Let’s switch it up a bit, then. Start using the word “mistake” instead of “failure.” That’s all it is, really. Because as long as you are taking action, you cannot be a failure. You may make mistakes along the way, but if you view them as a gift of new information, you can prevent them from happening again.

GLORIA Everyone makes mistakes.

SARA Like figure skaters in the Olympics. I always hold my breath when they are about to do a double or triple jump. Sometimes they miss and fall, and you can tell if they have given up by how they skate the rest of their program. Once, I saw a figure skater fall twice during her skate, and she still won a silver medal! She didn’t let her mistake stop her from winning.


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Think of a baby who is learning to walk. When the baby falls down in his first attempts, do we decide he has failed and never encourage him to walk again?

TRISTAN When I’m on my snowboard, I remember all of the falls and what caused them. I know where I might have trouble on the course,

TRISTAN (CONT.) and where to slow down. If I want to try a new maneuver, I know the best place to push off.

GLORIA Did you know Steve Jobs who started Apple was actually fired from his own company? I read somewhere that he actually thought it was a good thing. After he was fired, he created the film company Pixar and a few other companies which Apple bought – so he got his job back!

MICHAEL History is full of entrepreneurs, politicians, artists and other leaders who failed time and time again.

SARA Mr. Redford, I have to tell you - my mind is spinning with possibilities.

TRISTAN Yes, thank you. I feel like I can do just about anything.

GLORIA These success principles have really opened my mind.

TRISTAN Could we just go over them, to make sure we have them straight?

MICHAEL By all means.

TRISTAN The first one is “I believe in myself,” followed by “be passionate and want it.”

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SARA “Extend your comfort zone” is next, I put a star next to that one!

GLORIA Then we have “lies and luck don’t work,” and “install goals.” What’s the next one again?

TRISTAN “Enjoy hard work.”

GLORIA (making a note)

Right, right. How could I forget that one?

SARA The next one is “very, very persistent - ”

TRISTAN And the last one is “expect failure.”

MICHAEL Amazing. And to think, you were just going to listen to music and flip through magazines on this flight! END OF PLAY GENERAL DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:

Discuss a time when you have failed at something. What did you learn from the experience?

How have you applied lessons learned from mistakes in your life?

How has fear of failure held you back in the past?

How do you think the world would be different if people welcomed the lessons learned from failure?

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Give examples of people in history who have overcome failure to become a great success.

Do you have an example of someone in your own life that learned from his or her mistakes? What was the outcome?

How has failure helped you to succeed?

What would you do with your life if you were not accountable to anyone?

How can you change your mindset about failure in order to reap the benefits?

Give examples of opportunities that have opened up for you as a result of making mistakes.


What are the first seven success principles of “I believe?”

What does the eighth letter in the phrase “I believe” stand for?

How can you learn from failure and turn it into a positive experience?

Why happens when you choose the word “mistake” instead of “failure” to describe something?

In this role-play, what does Michael say is the definition of success?

What is a calculated risk?

What were some of the examples given of people who may have failed and then succeeded?

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Scene Nine


The first class cabin of an airplane. TRISTAN and GLORIA occupy one pair of seats, and MICHAEL and SARA occupy the other pair in the same row.

MICHAEL So, you think you have all of the success principles down?

TRISTAN Between the three of us, we have all the notes.

MICHAEL You’re not missing anything?

SARA I don’t think so.

MICHAEL What if I told you that you were missing the secret to success?

GLORIA But there are no more letters in “I believe!” OLIVIA enters.

OLIVIA What did I miss?

SARA Mr. Redford was just about to reveal the secret to success.

OLIVIA I’m just in time, then.

MICHAEL It’s not really a secret. It’s more like a magic ingredient.

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Even better!

TRISTAN So what’s the secret?

MICHAEL Teamwork.

SARA Teamwork? I thought we were talking about our own dreams all this time. Weren’t we doing that?

MICHAEL Yes. But you need a team to help realize your dream. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to believe they can do it all by themselves.

GLORIA Why are you looking at me?

MICHAEL (laughing)

Maybe because you might have – at one time – been the type of person who wants to do it all by themselves.

GLORIA If you want something done right, do it yourself.

MICHAEL I thought you might say something like that.

GLORIA Mr. Redford, if I’ve learned one thing on this flight, is I don’t have all of the answers. So have at it. I’m listening.

MICHAEL I’m glad to hear it. Would you agree that it is impossible for one person to be excellent in all areas?


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MICHAEL I’m talking everything.

GLORIA I guess not.

MICHAEL You want to own your own business. Well, a successful business involves many components – vision, management of projects and staff, accounting, legal, marketing, public relations, sales, customer service, product development -

GLORIA I couldn’t possibly do all of those things all by myself.

MICHAEL What would happen if you tried?

GLORIA I would fall on my face.

TRISTAN And you might not even get your project off the ground.

SARA How could anyone?

MICHAEL Good point. It is important to do things the right way, but it’s even more crucial to get things started.

GLORIA I get it. If I go it alone, I slow myself down.

MICHAEL Even more beneficial, a team supports and challenges you, and together you can move toward even greater action. With a team, you can dream bigger and do better.

OLIVIA That is certainly true. Let’s face it, if this flight crew weren’t operating as a team, we certainly wouldn’t be in the air right now. The pilots set the course and have a vision of our journey and our destination. But the ground

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crew, gate agents and flight attendants like myself all work to help them to reach their goal.

TRISTAN Or like in football. The coach knows how he wants the game to go, and the players work hard to achieve that goal.

SARA On a movie set, the director is in charge, but there are hundreds of people in the cast and crew who all have important jobs. The director wouldn’t have anything without his production team.

GLORIA We all helped each other raise the funds to come on this trip, so we were a team.

MICHAEL All great examples of teamwork. The reason I call teamwork a “magic ingredient” is because whenever two or more people are focused on one goal, magic starts to happen. Ideas come to the surface that you could not think of on your own. Imagine if you had a team of people who took on your goal as their own, and worked their own steps each day toward accomplishing it?

TRISTAN That would be so cool. You could do just about anything!

MICHAEL Teams create synergy, compounding the positive effects to unlimited heights.

OLIVIA What do you think makes a good team?

MICHAEL Any ideas from my apprentices?

SARA Well, they would have to get your dream, really get it.

GLORIA They would have to have passion for your dream -

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TRISTAN And believe in it 100%.

MICHAEL Right. All successful entrepreneurs surround themselves with a team of people who are the best at what they do. They find people who complement their own skills and sell them on their dream until their team wants it as badly as they do.

GLORIA I can see how a team would help me to deal with the whole “expect failure” thing too. They could help me overcome my disappointment and get back on.

SARA To be persistent.

TRISTAN And install goals by helping to create a fantastic plan.

OLIVIA Wow, you have really learned a lot on this flight! Reading a magazine cover to cover is the biggest accomplishment of most of my passengers!

TRISTAN We thought we were just going to kick back in first class and enjoy the high life for a few hours.


GLORIA We are so lucky to have met you.

SARA Remember, lies and luck don’t work.

GLORIA Right! We are so happy we had the opportunity to meet you!


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Luck is the crossroads where preparation and opportunity meet – so this plane was a crossroads for us!

SARA That gives me an idea -

GLORIA Me too -

TRISTAN Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

SARA I think so. Mr. Redford, you’ve taught us so many important principles -

TRISTAN And tools -

SARA And I am wondering -

GLORIA We were wondering =

SARA If you would let us share “I believe” with our classmates?

TRISTAN With the entire school, even.

GLORIA What we’ve learned from you today could help our friends, and their friends -

SARA To follow their dreams -

TRISTAN Or find what they love to do -

GLORIA And really go after it.

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


OLIVIA Brilliant!

SARA I think we’ve taken down everything, between the three of us. Would you be willing to let us share this information with other students?

MICHAEL I can see you are passionate about this idea, and you really grasped what I have offered you today. I believe you have a wonderful goal, and you should share it with as many people who will listen! Of course, you will need a mentor.

OLIVIA Yes, all successful entrepreneurs have mentors. Believe me, I’ve met a lot of successful people in first class, and they owe a lot to their mentors.

GLORIA Would you mentor us, Mr. Redford?

TRISTAN If you’re not too busy.

MICHAEL Of course I’m busy – but I’m not too busy to help out with your goal. I believe in giving back to others, helping them to become successful in their endeavors only helps benefits me.

SARA You get back what you give sort of a thing?

MICHAEL And then some! In my experience, what you give out you receive back one thousand times over.


GLORIA So, you’ll mentor us, and help us tell other kids about “I believe?”

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



I will. When will you be ready with a detailed plan?


SARA A detailed plan?

OLIVIA If you want to be in first class, you have to start acting like first class material.

GLORIA That means get a detailed plan ASAP.

MICHAEL (laughing)

Something like that.

SARA Can you imagine if we didn’t have our trip journals with us?

TRISTAN Yeah, I might have forgotten everything by the time we landed!

MICHAEL I don’t think so. You seem to have taken it all in and already applied it to your own life. You have implanted the principles in your brain, by imagining how they related to you. But do remember to always carry a notebook in case you come up with a great idea -

GLORIA Or meet someone who can change your life -

MICHAEL And once you land, Tristan, you will remember everything we discussed today.


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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


Speaking of landing, you’ve got five minutes to stow everything away and adjust your seats back to their original position. I’ll see you on the way out.

SARA Thank you for seating me in 1B!

OLIVIA Aren’t you glad you didn’t sit alone after all?

SARA Totally. Now I can honestly say I believe in myself. OLIVIA exits.

MICHAEL Then it was worth ten thousand identical flights! Truly, the pleasure has been all mine. I thought I was just giving you a few ideas to pass the time on the flight, but you have helped me as well. Discussing the principles that helped me to achieve my

MICHAEL (Cont.) own goals with fresh minds has reminded me how key they are to success in all things.

GLORIA We’ll get right to work on our plan, Mr. Redford. And I promise we will stretch ourselves and go beyond our comfort zone to come with a fantastic plan.

TRISTAN Loving every minute of all of our hard work!

MICHAEL That’s the right idea. Success comes from action. When you leave here today, take some sort of action toward your goal right away. Anchor all of this enthusiasm with some sort of action, no matter how small, and it will take you out of the brainstorming phase and into manifesting your dreams.

TRISTAN We could meet at my house tonight and install some goals!

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]


GLORIA I’ll be there.

SARA Me too.


Give examples of instances when you have worked as part of a team toward a common goal.

Can you think of a time when having a team to support you would have been helpful to you in the past?

What are the benefits of a fantastic team?

How can teamwork help you to adhere to the principles in “I believe.”

Using the example of a famous person in pop culture, describe what type of team they may have had helping them along the way.

What are the qualities of a good team?

Give examples of instances when you have benefited from a mentor’s experience and/or example.

If you could choose one person to be your mentor, who would it be and why?

What is one action you could take today toward your dream?

When you reach the level of success you hope to achieve, how would you give back?

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UPGRADE YOUR FUTURE © Richard Parkes Cordock 2006 – DRAFT & CONFIDENTIAL Tel: 07979 860 319 | [email protected]



What are the nine success principles in “I believe?”

What is the “secret to success?”

According to Michael, what is one of the biggest mistakes people make when going for their dream?

Why does Michael call teamwork the “magic ingredient?”

According to Michael, what is more important than doing things the “right way?”

What do Sara, Tristan and Gloria say are the qualities of a good team?

Describe Sara, Tristan and Gloria’s plan for the success principles they learned.

Why is it important to have a mentor?

How can you take your idea out of the brainstorming phase?
